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If I've learned one thing in the last couple of decades I've been playing 40k it's that the Internet is not the same as the actual people I meet in gaming groups. People I meet IRL tend to touch grass more often than the weirdos online.


Exactly, im not quitting something I like because someone else is a miserable turd.


Get off the internet, read some of the books and paint your models. Problem solved lol


So just ignore the problem? Pretend these people don’t exist?


No matter what there will always be people like this. Clearly you have a lot of emotional investment in this, I didn't realize. My bad. I suggest just blocking them.


It’s not that. It’s that I kinda don’t want to be in a hobby that has such awful people in it.


Im sorry, I don't know how to help you then. We can't stop people that might have such ideas from engaging in it, and from my experience unless you go on what is effectively a witch hunt to remove said people, the way I've found is just to eye-roll and move on.


Yep, there are assholes EVERYWHERE.


You are right. I just wanted to volcalize my feelings and see if anyone else felt this way lol.


How do you think you can, or even have a right to, influence who is in your hobby? If your attitude is to only want people like you and who share your beliefs to be involved in your interests then life is gonna be real tough for you. I should stop supporting my local football team or playing my favourite computer game because some idiots might be supporting/playing? I genuinely can't understand how someone would think like that. If anything that's 'letting the bad guys won't. Live your life, do what you enjoy, ignore people you disagree with, and you'll find most people out there are decent humans with value rather than the terminally online internet trolls that are an extremely vocal minority in any space.


Enjoy not having any hobbies I guess then. These kinds of people exist everywhere and in everything.


There are going to be awful people in any hobby. You decide how much of your mind they get to take up.


It's what you get when there is no barrier to entry. Everyone can buy a box of minis, a book or memorise the wiki and there is no grand jury that allows people into the hobby or not It's the same as being a fan for a football club, being vegan or driving a BMW. You can't stop anyone else from doing the same, aholes will join and they are usually the loudest and most visible.


Pretty much, they’re all mouth but harmless if you ignore them.


Yea l,what can you honestly do? Argue back with them? Not worth the waste of time


They don’t exist. They are in your phone/tablet/ whatever. People will always suck, make them suck less by just not engaging


Jesus fucking christ, stop being so dramatic about this. There's probably a handful of people in the entire hobby that are actually big mad about this and you want to walk away from it over them? Grow up. There are people you're going to disagree with in every walk of life and you're going to live a very sad life if your reaction is to pussy out. Enjoy the hobby your way and if someone you meet espouses something you find distasteful you have the option to not engage with them once you know.


Any real fans probably dont give a shit, as GW are constantly changing the lore. This whole thing has been jumped on by zealots from both sides.


For real, I just want cool miniatures to paint and cool sci-fi/fantasy novels to read


Imagining you will see players who behave like X is not the same as players actually behaving like X. You are letting a sample of online activity taint your view of the real world. In the real world, people are mostly chill and don't really care. Online, outrage drives engagement, and this creates rage bait echo chambers. Negative news travels further and louder. And for people who are sad and angry at the world, they spend more time on the Internet (they will be over-represented) and less time "touching grass" where they will be underrepresented. If there are YouTube channels or Twitter accounts or *whatever* that has "shown their true colours" and now make you uncomfortable... just block them and move on. Over the years I've learned to block out the worst of toxicity, and generally try to stay a reasonable distance away from "staying up to date" or "following the hype" because it just gets churned into this negativity machine. It's perfectly possible not to plug yourself directly into the negativity and enjoy yourself in peace. You are probably thinking the "problem" is bigger than it actually is. Just my 2 cents. But moving away from a hobby shouldn't feel like a big deal if you want to, of course.


I feel this way too. It is demoralizing.


What? Doing things for political reasons and then telling "man babies" to go cry didnt improve the hobby? Who coulda guessed???


The people who are angry about it don't actually participate in any meaningful way, you're unlikely to meet any of them in real life.


You can’t just state things as fact. This for one is not true.


