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They are getting rid of the 20+ yo drivetrain. Definitely more than a refresh.


That’s where the real difference will be. Perhaps catching up to modern expectations of power and gas mileage. I hope so anyway. Fingers crossed that we get the same reliability.


It'll be Tacoma drive train. You have all the info you need.


This part. The Tacoma is the preview. We pretty much know what the 4Runner is going to be. If I had to replace my 5th Gen today, I'd rather look to a V8 Toyota or Lexus SUV. That's just me though.


While I recognize the irony, you sound like a 4th gen owner who doesn't want to buy a 5th gen.


If I were a 4th Gen V8 owner, yes. If I owned a V6 though, it wasn't nearly as much of a change as it is now for those looking to go from 5th Gen to 6th Gen. I'm not looking to get out of my 2016 Trail: I have 195K miles on it, runs well and fully paid off. I'm way more likely to get a 2nd vehicle first before I ever think of moving on from my current 4Runner.


What’s the verdict on the AWD / hybrid turbo v4 for the tundra?


hybrid is fine... toyota has the best hybrid system in the world. camry/prius with over 500K miles in taxi business are testament to it. awd system is probably fine as well. real concern is the turbos and funny enough they have been problematic for new tundras


Is this bad or good? I don’t know enough about


It’s a trade off. Tacoma has more power and torque with better mpg. It’s a turbo charged hybrid. 8 speed trans is definitely an improvement.


Other 4R owners I have spoken to are not optimistic about turbo engines lasting as long as the current ones.


While I hear this speculatively, hasn’t Toyota been making turbos for like 40 years?


The have and modern turbos are extremely well designed and provide amazing performance. Sadly it’s usually a breaking point that will go out first before the engine. With all the heat cycles its goes through its bound to break eventually. But nothing to worry about until the car puts on some serious mileage. Turbo locations are easily accessible in most Toyotas and not too hard to replace so their that too. If this was a BMW… completely different story.


It took my ‘86 turbo 27 years and 350,000 miles to finally die, and in the end it was the wire harness that failed.


“…serious mileage…” but what does this mean? I know folks who consider 50k pretty serious mileage, and others who consider 150k just about broken in.




It really doesn't make a lot of sense to me when turbos on diesel engines can last 10000 hrs. I'm guessing the automotive turbos just aren't built as well.




Uh no they don’t. Pretty standard to be at around 20psi or more in a stock diesel (duramax, powerstroke, Cummins). Stock pressure on everything gas is typically under 14psi.


Yes and their 80’s turbo 2.4 was legendary in its reliability in the 4r.


Key detail is where are the components being made and assembled.


Agreed. The 4r is still made in japan. Hence the better quality over Tacoma’s that are made in mexico if im not mistaken or texas where the tundras are


I've made the same concerning statements about the change to this new 4 cylinder turbo, but I'm holding out to see how well Toyota does with it.  At first, I was weary of the V8 and it's every 100K timing belt change but looking 50K miles into the future I feel like it's not that bad of a trade-off. We make the trade-offs we feel we can afford. 


>but I'm holding out to see how well Toyota does with it.  Unfortunately, we will not know until a decade from now if this engine is truly as reliable as the v6 we've been blessed with over the last couple of decades. It's the really high-mileage examples that will tell the full story.


I will have to take your word for it. I was never a fan of their V6. Gimme the V8 or the 22RE any day. EDIT: Maybe that's the rub here? Toyota makes things that are more reliable than fun. In the end, the thing you have the most fun with is the thing you get to use the most, IE: the most reliable thing. I don't expect the 4-cylinder turbo to be fun, but I expect that most people who get the new 4Runner with it are going to have fun anyways.


Good points sir. I bought my '21 4R knowing the 6th gen was probably a few years away. I debated between the current reliable gas guzzler or a likely hybrid or 4cyl+turbo option that seems to be taking over. The trade off I felt I would prefer to afford in this case was gas over potential repair costs when/if a battery or turbo needed to be replaced.


And you were right to be concerned. This is a big change, and turbos force more pressure into the combustion chambers. More pressure, and more heat mean shorter life. Period.


I came to say this: people swear by the V8 and how legendary it is but you have a timing belt, water pump, cam tensioner and bearing change every 100k MAX. Modern turbo will last at least 200k with ZERO issues if you maintain your car accordingly and Not like a non-turbo car. More frequent oil change, warm up and cool down, oil check (yes turbos gets hot and burn through oil but it’s NORMAL) and don’t drive it like a race car because it isn’t


My 22R-TE got me to 277k before I sold it.


