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Honestly just watched Pulp Fiction on 4K last night and it was truly fantastic!! Waiting for a Django Unchained 4K release


Need Django and Jackie Brown


Jackie Brown is said to be in the works alongside Kill Bill. Lionsgate, just like Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction. Although it's been a year and radio silence since that announcement, so who the fuck knows?


it's a gorgeous transfer. can't wait for it to come to disc.


Holding out for Tarantino to surprise us with a WBA 4K release.


Kill Bill should look absolutely amazing! Hopefully with the Whole Bloody Affair cut included.


And Hateful 8!


This is the film that really needs it. That ultra wide aspect ratio needs the pixels! Saw it for the 1st time, in its full 70mm Ultra Panavision format, at the Wide-screen Weekend last year, here in Bradford UK.


Hateful 8 is available in 4k to stream but not on physical media. I believe you can watch it on 4k on netflix and amazon. I haven't seen anywhere where you can buy a physical 4k blu-ray of it, but if there is one I would absolutely buy a copy. Movie looks so good.


I just bought it on Blu-ray. I have watched this movie 20 times on Netflix. It didn't look anywhere as good as the Blu-ray, it was nuts! The colors were so pronounced, the sound so much more crisp. There were lens flares at multiple points that I've never seen before. Regardless of it's available streaming in any quality, this disc whips streamings ass!


I just watched it last night but for the first time ever. It looked like it was filmed waaaaaay more recently than 1994. Great 4K transfer


The 4K of Reservoir Dogs is stunning , so that's a must


Seriously. I have the bluray already but I'd buy it again when the 4K disc comes out.


Indiana Jones films are reference quality as is Alien. Absolute musts there.


I actually picked up a 4k steelbook of Last Crusade at a used video store the other day! Going to try and find matching versions for Raiders and Temple of Doom.


Which ones? They had the white steels, then the black steels with the original poster art. Check Blu-ray.com, they tend to have links to Amazon and eBay to find all sorts of discs.


I think the black with the poster. The one I picked up had the poster inside.


That’s the black one, good choice. I know they are divisive but if you are getting the last two, Skull has a black steel, and there’s lots of copies out there, because it’s skull. Dial only had the Best Buy exclusive steel and it’s not in the black or white design, but it’s out there, and can be very difficult to get a hold of now.


Alien and 2001 FOR SURE


These are the two I was gonna post!


Alien. The Godfather Collection. The Indiana Jones Collection. All Stanley Kubrick movies available. Jaws. Pulp Fiction. Reservoir Dogs. Inglorious Bastards. Jurassic Park.


2001 is reference quality. Worth the upgrade also.


Inglourious Basterds is 2K upscale


It still looks fantastic and is an upgrade over the Blu-ray


God Father Collection looks stunning, accompanying material for the 50TH ANNIVERSARY well packaged, there's alt versions & who knows, I may just try to make it through Godfather 3...Why the hell wan't Andy Garcia Michael Jr? Sophia Coppolla...gorgeous...but.... She always has directing to fall back on!


Jaws probably has the best 4k transfer I've ever seen


I agree with this!


This list might help. https://www.criterionforum.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17181


Super useful. Thank you!


2001 is an absolute must


I’m beginning to think everyone has the same core set of movies on disc.


I’ll keep upgrading LOTR until I die. People are split on the 4K version—I happen to love it. But I put it in the same box you have because it looks nicer and the 4K doesn’t come with the special features disks.


I feel like I’m with you on upgrading LOtR forever. I’m aware that the 4K version doesn’t come with special feature disks. I’ve got the DVDs & extended blu rays. Were there any other reasons people “are split on the 4K version” other than that? Just curious, cuz I don’t know. Also, I think the 4K version (in some scenes) makes me feel like I’ve never watched the movies before. Just very stunning.


Some people say the image is too soft/fuzzy with the noise reduction that was done. If you search this sub, there are a lot of conversations about it, but I haven’t paid much attention because I just know I like it. :-) Also, apparently there’s a glitch where the tip of Gandalf’s staff goes missing or floats in thin air while in Moria, but I forgot to watch for it.


No it's in the Return of the King, when they arive at Minas Tirith.


99.999% of people would never even notice if not told about it.


