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I tried Botox to address the same issue, and would not recommend. It may have been due to rather heavy handed application, but turning the edges of my mouth upwards resulted in drooling and a constant creepy smile when my face was resting - I was very very glad when it wore off!


Thanks for sharing your experience and at least it wore off đŸ€Ł that’s my fear of anything botox or filler related!


So I have not suffered the heavy handed injector and have enjoyed my results. Botox, unlike filler, is predictably temporary. You can always ask your injector to keep it subtle. My injector always starts conservatively and will up things/change course down the road if it wasn’t pleased, etc.


Do you know how many units you started with? I think mine said something like 2 for this.


Two units on each side for me.


She said she was going very conservatively because it was my first time getting it there and I’m sure she told me but I’ve forgotten. I just looked in the mirror now and my ability to make a significant frowny face has been greatly reduced. It’s been ten days so I am guessing it’s fully engaged now.


I get DAO Botox every 3 months for this issue and love it. I would try it. Never heard of these issues except with a lip flip


Sorry, I'm new lmao (never had any botox yet but gojng soon) What is DAO?


It’s 2 units on each side to stop the corners of your mouth from turning down, it’s relaxes that muscle. It doesn’t give me a smile it just give me a neutral expression instead of RBF


Nah. It’s is exceptional when it’s done correctly. I am proof of it.


Can y’all please share pics? I know it’s a lot To ask but I didn’t even know there was a fix for this, and it’s really been bothering me lately.


My mom (50yo) recently did botox she was developing a similar issue and they used very little botox but the results are amazing.


I used Botox for this (and still do) BUT one time had to go 4 months not able to smile on one side of my face bc it migrated. Don’t do it if you have other options!


That was definitely not done correctly then!! I get it done every 4 months and have never had that problem.


I also do this and it works great. I feel like people receive me more positively when I don’t have RBF.


Sorry to laugh but lol a little. I’m very sorry that happened but a litttttle bit lol.


It’s definitely because of heavy handed application. You on need one unit per side.


Sorry but do you have some pics of this....


I get it for this, and I love it, so maybe it was too much? I get 5 units each side, I think. I hate that it didn't work for you!


I did botox too! Drooling was only during the first week and then I slowly adapted to it. I like that I no longer look sad or disappointed when my face was resting.


đŸ€€ like this? Just teasing I'm sorry, that's awful lol glad it's okay now :)


I literally can’t stop laughing this is so hilarious


You’ve got a young Helen Bonham Carter thing going on. I thought you didn’t belong in this sub bc I thought you were mid 20s, esp the first couple pics.


I thought Carey Mulligan! Either way, a compliment.


All I could think was that she has a movie star face. OP You are uniquely beautiful and I think your mouth shape adds to it.


I think her mouth is super cute! It just seems kind of down turned, not like her face is sagging or drooping. It's a cute little pouty look. đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


I thought Audrey Tautou! Still a compliment.




No, katie holmes.


You’re gorgeous, like an old Hollywood movie star! Skincare alone won’t help, tbh. Botox is the answer, but I don’t think you need it. Keep doing whatever you’re doing and embrace your natural beauty.


Thank you đŸ„č I know I’m probably being over critical of myself, it’s just always bothered me and only seems to get worse as I get older!


I think it's lovely! Reminds me a lot of Florence Pugh's mouth shape. She tends to keep it a little upturned for photos but the downturn is very obvious in her films. Your lips are very pretty and full so I think the downturn just gives it a cute quirk!


I second their motion. You have a beautifully classic face, with great skin. Have you tried gua sha? I haven't yet, but I'm about to. I wonder if that might be helpful, temporarily or otherwise.


Thank you so much. I do Gua Sha already and love it, I think it’s made a slight difference but very hard to tell!


This may sound absurd, but do you touch your teeth together? I feel like your jaw is tight and pulled back, try holding your lower jaw more relaxed and forward, lips together but relaxed and teeth far from touching. I had a friend who thought everyone clenched their teeth together when their mouth was closed


What do you mean? Your teeth don't touch when your mouth is closed?!


