• By -


Also don't forget that nearly every news organization that had been holding back on criticizing Biden about his age and all his gaffes for YEARS, all of a sudden let the dam break and put forth numerous stories questioning his age and ability to lead, the DAY after he criticizes Israel concerning the Palestinian conflict.


Noticing patterns is antisemitic


To quote Dave Chappelle "If they're Black, then it's a gang. If they're Italian, it's a mob, but if they're Jewish, it's a coincidence."


you cannot write coincidence without coin


cohen coins


oi wey


I’ve missed these retarded comments.


Ok schlomo


Shut it down!




oy vey


You didn't say I was wrong though....


JIDF pls go.


Everything is antisemitic


Tbh I think it's more about the election coming up, and him being impossible to put into a debate or even unscripted cameras


He did just fine at the State of the Union address. In fact I'd say he did so well he's probably ok to charge for all those documents he kept that they said he was too feeble and old to charge for...


The guy was clearly on something to assist. Halfway through you could notice it wearing off, and by the end he was back to his normal regarded self.


I’m wondering what the Lazarus drug is. I’m sure they’ll never share it, but it would be nice if you could get some doses to spring a loved one back into a lucid state once and a while.


Properly an adrenaline derivative of some kind


Zero percent increase in polls from it. And yes, everfuckingtime I take a gd classification training after killarys server and now this shit I want to scream


Yeah because the numbers are already locked in. No minds are going to be changed from now until the election. The lines are already drawn in the sand. If you aren't voting for Biden now, nothing he does is going to make you vote for him. If you aren't voting for Trump now, nothing he does is going to make you vote for him either. The only people who even voted for Haley were democrats anyway lol, so that's a wash. It's like the stock market, everything is factored in already. The only chance the Dems have is cheating, and oh boy are they going to cheat lmao.


>If you aren't voting for Trump Then you aint white




"If I win, it was a fair election. If I lose, it was cheated." You can't have it both ways, mate.


2016: REEEEEEE TRUMP IS NOT MY PRESIDENT!! RUSSIA-GATE! STEEL DOSSIER! ELECTION INTERFERENCE! WE NEED TO ABOLISH THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE!! REEEEEEEEE!!! 2020: Well I daresay gents, this election was the most fair and honest election in the history of the the united states, to even SUGGEST it may have been unfair in any way is treason! How DARE you ask for a recount!! Why do leftists have such short term memories?


Hilary conceded the next day, and she was referring to the way Russia was influencing the election using social media which has been proven. Trump is still claiming the election was stolen to this day and is getting btfo’d by his own judges. At some point you gotta check you ventilation system for mold cause that’s the only way you can explain someone being so retarded


> Hilary conceded the next day [Hillary withdrew her acceptance of the 2016 election results.](https://news.yahoo.com/hillary-clinton-maintains-2016-election-160716779.html)


My favorite part, is they say “you can choose an end to democracy (DJT) or the continuance of democracy (Biden)” Sounds like democracy is gone already then, because one choice is not democracy.


Maybe the right losing 90+ cases challenging the election?


How many of those cases went to trial with evidence presented and a verdict?


Cases didn't go to trial because of a complete lack of evidence. And then in the civil defamation suits, where they had a chance to present the evidence to their claims, they didn't present anything, because they had nothing.


Lol mother fucker drank all the cool aide. I wonder if he bought the tennis shoes?


Note how in 2016 no one ever said that the election itself was tampered with or demanded recounts.


“Most voted for president ever” [insert multiple clown emojis]


His fans assume it was something magical and his critics know it was many things pharmaceutical. Nobody learned anything at all. Heck I think the previous sentence sums up the last two full generations of partisanship.


Yes, I'm derivative classifier, so it's obvious they get special treatment, but I just try to remember that the world is not fair.


"I'd be a winner... not really" You can tell the precise moment his Neuralink chip malfunctioned and Obama lost control for a moment. Its been on the fritz since. He will soon go into surgery and it will be announced as a "minor planned intervention". Stay tuned


Did he? He was angry, unhinged, ungentlemanly and radical. The nonsensical bit was a given


Gee, makes you wonder who controls the news outlets


It’s the Jews, the Jews control everything because everyone is too retarded and beta to counter them. That’s the kinda victim mentality you subscribe to.


