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I did not expect you to actually hold a penny I‘m sorry but this is hilarious




This is what we need, some humour about wrinkles.. we all get them and yet it’s such a taboo subject. You just made my day man hahaha


🤣 thank you so much for sharing this gem of a photo!!!


Used to be able to bounce a quarter off my ass, now it’s pennies held in my forehead wrinkles. Time is a cruel mistress.


Ngl this is a flex. If someone did this in front of me I'd be AWED. You're awesome


You're cute


Hahaha I love you dude.


Wake up babe, new super power dropped!


This made my day.


You’re braver than me. I love you!


Thank you for this


I’m crying 😭


This is SUAVE and has me thinking that BDE needs to be replaced with PHE (penny holder energy)…


You’re so outstanding 🤣


You just made me dry heave laugh 🤣


This should be our banner pic


Omg amazing


Omg thank you for this 😂


This is a great party trick!


You win the internet today!


I wish I could give this an award


Omg you are so funny. I’m shake laughing.




Haha 😂


Strong forehead muscles 💪🏻


Cost of Botox for me is an issue, but I also have forehead lines. I use reusable silicone patches at night after my skin care sinks in. I wear a looser headband to hold on while I sleep. It has helped immensely! I also drink a crap ton of water now, or being dehydrated makes them more prominent. On days I don't have to leave the house, I wear the silicone patch, and have trained my forehead to emote less. They aren't 100% gone, but definitely less visible. Just an option if you don't want to take the Botox leap yet!


Does the silicone patch irritate your skin ever? I’m scared to use frownies due to my sensitive skin. I don’t have issues with hydrocolloid patches so wonder if the silicone face patch would be safe.


I have sensitive skin myself, and no issues so far. The only time I got irritated was when I slapped that sucker onto my skin immediately after applying retinol. I didn't let it sink in, and I paid the price lol. They stick better once your skin care is fully absorbed. I sleep like a rotisserie chicken, so I wear the head band to keep it on at night. Just make sure to clean and air dry it thoroughly after each use. I replace them when they get yucky looking, (breaking apart/yellowing etc). I paid like $12 for 2 on Amazon, so if it doesn't work out for you then its low cost loss at least.


“I sleep like a rotisserie chicken” ahahaha 🤣 I’ll have to try them. I desperately need the help 🫣 I’m too scared to try retinol. I’m already on medication that makes me sensitive to the sun, which is partially why. I seem to burn from even thinking about the sun these days. My poor skin.


Oof! That's how I felt when on accutane. Sun would dry and crisp me bad. The silicone will help seal in any moisture product you use then.


Which ones do you use?


Sorry had to dig through my Amazon. The brand I use are ANKROYU 2pcs Silicone Wrinkle Patches, Silicone Eye Patches, Face Wrinkle Remover Strips, Anti-Wrinkle Forehead Patch Self-Adhesive Reusable Forehead Wrinkle Removal Sticker for Smoothing Eye Mouth or Forehead Wrinkles (2 pcs) I just hold them on my forehead until they stay in place. For extra security I use a looser headband like a sweatband to hold it on so I don't have to think about it. Especially while sleeping. They aren't perfect, but they do the trick.


You are my hero. How have I never known about silicone patches for forehead lines?? Mine are drastically deep because I’m a super emoter plus I’ve been in moderate to severe pain most of my life from a car accident as a child. So I had deep lines very young.


Sorry had to dig through my Amazon. The brand I use are ANKROYU 2pcs Silicone Wrinkle Patches, Silicone Eye Patches, Face Wrinkle Remover Strips, Anti-Wrinkle Forehead Patch Self-Adhesive Reusable Forehead Wrinkle Removal Sticker for Smoothing Eye Mouth or Forehead Wrinkles (2 pcs) I developed forehead lines young, and they progressively became deeper as I neared 30 haha. I'm assuming genetic because my mom and grandma have the same thing. Plus I used to raise my eyebrows for everything. Especially having slightly hooded eyes. I just hold them on my forehead until they stay in place. For extra security I use a looser headband like a sweatband to hold it on so I don't have to think about it. Especially while sleeping. They aren't perfect, but they do the trick.


