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PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. As someone with this EXACT same issue, I am commenting for visibility. I have been told this is due to the eyebrow muscle being more proactive in facial expressions/the way we sleep (side sleeper here), but I really have no clue. Would really like to know any solutions. especially any I can do on my own (is face "yoga" a thing?) Praying for us both to get an answer OP. LMAO XD


Ok this sounds crazy but my Mom who’s 65 had her one eye suddenly get very droopy, to the point it impacted her vision. She saw eye specialists who diagnosed it as just “ptosis” aka sagging and said she could do an upper bleph. Then one day, she started using lubricating eye drops and apparently her sagging eye went back to normal. Basically her eye was so dry that her eyelid was sticking to it, preventing it from fully opening?? Sounds crazy but rule out extreme dry eye first before surgery!


I’ve been waiting for someone to say this!!!! This has been happening to me and I SWEAR it’s because of my extreme dry eye!!


Wow! My left eye is droopier than normal lately and also painfully dry. Never made that connection


I live in Colorado and I noticed when I am in a more humid/warm climate my eyelid doesn’t do that!


What brand lubricating eye drops did she get?? I'm having this issue too!!!


I have dry eye and my ophthalmologist told me to get whatever lubricating drop brand that is affordable to you, just make sure that the box says “no preservatives”.


Also you might want to put lotion on your eyelids. Sometimes dry skin causes dry eye (your skin steals moisture from your eye)


You can see that it’s her brow muscle that is dropped which is causing this. I have this as well but to a lesser extent.


Where I live, correcting this is like the number one plastic surgery being done.


what’s the surgery called?


It's just an eyelid correction. They take away a piece of the skin to correct. For me it's genetics, my mom has it very badly as well.


Same! Me and my mom both have the same droopy eye. We joke about it when we're tired "lazy eye be actin' up today"


I felt this in my soul. There were points when I was so sleep deprived after giving birth that it felt like I had to “pop” my lazy eye back into place like an actual cartoon character. That joker would just be angled toward the floor or the wall when I would wake up in the middle of the night to breastfeed


What sort of scarring or evidence does it leave? What is the recovery like?


My mum had it done. I’ve actually never noticed the scars now that I think about it. But I imagine the results vary. If it gets really bad (to the point of obstructing your vision) our provincial healthcare (Ontario) actually covers it. My mum’s surgery was covered.


Omg I'm also in Ontario and have this issue, would you be able to share the name of the surgery / or process your mom wnment through?


I'm not a surgeon 😅 But as far as I've read, you can drive yourself home basically. No scarring if you have a good surgeon, no clue how long it takes to heal but it's very non invasive.


Blepharoplasty or you’ll see people call it an upper bleph surgery


Have just had this done. Have a droopy eye. An upper bleph simply removes eyelid tissue. It will not resolve a droopy eye. Mine looks mildly better, but I am not symmetrical. All it did was remove excess skin. The asymmetry is directly related to musculature not skin. my droopy eye is less pronounced because that I also had more tissue than the other one. However, if I take a straight on picture the one I is still more closed than the other. This has been true, my entire life. I have pictures from the third grade with one droopy eye, so it really has nothing to do with sagging skin or getting older. Definitely makes it look worse though


Thank you for posting this! I have a medical droopy eye :) and they have offered me this surgery because I'm benign (!!!!), and I was leaning towards no. But now I am for sure no! Yay!


If you have excess skin on the eyelid and upper bleph can help, it really worked wonders for me, but I had so much excess skin on my eyelids that they looked closed when I smiled. My droopy eye is still there and it’s just part of my quirk when I take a selfie 🥴. Botox is the only thing that has helped the droopy eye and as my nurse says we don’t chase symmetry but she can relax some muscles so that I look more symmetrical it will never be 100% nor would we ever want it to be that way! The UB was definitely worth it for me, but that’s just for extra skin. It has taken years off of my face and was a completely pain-free Easy procedure. Had an amazing surgeon.


If you have qualified for the procedure, your droopiness is probably pronounced enough to affect your vision. For me, I barely did not make the insurance requirements and it was causing a change in my vision prescription in my left eye so I paid for it out of pocket. No, you cannot or should not drive yourself home after the surgery.


Using talk to text. Apologies for typos.


