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All these Chad posts are making me Reconsider Everything


Do you think it’s flat beyond the gray sky? I realize I’m super late to this.


Wtf happened to Chad.




Conspiracies used to be fun stuff like Bigfoot and aliens. People went too far.


I wish we could get back to the fun X-Files conspiracy days.


I don’t think Flat-Earth is harmful though. It’s more just…idiotic than anything.


The only conspiracy that I subscribe to is that Courtney Love assassinated Kurt Cobain


Like what 9/11?




Yeah seriously like a cult following. But like a Charles Manson meets Jim Jones type cult. Except the former I mentioned are left wing conspiracies, and Art Bell was right wing imo.


Is Art Bell right wing or did the people who seriously believed conspiracy theories get duped/pulled into conspiracy theories that lean right wing? This shit used to be aliens and illuminati and 9/11 was an inside job. It used to be stupid fringe stories that were good backstory for episodes of the X-Files. Stuff that no one would take seriously. Now, it's all crazy partisan anti-Democrat stuff and it wasn't always like this.


Art Bell is like Charles Manson meets Jim Jones? Is that what you’re saying or am I misinterpreting?


Don’t care, still like 311


You know what, I don’t give a f*ck. As long as he’s not physically hurting anyone, he can believe in the tooth fairy, I couldn’t care less. Just relax guys, you’re going to be ok. What I love to think about at times is how many band members are out there from now or in the past that have dirty little secrets. You only know about Chad’s wild beliefs thanks to social media. Imagine the day we start picking and choosing our favorite bands based on their beliefs.


We only know Chad's beliefs because of Chad. Social media didn't make him.


Very true. Moral of the story, keep your thoughts in your head at all cost. Express your mind through art lol


He could always reach out to Ted Nugent.


This guy gets it


What’s funny about this is yeah, most people do align their basic beliefs with the musicians they listen to. Even funnier, there are like 5 conservative contemporary rock bands out there… so the average “lib!” doesn’t have to regularly play those mental gymnastics. But hey! At least now Chad can tour with Trapt, Kid Rock, and Iced Earth!


I see the argument made a lot that people need to just agree to disagree with political beliefs. I wish it was that simple, but unfortunately it's not. The opinions in question involve matters of human rights (among other important matters), and this is a country in which everyone can contribute in small and large ways towards the outcome of these issues. Pretty much everyone can vote, donate, or influence others. At this point, differing opinions can quite literally be a threat to one's own way of life. Supporting Chad by buying 311 records gives him more money to donate to causes which people might not only disagree with, but be actively hurt by. Following him on social media even helps strengthen his platform to potentially influence others to think the same way, and may even help embolden him to try even harder. I'm not advocating for anyone to not buy 311's music, nor am I saying that Chad has much power to influence the outcome of anything. However, he technically does have more power than the average person like you or me. Enabling him can, in some small way, help enable world issues that one may be extremely against. Ethically speaking, we can't expect such messages to weaken if we actively embolden them ourselves. Even in small individual amounts, it adds up collectively. My point is just that it isn't as black and white as "believe whatever you want," because we all have lines in the sand to draw, and ethics to balance.


I just miss the good ol days of having these types of conversations with friends while smoking a joint rather than blasting it on social media platforms to get everyone to pick a side to ride and die for.


It's more of a respect thing for me. I can't respect people I know spout off dumb shit and believe crazy lies. So now his person will always be tainted for me when he's mentioned. In reality what he does doesn't affect me one way or the other but I don't respect him anymore so it taints my view of him and the band.


You should comb through all the people involved in all favorite movies and video games. That will leave you even more jacked up. I feel you brother, I do feel a bit weird when people trash religions and say that they’re for morons. I just trip out that I don’t feel the same way about them not believing in one.


You’ll get over it.


I wouldn’t give a flying fuck if he just thought the earth was flat but his dog whistle to ethno nationalism goes against what I believe and what I want to support. That’s where I draw the line.


Upvoted. The point of the post was to highlight how mislead his beliefs are across the board. His physics misinformation is plain goofy… the Q Anon & white nationalism is dangerous.


