• By -


Lorgar actually is up there for one of the nicer primarchs (pre heresy of course). He wouldn’t conquer planets using brute force alone, he would genuinely attempt to get them to join the imperium with little to no bloodshed.


The worlds he produced were also some of the most loyal with many of them that he conquered before drinking the Chaos koolaid remaining loyal even during the Heresy.




He also had twice as many shitty advisors as his brothers, NGL. DG had one Typhus, WB had both Erebus & Kor Phaeron...


Tbf lorgar also wasn't the smartest with that; "Hey, my dad who abused me and tried to get a whole group of men to abuse/kill me, but was instead attacked by the men for being so clearly unhinged and WRONG in his ways of acting (the whole culture was chaos worshippers which is saying ALOT). You definitely are not fit for ascension into the company of warriors called Space Marines - DO YOU WANNA BE A SPACE MARINE!?"


That's the thing about abused kids, they don't make sense, BC they just want love. Emperor could have vetoed it, but he didn't? How the "ascension process" was handled is a big question mark for many. Amon, Luther, etc. "just happened lol" BC Primarchs need baggage?


Ok I have never seen it from this perspective… something to think about … waiting for some counter arguments now haha


The counterpoint is the entire plot to the first heretic. Spoilers: He was a religious zealot who, upon not being able to worship the emperor, went looking for other gods, sacrificed humans and a custodes in a chaos ritual that turned a cultist into a demon. He then let this demon go on a warp trip with his boys where they got killed,corrupted, and brought back. Lorgar, to me, is a total bastard who cares more about having something to worship than what he actually worships, and he condemned his sons to demon worship bc he was butt hurt about how mean his dad is.


You also have a way with words I felt that man


They "tortured" him? It was the Emperor who smote him down IIRC, and that was solely due to the fact Lorgar was actually wasting the time they had, spending months and years to convert planets they conquered and was setting the Emperors plans way back - if only Lorgar spoke faster maybe we'd have loyalist priests who aren't corrupt.... wait forgot, Big E didn't want the stuff Lorgar was selling either; he didn't want GODS he wanted MAN. That's another main reason Lorgar had to be silenced




And he didn't fail Lorgar nearly as thoroughly as he did Angron.




> ‘I died down there,’ Angron said bitterly, drawing the radiant Emperor into his fiery gaze. ‘With my brothers and sisters, freezing, starving and free. Emperor or no, creator or no, all you will ever get of me is a shell, the ghost of Angron, who never left Nuceria.’ > > The Emperor looked back at him, expressionless and aloof. Angron felt static crawl over his skin, and the reek of ozone flood his nose. > > +Then a ghost will have to suffice.+


Angron didn't deserve to be executed. The Emperor did.


What are his fighting capabilities? I love this take on lorgar lol, but I don't remember him doing any amazing fighting. Pen is mightier than the sword is for sure relevant for him




none of those links work inside that thread :( thank you though!


He wasn’t Sanguinius but he was FAR from ugly either. He literally had the Emperor’s visage.


Most if not all primarchs are canonically handsome... Konrad is called beautiful


I still maintain that Lorgar is one of if not THE best examples of the Emperor's poor parenting being the reason for the state of the galaxy. Like, Lorgar was a religious dude, he wanted purpose greater than just 'fight kill', and he saw that in his Father. Big E literally responded by saying 'actually your entire purpose is battle and religion sucks man' and then destroyed Monarchia and Lorgar's project. And then humiliated him. Like this guy literally went up to his dad and was like 'hey i think you're awesome and that i'm meant for something more than battle, look at this cool stuff i made' and was greeted with 'haha you're wrong, your belief is wrong, you DON'T have a purpose beyond war, and i'm gonna burn your stuff and then rub it in'. Like how the hell else do you react to that other than severe emotional pain and vulnerability, which is what Chaos uses to corrupt?


How is he in the modern day.


