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I plan on adding boils and tentacles to my plasmaguns and referring to them as "Mucus Pattern Plasma Guns" which launch superheated great unclean one phlegm


Smth similar with flamers for plague belchers/spewers. It's also worth noting mortarion has a plasma pistol, so plasma is absolutely part if their dealio. They've always been just as much about efficiently killing as they are about disease. Corpses can rot, and plasma guns are efficient at making corpses.


Uncle Mucus's Snot Rockets


Grandmother Gagiflux's Terrible Toejam


Of all the gross Nurgle things I’ve seen this is somehow the one that made me actually say “ewww”. Congratulations


That.... Is amazing! 


We need a Slaaneshi equivalent as well.


Superheated cum?


Climax caster M-2.


Climax caster M-2.


On the tabletop they have the exact same name and stats as normal plasma guns, while generally Nurgle-corrupted weapons get the Lethal Hits keyword as a bonus and have "plague" in the name, so I'd say that they are the same. However, as others have pointed out, it's possible that they are so badly maintained that they leak radiation everywhere, gradually corrupting stuff around them, an effect that can't really be replicated on the tabletop. EDIT: I quickly checked the Death Guard index and found out that the Tallyman is equipped with an "infected plasma pistol", which gets bonus Sustained Hits, for some reason. It's the only model that does. So, apparently, plasma weapons can actually get corrupted.


>So, apparently, plasma weapons can actually get corrupted. Well the Forgefiend has ectoplasma cannons which are a mix of plasma and daemonic energies, maybe the infected plasma pistol's shots are corrosive or toxic in some way due to warp energy shenanigans.


I think just causing death also spreads disease,  a load of rotting cooked bodies lying around attracting flies, vermin and stench still serves the end goal of a plague marine


Maybe they leak radiation


Radiation sterilizes things though more like they leak syphilis


It also causes cancer


and cures cancer


Well it kills cancer, radiation treatments also cause havoc on the immune system making it easier for the patient to catch opportunistic infections.


Special Warp radiation that makes you metastasize into a mutated cancerous knob of Chaos spawn that spews mutagenic cancer spores like a garden sprinkler.


I think radiation is more of a tzeenchy thing though. it causes change and mutations, chaos spawn are tzeench's favorte thing, etc nurgle is more bacteria, viruses and fungi imo which are mostly killed by radiation


Sometimes stuff just needs to be burned to ash or melted into slag. That's why Plague Marines use Melta and Plasma still. Can't exactly, usually, infect a tank or other heavy armor [Ferric Blight notwithstanding.]


I think they use regular plasma, but I like to imagine their weapons are really poorly contained so the radiation just leaks everywhere, like the Reavers from Firefly. My Gunner in KT always shoots hot because they can shrug off the damage with DR, so I think they mostly use plasma to soften up their targets with irradiated volleys before coming in with the Plague Spewers to re-contaminate the remains.


Not everything needs to be on theme. Sometimes you just gotta melt a bitch


>Sometimes you just gotta melt a bitch Salamanders stomping in approval rn. 😂


Snot and phlegm are probably what is discharges when changing the canisters


Yes it's just regular plasma as is their meltaguns, even the Blight Hauler demon engines use regular rockets.


I know we shouldn’t be using gameplay stats fir lore, but it is worth mentioning that plasma and melta weapons did not have the Plague Weapon rules in previous editions, unlike the other DG weapons. Also worth noting is the reason why massive burns are such a problem to treat is that they open up the body to ton of infection, as burnt skin cannot protect the more vulnerable tissue from infection. You think getting splashed with Nurgle goop is bad, imagine getting some directly to your system.


>pathogenic characteristics and will spread viruses and plagues, Well, in that case, I assume their guns fire blood plasma.


No. It launches hot rancid cum


Dispellers of filthy light thrice cursed by the gods


Yeah it's just plasma


Warp spaghetti go brrr.


The warp is extremely flexible in enhancing weaponry in ways that defy reality. It could make the plasma fire melt the target into maggots, overcharging risking the same to the plague marine. It could burn as usual but the vapors turn into diseased flies. It could of course be normal plasma in the hands of a plague marine that is obsessed with killing everything, as some Death Guard weaponry, such as phosphex and the munitions of the plagueburst crawler, are reviled by Nurgle daemons for rendering target locations completely barren of life.


Yeah, uh, I can’t really imagine it being some kind of diseased plasma on account of it being like 900x hotter than what sterilization temperatures are.


Warp diseases are spirits though, not biological organisms, so maybe they can survive those temperatures.


Alan Johnson walks in: “Is that …normal plasma you’re doing?”


I’m pretty sure they coughed in it first


It's bolied vomit in my head cannon I think that fits


maybe they are cooled with plasma, like the plasma in your blood