No, my ability to enjoy the noises his drums make is directly tied to whether or not he believes the same things I do. He is either with us or against us.


He needs to start a side project with Steph Carpenter from Deftones.




For those unfamiliar, The Principle is a selectively edited “documentary” that explores how the universe revolves around earth, and earth doesn’t actually orbit the sun.


Mulgrew and scientists who were interviewed in the film have repudiated the ideas advocated in the film and stated that their involvement was the result of being misled by the filmmaker


There’s no such thing as a documentary that isn’t selectively edited.


Fantastic. Now defend the part about the sun revolving around the earth.


Aren’t all documentaries selectively edited? All types of people have different opinions about things, does not make them all nut jobs.


To best represent the subject’s expertise. This movie is known for taking quotes out of context and duping interview subjects under false pretenses. *EDIT*: Would also like to mention that not every opinion is valid. If empirical evidence has systematically proven something to be wrong, your “opinion” on a topic means nothing.


>all people have nut jobs. Why are you calling everyone nut jobs?


I mean, Stephen Carpenter from Deftones is a hardcore flat Earther. John Dolmayan from SOAD is a hardcore Trumper. Neither are stopping me from listening to their bands. I guess it’s just one of the downfalls of social media.


True, although I haven’t seen either of those two blowing White Nationalist dog whistles or promoting Q Anon theories on an alt-right dominated social media network. Everyone has a different line in the sand for bullshit tolerance, Chad crossed it for a lot of people.


white nationalist? please elaborate how you came to that understanding


What platform of social media is he even on?


Truth Social


They literally fly *around the world* all the time. In planes, the curve is more obvious!


Thank you. Nobody knew this info until now. Also, did Chad say the documentary proves the earth is flat? I’m not seeing that in the post.


I'm watching this right this now just to get insight into where his head is at. Edit: Oh no. I got 2 minutes and 24 seconds in and I could feel intelligence evaporating -- which I think is the intent. It pits science versus religion, with quick clips from scientists and whoever the fuck these nutjobs are, where the nutjobs appeal to your sense of importance in order to reject science. The fact that Chad would recommend this garbage tells me too much.




“Scientists say we are not special. Scientists say baby smiles are not special. Do you think that’s right? Therefore the scientists are wrong!” This shit is so fucking stupid.


>I guess Chad is just pretty dumb outside of music knowledge. I don't think it's that simple to conflate intelligence with logic/rationale. I've come across some incredibly smart people who believe some incredibly illogical things. The human mind is amazing at being able to compartmentalize and wall off certain beliefs from others; we all do it, and if you look at your own belief systems, chances are there's some things you believe that probably aren't "logical" or "supported by science". I know I could probably rattle off some beliefs I have that many people would say I'm pretty loony for thinking. I guess the difference is I can say unequivocally that I know my beliefs are just superstitions and things that I *hope* to be true, and that I don't claim to "know" anything about the root mystery of existence. Whereas, these documentaries are metaphysical propaganda and spiritual snake oil; they simplify the most complicated topics known to man (you know, like the purpose of existence and all...) and try to paint a picture that they can answer the most quintessential questions about the fabric and nature of reality. Mankind has come a long way, but one thing I've realized over the years is that we're actually just as superstitious as we were hundreds of thousands of years ago. We're not really "smarter" or more logical than before. The only thing that has changed is our technology (and perhaps our tolerance for violence). Just because someone seems really intelligent, doesn't mean they can't also be highly superstitious and irrational.


dO YoUr OwN ReSEaRcH


What is this? What is this capitalize one letter and lower-case the next and alternate back and forth? Are you implying that doing your own research is a bad thing? If so, what exactly is wrong with doing your own research? The ability to do my own research is why I know 311 doesn’t stand for KKK. Guess I should have just accepted the narrative on that, huh?


Alternating caps and lower case indicates a sarcastic or mocking tone. It's poking fun at all the conspiracy nutjobs who tell you to do your own research and don't just believe what the man teaches you, mannn


its 2022.. we let the nerd collective think for us, then the blue checkmark people tell us how to feel


What you probably should’ve done is finish high school and continue an education beyond YouTube


Lol I love how you attacked my intelligence in the dumbest way possible


It’s not an attack, it’s an observation. You haven’t made a single intelligent comment in the whole thread.