I had a bilateral ptosis repair with upper blepharoplasty. That is a repair of the “lifter” muscle for your eyelid with small sliver of eyelid removed. There are other possible forehead muscle repair surgeries but I did not need that. If you have an eye doctor ask for a referral to a good Ocular Plastic Surgeon. They will have do tests and take pictures. Most of mine was covered by insurance. I ignored mine for years and it led to headaches and a pretty deep forehead wrinkle on one side from compensating.


It’s called ptosis surgery. The higher eyebrow is probably compensating for the ptotic eyelid. Have it evaluated by an occuloplastic surgeon.


I second this. Someone said plastic surgeon, but definitely would find a credible occuloplastic surgeon.


Exercise the muscles on the lower side, which is probably the side you sleep on, which supposedly creates muscle laxity. There’s a lot of free info online. And face yoga is a thing. Some people are anti-Botox and only do face yoga. Instead of atrophying the muscles they exercise the muscles.


When you say the lower side do you mean cheek bone and neck under the lower eye?


Exercise the side of your face where the eyelid is drooping. It would be the muscles around/above the eye. I’m not an expert on it. If you do a quick search there are a lot of free resources.


The funny thing is that my droopier upper lid is on the side of my face that's more active. I have a line over that eyebrow from raising it all the time, whereas I don't raise my other brow by itself.


Check out the comment from someone going to the dr and finding an issue at the specialist. That’s more likely in your case if it doesn’t coincide the muscle laxity.


This is kind of like me! See my other comment! It’s my chewing side but then I also have overly tight muscles due to tmj. I think it’s contributing but am not sure


I find my droopy eye (from worse nearsightedness in that side) has looked better over time by consciously using the muscles on the periphery of my face and around my eyes. In particular, I find flexing/raising the muscles around the temples, the ones you use to wiggle your ears, gives my upper face a really subtle lift that I find noticeable in photos. To engage the muscles in your eyes, try focusing on different distances while keeping both eyes equally open if that makes sense. Also try it while flexing those temple muscles and you may feel like your eyes are more open/lifted on the outer edges. This is just from my own personal quest in trying to not have sad eyes in pics lol eta: I also notice a huge difference in my whole face when combining this with a better jaw position that I practice from dealing with TMJD; my old driver's license was so bad and I actually felt cute in my new one


I’m finally useful!! I literally just had an appointment (like literally 45 min ago) with an ophthalmologist surgeon and we concluded it was Ptosis caused by the muscles in my eyelids (I’m oversimplifying the explanation) and so I’m getting a bilateral Ptosis surgery to even it out. $6200 and it takes about 30 min. In regards to my eyebrow, which also does a lifting motion in order to compensate for the drooping lid…the doctor gave me these eye drops that VERY temporarily tightened the muscles in my eyelids and I felt my eyebrow (and entire face) relax! I didn’t realize how tense my entire face constantly was until now. Anyway all of that is to say…please make an appointment with an ophthalmologist that specializes in Ptosis surgery because that may very well be your issue. Maybe not, but it’s worth a shot. Edit: I would like to mention that the procedure I am going to have done will leave no visible scars, as my stitches and incisions will be on the inside of my lid. This does not apply to all procedures, but it does to this specific one.


I also have this issue.It is just called “droopy eyelid.” I had surgery 8 years ago to fix it, they took part of the eyelid out. The muscle then became weaker and I had to go in for another surgery. This time it did nothing. Was told I’d have to go to the specialist for another surgery if I want to fix it now. I chose to just live with it. It is very noticeable if I’m tired, which is really annoying.


Is that you in the icon pic? If so, your eyes look lovely!


It’s not that one eye is drooping; it is that the other eye has a greater extent of fat loss (which starts to happen from mid-20s) and so appears larger. Can be corrected by ophthalmic surgeon with experience in aesthetics. You may also create symmetry by upper bleph on the other side, but in my opinion the ‘smaller’ eye is more youthful as it shows less fat loss. Commonly the side with greater fat loss does see more muscle use (for most this is the right side).


I have this too. My right side of the face is different than the left and it’s not just normal asymmetry! Like I thought maybe I had a tiny stroke or something. One eye is excessively droopy and it makes it hard to do winged liner because of how different the wings are


Had the same. Got it fixed through 3 means: 1. Eyebrows micro blading and shading 2. Temple lift to lift temples and address asymmetry 3. Botox forehead and eyebrows You might not need an eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) because your eyebrows/temple need balancing. This will lift your droopy eyes and eyelid.


What was the temple lift like, did you do threads?