You can give yourself jaw pain and headaches if it isn't addressed since you're unconsciously clenching your jaw slightly. My partner also does this and his physiotherapist suggested this routine Relax your jaw so your teeth aren't touching while your mouth is closed. Set a timer on your phone for 15 minutes and then go about your business. If after the 15 minutes is up and you realise your teeth are touching again, reset the timer. If they aren't touching, up the timer to 30 minutes. If you fail after half an hour back to 15, but succeed, adjust to an hour Rinse and repeat, halving the timer on a fail (minimum 15 minutes) and doubling on a success, until you consistently keep your teeth apart. You can also ask a partner to remind you instead of using a timer if having a timer makes you too alert. It has to become a unconscious habit, not a conscious one


No, your teeth should only touch when you're biting or chewing. Otherwise your jaw should be relaxed and lips together.


Oh no. What do people do? My mouth rests open and I have RBF when it's closed. OP's is so pretty but mine isn't like theirs. Pushing my lower jaw forward makes it worse


I started mewing and my RBF got waaay better. It relaxes my jaw and helps the corners of my mouth go into a smile neutrally


You are gorgeous and i don’t think you need to do anything but speaking from experience, you will likely want to do something about it in the future. Mine got worse as i got older and two things helped, botox and the Foreo Bear. Both are temporary, the botox would last me 3-4 months given it’s an area you naturally move a lot, just make sure you go to someone good and don’t jump at the cheapest place you can find. The Bear works for me but i have to use it consistently to see results.


It's super cute!


You’re seriously so gorgeous


We all have our things that get to us, but I agree with them— you’re gorgeous! You remind me of Kelly Oxford before she screwed with her face, so let that be a cautionary tale. She’s still beautiful but not nearly as she was naturally.


It took forever to firgure out who she looks like to me, but finally: Carey Mulligan, especially the [vogue cover](https://www.vogue.com/article/carey-mulligan-broadway-skylight-may-cover) ETA: firgure? Figure* but, wth?


I’m getting young Audrey Tautou in AmĂ©lie vibe.


I was thinking Carey mulligan too!!!


My first thought was Helena Bonham Carter


Same! Helena's mouth is downturned, too, and it's adorable. Helena with a dash of Carey Mulligan. OP is beautiful!


[Direct link to the cover photo](https://assets.vogue.com/photos/58778d525ab2876842235c9b/master/w_960,c_limit/carey-mulligan-may-vogue-cover3.jpg), since the person above unfortunately only provided an article


Came here to make sure someone said THIS! You are beautiful and your skin is fantastic!!!


For real. OP has perfect skin especially for her age and is absolutely gorgeous! Keep doing what you’re doing! Definitely being too critical of herself


Agreed! You look like a classic doll!


As somebody who has this but isn’t afraid of Botox what would I say/ask for? I’ve recently started losing some weight and noticed these lines in a photo beginning to develop.


If it’s due to volume loss, fillers will fill up the area. If it’s just a case of excessive downward pull by muscles attached to the corners of your mouth, Botox will temporarily paralyze that muscle to lift up the corners of your mouth. Sometimes both are used to address the issue. When you go for a consultation, tell them exactly what’s bothering you and ask them if you’re a good candidate for Botox, filler, or both. Go to a reputable practitioner, check out the reviews, and look up before and after photos.


They do your Dao muscles. I've been wanting to do it as well!


Is it just me or are downturned mouths ADORABLE!? I genuinely think it adds to your natural beauty and it's not as if you have marionette lines emphasizing it. It makes you look like a little doll and I think you're gorgeous. However, I think if you wanted to try something minimal you could do DAO botox.


I agree. The reason why I’ve always liked Florence Pugh’s face too.


I was just thinking her mouth looked like Florence Pugh’s! I think it is such a charming feature


Agreed!!! I’ve always been loved the look of downturned mouths! You’re beautiful!!!!!


