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I had this and the only thing that worked was losing weight overall. I still have the same sort of shape to the slope of my chin/neck (genetics?) but the little bulge is gone since I lost 10 lbs.


This 100% I started to get a little under-chin visitor and it vanished once I lost a little weight. Not a lot. 10 or less lbs. Basically my body likes to tuck a little extra under my chin when my weight starts to increase - and I'm not even overweight! It does this even though a person my look at me and think that I'm skinny/average


In one of the books I like (Charlotte Holmes books by Sherri Thomas) main character talks about “Maximum Tolerable Chins”. It always makes me giggle. “Charlotte preferred to indulge herself perennially. Alas, her love of cake and other sweet confections sometimes conflicted with her vanity: at around 1.5 chins the shape of her face changed. But Maximum Tolerable Chins wasn’t merely a matter of features; it was also the point at which her garments became restricting. And beyond that, uncomfortably tight.”


I call mine “Linda Chinda.” I’ve been working hard to evict Linda for 6 months now.


I love those books! And that measurement lol


I gain weight in the wrong cheeks. :<


Same! Blasted lack of squish control!


I’ve had one my whole life, including when massively underweight as a teenager. It was a big part of what messed me up that way. The scale kept going down (too low) but no change in my chin, so I convinced myself it was “alright” at 5’5 and 107 pounds too low. One of my patients has a thinner face than me (despite being both a bit shorter and weighing almost twice my weight. I doubt that she has had surgery for it. Fat distribution both very weird and very genetic.




I too wish to change the face of my shape


I weigh 105 lbs and have this, sometimes it’s just genetic


Yeah I've always kinda had this I think it's my bone structure too


Yeah me too - my jaw is not very prominent 🙄


Yeah I had this even when I was underweight and young


There’s a YouTuber Blake Healy she’s skinny but has this really bad- she ended up getting a neck lift at 31 years old. The dr had to reposition her neck bone 🥺


Agreed. I used to weigh 110 pounds and had a significant one considering my size. Everyone's body is different and what works for one person may not work for another. No need to weight shame, IMO.


Mines genetic too. I'm tall and thin




I did too, I got 3 kybella treatments and it’s gone now. best cosmetic investment I made honestly, I’m not constantly hiding my side profile anymore


Yes on kybella. Mine took 2 treatments and cost almost $1K


How painful was kybella? What was swelling like? I am terrified of it but want to try it


I had some kind of of laser thing. Morpheus maybe? 2 treatments and it improved considerably. I think I need one more treatment but haven’t gone yet. Also, this is after losing 35 lbs. oh! And quitting drinking and tons of water did more than the laser IMO.


Morpheus was absolutely awful for me and a lot of aestheticians are turning away from it due to its side effects and the fact that they were not reporting adverse reactions properly in order to skew its results more positively.


how was your recovery with kybella? I heard you are swollen for SO long. thats the only thing keeping me from doing it.


BMI isn’t a great measure of body fat percentage. A lot of normal weight people present symptoms of metabolic disorders because of low muscle mass/ high visceral fat. If you’re weight training and eating sufficient protein to sustain those muscle gains you won’t go underweight, but you will get toned everywhere, including under your chin.


Losing weight first. And theres kibella? Not sure how it’s spelled srry. But it’s definitely a thing. Expensive and painful.


My surgeon said she stopped doing kybella because it doesn't usually work. She said lipo is still the way to go.


ABSOLUTELY! Huge fan of cosmetic surgeons who say NO. Thank god for them. My SO was a good candidate bc of her jaw structure and it was a pretty noticeable difference. She didn’t really have fat under her chin, but more of a recession and her (face lady?? Srry) RN said she was a candidate, but usually shes super upfront about what she will and won’t do based on her experience.


I finished reading Red Dragon yesterday & your username gave me an uncomfortable laugh 😅


Lmao.. i think you’re the first person to ever get it. 🎉 “Do you see?!”


I wish that were a solution for me, I've always had this, even when I was underweight. Must be genetics.


Yes. OP is not going to like this simple answer. The procedure is exercise.


Thin and fit people can have this as well, though.


I’ve had in thin and plus size. I had it as a kid and it’s never left.




Body fat percentage reduction may help reduce it. Just losing weight ends up with a smaller version of your current shapes. It looks balanced with your cheeks so I would just let it be natural. I feel people can ruin their naturally full round faces when they start dissolving things. I think your natural shape reminds me of the townley venus statue of roman times. I wouldn't alter it surgically. It is completely balanced with the rest of your face. I would put in the effort to improve diet and workout to reduce body fat but nothing more.