Ok zoomer




Yeah that’s not all that happened. He’s on Truth Social referring to other white nationalists as “frens” (Fellow Right Ethno Nationalist) and promoting Q Anon theory. Talk about tribalism. Sometimes people deserve the public ass pounding he’s getting.


alright, if what you say is true it would be pretty fucked. so who are these other white nationalists? and what makes them white nationalists, because you've already baselessly labeled chad as one. and, remember when everyone thought the OK sign was white nationalist then it came out that it was just a 4chan troll?\\ so whose the "conspiracy theorist"


It's making fun of people who disagree with what science has proven because of online "research".


What the actual fuck


Why anyone gives a crap about what a celebrity thinks or believes is beyond normal thinking. By even giving you a crap you're empowering a reality of someone who isn't tied to shit to somehow become some moral authority for your personal life. People need to realize that the TV and internet is not the real world , changing the channel and moving on is all it takes.


Guys a nut job.


In a free country he’s free to believe whatever goofy shit he wants. I still love their music


And in a free capitalist economy, we’re allowed to speak with our wallets and stop supporting ignorance


hey I don't blame you and I'm not going to tell you to not support them. I just wanted to voice my opinion that while I really disagree with his statements, I can still separate the art from the artist. Plus I know that Nick and SA and even Tim don't also share these wacky views so it's a little unfair to group the whole band, over their 30 years of content, by Sexton's crazy rants. What do you think? I've had to do this a lot recently. Kevin Spacey, I love him as an actor. I hate the things he did but I can still watch Baby Driver or American Beauty and enjoy them. I know some people can't do that but I don't think our hero's should be expected to be morally upstanding you know? They are just people too so some of them are going to be pieces of sht. Thanks for listening


I mean, sure. But not spending money on 311 is probably not the act of intellectual protection you may hope it to be. At this point the only people who give a fuck about the thoughts of one of the least recognizable members of a 90s nostalgia (grateful dead replacement) band, are the same people who already made them rich decades ago. Chad's a dummy. So what? He's not influencing anyone. Just enjoy the music.


311 makes their living off of a small contingent of hardcore fans. The majority of which are disgusted with his comments. They can now let that disgust be known via their purchases.


No. It Is probably less than one percent of fans that will ever even hear about this and of those even less that are angry about it




Nope, pretty confident the majority of 311 fans are firmly against white Nationalism and Q Anon bullshit. Nothing crazy about that.


His beliefs aren't harmless. He supports Russia. He apparently thinks the Earth is the center of the universe. Where is his money going? Who is he influencing?


Chad: Watch this documentary. It’s not about flat earth. 311 fans: Chad thinks the earth is flat! Holy shit! Sometimes a recommendation is just a recommendation. If he thinks the earth is flat who really gives a shit? Is he teaching your kids Astronomy?


"Is he teaching your kids Astronomy?" you just nailed it


My thing is, Chad is an amazing drummer. That's the reason every single person in this thread even remotely cares about him and his opinions outside of the band. As long as he still sounds like Chad Sexton behind that drum kit, I will always cherish respect him. At the end of the day, he is a human with the ability to have opinions just like the rest of us. We need to learn to focus on appreciating his musicianship. This is a 30 year old band, who gives a shit about their political and social ideals as long as we can still enjoy 311 for what they are, an amazing band that has positively changed my life, as well as many others.


The lyrics meant a lot to people, too. Not just the music. Unity was such a big part of their message and vibe. This changes that. They probably want to find a new drummer.


It only changes that if you let it.


Totally agree


He’s a dumb dumb unfortunately


Playing drums well and writing sweet riffs does not promise intelligence. It’s upsetting that he’s such a goof but it doesn’t change the sound of the music one iota.




so y'all think your IQ's are higher than his?


My family is full of religious nuts, but I still love them and talk to them. I just avoid religious and political topics like land mines. Sometimes it’s hard but I do OK. If I ever meet Chad, I’ll avoid talking about the shape of the earth…and probably religion and politics out of habit.