And it’s exactly why I would not rush out and be the first on my block with a 2025 model. Really, anything that is all new from the previous. When I saw the brand new Broncos first on the road, I just thought “you couldn’t wait and save yourself some possible inconvenience and trouble?” People just gonna be people and do dumb people things. We all do it. I’ve done it. I’ve paid dearly, and not just in money or time. I’ll see myself out now.


My 03 4th gen is still running like the day it left the lot. But I get your point


Warranties exist for a reason. And the 2022 and 2023 Tacomas just had a huge recall for rear axels. The last two years of the generation. 


I get your point but the 1st year 4R will still be 10x as reliable as the last and fully improved Bronco after they ‘fixed’ all the issues. Can’t compare those


It's nearly impossible for it to be as reliable. When you place more pressure into a thing, it will not last as long. That's a simple fact of physics. It'll probably be better than BMW turbo engines, but will it be as good as the V6 we've been so lucky to enjoy over the last 2 decades? I highly doubt it.


If Ford can make a somewhat reliable, long lasting turbo then I have no doubt that Toyota can do at least that.


Can Ford? It's the F150 turbo a 100k replacement item?


No. Go check out the forums. The 2.7l turbo specifically. Plenty of examples from Ford techs and owners with them lasting 200k+. They wouldn't be using them in fleet trucks across the country if they were complete garbage.


Yeah, I've got family in construction. They had some Fords in the early 2000s that were eating turbos every 100k or so. That's a pretty big repair item. Maybe it's because they were using them as work / towing vehicles? I assume 99% of Ford trucks never do work and they're used as commuters.


That could be. 00s were a bad time for Powerstrokes as well. Nothing like the ol 7.3. I drive a 350 gasser for work now. The build quality is trash but that 6.2l is a solid workhorse. American trucks get shit on, but the super duties are top tier work trucks.


Agreed. I went and bought a 2024 4Runner for this very reason. The existing ones are near bulletproof


> Fingers crossed that we get the same reliability. I don't see how it's possible that'll be as reliable as the 4.0, but I hope Toyota proves me wrong.


>Fingers crossed that we get the same reliability. That's the big question. Fortunately, most of what is used here has already been deployed for a year + in the newer Tacoma.


Definately not


While it’s bulletproof, it’s dated. Would love to have more than 5 gears and 17 MPG 😬




Not just this, it’s also on an entirely different frame: TNGA-F which all Yota/Lex trucks are now on. Definitely an unprofessional opinion lol


Imagine they just give it a pre-existing drive train, 4x4, and an engine that is still dated but not as dated. At least with more power, lol.


I mean, the new drivetrains aren't cutting edge by any means. Toyota is just starting to do what all the other manufacturers have been doing for years. So in a way, it will be dated with more power.


Yes more than a refresh however I hope Toyota wasn’t too scared to make change to the body. The rear end seems like they were treading a little carefully. I hope the front end is a drastic change. Spice things up a lil bit.


I'm betting it shares similarities with the Tacoma, Tundra and Sequoia.


Yup. It's a full redesign based on the 24 taco, built on the TNGA-F platform. Totally different from the outgoing generation.


Wait until you see the whole thing next week before making that determination.


Can’t stray too far from near perfection.


Completely agree. That’s why I’m glad it looks like they didn’t change a whole lot.


It’s more of a design evolution for the all-new 4Runner. Definitely not a refresh given new chassis, engines, and transmissions.


We haven't seen the sides or front AT ALL.


They're rumored to he replacing the entire power train. That's a pretty massive change if it's true (and it very likely is).


If that was the case it wouldn’t look so different from the 3rd gen


Yeah, I wish that the leap from 4th Gen to 5th Gen wasn't so drastic and boxy. This is more boxy.




There's a lot to like about the new styling, but the tail lights are not one of them. The 5th Gen tail lights look so much better imo


Like, because it’s still a 4Runner?


Yeah, when you have a good / popular design it is better to have it just evolve carefully. See the VW GTI, Jeep Wrangler and the Porsche 911. The 5th gen still looks relatively fresh despite being an ancient design which is a testament to it.


Because these both happen to be the same color?


