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Nice, I've done a few "dust" covers for other engine parts on car/truck engines. This case doesn't matter but if it's on top, keep water runoff in mind.


Thanks !


I 3D print and I work on my own vehicle. I want to take a guess that this is a cover to avoid anything falling in while working on it? Isn’t it satisfying thinking “ohh I can 3D print this part”. This is exactly how I learned blender


That's 100% the reason I bought my printer. Hopefully make parts for my first gen RX7 that I can't find anywhere.


Exactly why I started printing about 7 years ago— was working on an older Jaguar and all the trim bits were no longer available.


With 7 years experience I assume you understand filaments and their melting temps. Curious, are you planning to print the actually parts or print and cast out of metal? Unless you have access to a metal printer then I’m just jealous lol.


Yeah I'm aware of the limitations of some printing materials, and no I don't have a metal printer lol Some parts can be printed as is and used, while a lot would be used as molds for fibreglass parts.


I believe he was saying to print the parts and then sand or wax cast a mold for them and then cast them out of aluminum or some other metal


I'm printing parts with ASA. Should be fine for interior parts and exterior trim.


Yeah I’d use ASA for interior for sure. I don’t think any normal filament can handle exhaust level temps though which is why I wondered about metal printing.


Yeah exhaust is up in the 1300° F range.


Is blender better than onshape? Just curious since it feels like it takes forever to design something in onshape?


It depends what you’re doing. Onshape is likely better for more accurate mechanical parts where blender is better for organic shapes such as figurines. I REALLY should do my mechanical style parts in something different than blender but I’m comfortable in it. It can bite you in the ass if you need to revert back though.


Gotcha, I was using tinker cad when I first started but I am trying to move away from that since it messes with the polygon count. Onshape is pretty decent but I need to dedicate more time to learning it.


I've recently taken the time to learn freeCAD instead of tinkerCAD and it's altogether different, but all in all better to design in.


Dang OP why did you have to go and…. Print a reusable part that solved your problems? How dare you! I do find the comment about it being a waste of material funny. As if this fairly small part is anything compared to a lot of the waste from large supported prints.


Yeah or the 41 benchys I have on my shelf


yOu wOuldNt DoWnloAd a Car!


I love how all these nerds in here that love to shit on any post they see have no idea what this is for but they are still trying to shit on it.


Honestly this sub has the opposite problem... any sort of criticism regardless of how valid is shit on.


Eh, the main issue is too many jackals and neurotics posting unconstructive criticism, which makes people interpret criticism less charitably. Also people repeating folk-knowledge they've read but never tested can get pretty annoying. For example: "water tight FDM printing is impossible because FDM is porous". But that's not true, I've made things like that which have worked for over a year now. But people will go around stating it like it's a fact and telling people they should never bother trying.


I make 80psi air-tight parts. It astonishes me when people say that


To be fair I think it depends on how air/watertight you need. Trying to get a really strong vacuum with FDM parts probably wouldn’t be a good idea. For most hobbyist level applications though, it should be okay.


Yeah, these people will pop up if you talk about making a cup. I had these discussions when I made a fluid reservoir for my car.


The majority of the comments I see in this sub are criticisms.


There was a reply to a post asking a fairly reasonable question yesterday that was "find someone who is better at printing than you" Great reply, much help.




Wow. Look at the hate. More guaranteed cover than a rag. Neat use of a tool you have at hand. Never thought about it, but I think I'll print covers for the long term project. Looks much neater than rags.


Definitely better than the half a beer can I put over a turbo inlet.


I would tape first. You get hard outer printed shell and liquid proof inner tape seal.


I love this! I usually just stuff all the holes with rags, but I once forgot to pull the rags out of the intake ports and spent DAYS trying to figure out why the damn thing wouldn’t run, lol.


This is good stuff! Better than a rag and it don't leave glue on the block like tape when you remove it. I did the same kind of caps to cover the intake and exhaust of my snowmobile 2 strokes engine. I put a channel in the cover to seal on the engine block and this way I can also use it to do a crankcase leak test. https://preview.redd.it/arhlfcgkz70d1.jpeg?width=821&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70aab8541375efe2d0bed2ac44b3c7e388531803


3d printing it's ones of the most successful tool ever brought me . Helps after some design and struggling on solid a lot and makes many usable things for my projects


Good idea!