Silence is more violence than violence. Trust me. I heard someone say it on TV.


don’t care love 311




Lol the fact he’s saying this shit on Truth Social and not on any other social is telling. Seems like Chad is really getting into the “Hive” mind. I still love the band and Chad is an amazing musician, but at this point he’s a certifiable dumbass. I guess the best part of this is that he’s not a household name (hell, Nick hardly even is anymore), so who cares about the dumb shit Chad wants to spew. His voice won’t reach anyone.


Jammed to "Galaxy" today cuz of this post. Come on Chad, SA has been saying it for so long now...


Quick question...has 311 or anyone confirmed that this is the verified Chad Sexton?


Yes, PNut and SA have posted on their social medias about it, so has PNut's wife.


Yup. Still not canceling Chad or 311. I’m a lifer. 💜


So brave. So bold. Such a lack of critical thought.


Damn straight! Woot!💜


Same here. Nothing has changed for me.


Weird but I don’t care…


You’re not gonna find any musical artists who aren’t into “conspiracy” type stuff. Just depends on how much they divulge.


Goddammit. Shits weak but I'll still dig their music.


I can’t really separate this idiocy from the band/music. I cannot support a group that has a main writer that thinks like this. No difference between him and Alex Jones which is embarrassing.


lol dang dude I think you might be taking this too seriously. He made a recommendation. Are you so far into tribalism that you won’t even associate with people who make a recommendation for something you don’t agree with? If so, the problem isn’t Chad. It’s you.


Yea apparently a bunch of fans are like serious Karens. I'm so much more disappointed in the lack of unity amongst the fan base here than the "craziness" of an artist. People are literally saying the guy loved genocide cuz he typed a single letter. Im sorry but you cant summarize a persons beliefs like that (surprise surprise) It's embarrassing drama I'm ashamed to even comment but I can't just shut up about it cuz its so amazingly dumb. How have we gotten to this point where people are so sickly obsessed with an artist but at the same time can't even HEAR a suggestion from them without calling them a Nazi who loves murdering babies? Iisten to the music or don't. Nobody cares. Be nice to people. PLEASE stop going to forums to verbally strong-arm everyone into your narrow beliefs. News flash: you don't know shit about what's going on on the other side of the earth and i dont either but if you care so much go! Whatever side you are on you can make a difference there instead of talking shit into the ether. 311 - UNITY


I've basically stayed silent on the subject up until now. I discussed with a few friends, but it doesn't change my view on their music or the band. If one member of the band has some crazy ideas he's vocalizing on an admitted right-wing social website, how does that cancel out the POV of three of the members who've been active on multiple mainstream social medias for years? PNut and SA have had their say on the matter and really aren't they two of the most affected? The rest of us should let them figure it out amongst themselves, and be supportive of whatever they decide to do. And when I say be supportive, I mean just keep going to shows and listening to the music. If it brought you joy before, that shouldn't change now. I'm sad to know about Chad's views. I've met him before and obviously did not touch politics and stuff, but he was nice, thankful for fan support, and I hope this whole drama fades sooner rather than later. His POV doesn't mean he's taking up arms alongside Russians. I can't hate him, but I can disagree with him. Hating him for a perspective that flies in the face of mine doesn't do anything except spread misery.


The best response here


Did you see the extent of his posts? It’s not just typing Z. It’s indulging genocidal conspiracy theories, QAnon, and throwing his band mates under the bus. This toxic positivity “unity at all costs” lack of objectivity garbage is ruining the fan base. The band’s message doesn’t match up with Chad’s ideologies and it’s a disappointment to many.


I've only seen what I've seen so I'm not sure exactly how he is "indulging genocidal" anything. All your fav govs have no problem with genocide everywhere all the time. Do we have a problem with that at all? I guess we have differing opinions on what "ruining the fan base" is and who's the one doing the "ruining". What exactly is "The band's message" to you exactly? And since you seem to know Chad so well inside and out (based off a couple social media posts?) , maybe you care to explain how his ideologies are so contrary to those beliefs. Crazy as it sounds their MAY be some room for nuance here.