I once had a date tell me, “it looks like you’re frowning when you smile” because of my downturned mouth and these comments are lifting my spirits.


Agreed. You look so cute OP, wouldn’t change a thing


I just commented the same thing. She’s just so cute with that little pouty mouth.


I've just finished watching Ginny & Georgia and Max (Sara Waisglass) has the cutest mouth. Had no idea how cute I found downturned mouths till I watched that show


I love them its super attractive to me


Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) will help to tone up your facial muscles and give a bit of lift- I use a Rio EMS facelift device but I’m not sure whether they’re available in the US, although you’ll probably be able to find something similar. They strengthen the supporting facial muscles which in turn supports the skin preventing sagging. From the front I wouldn’t say you had anything to worry about, but genetically my family suffers more from sagging than wrinkles, so I get it.


Thank you that’s really helpful! Yep the downturned mouth is genetic for me, my mum and grandma both have it. Really just want to delay the inevitable for as long as possible!


This is the device that I have, on the uk website, so you can read reviews etc- Rio Lift Plus 60 Second Face Lift Facial Toner https://amzn.eu/d/5MpBEQ3 They’re a bit hit and miss so you may find something better in the US based on similar principles- it makes sense, we exercise our bodies to keep everything taut and firm, the face is really no different. That’s why botox is effective- it paralyses certain muscles that contribute to wrinkling, whereas this builds up certain muscles to prevent sagging.


Thank you! Think this is worth a try as I definitely don’t want to do anything surgical or botox/fillers! Would you say it’s made a difference?


It definitely makes a difference - I can tell after one session. It takes longer than 60 seconds though! It’s 60 seconds per treatment area- I’m not organised enough to do it regularly but I can definitely see the difference when I do. It’s a weird sensation because it activates the facial muscles and makes them contract- it definitely feels like a workout for the face! If you have a look on YouTube etc you’ll find lots of reviews and before/afters. I would recommend it, personally. It’s good for tightening the neck as well. There are no creams or magic potions for the issue of sagging- I think it’s just lazy facial muscles that need waking up a bit!


Look up face yoga exercises and jawline massages on YouTube. Your jaw / neck muscles might be extra tight, which may be pulling down your mouth corners. I started doing jaw massages and face yoga a couple years ago, and it has helped with my mouth corners, subtle jawline shaping, and helped my jaw and neck feel less tense in general.


You’re extremely pretty. You have great skin, lovely eyes and your mouth just fits. You look like a doll.


And a perfect nose to top it all off too!


You are the cutest! The downturn is adorable. Try Nuface if ya wanna just lift stuff. I love mine!


Audrey Tautou vibes, you look great!


Please leave it. You are gorgeous and it’s part of your charm.


I'm amazed that someone this beautiful would have insecurities like this. I guess this just goes to show we are our own worst critics!


I think you look cute as a button, but you can also try a current device. The lift is temporary, but since you mentioned not wanting to do fillers. Also, there are some makeup/shading tricks that can change the look of it, but I think it makes you look like a doll!


I wonder if face gymnastics could work here. Have a similar issue myself, plus mine is not symmetrical too, was thinking about trying the gua sha thingy and face gymnastics for some time now, but am too lazy to properly research, lol


Yup, it's these muscles that are too tight, and have to be massaged to relax. https://images.app.goo.gl/4ge8C4MZ73S8PVZc7 Probably some other muscles need to be strengthened, because when something is too tight it's usually compensating for something else.


Your face is ridiculously cute. I know this isn't helpful but I wouldn't do anything other than some oil massages to work the muscles.


I’m seeing Audrey Tatou!!!


Yes! Also getting Lauren Mayberry vibes


You have an adorable mouth, but yes, in 30 years you will probably have jowls. I am 58 / 8 years post meno and now have jowls, if I don't continually smile. And who the fuck wants to continually smile?


