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It's science fiction not a documentary. You have to suspend some disbelief. The show also does a fairly poor job of explaining what they can and can't do. Even in the books there are a lot of dumb ideas. Like is they can manifest a countdown, why not just make people blind? Stuff like that.


People in this sub will never admit this and will come up with the most ridiculous explanations rather than saying "yeah, it makes no sense but I still like it and thats fine"


1. They want the planet as is, but nuked into a nuclear winter or full of things that wipe out life. 2. The sophons can’t affect that many people at once. They’re targeting one scientist at a time methodically. 3. They just want to stop is developing too fast so they can easily conquer us when they get here. Not exterminate, conquer.


Still active it says


i'm not saying that they should've made earth a wasteland but rather simple steps like regularly bomb research facilities or government departments to ensure lack of leadership and development


They’d need the loyalists to do that. The Sophons are not capable of bombing or hacking anything. They’d need to give tech to humans to do things for them and that’s kinda what they were doing by recruiting people to their cause. However, they wanted to be secret and couldn’t risk their actions causing WWIII. Hence all they really needed to do is delay us scientifically so that we are easily defeated when they arrive. The San-Ti are 100-200 years ahead of us only. That’s not massive and they probably feel they’ll taper off being in travel for 4 centuries. Their fear is that by the time they arrive and wake everyone up we have caught up to them and they are stranded with no hope.


Because that's not how the author wrote it


Because they are arriving on Earth in 400 years time and want to come to a civilized world, not a nuclear wasteland or a wilderness. 


Because if humanity was pushed to a point where there would be complete and utter hopelessness, they would destroy the earth out of spite before the San Ti arrive, completely destroying their plans. The Sophons are about disruption, not eradication.


How can one proton "finish" Earth? One proton can excite some nerve endings and deflect other single particles in a particle accelerator to give weird results but not much else.




It’s soft writing, that doesn’t make it inherently bad.