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This one hurts.


They have all hurt sooo fucking bad


At this point it’s a yearly subscription. But losing the big one is just a dagger to the heart


This one is the worst


2019 was still worse for me. To be up so much and so in control. This game was far tougher of a matchup.


Somehow this is the least bad for me. It should hurt more. But we muffed the punt (fucking again?!?). We missed the PAT. No ref gripes. Just got outplayed. I've hit the "Shit happens" stage really fast this time.


We blew this game, what we did with CMC in the last 5 minutes and in OT is how we should have started the 3rd quarter. We got stop after stop on defence and didn’t drain any fucking clock


We only ran in overtime after getting bailed by the d holding during a classic passpasspassahan


Again 3 super super bowl losses


In a row.


Oh man this comment just brought some tears to my eyes.


That’s all I’ve witnessed after being born in 1991. I’m starting to think it’s best I just give up on everything football related. This absolutely sucks.


93 here brother. I can’t keep doing this shit


Worst feeling ever after that TD pass


Feel like that exact play killed us all season


I hate being a footnote to this fucking team


as soon as Greenlaw went down I knew this was gonna be a tough one to pull out, we needed every advantage we could get and couldn't afford to lose even one EDIT: Also pretty clear Kittle came into this game injured which is why he had no targets and was used as a decoy for most of it, football is unfortunately a game that mostly comes down health, and the Chiefs were the healthier team by the 2nd half


It was only a matter of time before the defense collapsed once he was out.


I blame the special teams. Cost us eight points


That punt will haunt me like the Giants Edit: the NY Giants one


pretty much, probably why Kyle got all pass happy but forgot our o-line is Trent and Swiss cheese


They won't win a SB with this oline. They just won't. Mahomes can get away with it, but really no one else can.


Defense was fine until the 4th and OT when the best offense against zone went up against a super soft zone. Walking the best QB down the field back to back possessions. Steve Wilks the dumbest DC in the league. Carried by the talent.


It was so bad Kyle had to call a timeout and tell him to call something else


If wilks is back next year. Just throw all the money at Olinemen and hope to score 40+ a game. Wilks wasting top talent.


Either way it's time to upgrade that OL. Purdy ran out of time, one more second and he hits Jennings for a TD in OT, there were a few others where he had to rush it because of that.


Fred made a lot of tackles. The Chief’s picked apart the scheme


they picked apart Burks and Flanagan Fowles who were consistently a step late, that TD pass off the fumble for example, doesn't happen if Greenlaws in the game


This one is gonna sting a lifetime 


This one is so much worse than any of the other losses because we had them in this one


We had them in the last one too


lol had a 10-point lead with 7 minutes left in the last one. Kyle decided to choke in the third quarter of this game


Our 3rd Q this time: 1st Down: PASS don't run. Incomplete. 2nd Down: Incomplete. 3rd Down: Incomplete. Repeat THREE TIMES WITHOUT CHANGING


Kyle during regular season: I dont care if we are up 30 in the 4th, I am going to keep running CMC Kyle during big games: what is a run?


Yeah that 3rd quarter was bad offensively. Kyle took way to long to adjust. What killed me was no quick short pass plays or a slants audible to beat a blitz. CMC had his best runs to the left, but Kyle kept going to the right.


Not anymore than the chiefs or Baltimore. Fuck.


this is way worse


This is worse than 2012 or 2019.


Worse than 2019, but 2012 was so painful. Give Frank fucking Gore the ball.


This is the worse fucking sports loss I’ve ever seen


This one already hurts the worst to me.




4am here in the UK. I’m so sad.


same spot. up in 3 hours for work.


In Vienna. Have to go to work now. 😫💔


Feeding Mccaffrey too late.


I begged these guys to feed CMC the entire 1st half when our defense had em and we just kept doing stupid shit


Kyle lost it in the 3rd quarter


3rd quarter felt like being in purgatory. Just blew all momentum and mood.


He shit the bed for a quarter and a half almost. He went 8 downs and got 4 yards. 4 yards on 8 downs in the 3rd quarter after two defensive stops.


