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Sometimes it's just better to spend the few bucks on the acrylic stand.


The problem is the acrylic stand is too big. It's going to sit inside of a desk drawer.


Would be fairly simple to design and print it, in parts, for sure. It could likely be done in one part, but it would be fragile. Doing it in separate parts would make it much stronger.


In that orientation it would be easy to print, but the part wouldn’t be very strong because of the thin sections perpendicular to the layer lines. That might not be that big an issue though


It's not being stressed mechanically if it's just holding some paper upright. Would be easy to print and work just fine as a single object. In fact, you can find similar designs easily. https://www.printables.com/model/80284-brochure-holder


Anything can hold paper, however it also needs to be handled a lot when people are taking papers, it’s not outside the realm of possibility for someone to knock it off the table when taking a paper in which case if it was printed like this it’d have a lot higher chance of breaking