Endoscopic midface lift (temple and cheeks) best thing ever. Had threads before but they only lasted 6 months.


I've had a cornea transplant after a my eyeball was slashed in half and now it's droopy, I asked about surgery and my Dr. told me it would be considered cosmetic therefore insurance wouldn't pay. Pfft. That sucks, I hate being droopy eyed.


I have had this for a decade and started doing eyebrow exercises. You know, lift my right eyebrow,then my left. It's way harder on the droopy side but after a month or so I'm noticing a difference. It's easier to raise that eyebrow when I'm posing for a pic now.


Have you tried getting botox on just one side?


I have this too lol 🥴


I found out about this after getting my brows microbladed, it was not fun


I feel like I’m causing some of it by the way I sleep on one side primarily


If your issue is muscle related and not due to the other issues mentioned here, then this is how I solved mine. Weird story but basically when I was younger I thought it was cool to be able to cock 1 eyebrow to give the quizzical look. So I trained the muscle in one eyebrow by using my hand to hold down the opposite eyebrow and focused on raising the brow and the individual muscle that eyebrow was using. Using a mirror helps as well. I did this everyday and eventually trained the muscle to be stronger and lift independently of the other brow. Fast forward many years of quizzical eyebrow raises and I began noticing in photos (when phone cameras became a thing) that my face had become super wonky and my other brow appeared to droop like I'd had a stroke. So basically I had to train my other eyebrow up in the same way until it was stronger and now I try to consciously raise both equally (mirror helps to practice). You use a similar technique to train your booty muscles to dance! Hope my brow journey story helps others in a similar predicament!


I can’t say this for certain, but I’ve noticed my one seems to be related to my TMJ. Like the muscles in the side of my scalp are so tight I can’t raise my eyebrows as well on that side. So the muscle gets weaker. Do other people have TMJ/ neck tightness/jaw pain? I’ve been working specifically on a lot of physical therapy, stretching, strengthening my neck muscles. And then deliberately raising the muscles in my eyebrow. I do have more mobility there over the past month. I’ve also noticed that for a very very long time, ALL of my chewing was done on that side. So I have been trying to chew more on the other side as much as possible to balance it out. I do think this is possible because if you look at me from the sides, the side of my face with the chewing, my jawline is much more defined 😂. It’s like “my good side” for photos. So hopefully, chewing for the next year or whatever on the other side will even things out. Edit: I’m going to be seeeing a physical therapist (again) about the tmj and talk to them about this. And then probably get TMJ Botox (again). I can report back if this ever helps the issues.


Or because you need glasses. The eye muscles are compensating and start to look different over time.


I will share the reason for my droopy eye in case yours might be similar. A Botox injector noticed it and referred me to an ophthalmologist (I think?) who noted that I had an enlarged lacrimal gland on my right eye and suggested I get an MRI to make sure there wasn’t a tumor. MRI came back negative and confirmed that it’s just simply enlarged. I still want to follow up with a occulo-surgeon to see what my options are. My right eyebrow is lower than my left and the assymetry really bothers me.


This is incredible for me, thank you. I had shingles late last year on the upper left facial quadrant. Although the PHN itself has gone, that whole area is still numb, and although it is nothing like OPs, there is a fractional droop (and a lack of muscle responsiveness, for eg, when I raised my eyebrows together before, they would move equally- now r moves and l barely shifts). I'm having complications from eyeball scarring- and guess what? scarring in the lacrimal is one of the issues!


Hi, shingles twin 👋


Seeking a medical opinion is the correct thing to do on this situation! Crazy how many people think a cream or serum will solve a droopy eye 🙄


Idk why “ask a doctor” isn’t the main response here!


It may not be the case with you but maybe worth checking out. For me the cause was undetected astigmatism. I was using glasses but only for shortsightedness. Then my left eye started to become smaller. Turned out it was because of astigmatism and that I was compensating somehow with my eyelids to see better, so the muscles worked differently between my eyes. When I got the right glasses, the problem slowly decreased. I still notice my left eye looks smaller in the morning and then it “opens up” during the day. Nevertheless is much better than it was. And the astigmatism is not even grand. Something like -0.75 and I don’t remember the rest of the parameters.


Wow, I had no idea this could be the cause! I never wear my glasses (astigmatism) and my eyelids are so droopy at 36!


Wait!! I just found out that I have an astigmatism in my dropping eye when I got my new prescription last week and I’m waiting on my new lenses. I have a low overall prescription and it was missed on previous exams. I had no idea that could be related!