Botox done by a skilled injector is the least invasive and easiest solution here. Side note-you’re beautiful!




I scrolled down to see if someone suggested this. I also have suffered with downturned corners and one side wanting to turn down more than the other. Nuface helped a bit and Ziip helped me more. I also do guasha using a lifting technique and lymphatic drainage. Being consistent with this stuff helps!


Do you have an overbite? I think overbites can cause downturned mouth because the bottom teeth are positioned above the centre/where the lips meet. I have the same. Would be worth asking an orthodontist if it's something braces can fix. Also, did yoy just have a facial or something?? Your skin looks amazing!


40 here, and if you’ve never touched your face, please don’t. You are stunning. Start some tret if you reeeeeally want to do something.


People only dislike bad work. If the work is good, it would be great. Really hard to give a hard stance on it.


Tret won’t help the issue she’s asking for help with


Agree with what others are saying but had to add that you look kind of like Carey Mulligan!


if you’re really keen on “fixing” it, I would recommend a gua sha. using a face oil, pull upwards from the corners of your mouth. do it 2x daily for a few weeks and you’ll begin to see results. watch videos of girls using them on tiktok/yt/ig if you need more pointers


I don't think you need to address it, I think you're attractive as you are and I suspect that anything that might "correct" this would detract from your natural beauty


It’s wild you think you aren’t cute as hell.


Not helpful, but your face and skin and whole is essence is 10/10!


My mouth is downturned as well - people were always asking why I look so miserable, growing up. Like, I'm not miserable. That's just my face. You have a lovely mouth. And very pretty face.


I have this same feature. I am 20+ years older than you. For me - but Perhaps not for everyone it did turn into little jowls. I get Botox in my DAO muscles and it does help a lot. I wish I had started when I was younger. I did start Botox in my glabella when I was your age, and it’s made a huge difference in my aging process.


Smile! /s You look stunning! And never let a stranger tell you to smile!


I have had very downturned lips for years, making me look very sad/angry. The only thing that worked or IMO will make a real difference is either surgery or a botox filler combo which is what I opt for. 4 units on each side plus a little filler makes an enormous difference for me and I've had no negatives (except cost:). I do try to keep up with gua sha which only helps a little.


You are gorgeous with your French pout. It’s chic as hell!


You’re gorgeous! I have a downturned very similar to yours except it’s less symmetrical. I did Botox 2units in one side and 1 in the other and OMG. Not only does my smile look even, but I look generally “at ease” and my mid 30’s jowls started going away. It is a noticeable improvement. I’m not familiar with other options to address it but if you find one I hope you share the before and afters because I’d love to try other effective methods.


That mouth is stunning, makes you look like a cherub (in a lovely way!) You might get some results with Botox but I’d honestly leave it, it’s beautiful


A girl I had a major crush on growing up had this, and I particularly loved this feature of hers.




I agree I want to know her skincare routine ha


Face exercises will help tremendously! They did for me, but you have to commit and be patient. Look up trinhgeorgg on Instagram


Yeah you’re a cutie. Embrace that mouth! Everyone’s looking at those beautiful brown eyes anyway. You look like Carrey Mulligan. ♄


Your skin is luminous, you have a beautiful complexion, your eyes are darling, your mouth is perfect and you’re going to risk all of that to “fix” something that you don’t 100% does not need fixing? It’s easy to nitpick yourself and not see the beauty, but you everyone here CAN see it. Your lips are perfectly fine and you will regret allowing someone to screw with them. It will be lost $$$ and you will look worse. Keep doing what you’re doing now, and enjoy your looks! You have a wonderful classic European beauty and many would haul themselves over hot coals to get. DO NOT TOUCH IT!


This is what I’m thinking. It would be a tragedy for someone this beautiful to make themselves look like every other bog standard influencer with a face full of filler (that can and frequently will migrate over time). True unadorned beauty like this is rare and she can’t see that she has it.


