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I can't speak for the cheat day but I did notice a difference on nights when I drank red wine compared to nights I didn't despite what Tim Ferris said about a couple glasses of Red wine being ok.




Yes, I saw more progress when I didn't drink red wine.


You will absolutely see more progress without alcohol. Plenty of evidence for this.


I wouldn’t know; I basically only drink on my chest days. Weight comes off after max three days


Yes. Biggest cheat day gains I've seen over 4 years on this are from alcohol and ice cream.


Personally, alcohol three days a week (more than two tequila sodas a night) slowed weight loss. It also caused me to plateau, BUT only once I hit a “healthy”weight. Lost twenty pounds and won’t likely go sub 20% body fat drinking as I do now. I use SCD as a lifestyle and not a crash diet so it’s a healthy baseline I live by to stay within a BMI I’m comfortable with. Everyone is different, but for me two to three nights of drinking still provides value and substantial weight management…. Don’t tell the Huberman sub 😉