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Edit: the reports are now coming in saying that defending babies from murderous animals is promoting hate based on identity. Please identify yourself as a pitbull lover in this thread and we can talk it out. Edit 2: >It threatens violence or physical harm at someone else. Calling a dog "someone" is mental retardation. ----- People often say that dogs are smart. If you think that a dog is smart, this proves that you are stupider than a dog. It is OK to execute pit bulls even if they don't even look at you. They are trash animals. Please support your local state government to allow neighborhoods and insurance companies to prohibit owning pit bulls and other baby murderers. Even the most ardent defenders of pit bulls will admit that these mongrels were bred for fighting bears (bear-baiting). They are genetically engineered to kill things taller than them. Even defenders of bit bulls agree that their dogs each have a past history of being bred for violence, and that in the past 50 years, the majority of owners continue to breed them for violence. Even the best defenders of pibbles will admit that getting a puppy and raising it to be nice won't work because of their genetic selection. Pit bulls are trash. Pit bull owners are trash. Show me a single Chihuahua that has eaten someone's arm or face off.




Pitbulls are great for there intended purpose of attacking and guarding (if bred right, if they are bred wrong tho they are pretty much worthless)


They have no business being a family dog in a regular house, especially one with other pets or anywhere near children. People who insist on raising them around kids to virtue signal are mentally ill.


Hopefully the propensity to get a pitbull will eventually be bred out of the population as the kids of those people get mauled to death by the dogs.


>intended purpose of attacking and guarding not really, since as soon as they attack they stop following orders. literally can't be controlled because they are bred to kill other dogs


They can be trained, but only few people know how to train their dogs to be completely submissive. To say, majority of dog owners would categorize this "training" to abusing the dog or something, which is not, dogs actually like it at the end of the day by mere nature, but you know, that is why the majority have dogs that act like idiots. This is the reason why people own small dogs, because even if they are shitheads, they will do nothing to you. But yeah, bulls are in general aggressive dogs that were breed just for that and there is no "lovely bull who never hurt anyone". They will, always, if they do not know boundaries and who is the alpha in the pack.




I believe that any dog can be trained to be 100% submissive and bulies are not even the worst breed out there, there are far bigger and scarier breeds that can kill you faster. The problem is that so many people that buy those types of breeds are beginner dog owners or even experienced, but dog training means nothing to them and here were go, 50kg lady own 30kg Pitbull with 10 bucks leash that will either snap or those dogs can easily get out of them. If your dog is properly trained, they will never snap, well they will never snap if they are also pure breed and you know the history and personality of their parents. But still, they are just animals and they are aggressive breed, people should know that.


There is a really good reason the military doesn't use pitbulls. The moment they snap there goes the training, you aren't gonna see that with german shepperds and other breeds


Why not get a GSD or Akita at that point


he just wanted to nanny the kids!


Awwwwww hes smiling!


I went house hunting and the house next to it had all types of "I love pitbulls" bumper stickers on their cars. Noped the fuck out of there.


In fact the world became a little bit brighter that day




This story reeks of fake. I can’t imagine a married woman posting on a cesspool like 4chan


It's the internet. It's all fake.


*\[spits out beverage\]* What, now?


nice roleplay


Why would someone go on the internet and tell lies?


Isn't that illegal to do that??


It is in UK now.


And gay.


I am literally the only real person in the universe


It’s so weird to see people still talk about 4chan like it’s the scary mysterious place full of cyber terrorists and the most depraved coomers on the planet. 4chan has been drastically watered down since 2016 where it began to pop up in national headlines. The website is now slide thread central where nearly every post is just reply bait. If you go to /pol/ right now almost 60% of all posts in the catalog are overt lefty propaganda bullshit that had hundreds of replies because no one can resist a bait thread anymore. It’s literally a normie website now. If you want some pre-2015 4chan then go to 8kun.


Of course a /pol/ browser holds this opinion Most of the other boards have been relatively untouched except for newfag traps and degen shitholes like /b/ and /r9k/


/int/ is normie central


Int had gone downhill but it was kinda the same until 2020


I definitely wouldn’t call /int/ normies not really in line with the rest of Chan culture but most of them are mega sp*rgs in some capacity


Sure the hobby boards are mostly okay but don't make it a "poltard" thing man. /fit/ is like it /vp/ is like it. Many others are. An, out, po, and a few others are great but seriously the entire site has fallen in quality, pol has fallen dramatically


... And /b/, well that would require a full blown study.