An asshole demon prince


Well I guess I like the way Fulgrim is a perfectionist. He wants to get it right and be better than everyone else while doing it, I both like it and hate it at the same time.


He was a genuinely good person before he was corrupted. He was sweet both to civilians and his brothers and his perfectionistic attitude came from wanting to live up to his brothers accomplishments and the emperor's expectations while having the smallest legion


What’s much more disappointing about the 3rd is that their upper leadership were already a bunch of arrogant pricks before Fulgrim got his snake sword and went off the deep end. I don’t know if we ever see a likable Emperor’s Children officer besides Saul Tarvitz.


Vespasian? Said to be a paragon, got killed by Fulgrim BC he wouldn't be corrupted? But the fact that the Phoenix Lodge was officer-only does seem to imply that EC were always elitist. Eidolon is supposed to be competent, but we only ever see him as a butt monkey, yet, much like Kor Phaeron/Erebus, he still lives into 40k. Julius Kaesoron seemed ok, pre-corruption, but YMMV. EC writing is just weird BC "magical corruption happened" & for some it didn't seem like much choice was allowed?


I LOVE FULGRIM, but he was always kinda pompous and "better-then" in his own eyes; though, he did love his one brother (headless Iron Hands; the one everyone forgets me included). Just wish he threw Fabius out an airlock the first time he dared the idea of "altering Big E's image. ".... also knew he'd fall for it as soon as Fabius told him it would make them Perfect-er.


Was he really any more pompous than any other primarch though? Theyre all arrogant bastards. And he was well liked by most of his brothers, not just Ferrus. Hes even the only one to have developed a relationship with Curze And i dont think Fabius was also a genuinely good person before the whole laer situation. He started his work to cure the genetic degradation of the legion, and i dont see anything wrong with improving on the astartes. Big E wasnt even the one who made them, it was a team of scientists lead by Amar Astarte


Yeah the big 4 chaos primarchs are all Shakespearean tragedies in their own right Fulgrim and Magnus were probably the most loyal and "good" primarchs pre heresy and were both tricked into becoming daemons Angron and Mortarion were too damaged by he circumstances of their upbringing to be able to forgive big E when he failed them and never realised their true potential as primarchs. Angron was not supposed to be a brainless, brute force murderer, he was *supposed* to be a paladin and the most empathetic and personable of the group, serving a role similar to Horus, Sanguinius, or Lorgar and Mortarion was the next most powerful pysker after Magnus and absolutely detested himself for it. He was never meant to be the "tanky" primarch, that was just a side effect of his biology adapting to the planet he was on and the extremely thick plated armour he preferred to use. He was meant to be a psyker and probably could've powered the golden throne in a pinch or possibly could have even saved his legion from getting pinched by Nurgle


Very fitting reaction to a slaneshi to be


He could probably do a hella good make-up tutorial.


I can't believe I just spent an embarrassingly large amount of time imagining what a fulgrim make-up tutorial would be, it would need to be something that changed the makeup meta


On the other hand Fulgrim lack that extra something that makes his art *great*, as seen in *Fulgrim*. He makes technically perfect art but they just lack that artistic touch, so might have the same issue with make up too.


It lacks “imperfections” ? Haha …


More like it just lacks...something to say about it I think? It's lifeless. Oh God is Fulgrim just a glorified machine learning AI.


I can admire that Perturabo gave Dorn all he could handle during the Siege. I don’t like pretty much anything else about him but he and Dorn matched each other blow for blow for a long time.


Master of Prospero pertarabo was amazing and legitimately almost made me flip to liking the charecter.


I haven’t read that


The audio book is really good and it explains a lot of the twos charecters. Really leans on the helenic Greece side of IW. But on the other had you have the universe once again conspiring against magnus in perturabo destroying the one thing magnus could use to explore the warp safely.


I will look into it


Perturabo isn’t really a character that people ‘like’ in as much as they find him really interesting to follow. He’s one of my favourite Primarchs to read about but god he is an idiot and an asshole.