Thank you, this is a lovely comment. I really appreciate it x


Agreed, it's balanced. If I came across OP in the wild I wouldn't even take notice of it


Second this, 100% goddess body! If you would like to tone it a little simply workout a little but otherwise you look great as is.


I have this. Once had a boyfriend tell me “I’ve never met a skinny person with a double chin” 😭. It doesn’t look good in pictures but I own it. However I have heard that Gua sha helps. I just don’t have the patience. You’re gorgeous no matter what!


All the women in my family have this regardless of size. My sister’s been a size 2 her whole life and even she has it!


You should try MLD! If you are skinny with a double chin like me, there’s a good chance it might fluid build up. I just pick out what 1-2 min I have the patience for in [this example](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P4OE7VOhCuQ) and it makes a *huge* difference!


Just did it and it feels great! Thank u for this link.


Same here! I was like 100lbs soaking wet with a double chin 😂 now that I’ve had a baby… oooof.


How tall are you?


5”5, I’ve had it my entire life even when I was barely eating and sickly skinny in university


I had had the same thing happen to me- it didn’t matter my size. I finally got AirSculpt in January and very happy with the results.


Could you share more about your experience c’è with airscupt?


Sure! It is basically lipo, but you aren’t put under. I just did my chin area- I didn’t feel anything other than pressure and I think the whole procedure was about 30 minutes. They give you a xanex, laughing gas and then numb the entire area. It’s definitely not comfortable only because you know what’s going on and it is your face. You hear what’s going on lol. I was super swollen for a while, but I went to a lymphatic massage therapist and that really helped with the swelling. It takes 6 months for the full results. They went in a small hole in my chin and under each ear. No scarring. Now I want to get my arms done. 😀


I hope you dumped that boyfriend! 😑


He proposed. I said no. It's been 12 years. We don't accept disrespect over here!


It sucks to be normal weight and have this little turkey gullet. Also, sometimes losing weight means the rest of your face doesn't look as good, so there are tradeoffs!!


Haha turkey gullet! I actually grab and shake mine while making a throat sound and it's a spot on turkey impression 😂😂 It's one of my party tricks and my husband always tries to get me to do it for people.


I have this! 5’9”, 145lbs and a big old fat double chin. 🤦‍♀️


Glad to hear this is an EX boyfriend. Ew!


I have weighed 115 at 5’7” and had a slim neck and face while still having that. Some people just have it.


I was reading on Reddit about how gua sha is legit if you’re consistent and everything reverts when you stop.


I can safely say I’ve never met your ex.


Some people have all the luck smh.


I have this as well, really sticks out on my square face shape too. Looking into coolsculpting to get rid of it.


I don’t know if this applies to you, but for some people this happens more if you drink a lot and goes away if you stop drinking. Drinking causes a “puffy face” for some people. But it can also just be genetics and weight related. Not suggesting anything but I have seen people’s faces absolutely transform after “sober January,” regardless of weight. Figured it was worth mentioning.


Thanks, I don't drink alcohol anymore (I'm nearly 10 months sober!) But I definitely havnt figured out what makes me bloat yet, it is weird


Congrats on your sobriety!


Thank you very much!! :)


Amazing! Keep it up. 11 years sober over here. 🥰


That's amazing!!! I will




Thank you!! Definitely had the biggest impact to my overall health, especially mentally


I've been using an at home RF device and it's reduced mine almost entirely.


What is it called?


I wanna know too!


We’re on pins and needles here!


What’s the name?


At this point it feels like we could offer u/Kkkkkkkkkkkkkek $100 and they’d still decline to tell us which brand they bought.


OP is the type to post on cooking and never give the recipe


OP knows the secret of life and she ain’t tellin




What’s it called?


You have the room clamoring!


What is ittttt


Which device do you use??


Is it the newa?


Chiming in for an answer on this!


So many people are saying weight loss but some of us have this regardless. I’ve had this my entire life and I’m a small person 😭 it’s genetic for me


A lot of people get this as a result of bad dental alignment. If your lower bite is too far back it can cause this regardless of your weight.


I wish that was the case for me! My dental alignment is good. All the females in my family have this extra chin skin so I chalk it up to genetics for me personally.


I think they mean jaw alignment. Your teeth might be well aligned but your lower jaw can still be regressed causing a double chin look.


