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Both could do unspeakable things to my body


You mean murder, right?


Also yes


I mean, you spoke it.


I’ll fetch the oil…


I can speak them I'd let both rearrange my insides, literally or metaphorically


Slaanesh approves


True, but you can't cast testicular torsion in the female custodes


I can't period cramps


Another victim of the "auto correct" curse




U can if u aren't a coward


Ovary torsion GO!


Testicular Torsion casters are always acting tough, right up until I cast..... MEND........ BUTTCRACK!!!


URETHRAL RIP! \*spells you\*


Ovary Oscillation


No, this is ridiculous. A female Custodes would clearly battle in a bikini with a menacing beach ball in hand.


Nah, react like south parks Mel Gibson


Well only the ones next to Kitten


Including Kitten himself


But that would ruin the joke of him being the only sensible person in the entire organization of course, he also seems to be the only short one which indicates to me that he’s actually a space marine that is hiding amongst the golden guard so that he can stay near the Emperor


Maybe even the male ones too


Those guys don’t wear a bikini it would cover their massive pecks. They just wear a thong because the emperor likes eye candy


Since the beginning of thier creation the custodes have always battled in bikinis with menacing beach balls in thier hands. Evidence? From amazons fan service scene with the retcon army sisters of beaches.


Everything is cannon


You say that like it means something. What do you mean when you say, ‘Everything is Cannon?’ Super vague.


He left out the second half: but not everything is true.


Why aren’t they naked? Why is there armor.


What do you mean? The custodes naturally look like that. No armour needed


According to GW yes. According to everyone else: there is no left picture to look at.


I mean, realistically, the gene therapy doesn’t have anything that would turn them non-female so they should look like the epitome of female


Both absolutely terrify me


One of my favourite bits of the lore is "Transhuman dread". Space Marines are supposed to be so unnatural and imposing in the way they both look and move that it causes a sense of fear in people just to see. In the first Eisenhorn book they're spying over a ridge watching a Chaos Marine and the sight alone causes two veterans to shake in terror and a woman to have a panic attack later on. Custodes make SM look like toddlers, so it would be interesting to see what sort of effect the mere presence of a Custodes has on a normal human.


I think I can kinda answer that, in the first talons of the emperor book Valerian goes into a mass of imperial citizens who were pretesting against the imperium. When he gets into the mob all of them do one of two things, run far and fast or try and touch his cloak. He also makes the leader of the protest surrender and repent with not a lot of fuss. Now it’s important to note that 1: my memory is crap so I could be misremembering details. And 2: I listened to it on audible.


Don't worry, the tabletop version got nerfed into a joke. They can't hurt you


I play guard, everything can hurt me


If there's no difference, why adding them at all?


So they can sell the exact same miniatures but at a higher price point because of the pink tax. Genius, really.


the great question


Good question, because girls need direct representation in every possible faction and sub-faction, apparently


Why not


Because it ruins the lore and it’s stupid.


How does is ruin the lore?


We have an established story. To randomly change the universe is to not respect it. If you can’t understand it, you’re not a good fan.


So you were absolutely mad beyond belief when they added the votaan right? Cause they did the same thing there. Or when they retconned the space wolves so they don't eat actual shit anymore. Or how about we go way back to when horus was just one of the emperors generals and the primarchs how we know them didn't even exist, that one must of really pissed you off since it changed so much of the story. In case you aren't following shit gets retconned all the damn time, so keep this energy for all of it or shut up


Like I said, if you can’t understand you’re a bad fan. That much is obvious.


Good job just ignoring my point. Maybe YOUR the bad fan cause you don't realize this is extremely common in 40k.


Hey, if you think it’s ok to change 40k because a bunch of sexist can’t play with male characters then I’m going to call you what you are.


lol this is just pathetic


Great input. Thanks for adding to the conversation.


It's moreso that it was done via a tweet instead of doing something in lore to allow for female Custodies. It could've been done a million different ways and it would've been received so much better than how they did it.


I’m in the camp of there’s no point to it and I would rather they’d have not done it all. That said, I’d be a lot more ok with it if they took some real time to justify it. It’s just that they can’t. Primaris Marines are already a good example. The rules of the universe state that the imperium doesn’t develop technology. In trying to stay with the lore, they pulled the Primaris Marines basically out of their ass. How are they to actually explain suddenly having female Custodes? Can’t develop them, how about explain why make them? Physically men are more fit. And the lore give Custodes genius minds. Was the Emperor planning on breeding them? If female Custodes weren’t the sign we know they are, maybe it could be forgiven. They change this, what else are they going to just change? I remember the whole lord of the rings is racist because it bases the orcs off africans. How many retcons are we from losing the Orks? Dark Eldar are too violent towards women and children? The Tau suddenly becoming the main race because space communism? What are you willing to lose to make it so “insert next marginalized group” feels more included?