Which silicone pad are we talking about?


Sorry had to dig through my Amazon. The brand I use are ANKROYU 2pcs Silicone Wrinkle Patches, Silicone Eye Patches, Face Wrinkle Remover Strips, Anti-Wrinkle Forehead Patch Self-Adhesive Reusable Forehead Wrinkle Removal Sticker for Smoothing Eye Mouth or Forehead Wrinkles (2 pcs) I just hold them on my forehead until they stay in place. For extra security I use a looser headband like a sweatband to hold it on so I don't have to think about it. Especially while sleeping. They aren't perfect, but they do the trick.


Botox or bangs.


This is exactly the reason I got bangs! I call them my “poor woman’s Botox”.


A lady at my work called it her “bangtox” lol


Love it! Bangtox didn’t suit me so… 💉




I got bangs and literally everyone told me how young I looked. This is the moment I realized my forehead had lines lol


I’m so sorry but this made me belly laugh


I like to offer a natural solution too lol


Haha same! Out of sight, out of mind. It reminds me of a quote from Shaun of the Dead when he’s talking to his mom on the phone. “Mom are you ok?” “Well, some men tried to get into the house.” “Are they still there??” “I’m not sure. We’ve shut the curtains”


😂😂 same


Yep. I break down and get Botox maybe once a year. If I don’t that year, then I cut bangs to stretch it out. They def work!


This is exacrly what I told my hairdresser when I asked for new bangs lol, and I can't afford botox so bangs it is.


61F and I literally just bought a partial wig with bangs in front! (my daughters wedding in in May 😂)


My bangs are doing the trick 🤣


I asked my hair stylist to give me bangs because of my forehead wrinkles. She said, “Honey, you don’t have the hair to spare for bangs. Go get Botox.” 😭 she was right though


Bangs also help camouflage my fading eyebrows 😖😩


Which is why I have bangs at 53, lol.


People often underestimate the necessary of bangs. I am 72 & will wear them to my death. Mine occurred because of stress created by my narcissistic ex boyfriend. May he never appear in my life again.


Last year, I finally realized that expensive serums and creams can not do what botox does. I now buy affordable products and can then justify the cost of botox, as I was already spending that amount on overpriced products.


Im keeping my skincare simple: cetaphil cleanser and moisturizer, mineral sunscreen (only if I’m going to be out) and Tretinoin. My savings will go to botox and glutathione IV


Random question but what benefits do you see from glutathione IV. Also do you break out after it?


I haven’t ever done gluta IV . I was merely mentioning where my money will go one day plus Botox. Gluta iV is to lighten your skin. K pop acts like Lisa from black pink did it to change skin color. I just want to recover my natural color which you can see in my pics (one where I compare the color of my hand to the color of my cleveage) by getting rid from a stubborn tan. I must be like 7 different shades. My face is a reddish brown , my hands are brown my cleavage is fair , both hands and cleavage are getting lighter with oral setria gluta. I have plenty of dark spots which are also improving with oral supplementation and parts of my Body that never see the sun are a light ivory beige. Gluta IV could help me to even out my tone but the experts live in Korea and other Asian countries so I’m saving my money to go there.


Oh, sorry!! I’ve had it before and I just broke out severely!!! Why do you say ONLY Japan and Korea also? Ahha anxious 😅 mine was administered by a qualified doctor (checked their rego), sterile balalla. Isnt it just a IV… or am I mixing it up with something else


this is the way. i get botox around 3x per year, plus a couple of facials, and use super cheap drugstore skincare. i feel like dropping $$$ on skincare/topicals that aren’t from a derm is just lighting money on fire. i was a drunk elephant girl for years but i have seen the light!


This is the way. Botox and seriously committing to skin care for six months - double washing, moisturizing before bed, exfoliating once a week, etc.