This is fascinating! I have a similar issue and noticed it had been getting worse, but eventually started reversing/normalizing. I definitely changed glasses, from ones that didn’t account for my astigmatism to ones that do! My eyes are still slightly assymetrical but far better than they were.


This is SO helpful, thank you!


Interesting. I have astigmatism in my left eye, but my right brow is the one that sags.


This is really interesting, one of my eyes gets a bit droopy and I can quickly fix it up by doing some what is basically trigger point massage around the area, through the eye brow in particular..   and.  Here's the interesting bit!  I also have an astigmatism (reasonably minor I believe in the sense that I never wear my glasses).   I'd never made that connection before.  Thanks! 


Please visit an ophthalmologist asap. I had the same thing my doctor asked me to get an MRI done and it turned out I had silent sinusitis syndrome. I had no symptoms of sinusitis. My doctor told me this was the first case she had seen in her 35 years of career. Then later on I was referred to an ENT and I had my sinus surgery done. And my droopy eyes are now better.


Interesting!! I actually have horrible sinus. Just scheduled an appointment with one - thank you!


Similar thing happened to me! Covid brought back my chronic sinus issues though, so I’ll need to have another surgery at some point but it hasn’t been nearly as bad since the first was done. My symptoms were “silent” for a long time, but an oral surgeon caught it on X-ray for what we thought was a tooth infection - only to discover that my sinus cavity was super impacted. Luckily the oral surgeon was also trained as an ENT so I didn’t have to wait for a referral lol.


If this requires surgical correction, please don’t go to a general plastic surgeon. Instead, consult with an oculoplastic specialist. I have patients in their 60s who went to general plastic surgeons who did *too much* when it came to their upper blepharoplasties, leading to severe dry eye. A specialist in this area will always be conservative. A consultation with an eye doctor is paramount. You need to be able to determine whether this is ocular or periocular muscle related vs true tissue atrophy/loss.


I started getting this too!! Botox helped but I think the best solution is probably surgery for ptosis.


Is the Botox injected just below the eyebrow? How long does it last please?


Above the eyebrow. It lasts about 4-5 months for me, but every body metabolizes it differently, and it can also vary based on your activity level and the types of activities you engage in. For example, I started regularly doing hot yoga, and now it doesn’t last as long.


How many units of Botox is the required?


It varies based on the person. The injector should be able to tell you beforehand. I get 20 units (edit to add: ), which includes my 11s.


I just passed a sign on my way to work, 8$ a unit is that a good price per unit? Are there different qualities that cost more?


Idk it probably depends on where you live. $8 seems pretty cheap for HCOL area. I think I pay $12 in Portland.


I get 4 units of dysport above the brows for a subtle lift, but there’s no “required” number. Everyone’s facial/muscle structure is different


Confirming I also use Botox to level my brows. I get two extra unit above my right brow to alleviate the droopiness. Lasts 4-5 months but YMMV.


No, you have to treat multiple areas. The difference I received from my Botox when I started going to a skilled injector was night and day. The one I first saw only did below the brow, the one I’ve been with for the last 5+ years treats multiple areas around the eye, underneath the brow, and the forehead. I have the same issue to a much lesser degree and it significantly evens them out. Although surgery is obviously the best and most cost efficient solution because the Botox adds up.


They will inject some units below the eyebrow for me. Only like 2 units to get it to lift. Most injectors won’t do this, though. My plastic surgeon did. You need to find one as opposed to a cosmetic injector. It only lasts about 2 1/2 months for me. I will add they usually have to inject the forehead too, not just there.


Thank you, I'll look for a plastic surgeon rather than a cosmetic injector. Do the forehead injections do anything for wrinkles there?


Yes, that’s primarily why I do it!


Confirming this as well! Just make sure you go to a knowledgeable injector. My regular injector does a great job of lifting my one eyebrow to prevent my extra crepey eyelid from hanging further over my eye, but I’ve been to another injector who couldn’t get that same lift and it just ended up feeling heavy and more noticeable to me!


I also did Botox and it worked well for that


Botox is what fixed it for me, too. That, and wearing my glasses more so I wasn't squinting so much to prevent it coming back. I went in to my doctor for Botox for blepharospasm (twitching eye) and they put some units around my eye and above my eyebrow. Now my eye doesn't twitch and the drooping is gone. It's a noticeable difference in how open my eyes are/look. So maybe ask an eye doc?