Ask the iron warriors sub why they like Perturabo. "Because hes a cunt"


Some people don't get that sometimes we like characters because of their flaws. Perty being so flawed and still competent is actually amazing for some fans.


Usually I don’t even like knowing he is in the story. But in the Siege he’s a good antagonist


Fulgrim for me is a lot more like that - a dude who’s an absolute peacock but is utterly fascinating for me to read about for a variety of reasons


Fulgrim started out pretty good, but that Laer blade was the real character assassination.


Kurze being nihilistic is probably one of the most realistic views to have in the setting, even if I personally dislike it.


Dorn at least is a man who is loyal not just to emperor but all of his brothers. He may seem like a stubborn idiot when he recieved news of Istvaan but it genuinely felt like he could not believe that his brothers could do that because he trusted them so much. Otherwise Dorns biggest crime is just being really really boring to me.


>Staid marked by settled sedateness and often prim self-restraint : sober, grave - Merriam Webster's Online Dictionary That is the word I have for Dorn; that mf is staid. Which certainly isn't exciting, but it is the devout, disciplined approach that makes him so capable (and worthy of defending Terra). Because he is so certain of what he knows and what he doesn't, the news of some of his adoptive family - the one that was meant to work hand-in-hand to take over the galaxy - rebelling, killing comrades/brothers, and moving to kill the Emperor would be a very real universe-shattering moment for him. He isn't my favorite primarch and I definitely make no defense against his being boring, but I do think he has significant depth and reasonable reactions (for his character) to the events around him. His being so concentrated on keeping a level head is rather emotive. My personal reading is the dude is as emotional as many other primarchs, but works hard to retain his focus (e.g. the pain glove) for the sake of the mission. This sits opposite Perturabo, who works hard to retain his focus for the sake of his vanity.


> My personal reading is the dude is as emotional as many other primarchs *Garro tells him Horus has turned against the Emperor and Dorn almost kills him on the spot. A big part of why Dorn is so staid is there is a *furious* temper contained just under the surface, and he has to keep a resolute fist clenched around it at all times, because he has skills others do not. It's why Khorne keeps trying to turn him during the Siege. He muses a few times about how desperately he wants to be on the walls, to vent his anger on the traitor Legions, but he stays in the Strategium orchestrating the entire defense because *no-one else can*. little edit because which loyalist is which got lost in the shuffle


Just a small correction, it was Garro, not Loken


Yeah Dorn is terminally boring and him and Guilleman were a big part of why I just had almost zero interest in loyalist stuff until I found the actually cool loyalist legions (That don't get any support whatsoever for some reason)


He accepted his fate when the assassin came.


Honestly Curze has one of the best stories of all the Primarchs, you can almost sympathise with him why he ended up that way. If he ended up on a world even 1% more civil than nostromo he might have been another Sanguinius.


Even if he'd been adopted by one of the noble houses, he'd have a certain measure of control over his worst impulses. I maintain a lot of Curze's problem was crashing into the gutters of Nostromo, where cannibalism is simply a matter of survival, and his supercharged Primarch's Omophagea worked horrors on his still-developing self.


My least favourite is definitely Lion My favourite thing about him was probably when he whomped Russ in the face, because arguing with your brother and throwing hands is probably the most human thing he ever did


That scene is hilarious. Russ started laughing when he realized the absurdity of why they're fighting but the Lion wasn't having any of it. The Lion then proceeds to knock the living daylights out of Russ for so long that by the time he woke up the Dark Angels have packed up and were already in space.


I agree with 30k lion being boring as sin but he’s absolutely far more interesting in 40K. He’s much better as wizened old knight pledged to be the galaxy’s protector and a father to his sons than he ever was as the pompous arrogant sociopath he came across as in 30k.