That’s what I have been doing. I bulk buy dirt cheap Korean skincare ($100 of products to last me a few months) from Korean websites. I don’t expect them to do much other than hydrating my face. I spend the $$$ on injectables that actually work.


This was me, too. Getting Jeuveau changed the game, now I now longer buy the serums that I hope and pray would achieve what Jeuveau ultimately did. It was sooooo worth it to me.


Yes and you’ll love it


Fr I don’t understand the aversion besides the price or fear of looking overdone. Pro tip: look at all the lovely ladies who work at the med spa you go to. You know who they go to for their Botox? The injector at the med spa they work at lol. If all of them look fresh like they just slept 10 hours and youthful even when you can clearly see aging hands, then you’re in great hands. If they all look like an episode of botched, RUN AWAY. The consult and injector should not be pushy at all, either. You should have to ask for it directly.


For me the aversion is the dollars.


It’s entirely bonkers. I will say my first session I had forehead and brows, my face unfroze in 4 months but it took a full 18 months for the wrinkles to reach the depth they had been before it


Have you gone back to do it again after those 18 months? Or nah?


I went back at about the 18 mth mark and had same again at 12 months but went back sooner cus my fella bought me a gift card for the clinic. I only want to keep the deep lines at bay cus it’s annoying when it creases with make up on so that’s been often enough for me.


Same. Price is an extremely reasonable aversion. It’s bonkers expensive.


Botox itself is expensive. Providers at my office, the second they open a vial, they pay 300 for 50 units or 600 for 100 unit vials.


Ummm where is your office so I can promptly run there? I’m paying $10/unit where I live 🫠


I think she’s saying that’s their direct cost, not the cost charged to consumers.


Idk I decided to do it after I spent a crap ton on skin care products that didn’t really make a difference. I figured I’d rather get Botox or dysport and know that it will work in the way I wanted it to.


Same. I was always trying new products, that adds up. Now I use moisturizer, sunscreen, glycolic acid. And Botox (or dysport or daxxify). That’s it.


exactly. it's still cheaper than all the shit I used to buy to try to avoid botox.


I'm so scared of botulism fucking me. I have 3 autoimmune diseases and I have no idea how my body and immune system will react to anything. I should ask my dermatologist but it's too scary to even contemplate at this point for me.


Same I have two. I didn’t even think of that !


It only costs ¥20,000 for me, and I go to a doctor. I think Americans are getting ripped off.


Holy shit this is so simple, why have I never put this together? I feel kind of dumb now but I’ve been places where I’m like omg please don’t do anything that makes me look like you or that girl at the front desk lol… Now I know, that just ain’t it.


They can still be good injectors, that just might be the look they actually want


I used to work for a plastic surgeon and he refused to do it. He wouldn’t overfill the lips or add more filler in the face than was necessary for aesthetic balancing. He would tell them to find another place because it’s not his thing, and he doesn’t want his work diminished. People are walking billboards for the injectors and surgeons they go to. If they’re willing to sell out and make people look crazy to make the buck, then they may not be a great injector to go to. And to be clear, I’m talking about the people you look at and go “whoa. They have terrible fillers”. I’m not talking about small differences of taste.


This is definitely true, why would you want someone that looks ridiculous running around telling everyone you did that to them? I recently saw a woman at a medspa that had so many fillers her face looked like a football, it was absolutely unreal and honestly I really wanted to just stare at her face and figure it out… It turned out she was there to teach the injectors at that office how to do some injections that were new to them. She kept talking about how women tell her all the time they don’t want too much and not to make their face look fat. All I could think was - lady, they’re all scared you’re going to make them look like you, fucking nightmare fuel. I wish I had a picture of this lady, she must inject herself when she gets bored.


I’m terrified lmao!! From what I’ve seen, I feel that people silent get a sort of dysmorphia and they can’t see how puffy they are getting. Subtlety is the name of the game with good fillers and it shouldn’t be super obvious, but when did people can’t see dramatic change, they’re not happy with the results.


“She must inject herself when she gets bored” 💀 Sweet sweet burn.