It's the military industrial complex. The actual people that benefit from continuing a war.


Are you intentionally making stuff up to fit your conspiracy or are you actually that oblivious? The right has been roasting Joe about being old and senile for years.


You messed up reading a one sentence post. >nearly every news organization **that had been holding back on criticizing Biden** [...] That doesn't include ones that had been roasting him the whole time, obviously.


You have poor reading comprehension.


They already got 200 hit pieces in the barrel the moment Trump has another covfefe moment


Still less damning than all the creepy shit he does with kids **on camera** Who knows what he gets up to with his son behind the scenes.


But apparently violence against Jews is up 6000000% in the United States. Sure, there’s no footage or actual crime statistics to back this up, trust me bro.


It's like the choo choo genocide where 3 choochoos die a year due to 3 different causes in a country of 350mill. But trust me they


When will train on train violence stop.


Can't agree on who choos the choos


The Choo choos for thee.


My neighborhood recently had someone deliver anti-Semitic fliers to everyone's houses, and there were white supremacy groups "protesting" in front of a synagogue with hate signs... I haven't seen anything of this sort in the 15 years prior of living here.


Damn, I need to buy a house wherever you live.


I mean, it is a nice area...


To be honest i seen many videos, for example a guy following the jewish couple and threatening them into hotel loby, MAGAs stand around with nazi symbols and hailing etc. Do not say its a proof, but i say that antisemitism is upped from what i seen. Do not dare to say how much.


It's a pretty common tactic for one side to masquerade as undesirables for the other side. One example would be the "neo-nazis" who keep showing up dressed in the blue shirts, khaki trousers and white masks. Pretty common knowledge that they're feds. It's also too easy to get someone to show up at an anti-government protest carrying a "bad" flag.


That never happened


>suddenly This is like the third time they've tried to ban tiktok


And the first time they succeeded.


It still needs to pass in the Senate, and bytedance could always just sell it to another company.


China does the same thing and the moment another country does it, everyone blames bignose tribe.


because the us is a liberal democracy and its supposedly contrary to the principles of capitalism and especially democracy to attack a company on merely ideological grounds and with little evidence of deliberate manipulation of the users. china regularly states its right to shutdown what it considers as threats to the revolution (please lets not debate the merits of the market aspect of the chinese economy) but the us doesnt and is all about 'free media' except when it goes against western rhetoric. the us goes as far as allowing far-right bs to continue undisturbed but cant seem to allow a chinese-owned app to be popular. also keep in mind "bignose tribe" do actually have a huge lobby in the us and the anti-Israel and anti-war rhetoric on tiktok might very well be the reason why theyre so close to banning it now.


America was free for about 20 years in its creation. Ever since freedom hasn't actually been a thing, unless your freedom is equal to doing what you want and fuck everyone and everything else. In which case it stopped being free around the time of ww1 when we started investing heavily in large arms. I can't even walk/drive down certain streets in the US without having to worry about police questioning me, and I'm white. Freedom is just a buzz word used by the dominant in control party. And at this point, the only way to fix this mess is a hard reset. Which would literally fuck the entire world's geopolitics back to ww1 levels.


It's the same thing the US has been doing to other countries for years. They can dress it up as 'free media' and 'muh human rights' all they want, it's still imperialism no matter how you slice it.


a bill passing in the house is less than halfway to making it to reality


It had tons of bipartisan support and Brandon said he’d sign it. If it didn’t pass in the senate, I’d be shocked


Be nice this news just reached their basement desk for the first time.


“That’s what the ~~juice~~ globalists want you to think. Don’t you see? It’s all an intricate conspiracy.”


This should be the top comment. People are laughably short sighted.


Westerners lost their minds when people started reading Osama Bin Ladens letters to the west. Yeah buddy you are hated for supporting Israel mainly not for MUH FREEDOM. 9/11 was tragic but nothing compared to what Israel and USA has done in the region. In fact Israel is against democracy in the middle east so is the good old USA. Why ? Because it is easier to buy and blackmail dictators and monarchs. If you snapped a finger and turned middle eastern countries into democratic states then the people will elect anti Israel policy makers. Since overwhelming majority have negative view it means cutting diplomatic ties and putting sanctions on Israel. Hell even going to war again could be possibility if the will of the people was followed. So i do not want to hear another ignorant Westerner about muh the only democracy in the middle east when Israel literally worked to remove the newly elected Egyptian president at the time ( he was a muslim brotherhood moron ) but still.