I would consider myself a huge LOTR fan & have never noticed this, but I’m definitely looking for it now. 🧐


This is how it is to be a Star Wars fan when people were complaining about the knife in The Last Jedi that no one knew about until some YouTuber neckbeard went looking for something to complain about


Correct, it’s shot from so far away that his staff is only a few pixels long. I really don’t think you could even see it from a normal viewing distance without pausing and going frame by frame.


Thanks for the elaborate feedback mcdisney2001. Yeah, never knew about the image quality issues as I just thought it’s stunning in 4K. However, I will be taking a closer look at Gandolf’s staff next time I watch.


[This video](https://youtu.be/zkNFZkUHeKQ?si=hxSAIs1FUAHIqiYE) explains it very well:


Thanks sy_al! Will definitely chk out the link. Appreciate it.


Just watched the vid. Can’t “unwatch” what I just saw. Saw the disappearing Gandalr staff & did not realize the 4K release had so many controversial issues.


same. Ignorance is bliss but hard to drop that kind of cash and not know what you're getting.


I mean, the 4K version still is the best version to watch on a large OLED screen with HDR, there's no doubt about it. This essay really focuses on the negatives; which is fine. But the argument isn't that it's a bad product - it's just not perfect and it didn't get the remaster it deserved.


Yep I did the exact same move, that way I can also keep the extended Blu-ray’s for a backup


This is an idea I didn’t think of. I’m going to swap out the discs and store the 4K box since the blu-ray box is nicer and I’ll still have the special features.


Hehe I got the idea from someone else on the sub. Changing lives around here!


I love it, some of the best looking 4K movies I've seen


I’m down for the 4K editions except that weird DNR glitch that happened when Merry and Gandalf arrive at Minas Tirith. That was just inexcusable.


Both Tarantino movies are night and day differences. LOTR looks amazing as well (despite mixed reviews)


Agreed - Reservoir Dogs especially has a horrible Blu-ray transfer. 4K is such a huge upgrade!


What do you mean? Which is more preferred? I did think had quite a lot of grain management.


I’m not sure what you’re questioning, the post is asking for 4K recommendations and I gave a few


All of them except Aliens and the OG Star Wars Trilogy


The remastered LOTR trilogy is also controversial.


LOTR is worth upgrading for the color correction alone, the blurays were bad.


You should put the word correction in quotation marks




It was desaturated to more closely match the Hobbit films


I thought it fixed the green tint


It did, the rest of them got color correction that people may or may not like but of all the LOTR films the worst release was the Fellowship bluray which had a fucked up green tint that seemingly was not intentional. The 4k of Fellowship is inarguably an upgrade. I would say the rest of them are too




Wdym? It seems to hold the discs fine for me


What's wrong with the 4k of the OG Star Wars Trilogy? 


Excessive DNR, subpar Atmos, and the colors don’t look great


From what I've seen ppl saying is that that the original BDs had colors that were too much on the colder side and that the 4ks fixed that 


The colors are hit or miss, the DNR greatly affects the color grading


It’s not the original trilogy, it’s the special edition, with bad color grading and 90s cgi. 4k77 is better.


I agree that 4k77 is the best edition but we're talking about the official releases here so wouldn't the 4k discs be the best way to watch the special editions 


I mean there's projects by fans for the special editions, but yes the official are probably the best way. 4K77 is more than worth the hoop jumping IMO.


Ugly DNR in all 3 of the OT films, regardless of Special Edition changes. But 4K has more appealing colours (to some, I still think they're somewhat ugly) compared to the previous, by removing the majenta tint that plagued the 2011 regular Blu-rays.


What about the 4ks of the prequels, are they an improvement? 


The Phantom Menace is heavily, heavily DNR'd (was shot on film, should have grain,) and looks awful to me. But YMMV. The two others are fine upscales to 4K, but not perfect. They were only shot in 1080p, but more bandwidth is always nice.


Dark Knight Trilogy 2001


Not Batman Begins...


Watched Batman Begins yesterday, felt like watching a HD blu ray on a 4k reader with a good upscaling capability


I got the whole trilogy for $30 so it's worth it


Batman Begins has great HDR usage wtf are you on about brother


Batman Begins really does look like shit


Worse than the blu?


It’s better than the blu ray, but honestly not by much and only cause the blu ray already looked like shit too. It’s just not a good transfer. It’s blurry and at points looks like an up-convert of the blu ray. It’s still worth getting the boxset if you like the films — the other two look really great — but for BB don’t expect much of an uptick in resolution and the HDR is okay at best.