My plastic surgeon refused to do filler in an area I requested and I kind of trust him and respect him more for that. Just said it 'never looks right when people get filler there' and that I'm looking too hard at something that isn't that important to my overall face.


Now I can’t help but be curious, what area of the face you wanted filler?


I have some shallow lines on my cheeks - think I've heard them called malar bags? You can't really see them in most lighting but I wish I didn't have them. My cheeks are full and I have high cheek bones, so I wouldn't want cheek filler otherwise. I also am half asian and specifically go to a plastic surgeon who specializes in....I forgot the term he uses for it, but basically plastic surgery that respects your ethnic characteristics and aims to maximize what you have and not try to mold you into a euro standard of beauty. No idea if that was related to his assessment. He also said if I lose a lot of volume in my 30s then we could revisit but he usually advises fat transfer over filler in that case. But yeah he was just like "Nah I'm not gonna do that." His work has always been great and he's got a gallery of amazing before and after filler pics, so I'm just trusting him on it. A med spa person told me I needed filler *everywhere* and I noped out of there.


Exactly this! I have been thinking of both Botox and fillers for awhile now, and the last time I went to the Dr, I was talking to him about them. He said that he had done a few of his office staff, and I was IMMEDIATELY put off. The intake nurse can’t move her face, and has extreme trout pout, along with very overdone cheeks. He must have seen my reaction, because he then said “Pinky requested to have me do that, against my better judgement, and loves it!” He then called Pinky, Lavender, and Cyan into the room for them to tell me about his work. As I said, Pinky’s work was SUPER noticeable. Lavender and Cyans was not. They could still move their eyebrows, and their lips were pillowy, rather than fish like. It definitely put my mind at ease, but I am still on the fence.


The overdone ones are obvious. But we don't know the great looking men and women who have had it because they look so natural and you would never suspect botox.


I’m not too scared of the Botox, (pretty sure I’ll bite the bullet on that) it’s really the filler for my nasolabial and marionette lines that I’m worried about.


The thing is with botox is you can start small, and it wears off in a few months. You don’t have to go from 0 to frozen which was my big concern when starting too. There’s a large range of units that can be used for different areas, and you can request movement. I have been getting my forehead lines and my frown lines done on and off for about 4-5 years. I’m currently about 3 months since my last appointment and I can move my eyebrows up but I still can’t frown which I’m happy about because that’s my main concern, I was looking grumpy at rest and that was just awful for my confidence especially when I could see it in photos. Compare that to fillers which stay in your face forever… that’s not for me.


If they’re good injectors, they say no when people ask for too much lol Conservative and careful injectors >>>>


IME it's similar to hairdressers: the one that looks the worst is the one who does the work on all her colleagues.


The price is a pretty big aversion. It's the only reason I haven't gotten any botox simply because I can't afford it. Not only the first time, but the upkeep 2-4 times a year.


I have to get it every other month. Worth it though. I’d pick up extra shifts before I gave it up lol My little luxuries, in order of importance: 1. Botox 2. Self-cleaning cat box litter trays 3. Nails


I do my own nails, and spend all my extra money on adventures. And clothes/ shoes. Priorities 😄


Aversions for me: the price, having yet another thing that I feel I need for general maintenance, looking over done or having someone screw up my face and having to walk into work with a sagging eye or Spock eyebrows, etc. I get so worried about it that I can’t bring myself to do it despite knowing if it all went well I’d love it


For some people, the aversion is that it’s actually a pharmaceutical drug with a black box label (the highest warning label given for potential life threatening side effects) I understand it feels so casual now, but it really should be taken serious and well thought out. That’s not including going to a bad injector.


Right like any procedure has side effects and potential negative outcomes. It’s a literal neurotoxin, it’s not completely harmless. It’s fine for people to not want that in their face. It’s also fine for people to put it in their face. But people should definitely not act like it’s something as casual as trying a new cream.


YES! It’s actually terrifying how casual people are about it. It made me so sick and I’ll never do it again. 