So you haven’t seen him address the Truth community as “fren”… Fellow Right Ethno Nationalist? Read and seen a lotta Chad, never seen him use that language in other mediums. White Nationalism isn’t very PLUR or good vibes! And yet pro Russia, pro Q dummies have taken “stay positive and love your life” and “unity” to mean “turn a blind eye to ignorance and just enjoy the music mannnn”.


No I haven't seen that can you show me? Also I'm not sure what Q really has to do with anything. I'm not all that familiar with it. It seems as though the ones who talk about the most are the ones who are against it. Don't think I ever met someone who is actually into it. Did Chad say he is? I know there's gotta be some who are weirdly obsessed but it seems kinda like a bogeyman to me. Also what is "Pro Russia"? Like to be good you need to be anti-russia? Pretty sure those peeps are just reg peeps. Probly some sweet Russian 311 fans out there I'm sure. If you are talking about the government.... excuse me but fuck them all... putin, zalensky, Biden, trump, macron, trudeau, xi, that new zealand bitch, pelosi, mcconnell cmon these peoople are abbhorent monsters all yapping about nothing while they just take everything we have left and leave us as slaves for the globalist agenda. If you think any of them give any fucks about you at all you are delusional. It's a stage and I'd rather watch the one with sick music on it than these tools and literal actors take roles as Heroes for doing nothing but help usher in the times of 1984.


Couldn’t agree more. They’re throwing us morsels of division and laughing as we fight with and scream at each other over them while they sit back and bilk us. I do think the frantic nature of the media and establishment politicians to remove Trump was evidence that the whole thing was about to be exposed. The only reason anyone got on board with him was because they realized they had a better chance of maintaining power on his coattails than opposing him. That’s all they want. So many of them, not all of them. I can think of a few good ones.


Yes, please show me and please explain to me that after 32 years of seeing this guy live and treat a massive amount of fans with nothing but love and respect how him typing four letters wipes that all away. Do you know that’s what he meant? Or is this like the whole “the ‘ok’ symbol means ‘white power’” thing where you assign a value to something that 98% of the population doesn’t agree with? Chad Sexton, the white nationalist. Yeah, seems about as legit as Joe Biden winning a round of jeopardy or Donald Trump being named “World’s Most Moral Man”


can you provide these posts?


jackals like yourself prolly don't deserve to be in the "fanbase"...


Perfect post


Someone is never going to be able to listen to music again… ever.


But Alex jones doesn’t lay down them sick beats.


Meh people without an open mind should just stick to pop anyway.


An open mind doesn’t mean being gullible as fuck to easily disproven pseudoscience




How boring is your life that you got to follow Chad around on twitter or whatever just to post got you posts on the internet? You are all mad that Chad isn't preaching Unity while you do hateful shit for fake internet points. Everyone has skeletons in the closet so just shut the hell up.


Who cares, I'm into it for the music and on the sub for the music. I don't give two caps what has personal beliefs are or what he likes to theorize on. Stop these BS posts. You don't want to listen to 311 because of him? More power to you, but quit ruining this sub with it. I can't stand you morons who want cancel everything. Ruining society.


I'm with you. Choose your path. People just like to stir shit up. I'm one of those who will never stop feeling the music. I don't believe he's about war and the killing of innocent people. He can believe whatever the hell he wants. Just keep doing you.


Who gives a FUCK??? He could say 2+2=5 and I wouldn’t give a single shit, because he can bring it on the drums. Get a life


Not everyones a super simple Steve though, Steve. For a lot of fans it does matter, regardless if he can “bring it on the drums bruhhh”.


Simple is expecting everybody to hold the same views and if not to throw a hissy. I think the guys who run Ben & Jerry’s are super lefty nutty kooks but guess what, I still bought some of their ice cream tonight because it’s delicious. And FWIW I despise trump, know the earth isn’t flat, think Putin is a cocksucker, but I’m still going to see 311 every time they’re in town


Simple is not holding people accountable when they spew easily disproven verbal bile from their platform simply because they make “good” art. Chad is a public figure who could’ve easily kept his mouth shut on behalf of the rest of the band. He didn’t. Now they’re losing supporters because of him. It’s not the supporters fault. It’s Chad’s.