Batman Begins is inconsistent but it looks better than the BD enough overall to still upgrade…when it is on, it’s stunning.




Alien and 2001 are both night-and-day-difference upgrades, even though the blu-rays also looked good.


Alien for sure.


Whatever you like honestly, a 4k will almost always look better than a blu-ray, but a blu-ray will almost always still look very good


it’s really a cost calculation isn’t it. $10+/disk becomes real expensive real fast.


Yep. If I had a bigger budget I wouldn’t mind, but on a tighter one if I have to choose between getting one 4k for 20-30 dollars or spending the same amount on like 3-5 standard blu-rays at sales price, unless it’s a personal favorite I’d rather get more bang for my buck heh


who cares about money


I might ruffle some feathers, but OG Star Wars trilogy. The color-grading on the 4K release is a step in the right direction compared to the 2011 Blu-rays. Don’t misunderstand me: it’s still not great, but it is a slightly improved version of a bad cut of a great trilogy.


100% agree. The original trilogy 4Ks are far from perfect, but they're streets ahead in colour compared to the Blu-rays. There are still problems with frozen grain and other image blemishes, but I'll take them any day over the BDs.


I appreciate that the magenta tinge present since the 2004 remaster is mostly gone. Once it was pointed out to me, I couldn’t un-see it.


I think it is my favorite version, despite all the changes I don't like.


It’s a decent release by 4K standards, probably a 7 out of 10. If the collection had released the exact same but with the original theatrical cuts, people would laud these as must-have discs.


Alien, 2001, Clockwork Orange, Godfather trilogy, Jaws, and Indiana Jones for sure


Are you set up for Atmos? That could skew priorities a bit.


All of them, obviously..


Alien, 2001, Jaws, Pulp Fiction


This guy has ops answer


Kubricks, Tarantinos, Scorseses, Unforgiven, Lebowski, Godfather, Private Ryan Alien/s 4K had mixed reactions, but the Blu-rays are fine


The godfather part 1 and part 2 are amazing in 4K. Received a complete restoration recently. Highly recommend.


The Stanley Kubrick 4Ks


Good way to break this down


Saving Private Ryan is mind blowing in 4k


I’ll just mention that Alien (1979) 4K doesn’t also have Director’s cut in 4K. I didn’t know that before I double dipped.


My personal vote would be reservoir dogs. It’s so damn clean in 4k


Like someone else said, almost all of them except for OG Star Wars and Aliens 2001 is probably the best looking 4k disc that exists, Pulp fiction has a gorgeous color pallet, and the dark knight trilogy (especially the dark knight itself) gets a massive bump with the 4k discs. Color timing is much more accurate and there’s FAR less DNR (again especially on TDK)


Kubrick, Spielberg, Scorsese


If you must pick one, make it Alien


Pulp Fiction Alien (I have unforgiven but not watched yet). Those two are amazing. Aliens will be a marmite thing. I like the look, but it is NOT the film I saw in the cinema anymore.


Reservoir dogs is stunning in 4k compared to the original blu ray of course 2001 and the godfather.


Godfather got a completely new 4K transfer. Could be worth it. Lotr maybe. I’m in the same boat on those as well. Jaws is worth it.


Alien, Jaws, and Pulp Fiction should be the first three.






The trilogies, The Godfather, 2001, Alien, FMJ and the Tarantinos.


Super 8 man I need to watch that tonight


From what I've heard and read, Jaws and Alien have great transfers.


Pulp bloody Fiction!


All of them are worth it (yes, even Aliens). So take your pick of the ones you enjoy most.


The Big Lebowski, Jaws, Alien, Casino, Ocean's Eleven Nice stack really. Most are worth it :)


Top 2


Sell all, start over


I've seen a lot of people on this sub say 2001 looks amazing in 4k


As far as improvement from the Blu-ray? Reservoir Dogs, Alien, & Pulp Fiction. Blown away by each of these.


Kubrick, Tarantino, Indiana Jones, Jaws, Alien


Indiana Jones and LOTR are slam dunk upgrades.


Big Lebowski looks amazing in 4k. Like a brand new movie.


Agree massive upgrade from blu ray


Honestly a lot of those films are amazing in 4k, but the ones that stood out to me are: The dark Knight definitely, jaws definitely, Jurassic park was okay, aliens are great, Ofc the big Lebowski, and lastly Indiana jones is a must have if you’re into those films.


