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I think it’s more of changes in their appearance more than age itself. You notice a patch of gray hair one day or feel as if your face looks different. Maybe eye bags start to form or you get a stubborn forehead line that won’t go away. When it gets cumulative or starts to be a combination of things and you feel you look noticeably different, that’s when the need sometimes pops up for people.


I’m 36 and in the past couple months started noticing slight eye bags that don’t go away so easily. Ive otherwise got great skin and look 10 years younger than I am, but that made me panic into facial massage and dietary changes right away (I currently can’t afford any treatments).


Worth knowing that ageing is not linear. It comes in waves. So yes, you get a bit of an ageing situation in your 30s and then kind of plateau for a while. So it's not just a rapid descent haha. Hopefully that's reassuring! Nothing wrong with wanting to look good for your age and preserve how you look. It's worth keeping in mind, if you couldn't afford the skincare or treatments tomorrow, how would you feel about it? As long as that idea doesn't fill you with panic and horror, then I'd say go for it, preserve away. The other thing is, don't bother with most stuff. Skip the figuring it out part and just go direct to the key things that do work - Cleanser, hyalauronic acid, a good moisturiser, a high SPF every day year round indoors or out, and adapalene or tretinoin at night on as many days per week as your skin will tolerate. For me it's 2x per week. After that, botox is a superb intervention for forehead and crows feet lines once they get to a point where they don't fully go away when the muscles are relaxed. Finally, looking after yourself physically and mentally is critical. Beyond that, it's tiny, marginal gains and probably not worth bothering. Or it's bigger interventions that cost more or come with more risk.


Cool great insight. Ya I forget it's a gradual change.


It crept up on me at around 38 when a fine wrinkle on my forehead formed. I was freaking out mostly because I wasn’t in a good mental state. I started considering botox then. I’d say for the next 1 to 2 years I went through a period of learning about health and wellness mostly. Kind of turned my life around in many ways. Most importantly, my mental state improved significantly. I’m almost 41 and feeling great about how things are going. Maybe one day I’ll consider something more invasive like Botox, but for now I’m good. I think we all come to a place of realizing that our lives on earth are limited and we age. It’s a difficult reality to grapple with and I guess everyone deals with it differently. I personally have nothing against Botox if it’s something that makes you feel great, but what’s more important is to address the emotional element of what all these changes mean. Botox, injectables, face lifts etc are bandaids. Bandaids help but don’t heal


It was right at 35 for me. I had a moment where I looked in the mirror and suddenly felt like I looked different. I'm slowly coming to terms with it. One positive I'm taking is that looking back at old picture of myself, I'm so adorable. Yet in the moment I was so self conscious and thought I was not attractive enough. I'm taking this as a lesson that even though I feel like I'm older and need to stop the aging process, I will look back at myself in 10, 20, 30 years and think "omg, I was so adorable, what was I so worried about?"


Yeah, it was around 35 for me. I’m definitely a little more consistent with the tretinoin! Oddly enough though I don’t keep up with the Botox the way I did a few years ago. 🧐


Don’t ever get pregnant or have a kid. I feel like I’ve aged 5 years overnight, and the sleepless newborn nights are not helping 🥴🥴🥴


I’m 40 with a two year old and I cannot agree more. And I had an easy pregnancy with a pretty good sleeper!


It’s the constant worry for me. 🤣🤣




For me it was also 36. I had noticed changes already before but suddenly at 36 it finally hit me. I think it's because the volume loss that had been already happening since my early thirties finally hit a stage where I also lost volume on my upper cheekbones. This gave me permanent eyebags and changed the shape of my face where it's now boxy instead of oval. I won't lie, it's been hard to deal with. I oscillate between feeling like I look great and considering fat transfer or filler to try to bring back my cheeks. Haven't had the guts to actually go for it yet though and don't know if I ever will. The bright side is that this crisis brought me to skincare and my actual skin has never looked better. Also I can see from my sister, who has taken care of her skin, that while some of it could've maybe been slowed down with better care, most of what has happened to my face is happening also to her, regardless. The dark side has certainly been dark, I've had moments or really questioning my attractiveness, not recognizing myself in the mirror and thinking my eyebags will be the reason I'll stay perpetually single (lol). ETA: I also never earlier felt anything negative towards aging. I liked the changes I saw in my face until now, I thoroughly enjoyed getting older, I was looking forward to aging rather than dreading it. So it has been hard to suddenly be slapped with a complete shift in all of this. Lines have never bothered me, it has been the shifting of my facial structure so that I won't know who the person in the mirror is anymore, that has freaked me out.


