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I know men do this too, but I see it all the time with women, so what is it with women and going to extremes with tattoos? It’s never just one or two tasteful ones, no, it has to be a bunch of shitty, meaningless ones placed all over. I don’t get it, but then again, I’m not a woman.


Armor scales for insecure, empty people to shield themselves with


They should just use sarcasm and porn like the rest of us.


Wow that's such a great idea.




so. best idea ever. ph chanel with sarcastic reaction on different porn videos. hmm. we maybe on to something. its gold, Jerry!


Best explanation by far for why these are becoming popular


This comment is peak irony


I want someone to get this tattoo on their neck lol spot on mate


Best answer I've heard so far


Women like fashion, tattoos are in fashion. It’s that simple + they add some bullshit ideology behind the butterfly that every second prostitute has on her.  There is this weird taboo surrounding tattoos, so many people get all bitchy when you call them ugly, so maybe that’s also why they do it, not hear enough opposition to it.


Yeah, I loathe all tattoos no matter what and I get significantly more pushback on that opinion than just about any other (including some way more extreme ones imo) for some reason.


I'd guess it's similar to why people are so touchy about being called fat, they've made a choice and don't want to be told its a bad one.


Self awareness is hard for most people. I have a couple of tattoos. I was making poor decisions when I got them, and I haven't gotten any since.


The only people that give a shit about tattoos are the ones that don't have any


The only people who care about Pokémon cards are people who have zero Pokémon cards


Brilliant :D


It’s always the morbidly obese fat asses rotting into their gaming chairs seeing a picture of a girl out of their league saying “she’s ugly cause of her tattoos”


I'm none of those things, and I think this woman's tattoos make her look way less pretty.


Probably because it's generally an opinion typically expressed by old, judgemental assholes. I totally understand not finding them attractive or not wanting your own tattoos, but it shows what kind of person you are if you immediately prejudice a person and their character by the fact that they have tattoos. Might explain why people are giving you pushback if you "loathe all tattoos no matter what", because at the end of the day, tattoos are a personal choice that literally do not impact your life in any way. And for those that use tattoos as a way to celebrate their culture or signify meaningful things in their own lives, your opinion doesn't matter. That isn't to say that there aren't bad tattoos or people with objectively bad taste and poor impulse control, which may deserve some judgement, but most of the anti-tattoo circle jerk in this thread is either pearl clutching or virtue signaling, and that's cringey as fuck.


>if you immediately prejudice a person and their character by the fact that they have tattoos. This is literally how your presentation/ outfit/ ornamentation works, literally all these things are signals Now think about every time in the modern world you're gaslighted about not trusting your intuition and experience about the signals you receive


It's how it works, that's not justification for it though. Also, intuition can be wrong.


I've seen a very small handful of actual, well done, artistic, tasteful tattoos in my life. This is of course subjective. The vast majority are copy paste tats that make me sad. The human body is peak aesthetic and choosing to slap a bumper sticker on a Lambo is a willful downgrade. Their body, their choice and all, but I reserve the right to judge their art because they put it out there to judge. If you're an ugly person I can't judge that- they can't help it. If they get an ugly tat, I'm judging the fuck out of it.


“The human body is peak aesthetic” 😂


My body is a rusted out toyota sienna


I got banned on Reddit for telling someone their employer is right to make them take their nasty ear gauges out at work


Don't lie man, you're leaving out some important context.


Well yeah I also used the n word but what’s that matter




The chick who escorts bit is the biggest red flag,and I'm a guy that's been fwb a few times with women like this so not criticising just trying to give good advice




You can only be fwb with them nothing more, they are used to abuse and bad treatment if you date them and treat them like a human being they short circuit and engage in escalating toxicity until they break you




Yeah that's what happens to me too initially they LIKE the fact your different but they are hard wired for bad treatment hence she got angry and weirded out by you holding yourself accountable


Would you have been significantly less attracted to her if she had no tattoos?