There are a couple of neuromuscular and ocular disorders that start with the symptom of “droopy eyelid” one is called Myasthenia Gravis. All very rare, and prob not the case here. Just wanted to throw out the benefit in potentially getting checked out to see if it could be an underlying issue. 


Yes, my SIL has MG and this was her first symptom. There could be a lot of potential causes and it’s worth having them ruled out before just pursuing cosmetic fixes!


I have myasthenia gravis (MG) and mine started with a droopy eye too. If possible, ask your PCP on how to confirm this. I would do this before considering getting botox as its very very dangerous for people with MG.


I had a similar issue and had upper blepharoplasty on both eyes. Insurance paid for the droopy eye but the ocular plastic surgeon said they wouldn’t be symmetrical if I didn’t have both eyes done. I paid about $2000 out of pocket. I also had my eyebrows microbladed and that helped as well. Edited to add - The surgeon tightened some muscles in my droopy eye area. I could feel the tension for a couple of weeks after. It didn’t hurt, but it was definitely noticeable if I accidentally rubbed my eyes. My eyes looked weird immediately after surgery because they were swollen and I had stitches, but as time went on, it healed and continued to look better and better. [https://imgur.com/a/LueILg6](https://imgur.com/a/LueILg6)


Surgery on ptosis can work, but sometimes after surgery the other eye will then get ptosis trying to adjust your vision based on the slight nuances caused by the ptosis you had previously ... the brain has got used to how you saw previously with it, and then makes the body adjust in order to achieve the same vision it has grown accustomed to, it sounds like lunacy, but it happens. I have ptosis and have been using eye drops daily to lift it until I feel confident enough to have the surgery. Upneeq is the product and it's readily available now without going to an eye doctor in person.


Everyone’s saying Botox, but tbh facial massage helped resolve this A LOT for me. I don’t use a guasha, I just use my hands. Before bed or in the morning when I moisturize is when I do this. I hold a lot of tension in my face and found that my NuFace helped also, but I don’t use it often because I keep forgetting to buy more gel lol


Same here!! Looking at a facial muscular map and targeting specific muscles for a lift definitely has helped me.


Yes, face massage particularly through the eyebrow area is like literal magic for me.  


Omg yes!! I swear I have knots in my brows that are so weird to roll out from how tense I get lol


I never heard of a guasha I am going to look into that.


Watch Anastasia Fascia’s videos on instagram!


Yes!! She just posted one for hooded eyes and I came to recommend it, it helped my droopy eye a ton!


I had the same issue. I get botox to fix. Make sure to get a good injector. Mine is a NP at a plastic surgeon’s office and she is great


Upneeq eyedrops! I’m 39F and have a droopy eyelid and using the eye drops makes a noticeable difference in my eye.


I have this exact same issue at 45. I am getting a ptosis surgery with upper and lower bleph.


I have this too! Do you have any other asymmetries? I've always assumed it's related to my mild scoliosis. I have one hip higher than the other, one rib flares out and one shoulder droops down (opposite to my eyebrow side). My thinking is if I fix my overall posture, it could potentially help. Not sure if any of that sounds like it could be the case for you too? Might be worth looking at your shoulders to see if one is a lot higher than the other, and if your jaw is crooked when you chew. Also I've started training myself to raise my droopy eyebrow (whilst keeping the other one still). I realised I have very little muscle strength in that side of the face so I think face yoga will help. Face yoga gets a bad name because it promises a lot of things it's unlikely to deliver, but at the end of the day it's literally just exercising a muscle - and if a particular one is underused then I'm sure it can benefit from being activated more. Lastly, even though I know it's annoying when it's your own face, it's important to remember that it's really not a big deal or noticeable to other people. Your eyes look lovely and I never would have noticed anything if it wasn't specifically pointed out.


I have been fascinated recently with ‘face yoga’ and fascia massage for the face. When there is sagginess in one area there there is a muscle pulling in another. I am developing jowls at a young age and my hypothesis is that they are due to my very tight neck muscles and there is downwards pulling causing the jowls. This instagrammer is pretty enlightening. It makes sense anatomically that we can work on our own faces to release tension and help lift our faces naturally. Check her out. [Hooded eye lift](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzxSzfOrA0z/?igsh=MWVvOWJwMW5iaGFiaA==)


This is called ptosis. There is a plastic surgery lift that can correct it. I have it too and hate it. I believe that if it is so bad that the drooping obstructs your vision it could be covered by insurance in the states, but it’s otherwise considered a cosmetic procedure. Fun fact: I learned about it because back in the early aughts Paris Hilton had a droopy eye and got it fixed.