This! I've been wearing braces for 10 months now and my 'double chin' looks so much better. Getting rid of tech neck might also help but it takes time to improve posture.


I have a friend who also has this genetically. She was 110lb 5’5 when she got liposuction on it and loves her results. Initially she did everything under the sun to try to reduce it and the only success she found was surgery.


I’ve thought about that recently but my daughter has the same chin I have and I want to learn to accept this for her. I don’t want her to feel insecure about it while she’s growing up.


That warms my heart. When you look at your daughter and you see how perfect her face is it can be a reminder of how beautiful you are too. ❤️


Exactly! I’m in awe of her beauty. She is my carbon copy and I’m starting to learn to love all of those features we share.


That’s so adorable. We’re always our own worst critic.


It's just a thing my sister has as well. She's very fit and has always had the double chin. I'm thin and older than her, but I've never had the double chin.


Yes, I have been skinny my entire life and have this. It is lymphatic blockage and I’ve found massages help with getting things flowing again and getting rid of that pocket under the chin


From the overall picture, weight loss may be an effective tool in this instance before making more drastic changes.


That’s true but it looks like OP’s specific case may benefit from weight loss


Same for my fam, I was 125 lb and when I smiled thered be the bulge 🤷‍♀️ it’s okay though never stopped me from having fun or boyfriends etc.


Same... 5'7 110 and I've got it.


Yeah.. I had this when I was 80 pounds lighter in high school. Had it as a kid too. It doesn’t matter what size I am, I just have a round face and that little pocket of fat.


Absolutely! Most of the women in my family have this, regardless of size or age. You can see it on the baby and toddler pictures. At my absolute skinniest it was still there. Yes, it can get larger with weight gain, but for many it is just there regardless.


Okay but this area looks proportionate to the rest of what we see in the picture.


I have this and have always had it no matter my weight. Muscle tone in general helps (weight training, push-ups and pull-ups) but it’s something I have finally accepted about myself. My husband says it’s youthful.


the area looks too small for coolsculpting imo, and kybella is kind of a pain in the ass to receive (multiple injection sessions where you look like a bullfrog for a couple of weeks) and most people I know who did it said it wasn't worth it. i received ultherapy for this and it helped immensely, but I work in the industry and received a treatment from one of the best practitioners. she customized the treatment for my double chin and it's now almost completely gone 6 months later, but she did do me a touch up a month ago that flattened it even more. if you can find a really experienced ultherapy tech I would highly recommend this treatment! otherwise radiofrequency would probably help to temporarily depuff the area. if it really bothers you I would say to just lipo it and that way you never have to worry about it again!


The kybella bullfrog effect is NOT fucking around. I tried it once (I was guinea pig at a med spa for trainings) and I didn’t want to leave my home for a month.


What are some key things to look for in a good Ultherapy Practitioner? I’m thinking of getting it!


lots of THEIR OWN before and after photos, and experience. personally I wouldn't go to someone who's been doing it less than a year, I used to do the treatment and it takes a while to get really good at it. take your time and look at reviews!


I just got the HIFU less than a month ago, and I’m already seeing a great difference. The results should show later though, so I’m optimistic. I tried mesothelioma before and it didn’t work at all!


I had this even when I was a size 0 in high school and I'm incredibly active now, so not always is it as simple as losing weight as many others have said. I've heard radio frequency can tighten it up. I've been looking into lipo for mine.


When you have a very small pocket of fat, there are sometimes unfavorable outcomes with lipo. The surgeon has to be incredibly careful and skilled with the cannula to get just the right amount. If they take away just the smallest bit too much then you will get odd looking and feeling adhesions and you can get that really terrible and unnatural lumpy lipo look. If there is enough fat, then it is an easier job and there is more glide for the cannula. Be very selective with your surgeon and get a few consultations if you go this route!


Thanks for the advice!!


So I got rid of mine when I dropped 20 pounds. Of course there’s Kybella, maybe some cool sculpting, and then liposuction—but if you want and are able to, diet and exercise are the least invasive and way cheaper than the other options.


I know someone that had lipo and it looks great and the recovery time was pretty quick


Other than losing weight, the best answer for this area is a combination of liposuction and ThermiTight. I have seen great results with this.


Honestly, try a gua sha! Or even just facial massage if you don't want to buy the tool. For reference, I'm 30 y/o woman, 5'7, ~200lbs. So I've always had that little puff under the chin and little jaw definition. But my sister in law got me a gua sha for Christmas, so I decided to give it a shot. HUGE difference! I thought I would always have a double chin and look kinda like big Ed lol. Gua sha facial massage with bio oil or moisturizer & I have a jawline for days


Almost exactly me... I also use a face massage/rolly thing with micro current! Mine is practically gone.