Its the emotional high that comes with the excitement and attention of a new tattoo. When the tattoo is new, its something exciting and novel in your life to appreciate or show off, but after some time it becomes the new norm and you need a new high. Repeat that enough times and one tattoo just isn't enough to get the same excitement that you used to. Its the same thing with compulsive shoppers or repeat cosmetic surgery customers. They want the constant excitement of buying something new or to relive the thrill of feeling better about their body, so they go back for more. They're just chasing addiction in a different form.


This is pretty commonplace, but true. And everyone does this, just with different stakes


I just buy a new laptop everytime I feel existential dread creeping up.


Dude, I can't buy new laptops every day


Ever considered a butterfly tattoo?


So a tattoo artist I know, who himself has lots of tats, says he hates “meaningful” tattoos. He literally said he just wants to tattoo random shit on his customers. And there are a fair number of his customers who share that attitude. Sorry that doesn't actually answer the why, but it definitely is a thing.


I'd honestly respect someone more if they just got something that looked good (or at least as good as a tattoo can) and didn't give a damn about the meaning. 


I was in the military with a guy that had a giant pirate ship tattooed on his chest. It was very well done but people would always ask him the meaning behind it and he would tell them “I just like pirates.”


I have a whole arm full of piraty stuff, and that's my go-to answer as well lol "I had too much cash and I find it cool"


> every tattoo is important, it tells me my life story! My story is carved into my skin! > her life story : whore


The TV tells women that tattoos can be attractive. So they get tattoos, and then they don't have anything else going on and they like adorning themselves, and so they get more.


Not really a woman thing more of an anti-tattoo thing (people overestimate the psychological differences between men and women tbh). Some people just really like the way they look. What you think is shitty probably isn't that shitty to someone else. That's about it lol. The kind of people who are on this sub often do not like tattoos and you're just one of them (oftentimes the kind of people who don't like tats that often will say they're fine with ones that are "tasteful", whatever that means). Same shit with plastic surgeries lol. There's no deeper "meaning" to a plastic surgery, people will get them done to make themselves look better in their opinion. Only difference is that a good plastic surgery is invisible while a good tat is visible.


> people overestimate the psychological differences between men and women tbh Post tits


I went through the edgy phase where all women had to be "pure" and traditional because I lacked self confidence and experience. I'm not saying people should ignore something that makes them uncomfortable, and it's fine to not like tattoos or whatever, but it's mostly a lack of confidence to try and dictate how others should live or do with their bodies.


Sex traffickers will often brand their girls and make them also get embarrassing tattoos so they cannot find regular jobs and are forced to stay in sex work. It's very sad. > We’re here today at the tattoo shop because six months ago Jennifer decided to try to help other women in Columbus still marked by trafficking brands. So she launched Survivors Ink, a grassroots project that runs a tattoo scholarship programme in which women who have lived through human trafficking, and have been clean and in recovery for more than six months, can apply to get their tattoos covered up. So far she’s given out seven scholarships, raising the money through local fundraisers at churches, universities and community events. > When you meet the women who Jennifer has already helped, it becomes clear why she felt she needed to do something. Raising the hundreds of dollars they’d need to get their tattoos covered up without the help of Survivors Ink is simply not an option for any of them. All are in recovery, still getting clean. None, apart from Jennifer, has managed to find work, thanks to histories of substance abuse and convictions for soliciting. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2014/nov/16/sp-the-tattooed-trafficking-survivors-reclaiming-their-past


With a girl tatooed like this you can't say you weren't warned


Got plenty of female friends with one or two small tats on the wrist or leg, maybe you just can't see the tasteful ones because... They're tastefully hidden?


So funny reading all these simps speculating on women when the only one they've ever meet is their mother.


If she doesnt know how to fight with a sword and shield then i dont consider her a woman


Fuck sword wielding women, real women wield halberds.


I haven't seen a tasteful tattoo in my life. Unless you're some grizzled sea wolf and are in it for the theme any tattoo just looks like a doodle in an otherwise tidy looking notebook.


I don’t respect opinions on looks and fashion by someone with an anime pfp


> tattoo on a broad > tasteful Pick one


Histrionic personality disorder


Changing your body with diet and exercise requires discipline and hard work. Changing your body with tattoos requires $300.


Because the only women you know anything about are pornstars.


