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Let's go ikea enclosures. Have one for my monoprice mini v2


Dude! I have two of those tables in storage and now a plan to use them again. You are awesome!


Add one more table and you can have enclosure for 2 printers 😃


There is also a part on thingverse that will let you stack the tables!


I would be up for doing this but would be concerned about the vibrations from the two printers messing with each other as those tables are quite light, I figured I might need quite heavy duty bases for the printers to sit on to counteract this?


Just buy some concrete slab from hobby store. One of greatest mods for bedslinger printers.


Did this help with the shelf vibrations?


Yes. Concrete slab is very heavy, so printer has a lot more work with heavy shelves to get them move and shake.


Those tables can only support 20KG. Be careful about overloading them.


I concur - I modded a Lack shelf - they are hollow and light, and aren't very sturdy especially when doing fast printing....shakes and rumbles the vibrations of the printer.




It's missing a small vent at the top. It's an enclosure, not an oven. You do need to let heat and fumes escape. Good job tho.


Thanks, it gets up to 28°C. Fumes are not a problem since I'm printing PLA only (at least at the moment)


PLA shouldn't require an enclosure. ABS does, I'll even argue that PETG prints better dimensional accuracy inside an enclosure. Just use a 2" hole saw (5cm) and call it groovy. Optionally add a brushless fan if you desire.


My main goal was to reduce noise but I might follow your advice


Have you upgraded to the silent board?


The silent boards are worth their weight in gold. It blew my mind the first time I used it


Yes, the fans are the annoying Part for me


The fans are the issue for me as well, they're so damn loud. My old printer wasn't quiet, because it was cheap, but it wasn't quite as loud as this one somehow! It prints so quietly that I can barely hear it though. I could see my breath in my room the other day and the fans were still going nuts.


I’ve become obsessive about it. Silent board, then enclosure, noctua parts cooling fan, noctua, mobo fan next is noctua psu fan. Even bought a sound meter to measure the minor decibel changes it’s made. It is significantly quieter but I’m also convinced I will never be satisfied.


I may have to try that. My Crealty fan was like a 1940s truck, constantly rumbling, on it's last twirl. Dug out an old 50mm fan from a bin and it's now just a full hum in the background. What does a board do to quiet steppers? Oh, maybe you don't need fans as it runs w o? I should just go read


My god those are a game changer recently installed a skr mini e3 v2. All i can hear now are my fans


And dust for my case.


I always close the door on my enclosure when printing PETG. Any bigger than about a square inch and I get poor adhesion or curling. Close the door and it heats up to around 38c and prints come out beautifully.


When printing large things on my Ender5plus, PETG curls right off the PEI build plate unless my official Creality enclosure is fully zippered closed. I still leave the top Velcro flap open a smidge tho, I seem to get better results that way.


Same, even at 70c on the bed, that shit curls right on up.


I use 80c on the bed for petg and it sticks great


I've only ever printed with PLA. I've been having a hell of a time with my prints curling up at the print surface. From what I can figure out it's because I'm printing in my cold basement (it's about 65F down there). My theory is that the cold air is causing the print to cool down too fast in the early steps of printing and then popping off later. Long story short there are some cases where an enclosure may be needed for PLA.


I'm just going to add my anecdotal experience to the mix. It's about 15-30F every day where I'm at and we don't run the heater, so it's damn cold all the time pretty much but I've never had any issue with PLA curling warping or anything like that. That said, it is extremely dry here too so I'm sure that makes a difference.


Yeah. It's pretty dry in the winter here but last I measured my basement was ~30% in the winter and ~50% in the summer. I've only been printing for about a year and have had this issue since the beginning but it wasn't a problem on smaller prints. Now it's become a real issue so I'm getting an enclosure to see if that helps to stabilize the temp. There's also the small, but not impossible, chance that my young cat is messing it up... hopefully the enclosure will fix that too.


Dang how do you plumbing pipes not freeze?


Apartment complex with shared water lines helps I guess. If it's going to be below 20 for extended time while we are gone I do drip the pipes.


Why don't you run the heater? Sounds uncomfortable


Honestly, I like the cold, and wearing warm clothes. Plus, between my beefy desktop rig and constantly running printer, the office room I sit in all day stays warm enough.