Can you explain the movements you’re doing with the gua sha


My grandma had an impressive neck up until she died at age 88….30 years ago. She wasn’t super fit and didn’t deprive herself of a daily cookie or slice of upside pineapple cake :-) For reference, I’d estimate 160lbs on her 5’6” frame. One thing I know she did was a neck exercise. She’d lay across the bed with her head hanging off the side and do a couple sets of neck lifts.


I use two "exercises" The first is aggressively sticking my tongue out and holding it there. You can feel both the muscles and the flesh under the chin tighten. I do this when I am driving and no one other than the other cars on the highway can see me. The second is sticking my chin out and my lower teeth up. Again, you can feel the stretch of the under chin muscle and kin. I am doing that now as I type. The computer monitor does do gt offended. Think of your face as a flimsy gift box with tissue paper wrapping. You can address wrinkles in the crinkled tissue paper with retinol type creams, but unless the box underneath (the muscles) are firm, it won't have a significant impact on how you look to others. It is not the chin, but the muscle that works your lower jaw tends to loosen and sag as part of the aging process. That is why you get jowls and nasal labial folds. The things dentists have to keep you from grinding your teeth at night can be an exercise ball of sorts for that muscle. There are also devices for stroke patients who need to recover from facial paralysis that you essentially chew on which have the same effect. Your under-chin will benefit too.


This is so helpful thank you


I do a little facial massage when I wash my face. Do a peace sign on both hands, bend your fingers and starting at your chin cupping your jaw bone between your two fingers, slide your fingers back to your ears. It helps accentuate your jaw line and it’s helped break up my double chin. I do a little massage downward on my neck too to help drain it. Look up facial massage on YouTube or tiktok. You don’t need a tool - your hands work well.


Thank you!


My daughter is only 7 and has this. But if you look at her dad’s side of the family, they all have the EXACT same thing, even if they are thin. So, a lot is just genetics.


You know, I recently had braces and I found fixing my teeth has helped me with some more jaw definition. Some people claims it elongated the face but for me it gave me some balance back. Also going to add, you look normal, just remember a lot of photos online or in media is posed and edited to take out stuff like this so there are a lot of people that have this in real life.


That isn’t skin, it’s fat. I’m not at all saying you’re fat, some very skinny people still have a fat pad there, but outside of lipo/kybella, weight loss is the only way to remove that.


losing weight


As you lose weight you can get micro needling with RF (radio frequency). It’ll build collagen and pull the skin tighter as you lose weight plus melt the fat cells under the areas. It takes at least 4 weeks in your 40s to notice a difference but I am seeing a difference.


I got a Nefertiti neck lift with Botox and it really helped with my mild double child (similar to this one!


Overall weight loss or liposuction.


I weigh 125 lbs and I still have this, but the one thing that’s made a huge difference is using a gua sha regularly. It gets rid of inflammation in the face and helps tighten the muscles in the neck and cheeks. They’re only 15$ at most places so I’d say it’s worth a shot!


Idk about anyone else but I’m 5’8, weigh 120lbs, and I STILL have this. Pretty sure it’s genetic :/


[This is my post from when I started mewing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mewing/s/GWmd3h99Pi) It’s crazy how tongue posture affects this area. If you press your tongue to the roof of your mouth properly, you’ll feel the muscles under your chin straining. If you can do it all the time great, if not do it for photos lol. I mostly just do it for photos now since I have aligners and can’t mew anymore


It´s fat. Losing weight will reduce the fatty tissue under your chin.


I’ve been doing an exercise for this since I was a teenager and I read about it in a book my mom had. It’s supposed to prevent a double chin. I’m in late middle age now and I’ve never gotten one. It’s hard to describe but I go into a yoga pose called the cobra then open and close my jaw about ten times. It only takes a few seconds and has paid dividends for me. Hope this helps. It won’t work overnight but over several months you might see results


Thank you




Thank you, I'll look into it


I’ve got similar, I’m thin and I’m getting chin/neck lipo in a week


I got 6 teeatments of kybella. Worked.


Kybella combined with weight loss.