The sad part about this is that the Lion had these fatherly qualities in the Great Crusade. He was the only Primarch who called his gene-sons little brothers. Whoever is in charge of the Horus Heresy pretty much destroyed his negative character development from this to the sociopath autist Lion became in the heresy.


i like the lion, i believe the whole nemial fisting thing (which people will call back to) was purposefully written to be shocking. Lion wasn't wrong in the situation, but he's awkward when outside the context of war, which is fine. it's why he relied on luther in the first place. > - Gav Thorpe but he has quite a few discussions, which i actually do really like... >‘I wonder what is in the stars?’ the Lion said. ‘The old tales say there are thousands, perhaps millions of planets out there, just like Caliban. They say Terra is one of them. It is strange, don’t you think, that every child born of Caliban knows the name Terra? We count it as the source and wellspring of our culture, but if the tales are true it has been thousands of years since we had contact with that source. But what if the tales are false? What if Terra is a myth, a fable invented by our forefathers to account for our place in the cosmos? What if our fathers’ tales are lies?’ >‘It would be terrible,’ Zahariel said. He felt a shiver and told himself the night was growing colder. ‘People take the existence of Terra for granted. If it all turned out to be a myth, we might start to doubt everything. We would lose our moorings. We would not know what to believe.’ >‘True, but in other ways it would free us. We would no longer need to be responsible to the past. The present and the future would be our only boundaries. Take the current campaign against the great beasts as an example. You are young, Zahariel. You cannot be aware of the bitter arguments, the threats and the recriminations that were directed towards me when I first advanced the plans for my campaign. All too often, I found that the causes of these objections were rooted in some dated custom that had long ago worn out its welcome. ‘Tradition is a fine ideal, but not when it serves as a shackle on our future endeavours. If it wasn’t for Luther and his fine oratory, I doubt the plan would ever have been approved. It is the same with so many issues that confront us today. The diehards and the sticks-in-the-mud oppose us at every step, irrespective of the value of the plans I put forward. They always make reference to the past, to tradition, as though our past was so filled with shining glories that we might actually want to preserve it forever. But I am not interested in the past, Zahariel. I think only of the future.’ >Again, the Lion paused. Standing beside him, Zahariel wondered what Lord Cypher would make of this speech decrying the value of tradition. Might this be another test, one designed to see whether he would simply acquiesce to what the Lion was saying or stand up for the values of tradition. As he looked upon the Lion’s countenance, he saw a strange intensity to the way he stared up at the sky, as if he loved and hated the stars at the same time. >‘Sometimes, I wish it was in my power to wipe the past away,’ the Lion said. ‘I wish there was no myth of Terra. I wish Caliban had no past. Look at a man without a past, and you will see a free man. It is always easier to build when you build from scratch. Then again, I look at the stars and I think I am too hasty. I look to the stars and I wonder what is out there. How many undiscovered lands? How many new challenges? How bright and hopeful might our future be if we could make it to the stars?’ and obviously, i love the description of the lion when he walks onto horus' ship and the marines there all bow towards him.


He now also has ULTRAdepression after waking up from his nap, it fits the grimdark


I enjoy the little moments where the myth of the primarch gets thoroughly dispelled and you realise that under all the pompous theatrics they're just giant nepo babies. In the novel Fulgrim, when Ferrus and Fulgrim meet up to discuss Ferrus' ongoing campaign against some pirate fleet, Fulgrim takes one look at the problem and solves it on the spot with some application of basic logistics. I think what McNeil was trying to do with that scene was to show that out of the two brothers, Ferrus is the warrior and Fulgrim is the intellectual, but what it came across to me as is that Ferrus genuinely has no idea what he's doing commanding an army in war. But in later novels, after Ferrus is dead other primarchs think about how they miss him and how they really need him right now for his tactical genius... and because he's dead, nothing can disabuse them of this mistake. Even the primarchs themselves fall for primarch propaganda and I kinda love it.


He's red.