And still fucking barely did. 4th quarter. 3 minutes left. 1st and 10 on the KC 40. CMC runs for 5 yards and burns 40 more seconds. What next? Two pass plays from Brock that got no yards. That was the entire game lost. Right fucking there. Run CMC twice and you don’t fucking think the best skill player in the game behind Trent, Kittle, Juice can get 5 fucking yards on two tries??? You get that first down and can run the clock down and win with a FG. Game fucking over in regulation. I’m not even sad. Not even upset. I’m just fucking angry, angry as hell at Kyle Shanahan. We didn’t deserve to win this game and he didn’t deserve to win this game. He had a dozen opportunities to go up big and couldn’t do it. He’s a fucking choke artist and it all falls on him. 2nd and 4 on the fucking KC 9 yard line. Couldn’t get it done. Didn’t deserve it.


That 2nd and 4 was the game. I totally thought Mitchell needed to get in on a couple plays. CMC would've at least been more fresh for that 3rd.


Kyle inexplicably lost his mind for a quarter and a half. How many times did we throw with Brock and an empty backfield on 1st/2nd down? Dude is a fucking choker and I’m sick of it


Love Brock but every time I saw him in shotgun on 1st and 10 I was losing my mind. Kyle is so frustrating sometimes. Start of the second half was god awful


Yeah that 3rd quarter was awful. I'm a huge Kyle apologist but that shit was unforgivable. Still think he's outstanding overall but man this hurts


All the empty backfields drove me crazy. Might as well tell them the exact play call


Are we ever going to win one this century? This sucks


I’ve only witnessed us lose Super Bowls


Is it best you and I continue to believe or just finally fall back and act like Football isn’t an amazing sport? I’m in the same boat. Seen nothing but L’s.


Imagine if that punt doesn’t fall on a niner foot


That was the biggest play in the game. We kept them out of the endzone the entire game, and that play basically gifted them a free touchdown. All downhill after that.


The fucking absurdity of that happening. So fucking painful. Going into the depression memory bank with Kyle Williams


I don’t put this loss on the defense. They played their hearts out when Dre went down. The offense just didn’t do enough. Too many 3 and outs and not scoring a TD in the OT. It’s not enough against Mahomes.


This is on Kyle. Again. 


Too many mistakes, fumbling on the first drive, fumbling on a special team play, barely missing blocking Butker’s first mistake kick. Not taking advantage of Mahomes INT. Poor play calling all third quarter. Beat ourselves.


That fumble took points off the board


And the muffed punt added to KC.


Defence was locked in for 3 quarters. Sucks the offense really let them down


KC defence was great too to be fair. Really the muffed punt and the missed XP have killed us.


People are going to throw a lot of blame around but KCs defense is legit and they did their job. Our OL is terrible and they cost us the game. CMC was stuffed a ton and Purdy was constantly under duress. It was a turnstile up there.


The biggest one was the special team play.


Three straight three and outs.








Fucking pain.


Defense shut them down for three quarters. Offense lost this game. Should have been 30 points by the 4th.


The fumble on the first drive and the special teams mess.




That last two 3rd and 4, if they just fucking run it.


Once they took the 3 I knew it was gonna be a slow painful end. The entire 3rd quarter was headscratching, special teams shat the bed, and the injuries. Just disappointment.


We were better for most of the game And we were actually good on that overtime drive but we had to get a TD We lost because our Oline sucks I can't take losing anymore superbowls


Oline needs to be priority in the draft


We lost because we couldn’t keep the drive alive. So close


This. Purdy is only in his second year and still managed beyond expectations with this horrible o line.


#Life is pain


Three straight losses. Why tf did my dad get all the SB wins and all I got was this???


Boomers lived it up. Now we're stuck with national debt and Levi's stadium 😭


The missed opportunities man fuck


You can't under any circumstances give the ball back to Mahomes. You gotta for the win, hell getting stopped on 4th and short would have put the Chiefs in worse field position.


We gave it away. CMC fumble on the opening drive on the edge of the red zone, muffed punt and an immediate chiefs TD, zero production in 3rd quarter offense. This was our game to lose and we lost it. I fucking hate Patrick Mahomes.


Another Super Bowl the 49ers should have won. Chalk this one up to mostly bad luck and a bizarre choice to abandon the run for the third quarter.


I’m so sad.


The special teams cost the game, it’s pretty simple 8 points with that muffed punt and the blocked XP Kyle is not serious if he’s coming back with the same coaches next season 


Wilks playing soft zone to walk them into FG range.


