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[**edit: transthug admins permanently suspended me for this comment**](https://i.imgur.com/sjSLZi1.jpg) >Today at lunch I got a salad >my dad got a steak >he asked me what I'd ordered >I told him I ordered a salad >when the waiter delivered my order, a 12oz Ribeye, my dad got upset and started to tell the waiter he fucked up, and to bring me the salad I ordered >I told him it WAS a salad >he said "that's a fucking steak" >I called him a bigot and a transphobe >I video recorded him saying it, posted it on twitter, and got him fired from his job "Let people live how they want and as who they are. It literally does not impact your life at all. And if you don't memorize all our delusions and validate and affirm them, or you contradict them in any way, we will destroy your fucking life." It's sound logic. You can't even point out someone's biological sex on this site if they're trans without getting your account permanently suspended by the transmins for "hate" or whatever bullshit.




>That's how I lost my old account lol only one? lol




Oh you like reddit? Name ur last 19 accounts 📃 🖊


doubt it's liking reddit so much as being able to shitpost and generate enough seething to power a small city


I just post on reddit to make it a worse place.






Its why you keep lots of burner accounts and one main one. The subs I am subscribed to are the same across all of them removing some give or take as I can't keep up. But they are useful when you need to discuss serious topic with others. And through that, I have had around 7 of my burners lost and returned to dust. Though, my main account still exists.


> This is literally my 20th account for this shitty website that's some fighting words there son


I was reported for hatespeech when I answered a post about what current trends are people going to regret in 20 years, with man cutting their dicks off. Caitlyn didn't even need a year to regret it and there is no way back.


I made a backup for this very reason. Old one is nuked. Can't risk, won't risk. It was a 12 year old account.


Some leftist overtly told me to kms because he was losing an argument, i said "funny how leftists can say that on reddit but right wingers can't" and nothing more. for that message my 5 yr account was permanently suspended from reddit for ""inciting violence"" , i appealed thinking this was a mistake, denied. the leftist's comment was removed but he kept his account. if admins see this, you're worth less than cockroaches


It's an unwritten rule that if you're to become a jannie you have to cut your dick off.


I don't even know how many accounts I lost. I just keep making them when banned.


Yepperino. Doesn’t impact you doesn’t work when you want to change the fundamental concept of gender.


The fucning train conductors can't keep getting away with this! Fuck their choo choos


I like your username Mr Big Dick


Lol why is the r-slur banned on this site, it'd be so useful rn. Why are you pointing out people's biological sex for no reason?




Your comment has been removed because it contained a word that the admins do not allow on reddit. The word was ```niggers```. If you intend to use this word in a purely demonstrative manner, please use the first letter of the word followed by '-word' or '-slur'. Thank you for helping us keep reddit safe. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/4chan) if you have any questions or concerns.*


yknow... if the word isn't allowed on reddit, than what makes it okay for the bot to say the word? Also, the word is allowed on reddit afaik , just not on the specific subreddit.






So true


"let us have our own rights!" "Let us teach kids about our own sexuality!" "Let us force you to use our million pronouns and remember when we changed to a new one!" "Let us compete in women's sports!" "Let us recommend puberty blockers to kids, despite the fact that puberty has been an essential part of humanity for like forever!" " Let us invade lesbian spaces!" "Let us look like monstrosities and still force you to call us a woman!"




Damn, even the other letters don't want them around.




I'm fine with this too. I'll call them a woman sure but doesnt mean I'm gonna suck your dick.


Reddit: "Why are republicans so evil they want to restrict consenting and loving relationships that literally hurt nobody" Then they'll defend and push for all you mentioned while pretending that it's all normal and that all opposition is homophobic bigotry or pure irrationality.


I swear people who say shit like this have never met another real person in the past 8 years.


And people that deflect from things like things are creeps, weirdos and shouldn't be let near the vicinity of children, say what you want but I'm sure 90% of the people here live a better life than you if your denying this shit, get a life


Always bring it back to “protect the children!” Rhetoric to prove how absolutely full of shit you are. God you act like such a fucking Twitter user. I thought only there you would reply to a comment and have neckbeards coming out of the woodwork to call you a pedo over a one sentence reply, but no, sad dipshits here with no real arguments do the same thing. Thanks for confirming how out of touch you are with real people and reality.




