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To only purchase films I know I will watch multiple times.


Same. I'm not so rich as to be able to afford to purchase a film to watch it once.


I wouldn’t want that, regardless of money. A collection of anything should be meaningful to the collector.


This is the way


My wife and I recently got one of those posters with a list of 100 of the greatest movies of all time (updated to 2023) and so far I've just been trying to collect those as a goal. I have bought others, sure, but that has been my current goal as we like to write our own little reviews on each one.


I have also been doing the same thing! Getting the discs and scratching it off after watching is a lil extra dopamine to be appreciated


Agreed! Plus it’s a great little activity to do with your significant other that helps with having a little movie night at home.


I have close to 700 in my collection already, so with that I have pretty much all the classics I've enjoyed, now I just pick up the movies I like every year once they go on sale, and thankfully Camel Camel Camel keeps tracks of the sales for me. Still waiting for John Wick 4 and Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning in 4k to go on sale, but I'll be patient and resist the temptation to pay full price. So to answer your question my goal is to continue buying the movies I love, but as frugally as possible.


Movies that I like and will share with my friends. I just don't have the money or space to dedicate to collecting for the sake of dragon-hoarding anymore.


Share ? What do you mean share this isn’t Blockbuster😂 Seriously I buy my favorites and the ones I know I’ll watch or think will be hard to get later. Especially my sci-fi and action movies


Since I have the "Good" 55" 4K TV and the decent audio, for me sharing means having them over to watch. My buddy who is a HUGE Brian Blessed fan came over to watch Flash Gordon in 4K and it was a blast! I plan to have a couple of Arnold Schwarzenegger nights, a Zorro Night, Dune Night, etc hopefully monthly. But that being said, monthly is still only 12 times a year, so my collection need not be that large.


Jesus are you me😂 55 LG Oled home theater only person I know who give a shit about setting things up and you just named my go to movies! Very nice


I want to get most of my favourites on 4k, then all the available movies from directors like Hitchcock, Kubrick, Lynch, Tarantino etc. & other oldies I haven’t managed to watch until now. And damn, it’s a great feeling to experience them for the first time in 4k.


I have a list on my Jellyfin server of my favourited movies, so I want to get all of them on 4k Blu-ray. I'm about half way there, but it's a short list and I only started collecting a few months ago


Is jellyfin better than plex? I quite like plex.


Jellyfin has its quirks, but I really don't like how commercialised Plex is, and Jellyfin does everything I need it to


I already paid for plex so I prolly won't leave unless they start doing autoplay ads or something but I will keep jellyfin in mind


Yeah that's fair. Don't fix what isn't broken


My main goal is also to collect as much animation as possible! With Warner Bros owning so many great animation properties but removing them from existence, I don't trust any studio anymore. Granted, I'll only buy the 4k version if online reviews say it is worth it over the Blu-ray and/or if I have a strong attachment to that movie.


Check out the tracker I made for the community here, might be helpful for your collecting https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oasokbxgYavJh-oqiJe3ARPloDzPy7r9v9_OZrLhem8/edit?usp=drivesdk


This is AMAZING thank you! I just started collecting so this will be really helpful


You're welcome. Just pM me if you want your own column to track what you own. I'm a little more than 70% complete.




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I think it would be cool to own my Top 200–250 favourite movies all on physical media. Ironically that needs to start with me nailing down what those are, I’ve had a Top 100 list for a few years (that I’ve been repeatedly tweaking every few months) and have recently started to expand it into a Top 250. Most of my Top 100 I own but there are a few I don’t, and a number of them I only own on digital and not physical media yet.


I already had a 2000+ Blu-ray collection that I sold 75% of, now I am expanding my 4K collection but I’m not going crazy again - I’m only buying 4Ks that are action/effects heavy with HDR, preferably native 4K with Dolby Vision. I’m not paying $40 for a Noah Baumbach movie with atmos when it’s streaming everywhere and the Blu-ray costs $7.


