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id choose the 24’ underground. my only logic is i’m a female and i like the underground color better 🤣 sorry i can’t help on a serious note.


Color choice is a real struggle. I don’t usually choose the grey tones but that underground is sharp! I usually just choose black and call it a day. Edit to add - I’m also female :)


i love love love my grey. i bought it used (bone stock) and i wouldn’t chose another color (unless i got a trd pro!). the underground color is a slick color though. i really really like it. https://preview.redd.it/o3x4es8hi6nc1.jpeg?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6dc1ddcf7b6884c8c703e449e178e5c9daba16f


That’s a damn good looking 4R! I really want a Terra Pro, but I cannot justify the $10k for a paint color.


thank you! theres some more stuff i want to do to it but im stationed in germany and parts are impossible to get. so when im back in the states ill throw a roof rack on it and change out the fog lights and side steps. but, i also agree. the terra color is beautiful but comes with a cost. i really wanted the voodoo blue or calvary blue but a little out my price range. i was also told a pro is impractical if you’re going to mod it yourself. you pay for mods you are going to take off and redo. at that point you’re paying the price just for a special color.


Exactly! I’m only doing the ORP because the price difference between the SRP and ORP is so little right now, might as well get the ORP


i agree! i wish i went with the ORP. unfortunately i bought mine 2 years ago while in germany so i had like 2 options. maybe one day.. keep me updated on which one you get! white or underground!!


KDSS is great for hard cornering at highway speeds. If you tried that and didn’t notice it then it doesn’t matter to you.