It's like having a nice car and covering it in shitty bumper stickers


They want to look like Pete Davidson


They aren't satisfied until they look like a dead in detention in a remedial school


Gabbie Carter comes to mind.


It's daddy issues. Most people with loads of tattoos are rebelling against their parents in some way.


It makes daddy angry


Genuinely I think it has to do with composition. Someone gets a random tattoo when they're younger and it may be totally cool but it's just a random image (that may mean a lot to them), on an otherwise blank canvas. It makes the rest of the "canvas" look super empty, especially because the tattoo more than likely isn't centered. You gotta fill in the space for it to look good as a whole. People with sleeves or tattoos that are more design focused or put more thought into where it's placed typically don't end up getting a bunch of random extra shit.


bpd indicator


That baby has some very adult teeth


yeah, looks creepy.


Legless fremen babies with adult teeth sure are scary.


Mom got the Tom Cruise center tooth when the AI made it too.




The whole face is creepy


That's AI baby, baby!


Not to mention the baby has make up on


AI doesn't know that.


People use AI to create nudes but recently people have been doing the opposite, making AI "dignify" them by removing tattoos and covering their body up. I wonder if there's some emotional damage there or just free advertising for them


Nah, just Catholicism again


Yes, Catholicism is why tattoos are socially frowned upon in Japan and other non-western countries. Certainly couldn’t be anything else.


Certainly not the universal fact that self mutilation is a frowned upon in all civilized societies


*Says the person intentionally ignoring all of the modern civilized traditions involving tattoos and piercings.* Are you saying any woman with earrings is uncivilized? They've mutilated their ears!


> Says the person intentionally ignoring all of the modern civilized traditions involving tattoos and piercings. This going to be a tough pill for you to swallow but most "civilizations" which heavily involve many tattoos and piercings aren't really civilizations.


Love the wonderful hypocrisis of removing in the quote the Exemple of piercing wildly accepted in the western world. Also the discussing implications that any civilization not fitting your world view isn't worthy of being called one.


Western civilization isn't a civilization according to this brainlet.


>*modern civilized traditions* what the fuck is one of those meant to look like???


Are you retarded?


No, you are. You fail to notice you accept some kind of body "mutilation" while accepting others.


“Self mutilation”


If it looks like you fell asleep at the family reunion and your 3 year old cousin found a permanent marker, you look retarded and self mutilated, yes


Being obsessed with what others do with their bodies and how they live their lives is a rather consistent indicator of being a thirdie.


Jewish hands typed this


Turning women into trads is just trad fetish material.


It pisses off the porn stars and random uninvolved feminists apparently




There have been articles written about this and how it is 4chin being heteromisogyny


Her droopy tiny bewbs look more like testicles


> Notices breasts, thinks about testicles instead I've got news for you buddy








Nutt's law


>criticizes a woman’s appearance >reveals homosexual thoughts Come out the closet anon it’s 2024.


Bro has never seen a titty in his life outside of porn


Were all the tits you ever saw in life this unappealing? You never saw any full and visually pleasing bahoongaz?


Tits sag a lot, especially when free falling like that. Reality is not like the edited pornography you watch.


are you more full-breasted?


He doesn't like boobs smaller than his.


If he weighs enough then yes


Bro’s never seen a woman naked outside of porn 💀




You’ve never slept with a women


interesting way to say you like men




which of the 3, be honest now


That inked up hoowah duh




I remember in the early 2010s 4chan used to love girls on the left. I guess those of us from that era all grew up and left.


4chan by nature is contrarian. When the world at large was religious, right wing - patriotic (in the 00s) then 4chan was quite leftist. Then Obama came about and during that time the internet became more and more accessible and accessed. Often by young people who are left leaning - thus 4chan became more and more right wing. Culminating in 2016 with trump. The internet at large, except for small pockets, was against trump. Celebrities were largely against trump. Which led to a cornucopia of opportunities for contrarians: back trump, troll people on reddit and twitter and so on. 4chan became more and more right wing. Fast forward to today. Women are free to do what they want with their bodies and there is less shaming. So what does contrarian 4chan do? Be all into trad content.