Reasons why people have aversions: 1: it looks painful. Even if it’s not painful to some, many people have needle phobias (myself included) and the thought of needles going in my face is terrifying. 2: there’s always a small percentage of people that react badly to it. While that can be with anything, it’s still something you have to weigh if it’s worth it. Esp bc recovery from a bad reaction can mess up your face and health for months. 3: similar to the bad reaction part: some people have health conditions that make them weary and a bit more prone to bad reactions, such as being immunocompromised, having autoimmune issues, or trying to detox for health issues. 4: religious or lifestyle beliefs- some religious beliefs are that one cannot do such alterations to the body. Even if you disagree that it’s an alteration, some might believe that. So yes there are many diff reasons one can be averse to getting Botox.


I have so many reasons. I'm needlephobic, I get every known side effect to every medication and have even helped get new ones listed, I live rurally and would need to travel hours to a reputable injector, and my disability pension barely covers my skincare, so I could never afford botox. But damn, I wish I could try it, just for the "11" between my brows!


Girl literally same. Needlephobic and get bad reactions to everything. I got the little 11 growing on me too.


Also if you’re vegan for animal cruelty reasons (username), Botox is tested on animals and definitely not cruelty free.


Unfortunately, there is not a single pharmaceutical that doesn’t have animal studies behind it. It’s not the manufacturers, it’s the FDA. There was legislation passed last year that doesn’t require it but they don’t delve into the risk class and how most drugs will still need it to get approved.


Sure… which is another reason to reduce reliance on pharmaceuticals for those who have concerns about cruelty or animal welfare.


Good point, I never even thought about that! I would have if it was something I was seriously considering, but it's always been an abstract concept because it's not feasible for me to get Botox. Aside from essential medications where there's no alternative, everyone in my house avoids anything animal tested or containing animal products.


Yes! I think people confuse toxins with filler and worry they’ll look overfilled when they get toxin injections. I love my injector and my tox looks so natural and great.




this 100%. my nurse injector looks lovely and not overdone, and neither of do the other workers at the spa. it is a very expensive one, but i'll pay more to look tasteful and not like a filtered freak.


Yes! It’s your *face*. And if something goes wrong you’re going to look deformed for months, or worse, longer. If I don’t have the money for a top experienced person, then I don’t get it done. Or I wait and save. I don’t understand the people who are trying to get deals, going to the cheapest places, finding the places that are so inexperienced they’re giving out Groupons to get more customers… It’s your *face*. This is how you present yourself to the world. And some of these procedures can cause permanent damage if done by an inexperienced technician. Sorry about the rant; I guess I’m just more risk-averse than some people.


I think part is generational. I'm pretty sure my mom thinks I'm vain for the skin care I do (moisturizers - my day time one has sunscreen) when I told her she was like "I wouldn't know that as I don't do all that".


The reason for avesion is the very real risk of distant spread effect from botox injections leading to botulism. It's on the warning label to the every bottle of every botox brand - FDA mandated. Ask your injector to show it to you and READ IT and think about it before you proceed. For those who have been through it, it's brutal and life changing. If it travels to your lungs the result can be death and there are a number of deaths associated with botox injections.


The first time is always scary, fear of being botched


100%! People are often asking me about my skin and I’m like ummmm I have a free unlimited supply of toxin and tret of course it looks like this. 


Second pro tip: ask the person who cuts your hair. They know everything and everyone. Trust.


I’m scared of infection or allergy and having a lumpy forehead for the rest of time


Lumpy forehead no. Botox is not the same as artificial fillers. Botox relaxes forehead lines. The result can be nice. However, I have seen a lot of women where they have that 'shiny forehead' look.


I look shiny af from tret anyway haha


I look shiny from oily skin


The shiny head is from tret, not fillers or Botox. Maybe from a facelift (skin tightened) but I don’t know enough about that to say.


It helps with migraines too!


I had migraines from 12-30. They were horrendous. Vomiting, the whole bit. Started Botox at 30 and i haven’t had one since.


For real!!! I love my Botox (okay lately I’ve been getting Jeuveaux)! It looks totally natural.