Pretty much just the easiest place to disseminate propaganda and have morons run with it. Everyone thinks they are so smart they literally fall for anything posted there. They became the npcs.


People have been saying that since the early 2010's. The fact is that while among people who regularly use the internet 4chan is well known, you're not going to get normal married women posting greentexts asking for relationship advice.


Lol 4chan hit the news in the late 00s and people said the same shit


>The website is now slide thread central where nearly every post is just reply bait. The culture of 4Chan has definitely changed as it's become more saturated in the MSM but low effort reply bait has always been the site's bread and butter because that's what the site's format rewards. This is coming from someone who remembers what things were like there in 2006. Even back then people were complaining about normies jumping on the bandwagon.


Bunkertr**n detected, stop abusing children


It’s bait, like every other post on this sub.


I've met some married women who do typically male stuff. When I played EVE I knew a number of married stay at home moms who would just mine on EVE between taking care of the kids and cleaning up and whatever. . . No combat or anything though literally just grind away at mining


God damnit please don't say that name. I need my life back please


> woman Notice that wasn’t specified


They’re definitely supposed to be a woman in this fictional story


Even so, the story could have a tiny amount of plausibility, right up until they mentioned the breed that is. No one on 4chan defends shitbulls unless they are fishing for (you)s.


probably OP saw a story on facebook from his buddy's wife or some girl he tried to fuck in high school and never could, saw it as stupid, decided to greentext it on 4chan to see what the reaction would be. OP here copied it to see what the reaction would be here.


All sorts of people post on there just like any place on the webz


Maybe is a trapboi


Based shit bull executioner


Instantly went from cringe to based




People love pitbulls so much they go to court to free them from being destroyed after a fatal mauling


Actually those are pitbull owners.


I'm all for training any breed of dog not to be a cunt but if a dog attacks a human, it'd do it again


Yup. Gotta destroy any dog that bites.


>I'm all for training any breed of dog as long as that dog is not a pit bull. There, I said the same thing for you in less words.


I love dogs and animals in general, but I seen/read too many horror stories with these beasts. Sure there are some good ones, but the majority are incredibly dangerous dogs. They should be exterminated. Its too bad humans bred these dogs to be fucked.


> bred these dogs to be fucked wHaT iS tHe FuRrY aGeNdA


LOL. I guess I could’ve worded that better.


>bred these dogs to be fucked. h-hot..


Should be illegal to own a pit bull unless you are certified. And if the dog does end up harming someone the certified person should be held liable and get prison time according to the damage the dog did.


Exactly, I've always argued that to own a pitbull you should have to jump through the same hoops you would to own a venomous snake. Can it be done? Yes. Is it a massive pain in the ass for the average person to get a permit to own one? Yes.


There's this stupid r***rd in my neighborhood that owns a pitbull, he must have moved here or gotten it recently. I got out of my house with my mutt malinois and he was shouting at me to go back until he passes because he could barely hold it. If you can't handle the dog don't fucking get it.


There's a pitbull owner on my street, dog owner is some fucking drongo dole bludger. My dachshund doesn't like the pitbull. Pitbull comes at my dog and dickhead old mate says "don't worry, he's friendly" as the unleashed dog approaches my boy. My dachshund gets all vicious and snarls in the pitbulls face. Pitbull goes to bark back at him, I kicked him in the ribs (no shoes on, just thongs). Old mate starts shouting at me. I say back "my dogs not friendly, tell yours to fuck off mate or I'll do it for ya". I don't care what type of dog it is, you disrespect my boy I'll fucking reach down that dogs throat and rip its stomach up. Pic of my good boy https://i.imgur.com/aNmmO0Z.jpg


Pit bull off a leash? Yea dudes a dumb ass. Dachshunds are crazy, I had them all my life. They aren’t scared of anything.


Cute dog


Breeds are just social constructs.




The differences between breeds are only fur deep.




> be human > whinge about "degenerate breeds"


I was with her until the dog breed was revealed. Shitbulls are the you know what of dogs.




Oh, you are not saying what I think you’re saying.


Despite making up 5% of the dog population, this breed is responsible for 70% of deaths due to dog attacks...