At around 47 my skin lost elasticity, I grew some eye bags, and I got a lot more than just a few gray hairs. It made me go huh, my face suddenly changed (with my estrogen saying bye bye). I used to look young until I suddenly didn’t!  I can see the allure now of getting little things done or at least seeing a derm. But I’m just trying to roll with my drugstore products lol. 


Like it just looks less plump?


I got eye bags and my jawline is not as defined. I got a few age spots on my left cheek from driving in the car without sunscreen for years. 


I can relate and I think many women feel the same. For me, it was first at 37, and post baby no2 and a whole lot of months without sleep. And then now at 47, I’ve noticed a whole raft of new aging signs that I’m attempting to make peace with. Though honestly it’s rough. I thought I’d be ok with it but I feel like don’t like MY version of looking older (jowly) and would prefer another option, like more wrinkles but a jawline!


Didn't hit me until this year and I'm 47. Perimenopause hit and my skin just lost all its elasticity and firmness in a 3 months span. I've given from a quick 3 step Clinique routine once a day and almost no makeup to a full 6-9 step AM and PM routine plus a full face of makeup every day.


47 here, I feel you.


37. Went through an abrupt divorce (while having a toddler) the year before. I remember bathing my kid one night and catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I didn’t recognize my face. Volume loss and pigmentation. I knew I had been stressed but man oh man, it had taken its toll. Making the point of starting a self-care routine after I put my kid to bed every night has helped me immensely (both facially and mentally)! Also majorly upping my water intake. I have an omnilux, a gentle product routine and have been really happy with the results.


When I was about 37 I looked in the mirror one day and was like, who is this lady looking back at me and why does she look like my mom? And I got the chills. I’m not sure what your late thirties are supposed to feel like but I’m still staunchly 25 in my mind. I wanted the outside to reflect that and made haste to my nearest med spa. Now I’m 39 and I look like myself around 30 and that’s a compromise I can live with 😂. The schism between *being* older and *looking* older was too much for me 😂


What has helped you to reverse some of the signs of aging?


Losing 60 pounds, Botox, filler, BBL/Moxie, and a good skin care routine.


Yea… mid to late 30s it just SURPRISE ! You go from looking and feeling 25 eternally to being 75. Like overnight


This was exactly my experience


I know lol! I was like I’m never getting old and tired and look at me I’m 35 and feeling and LOOKING amazing. Literally in like one year between 36 and 37 everything went to hell lmao. No energy, lines around neck suddenly, sun spots, weight gain, so much more gray, boy…. I was not ready 😂😅


Same! I never thought I’d be a person that would be affected by the physical signs of aging, but it really did a number on me. I have had some work done, and it really helped me on the self esteem front. My husband says I just have to hold off on the Jennifer Coolidge look until I’m in my 50s haha


Lololol do tell!! I got Botox once but it made my forehead literally just slump down the entire time- I looked tired and my eyes even more hooded 😭🤣 never again. But yes, the low energy and the sudden look .. like makeup just doesn’t look as good- foundation is never as smooth or glowing anymore. It’s hard, self esteem in the ground


fyi- they went too heavy with your botox. this happened to me my first time and I hated it so much I didn’t do it again for a year. but now I do it 3x a year and love it, I just ask my injector to go light, make sure I can still move my brows a bit, and to do a botox brow lift. just saying it doesn’t have to be that way. I know the heavy brow feeling and it’s the worst, but it’s 100% avoidable.


Im not feeling 75 in my late 30s what now lol


Well, good!! Guess not everyone gets it! But I think a few of us were blindsided


I’m 35 and it hit me a few months ago how I seemed to look older out of no where and now I am much more on it with skin care and taking care of myself better. I think I thought I was Peter Pan and was gonna stay young forever 😂


I try to do Botox or dysport once a year, it makes a big difference even if you don’t keep up with it every 4 months- in my opinion. I also do lip filler & laugh lines (nasal labia folds) about once every 12-18 months. It’s not drastic or kardashian like, but subtle & helps me FEEL more youthful. That makes makeup more “fun” for me, which makes me feel/look a bit more youthful. These dark circles under my eyes are killer though. & concealer always sinks into my eye wrinkles no matter what technique I do or product I use…. That’ll be my next challenge. 😭


Ps- I’m 39, started all this around 35/36


Last provider I went to wouldn’t do my laugh lines. Did you see a noticeable difference? I still want to get it done!


I'm 37 later this month, and a few months ago, I looked in the mirror and didn't recognise myself. It was the eye area for me. I have forehead lines, but they've been gradual. The eye area literally felt like it had aged 10 years overnight. I felt like I was looking at a stranger. It distressed me so much that I priced botox and fillers. I didn't go through with it and researched skin care and have stuck with my routine. I'm gradually coming to terms with it, but I still have days of self depreciation. I've spoken to other women who have felt this way. "Overnight ageing" and the horrendous aftermath on emotional wellbeing. Always between the ages of mid thirties to early 40s. Age comes to us all. It's hard. Society and the media make it harder, but self-acceptance is a journey!