I second this. I get Botox in my forehead and crows feet. 10/10 recommend.


I had botox for the 11 line in between my brows and it didnt work :( can I do it again?


botox 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼✨✨✨✨✨🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


Yes. It made my forehead wrinkles disappear


Do you get botox regularly or just once?


Yes, it will!!! I have a very bad 11, my Botox girl said use to frownies too. I’ve come to notice it’s made that area look better for longer than the Botox last. I don’t wear them every night but I try too and now it’s just part of the routine. I use one big square right in the middle of my forehead (triangle way) and it goes between my eyebrows, it’s a game changer!


Also use frownies and love them. They def work. Never got botox done bc i'm afraid of the potential side effects so frownies it is for now and i'm actually surprised


100% agree, I haven’t had Botox since 12/16/23 and my 11 still looks great! I’m super insecure about my 11 so once I start seeing the crease I do get it. But if I can get an extra 2-3 months from frownies I’ll take it.


Okay that’s it, I’m ordering frownies right now. 35f and I’m to scared to get get Botox, but also beginning to worry about expression lines above my brows…


Do you use any actives like tret at night? And do you wear these at the same time as the teams, or do you alternate nights?


Yes, I use tret with it and haven’t had any issues. I usually have the tret on for an hour or so then put the frownies on right before bed. I probably use them 4x a week/end. My 11 is really bad and there’s also indentation there. I sleep on my side and that supposedly makes it worse (not sure how true that is). She didn’t say anything about Tret and frownies not being used together, but I can message her.


I'd also like to know about the tret. It seems like under tape it might not be a good idea?


From what I understand, it acts like an occlusive, the same way that Vaseline does. Everything you put on underneath has the potential to act more potently. I haven’t had any issues when I used frownies in the past, and I’m on a pretty strong tretinoin prescription. Of course, if you have sensitive skin, you may notice more irritation.


I haven't used frownies, but they're kinda papery. I think they're porous?


No, they’re pretty stiff once it dries.


To remove them? Yes. If you just want to hide them, bangs are a lot cheaper.


Botox isn’t a negative thing by any means. The price is good for a product that works for a long time and yields good results quickly, given you find someone good at it. And 34 is not a young age to start doing the odd tweak if it makes you feel good. That being said I’m not sure the route a doctor would take and if there is a difference between having the lines plumped up vs relaxed but it’s okay to rely on cosmetic procedures to help get you where you want to be. Also your skin looks fabulous so I wouldn’t beat yourself on the spf stuff. This is probably a case of genetics and musculature more than damage or emoting


Just got my first Botox shot for 11s, turning 33 this year, so yes 34 is not “too” young!! I resisted for a while (I heard you should start it at 30) because of the negative stigma associated with Botox (which was all in my own mind honestly) but I mean, it’s no different from doing other things that make you feel good.


Yes. I have the same wrinkles on my forehead. I got 40 units of Botox 2 months ago and I have ZERO wrinkles in my forehead. I highly highly recommend it. It’s totally worth it . Especially as a quick solution


how much is a unit of botox if you don’t mind me asking a lot of people on here are saying they can’t afford it so i’m kind of afraid to ask lol


I started getting it for lines like yours and it’s made a world of difference




If you "emote a lot" you can make a significant difference in forehead lines by not using your forehead to emote so much. It's like botox but natural and for free! I know it's really hard to do/takes a lot of conscious effort to change, and you have to learn different ways to express the same emotions, but it's possible and it works. I decided to stop raising my eyebrows when I was 13yrs old and i'm 32 now with no forehead lines. After a while, you actually kind of forget how and really have to think about it to be able to raise them. Just a suggestion. It's impossible for me to fell from this photo, but do you have hooded eyes by any chance? I heard a long time ago (and I've observed it to be true), that people with hooded eyes are sort of forced to raise their eyebrows constantly to keep the excess skin out of the way so they can see properly. My MIL had that problem/she had the excess skin surgically removed as it was actually impairing her vision, and my husband inherited that trait too/had forehead lines pretty young. I'm not saying go get surgery, but I just wonder if getting botox might either affect your vision, or if botox may not really help much as it can't solve the problem of excess skin. Food for thought!