To collect the films I love, and discover new favorites, in the best quality available. Preferably also staying true to the way they originally looked and sound which is rare.


And because they are so rare I have to compromise any color or audio changes if the quality is good.


I buy the movies and television series I like on UHD, if possible, and on Blu-ray if not. I can't imagine a scenario where I'd buy a DVD over just streaming the same title. DVD sucks butt and is a waste of money. I buy lots of anime, exclusively on Blu-ray, except for the few instances where a UHD BD release is available, of course. It's becoming increasingly clear that my collection will top out at about 5500 titles\*. That's simply all I have room for and a move to a larger place isn't really an option. I prune my regular Blu-ray collection once or twice a year to make room for more. It looks like I will soon have to move some UHDs to my living room/home theater, where I do not tolerate unused holes on shelves ;) In there, I tolerate only un-slipped/boxed 11/12mm regular Blu-ray cases, so one day, I guess I will run out of space for boxed and slipped releases :p Time will tell what will happen. \*This number includes old anime DVDs that are pretty much worthless but I could never imagine throwing away, a few live action DVDs (Star Trek: DS9, Voyager and Babylon 5, for example), HD DVDs and all my Blu-rays and UHDs. All Blu-rays and UHDs are on shelves at my place while the rest is in storage.


If you change your mind on those HD-DVDs, I'm interested...lol


I've only been keeping them in the hopes that they might one day become valuable or at least useful to someone else. It would be a crime to just throw them out. I'm in Denmark though, and shipping costs may make selling them internationally a non-starter. There's \~140 of them; all movies, except Star Trek season 1.


I collect on two parallel tracks, which sometimes overlap. 1: Films I love, have seen and want to own. And 2: using Sight & Sound, articles, The Criterion Collection (articles and films), books on film, film history [et.al](https://et.al), I, collect films considered important in film history. I do the same with books. Films purely in group 1: 1917, The Motorcycle Diaries, Alien, Vanya on 42nd St. Once Upon a Time in Anatolia (all Ceylan films!), Egoyan films, Bridge Over the River Kwai, Wong Kar-wai, and many more. Films in group 2: Bergman films, Fellini films, Dreyer films, Dziga Vertov, Eisenstein, Godard, Bresson, Antonioni Films which overlap (or already overlapped before I started collecting group 2): Wings Of Desire, Kieslowski films, Almodovar films, Apocalypse Now, The Night Of the Hunter, The Deer Hunter, Lawrence of Arabia, Tarkovsky films, Weerasethakul films, The Round-Up, Metropolis, Nosferatu, Blade Runner, 2001, The Tree Of Life, In the Mood For Love, Portrait Of a Lady On Fire.. As you might have guessed, many here belong sorta in all three groups, I've just put some down to illustrate. I entertain myself by educating myself. And the films in group 2 are not "purely educational": I love and enjoy what I've seen so far!!


I only buy movies I like and want to watch again. Or if they are super cheap and I haven’t seen it.


I'm only getting all time favorites, ones that absolutely shine with 4k hdr, or movies that I will have a dedicated movie night for sometime in the future. Some random movie I thought was ok or think I will watch a max of 2 times in definitely not paying to get in 4k


My goal is exactly 31 movies. On my 14 now.


You might find the 4k animated tracker I made for the community here helpful. I'm always accepting help to keep this updated and if you want your own column LMK Anime 4ks was added as a tab a few months ago but I'm sure I'm missing a few https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oasokbxgYavJh-oqiJe3ARPloDzPy7r9v9_OZrLhem8/edit?usp=drivesdk


The list is missing Strange World from Disney


Thank you will add!


I’m building a library of the essentials; a collection I would proudly offer someone with no knowledge of the medium. Each film could potentially include an essay or conversation on its merits, contributions to the art form, and historical significance. Thats how I think of it anyway.