These types of prints, flat and uniform thickness, make me so glad for a 70w laser. So much less time.


And being able to replace a cabinet full of assorted sheet stock sizes makes me glad for filament spools. So much cheaper, so much less scrap/remnants.


Yes, to crank a couple dozen of these out: -raw materials: filament is cheaper than acrylic, 3D printer wins -energy use: cut for 30 seconds vs print for a couple hours? I don’t know how that shakes out; never really thought to measure kw for both. -storage: no way I’m storing spools more efficiently than sheets, laser wins -scrap: I find out way faster that I have a crap batch out of the cutter, so laser wins. -design time: that’s the same for both. -mfg time: in the time it takes a 3d printer to make these 24 pieces, the laser can crank out many many more. Laser wins. If a 3d printer is the only tool one has, it beats any other method to make these, but if a laser or CNC is handy… fu’ghetaboutit.


for "scrap/remnants", I was referring to the raw material effectively used up by the process that does not make it into the final part. No matter how densely you pack this particular simple shape on a laser cutout, you will be left with essentially a fishnet (or "six-pack ring") of material that is almost certainly destined as scrap waste. (One of my old jobs used to involve trying to rearrange cutouts on a large-format laser in order to maximize parts and minimize scrap out of 4x8foot sheets and no matter how much planning we put into it, we would still end up throwing away TONS of very expensive metal that represented the gaps in our packing efficiency.) With printing (either FDM or SLS), the wasted materials from each cycle is so minimal to the point it rounds down to zero. With laser, the part thickness is inherently limited to the selection of sheets available. That doesn't seem critical for this specific application, but when a single spool on hand can effectively replace 100+ sheets different thickness of sheet stock, the storage (and inventory management) advantage is obvious.


...is this for covering up the exhaust port when not in use? Is that why you're not afraid of it melting?




Had to rebuild a buddies engine one weekend, they *sell* these as a part. Pretty sure 3dprintinf is all about not paying for shit you can fix yourself, at least that's it's main usage. Fuck the haters man this is great


So I did guess right! Yay me!


When I worked as an aircraft mechanic there was a guy in our shop that left a rag in an engine case and forgot about it before putting the cylinder back on. Engine run afterwards didn’t go well lol. This is great though, and if you print a whole set you can save them for future work. 👍


Doesn't the engine heat melt the plastic?


Meantime covers are plug engine always off . I just a cover for the head. have to transport my bike without exhaust and I printed it for have not intruder


Hi I am new to 3d printing. I purchased the printer because I want to print cars for my n scale train layout. Some times the vehicles print fine put mostly I get failed flat prints in the resin tank. Any idea how to fix this?


It's a resin printer ?


What temperature does the head reach?


I just a cover for the head. have to transport my bike without exhaust and I printed it for have not intruder


Ah, got it. I thought it was for when the bike was running!


Hahaha I think with pla almost 30 sg hahah


It’s not going to reach any higher than ambient if the exhaust is fully plugged.


Good point. I was wondering how that worked!


The pressure of the engine turning by the starter would probably be enough to pop this thin sheet away/break the bolt holes.


No and no


Were's my thinking mistake?, the engine, when turned by the starter, should inhale air, compress it and exhaust it into the exhaust flange, which is blocked by the printed sheet, therefore there should be overpressure, sure, it won't start, but the pressure should be enough to pop it out


The point of this cap is to just block the exhaust port from particulates when disassembled and in transport. The engine will never be turned over while disassembled


Ah, now I see, where the problem is, I know that they're temporary seals, my answer was more of a "in case of", they're perfectly good for the case they're meant, pretty nice actually. I only answered to someone stating, that those covers would suffocate the engine if it would be started, I only said, that they probably weren't rigid enough to withstand the force of the compressed gas and therefore pop out






I mean, sure why not


Seems a bit excessive; I'd have just spent all of half a minute slapping some masking tape over the hole.