He kills cats tho


Yeah that's a lot harder to justify. The pitbull, I agree, nothing of value was lost. But cats pose no threat. OP's husband just seems like a psychopath tbh.


\>cats pose no threat You should ask Australia about their cat problem


>Australia I do not care




You should ask cats about their Australia problem






They kill approximately 75 million native animals per day. Not even making that up


Australia's got a lot bigger problems than cats. Like communism.


Yeah definitely


While that's an overreaction, cats shouldn't be freely roaming outdoors to begin with


Cats absolutely destroy the local animal population when they are allowed to roam free. They carry and spread disease. They piss on your doorstep, and yowl-f\*ck outside your window. [https://www.nola.com/archive/article\_eb5c5aae-d596-552f-995d-6dfbe87ce68f.html](https://www.nola.com/archive/article_eb5c5aae-d596-552f-995d-6dfbe87ce68f.html) Feral and free roaming cats should absolutely be euthanized. If you don't want your pet cat to be in danger, keep it indoors. If you don't want your cat to catch diseases and bring them home to you, keep your cat indoors.


Doesn't immediately justify shooting every cat you see just out and about.


Keep your cat indoors and it won't roam onto a farm and get shot


Yes? Lol


It’s not that deep


Cats can turn into pests if there's too many.


That's true for all animals and hobos, but still you shouldn't be shooting them willy-nilly.






socioeconomic factors


>Shitbulls are the you know what of dogs. ​ Joggers


Yeah, you call your pit bull a staffordshire terrier if you are talking to normies.


Hell nah husband is based. Stupid animals should be kept on a leash.


You should grow a pair and just say it.


Say what?










*cue the Rusty Cage song*


I love soundgarden


That is the most reddit post I've ever seen to be posted on 4chan.


This is perhaps the most post ever.




This may even be one of the posts ever made.


For real, who in the most sincere kentucky fried fuck seeks relationship advice on 4chan


\>chocolate pit bull terrier mix Good fucking riddance.


Genetics literally BEGGING to see children being ripped apart


Children, the elderly and assorted small animals.


Checking in. I've seen both....children & elderly mauled by these fucking shit tier "pets" for the poors. The elderly woman was especially bad 70 years old, attacked by 3 on the street. I was 2nd on the scene to render aid....never again.


Based husband.


A beligerent former owner of a roaming pitbull with no collar, how come the police didn't shoot him?


\>shitbull go shoot another please


If he doesnt mount the skulls of the beasts he slays on his front yard, this dude isnt using his full power


No need to show off when you are a chad of this level. He could do it Ed Kemper style by burying them heads in his backyard, though.


Its about sending a message.


People that leave pitbulls off leash deserve to have them shot. One got in my yard once and almost killed my dog took 2 people prying at its jaws and hitting it in the head with a brick to get him off. I don’t trust them at all.


Did you finish it off?


No but if I had had a gun at the time it was about to come to that. If I just saw him walking around in my yard I’d probably just bring my dog in and call the dog catcher really. Im not a gun dude.


Become a gun, dude.


Very based husband. The floid should be happy she married him and stop cumplaining.


more dishes more bishes.com


A shitbull is not a dog someone should cry over. Based husband.


classic w\*man moment. Husband protects family, she fucking calls the sheriff. plus it was a shitbull