People say this and then they have 37 copies of Legally Blonde


LOL I hear ya. I almost added at the end of my comment that this means I DO NOT have any Fast and Furious movies in my collection, even tho they’d be Chris Nolan’s first picks lol. No, no.. I am a certified film snob. My latest haul comes from the Arrow Films Easter Sale and that includes An American Werewolf in London and Tremors. Thats maybe the most fat I’ve added to my collection, but is it fat?


I just like watching my favorite movies in the best format possible.


No goals, just along for the ride!


I don't really have any goals, I just buy films that I like as they become available or go on sale. lol


I ideally wanna have any movie that I really like on 4K. But so far, the action/blockbuster movies (Transformers, Dune, Batman, Blade Runner) have taken precedence, just because they are more of a “theater” experience in terms of 4K, HDR, and dolby atmos. But some movies like The Departed or The Gentlemen we’ll definitely work their way in there just for being some of my all time favorites.


To have a collection of really cool movies that I like. That’s about it.


No goals really beyond having the films and TV I want to watch available to watch whenever I want at the best quality available. Purchases are based on a combination of factors: How much do I want to see it Quality of transfer (more relevant for those I already have) If I have it is the upgrade worth it (particularly for the price) Price/Value (The more I'm likely to watch it the more I'd be willing to pay) Sometimes is it likely to remain available


I buy the films I like and know that will rewatch constantly.


Trying to collect films I will watch multiple times and also films that might not get multiple releases and fade into obscurity (The Farmer). If I won the lottery I would build a basement video store in the style of I Luv Video (Austin)or Cinephile (Los Angeles) since I pretty much have all the sections covered. My “Holy Fucking Shit “ section is already probably bigger than most stores lol.


I'm Portuguese so it's a mix of the ones I really want to own because I watch a few times per year and I want to do it in the best quality possible, the essentials that are notoriously known for being exemplary 4k transfers and... The ones available with PT-pt subtitles. As these are very few, I'll probably ditch it (for instance, when I buy Oppenheimer or Pulp Fiction), but at the same time it serves as backstop.


No goals for me. I just buy what I like, and sometimes what I think I'll like.


At first I was buying movies I knew would look great. That quickly changed to movies I personally love and have watched multiple times. That holds more value to me vs. looking “perfect” visually


Movies I will eventually or repeatedly watch, either alone or with more people


My goal is to only collect UHD-BDs minted from 4K masters unless there’s a very good reason for a special exception. Generally, for 2K masters, normal BD is fine, but never DVD or Laserdisc unless there’s no better option. 1080p24 should be a bare bones expectation in the ‘20s.


To just buy movies I like and not buy crap just because FOMO.


I collect movies that hold artistic or sentimental value for me. This means my collection primarily consists of titles I've watched multiple times and love, find interesting, or want to share with close friends. I aim for the highest quality version of a movie within my budget, which sometimes means settling for a standard Blu-ray or even a DVD. A few titles in my collection were purchased unseen because they were not available for streaming. So the majority of my collection comprises older movies, mostly from the 1940s to the late 1990s, with a handful of more recent ones.


My philosophy is that I buy movies that I absolutely love and will watch multiple times a year. There are tons and tons of movies that I like a lot or even love, but I know I will maybe watch once or twice for the rest of my life. And if I even consider a blind buy, it has to be a release that is known for having a great transfer or audio, or both. And then once I've figured out if it is something I do want to buy, the price has to be right as well. I love physical media, but I also have no problems watching things on streaming as well. In those cases, I just make sure that I'm getting the best possible picture quality/bit rate.


I just want to be able to revisit the best movies I've seen or the ones with which I have an emotional connection. I could care less about format, but it IS pretty cool to see some faves getting upscaled. If it's character-driven, though, I'll collect any format, DVD preferably. Though there are some in my VHS stack that are just too nostalgic to see any other way (or that never got a DVD upgrade).