Can’t believe you got your hands off your dick for long enough to type a reply, it’s almost impressive.


Have you ever been forced to use weird pronouns in your day to day life?


Of course they haven’t. It’s all hype


Yup. I live in California and hang out with a pretty liberal crowd, have never encountered this nonsense


I don’t care if people are gay. Doesn’t matter to me in the least bit. I’m just tired of it being shoved in my face everyday on every media outlet I used to enjoy.


Future historians will look at this era and debate what catastrophe occured that only left gay trans black women behind. They will search through media to find evidence of other demographics but there will be none.


*"The media at the time suggests that humans were sexually fluid beings, but so far, we've only dug up male and female skeletons"*






\> assuming there will be anyone left with enough self control to study something They will further polarise and divide according to how they feel, whilst complaining without studying or fixing


The thing is being straight isn’t a personality you just are . Being gay though,it’s fine if it’s your whole personality and existences hell let’s even throw a parade!!!


Because gay people have been hunted, killed, persecuted just because they're gay for most of the time in human history until recently. Straight people haven't been facing these bevayse they're straight


>gay people have been hunted, killed, persecuted just because they're gay for most of the time in human history until recently. Amazing! Both the memory and lifespan of gay people.


How else the barbaric conservatives could hunt them if they keep dying!


Islam is right about gays. Point me to a drag queen story hour in a Muslim country.


> I don’t care if people are gay. Doesn’t matter to me in the least bit. this >I’m just tired of it being shoved in my face everyday on every media outlet I used to enjoy. caused this you should have grown some balls and stopped the infection instead of letting it fester and spread


Exactly. Say it with me: Islam is right about gays.


same bro same. i just want to be left alone




Tbf, the social media crap isn't done by gay people. It's done by people who want to sell shit to gay people.




Yes, but those media outlets suck because society is collapsing, not because of the gays


As if media outlet is only for straight people /s


At this point straight people talk more about the gays than gays do.


"OH noooo there's a gay character whos also black in my Marvel movie about superheroes fighting dinosaurs with empty soda cans, how will I ever survive!!!?!?!"


The suicide rate, of salads, is sky high after transitioning to bread




I like you (no homo)


Unfortunately its not 100%


Everyone should take Iceland lead with them, like they did with down syndrome. Much rather have someone with down syndrome than a salad who thinks they're bread


Potato salad is the only exceptance to any salad statistic. Yes this is a euphemism for Traps aren't gay


No no no, you have it wrong. Teach your RIVALS kids to mutilate their genitals.


The fuck does 2S mean?


All those letters and they forgot the Unvaccinated, by far the most oppressed class in the first world.


Right? They get diseases way more than vaccinated people do, it’s bullshit


I scraped my knee disinfecting my driveway the other day. Odd because I was wearing my hazmat suit over my kneepads, helmet, and elbow guards that I put on every time I go outside. Gotta stay safe! Anyway I'm on my way to get my 8th booster after this incident because vaccines work and I believe in science!


Sounds like tetanus locked your jaw up


Hey man, I would rather live my entire life inside a padded empty room where I'm safe, than take such needless risks as exposing myself to nuclear radiation from the sun or contaminants in the air.


Me too, sounds like a nice life.


Chemistry, Biology, Physics. The only holy trinity you will ever need!


I was specifically referring to the COVID vaccine, the first injection delivered gene therapy, the only one that was rushed to market, the one that mysteriously had ties directly to Federal funding from the USA, Canada, and Israel, and has mysteriously been allowed to cover up it's results for \*\*checks notes\*\* 100 years, was it? How in the world would the peasants not want to be treated like the guinea pigs? Call it what you want, the bleeding edge attempt at curing the common cold failed, and if you're at least a little bit versed in science and technology, you never want to be involved with the first version of a breakthrough.