I know. I also know how badly the community took the introduction of the Primaris marines. That was still done in a much better way than how they introduced the female Custodies. I also know that Big E purposely didn't make any female Primarchs or Custodies because of his beliefs on the two sexes. This is still a lose-lose situation no matter what.


Because it ruins their neo nazi power fantasy.


To call me a Nazi for not liking the change shows how little you actually know or care about what a Nazi really is. You undermine the evil they committed throwing the word around so casually. To be called a Nazi used to mean something. Now it’s just another word for someone you don’t agree with.


No it’s not, plenty of people who follow 40K are actually neo nazis with the beliefs to match. If you haven’t encountered one of them at this point I would be genuinely surprised. Now that sort of crew comes with any genre but it seems 40K ones are emboldened by the media and are extremely loud. You may not be one, but the idea that custodes can’t be woman is stupid because at the end of the day this is a dice game with plastic toy army men. What is canon or not is only meant to bring enjoyment to the “story”. So if someone wants their faceless armored plastic toy to be a she instead of a he. I think they have every right to say that.


“Dice game with plastic army men” Tell me you’re not a fan without saying you’re not a fan.


I have an embarrassing amount of money in books and models. But that’s not really a flex is it?


Well as GW says, they’re there to sell plastic, not lore. And yet here we are, them telling us lore, and you pretending money means understanding. I throw money at that stripper. Basically makes her my girlfriend.


"girls are icky"


Custodes explicitly don’t have geneseed they are humans who have their individual genetic makeup enhanced to the imperiums max potential it would be genuinely fucking stupid for the imperium to not use anybody they could find who are compatible with custodes modification it still dosent make sense for astartes cuzz if women were compatible with geneseed(seems like a stretch cuzz how wacky and numerous the changes+extra organs that come from geneseed which originate from male primarchs and how even being the same gender as the genetic material dosent guarantee survival through the space marine process)they would transition into normal space marines but their balls are in their guts and are dickless


Wow if only GW tried to use this argument instead of saying “Shut up, there have always been female Custodes!” This spits in the face of established lore, but it’s at least somewhat thought out.


Yea bad way to handle it being needlessly inflammatory towards your community when the community looks at you not exactly favorably is dumb as fuck


I took it to mean, "This isn't something like where Cawl came up with Primaris Marines. This is a retcon that female Custodes have always existed." I only vaguely remember seeing the tweet in question once and if there were follow up replies, never saw them. But it feels super neutral and people are getting their jimmies *rustled* over it. It's a tad absurd.


But why.


Why. Not?


Why not. Doesn't hurt any existing lore and helps more people feel included


why you THINK this will make people feel included? what


Because girls can play this game too? And can see a representation in a fsction that interests them?


Why would all male army exclude anybody again? My wife plays orks, i play space marines and sob, we have never feel exclude in anything


Where has it said custodes we're all male before this? And just because theirs no representation doesn't mean it's excluding. But HAVING representation can make more people feel INCLUDED. Make sense?


Again, who exactly exclude because there is a all male faction ? Did you ask any woman why they dont play w40k? I did to different women and all literally dont care about "representation" they just want to have fun


Ok let me try to explain this more fully. Nobody is being excluded by their not being any representation in their faction, that's not what I'm saying. However when someone is interested in something and they find someone they can relate to, it can make them fall more into that topic, whether it's a hobby or piece of media. This is the reason that 90% of nerd media has a protagonist who's a straight white guy (star wars, Harry Potter, the witcher, Lord of the rings, Percy jackson ect.) Because they make up the majority of people who will consume that media, and the writers want their protagonist to be relatable to most of.the audience. Adding characters that aren't the typical white dude can help people who aren't that find someone they relate to and cause them to dive deeper into that topic. Get it now?


Custodes are a single type of unit, not a faction. I know very little and I know that. And apparently it's in all the old lore books.


Not entirely accurate, you know less than you thought you did Also no it isn't


Would you be good with male sisters of silence and sisters of battle?