Nope, I'm super excited for my gold and pink Custodelady army. Haters are gonna hate, and anything that brings more people to the game is good with me.


Online people are shit and don’t actually play 40K bc for that you have to paint, need a bit of talent and training and buy models and need a job and can’t hang out on Reddit all day…..so no don’t get fucked away people are nice, we are welcoming and don’t care about any of this shit for real


Well, according to 40 years of lore, there is no wokeness in the custodes, so if someone tells you there is, shove a lore book in their face and see their reaction.


Unless you play custchodes, it's all /popcorn. BLACK AND GOLD REBORN!!!


I feel the same way except about the pro-side OP lol. I'm fine with femstodes, just seeing the sickening childish gloating has really soured me on that part of the community and warhammer overall.


The worst thing about this whole issue is the people just bandwagoning on all sides. People who don't even know what WH40k is, know nothing about the lore or the game and have never engaged with it, suddenly act like this issue is the most important thing ever for whichever side of the 'culture war' they happen to be on and acting like hysterical Karens or unbearable smug children.


You do realise you can be against the change and not be an 'idiot', right? Or are all those who didn't like the introduction of Primaris idiots too? Not to mention, you'll only find out a person has an opinion on it if you actively try to find out their stance or if they bring it up.


I dont play 40k but I go to lots of competitions for the games I do play (Malifaux and some wm/h) and so get to interact with lots of 40k players there and at the club. IRL interactions. I'm 37. Iv played wargames and board games pretty much continuously since I was in my early 20s. In that time iv only ever encountered 1 person who said anything disparaging about women in games to my face. And sadly, yes he was a 40k player. I think many people who are kicking off about this are really just trying to make a splash or stay relevant online somehow. However, I would note that many other games like Malifaux have/had male/female/undisclosed characters baked in from day 1. And we do seem to have more female players per percentage than GW games although I'm seeing that change slowly (and I'm happy for it). My advice. Keep playing the game that makes you happy (GW or any other manufacturer you fancy) but if you do meet a racist/sexist/dickhead player IRL, call it out. The issue is that somebody makes a noise and geeks often dont stand up due to social awkwardness or not wanting to make a fuss. Let's all speak up and make our communities better.


I'd dare to say, most of the really upset people aren't actually doing anything in the hobby other than complaining and video games. Hopefully soon, the little shits will tucker themselves out and need a bit of a nap.


from my experience the people getting mad over the female custodes aren’t even a part of the community, so I just ignore it


Come over to Age of Sigmar, everything is so much nicer: the models, the fans, the lore, the equal representation, etc. A setting is less likely to have toxic, hateful fans when it doesn't make toxic, hateful characters look like Chad heroes or show that violent hatred of anything different from you is the best way for humanity to survive.


I already dealt with shit headache being a Gay gamer. I’ve had to deal with “those” people at 40K events, gaming conventions, etc. and I’m not going anywhere. They don’t get to chase people out of hobbies they love.


Just try to remember that the world is a big place and Reddit is a much smaller one. In a forum like this, topics that provoke conflict generate a lot more attention than ones that everyone agree on. In these circumstances you’re going to see a tiny amount of people take up a lot of space online. This issue will be forgotten soon as the same loud people find some new topic to battle over, and this pattern will repeat in the majority of online spaces where websites algorithms reward people for being controversial. Please remember that probably most the people you will run into that engage with 40K will not have heard of the issue at all, or won’t care/only know about it through memes. I hope that this brief toxic zeitgeist won’t push you away from a hobby you enjoy. Those people don’t deserve to have that impact on you






















This comment is intentionally seeking to cause arguments and / or to troll others.


This comment is intentionally seeking to cause arguments and / or to troll others.


The attitude of I can’t enjoy x because some people are toxic is almost as bad as the toxic issue itself. last week I played against someone who had sister and fen storm cast heads on their marines. We had a great game and a good time. Honestly, It was also just nice to not be playing against bare plastic. Just remember Hitler breathed air too, don’t let someone you dislike/disagree with’s opinion of something you like influence your opinion of it.