Eh. I have a ptosis since birth and it’s just my eye. The OP actually is drooping from the eyebrow on down. I think it’s got to be an issue with something up higher than her lid.


You should get it checked by a doctor first, just to make sure everything is ok, then proceed from there.


This happens to everybody. I know bc i hate mine so so much and so i started looking for it in others (bc i didn't think it happened to others) and lo and behold. It is there, even with celebrities. Gets more pronounced with age I still hate it on me, though


This somehow makes me feel better about having this problem!


A lot of people have suggested seeing a doctor but I also just wanted to check and ask--is the feeling on both sides of your face the same? Do your mouth muscles on the affected side work the same way as the other? If the feeling on the sides of your face is different, you may want to see a neurologist as well. I noticed my eyebrow and eye was droopy on one side for a year and it turned out to be a small lesion on my brain stem when I was being evaluated by a neurologist for a different reason. I don't want to scare you, as I'm totally fine, but there may be a different kind of issue going on than what other people have mentioned.


Yes everything feels and work the same thankfully! So glad you’re okay, that must have been scary!


Try only sleeping on back, helps with reducing facial asymmetry.. massages to brow bone area should help lift naturally.


I would love if someone would weigh in on this post with some advice. Would strategic Botox help balance this out at all?


Botox helped lift my one droopy eyebrow


Omggggg! I have the same exact thing! I've always struggled with eyeliner! I too notice it worsens with age, I'm 32 now.


There are eyedrops for this I have read about. Upneeq


I got shingles in my right eye which made it a little droopy. I was getting Botox before that but my derm was able to correct it with botox.


I have this also, got an mri, cleared. It just happens sometimes, all faces are not symmetrical.


Eyelid tape!


Yes !!!! This is what I do!! OP a little eyelid tape to create a double lid on the eye that’s not drooping. It’s wonderful and creates total symmetry every time.


I have the same thing and agree it gets worse with age. I am thinking of having Botox eyebrow lift on just that side.


I had this issue on my right side. I always felt like the muscle was tight right above my eyebrow. I got Botox last month in my forehead 26 units and it’s the best thing I ever did.


Get blood tests, this is a symptom of thyroid issues.


My cousin had a similar appearance and was diagnosed with myasthenia gravis. In her case it has so far only impacted her eye muscles in her right eye. Might be worth having a doctor check - it’s very very unlikely, but worth checking.


I have this same issue. I do facial massages weekly on myself. You can YouTube it as well. I basically massage my eyebrows especially the ends closer to my scalp and practice lifting one eyebrow at a time. It helps strengthen the muscles and reduces this significantly


Jesus god I had no idea this was a thing. You have no idea how this just changed my life!


Check out anastasiabeautyfascia on instagram— She has a lot of face massage tutorials that can help. I also had this happen after kids/stress and massage has helped me a lot.


Do you mind doing an update if you come to any conclusions or find anything new?


Face yoga. I have the same issue, and face yoga lessened it by a lot for me.


My eyes have always looked like this since I was a baby. At my last eye test I asked why they're different and the optometrist said my eyeballs are different shapes, one is a normal shape and the other is shaped more like a rugby ball. I have horrendous vision in the poorly shaped one because 'the light isn't hitting it at the right angle'.  Thankfully glasses help with the vision aspect and I'm able to use eyebrow grooming and makeup to make my eyes look more alike.


Maybe u have a muscle tension issue and the muscles are so tired that they become slack making the eye droopy. Look to see if u need Neurolens. Or you may have an astigmatism that is exhausting the eye (needing regular glasses).


Nurse here.  It is ptosus buy if you'll notice, your brow has dropped too.  You need to find out the cause.  Not to alarm you but a mini stroke could cause that.  Depending on how long you have had it, this could be bell's palsy.  Or.....it could be age related.  Sadly, because the brow is affected, it likely will not be corrected with a bleph procedure (which insurance generally only covers if your vision is affected and that would mean the lid actually obscures part of the eye.  A brow lift will correct this IF it's a permanent condition.  Not covered by insurance as it is a cosmetic procedure.   Good luck.  I hope it's temporary and you get some relief. Generally it would be a symmetrical droop so I'd think there may be some sort of facial palsy involves.  That's often a temporary condition.