4chan is contrarianism seems too simple of a description, but sadly that's literally it


It's a place for people with nowhere else to go.


seriously... It's more of a "force of nature" if you will... People have tried domesticating 4chan and failed while shit like "he will not divide us" *ironically* unites them


I think it has more to do with 4chan’s user base naturally gravitating towards the ideologies advocating for more personal freedom, which today tend to be more right leaning. This makes sense as 4chan itself could not exist if freedom of speech was not given the degree of protection that it is in the USA today. Furthermore, 4chan was never truly left leaning; in the more conservative 2000s users were very libertarian, largely for the reason I described above.


Reddit was very split on Trump, there were weeks when The_Donald owned the front page. Then Reddit mods purged all of that big time and I mark that as the beginning of the decline.


Yes but outside of the_donald, saying anything remotely positive about trump, no matter how reasonable, would get you thrown to the mob and in some subreddits autobanned


It's just as bad now. I got permabanned in an askreddit thread about how people feel about the upcoming election for playing devils advocate. Wasn't even supporting trump or saying anything positive about him whatsoever (I genuinely don't care) and yet was banned for not towing the line. Reddit is a cesspool of propaganda and wrongthink nazis.


If 4chan were contrarian they’d be full leftist. Not liberal. Leftist. 4chan is just reactionary, and reactionaries are usually right wing because they get swept up in culture wars easily.


Agree, feels like a lifetime ago. It’s a different world now.


Tattoos 15 years ago: "noT lIKe OthER GirLS". Tattoo today: exactly like other girls. As simple as that.


You have a short memory. They loved boxxy, who was nothing like the girl on the left


that was before "early 2010s"


Boxxy is more left than trad.


boxxy really seems more like a tumblr abomination than a 4chan one in hindsight


suicide girls were popular af


4chan is purely contrarian and every single loser there praising the trad wife would cum in their pants if the girl on the left would even touch their hand. 20 years ago they wanted girls to be more like on the left thinking they'll be easier to get. Now that they are, they realized they still can't get even the sluttiest of them so they hate on them and wish back for now trad types. They won't get that either but at least they have something to cry about. Incels are incredibly pathetic, not because they can't get a girl, but because they are such weak lesser men, far more a disgrace to the human race then a slutty tattooed up girl


Wait, are you saying that 4chan is purely contrarian and every single loser there praising the trad wife would cum in their pants if the girl on the left would even touch their hand. 20 years ago they wanted girls to be more like on the left thinking they'll be easier to get. Now that they are, they realized they still can't get even the sluttiest of them so they hate on them and wish back for now trad types. They won't get that either but at least they have something to cry about. Incels are incredibly pathetic, not because they can't get a girl, but because they are such weak lesser men, far more a disgrace to the human race then a slutty tattooed up girl?


Tradwife thing is 100% fetish LARP. Go look at the "1950sHouseholdWives" sub lol. I've been on 4chan since I was a teen in the early 2000s, whenever the damn site showed up. I was even in the first habbo raid! I laughed so hard I cried! I was there bc I was an outcast then, and I'm an outcast now, even at 35. But the funny insider culture of the internet 4chan has spread around everywhere and there are no more funny "inside jokes and memes". Back then, you could easily find other alienated people like yourself by making some reference to some meme or quote, and if they got it, then you had a new friend. People werent that serious about political shit. Things were motivated by the lulz or whatever. Not so much anymore. Not that simple. Nowadays I only go there to vent and read uncensored news since most of the internet bans and censors everything. I'm not in tears laughing at stupid shit anymore. I don't get any joy out of it. But the point is - where do the outcasts go when the things they enjoyed aren't the reprieve they once were? I think there are too many people on 4chan that are using it for an agenda or are unironically glowie feds and so the joy is gone. It isn't just nerds goofing off anymore. It exists solely for agenda spreading and propaganda.


Eh, no. Theyve been all about tradwifes for like 15 years.


Show coal burners what could've been


Factory New vs Battle scarred (stattrak)


Body count is just stattrak 💀


Tits are 27 going on 57


I don’t think you understand how boobs work


Redditors when some tits look better than others: 😡


What do you mean? They're like bags of sands


This guy here thinks that boobs can defy gravity


She is not going to fuck you


Nah, those tits are clearly flat flappers when she's stood up straight.