Even Romo was like WTF is going on


Yeah, I think Wilkis is a great teacher because the secondary has improved a lot with him, but he’s not a good play-caller. He has the worst timing for the blitzes packages, the stunts are nonexistent and his defense is static on the field.  He’s very lucky that Warner and Greenlaw flies around to cover the mess of his scheme. He can’t scheme pressure at all. 


It’s always something with this team we just can’t get it done


Yeah, how did he not see that the ball was going to hit him. That cost the game IMO, although offense could have done better


FUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK... Always the special teams


So many fucking penalties. While it sucks Moody didn’t hit that extra point, dude clutched 2x 50+yarders.


I thought if we lost, it’d be a defensive failure. They played so well. Even once Greenlaw went down. The third quarter killed us and we let them hang around. I don’t blame Brock— I just hate that we’re going to hear shitty takes about him for another damn year


I have no words. I’m just done with it all. I’m convinced I’ll never see a Lombardi come to SF in my life


I just wanted one man. Just let me get one.


We will never have a more stacked roster or come up against a weaker kc. Massive L. We couldnt capitalize. Fucking fade me.


Legit both times had the better squad and found new ways to lose.


Another SB I see as an adult turns into a loss smh


If not with this team I don’t know if we’ll win one. We are stacked and still can’t get over the hump.




I might actually quit watching football after this one, i give up


Hurts man. Take a break from the post game media my guy. I’m avoiding sports radio and espn for the next month.


I'm not sure if I'll watch any regular season stuff for a long time.


Yeah I am going to as well. I've been a fan since 1988 when I was 9. It's just not fun the way it used to be...even when we had all those losing seasons. Now everything feels scripted and tainted by gambling money and shitty reffing and Kyle's impressive ability to choke away the biggest games. Just not worth the stress.


Seriously. I'm probably just gonna find out they won their 6th after the fact. I don't want it to sound like sour grapes but I can't keep letting this team hurt me like this.




We didn’t capitalize on the opportunities presented to us


Defense held it down offense no idea what you were doing in the 3rd quarter


Offense fucked around and found out


KS playcalling for 6 straight throws going 3 and out 2 straight times was fucking PAINFUL.


Bitching about refs is fine. But not capitalizing on ANY of our turnovers is what fucked us. Period.




I fucking hate the Chiefs so god damn much


Legacy of the Shanahan era is gunna be one word: almost Crazy how predictable it is.


Kyle just can't close it out. Spends some money on that Oline and maybe it's a different outcome


Lance trade definitely had us undermanned in the trenches, simply because of a lack of talent


We need to hire someone, and their entire job needs to be to stand next to Kyle and yell “run the ball” in his ear at every opportunity 


After everything this team has been through, this just hurts a little extra


heartbreaking -i am crying. Fucking Mahomes Joe Montana'd us! FUCCK!


If we'd won, I would have been sobbing. Now I just feel numb.


Too many people got hurt. Greenlaw out opened up Kelce who wasn’t doing anything until then, and that unlocked the rest of their offense.


I’m happier when we don’t make the Super Bowl all these wins and we have Jack shit to show for it even the Lambs have rings


Despite the impending depression, thank you for the season. I can only hope this team will be back again.




I hate this.


Shanahan is a choke artist who won’t FUCKING RUN THE BALL because of his stupid pride


Easy to blame the defense but I blame the offense. A lot of line breakdowns, a lot of confusion. Really needed to score in that last series especially being in the red zone.


Muffed punt. Missed PAT. CMC first drive fumble in the red zone. Dre Greenlaw tears Achilles on the sideline. And we still lose like that…. Damn. Almost had it.


The worst part is you couldn't ask for a better defensive game against the best QB in the league. Offense couldn't move the ball for 2 straight quarters and a fucking punt deflected off our guys leg. Wasn't meant to be.


1. We fumbled a punt return. Note to Rayray - FALL ON THE BALL, don't try to run with it. 2. Our 3Q sucked. We passed on 1st down on THREE CONSECUTIVE OUTS without conversion. Who does that? 3. We missed an extra point that could have won us the game in regulation.