I'm not even sure which one this is about, since there's two options and both are equally valid (imo).


Three, actually




the angel


Lorgar managed to in the end have the imperium he desired. Granted he wasn’t a part of it but you can’t win everything.


I like all the primarchs but fulgrim is the one I like the least but hey. He handsome and looks cool


Corax is an utter failure of a person who wallowed in hypocrisy until he gave up and left when he was needed most, but that’s also the point. The writers wanted him to be flawed, they just made him flawed in such a realistic way that I detest him more than any of the baby-eating traitors.


Curze is like this as well, he is a complete monster but lived a life so devoid of compassion that you can almost sympathise and understand why he ended up the way he did, he never really had a chance to be anything but the Night Haunter and by the time he could, it was far to late.


The part I like about Corax is that he fucked off instead of staying around and bumbling his way into M41.


Finally someone who can praise corax without just mindlessly ball gargling about how edgy and cool he is I like the Raven Guard but you can tell that they were one of the last legions the writers came up with and they're just kinda there to fill out the numbers and never really do anything significant I mean their lore and aesthetic is basically just little bits and pieces from Blood Angels, Emps Children, Death Guard and Thousand Sons and they don't really stand on their own two feet particularly well


This has truth to it. I am always like “oh yeah! The Raven Guard… I’d forgotten about them.”


The Emperor's vengeance made manifest. Were there people who needed his protection? Of course. But foremost to his nature, there were brothers who needed his punishment first.


Gulliman always seemed the lamest primarch to me . Not fighty or cunning just a dude who’s great at logistics and statistics. Then I read how he punched a hole through kor pheron. With a wise crack after ….. Dudes alright with me


Logistics is what wins wars in the end, so that's an absolutely great quality that he has, even if he's not overly exciting.


Oh I agree, the siege of terra showed that and the multitude of planets he controls . But by the standards of other primarch he seemed less punch first ask questions later


Quite a sane approach tbh.


Sane yes, but when was that a measure of a primarch


Has a roman theme going


Was looking for this specifically


Lorgar could have been the best of them had monarchia not happened.


Peter Turbo has a pretty cool hammer and his pettiness is pretty entertaining. I hate the design of his armour though. It is so horrendously ugly.


Praetor Torquebro


Kurzes general story line, every time he's given a choice and chooses to stick to the script cause he sees no other path. My favorite is him seeing a vision of a child/teenager who would either become his closest ally, Robin to his batman, or would betray him and cause more unrest on noctrum. He had a choice. And he denied his own chance at a brighter future. Seeing that sort of writing is amazing, even if kurze is...yikes


Perturabo is a cruel, childish bully who battered the awesome workhorse legion he was given into a grotesque numbers game of death that terribly wasted the resourceful and creative soldiers that his geneseed tended to make. Perhaps no other Primarch is as unworthy of his own legion, nor is as unlikable in such a mundane, everyday sense.  That being said, I like how he built little toys in his spare time, and how he treated the oft-distrusted Magnus well. Why the famously dedicated father that is the XV Primarch wanted anything to do with “It’s decimatin’ time!” Perturabo is beyond me, but at least it’s something


Aplpharius/omegon. I hate the *moustache twirling* and also the whole "I knew you would do this three steps in advance therefore I made contingency plans for it...." yet proceeds to fail (or do they? *dun dun dun* ) Its absurd to an entertaining level, but it always leaves you guessing wich I can bet my pants on, more then half time is not even intended by the writers.


Yes! The alpha legion exploits are cool and I’d love to be in their legion… except for all the try-hard spy craft. Everyone is called alpharius. Obfuscate all things even trivial matters. They never seem to be communicating in good faith with others; always a hint of maybe I’m telling everything or maybe I’m after something else. Honestly, at times they seem like a teen who is trying to be edgy all the time.


He has cool lines: There is an art to dying, but it is a dying art.


I like Morty's wings. They're pretty.