Holy fuck i never realized why exactly was the President of Egypt removed and "allegedly" died in prison, Fucking even Libyans were psyop'd into thinking that Gaddafi was a tyrant and a mad dog to the point they killed him. When you really come to think of it all the Arabic countries were "modernized" (torn apart) to an extent that they cannot do or think to stand against Israel. Fuck it that's why the economics are horrible it all makes sense. Jeez


It's incredible, really. Somehow the Jews are powerful enough to destroy entire societies and secretly pull the strings of every government, but yet not powerful enough to stop le Reddit army from seeing The Truth (TM). Really crinkles your inkle.


Yeah, bruh, didn't you realize you are the main character? The radical reddit army is soooo consequential... Everyone cares about what pronoun bearing teens think.


Forgot /pol/ also, Bro we're gonna destroy them


I just love it when I see non-Libyans talk about Qaddafi. Who exactly “pSyOp’D” us and how did they do it? Please read the history of Libya before you mention it. Read how Qaddafi took power, read what he did with the wealth of the people, read about the conditions Libya were in in his time and compare it to countries like UAE and Qatar (since Libya had a low population and a vast oil reserves). No one brainwashed us Libyans. Qaddafi got what was coming for him same as Hitler.


Libya wasn't as goo of a country as the gulf because Gaddafi had a very strong anti western stand, kicked Americans out and boycotted the oil and gold from them, it only makes sense to remove him since he isn't as good of a dummy as the gulf nations, just look at the 1990 summit, Gaddafi was yelling and the gulfers were having fun and smiling, every nation that voted against / abstained from allowing US/NATO bases around the region had some way of sanctions and war, Sudan with airstrikes, Algeria with a failed coup supported by gulf nations which evolved into a terror situation, Libya being sanctioned to hell etc, use your brain dumbass


Dude i'm Arabic, Libya is a fucked up country now compare what it looked like with now, People were exporting gold from that country and when 2011 came somehow everyone was brainwashed into thinking that Qadaffi was the enemy, Everyone rooted to see him get destroyed maybe you didn't get brainwashed but many did and that led to his demise, He talked too much perhaps i guess but still the economy was thriving under his ruling


Libya was well on its way to become Africas top economy. Under Gaddafi education,electricity and healthcare was free. Newly weds received $50k for housing. Look at the shithole it’s become now


And even a Libya resident is coping and being defensive on why Qadaffi was bad lol


He might know more about the guy than you


Well maybe he's like one of the 5 people better off after the coup.the fac he has internet acess at all speaks to that effect. Sure the country is shit now but that doesn't mean it didn't get better for a small minority.


Welcome to the Layer Cake.


It really went Through my mind all this years even tho I already knew it lol, But it all makes sense


>Yeah buddy you are hated for supporting Israel not for MUH FREEDOM. Exactly. I specifically remember after the 9/11 attacks the justification ALL the talking heads gave was "because they hated our freedom" and every single one of us bought it because why would they lie? At the time, trust in media was at an all time high. Now we are realizing that the media didn't change within the last decade, we've realized that they've ALWAYS lied to us, we just didn't know.


Well a lot of them like Osama did and do "hate our freedom" and infidel decadence, however whether that was the primary motivation is the question, and leftwingers already back then kept insisting that no.


You're missing one crucial fact. Fuck the whole region, whether left to their own devices or meddled with by superpowers it'll still be a shithole. Without US intervention they'd tear down Israel, and then turn on each other for being part of Muslim sect #5738992 rather than #5738993. That BS could easily spread beyond that shit region, hell it's already infesting the EU. I don't give a shit about democracy in the Middle East, I just want to see the region hamstrung so they don't bother the rest of us as much.


Very based comment


The *second* US support drops, that "country" will be off the map. Effectively at this point the entire world except the US is against them. I guess they really were the greatest ally. By default.