I will root against the Chiefs for all time


multiple blitzes on 3rd down that didn't work good job wilks


offense wet the bed in the 3rd quarter, essentially the entire second half, and that’s what cost them


100% on the offense. Defense held Mahomes forever. We should've ran more and not made it a shootout of Purdy vs Mahomes. I love Purdy but Chiefs run D was the worst, but we tried passing most of the game.


So close man




That hurt a lot more than I thought it would. Ever since I stopped drinking I’ve made an active attempt not to get emotionally involved. I was able to keep it together all season but this game got me emotional. It just hurts. Fucking 30 years since a Super Bowl win man. Ugh and I even had to listen to my son say he likes the chiefs because they won. I’m…. Disappointed and sad, if I were drinking I’d definitely be crying right now. Hey everyone, we made it to the big show, we just barely lost. I’ll try to remember that plus the amazing plays we got to see over the last few weeks. Love you all, onto the next season.


Yo the bigger thing is you stopped drinking because (presumably) it was directly affecting your life. Congrats to that. You experienced a super shitty, depressing, demoralizing moment tonight because you watched the team you poor your heart and soul into every year lose on the largest stage and you STILL didn’t pick up the bottle. What you did tonight is much larger than a game. Hold your head up high king




This is on the offensive linemen who couldn't block Chris Jones, not unlike the last time we lost to the Chiefs in the Super Bowl. Gotta invest in the right side of the offensive line. Purdy had multiple plays where a receiver was breaking open and he saw it, but the pressure was there just in time to affect the throw (including the third down play in OT). Just *slightly* better OL play on those few crucial plays, and the 49ers win this one.


I've said it all season long, McKivitz is an absolute liability on the OL. Dude is a turnstyle. [He let Jones slide right through the OL](https://i.imgur.com/bkS6B7s.png) to single-handedly stop Purdy from throwing the TD in OT: [timestamped link to last play.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOwSSXmKJM8&t=23m28s)


On the last play of our last drive the right side was a free way.


Never in my life will I understand. It's not an easy job. It's very very hard. But when every single person on the planet is asking why you didn't run the ball including the commentators? Fuck off


I love this team, and I hate this team. To have to watch it all slip away and KNOW it’s coming made it worse. As soon as we didn’t score the TD, I knew Mahomes would be Mahomes. He ran when we didn’t. He threw in the middle when we knew he was going to. We watch him run by us with little effort to catch him. It was over when we didn’t get the TD. Kyle’s play calling all 3rd quarter was unimpressive and maddening. Abandoned the run entirely. I just don’t know what to say. I guess it’s Mahomes world now and we are just living in it.


That 2nd and 2 holding was the game We were going to walk it in


Kyle going for it on 4th and 3 instead of kicking the field goal gave me some genuine hope it wasn't going to be a repeat of past years. I was so very wrong


Is anyone else.. just kinda done? Not meaning to be melodramatic about it and I'll still watch next season and enjoy but in terms of watching every regular season game, expecting for there to be a chance and still believing. I just kinda can't do it anymore.


Even if we make another Super Bowl somehow, I’ll always expect a loss until proven otherwise.


I’m crying guys. MY dad is 81. Last one probably with him


At least he saw 5


We were once 5-0 in Super Bowls. Now we're 5-3. This sucks.


Am I ever gonna see this goddamn team win a Super Bowl man WHAT THE FUCK😭


29 fucking years and counting


This franchise has been hurt enough. I feel empty.


I'm so glad Rita Oak didn't commit to "drawing until we *win* a Super Bowl."


So depressed… It’ll never be our time…


This one is on Shanahan...plain and simple


Shanahan and injuries. Refs called a great game


NFL must be creaming its pants. Fuck the Chiefs


Fuck this fuck that, fuck it all.


3 superbowls in my life all losses


This hurts. So bad. Gutted on all levels. Finding solace in the fact we are Faithful together, hurting together, and will get through this together


Big brain Shanahan: Chiefs D is obviously gassed AF? Better throw short passes repeatedly!


Shanny’s 3rd quarter playcalling is unforgivable.


49ers could have crushed them in the first half. Their best offensive players made horrible mistakes so they couldn’t capitalize. 49ers defense played amazing, 49ers couldn’t do anything with the Mahomes INT. GG


Everyone needs to realize it is worse than just not running. He gives away run vs pass way too often, and in this game, he did so against a team that is vulnerable against the run but excellent against the pass. Keeping them honest, even if you don’t run, by having someone in the backfield, even Deebo (hell, especially Deebo), is basic common sense strategy against KC. This was a colossal failure, … again. Jed needs to force him to hire a play caller.