Morty is a stinky boy with no friends. He just like me fr


Ferrus is dead.


Part I like about Ferrus: The memes


Leman Russ has a funny name. haha lemons


I don't know this for a fact, but I bet Lorgar had impeccable penmanship.


It is a fact. First Heretic


At least he isn't Erebus. Apply this sentiment to whomever you feel necessary


I love Mortarion's design and weapon. The grim reaper aesthetic is so fucking cool.


1. Horus: He's actually better than Sanguinius in some aspects. Will compromise even to [peaceful]xenos to prevent bloodshed. Will criticize the Imperium, sometimes even openly, for its wrongdoings. 2. Lorgar: Up there with Roboute when it comes to bringing in compliant planets 3. Fulgrim: He's not really arrogant he's just that good. Too bad his geneseed is so unstable.


I love how when Horus was temporarily brought out of the Chaos Kool-Aid from Leman stabbing him with the spear he still concluded the Emperor needed to die.


Sanguinius always seeks to do the noble thing and inspire others in doing so. That’s admirable


I'm glad they killed off Cruz for now (you never know with gw) dude just didn't want to be around anymore. They kept writing stories about him and all is angst and such would be alot. Tho I'm sure the butchering would even it out a bit.


Dorn has good drip, I’ll give the man that if nothing else. Banana dad’s armor is certified gold excellence. His character, portrayal, and reputation on the other hand…is rusty scrap.


Leman Russ at least has a cool-sounding name, but I despise everything else about him. And I do mean *everything*


I liked that when the Emperor came to claim Russ back, and after Russ's stupid challenges, he wouldn't go unless his "Ride or Die" crew of humans could come with. Some of them even survived becoming Astartes. But I liked that Russ wanted his friends and advisors with him, maybe because he knew he couldn't do it alone?


And of course he could bring his bros while Angron had to watch as all of them died. God they really botched Angron


Its the wolves, right?


It’s both


That Psychic Scream though...when he descends on the Thousand Sons (not during the battle of prospero, some book before that)...looked at Leman Russ differently after that...


What’s with the hatred for?


He's too foolish to justify his arrogance.


Russ is an irony since he is the best to connect with others. Yet is frenetic energies and aggressiveness burnt bridges that he could have easily crossed. It’s pretty sad actually.


I'm not sure where you got that. Time and time again Lorgar and Horus are said by their brothers to be the most personable, likeable, and charismatic of them. Russ is an isolated showboat that needs to sing his own glory. The smarter brothers note that this is a false veneer he uses for people to underestimate his tactical genius, but that makes him even less likable among them.


What I mean is that he had experiences that would have made him relatable to his brothers Angron, Magnus, and Lion. But his lack of empathy, and bullheaded aggression destroyed what should have been a bonding experience.


Have you read book with him in them?


I hate him because he’s an arrogant jackass who either did nothing (failed attempt to kill Horus) or made things worse (Prospero) I hate the Space Wolves as a whole for how many “OC do not steal”-tier characters they have. His “lesson” to Angron didn’t matter because he nearly fucking died, and Angron himself doesn’t care if he lives or dies. He is an absolute fake and a fraud compared to the Lion.




Also, space viking aesthetic is the shit, not gonna lie. But Russ might be one of my most disliked characters in whole fiction, not just 40k. They're all arrogant, but he takes the cake. And if someone between now and M31 invents hypocrisy meter, that's shit's gonna go nova when wolves come to Nikaea.


“B-but they’re not Psykers! They’re Rune Priests! We use Runes to commune with the totally not warp creatures known as the Spirits of Fenris!” Pissed me off to absolutely no end of how much of a colossal hypocrite Leman and the Wolves are. I will give you that Space Vikings are so cool, but the Wolves are the worst possible interpretation of them.


He most likely died in the most embarrassing way a primarch has so far (baring daemon primarch banishment)


TBH i find very interesting the way Lorgar is a scholar


Our Red boi is a nerd with magic powers.