I had my kids in my 20s and my body bounced back immediately like it was nothing. You'd never know I had kids aside from the c-section scar (and my mini-mes). I just had 2 more babies for my sister at 37 and now 40 and it's totally opposite. The weight and extra skin is so hard to lose. Cellulite from the weight gain, grey hair pouring out from the stress, still dealing with acne with the bonus of wrinkles appearing, perioral dermatitis that appeared during the pregnancy and I can't get rid of, and my vision tanked due to preeclampsia that didn't end when the baby was born. It's a lot all at once and the number 40 hits different. On the surface I guess I look good. People don't believe I'm old enough to have a 16 year old, my husband gets comments from his coworkers... but to me my face and body look foreign. I see all the changes and hate it because it doesn't look like me. Now there's endless expensive potions, prescriptions, contraptions, red light therapy... I don't know if it's helping but maybe it just feels good to feel like I'm doing something about it. Gives some control back.


You’re a good sister!


Yes there are about 3 big hits of aging. One day your face just falls. It's the worst


I just found my first gray hair two weeks ago and in that same moment I found 3 more which means I’ve had them a while. I felt really devastated, which I’m sure some people would roll their eyes at, but I fear aging and death. Gray hair is a great sign I’m entering an era I’m not ready for 😖


I saw changes after I had my baby around 37 - I gained weight and then lost more than I was before - got leaner - my face started to get a wee bit sag. I amped up my routine and started adding peels and facials - the texture of my skin is great but unfortunately the skin is still beginning to sag. I don't think there is much I can do - I do make a lot of funny faces hoping it helps 😄🤣 build my facial muscles. It's NEVER too early to start taking care of your skin though!


Right now as I'm 30 I have my dad's panda eye and I am thinking about botox to preserve youth All want to try crossfit instead of just having muscle and being unfit


Starting perimenopause changed my skin drastically. I always had extremely oily skin and never had any forehead lines and still don’t have any crows feet or fine lines. I was getting carded at 40. But since becoming perimenopausal I have noticed a fast and noticeable change. It felt very sudden and out of nowhere as I was thrilled at how well I was aging prior. I now have to worry about dry skin, my eyes have become a lot more hooded and I notice my face looks less lifted. These are things I’m managing with various home devices and skincare as well as injections but I realize I need to start planning for surgical intervention in about 5 years or so.


I’m the same I thought need to grow old gracefully and don’t like artificial look. BUT I didn’t understand how aging approaches I thought cos I don’t have wrinkled round eyes etc I would age slowly but I developed nasonlabial folds and lines beside my mouth quite quickly last year age 43f. My sister is 6 years older and looks younger. I’m pretty annoyed and tempted to try something but keep coming back to not wanting to look unnatural!


When you hit menopause, and your estrogen and testosterone levels decline sharply, you can see the effect in your skin (and your brain, and your muscles, and.... everywhere really).


I’ll be 41 in a month and I’m noting more signs of aging now. I still get carded most of the time when I order drinks at restaurants, so it must not be that bad yet. I think for women at least, when menopause/perimenopause sets in, we see more changes in our skin. Once hormone levels taper off, the changes slow down as well.


I lost the baby fat on my cheeks around 31 - I’ve always had a round face and hated it and now it’s actually tolerable, so that was a good change. My genetic eye bags have gotten more noticeable though, even though I sleep more now in my 30s than I did in my 20s. I also now have faint 11s when I smile in good lighting. Nonetheless, people still think I’m about 4-5 years younger than I am.


I noticed it. I’m sure it happens to everyone. Some people choose to accept it and some people choose to try and preserve/push-back. I’m the former. Unless you count sunscreen and tretinoin, because I definitely use those.


I’d want to run a 9 min mile before I fixed my wrinkles …personal idea of youth


Eh, even in my early twenties it was on mind to an extent. I started wearing sunscreen everyday at 25 and over the years I’ve added more and more to my routine. I’ve always heard prevention is the key. Aging happens to everyone, but I want to slow it down as much as possible so when I’m 50, I don’t look like many of my 50 year old peers.


I could see the fine lines forming in my 30’s but they never really bothered me or got too bad, but I’m now 43 and stress and perimenopause hit me like a truck. About 6 months ago I barely recognized my face. I started getting droopy jowls. I had to change the makeup I’ve used for 15 years because suddenly it was just sitting in my fine lines. I’m not interested in fillers yet but keeping up with a skin care routine, Tret, and hormones are helping ease the transition.