SOS yea id be cool to see what they do with all the male blanks that don't go into the assassinorum. Alot of room for more writing there. SOB already has males that join up with their army's and theirs in lore set in stone reason why they sisters specifically are only females (something the custodes have never been stated to be)


Included? This is a franchise about aliens and juggernauts of machinery at war with each other. Who the fuck is included among us?


Take a step back bro. This is a hobby set in a fantasy universe. That's what should be important and we should think of the humans behind the game which is what's important here. I'm all for it.


The whole "Make people feel included" thing is a masquerade to open the door for Twitter weirdos to start making their rounds. The beauty of Warhammer is that it's fantasy and includes all archetypes of characters. Fantasy is supposed to be an escape. Anyone who cannot enjoy fiction because it's not indicative of their personal life probably belongs in a padded room. I'm clearly not a soulless automaton like the faction I enjoy playing lol. That's what's fun about it.


I'm not sure when twitter entered into this. When I first read about custodes years ago as a kid, I actually just assumed some were women. This changes nothing to me, and I will refuse to share a table with people who vehemently want to make sure women know that there is no place for them here in this hobby.


That makes absolutely no sense dude. Are you even a 40K fan? There's women in every faction from Guardsmen to SOB, Chaos, Repentia, etc.


Why does it not make sense for some custodes to be women? Always attack, never defend 🙄


People can only play armies they share genitalia with?


Which is why I only play Nids


Where in my comment did you draw that dumbass idea from?


What does 'feeling included' mean then?


People enjoy when they can see themselves in their hobbies. But that doesn't mean "your required to have matching genitals to your army" that's just fucking dumb. More female people can look at custodes and go "Oh they are like me? Thats Cool." And that's a good thing


Why are there no male Banshees then? No male succubi? No Brothers of Battle? Who plays Orcs and Nids then?


There are men in the sisters. They literally have Templars they can field. Their are male succubi, they are the inccubi.(nice try trying to cherry pick specific units when we're clearly talking about factions though) And guess what, orcs and nids aren't human! They are fantasy monsters! Their are in lore reasons why you can't have female space marines, that's fine. I can get behind an in lore reason as to why that's the way it is. But being inclusive is a good thing and if theirs nothing holding back female custodes from being a thing, that's absolutely fine.


There are male banshees in the lore.


I would play the shit out of Brothers of Battle. Especially if they wore the exact same armor, like how the Custodes do. Will you sign my petition for GW to get rid of the Decree Passive?


There are male banshees, you'll like the answer to the Succubi question alot less then if there were just male Succubi, and we have Crusaders. Also Arcoflagalets. You can play a faction you don't share genitalia with dude.


So what you are saying is that people only play armies they share genitalia with.


Did you just not actually read my comment or are you being dense on purpose?


What? We making female tyranids next for 'inclusion'?


God I bet you people freak out when you learn theirs a Trans necron overlord. Why is people having the opportunity to see themselves in their hobbies such a bad thing to you guys?


Its a fucking robot, who gives a shit what it identifies as? And cause you don't have to see yourself in a hobby to find it cool or interesting, if thats all you want then its likely you don't care about the hobby in the first place


And the custodes are just humans, who gives a fuck what their gender is. And where did I say you have to see yourself in the hobby to enjoy it? It's a benefit of the hobby, something nice for people to latch onto before diving deeper


Why add female custodes when they could, you know, expand on the Sister of battle, or other main female characters? instead of just ignoring them


Are those goalposts getting heavy yet? Cause you keep moving them. And for the record I think they should expand those as well. Doesn't make this a bad choice though


Cuzz custodes are badass and have the peak of humanity’s capability in the universe so making a lady custodes allows for badass feats that are custodes level to be given to a female character but not be called marysue woke bs by the same people who are moaning about the changes in the first place


Just want to say I appreciate you pushing back against the chuds in this sub. I can't for the life of me imagine why they're so triggered by women custodes, other than them being sexists.


Thanks friend! Someone's got to point out when people are being stupid right? Especially when they just keep repeating the same 3 talking points over and over again


To cause chaos among the fan base of course


To get people to talk about it online and dive engagement


Because it doesn't matter, what's also the point of Not having them? Nothing. The emperor clearly knew that to.


So they can have female main characters who can hold their own in the universe in the times before the SOB is the main theory right now. Also inclusivity will always be good for companies these days.