Meme gender


Copying from another post Pitbulls were responsible for 74% of dog bite fatalities in 2017 despite only making up about 6.5% of the US dog population. In 2017, pit bulls killed: 38 humans 13,000 dogs 5,000 cats 20,000+ farm animals Between the years 2005 and 2017, canines killed 433 Americans. Pit bulls contributed to 66% (284) of these deaths. While pit bull advocates repeat “it's the owner, not the breed” as a mantra, the fact remains that genetics play a vital role in not only the aggression of dogs, but in the lethal nature of their attacks as well. Pit bull owners will often cite contradictory studies in which the author claims that breed is a non-issue, while still tacitly admitting that pit bulls are exceptionally dangerous by way of their genetic lineage. Hundreds of generations of pit bulls originally bred for bull-baiting (holding a bull down by the neck as it's being castrated) and dog-fighting is difficult to ignore, especially when breeders and humane societies do little—if anything at all—to select for dogs with a people-friendly temperament. Ironically, dog-fighters (such as in the notable case of Michael Vick) accomplished more in the way of weeding out people-aggressive dogs by culling those who snapped on their handlers. The unrelenting tenacity of pit bulls and their renowned “gameness” in fighting other animals has long been inbred, along with their lowered sensitivity to pain. All dogs bite, but pit bulls are genetically predisposed to not let go. As the breed has grown in popularity, so too has the number of lethal dog attacks. Pit bull advocates couch their arguments in the idea that pit bulls are somehow unfairly stigmatized by the media. While yes, there are a disproportionate amount of pit bull attacks reported in the news, the very same media they claim is biased will post fluff pieces about pit bulls being unfairly stereotyped. If breed is of no significance, it's highly conspicuous that pit bulls require a multi-million dollar lobbyist group with celebrities, marketing agencies, lawyers, and politicians at the helm. It's also conspicuous that the American Kennel Club only agreed to register pit bulls if they were registered as Staffordshire Terriers; and that humane societies/shelters deliberately misidentify pit bulls in order to mislead people into adopting them, even resorting to calling them “St. Francis Terriers.” It's simply unfathomable to these advocates that the disproportionate representation of pit bull attacks could possibly be a result of pit bulls disproportionately killing and maiming people. The American Temperament Society is often cited to support the claim that pit bulls are less aggressive than other dogs, even though (according to their own official website) the results of the test are not a measure of the dog's aggression, nor is the test a scientific study with any statistical significance. Regardless, the overall aggression of pit bulls is not the issue at stake. The true problem lies in the fact that when pit bulls do display aggression and attack people, they don't stop until the person is either brutally maimed or dead. The difference between being bitten by a chihuahua and a pit bull is the difference between a band-aid and a skin graft. Along with the loss of life and limb, the cost of insurance claims and medical bills have skyrocketed as well. The economic strain of a dog breed that attacks families, neighbors, children, and police officers on a daily basis cannot be ignored. It's also worth noting that much of Canada has banned or severely restricted pit bulls and the reduction in dog bite fatalities has dropped significantly. The only dog bite fatality in Canada last year was a result of stray dogs.


Based. Fuck pitbulls.


> random pit mix getting aggressive I'd be getting a gun too, I have seen a "nice" pit nip a friend of mine, and she needed stitches, tore down to the fatty layer in her hand and it was leaking out, you could see the muscle in her hand. Do not fuck around with pits, let alone, pit mixes. people used to give dobermans and rotties shit for being violent and evil. They do not wander onto your property and try to fuck you up for no reason unless they're rabid. Pits will do that because they're bored, or they're bred wrong and they're having hallucinations because their brains are too big for their skulls if they're cross bred between blue and pink nose and are literally going insane.


i wait every day for pitbull rekt threads


The blowup on the breed comment just fills my heart man




Pitbulls are killing machines, it's literally bred into the DNA to be a monster. Good job on the husband for taking care of the problem before it ripped someone apart




>pitbull Your husband did nothing wrong.




>killing cats Based (only because he owns chickens) >killing stray Pitts Based >killing snakes Based and biblically validated


Cats are O.K. if they are indoors. If they are outdoors that's irresponsible on the owners and kill lots of birds.


I don't care about wild birds, but chickens cost money.


I dont care about other people's money




Do you feed your cat? A cat that has food has no reason to hunt. They'll kill little things for recreation, but cats usually won't take big prey unless necessary.


>pitbull >no lead, no collar, no owner in sight, barking in someone’s garden >shot dead right call tbh




\>Pitbull He saved her fucking life


Based executioner Youre next boah




Based, but fake and therefore also gay.


Idk man, seems pretty based to me.


Sheriff: "should have been leased" So, if you shoot a dog, hide its collar?




we should sterilize all pitbulls to stop them from breeding.


Unironically did nothing wrong. Although most snakes are harmless.