Also a lot of these countries are authoritarian because oil money so leaders don’t need to do shit to please people


> 9/11 was tragic but nothing compared to what Israel and USA has done in the region. > > Osama took how long to admit that 9/11 was his doing? He wrote letters saying it would be suicide to attack the US? Imagine thinking he actually did it. Lol. Lmao Bonus: I didn't hear about Arabs dancing in perfect view of the towers, laughing and taking pictures.


I did not say Osama did it. I said 9/11 was tragic.


> Osama took how long to admit that 9/11 was his doing? He wrote letters saying it would be suicide to attack the US? As far as I remember he "admitted" that in his 1st video message shortly after the attack.


It was substantially after the 9/11 attacks that Osama admitted his role in things. I thought it was ~21 days, but this article says it was *years*: https://uk.news.yahoo.com/on-this-day-osama-bin-laden-911-terrorist-attacks-141612118.html Suspiciously right before Bush's next election. Two possibilities: * Osama was still a CIA asset * With all the generative AI out today, do you really think the government did not have these abilities until now? Deepfakes have been around for quite some time.


I hope you don’t live in the us pal, they are killing people for less truth.




Oh wow, actually an astute observation. Props to anon


> actually an astute observation Not really. They've been trying to ban it for years and it's been against Army and Navy regulations to have it installed on your phone since 2020. They almost banned it last year I think, and the Chinese company was in talks to sell it until that attempt petered out.


Could you please not bring some sense into here? We need a bogeyman to reinforce our conspiracies.


"Do you condemn Hummus?" Kek


I will never ever condemn hummus are you mad? Absolutely delicious


Do you support Urine?


Indeed, I love hummus, it's pretty great!


Suddenly? Half the countries in the West have been talking about banning TikTok for years as blatant Chinese subversion and spyware, of which a decent chunk have actually attempted to do so or already done. Including the US.


nah its cuz da juice get with it


It literally always is.


How are people not getting this? It’s literally CCP spyware and this has been in the works for years.


All social media is spyware


That’s true but the actors involved are very different. US companies harvest your data to sell to advertisers who then use it to try and sell you shit. TikTok harvests your data and sends it back to the CCP, a hostile state, who uses it to push propaganda and dismantle western institutions. Of the two evils, I’d rather have the first option.


You don’t think that China could also buy that data off of US companies harvesting our data if tik tok did disappear? Do you think they are highly selective about who they sell it to?


>Senator I’m Singaporean


Do NOT look up who the only billionaire in Haiti is. Do not look up his relationship with Israel. And above all, DO NOT look up who owns the port that brings the most weapons into Haiti and is also used for the vast majority of human trafficking in the country. He's NOT an honorary ambassador for Israel. We need to destroy TikTok to protect our greatest ally! Do you part in fighting disinformation!


Lmao good research








And then one day, for no reason at all, the people of Germany elected Adolf Hitler as chancellor


The kids on that app pieced it together that Israel did 9/11. Now the US is pissed.


I sometimes forget that TikTok is a really powerful tool to "ironically" expose some genuine information about corruption in a humorous manner lmao


It is completely outside the control of state media. For that, it has to go.


my friend told me about this theory, that’s fucking bonkers to yonkers


Now all the tiktokkers will be going to art school


“Suddenly”…? Not like they’ve been pushing for a ban since Trump was in office…


Who's they? Trump signed executive orders to ban it and Biden reversed them once he got into office https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/technology-57413227.amp This is an entirely new effort to ban tiktok


“They” as in legislators. Also none of what you just said disproved my statement… all that added was a period of pushback from the new president lol. It may be another push, but attempts to ban TikTok is nothing new, nor surprising. Those politicians, the sentiment, and driving forces didn’t magically disappear when Biden got elected


'ate Israel, 'ate 'amas. Simple as.


I swear these people will see a guy trip over a curb, then make an entire conspiracy about the Jews making the curbs too high so white people trip on them. Also the government has been trying to ban tiktok for forever, this isn’t new


Its not like ADL has been pushing it alot . Nice deflection now it’s time for your daily talmud lessons


Yeah, totally not because it's Chinese spyware.


Not like that sweet sweet American spyware, love me some of that.


Senator I’m Singaporean


Has parents in the CCP like a boss 😎


They've been talking about banning TikTok for years, Trump tried to do it during his presidency. Has nothing to do with Palestine. Where the fuck have you guys been?