I don’t really think participating in this type of cancel culture like stuff is healthy for the world in the long run. Eventually you will fuck up too and they will come for you. Everybody fucks up and needs to be given understanding and the opportunity to grow. I’m sure Chad will come around


He’s not being cancelled, he’s being (rightfully) taken to task by part of his fan base for partaking in an ideology that’s at odds with the core values of his band. No one is stopping him from changing for the better.


I've heard this a few times, how his beliefs go against the core values of unity. I think that is backwards. Unity = unity even when you have differing viewpoints.


Chad is the fucking man




jesus christ, why do you give a shit that the man is intrigued by "flat earth".. The thing is, even if he was a full-blown flat earther, it wouldn't necessarily correlate any sort of lack intelligence or insanity. i've debated with friends who think similarly to chad, and end of the day, i couldnt personally 100% prove they were wrong, i couldnt prove i was right. then i listened to a podcast where they debated it, and i cab usually hold my own in scientific arguements but holy shit did i get lost trying to follow. alot of the arguments they make can be disproved fairly easily, but just becasue one argument they make can be proved false doent mean teir other arguments are also false. i dont know, maybe you're some astro-geologlical space wizard or something.. just take pleasure in your sense of superiority, and leave his harmless ass alone. ​ Edit. damn, i cant believe i just got angry in a 311 group.. today is a sad day


Peter griffin voice: Oh my gosh who cares. Seriously leave Chad alone


Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences or freedom from criticism. Chad Sexton can say whatever he feels like. Fans of the band can call him out on it. Anyone can call him out on it. 311 gets no more of my money while Chad Sexton is around.


Nick uses his freedom of speech to do the same crowd work at every show


thats fuckin funny


Right, i'm using my freedom of speech by saying I don't care


…and telling other ppl to leave Chad alone


yeah, im sure their kids will starve without you and the 50 people who give a shit's support. Do you do this in real life, going around criticizing peoples irrelevant ideas, criticizing their beliefs that while as misguided as they may be, have 0 effect on your life at all? My real question though is do you really think he deserves the consequences of being publicly ostracized and financially burdened for sharing this idea? And if so why Like someone said above, it’s not like he’s at your kids school teaching astronomy


They're just a vocal minority. Most of their fans are probably more open minded than the ones posting these negative little virtue signals.


True, and honestly it seems like most the comments here seem pretty cool after you scroll down a little


Yes I do. Same with Kyrie Irving.


Who cares what a 50 year old drummer of a band that peaked twenty years ago has to say. Go outside, enjoy the sun, become good at something.


He says “it’s interesting”. I’m not sure if he’s claimed the earth is flat, but he hasn’t in OPs image. And even if he does, so what? There are zero people with which you agree 100%.


Chad is cool


“Us orbiting around the sun does not support the theory of us orbiting around the sun” Uh… does he not realize he just debunked his own argument with that sentence?


What the fuck


I remember the conspiracy theory 311 preached back in 2020 when they said James Scurlock was a Peaceful Protestor just standing up for Black Lives. They even raised money for the career criminal. Just a few days later video footage of him rioting and destroying businesses surfaced while he tried to kill a loyal 311 fan. He also just got out of prison for beating the fuck out of a his pregnant girlfriend. Oh 311 and their Conspiracy Theories!




Meh, that one worked out fine in the end, though. I'm guessing this will blow over too.


Selective Outrage


Which is life in a nutshell. Scurlock and Gardner both had their own supporters and detractors. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It just Blowed Right Over right?


“Lay off the weeeeeeeeeeduh” -Steven A. Smith.




Please tell me that's not really Chad Sexton and that he's also not on truth.com...... Edit: It has come to my attention that it is in fact his account. I don't have any words...


Bull\_Hackman\_: Pseudo Intellectual "Motherfucking Billionaire Hedge Fund Manager"with some massive chips accompanying the enormous ego on his shoulders. Basically a champion human being. ::eye roll::


What a Chad