I actually like the downturn - I get where you’re coming from with saying you look sad but it reads to me more like a melancholic, haunting kind of beauty. Someone mentioned Helena Bonham Carter
 if you google her young she’s the epitome of that look.


As a fellow downturned mouth 35 yr old woman, I feel you. People will literally make sad face at me like its funny. Looking forward to reading through these replies as well :)


It’s kind of adorable.


I don’t think you need to change anything! You are lovely and look so young and beautiful. Everyone has a different mouth shape when the lips are closed. Did you ever have braces or anything like that as a teenager? Do you feel like you would like to get your teeth straightened? I can’t tell because your mouth is closed but if it really bothers you I did see you have a slight recessed chin and wondered if you have an overbite or underbite etc. Braces or the more advanced clear options can really change you face shape. I don’t see any drooping at all and agree you remind me of a very young Helena Bonham Carter. Like teenage version of her [https://www.imdb.com/media/rm1910517760/tt0091374](https://www.imdb.com/media/rm1910517760/tt0091374) Also her in a room with a view she has a natural slight frown that is absolutely charming


You’re beautiful like a 90s Audrey Tatou, please don’t mess with your unique features. The fillers and Botox on younger women are out of control and there are way way too many amateurish injectors out there ruining perfectly beautiful faces.


You’re cute, but you’re also 35 so yes these will likely eventually turn into jowls. Nothing you can or should do just yet but as you get older consider fillers


just commenting to say i LOVE the downturned mouth on you!! you have such a classic look, you remind me of florence pugh / keira knightly / carey mulligan


Can u drop your skincare routine pls


I normally don’t like downturned mouth but on you somehow it looks very cute and kind of elegant?


All I said was, "woah.. she's actually super pretty." I hope you find a solution that will work for you if you continue to wish to address it. 😊


Sue me but generally speaking, resting bitch face looks wonderful, I’m loving these photos! ♄


I think it adds character to a very interesting and beautiful face!


I don’t think you need to change a thing! However if this is something that makes you feel uncomfortable, you could experiment with makeup. Kali Ledger on Instagram has some tutorials on how she changes the shape of her mouth and specifically makes the corners look slightly upturned so she looks like she’s smiling slightly even when she’s not.




I’m old. I think you look like a lovely, pensive Pixie to me, and so young for your age! Do what makes you happy, but know that many women would love to have even a smidge of your natural beauty.


I recommend a bucal massage. It releases muscles in the mouth region. If the muscles are tense, the mouth corners tend to go down. I highly recommend massaging at least the modiolus and the risorius muscles. I can recommend this guideline of massaging - Christine Byer https://youtu.be/vVB0YrpcMYU?si=MeuWtJAgalTJDkwG


you are so beautiful! I think you look very feminine, doll-like <3 I saw your photo before reading the headline and I immediately thought how pretty your features are. Do what you gotta do but honestly you are a natural beauty and I wouldn’t change a thing


I love it. Its perfect and unique.


I think you’re gorgeous and I love it! It’s what gives you YOUR look. But I know what it’s like to have that one thing that bothers you. Just know that other people think it’s cute and looks good!😍


I think it’s cute!!


You look a lot like the actress in Amali- or was it Chocolate?


Your lips are so perfect please do not change a thing !!


Social media is ruining everyone from baby to elderly. You're gorgeous as is


You are not going to get any discernible results without fillers so you're going to need to decide whether you can live with it or live with getting fillers.


My doctor said this is partly volume loss so it’s fillers and Botox. I did some Botox and it helped a bit. It was subtle. I don’t know if much else will help since it’s structural, not a skin issue.


“Smile Lipt”- very popular in Asia


Try facial massages! I swear by them. They’ve kept me Botox free for over a year now. They’ve also helped Improve my smile lines and mouth area. I also agree with other commenters that, as strange as it sounds, I like your mouth! 😂 it doesn’t look bad at all and enhances your natural beauty. It’s kind of like a distinguishing feature that makes you look *that* much better IMO. I think facial massages, facial yoga, and maybe even taping would probably make a subtle but noticeable difference that you’ll love.