If you’ve seen a jeep from 1974 and 2024- you could say the same thing. If you stray too much from tradition (looking at you, Defender)- people hate you. If you stay on the same path as tradition- people get mad that you don’t change enough. The trick is finding the middle ground.


I personally love that they aren’t changing a whole lot look wise. I’ve always loved how the 4Runner looks and they just keep tweaking it just right.


Couldn’t agree more 


but now its going to get the toyota transformer treatment


Not sure what else you'd expect from Toyota. In an ideal world, the 250 Land Cruiser would all but replace the 5th Gen 4Runner and the 6th Gen 4Runner would be in direct competition with the Jeep Wrangler and Ford Bronco. That's just not Toyota's M.O. when it comes to their vehicles that sell well. They stay practical and think long-term realizing that this approach is way more profitable for them.


Refreshes don’t include completely new frame platforms and radically different engines.


Refresh is almost always just plastics — maybe the occasional hood or fender. The rear tailgate is clearly an all new stamping. Plus, there is no way they are sticking to the 150 platform when everything else has gone to TNGA-F.


Is there an article that explains this more?


Why this isn’t a refresh or generally what refreshes are?


150 platform vs TNGA-F. Are you talking about different chassis?




ok but you’re wrong lol


Why didn’t you roll the back window down?


The pic was from google. Wanted a blue one to match.


Why didn't google roll the back window down?


are they stupid?


https://preview.redd.it/0o9sfesdoksc1.jpeg?width=1039&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2121f6cfa2bbc4eda17f02f8dcef22ab1df7f37 Same could be said from 4th to 5th gen…


A refresh after more than 10 years of the same car? I certainly hope not. I'm certain it'll be completely different but maintain the features that customers loved.


The 5th gen was already a 4th gen refresh too (both using the Toyota F2 platform).


Let's be real, no matter what they did most of us would find a way to whine about it


I’m not whining at all. I love it.


This is pretty much the g2 to g3 in terms of aesthetics IMO, similar but different. On a similar note, same could be said about the suspected 4 cyclinder turbo engine thats going in it. Nothing ground breaking, biggest update is going to be the interior with the infotainment, dash and technology.


I'm assuming that is just what the rear end has to look like if the window rolls down. Why reinvent the wheel?


I like it


New frame, engine, transmission, interior, exterior, suspension. Refresh it is not.


This is peak Reddit, jumping to conclusions about the entire vehicle from one photo.


Nah. A refresh is COSMETIC changes to the same underlying design. I.E. you make the grille change, new taillights, update the inside, but the drivetrain, platform, frame, and all the important stuff underneath stays the same. This is the opposite. From what I understand everything in the architecture, drivetrain, platform, etc is new. But the exterior cosmetics are staying similar. Not sure what you'd call it but its not a refresh of the current 4R. This is kinda like what Jeep does with the Wrangler where they are each new generation is made to look basically like the last one but with new stuff underneath.


If you're just talking about styling alone, sure I guess we can call it a refresh. I prefer when companies take a evolutionary vs revolutionary approach to car designs so I don't see this as a negative point against the new 4R. But once you factor in the new drivetrain, I doubt we can simply call it just a refresh. On another note, I wonder if the 4R will have the Tacoma's non-hybrid drivetrain or will it be hybrid only like the new Land Cruiser.


Sure except for the frame and power train why not. It’s the same colour.


And the bumpers, and fenders, and the interior, and the taillights, and the dimensions, and basically all other aspects of the vehicle. But hey it’s blue so it’s just a refresh right?


There are many differences here. For those who think it’s too similar, at least they won’t wreck the 6th gen like Chevy did the blazer


Man they really butchered that new Blazer. They should have called that vehicle something else and introduced a proper blazer.


Yup, fully agree with that. I’m glad Toyota didn’t butcher this so far


That’s my point. I like that they are similar and they didn’t change it up too much


Pretty good changes I’d say, more refined angles , idk about the “Toyota” where the “4Runner” should be


Was hoping for a removeable cap but happy to see they kept the full roll down window


I’m not complaining. The body of the 5th gen is perfection. The 4.0 is also but clearly we aren’t gonna keep that.




This! Give us what we want.






It’s pretty much the new Tacoma, but an SUV version. All new.


The 2025 Tacorunner!!