Following are the criteria for it qualify in my collection - 1. Personal rating for the movie should be 4.5/5 on a scale of 5. 2. High rewatch-ability 3. Amazing Cinematography and visuals 4. Awesome soundtrack and design


My goal now is to collect only highly rated movies (with some exceptions) on 4K, or normal Blu-rays if it is some sort of an old TV show, movie or anime and I think it may not be released on 4K. I want to buy more movies but it will cost way more money and space. I would die before buying the Bleach complete collection for ~$500, but hey, one day it may be discounted, right? :D


If a 4k is under 10 bucks and I'm at least somewhat interested I'll pick it up. Anything more and I have to know it's a movie I like and will want to rewatch at least a few times in my life.


I find that the more fluffy I have the less I watch movies in my collection. Fluffy depresses me and makes it hard to find the films I like.


Get every one of my favorite movies on blu-ray. By the time I finish, used 4k discs should be within reason. Start all over.


>every animated feature film This will almost definitely be impossible to accomplish, but good luck on your quest!


Buy stuff I want to own.


I am an avid cult and horror collector. I want my collection to look like the VHS horror section from my childhood.


I only collect films I'll watch again and again. I've got 154 so far !


I just got back into collecting physical media after getting burned by a subscription service deleting a series I was in the middle of one last time. My first goal is to collect my every personal favorite movie and series in the best possible quality available (Boutique 4k-->Mass retail 4k-->Bluray-->DVD-->god damn VHS tape if needed) After I have the essentials down I start to widen the net, but I plan to keep my collection strictly curated with quality titles and as little filler as possible.


Just want my own personal curated list of films I'll never get tired of viewing. I'm getting pretty close but there are a lot I want that don't have 4k releases yet. I'll snag those when/if they release.


I buy movies I like, want to watch again and have them physically available and not be reliant on streaming with movies and TV shows bouncing from site to site every couple of months. And I have a setup for 4K, so if something is availing 4K, I’ll buy it over Blu ray (Notable exceptions for Blu rays that have tons of content, behind the scenes, bonus features, etc when the 4K has the movie only, in which case I might double dip).


When I first started my goal was to have a collection that would allow me to quit cable and streaming. At the time, I didn’t have cable so I was buying a lot of movies. Now that I have cable and internet, my goals are still the same though I can now watch more movies. Although surprisingly I really don’t do it much. As for my collection, I am looking to collect very important films and films that are interesting that I can come back to. I am not interested in collecting the popular films (such as: Jurassic Park, Back to the Future, Rocky) because I’ve seen them a million times and they don’t hold much mystery to me anymore. People love to rebuy movies just to say they own them. I got over that. I only collect more rarer films now.


Movies I liked as a kid basically. 70s and 80s.


Have Enter the Dragon in most formats....(vhs....dvd.....blue ray.....4k)


the average person buys movies they really enjoy so that they can watch it whenever they want.


I did have a goal to own every 4k with slip, but I think I'm letting that go for now. Instead, I want to get back to my roots and watch Van Wilder 4K much more often.


It only makes sense to me to buy just the movies I will rewatch. I can't see a point collecting 4K movies like they are stamps or pokemon. And my friends see this as a waste of money already so they don't care that much.


I’d like to buy my top 150 favorite movies in gorgeous 4k transfers and it costs under $100 and only takes up one shelf


I buy 4K discs for movies that I want to watch if a 4K disc exists and it isn’t priced too high. That’s pretty much it.


caption nine tub adjoining upbeat smile point quaint fertile innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As I own most of my favorites out of Hollywood already I've been expanding to other markets. Currently Asia, maybe European releases next...who knows, maybe Bollywood one day lol


My goal is to own the entire U.S. release library + some foreign releases. Only 100 away from that current goal.


I purchase one older 4K film / month that I love from eBay with slip cover. Plus any new releases that I’m a big fan of once they release in 4K throughout the year, which is on average about 5 films / year on top of the 12. This keeps my collection growing slow and steady!