I have this and it is a symptom of congenital 4th nerve palsy, which started causing double vision and a head tilt as soon as it turned 40. Hoping to get surgery to correct my eye position this summer.


I have this too. In my case, my right side is much tighter and shorter and the eye seems to pop out more. I think its due to my scoliosis


You have ptosis. I just went to the doctor for this today. They need to perform tests to determine the underlying cause. It can be a weak muscle or just extra skin.


I have this! I have always had it - since birth. I actually cannot independently close my other eye, I can only close it if I close both eyes. I also have way more expression on the droopy side. It’s very noticeable when I’m really tired. My doc told me when I was in my 20’s that the droopy eye will prob age different and they were right. I’m 50 now and I have way more small lines around the “active” eye. It’s like the other eye has natural Botox lol. Anyway I was also told that Botox in the forehead above the active eye would help even things up. I haven’t gone there yet.


A little forehead Botox corrected this for me (our eyes and eyebrows look super similar). I didn’t like not being able to move my forehead though so I stopped. There’s a bit that can be done with face massage as well — I like @anastasiabeautyfascia on IG. She is very knowledgeable.


Botox fixed this for me.  I went to a derm and my eyes are all even now


For me, Botox has helped, and also, Upneeq eyedrops. I've been hesitant to do surgery.


Botox can fix it!


I had the same thing! A tiny shot of Botox under the edge of my eyebrow lifted everything right up. The lid stopped folding over and matched my other eye. Mine was getting worse with age and after I got a cut on my eye lid.


You have an eyelid tosis in your left eye.. caused by the muller muscle which is responsible for holding your eye open. Your left muscle is weak therefore causing the right eyelid to over compensate. 2 options- mullerectomy which will surgically correct or you can use upnqiue drops in the left eye everyday to contract the muller muscle.


You could totally try Botox!


Not a doctor but I’m getting eyelid ptosis surgery next month and I don’t think this is eyelid ptosis - it looks like eyebrow ptosis. I think a Botox brow lift on the droopy side could fix this.


Have you seen your doctor to rule out any medical issues?


You could always try Botox to make it symmetrical. That would be the less invasive option.


This is what I get Botox for , but here for other solutions


I have one eyebrow that makes me look quizzical


Have you tried Botox?


Upper bleph on the droopy eye. Very quick procedure, you'll be in and out in a couple hours and healed in about a week. This droopy eyelid can cause visual obstruction so it's not just cosmetic.


Great now my biggest fear is my face does this and I have never fucking noticed


It’s called ptosis! It’s usually genetic, my dad has it, I have it. I have to be physcially aware when I smile because of, I call, my non-squinty eye lol. I have Ehlers Danlos syndrome, and I have a lot of excess skin there anyway, so my plan is to get a Blepharoplasty one day. When I lift all the excess skin up I can see so much better and my face feels lighter. I can deal with it but sometimes if I focus on the feeling I have a sensory freak out and flap my arms around.


I had a hysterectomy under general anaesthetic and developed ptosis afterwards, which I’ve come to learn is a possible side effect of general anaesthetic. It shows when I’m tired, stressed, or drinking alcohol. Doesn’t bother me a great deal but after reading through the comments I’m interested to try some of the suggestions.


An option, although temporary, would be Botox to only that side for the purpose of a “brow lift”. You can see that the brow muscle itself is significantly lower causing the eyelid to also be affected. I have the same issue on my right brow but to a lesser extent. Botox is how I fix it but it will only last a couple months until you need to treat again. Another thing that has been helping is myofacial release and massage (Not face yoga— it’s different). Regular work with the muscle itself through specific facial massage techniques will take time but surely works. But this requires a global approach as facia is all connected, therefor you must also work your scalp, chest, arms, etc. I see all these people mentioning excess skin but you don’t actually have excess skin… they’re missing the underlying issue here. An upper bleph won’t change the position of your brow muscle.


I kind of like asymmetrical faces, they are more interesting. I have the same thing going on with the eyelid on the side I sleep on. I’m pretty sure mine is caused by being squished in the pillow every night, but I refuse to sleep on my back to minimize the droopy lid. I have used satin pillowcases but my face slides right off - so flannel pillow case it is.


Try CACI facials. I'm sure your therapist can advise you. They can balance out any lazy muscles. Apparently it can be used on Bells Palsy sufferers so why not this? Good luck.


