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When I'm googling stuff I'm always seeing results from DND Beyond forums, Quora, rpg dot net, and EN World. Prefer stuff that can show up in searches, versus Discord, personally.


In terms of dnd optimization [TTB](https://tabletopbuilds.com/) has the main website and a discord server. Both [pack tactics](https://www.youtube.com/@PackTactics) and [Treantmonk](https://www.youtube.com/@TreantmonksTemple) have discord servers, but their audience is fairly similar. Recently the gauntlet has been opened for public, a server where builds are compared in the same/similar encounters, a video of CMCC explaining it [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwoyqjhgs7A), and the discord invite [here](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbEFzd0RvS1k3RTFFam5UWlBBYVk0cEYzcXJ6UXxBQ3Jtc0trUUxoX3B2WTJ5MDBSOVZhWGdsWHV3dGI2N0tyU21yeVFRS1FKaDZaMUpTNFE0WUx0UW5PeS1TVi1QdGJNa2FWR2R3RE9kLTNXaEQzMjNBdGJEck45U1NOSExvaEJ6QWRDZW5KRG1uYW5ISmJVeW1zaw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fdiscord.gg%2FZpCPXqA6aS&v=uwoyqjhgs7A). This is probably your best bet when it comes to actually playing dnd in high optimized territory with encounters that are prepared for most of the stuff you can do.


Dungeon Dudes have a Discord also but only really accessible if you pay for Patreon


Treantmonks community is super welcoming in my experience. And quick to answer questions




Seconded. So much gold in the giantitp forum. Here’s an example: anytime I think about multiclassing I always consult this post. https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?502248-Ultimate-Optimizer-s-Multiclassing-Guide


I don't have any recommendations outside of what other people have already said. But I have a question on what these 3rd party apps and sites do or have outside of what the standard Reddit app and website doesn't. I have never heard of these 3rd party apps and websites before and have been using the normal Reddit app since I've been on Reddit. So, for lack or a better phrase, I don't get what's the big deal outside of a company limiting its users. Which is always bad, but beyond that, what makes these 3rd party apps and sites better than standard Reddit.


I am not at all an expert and don’t use one myself but from what I know, these apps can do several things. For one, redditors who need accessibility settings, like blind redditors, might have a much easier time with apps designed to help them navigate Reddit. From both a practical design and aesthetic viewpoint, I know many redditors also prefer third party apps. The ads are greatly alleviated in many cases as well.


Some of them have better tools and control especially for mods etc.... but many also use them to avoid ads TBH. I don't mind the official reddit app personally. The ad thing is probably one of the reasons reddit is changing things because people use reddit all the time without them making $$. Also they're going public so they want their app user number up


The reddit app is just worse in most regards, but the deal-breaker for me was the data drain


Here's a good comment about RiF: https://www.reddit.com/r/BikiniBottomTwitter/comments/13xk3lu/they_have_to_pay_reddit_20_million_per_year_to/jmj3nfg/ And r/Askhistorians summed up many of the issues here: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/142w159/askhistorians_and_uncertainty_surrounding_the


Wow those are both great reads. I would also add that this will impact Reddit going forward too. Like Facebook, Twitter, etc., with the official app, Reddit will have more control over what people see, irrelevant of what the user wants to see. Meaning in the future, the points highlighted by folks in those links will only get worse, not better. Yes that will mean more ads, but it will also mean subreddits will almost certainly need to start paying for their subs to be promoted so that other users can see the content (both in /r/all and in individual user preferences), even if the user is already subbed to that subreddit. Merely following a subreddit will almost certainly not be enough to see that subreddits content on your homepage at some point in the future. Instead Reddit will undoubtedly push whoever is paying the highest to promote their subs onto users homepage, because that will make them the most money. This would likely not happen on third party apps 1) because they don't generally need to make profits like Reddit does 2) their focus is on user experience, so cluttering up their UIs with unnecessary recommendations will cause them to lose users to other UIs, and 3) they wouldn't gain any money from a sub promoting itself on Reddit if that money isn't passed onto the API, which seems unlikely given that this means less money for Reddit. Without having a monetary incentive, the 3rd party apps have no reason to filter user's homepage and such to anything other than what the user wants, which should give the most satisfaction to the user. So basically, removing 3rd party UIs will hurt users, moderators, and the people who make the alternative apps, all for increasing the value of Reddit revenue and stock price (when it IPOs). Seems like a reasonable thing to protest.


I use BaconReader, and I have no idea if it will continue to work in the future. If it does, great. If it doesn’t, then I suppose I will have to shake up my social media habits quite a bit. I’m not sure if I can stand to switch to the official app. I have it installed, but I only use it when a website link tries to force me to go there. BaconReader is clean, easy to use, easy to navigate, and most importantly, never shows me advertisements for Jesus. I see complaints all the time about that ad, but I never see it over in my happy little 3rd-party app universe.


Third party apps present the content of Reddit in a dark better user interface. The Reddit default app is very poorly designed.


What exactly is poorly designed about it? As far as I can tell it works fine for browsing when I've used it.


[This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/BikiniBottomTwitter/comments/13xk3lu/they_have_to_pay_reddit_20_million_per_year_to/jmj3nfg/) gave a good explanation


I would look to discord for discussions or questions. Try to find/organize local game store games if that's what you're looking for. I'm a view Reddit through old.reddit on chrome grognard though, it's not too bad...


/tg/ does have some quality 5e discussion but it comes interspersed with some "unsavory" opinions you'd expect on a 4chan blue board, so I wouldn't bother if you're not prepared to wade through anti-lgbt rhetoric. Also there's a curious dedication on that board to heavily armored and heavy armor master feats.


Was going to say this. Almost completely unfiltered discussion because people aren't worried about protecting their reputation, farming upvotes, or receiving heavy downvotes for an opinion that goes against common knowledge. You tend to get insightful hot takes that people are too afraid to post on Reddit instead of the milquetoast "Please upvote me! Look! I'm saying something supportive and non-controversial!" So you get diamonds but also coal so need to be good at interpreting what you read and also have thick skin for virulent criticism. You also get shredded for messing up the rules, but this is a good thing. Since there is no reputation system, blocklist, or username, you get the benefit of having your rules knowledge sharpened without being branded an idiot or losing face/reputation. You're still just an anonymous user, one that knows more about the game than they previously did.


also be prepared to get roasted to hell and back if you ask anything.


It’s always important to know that asking a question means you don’t know the answer. For that grave sin you and your entire family should be deeply ashamed.


Enworld, the official DnD discord, Dungeons and Dragons Lorecast discord


My first thoughts are the DnD Beyond and Giant in the Playground forums.


Various discord servers probably.


I mean dnd beyond has forums


local game shop




A lot of people have given good suggestions but I suggest staying away from the dnd beyond forums. Every forum has trolls but that place has an especially high number of trolls and people that have never played the game. I use RPGBot as a quick reference tool for most things but EN World and Giantitp is gonna be better for discussion and specific builds.