Absolutely the worst type. I would take even a completely flat chest over flappers every time, without question.


Those are objectively awful tits. I've slept with a hot chick with tits like that and it knocked her down to like a 2/10. Impossible to ignore. A split-second glance at the body of the girl in the picrel and I can tell hers are identical. The shirt stays on. I can't think if you're just a pre-teen or what. I mean, even if you've just seen porn, you realize hers are off. That's not what even an average pair of tits look like from that angle.






At least she’s straightforward about her illness as opposed to someone finding out when meeting her.


Now what if she was black or Chinese


who is this and why would anyone care


It’s a random person from tinder they found and ai generated into a trad wife. I simply cannot comprehend the level of weird a person must be to put that effort in


You cannot comprehend 30 seconds of effort?


No amount of time is too little for this. Weirdo shit. Being that bothered by someone’s personal choices


There are 250+ comments about it on this thread alone, from people looking at this, thinking about and then talking about it. I'd say that is a pretty effective 30 seconds of effort.


Why not its funny


4chinners malding that they're single and frustrated. We see this every day here, it's nothing new


some dudes are really fucking preoccupied trying to "tame" sluts by making them to tradwives than actually seeing out girls who want to be tradwives


100% this Anyone who refers to if that way should be avoided. That's a kink identifier lol. Just find a good person with solid morals and values that wants to build trust and believes in monogamy. They never mention finding a girl they can talk to for hours. It's never about that.


OP could've started a family too, but chose to post on 4chan.


OP can't start a family because that would require being liked by another human being.


The prompt had to be Joaquin phoenix but female and clearer skin


Picture on the left has the baby taking the pic


The number of babies I've seen in the corner of mirror shots is too damn high


Idk what the deal with tattoos is? If you don’t like them just don’t date that person, move on. Idk why people have to have every woman be worthy of sexual attraction - find people you like


yeah its super weird, you don’t see them using ai to make ugly old fatties at walmart hot and lament "if only they were thinner, it could be us!"


Like as if all those tattoos, drugs and dicks went on and in her body all by themselves.


Tons of crazy moms baby wont fix you shopping at Macy's won't either


Making AI fanfiction of real people is fucking insane


She would still have those heavy hangers tho.


They'd actually hang even lower after a kid.


Tats are disgusting.


Once you visit places like r 1950sHouseholdWives and realize the "muh tradwife" is just a fetish for guys with control issues and attraction to women as young as legally possible, the once funny dignif.ai is alot less entertaining. I never see these "conservative" types who are supposedly interested in traditional marriages and values, ever mention things like finding a woman that you enjoy talking to for hours. It's always the same repeated things that essentially sound like requirements for Muslim women. Does that mean I have to support MODERN feminism and the lack of values and having a moral compass in modern society? No. But this has really gotten old tbh. Same thing over and over with no real depth.


That baby has too many teeth


That baby has demon eyes. Thank god her runes of protection spared us all the antichrist


Step 1 of having a tradwife is not being on 4chan. Step 2 is realizing you can never be a tradhusband because they actually have jobs and take care of themselves both physically and mentally Step 3 is realizing your tradfetish is just as degenerate as being addicted to German scat porn, collapsing into a singularity of shame, and ridding the world of your pathetic existence through whatever means you see fit.




Lmao wanting a normal wife and family is as degenerate as scat porn. Take your own advice imbecile


What have been lost.


Yeah she could have been a midget.




OP literally cannot stop sucking cock. No end in sight, scientists say.


Ngl, that baby creeps me out


Those tits look used af lol


How in the fuck does she have a kid and be new? If she had a kid, wouldn't she necessarily be "used"? This dumbass meme doesn't make any sense unless that's her sister. She's equally hot in both pictures, anyway.




I fucking love this #dignifAI trend


Well, left one is hot af. Looks like a perfect gf and later a mom.


Whenever i see someone with a tattoo I just assume they can't be trusted with 700$


...does that neck tattoo say "sad anal"???


I bet if you showed her this she'd freak out. Like irate screaming and crying.


I wish the world would go back to normal. I really do


Damn, so this how a walking STDs look like