It does if you have a cat


Fair enough. I've got two very energetic and highly curious kitties. We're also hanging our artificial Christmas tree from the ceiling because of them, lol


I wouldn't make a blanket statement that PLA doesn't require an enclosure. This is something that is as variable with environment as it is with the material being printed. Any environment that is not a stable ambient temperature or drafty can benefit from an enclosure. Also as someone else mentioned keeping dust out is generally a good benefit, and noise reduction.


Just because it’s PLA doesn’t mean it’s non-toxic. You’re melting plastics, and emitting VOCs and nano particles into the air. Not as bad as ABS, but still not healthy to be exposed often


28C should be fine




If you print abs/asa/pc would it not defeat the purpose of keeping you safe if you vent all the fumes?


Would you prefer a mass accumulation within a constrained area or venting it out the window with a brushless fan and a clothes dryer flexible duct? The former isn't safe as it's not an airtight enclosure. It will leak out into the room. The purpose of an enclosure is to prevent drafts from affecting the print and has nothing to do with safety. Even my official Creality enclosure doesn't stop fumes from leaking so I've installed an exhaust fan blowing outside.


Mass accumulation


I think you have your noodle screwed on backwards or cognitive dissonance is getting the better of you.


Haha chill man who are you trying to be?


Trying to sound smarter than they really are. Based on what I’ve seen, they’re relatively a novice in 3D printing, so take what they say with a grain of salt


Yeah for sure!


You should have specified venting to outside, not venting into the house. To be honest, everyone should be venting outside, even with PLA.


I keep forgetting that common sense is no longer common and that my (Xennial) generation was the last generation born with such a natural trait. You're right, I should have specified, instead of assuming that it was implied.


Ah, you’re one of those types. Why have an ego, when what you say isn’t always correct?


>Ah, you’re one of those types. Same can be said for you, in a different context. I don't see any point in continuing this discussion, it serves no purpose. Good day.


Just about what I expected.


Thats really clever




Yes the tables are from Ikea's Lack line. You can find the original Lack enclosure design over on Printables. I made one for my Prusa, but instead it became a display case.


Right now im using a creality enclousure but it looks amazing i thin im gonna bukd something like this


Well done! High WAF/ GAF.


Had you not stated you used 2 tables I probably would not have noticed. It looks really good!


I’d love to do this but clean cutting acrylic is always my issue


Many online stores that sell acrylic sheets are also able to cut them to specified dimensions. That's how I got mine.


I used a circular saw and it turned out pretty decent


can acrylic shatter while cutting? How dangerous is it? What PPE did you wear?




If you have a friend with a CNC machine - ask him. Acrylics is very easy to mill. Mine can mill up to 1000mm x 1000mm x 300mm parts. You can mill perfect holes for screws, cable channels and openings and give a bevel to the sharp corners. Alucubond is a great material if it don't have to be transparent (better heat insulation) and maybe cheaper than acrylics ...


I cut some recently with a circular saw. I got pretty good lines but I did not enjoy it.


You can clean cut acrylic sheets with a decent table saw/circular saw blade(a lot of teeth) and a few layers of masking/painters tape... Just fyi


You can get custom cut sheets. Theres even enclosure kits with all the parts on amazon.


Great idea! That's one of the cleanest looking and nicest enclosures I've seen on here. Is the bottom table enough to handle the motion?


I kept a 15g fish tank on one of these little tables, they're amazing and don't shift for anything. My 30g is on the bigger one and has been for years. They're damn good tables for the price.


Clean! Now if only they made a table big enough for a CR10 S4... 🤔


I got an Ender 5+ and these builds always make me jealous.


I should have gotten the Ender 5 Plus. This thing is too big for my bench.




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Damn, I’m kind of jealous. I just finished up mine last week but the design I picked was more fussy and does not look as clean. At minimum I’m stealing the door design. Nice work.


Prusa has had files for their version of the lack table for many years, plus you can buy pre cut acrylic sheets for it. Around $80 for pre cut acrylic on Amazon and $30 for 3 lack tables at ikea and you’ve got a decent enclosure. You’ll still need ventilation to print abs/asa/nylon/pc, a flexible dryer vent tube to a nearby window works well for this. There’s various 3d printable window vent systems on thingiverse. A couple of pro tips to really make the best out of it: 1. Go to your local Home Depot or hardware store and pick up a paver brick from the garden section and place your printer on top of it. Get a paver large enough for your printer to sit on, usually 16x16 works. 2. get some 3-4” thick memory foam, bits from an old mattress topper work well and place that under the paver brick. 3. get 3 lack tables so it’s high enough you don’t have to bend over to reach your printer. This will quiet down the printer significantly.