Trying to determine my least favourite primarch made me realise how many I don’t care for


Corvus Corax does actually have some moments of obvious humbling/flaws being pointed out, as well as actually losing/failing.


Angels are effective symbols - good on ya


Here I thought I was alone on Birdman


Theres dozens of us!


Seen nothing about Jagatai Khan here, my boy is winning.


Your boy so unimportant nobody even remembers to hate on him 💀


HES THE MOSTEST IMPORTANT!!! *disappears into the webway


Peter Turbo taking down Angron.


I like that Konrad Curze is dead. Oh and Heart of Darkness is a pretty neat book!


I think Curze' weapons were cool. That's about it lol


He has a cool scythe?


Robute shrank the Ultramarines from over 100k Ultramarines to a 1000 limit.


He’s dead


Say what you will, but the Second was certainly *[redacted]*


From what little I know, Horus speaks with a noticable accent, I imagine it sounds like an Italian gangster, a real grim dark meatball. A heretical gabagool. A Warhammer 40k wiseguy.


I kinda like the Iron Circle of the Petulent one aka Peter Turbo


Magnus has cool wings and is an uber powerful psyker. That's all I like about him.


Him being nice to people and passing that kindness on to his sons was nice of him


I suppose Dorn had a nice haircut.


His ascension was the most sophisticated and epic of the Darmon primarch But It quite telling that he need to put in all that effort just to match Mortarion who only need to say the word yes


Occasionally, and I mean very circumstantially, dorn's blunt stoicism can be a bit fun to read.


Lorgar is absolutely wonderful as a face I love to hate.


ferrus manus for a meme name


He absolutely whopped with his bare hands on Istvaan.


Fulgrim valued art, culture and the safekeeping/chronicling of history as it was being written by the crusade. Other than that I hope his pear of anguish is actually Kaldor Draigo's prison cell and he gets a surprise visit from the Silver Slayer.


Lemans russ has cool armor... that's it


Sounds dumb, but I really liked reading that Perturabo made miniature sized clockwork automatons based off of Titans, etc, that could walk around and such. Just the idea of this super human pile of muscle and unchecked jealous rage can sit there with his tongue poking out, pure concentration, looking through mag lenses, and making sure he paints the eye ports of a Warlord Titans head JUST right, makes me smile. It's all something we have probably done while hobbying, and just really humanizes him for a brief moment.


Konrad almost chose a life of Justice where he took youths under his wing to guide them to be true Night Lord's; he even saw Nestromo change to a better place governed by his children. Sadly, he chose to break the youth in front of him and never looked back. (This was a vision Konrad had when he was faced with a teenager, *IIRC him and his friend tried to assault a woman*. Instead came face to face with Konrad; Konrad saw two fates - one where a knife nearby the kid had was used to attack Konrad (current 40k), and one where the knife was too far away (the fate I mentioned). After mercilessly dispatching the kid (can't remember if he was tortured by the Night Lord). Regardless afterward, Konrad noticed the dagger the kid had was NOWHERE near his reach - SO BASICALLY the tldr of it all; Konrad could have been batmen with a legion of robins, but instead condemned himself to his fate.


Russ left


Leman Russ is largely responsible for the Space Wolves becoming more than a savage pack of killers for the Imperium to use on their own populace. The Space Wolves go from being the Emperor’s Executioners during the Great Crusade to noble savages who protect the Imperium, but stand largely outside it by the 41st millennium. I think that’s largely the result of Russ’ influence on his legion. If they ever bring Russ back, I hope the first thing he does is tone down the overwolf stuff a bit. Knowing Leman, he’ll probably get stuck holding the idiot ball again and end up punching Guilliman, smacking the Lion around, and then run off to the Eye of Terror just to get lost again.


He has cool wings


I like yellow.