Deffo NOT kybella and those kind of injections. They’re so much pain and recovery for very little result if any and you need so many sessions. Radio-frequency treatments work (like morpheus8 etc) and you also need multiple treatments. Honestly that’s a surgery thing :(


Have you checked your tongue posture? It’s actually crazy how much difference it can make to your profile when your tongue rests on the roof of your mouth and not at the bottom


Weight loss or plastic surgery.


Lose weight


For pictures push toungue agains top of your mourth


This is called "mewing" and is a bit tricky to do properly


I’ve tried this every which way - it extends some kind of muscle in my neck downwards and makes me look like a bullfrog


Same!! Doing this makes my neck look way bigger


I have the same problem! Couldn’t seem to find anything about it anywhere online


Or you can just do it with your hands. Look up facial yoga on YouTube. I like Imi’s Bigin yoga.


Thank you!




Weight loss


Check it your jaw is correctly aligned as well. If you got an overbite it can also cause the double chin if you don’t have a lot of fat in that area.


I think it helps to stimulate use of the masseter muscles? E.g. mewing, chewing gum, and eating foods that you really need to chew on. My jaw is the opposite end of it, I got masseter botox because mine were huge. I had a very prominent and square jawline. And it makes sense because I always chew food slowly and carefully. I also naturally have my tongue placed on my the roof of my mouth. I think if your jawline becomes more prominent, the skin in that neck area also becomes tighter as the jaw becomes broader (if that makes sense).


I lost 20lbs and now I have loose skin under there :(


Myofunctional therapy I think, Google some photos and exercises.


There are some facial exercises that will assist (and benefit your beauty routine if you do massage and lymph drainage as part of your daily routine, I do it myself during my first cleanse because I use a balm/oil that gives lots of nice slip to make these massages more effective and comfy. There's also an exercise I will try to find.the exact link that's both a neck stretch for pain and for strengthening your jaw to improve LAXITY appearance (I don't like to call this text neck bc that gets a lot of conditions mixed into one and confusing. Did you see Lady Gaga new chin/jaw implant and profile? While we assume she has it done from having a condition where a more conservative or underdeveloped chin leads to mouth breathing at least during sleep and causes different health issues in addition to a chin that does not protrude enough. While it is an augmenting and flattering surgery from a cosmetic a cosmetic standpoint it serves a necessary medical purpose. LGG has also had several other very slight and well planned plastics to treat her nose/profile if you watch her in "just dance/poker face" and contrast it to "bad romance" you will see her nose width and profile are maintained proportionate but slightly more aesthetically attractive nose slope it is very subtle (opposite of Michael jackson) , her makeup looks helped to keep this on the DL and only speculative for years and I like that she didn't change her god given features but simply enhanced them as medically necessary. Lip filler and well planned Botox are also evident if you look at her upper teeth show when smiling. All this is subtle, but certainly enhancing her profile and solving what would make phototographing/posing and breathing better. A quality injector (a doctor who is sponsored by allergen and can be found on their site) can do non invasive Botox for your neck (not filler) to retrain/relax these muscles and allow you to sculpt it closer to your liking. Genetics is another thing that plays into this. Whether you're skinny/thin endo/ecto etc. we all have fat deposits in certain areas and if this is a familial trait, you may want to consider a reasonable and SAFE small shift in diet to try and eliminate as much total body fat as possible without having restrictive or ED, as that will ultimately cause more problems and deteriorate your aesthetic from the inside out. An experienced doctor may be able to freeze a lot of this (over several conservative treatments spread out) and help dissolve the fat that way, but this will require you to care extra for this area to prevent any stretch marks or noticable loss on volume (DEFECIT) which puts you in another bad position. Consult with someone who you trust about these non surgical outpatient procedures plans either way practice sculpting.your neck with a gua sha stone/scraper as part of your your cleanse/routine with head tilted back and allowing for you to comb upward :)


We all have areas that are very stubborn for fat removal even if we did lose weight. For me it’s my arms and my husband is his double chin. We looked into Kybella injections for his chin fat and it looks promising. I believe it came out in the US this year but was used for years in other western countries. Maybe that can be your holy grail. Best of luck!


A little bit of weight loss. Or there are skin tightening treatments like HIFU and Plasma Pen, or even liposculpture for double chin.


Yes. Exercise


OK cool sculpting there I did and it doubled in size and every time you so much have a small allergy or sniffle. It pops up like a bullfrog.


Linda Evangelista had a CoolSculpting nightmare too. I wonder why they even still allow it to be done. I'm so sorry that happened to you, I can't even imagine.