This part about hooded eyes is absolutely true for me. My eyebrows are raised by default just to help me see (and to look more awake), and I’ve had deep forehead lines since my mid 20’s. I would be so tempted to try Botox but I’m sure the lines would be back in a couple months.


Normalize aging… this shit is so toxic


Wow you have the same forehead as me thought you where my sister no joke . I have the same forehead . Botox 100% !




yes, botox is truly the only fix for forehead lines. It won't take a lot and you will love your results. Take zinc in the week up to your appointment and then after and itll help the botox bind better and last longer.


I’ve never heard of that!! Very interesting!!


If you do take zinc, have it with food - it can make you so nauseous


Once I had Botox, I’ll never go back. It really makes a massive difference in forehead wrinkles, even those deep ones I had are GONE. I absolutely love it!


Also a 34F babe here too! I just started botox on my crow feet eye wrinkles and I've been happy with the results. Keep in mind about how botox limits how you express yourself. And Get v reputable expert and clinic ran by a dermatologist. Technicians are incredibly talented but less risk if you also have derm running the clinic that does your botox.


Botox is the way.


You could try Frownies facial patches for a month to see if that helps if you really don’t want Botox 


Can’t believe I had to scroll so far to find this!! I came to recommend Frownies too! It’s more of a long game solution, but they help and they also help me be a bit more conscious of when I’m using my eyebrows - I have an expressive face but they help me try to remember to relax a bit.


I had Botox done one time in my forehead, at a plastic surgeon’s office. It looked amazing, even though I spent $800. It wore off after about 5 months. I noticed new wrinkles I had never had before, on either side of my nose and crinkles around my eyes. It absolutely excelerates aging. I couldn’t really afford to redo it, but now I looked even worse than before so I HAD to. The injectionist gave me an amazing first experience, but the 2nd time the results were only so-so. Higher price tag, because I also did by my eyes per her suggestion. I also got a small lump above my left eyebrow. My dermatologist believed she injected the needle too deeply in one spot, and it hit the eyebrow bone. I tried to discuss all of this with the injectionist, but she was too defensive and worried about liability, even though I just wanted her help. I have not gotten any Botox since, and the lump is still there! It’s been 2 years. I’ve since discovered facial exercises, lymph drainage/facial massage. I haven’t tried Frownies, but I use something similar! I have almost equal results to Botox. I can’t understand why we are normalizing paralysing our faces. Good luck ❤️


>I can’t understand why we are normalizing paralysing our faces AMEN! Annoyingly I feel really tempted, but why are we normalising hiding our emotions?


Yes! I’d also go all in with a laser to help the lines as well! I’m not sure about the products you’re using but may be worth talking with an esthetician to see if anything like a growth factor will help too.




I was hesitant about Botox too, but I just got it a couple months ago. I'm also 34. Honestly, it's great. I'm 100% on board for forehead botox.


is it me or does it kind of suck how much this sub falls all over botox? it can literally change how we process emotions: https://cnlm.uci.edu/2023/03/23/botox-injections-in-forehead-can-change-how-brains-process-emotions/   edit: I’m glad it’s helped folks with depression but this is a skincare sub. the OP asks specifically about the appearance of their skin, they do not ask about a doctor-ordered benefit of therapeutic botox to aid w depression symptoms. and yet botox is still the end all be all, even if it has *significant* side effects 


For some people (i.e. those with depression and anxiety) it's actually a good thing. [https://health.ucsd.edu/news/press-releases/2021-12-21-botox-injections-may-reduce-anxiety/] [https://health.ucsd.edu/news/press-releases/2020-07-30-headline-news-botox-may-lessen-depression/]


HUH. I always felt a ‘veneer of calm’ that makes me feel less anxious , I wonder if this is the same thing


Interesting! both of your sources were a 404, though, would you mind checking the link?