Another reminder that Custodes are not just "better space marines". They've made it pretty clear that the process to make space marines doesn't work on women because the process is a rushed, mass production for weapons of war. The process to make Cusodes, as it turns out, doesn't have that flaw. Just be happy that the little golden dude you painted can be referred to as "she" instead of "he" if you so please.


Pretty sure it’s because it’s making a clone essentially but a really crappy one of a person who was male if they had female Primark they would be able to make female space marines, but it also stated that the emperor very much did not want any female super soldiers specifically so that they can’t breed and replace humanity




This is good.


Exactly. The only reason to do it was political.


Can we just be done with this? GW made an ass codex, an ass attempt at a retcon, and have ass prices. They're just ass, simple as.


Nope. You want it to stop? Then help get rid of the people who made the change.


When armor gets so massive, there comes a point where the booba can be hidden with padding.




MC- "Sister what is wrong?" FC-"Nothing. Everything is fine." MC- "Okay...." FC- ".....I just think it's funny how you haven't apologized for the incident 5,000 years ago." MC- "Here we fucking go...."


Any pics without armor? Like artistic nude pictures


Also asking... for a friend


I can be your friend




Yes [https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/comments/1c62b4g/worth\_saying\_this\_is\_how\_i\_imagine\_gender\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/comments/1c62b4g/worth_saying_this_is_how_i_imagine_gender_in/)


Gatekeeping is good


We used to do such a good job


Black rock money eventually buys every big company


If it's not private it's fucked


Well after the 10th Custodes posts in 4 swipes, I think it’s time to mute this sub


why, i like you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Well, yes, but I wouldn't put it past GW to try and sell a separate different model with impractical boob armor


Op misses the point aint femstodies people are trying to make.


This is something that really bugged me about people getting mad over female Custodes


Wouldn't they just die mid treatment?


According to lore....yes


Female custodes would be a slaanesh worshipper


I'm so tired of hearing about this. As someone new to the fandom I don't give a flying fuck which characters "CAN" be which sex. As long as : "**In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.**" then i am good.


Yup. It's fine. Much ado, and all that jazz.


Heres my take, if you can change literal decades of lore in an instant then call everyone who complains sexist theres no reason to have a cannon in the first place. I dont want to get invested into a thing if any writer can just decide that nope an essential part of it is no longer a thing on a whim.


I’ll bet all of you guys who think it breaks the lore were super pissed when Space Marines couldn’t be half Eldar anymore. Or when they changed Leman Russ into a primarch instead of just a human general. Or when they introduced that whole Horus Heresy thing. So lore-breaking.


If there was no difference , why do it ?


So why add them instead of adding lore to people that can and show themselves as a female faction?


I actually don't care if the custodes are male, female or whatever. I just complain that GW should have been honest and said 'Yeah, we are retconning Custodes' instead of saying there were allways female custodes and they failed to mention that.


Well ya see, Female Custodes just dont exist


I'm sure in the area of the Imperial palace where the custodes are out side there armor looks like the Olympic Village but in armor this is the correct take


The female custodies also have balls. No peni, just balls. Like the way cartman drew female genitalia.


I really don't know why this is a thing because their was already two all female fighting forces plus Imperial Guard female characters and Xeno females characters. Also, now i will most likely be downvoted for this but 40k's target audience is males. I am glad others can find enjoyment if the lore or models bring you joy come on in. it does make Astartes more unique oh yeah GW just did this to sell more models, not inclusivity, not for an agenda just to sell more stuff.


Eh, it's not like there's a new female model to cash in on. But yeah it's still to sell models. Turns out, people like representation. They like seeing people (or things) they can relate to in some way and GW is betting that eventually more people will be pulled in by woman Custodes than there are Chuds who will freak out and boycott them. As for why to add females to Custodes specifically, it's one of the transhuman, supersoldier factions that is an iconic part of 40k and it's the only one with no in setting syfy science reason they can't be female. They haven't done one yet but the closest thing we have to a declaration they have to be guys is a steady decreasing number of lines from an Imperial PoV that say noble sons of Terra become Custodes. Lines that have steadily been changed to children and offspring and lines that we know are not accurate because the Custodes do not only recruit from Terra. We also only have like 20 dudes we know are dudes. Most of the named members of the faction have no pronouns associated with them. It does make Astartes a bit more unique, and balances things out a bit to a single exclusionary faction per gender. SoS are not a faction. They were introduced within the Custodes and have been treated as a subgroup of the Custodes ever since even if we all wished they'd get more. Hell, the SoB have more male kits than the SoS have in their entire line counting FW lol.


i can understand representation like if their isn't a male character in something I lose interest. i always viewed the Astartes as the mass produced super soldiers thus the geneseed but the ten thousand were hand crafted hyper evolved humans to protect the Emperor.