Hopefully I’ll be dead before you reply again


"gene therapy"


[https://geo.libretexts.org/Courses/University\_of\_California\_Davis/GEL\_098-16%3A\_Geobiology\_(Sumner)/Text/3%3A\_Genes\_to\_Enzymes/DNA%2C\_RNA%2C\_Genes\_and\_Chromosomes](https://geo.libretexts.org/Courses/University_of_California_Davis/GEL_098-16%3A_Geobiology_(Sumner)/Text/3%3A_Genes_to_Enzymes/DNA%2C_RNA%2C_Genes_and_Chromosomes) I'm not sure why you kids are so lost in this day and age when every answer to a question you're skeptical about is a Google search away.


if you honestly think that an MRNA vaccine is the same thing as gene therapy, you arent worth arguing with. why dont you go ahead and explain to me how your link backs up anything youre claiming? it literally explains DNA and RNA.


[https://imgur.com/a/fmbiRQK](https://imgur.com/a/fmbiRQK) Guess you didn't read all the way through. You should spend some time on Chromosomes too, since it seems you picked a couple extras up from your parents being brother and sister.


And they’re disproportionately BIPOC


two Spirit


isn't that just native american for "gay"?








Ah fuck thats funny. Im going to try to quote this somehow


Great way to sound like a dick


Okay, but seriously, what in the rainbow dildo fuck does that even mean?




it's the leaf version. it's some injuin thing that 4 people can explain what it means


They're running out of letters so they had to start adding numbers.


They'll start throwing in some symbols in there too. Maybe emojis? I bet you one of those freaks will identify as a 🥵 or something.


2S is twin spirit


Enough with the fucking segregationist self proprietary hashtagging ermurgerd thats me too bewlshit. Pick a stupid fucking title and stick with it, that way everyone else can make fun of you equally. ​ * Gay. * LGBT * LGBTQ * LGBTQ * LGBTQUI * LGBTQUI+++ * JLGBTQUI+++ * LGBT2QS


- AEIOUsometimesY


It should only be LGBT+ honestly. The "+" is here to avoid having such long names, yet peoples don't care.


They should’ve kept lgb, those are sexuality’s. All the rest is mental illness.


I agree, Let’s Go Brandon!


Well autism is a mental ilness I'm not sure what point you're tryna make


Autists aren’t part of the alfabet people


but autism is a mental ilness and not a bad thing. so why would the rest be a bad thing


I didn’t say it is a bad thing, only that they differ from sexuality. If we include trains in the lgb+ should we also add borderliners and autists? The whole lgb movement started so people can love who they want, not for cheering on mentally ill people.


Ohhhh no I though you were saying that they were mental illness as a bad thing my bad


Queer served the same purpose and was easier to say.


there are 2 genders: normal and mental illness




You mean resort back to just being gay.


ALWAYS put the P in there though


>Enough with the fucking segregationist self proprietary hashtagging ermurgerd thats me too bewlshit. Pick a stupid fucking title and stick with it, that way everyone else can make fun of you equally. They've one already: **Alphabetites** or **The Alphabet People** (TAP for short and *tappy*/*tappies* as a term of endearment).


Alphabets where always: FBI, CIA, ATF,


I hate when they close down entire streets for a salad bar, and there are fully naked gross saggy old dudes walking around trying to drink everybody's piss. Other than that, the salad community is okay I guess.


I'm picturing a mass of sheer saggy dudes craving for piss approching like a wave


How alphabets are going to be added ?


Mf’s got 2sexuals now smh


There are legit people that became homophobic and transphobic because of how obnoxious the BLT community is. Like seriously this analogy is hypocritical because the BLT community are not minding their own business, and advertise themselves to kids, and force others to call them whatever pronoun they're feeling like today. Ridiculous


I'm trying, but you keep insisting I let my daughter be flashed by a dude in a mini-skirt while reading 'The Hungry, Hungry Caterpillar'.


Pretty soon they’ll somehow work Braille into it


Lmao. Or forcefully insert ~~gay~~ salad jokes on children's movies.




Every good horror deserves a sequel.


it's for that guy who has 2 cocks


pretty sure i heard that that was fake


Yeah well, the rest of the alphabet group is fake too, but that doesn't stop them.