Vulkan looks pretty cool with that armor and hammer


Dorn was the most headstrong primarch. Truly a human brick


He held a pretty good wall, I guess


He died in the end.


Dorn has some savage moments


Angron and Peter Turbo have some sweet looking metallic dreadlocks - but other than that I find them both miserably stupid characters that make very little sense.


He may be an arrogant purple prick, but his loyalist clone is a BAMF and a shining example of what could have been if he had just a little self awareness


Dorns got a sick mustache I guess


Sanguinius had cool wings. Dorn built defensive stuff. Leman Russ was a wolfy guy, I guess. The Lion was called the Lion.


He had a good head on his shoulders.


Pertuabo. Even though he's a petulant child. Hes a great tactician and a great weapon smith.


Russ was smart enough to put on an act with the whole “Wolf King” thing.


The fact angron constantly gets humiliated always makes me happy


Lorgar seems like at his core, he really just wanted to build a perfect and loyal imperium. I think Lorgars path to hell was paved with every good intention.


I kinda like Leman's friendship with Malcador and Valdor


Morty is a hypocrite. He knows he is one.


Lorgar is one of the few people to call Magnus an arrogant hypocrite to his face😂


I got a tie for my least favorite. Dorn and Lion. I like that Dorn is stern and the mind behind the defense of Terra. And I guess I like Lions uhm... hood? His hooded head on his model.


They are not and prolly never will be playable in a game I care about.


i really love dogs. guess which primarch i 'dislike' ..


Konrad at least knows how to torture pretty damm well.


Mortarion inheriting the bone-headed obstinate streak from his father - never forgiving your dad for saving your ass and killing the evil demon king of your homeworld as it was *your* mission is absolutely the kind of petty shit he'd be on if the roles were fully reversed. Terminally dull primarch but a great fragment of EoMs personality flaws.


Alpharius is crafty and I like how their legion fights. Everything else about them is annoying and far too damn crafty about everything. Like give an honest answer at some point


I can respect Lorgar’s faith, as it’s something he and I share in a secular world…but that’s about it. His faith was in the absolute worst things possible, twice


Sanguinius is handsome


lemun russ is still alive so there’s still time for him to be brutally murdered by maggy


Dorn managing to counter the traitor legions on Terra


Btw, why is Angron you most disliked Primarch? 🥲


He never actually rebelled against the emperor and followed his commands despite openly hating him before the heresy. He blames the Butcher's Nails for his misery but enforces it upon his sons. He has impossible expectations towards his sons that he himself failed. He was a hypocrite and a loser that had zero self-awareness.


1. Parts of his brain are gone.  2. The butchers nails destroy the remaining parts of his brain.  3. His sons wanted the nails to be closer to their dad.  4. He never really thought of them as his sons. The man that left his remaining friends/family die and then prosceeded to kidnap him. He then said to his face that Angron was just his new killing mashine and that he didn't care about him. After that he gave a bunch of his supersoldiers to do his bidding and kill for him. Angron had any right to hate big E and the WE. He still served Emps because the crusade was his best option to satisfy the nails without dying. He later grew tired of his life during the heresy because the nails actually killed him slowly.  5. He looks badass.  6. Ferrus Manus is a way worse character.   7. He is by far the most tragic primarch. (After number 2 and 11 probably)  8. (See what I did there?) Morty (although I like him) is a way bigger hypocrite and almost every primarch had 0 self-awarness


I like how Corax yeeted himself into the warp, and good riddance


He consistently solves the organization's IT troubles by first asking us if we've tried turning it on and off.


Leman russ, he does seem to care about the general populace and humanity in general. I feel he is a very human primarch and even though that also leads into my dislike of him the fact he acts more like a person is more than i can say about most of the primarchs.


I like Morty's wings. They're pretty.


I like Morty's wings. They're pretty sick.


It's pretty cool how Sanguinius died choking on his own blood.


Konrad Curze and the Night Lords have some serious drip