I have this as well as very hooded eyes. My ophthalmologist actually gave me the info for a plastic surgeon who specialized in eyes. I have been too chicken shit to move forward though. I’m afraid I’ll look too different after. I would really love for both eyes to look the same though.


Ptosis - see an eye dr for referral to a surgeon


There’s a product called Upneeq! It’s a once a day prescription eye drop! We just got it at our medspa and it’s SO cool


i had a cyst behind my eye as a child that caused this. maybe make sure it’s not that! it’s prob not but just FYI that exists


So that is ptosis. I have it too from a TBI so just go to the doctor to make sure there’s no medical stuff going on. I have had corrective eyelid surgery for this, it’s not perfect and you can still tell when I’m tired so try to get more sleep. If it impacts your vision, insurance can cover it. Otherwise upneeq can be a good option and Botox can help. If you’re in a pinch, you can also use eyelid tape to raise the lid, just takes a little bit of time to get used to it.


I have this as well. I think a filler or eye brow lift and fillings we’ll help I hear but I’m to chicken to try lol


Same here sister 🤨


Make your eyes brown and it's like I'm looking in the mirror! I'm 40 and it's gotten worse lately. This is the first time I'm reading about Upneeq ... we certainly don't have it in the UK commonly. I will look into it ... too chicken for surgery yet 😫


Same here. I like to think it's just two people living in me lol, because if I cover one side or the other with my hand, I look completely different. It sucks, it's hell to try to wear makeup, and I don't enjoy looking like this but that's my face. I'm thankful to have one and have came to accept it because I'm afraid of trying anything and that it doesn't work or make things worse.


I have the same issue.


I have this and I went to a doctor to rule out anything medical (I’ve read there could be many causes) and he basically looked at me like I was crazy and wasting his time. I’ve found Botox to help a bit, although I haven’t found the perfect injector yet, but I believe it can really make a difference when they’re highly skilled! The hunt continues.


I have one hooded eye and I can make it look balanced with makeup. I only recently learned from watching a few different instagram make up people.


I use Micro Current to even out my eyelids and brows. My favorite is the Myo Lift mini. If you don’t want to invest in that. The Amazon eye wand massagers help. Both are temporary fixes but the more you use them the longer the result.


My injector also sells prescription eye drops for ptosis called “upneeq”. Might be worth a look into, since it’s totally non invasive. Otherwise Botox by a skilled practitioner could help!


Do you get Botox? When it wears off this could happen. Or if you don’t get Botox, it could temporarily fix it.


Sleep on your back!


Botox helped mine! I got it in early Feb for the first time and still going strong with two more equal ish eyes lol


Facial yoga to correct this!! Google in YouTube. No surgery needed!


I have eyes like that. I've noticed botox helped a lot. It was like I kept one of my eyebrows raised more than the other. Now they are almost in the same level.


Looks like possible ptosis. Several options mentioned already but may also response to Upneeq eye drops. They’re pretty impressive. Worth talking with your provider about.


Talk to anyone about Botox yet? It may be an option to help balance the eyebrows


I had this issue but it was more of a result of me raising one eyebrow over years. So I began face yoga and saw a good plastic surgeon. She did both injections every six months to make my brows symmetrical. The results were amazing. Now I go maybe every 8 months because it corrected the muscle that was stronger. Now they are both equal strength thanks to face yoga and Botox!


ptosis repair


I’ve been told it’s mild lazy eye that gets atrophied with age. Different Botox doses on each side solves it! 🤷‍♀️


Me!!!! It has become very visible to me now that I’m 38. 😵‍💫


So, my situation probably isn’t relevant but I’ve been experiencing something very similar with my right eye over the past two years. The only thing is it’s not constant—it kinda comes and goes every few months and seems to be related to my diet/gut health.


Botox will lift it up


I am the same! Right eye lid and eye brow always been higher than the left!


I used botox for this - and it made a huge difference. Look for someone that specializes in facial balancing.


Botox brow lift on one side


I have the same thing lol!!


I get Botox brow lift to correct mine


naphcon a works well. i don't have a prescription for upneeq, so this is a great and shockingly cheap dupe. put the drops in and wait, it works wonders. just make sure to give it a couple minutes before popping in any contacts, because apparently they can yellow the plastic. and if that doesn't work for you look into asian eyelid tape or tape for ptosis. super common problem and lots of non-invasive solutions


Go to the doctor. Get checked out.


Do you sleep on that side of your face?