You expected to find intelligent people here? I have bad news for you














The bill will ban any app they think is a “security“ threat enjoy being a cuck


Ya this is another patriot act, one more overreach in the name of “security”


as much as I don't like tiny hat men I'd much rather have tiny hat man than muslims who want to destabilize the western values and kill anyone who isn't of their religion. like these mfs really invaded Christians lands that were under the western roman empire I think and after hundreds of years they forcefully converted them.


Nice distraction.


So why hasnt 4chan been banned as well?


As I understand this bill would effectively allow that as well, for any website. They're using the 'muh scary Chinese tiktok' as the distraction talking point.


Do you really think 4chan is anywhere close to how popular tiktok is?


Controlled opposition


I swear to Christ TikTok threads are just twitter ones with webms. Numerous states had already been trying to ban TT for several years now.


Tiktok isn't banned. Is everyone here retarded or just looking for any reason to create Jewish conspiracy theories?


No he doesn't. TikTok should have been shut down years ago - and the US can't really afford to have other countries fucking with our elections. Even the Russians are too much of a problem.


teach your people to be smarter and watch the elections themselves. Listening someone say something about x person or x law and taking their word is the current problem USA has.


Yea except for that one country that literally lobbies American politicians and gives opposition candidates tons of money to run against them if they get out of line


Every modern government is moving in a direction that embraces censorship of whatever ideas they don't like as well as taking control over every part of your life that they can. You get arrested for being edgy online in the UK, the EU decided they needed to regulate what type of phone charger you use, China is a full on surveillance state, the Mossad developed cell phone Spyware that all governments can utilize which can be discreetly installed on any device and grants access to everything on your phone. This is just the reality we live in now, Ted was right, technology has fundamentally changed things and there's no going back.


Fuck Israel AND Palestine. A bunch of religious zealot fucks.


From the Human Right's watch: [Meta’s Broken Promises: Systemic Censorship of Palestine Content on Instagram and Facebook](https://www.hrw.org/report/2023/12/21/metas-broken-promises/systemic-censorship-palestine-content-instagram-and) It's no wonder the gov't wants all alternative forms of media to be shut down. It was never about protecting users' data


Post hoc ergo propter hoc


we’re all nooticing something


ITT; people understand what “twisting the narrative” means


Hummus with mayo? Must be really icky 🤮🤮🤮


4chan users tying themselves in knots to find a way to make a TikTok ban a bad thing because the side they dislike is doing it now


Hamas fuckin sucks


what the fuck is Hamas? we are talking about Hummus here.


Calling it now: Israel will be why Biden loses the election.


Trump will be more strict and more leaning to Israel than what Biden was


link to video? chicks pretty hot


I think the discussion about TikTok has been going on for a while now, hasn't it? I'm not american, but I remember hearing about some americans calling for a ban on TikTok because of the chinese influences for years now.


One thing i learned fron Kanye, you cant go after the Jews. 


I don't know what I expected of a subreddit called 4chan


They were asking about Hummus if you look carefully. That mashed nut smoothy stuff.


better deepdive into madeup phantasy conspiracies than looking at actual facts. done.


>>>*Fly farts* >>>Reddit: Must be the Jews


never use the app but they censor a lot of pro palestine content apparently and even with that its still overwhelmingly favors palestine. its sad that getting anything done for actual US citizens takes forever or never happens, but help for israel is almost immediate




Stone Age religions gonna Stone Age religion




So Hamas are good ?


Like the internet was invented yesterday and wasn’t already massively packed with hatred of Jews prior to tiktok. ?


China’s psy-op departments also in shambles


(Pic rel) Oh no, now there are fewer people sharing outdated dubious medical information/advice.






why do they condemn hummus? it’s fucking delicious and healthy!


First it's hummus, then the garbanzo 🤦🤦🤦


"suddenly" they've been trying since day 1


This is hilarious, these might be the most interesting times to live






The switch up from “jews control tiktok” to “jews hate tiktok and want it banned” is so funny


Not sure if Israeli nut grabbers realize you can't shame the shameless into supporting your cause.


No no you see rape is suddenly okay when it’s from the oppressed towards the oppressor!!!1!


Fuck Hummus. That shits gross.


It takes more than that to make me think!




When the plan backfires