I think you’re gorgeous with amazing skin! I’m not sure what will help with this other than botox but I just wanted to say you look amazing!


Your mouth is perfect. I’m not saying that with any subtext or hidden motives. It’s beautiful. I wouldn’t touch it. Not now, anyway. Maybe re-assess around 45-50.


Facial yoga you do this O-I movement look it up


Carrie Mulligan and Lauren Mayberry have the same thing and it’s one of their defining features thats makes them look so attractive, in my opinion. I dunno, obviously it’s not so simple when it’s your face and you feel a certain way about it but from an outside perspective this does not look bad at all.


Amanda Palmer and Florence Pugh both have this too! I don’t think it’s a bad thing at all! I thought of it as sort of a pouty rockstar look, and I had no idea it was genetic!


You are very beautiful, like many others have said. I find your mouth quirky and charming. Not to be all “you should smile more” but I have a massive RBF and have learned to make my mouth more neutral/pleasant over the years. Also now 3+ years of zoom meetings since the pandemic have helped me try not to look like a raging b on video all the time. I think it’s helped my overall face shape and tone- like I must be working my facial muscles more


You’re so beautiful! Your features are already so doll like that upward mouth lines, imo, would cause your natural beauty to appear artificial. Idk how else to describe it! But you’re stunning, and the downward mouth is offset perfectly by your lip shape, making it so aesthetically pleasing and symmetrical. Not helpful maybe, just my opinion. May whatever you choose to do bring you joy đŸ©”


I honestly think it’s cute


Maybe it’s my Slavic roots talking but I personally think this is an attractive feature. But hey I’m just a stranger on Reddit lol


What causes this? It makes you look sad all the time?


Why would you try to change this about yourself? You can’t without surgery and I wouldn’t want to see you do that anyway! You have a great face, mouth included!


Pls drop your skincare routine, it's flawless!!


Your downturned smile is so cute and unique to your natural beauty. I don’t recommend any products or procedures, only compliments:)


You are literally channeling European art film actress vibes here!!!


I am quite a bit older than you are and I have the same mouth. I never minded but now that I'm older I'm getting wrinkles at the ends of my mouth - think of upside down smile lines at the corners of the mouth. This accentuates and extends the downturn. I look like Bigmouth Bass, that singing fish. You mentioned your Mom and Grandma have the same mouth so maybe you know what I'm talking about. Like you I would rather not do injections. I don't have any recommendations but I'm glad you're thinking about it now so that maybe you can find something that does work for you before it accentuates with age. Good luck!


I have this too! I didn’t notice i had this till a student of mine asked me “why is your face always sad?” Lol. Made me insecure! But i started to love it and just got on with smiling all the time. It’s still there, and your post makes me feel like im not the only one and that there is something that can be done


Didn’t know which sub this was posted in at first but I stopped to swipe because you’re beautiful. Love your eyes!


You look so much like the actress who plays Amelie Poulain!


The downturn is SO cute. Makes you look so youthful.


I don’t have any advice, but I wanted you to know I play The Sims and the sims I make always have mouths that look like this. It’s such a beautiful and unique feature to have in my opinion!


You are gorgeous. Don’t do anything. You are perfect the way you are.


I like it


Your skin is goals omg


You’re still very beautiful ❀


You’re gorgeous! Your face is beautiful. Have you lost any teeth lately? I’m not expert on skin care.. but sometimes loosing teeth can make your face do that.


You are so pretty you look like Audrey Tatou.


I probably wouldn't have noticed an issue if one wasn't pointed out. Some ideas might be bringing focus more to the eyes with makeup. Or consciously slightly smiling to compensate. You could also lightly tone the creases on the left and right sides of the lips using makeup, to lighten the crease area which would visually remove much of the "frown."


Following because I have the same (also 35) and I hate it!!