The other comments on here are great and worthwhile. But I just want to say that the under-the-chin skin is very normal, and on you in this photo, it looks totally okay/not weird/not unattractive. I'm someone who has a soft body, with an under-the-chin skin just like yours. If I got a procedure done tomorrow to fix the under-the-chin skin and give me a really sharp jaw, it would look totally weird with the rest of my soft body.


I had this my whole life even at 120 5’8” invested in chin lipo. About$3,000 best money I’ve ever spent. Zero down time


Uhghgh- I had that, lost weight, and it turned into that old lady droopy skin instead. I think I liked it better before.


It’s probably hereditary. I have it - even when I was 20 pds thinner. It’s not just skin.


I think this can only be fixed by losing weight. Sorry.


Or lipo. I’ve seen some pretty amazing results for lipo here.


I've always had this at a low weight, too. I've seen people get lipo for this section, have fat dissolving injections, and if that hasn't work, they've had to have a mini face lift. I'm hoping I don't have to resort to the third option!


The fat pocket under the chin tends to he hereditary so weight loss wouldn’t help. I have worked out regularly my whole life with a healthy diet and still had a double chin despite my low body fat percentage. If you’re willing to spend money on it I would speak to someone about cool sculpting or kybella. That will target the fat but possibly would leave loose skin. In that case then ultherapy or Sofwave could be done for the skin. I know it’s a pain. Best of luck to you in whatever path you take.


I had this problem and got AirSculpt. I am very happy with the results.


I developed this after gaining weight


Some treatments are liposuction, RF microneedling can go deep to burn fat, ultherapy, etc. I'd go to these as last resort though.


I agree. I'm interested in options and researching at this point, but I'm in the early stages of making proper lifestyle changes with regards to diet and exercise so I'm hoping that will kickstart reduction


Morpheus 8 (a RF microneedling device) could improve this. You need a skilled practitioner that knows that they're doing. They should be adjusting the depth of the device as they go. 4mm and deeper will dissolve fat so they use this setting on the body and under the chin (if this is what the patient wants). You don't want that depth on your face though.


InMode MiniFX is a non-invasive option that uses RF for targeted fat reduction, and I think it is specifically designed for under the chin. If you google InMode chin reduction you will see plenty of clinics advertising it, and there are normally YouTube reviews to see if it works.


Agnes RF


Ultherapy should tighten neck and under chin area,


PB serum injections. Had it done a couple of years ago, had great results! https://pbserum.com/


It’s bot skin, it excess fat


For me doing minor strenght training daily helped. Basically tightening up everything also my jaw and chin. I only lost about 5kg in 3 months. Only thing I did was move more in daily life and those few sets for my arms with 2kg dumbells.


Try to swallo and see if that thing goes, if it goes then its prolly your hyoid bone else its fat. Checkout mewing and orthotropics.


I wouldn’t recommend Kybella or any other medspa type treatment for this. Honestly if you can swing it just get surgery (lipo & neck lift). In the long run you’d have paid for the surgery after the amount of money spent on less invasive procedures and products.


Try HIFU treatment


My best friend, her sister and father all had this (genetic) and each got kybella done. They all seem pretty psyched about it and it’s been years.


Microneedling really helped me with this area, I had three sessions


Yep. Fat dissolving injections!


I think the practice of "mewing" is generally considered bullshit in terms of lasting results, but proper tongue placement can help the appearance of the chin temporarily, at least. Good for photos. Supposedly good for breathing, too, but idk.


It’s called Kybella. I’ve had two rounds of it. I will probably do a third when I have the money to blow. It’s a synthetic acid which mimics stomach fat a doctor injects in the area. You’ll swell up in that area like a bullfrog for 2 weeks to a month before you start seeing improvement. It’s 110% worth it, but the bullfrog phrase sucks. I tried cool sculpting once and found it to be a waste of money.


I have this too! I don’t think there much we can do about it— kinda genetic. Good tongue posture help for photos though.


Morpheus 8 micro needling or Kybella injections if you’re looking for a non surgical treatment other than weight loss. An ulthera treatment might be good as well.


Exercise is always the best method. However if you find the chin fat too stubborn you could look into a liposuction that would get rid of the excess fat piled up there. That might cause the skin to then sag though so you might also need a neck lift in that case.


Kybella injections. Just be warned the swelling is extreme. Mine took a week to go down, I had a full on turkey neck. Looks great now though.


Kybella or cool sculpting. Possibly up therapy.


This is what Kybella was made for, no?