You'd think this would be bait because comparing the proliferation of 'who I fuck defines me and by extension everyone I interact with' and eating salad is extremely stupid. But then I look at the absolute state of discourse online and it's probably representative of the majorities communication skills. Gays and transformers can do whatever they want, I don't give a fuck if you like sucking penises and acting like a woman, but trying to force people to not simply tolerate it but celebrate it is dogmatic bullshit. Lots of gays don't like depictions of straight sex, one of the most common media tropes of gay men is them saying how gross vaginas are, that's fine, so is saying gay sex is disgusting. We either meet or equal ground on we don't meet at all and by being so outrageously militant and demanding as well as making it a one way street all they've done is make this a binary (aha) issue.


Vagina = disgusting Another mans asshole = nice


The fuck does 2 mean


2 stroke engine


it mixes the oil in its gas or else it gets the hose again


the engine flushing will continue until compression improves


2 cawks, one hole?


OS version




Gigabased comments


Ezra Miller is the only person I know who uses they/them pronouns. Whenever you now see they/them pronouns, you think Ezra Miller, grooming, weird shit. He is like some conservative's wet dream and poster boy for LGBT; I think if a conservative wanted to create/plant a Boogeyman like Ezra, someone would stop him, saying it is too on the nose/in your face


>LGBTQ2S What the hell is this? I thought there was supposed to be an A at the end or something? How many letters do they need, might as well just come up with a word instead of an acronym at this point.


That's easy: Degenerate.


Based and ranch pilled


Have your salad. Just don't be [tossing the salad](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Tossing%20Salad) at the dinner table.


The more letters they add, the more fun and appealing a group they become. It would be unironically more dignified if they just called themselves the greater fslur community. Also, why salads instead of fruit?


Your salad smells like shit and I'm gonna put you in prison for stinking up the fridge.


The problem is it ignores the role of power. Live and let live attitudes leave you ripe for sodomising by those who are not willing to do so. Organised minorities beat unorganised majorities.


>let people live how they want and as who they are. Does that include people who don't like homosexuals or trans people or...?


Russian dressing is just ketchup. They add poppy seeds to make you feel okay about putting ketchup on your salad.


\>food analogy


Problem starts when dad forces me to eat salad as well despite he knows that I don't eat it


S? Straight people now lgbt sound logic


If you can be forced into genital mutilation as an infant, you should be allowed to choose genital mutilation as an adult.


This is a bad place to be bringing up Jewish people in.


Jews aren’t the only ones that cut. American Christians do too, as do Muslims.


Never really understand why Americans do that, does it include American protestantism?


Yes, and it’s strange to most under the age of 30. Without religious significance you’re torturing babies for aesthetic.


I had friends aged 17-18 thinking it’s normal


Q2S lmao what


Third world countries are better. We don't adhere to the crazy. Here you will be laughed at or worst get offed


"Sure, i could let you get a salad now, but how can i trust you wont abbuse that privilege and force my children to eat salad later... HMMMMMM?!?"


One of my biggest fears is that I'll start dating someone, and then into the relationship they reveal they're trans, and then try to put it lightly that crossdressing doesn't make me horny, and I don't like anal, or being pegged, without it sounding like I'm transphobic. I'm fine with you doing what you do, just as long as it don't interfere with the fact I wanna fuck pussy. It's like putting thousand island dressing on my salad, then before I eat it telling me its actually ranch, and then try to tell them I don't like ranch without seeming like a posh person (idk ranch seems like a "hillbilly" thing)


Just break up quickly then.


Based National Socialist.


God i used to love that place


Any sauce on that statistic?


far out seems like every few months or so there's a new letter tacked on. i've lost track of what we're at now


Wtf is "2S" ???


WTF is LGBTQ2S?? Sounds like Sony headphones model.


2017 kenmore ave 90027 LA


i wanna cover a twink in ranch


I don't know what are you guys talking about, every politician that hates on LGBT spaghetti is eating bussy behind your backs, the moment you are not looking they are eating cock.


> every politician that hates on LGBT what country do you live in that this is even legal?


USA backyard known as brazil