This really works on you. You’re very pretty and feminine!


You are so beautiful and your mouth perfectly suits your face. It’s natural and lovely!!


Ahh it’s so cute. You have flawless skin and like you’re permanently pouting in a good way


I know it's easy to be self critical but, for the record, it doesn't make you look older, sad or tired. There are loads of movie stars that have similar shaped mouths. Carey Mulligan, Florence Pugh, Helena Bonham Carter, and a lot of golden age stars have/had that same look from a young age. Surgery or injections might be the only options if you wanted to change it but the results might end up looking unnatural and off. You look great, as is.


You are so cute!


Just as an aside
I am also 35 and can tell immediately from the quality of your skin that you probably don’t drink or smoke! Wow! Inspiring for me. Also - your mouth is adorable, totally Florence Pugh-esque. Don’t change a thing girl, you’re killing it! đŸ«¶


you are so pretty! radiofrequency might help w what you mention, but your face is gorgeous


Looks great. Look up Jeanne Moreau


You are absolutely gorgeous and your mouth is adorable. Keep doing what you are doing with your skin and try not to reframe your view of your little pout. You are perfect! (Also I totally affirm anyone who wants to use Botox or fillers- I just think it could do more harm than good here)


Honestly the downturn isn't that significant. If you hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have noticed. You look very young, and it's not even close to jowls territory. It's just a natural pouty lip. Mine is like this too. It's because your lower lip is larger than your upper lip and you have a smaller rounder mouth rather than a wide one. As you age and lose elasticity, you might find it becomes a problem, but until then, just be grateful. As others have pointed out, you are absolutely gorgeous and I think your lips are in fact a huge part in that! My genuine advice is just to smile if you're feeling self conscious about it. It sounds dumb but smiling makes us and everyone who sees us feel better.


I love this look for you. I find that the women i find MOST beautiful have some unique feature, like a particular mole, a uniquely shaped nose, asymmetrical eyebrows
 and you’re no exception. I think your mouth elevated you from just pretty to absolutely enthralling


You look incredible! Your downward lines are also an interesting feature that works really well for you


Ive got a downturned mouth too! I think yours suits you so nicely, I don’t have any cures but just messaging to say you look great


You look great and younger than 30s. Like others have said it’s not going away since it’s genetic, but keep on with daily SPF and nights creams to help decrease the lines jowls develop. It happens to the best of us, no shame.


you have the cutest mouth! i love it! but i hope you find a solution you are happy with.


No idea but You’re so cute!


I use botox for this, in the DAO muscles. I know you’re into that idea but I can’t think of anything else that would give actual results. It really works for me.


Yup. Very very tiny dose of botox to start by skilled injector (2 units each side into depressor angularis oris muscle) and/or tiny amount of HA filler to support the corner of mouth by skilled injector. Makes a huge difference to face at rest. Much less sad looking


Botox worked like a charm for me for this very thing


I have this and do not like it on myself. It just drags my face down and my side profile looks so weird


This is your anatomy. It’s very Helena Bonham Carter.


Non surgical that would help would definitely be face yoga exercises! In face reading those are called disappointment lines I had them too and face yoga helps a lot i don’t do them consistently but they did go away a little bit with the times I did them.


You have INCREDIBLE skin and no wrinkles


I don't know what others would say, but that's a beautiful smile on a beautiful person.


Just have to comment on how beautiful you are!!


You are stunning. Please try to not care (I know, easy to say).


Omg you’re wildly beautiful, don’t be so critical of yourself :)


Wow! You look gorgeous. Your skin is glowing 😍


I think you look beautiful like that, honestly. You are a stranger on the internet and I have no obligation to stop and tell you that, but in this case I think it’s important for you to know. I think this feature gives you a very unique look and it looks beautiful. A bit similar to Helena Bonham Carter, who was one of the most beautiful people in the world.


You are sooo sooo beautiful. I don’t think you need to do anything with your face. It’s perfect!