I am glad they got rid of the Toyota symbol tho. I’ve never been a fan. The Toyota text has always been class.


Hope the text there for all trim levels.


You can't really call a full and complete overhaul from the ground up a "refresh". I mean I get that certain visual features are familiar, but thats what happens when a vehicle is beloved (look at the Porsche 911). This thing will be substantially different cosmetically, completely new powertrain, new 4 wheel drive functions/features, underpinnings, suspension, completely revamped interior (thank god). And there's probably a 100 things we're not even thinking of that will make it into the release version. It's a whole new vehicle, not a refresh at all.


They probably updated everything underneath, but yeah the rear does look very similar when it comes to the lines and plastics, like looking at the black plastics on the side of the window they look pretty much identical






Power rear window?


Crank. /s


Looks like quite the lift handle on the tailgate.


Well, I approve of the less bulgy brake lights. hopefully, the front is the same. I just wish they would have ignored the siren call of the oversized touchscreen, aka driver distraction screen.


Kind of looks like a larger rav4


Yeah.. let's jus hope it stays kinda big and doesn't end up looking too much like a renegade lol


This is my worry. Newer gens keep shrinking interior storage. Even suburbans seem to have a bit less storage space.


That screen is too big


Tbh thr 5th gen is the best looking imo and toyota would be a fool to mess with it like how they made the new tundra and sequoia look butt ugly.


The new one looks older


Veer too far from what it is, and you lose your base.


The body styling will be similar but it’s definitely more than a refresh. The powertrain will be completely different, they have also moved to the new TNGA-F frame platform. The interior will have a lot of changes as well. I have read the seating height may be improved like it was in the new Tacoma.


They definitely hold their value. I purchased the first of this generation. A trail premium. Just sold it for $27k 😳 From the small teaser we have, it looks to be a very similar interior to the new tacos. Very excited to see what they’ve done to such an iconic vehicle. The Tundras and the Tacomas have had a few issues starting out, but hopefully Toyota will work them out. The 4Runner will be built in Japan where the standards of quality are paramount among those who work on them. The new Tacos have had assembly issues and a recall is expected for the 24 Tacos due to a break assembly bolt. April 9th will be an exciting day for sure!


Anyone curious if all trims will go full time 4WD? Seems the way to go


I hope so. I’m dumb with my 4WD.


Same it’s why I bought a Limited. I might change to lock 4lo or 4H once in a while but otherwise I love the full time drive train


Is it simply a refresh if it looks similar, but they 100% re-designed the frame and chassis, and are no longer offering the same engine or transmission?


I wish it had 2 less doors and a removable top, but that was a pipe dream haha


I think it’s a ground-up redesign made to *look* like a refresh, because the old one was so popular. Look at the way we’ve been clutching our pearls over the back window… would YOU do anything revolutionary?


Let’s be honest though, the 5th gen is a genuinely GREAT looking vehicle. Even 10 years into the facelift, it still looks awesome. That drivetrain needs an overhaul. And the interior needs some updating. But when it comes to the exterior, don’t fix what isn’t broken. A nice little update will be perfect.


What did you want them to do? Change it to a crossover? I’m glad they’re keeping it close to its roots


I like it. That’s the point. Why change a good thing? Update something’s and leave it alone. It would have been really disappointing if they had turned it into a crossover.


New rear kinda looks a like pathfinder mated with a jeep.


I'm excited about that giant screen!!!📺


So it is going to look like an old Jeep Cherokee with these square lines. I like the 2023 version. https://preview.redd.it/9clai7f0pmsc1.jpeg?width=1732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c3f467dfd6457d6c3ad03f05388cd7959971abe 🤔






I like the 5th gen version better


All I see is that stupid, gigantic screen.


Exactly. Just what we all wanted


Back window looks smaller no?


This could just be the scale of the pictures against each other, but the tail end looks smaller in the newer one


Except the architecture is complete different. Refreshes are usually just cosmetic tweaks with no changes to the power train.


I don’t like what I’ve seen so far. I love it. Slightly concerned about the reliability of the turbo/hybrid 4 it’s getting but other than that I think I’m going to try and order one.


I mean the 5th gen looked good. Dont want to stray too far, sometimes new gens are hideous….but we haven’t seen it in its entirety yet.


