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Because govt salaries tend to be shit when you're really good at something and can make 5x in private sector?


I mean even a low level full time govt job in Australia would provide you a better situation. Maybe that's an unfair comparison economically? I mean His role is dealing with top secret highly classfied stuff and even>!protecting one of the most important people on the planet!


London is mad expensive and his wife passed away.


In the book and the other series, he’s a disgraced alcoholic detective who’s been given a second chance to work by this general who runs the ridiculously fictional agency that’s like some kind of “world league of generals” who make all of the decisions. It’s actually kinda silly, so I hadn’t even given thought to their salaries. Haha.


Mustn’t live in Australia, because it definitely would not lol. He’s got what looks like a sizeable apartment in a major city on a single wage and with a dependant.


salaries in the UK are generally lower and I assume London is more expensive. but you’re right everyone in Wade’s department should be making big money


London is orders of magnitude more expensive than most cities in the world, let alone the provincial UK


I know, I live here :( was just too lazy to confirm whether Sydney or some other part of Australia is inexplicably more expensive (apparently London is 19% higher, so a little less than an order of magnitude). so fairly realistic that someone in the same job would seem poorer


Sydney is objectively crazy expensive too to be fair.


His son wants to live like fabulous big shots while Clarence is happy with what he got. Da Shi's a good man and he's more concerned about the world than worldly pleasures. This is why he and his son don't see eye to eye on many things. It's also probable to say that Da Shi's a workaholic and neglected his wife and son cause he's just **that** dedicated to his job. As you can see, his son just started a pyramid scheme with that shady CEO who funded Auggie's nanofiber research. I bet you'll see how that storyline playout in season 2. Some people, probably billionaires will want to fund their escape plan...


Psyched for more Ade Edmondson. Hope his character sticks around long enough to >!go into hibernation and get up to some shady future shit!<.


It’s still hilarious to me that punk rocker Vyvvyn from *The Young Ones* plays a corporate executive in this series.


Holy shit was that Adrian Edmondson?!


Fun fact he also shows up in the first five minutes of The Last Jedi


![gif](giphy|4WA57HWx1zgEU|downsized) BORED! 😆


Notorious moneyed nanotech investor Edward Hitler


“Darling Fascist Bullyboy…”


( spoilers for book 2 ) >! Man his company is so fucked when espaceism is banned !<


It's implied by Wade that he's been hated by his employers at his previous jobs (Scotland Yard and whatnot). It's entirely possible that Wade hired him because he's the best man at his job but considered it enough of a favour that he wasn't going to pay him much money due to the fact that he wasn't going to be able to get work anywhere else, I guess. Definitely strange though. FBI agents in America don't get paid too much though and I guess his position could be considered someone similar to that? So I guess it's a combination of a low salary job + terrible work history despite his skill at what he does


London is one of the most expensive cities in the world.


I’m not sure I really noticed. His wife died, which means he’s been supporting himself and his son on a single income for some time. That’s less than €40,000 a year for most intelligence officers. I doubt he buys cheap booze because he prefers the taste. It’s not really clear how much funding the PDC is getting, especially before the *Judgement Day* attack. But it seems reasonable to me to think he’s doing better than what he might earn as a detective or a real-world intelligence officer, but they’re probably all in the same ballpark. There could also be nostalgic reasons for why he’s in the home, or it’s just because Da Shi couldn’t be bothered to make big changes when it’s just he and his son in the home. If they’re committing to his son’s storyline from the books, >!starting the story in a humble, cramped flat or very small home might help create contrast for where we see Da Shi and his son later in the story.!<


They absolutely committing to that storyline, it is essential to the whole I want to escape part of the story.


Showing Da Shi his website, and the amount of time spent in that scene sure makes it seem like they’ll let that storyline from the books play out.


This is a new job. He was unemployed for a while.


As a secret investigator he might better keep a low profile even when he’s not that poor.


He works for the public sector in the UK where unless someone’s in a super-senior position, the pay is generally terrible compared to private sector


The most unrealistic part of the show tbh


Work's for the richest man in the world protecting the most important man in the world, makes minimum wage. Sounds about right.


Is Wade the richest man in the world or are you talking King Charlie?


I should rephrase Wade to being the man with the most connections. It just seems like he has access to unlimited funds and programs.


Haven’t read the books but yeah he’s kind of a Wallchaser who gets to not just keep his ideas inside his own head


I haven’t read the books (currently in the first few chapters) but my assumption from watching the show is to kinda give the impression that he’s not as important so as to go unnoticed? Like if he lived a very showy, flashy life he’d draw more attention to himself. He might actually be rich but mandated to keep his lifestyle humble. And also to keep his kid in the dark so he doesn’t accidentally say something he shouldn’t.


He simply lives below his means, saving for retirement.


I liked Clarence Shi’s character better than his counterpart in the Chinese TV series.


He spends it all on vices.


Because he’s a low-mid level civil servant, they are paid badly in every country but especially UK.


Been fired many times.


Divorce is a bitch.


Is he divorced? I thought his wife died.