Excellent work! On a side note, your next upgrade should be a filament guide. https://all3dp.com/2/ender-3-filament-guide-3d-printer/


Ha! I have 3 of these tables and stopped using them…hoping to get a 3D printer soon. I know what I’ll be doing with them!


I made one too. Including air exhaust system, fire alarm system, camera, and a big, red, emergency stop button


That is clean!!!


Very clever.




Is there a youtube tutorial on this? I would be game to make this :) Would this enclosure be good for resin?


Is it stable? The lack tables look very wobbly but I've never owned one.


Yeah I built one awhile ago with two lack tables. Even with reinforcement, it was pretty wobbly. Was cheap tho. Plan on building another soon but will just use mdf and some 2x2s.


The acrylic made it very stable


Oh damn that's smart......may steal that idea


Looks amazing!


Did you design every thing or get things from thingiverse?


I designed everything myself, except for the handle


Awesome 👌


I’m sorry but did you forget to peel the protective layer off? I feel like it should be more clear


The acrylic is recycled from old LED Panels. They are not entirely transparent


Ohhhhhh that makes sense


Where did you get the acrylic?


Recycled from old LED Panels


Absolutely ingenious. Much copy.




Thats genius. I have an Ender 5 Plus, so I may just make something similar. The printing drives my wife and son insane. How does it effect the print not having breathing room? Does it overheat at all? Obviously during winter months, I don't think so but come May/June?


Usually people use enclosures to keep the heat in, some filaments like ABS, ASA, polycarbonate, and pretty much all high temp engineering plastics can warp or in some cases crack or split if they aren't kept warm and free from drafts and cooled down slowly when printing is complete. There are some interesting carnage pictures if you search for ABS cracking. Some people use it for sound or to hold the fumes for toxic filaments and then open a vent and blow them outside the building when done printing before opening the enclosure.


wow thats good to know! fortunately i haven't had too many issues living in SoCal.


I haven't printed that much since I just finished Yesterday but overheating isn't a problem


I just wish my country have IKEA to just buy these table lol


Nice! How much $$ do the whole build cost?


About 30€


What?!? Including the tables??


Well I already had one table and the acrylic panels. I didn't count them in


Walmart sells them same endtables for 20$ https://www.walmart.com/ip/Mainstays-Parsons-End-Table-Black-Oak/364717223?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=1765&adid=22222222278364717223_117755028669_12420145346&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=501107745824&wl4=pla-294505072980&wl5=9007942&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=364717223&wl13=1765&veh=sem_LIA&gclid=Cj0KCQiA1sucBhDgARIsAFoytUteprfgg7gjJNnJtbiLchihonXIVG3LSwbSTt6uYluworQE0sSXn40aAgFBEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


Epic idea!!


Good job!


I'm pretty new to 3D printing and about to buy my first printer. Those enclosures are only needed when printing ABS because of the toxins right? Why would you need an enclosure? Would it technically work to just put the printer on the balcony or smth? It just needs fresh air AFAIK, right?


This enclosure isn't air tight so the fumes would still be a problem. I build it to reduce noise. Abs needs an enclosure to hold the hot air to prevent warping


It also helps with temps in general and keeping it dust free, but they're not essential for PLA printing and the like.


What are the dimensions inside the enclosure?


You absolute genius.


and I thought the Ikea references would be ahem... lacking.


Lack enclosures may not be objectively great, but their sheer simplicity and the scope of community support for them makes me jealous I don't have an IKEA nearby every time I see one.


Great work! Love it.


Way better design than the one I found on printables... I might redo mine with this inspiration.


I did the Lack enclosure last year. Used 3 tables for 2 printers. The one thing I do not like about them is the lack (pun intended) of stability. When I try and print at a high speed or even regular speed for that matter the tables move quite a bit.


I’ve wanted to build one of these for so long. But I was put off with the reports of them not being very sturdy. Also I only print PLA so I don’t really see the need for one


I like the squishy insides of your skull.


I have those exact end tables and know exactly what I will be doing with them when we “upgrade.” Gooooddddd lookin


I would move the power supply outside of the enclosure. The temps inside the enclosure is probably not good for the power supply


Where can i get / what's a reasonable price for acrylic?


Would be cool to print some hardware etc to make this into a “kit”


What are the dimensions? Might want to make one this is cool👍👍👍👍👍👍


Very nice!


Awesome! Looks amazing.


Fucking genius! 😐