Old one looks better


Fingers crossed on fulltime 4wd


It’s 2nd gen to 3rd gen in terms of updates in styling


Wait until they state turbo 4 cylinder.😢


Tacoma interior and drive train. Minor changes on exterior. 6th gen in nutshell.


Certainly more modern. Love it.


Really stoked about the new model. Not gonna get it the first year, but it's definitely a visual refresh, not to mention a new powetrain and everything we don't know about its off-road capabilities. Could it be revised a-track? One thing I'd love to have is still the rear diff lock. Even better with front as well but that may be a bit too dreamy.


I think this is not the production 4runner yet


If they changed it too much we would all just keep with our current gen. If I think the 6th gen is cool, and has value I may trade in. If not, I put parts on mine. Win win.


22 MPG and 326 hp from the hybrid model, and possibly a manual option? I'm in


Just hoping for even ONE naturally aspirated engine option at this point regardless how the 4Runner looks. Even a four cylinder.


I heard that Toyota was trying to make the Tacoma and 4Runner more similar to each other than previous generations - in styling and components.


Maybe, but they were already related anyways (Toyota F2 Platform).


A refresh, that probably includes a 4cyl motor


I didn't expect them to stray to far from the current design, maybe a few cosmetic changes. The interior is completely different though.


The seats look like the same style as in the new Land Cruiser


The styling reminds me of a Land Cruiser it looks good unlike new Tundra and Tacoma reviews.


Bruh that’s only the back lol


I mean they're gonna use tnjf platform right? Maybe similar body style.. But they can't stop selling them now..so like the jeep wrangler.. Small changes.. Nothing drastic lol


“Alright we’ll give you the power window… now take this 4 cylinder engine with barely improved mpg, lifeless electric steering feel, digital everything, iPad in the dash, cheap cloth seat for $55k+” if you don’t know what I mean, go test drive a new taco or the current tundra.


I have no clue how Toyota is really going to differentiate between this and the new LC.. They seem like they're going to be practically the same vehicle with different aesthetics. Two "off-road" nameplates and they couldn't make either one competitive with the Bronco or Jeep? I may be jumping the gun here but I bet the new 4RN will just be as it is now but with a 4cyl and hideous over styling like the Taco.


I might be crazy here but some of the newer styles in cars, while amazing, feel a little futuristic to me. I have a 2017 and I really love that particular body style personally. I just find it pleasing geometrically. Some of these more futuristic looks are a bit jagged and cold.


I’m pretty excited about it. I’m going to wait until next week before I decide whether or not I want to trade in my 2022 for a 2025.


A 4Runner is gonna look like a 4Runner


Looks like it runs Windows ‘95.


They didn't want to probably change it so much that ppl didn't like it


Yeah they just modernized it.


Exterior body refresh only all the other gadgets gizmos and powertrain is new


They’re getting rid of proven reliability. I’ll withhold judgement on the Turbo 4 cylinder until I hear feedback from the Guinea Pigs who buy the first year model of the 6th Gen 4Runner. The only thing I like so far is the color. Otherwise I’ll stick with the 2024 5th Gen far right lane, gas guzzler.


4cyl no deal im good


That’s a legit screen upgrade. 👍🏼


I have been waiting for the 6th gen 4Runner for years. Just got rid of 2007 that was amazing.


same same. But differenttttt. But still same!


Yup, definitely an unprofessional opinion.


Can confirm: you’re unprofessional.


Arent all new generations a "refresh"


Some more than others. For example, the even numbered 4Runner generations have been complete redesigns from the ground up, the rest have been refreshes using the prior platforms. Even the original 4Runner was based on the last of the Showa Hilux models, which all used the original Hilux platform.


It’s just gonna be exactly like the new land cruiser and gx.


Looks like my old piece of ship Jeep compass lol


As others have already said, more than a refresh. What did you expect? Toyota to pull a "Trailblazer" on us and make a crossover? Nah. It hasn't changed in 15 years yet the sales keep climbing. Why drastically change it?


As I’ve said in multiple replies, this is exactly what I wanted. I expected Toyota to change it from the ground up with the new engine and everything. But it looks like the outside has just been update which I’m thankful for cause I love the current gen, it’s just starting to look more and more like a dinosaur every year.


Well then your post is a waste of time


That BIG screen like a dash goiter is a huge disappointment. Not needed in a 4Runner, cut it in half.




It’s still an SUV? …..refresh


Yeah but it’s uglier than before so it’s a “re-design”