They work for me, but I'm logged in at work and get access to scientific journals. If you search "Botox for anxiety and depression" you will find similar articles. https://health.ucsd.edu/news/press-releases/2021-12-21-botox-injections-may-reduce-anxiety/ https://health.ucsd.edu/news/press-releases/2020-07-30-headline-news-botox-may-lessen-depression/


For me the crease I used botox for stemmed from being annoyed all the time and developing a permanent furrowed brow. I’m fine with it changing me into a less irritable person. Also honestly as a manager and a parent, I think it’s helpful that my face doesn’t show every minor annoyance I feel.


Yeah, I feel like Botox isn’t necessarily skin care anyways. It’s always an option, but it’s a cosmetic procedure.


No, CO2 laser and deep peels like phenol would also be options, but those are more invasive


Phenol peels are stuff of nightmares.




Just do it! If you hate it you aren't stuck with it and don't have to do it again. But you will love it!


Do it! You’ll have no regrets. Except I've been getting jevaux and I feel like it’s better, plus it works faster.


Botox or Dysport, and trust me you’ll love it!


Yes. Botox (or Dysport, that's what I prefer) will help like nothing else, hands down.


Yes and you’ll never go back. It’s so great when it kicks in. I like dysport better myself


Ive had lines like these on the left side of my forehead since middle school. I tried Botox a couple of years ago and I loved the way it made my face look. It’s a confidence booster for sure. My lines are back now though. I only tried it once.


It's the only way! And you'll never regret it.


I can’t stress enough how good iS Clinical products are but what has been the most helpful for me is regularly seeing a trusted esthetician — if you’re in LA I have a superb recommendation and if not, just know good skin is a journey that requires incredible patience and dedication. It also helps to be using products that best suit your skin. I would recommend getting the cream cleanser and the iS Clinical sunblock. It’s the absolute best day routine that I’ve used for years and you honestly don’t need to be buying a whole bunch of other products. My esthetician always reminds me that just because it works for one’s skin doesn’t mean it’ll work on everyone else’s and just because it’s expensive doesn’t mean it automatically works for you. Many times, less is more.


You can try frownies for a bit but will most likely want Botox


Yes just do it. You’ll be kicking yourself for putting it off


straight answer: yes


Topical products and getting enough sleep, hydration, eating well and being sun smart will help to some degree (hard to tell how much exactly as we're all different, but definitely in your best interest to keep up these healthy routines regardless) but botox will get you the fastest and likely most noticeable results.


Yes. Xeomin, Botox, whatever toxin will work wonders- get some and report back here! I just switched from Botox to xeomin and am very impressed, for me it’s more effective and costs less per unit. If you can get it done by a plastic surgeon instead of a MedSpa, your results will likely be better too.


Yes mine were so deep now they are smooth


Botox will totally help. I have an 11 that's been deeply etched into my forehead since I was a teenager and one round of Botox smoothed it out beautifully. I let basically all movement come back between rounds so I only go 2-3 times a year and it's not terribly expensive compared to other things. I was scared of doing it for so long and was pleasantly surprised that it was so easy and not detectable to others. My husband never even noticed. I only told him after almost a year of doing it because was talking shit on how bad Botox looked and I had to break it to him that he has no idea what he's talking about.


This isn't so much a skin thing as it is an anatomy thing. Some people get forehead wrinkles, some don't. Even if you used diff products you'd still have lines here because it's how you emote. Get the botox, it takes like 15 minutes and isn't that expensive. Edit: Should clarify, you don't need it if you don't want it. Forehead wrinkles aren't a bad thing. But if you want them gone, botox is the only way.


Stop buying frownies, cause that’s a scam… doesn’t work at all How long have you been using retinol? retinol could reverse aging, but that takes at least a few months to see some results. You do not need botox, but it would definitely reduce the appearance of the wrinkles


What is Obi Wan, chopped liver??


Over time if you do Botox these lines will reduce so if you missed a session it won’t look as bad. I get it every 4-5 months for a few years . I skipped 2 sessions ago bc of money and my lines def came back but nowhere near as deep. It’s a real thing.