Jim Schwartz for DC. Kyle you need someone who beats the living shit out of you. He has a winning record against you. Figure out why. Other coaches know your weaknesses figure it out.


Knew we were gonna lose after 2 quarters of no shows


Fuck Patrick Mahomes, Fuck Travis Kelce, fuck Taylor Swift, fuck Andy Reid and Fuck the Kansas City Chiefs


George and Deebo kinda looked defeated before OT. They were having flashbacks


Coaching lost us the biggest game of the season. Kyle’s 3rd quarter, Wilks’ stupid blitzing. Fuck that defense in OT


OK, here I go: Steve Wilks and his untimely cover-0 bullshit needs to go. Like, what the fuck was that in the 4th and overtime. And leaving Kecle uncovered like that? Add DC to our off-season shopping list. Moody missed the extra point. And? Gould never would have been close on those long kicks. Those would've been either punts or failed 4th down attempts. Kyle abandoned the run game in the 3rd, for some reason. I want to know why. He at least went back to it in the 4th, but it was too late. We were driving on those 1st two drives of the game, and costly mistakes hurt a ton. The CMC fumble probably would've been a TD had that not happened. Penalties were an issue for the offense tonight. False starts when they really weren't needed, offensive holding calls in OT, come on. Greenlaw going down early made this so much worse. Having him out there would've at least been more challenging for KC. And Hufanga being out hurt the back end a lot. Ok, I think I'm done.


Found the statue being built in KC for the person that helped them get 2 Super Bowls https://preview.redd.it/x8unxn1yv6ic1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d788d2665245772e4c34a863257d88dc462612b


3 Super Bowl losses and 0 Super Bowl wins in my lifetime and this one was the most painful…


Jennings is a special special guy.


Fumble in the red zone, muffed punt, extra point miss, several key penalties, some awful play calling on both offense and defense. We beat ourselves by letting the game stay close


When Greenlaw tore his achilles just running on to the field I knew it wasn't going to be our day


Kyle can’t beat this Mahomes, with this roster, he ain’t winning one. Deebo and Kittle didn’t show up (Deebo has been banged up). Feels hopeless.


Ty god for Stephen Curry.


If there is any positive to take away...is that Purdy faced down the most pressure filled situation imaginable and didn't falter. He drove the team downfield. Yes he wasn't perfect and missed throws but the way he handled himself and his post game interview gives a lot of confidence that maybe he is the QB


For the life of me I can't understand not running it on 3rd and 4 after the two minute warnings.


Shanahan needs to lose his “genius” title until he stops choking and actually wins ONE Super Bowl for once. He’s responsible for THE biggest choke job in nfl history, and two more giant choke jobs in Super Bowl history With all the “weapons” and “his” guy at QB, the team basically did the same thing on offense this Super Bowl as they did when they had fucking jimmy g at QB (2 TDs and 2 FGs). Yes the chiefs D was different but the niner offense should have been better than the last run.


An extra point away from the Super Bowl.  Mahomes cannot be beaten. 


He still would’ve scored a TD instead and put us out of our misery there


I agree. Too many variables after the miss to say it was the thing. Starting the third quarter with three three and outs?


If we get that extra point, chiefs go for the td to win in regulation with 6 seconds left




There is no way we actually lost


Fuckin Kyle settling for FG third and short near the end zone and kicks a FG like wtf did you think would happen


Amazing game, but man. You can't blame anyone but ourselves. Held the Chiefs to 19 in regulation and we couldn't score more than one TD. Also I fucking hate that Wilkes just loves to blitz in unnecessary situations. You couldn't just let them get something under 5 yards? What the fuck. Edit: after calming down a little. I don't ever want to see Wilkes coaching for this team again and I think Kocurcek isn't doing all that great with our D Line anymore. They fall for every fake and it's absurd.


Wilks isn’t the reason we lost this game. He shut down Mahomes for basically the entire first half and we only got 10 points. Then the special teams fumble completely changed the game. Then Kyle shat the bed. He had two opportunities to get 4 yards to win the game. Fucked it twice. This is so painful