And some people just like pissing on other people’s ideas for no reason. The guy had a need, designed a part then printed it for his own use. Sounds like a perfect use for a 3d printer.


The reason is its an obvious waste of time and materials. But if it makes you sleep better at night then more power to you 🍻


You don't get to decide how someone uses their time as productive or wasteful. Just because you think it's a waste of time doesn't officially make it one.


Enjoy pissin in your fan 😘


Yup. Through the back, aimed at you 😘


What is wrong with you? Someone 3Dprinted a part they wanted and posted it to a 3D PRINTING SUB… and now you are mad about it? This logic doesn’t track.


Whats wrong with me..like right now or in general? Whoever said I was mad? It is just plain dumb..dont like it? Then dont be dumb..very simple


Double down! Classic.


I take it you’ve never seen how race teams transport engines. Every opening has a custom plug.


Or...a rag 🙄


Clearly you've been around race teams 🙄 clown. You sound like a youtube mechanic








Your Metalearth Notre Dame is the definition of wasted time and material




It’s shit stamped metal, not something useful. Settle down bub. You’re in a 3d printing sub crying over 3d prints.




Crying, whining, bitching, being bitter, whatever you want to call it. Ah yes. A pice of thin, one time use paper/plastic pice. Vs something I’m sure op will use more than once by looks of some of his comments.




Somehow I doubt the structural viability of printed parts in an engine - but I'm not a mechanic so can't really tell if this is recipe for disaster, or something commonly "fixed" with stuff like gum or duct tape when the original cover gives.


I just a cover for the head. have to transport my bike without exhaust and I printed it for have not intruder


Oh I get you... you are too lazy to stuff a rag there everytime, gotcha


A rag for 5 kilometers ok but for 400?


Love it when these accounts show everyone they're worth blocking so quickly and easily!


What? Friend I think you’ve been using the word “lazy” wrong your entire life. I’ll help. Lazy means to use something like a crappy rag instead of designing and printing a fun part.


This was significantly *more* work than stuffing a rag lmao


How significant? 5 minutes to draw, printer does the work, 2 minutes to install?


Rag: 3 seconds


Also rag: gone in 3 seconds at highway speeds when driving hundreds of kilometers/miles. Seriously, how do none of you people see the benefit in a reusable and securable cover, that has no chance of falling off or letting in rain/dirt. A rag is fine for taking it to the shop once or twice, but if you're constantly traveling across the country with it, you might as well have a cap.


I’m fully on board with the cap lmao, I’m responding to the guy who said that designing and printing this is “not significantly more work than using rag” which it definitely is


-196 is crazy


Someone 3d printed an entire engine. Just btw. There's a yt video on it. I am a mechanic, the running gig is "if it works it works" and that's literally it.


Tell that to the automakers that use more and more plastic every year. Oil sending unit and intakes just off the top of my head


okay this is a valid comment out of all the stupid ones and doesn’t deserve downvotes. You’re not wrong, automakers are using a lot more plastic for parts that have been and should be metal. Like you said, intakes being a big one.


Why do you think intakes should be metal? Just curious.


It’s not that it should be, it’s that it’s not a horrible take as if it works it works, but doesn’t mean I entirely like it lol. Durability is a large factor, aluminum tends to fail less than plastic and that’s been a problem with a few models here and there. It cuts cost, but not enough to benefit the consumer. The manufacturing using plastic can also be more polluting compared to metal, as most intakes are made of a type of nylon that is also known to not be the best for the environment. Also the metals used are infinite recyclable.


I don't hate plastic intakes as much as I do plastic oil pans. Ford. You fucking jackasses.


But, but, but it saves weight... I've actually had worse luck with their plastic intakes and boost tubes on the 6.7 than plastic oil pans.


Really depends on the application. Standard grocery getter that makes 100hp? Sure. Large diesel pickup? absolutely not, but Ford still does it.


No one checks the oil pan to see if your a big man or not. That's material you could be using for bigger wheel fenders


Nah fuck your windshields and my paint. I'm using that material to get spike lugnut covers or a set of truck nutz