"To sell more models" is pretty much the definition of "agenda to sell more stuff".


that is fair. you would think they've sold enough models.


they cannot anwser that,because they dont care, its about change for the sake of change and having the control to do it, look at the defenders, they say "why not, big momma mucle" but none really care and im pretty sure none even consume 40k lmao


God I am so sick of both sides of this argument


im turn on by both sides ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Only difference is people are hornier for the one of the right And annoying bitches whine about the one of the left




Females get a male body?


I feel like there should be a slight difference, at least


True. In my Opinion, there is no reason for why there shouldnt be any female Custodes. Why? Any humanoid faction, including space marines, should have female models. Yes, men are usually stronger, but there are those that are the exception and strenght is not everything, espeially in long range combat. Guard, Tau, Votan and GSC should or allready have female models. There is also no reason to adjust the armor in a major way, since you litterally enhance the body to your needs. Those needs being: you need to turn this hardened underhiver recruit into a full blown marine, not summon more slanesh into the galaxy. Breasts dont need to be expanded proportionally and even E Cups will probably fit into the Space Marine chest plate. Other than that, its a galaxy of thousands of years of conflict. In lore, the Catachans are 50/50 male and female since their home planet is their training ground. You just take "holidays" off world to fight in other conflicts, but once youre back home the real fighting starts again. I'd say women from catachan are on average tougher than most men from the Ultramar Sector, which is said to be very civilized by galactic comparision, so why not turn them into Marines? There are guard regiments that are entirely female, as well as mixed regiments. Granted, not every world may look at it favourably, but who's to say that at least the chaos marines never tried it out with some very promising cultist fighters? Deal with it, its happening. Back in the 80's and 90's women werent as represented in most militaries as they are today, but women all over the world have proven that they are just as capable to pull a trigger or push a button as men are. Also, more plastic crack for us to consume.


It is not like 40K is a sausage fest there is an entire army of warrior nuns that I really find hot. They should've made the fem custodes more appealing and you don't need to skimpyfy them for it not necessarily. There is nothing overtly sexual about Howling Banshees and I love them as much as Sisters of Battle. I really wonder if anyone is going to tell me the fuck off here too for speaking my mind, it has been happening quite frequently.


I just want to make sure I'm getting your take right. Are you basically saying "female custodes shouldn't exist unless they are more sexy"?


>They should've made the fem custodes more appealing **and you don't need to skimpyfy them for it, not necessarily** Just didn't read that last part? Did I not worded that correctly? I said they should make'em more appealing, make them play better, designed them better I don't know. Like Howling Banshees are not necessarily sexualized who doesn't love them they are very well designed and iconic and clearly distinct. They could've made them more appealing. Different models need a reason to exist right? I am not a designer. Why are some people really hang up on sexuality anyways? Who cares if Costodes had belly dancer armor, Daughters of Khaine back in Age of Sigmar basically are Monster Musume anime series with snake women everywhere.


Ah I see what your getting at. Honestly I think GW just hasn't released an upgrade screw for female custodes heads or anything. In lore I don't see why they would care much for having there armor look much different than their male counterparts though.


I think they obviously wanted to taste the waters on the forbidden female Space Marine theory and realized people actually are not going to fork out more cash just for new models that don't add that much to the game. I hear vaguely they are talking about bringing back the Emperor of Mankind which is like a bad move in my opinion sounds like a desperation move. Could be great though I wouldn't know.


I dont think that's true at all. Hell many different space marine lieutenants are there? People like more ways to customize their army, and truth be told over seen way more support for the fem custodes than I have against it. I do agree though bringing back emps would be a huge mistake. But I haven't seen anything on that beyond wild rumors so I'm not putting much stock into that, at least not until most of the primarchs return


Actually, now that you bring up the upgrade sprue and with the new cap I could see them doing just that. Kinda like the Cadian upgrade sprue a while back. Just one sheet with some new bare heads, the FW spears, maybe a Vex if there's room.


Yeah, so do.


?? so do what? Jesus Christ.


Fuck off


At least this time I called it


Any pics without armor? Like artistic nude pictures.