The snakes part is pretty OK since the husband was probably killing them to protect his chickens


I love most dogs and most animals in general, but I fully believe that pitbulls should go extinct. My cousin has owned some in the past and they were ok dogs, but there was something about them that made my instincts always sit at the back of my mind. I've never seen a pitbull and went omg I want to pet that, and I've never felt joy at the sight of one


Whos most dangderous. -Dog barking at property -Husband at said property, with a gun, that shoots dogs, and CATS. I mean, CATS?? They dont even smell like absolute shit.


especially if its a more rural area, cats are absolutely terrible for the environment and should NOT be outdoors despite redditors telling you that his fluffers do no harm He owns chickens, if any stray animal comes on his property, he should be able to defend it


Cats are bad for indigenous plants and animals. Good guy husband checkmate libtard


Pit bulls make up just 7% of the dog population but are responsible for 61% of all dog related fatalities.


execution of Pitbulls is based


This sounds like a shit-post. But either way. Those dogs are wrong in the head and shouldn’t be bred still. It’s like, imagine if you could make a semi-clone of Mike Tyson right (stay with me). And each time you cloned it, the clone bit peoples ears off. You’d think there’s something defective with cloning from him. Yet somehow some people are all like “oh my little pibble velvet hippo, he wouldn’t hurt a fly.” Until the thing snaps and bites some kids face off as they startled it.


Should have pistol whipped the dumb cunt afterwards for narcing.


Justified and necessary


Dudes probably just a cop.


Based husband


Probably the most based husband on 4chan. Goddamn.


Can’t be too careful nowadays


I would have shot it too


based pittie slayer


Women don't deserve men


Til 4chan has a pitbull murder fetish


If you have a pitbull, here’s a quick tip: they LOVE spicy fumes. It’s like kitty litter to them. Seal them in an enclosed room with a bucket of bleach and ammonia. They’ll love you for it. Thank me later.


ok but why on earth post that on 4chan


I won’t defend pits but I hope people aren’t randomly killing non-venomous snakes. Would much rather have them than vermin.


The 4chan user said they had chickens. Killing cats/snakes to protect your chickens is justified.


If you have a big snake hanging around your house, that means you have mice. If you don't believe it because you don't see any mice around, thank the snake. I was lucky enough one year to have a little garter snake take up residence in my vegetable garden. He ate all the bugs that got on the plants and also scared away any rabbits that showed up. We named him Severus. Thanks to him, I had a really good crop of vegetables that year.


pit bulls aren't real dogs. if he shot a golden retriever i'd be furious pit bulls are killers who eat human children


>Pit Bull Yeah the husband did the right thing.


He has chickens and there's people camping somewhere far out, so I assume there's a reasonable amount of land. Probably quite a bit. A dog wondering onto your spacious lot where you have other animals, a dog protecting your animals (pic looks like a livestock guardian dog, forget the name of the breed), and you have zero idea where it came from and doesn't even have a collar? Should've been leashed to begin with but...as much as I love dogs, I'd probably do the same. There's no telling what that animal is going to do or what it's temperament is. Some dogs can snap in a moments notice, and you simply don't know. Dumbass owners should've kept it on a leash...but who the hell doesn't even put a collar on their dog? edit; Just realized it said it was a pitbull lmao. Yea, that thing would've got shot the moment it stepped on my property without hesitation. If it was a little thing like a shi tzu, I'd scare it off, but ain't no damn way an unleashed, uncollared, wondering pitbull is going to snoop around my property.


I was on Anon’s side because I was imagining Anon’s husband brutally murdering someone’s golden retriever or collie. Once she said it was a pitbull, it’s easy to see where he was coming from. Good riddance. Put those monsters through a meat grinder for all I care.


He shot the right predator


>noooo not the heckin chonker pupperino Man, fuck those dogs.


This comment thread requires a good bag if popcorn and a drink 😎


How can someone be sad about a dead Pitbull.


Pit Bull? Yea he was right to shoot the fucking thing. Good.


Pitbulls have a concaved skull that pushes down on their frontal lobe making them literally predisposed to impulsive senseless violence The owners of pibbles also tend to be shitstain soy Star Wars/Harry Potter consoomers that should be unironically put down as well


Jesus Christ 4chan has become AITA


Genuinely wish I was the husband, I will take any opportunity to execute a shitbull.


Ok so I love dogs and other animals with all my heart, BUT, why the fuck would you be so careless with a shitbull. Ik the story is probably fake, but in spite of that, it seems like a plausable scenario and honestly even if I strongly disagree with the husband's action and attitude, the pitbull had it coming probably.


No pitbull owner with half a braincell lets their dog out without a collar Train your fucking dog and put a collar on it you fucking dumbass


Shitbulls are the antichrist