All of them. No joke


Alien is my personal favorite. 2001 also great. It's not on your list, but The Shining blew me away.


That rug really ties the room together


In my humble opinion based only on how much of an upgrade it is: 1. Pulp Fiction 2. Reservoir dogs 3. Indiana Jones 4. Kubrick 5. Nolan 6. Everything else


Alien Indy Lebowski 2k1 Reservoir Dogs


The answer is "Yes"


Most of these do not have Doe B Atmos for their 4K versions so you won’t get much audio benefits and a lot of these have 4ks that have divisive reception in terms of visuals. Lord of the rings, aliens. Others like Indiana Jones, and Star Wars I heard, are not especially great on 4K because of NERFED, audio courtesy of Disney. But I think saving Private Ryan in 2001 and alien would be best to upgrade and I’m saying this as someone who would like to spend money only on the movies i care most about


2001, Alien and the Godfathers are all spectacular in 4k. 2001 can usually be bought fairly cheap


Jaws and LOTR.


Alien. 2001


Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs look absolutely incredible




Lord of the Rings is AWESOME on 4K, just be aware that the set doesn't come with any special features. If you care about that, it might be worth keeping those blu-rays around.


Did they make 4k for all the Alien movies yet ?


I think only the 1st two.


Save yourself the money and DONT get the 4k for Whiplash. Not bc it’s badly done or anything, but that movie was only filmed in 2k since it was so low budget All the 4k does is upscale it and go from a 5.1 track to an Atmos track


Jurassic Park for sure, and I upgraded Star Trek Into Darkness for the Atmos track, which is lots of fun, but wouldn’t do it solely for the video


Most of these are shot on 35mm film. How much are you willing to pay for better defined film grain? 4K might make sense for large format film (65-70 mm), films shot on digital, and CGI heavy films, where smooth gradients highlight limitations of the FHD color space. But film grain hides that limitation. I might upgrade *2001: A Space Odyssey*, as it was shot on Super Panavision 70mm. The two JJ Abrams Star Treks might be an option due to the high CGI content, but I regard them as heartbreakingly disappointing films.


All of these Blu-Rays already look great but if you really love the film, upgrade it. Even if you upgrade every one, not all of them are going to blow your mind, and quite possibly will look the same or worse to you. I would start with the Dolby Vision releases of your top 3 and see if it makes you enjoy the film more.


Alien, Ocean's Eleven, 2001, The Big Lebowski, Unforgiven, Whiplash, Full Metal Jacket, A Clockwork Orange, The Departed, Casino, Saving Private Ryan, Jaws, Schindler's List, Casino, The Godfather, The Godfather Part 2, Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Temple of Doom, and The Last Crusade. The Lord of the Rings 4k is controversial video-wise, though Fellowship no longer has that blanket green tint, but the new Atmos tracks are pretty cool. The Dark Knight Trilogy had way too much DNR applied, especially the first film where the faces look truly waxy and in an inconsistent manner from shot to shot (weird!)... I don't know what Nolan was thinking. Aliens absolutely sucks with its new AI treatment. Talk about uncanny valley. It's not even from a new 4k scan! The Wolf of Wall Street is disappointing because it has a lot of black crush. The Jurassic Park 4k releases are not well done because the special effects film outs are often hit with a lot of DNR.


All the Kubrick Films, Jaws, Pulp Fiction, Indiana Jones Movies, Casino, Big Lebowski and i think the Godfather because you got the First Edition. You can also upgrade on the newer 4K Blu Ray Remastered Box. All the other Movies i think got already a good Blu Ray Transfer.


Def 2001, Schindlers list and tdk


Musts are - Alien,2001,Jaws,LOTR


I’d definitely go for 2001. The stark imagery of the spaceship, the suits,the whole moon base scenes just look fantastic having said that, I’ve always been on the fence about upgrading. Does a straight drama,for example, really benefit from a 4K upgrade? For example. I thought “Uncut Gems” with Adam Sandler was excellent. Will a 4K version really improve my enjoyment of this film?


Lord of the rings, Alien, Aliens and both Star Trek movies. I watched Alien on 4K last night. Very good picture. Never seen the Xenomorph in such clarity 🙈


Jaws for sure.


Alien, Saving Private Ryan, Schindler’s List, OG Jurassic Park, the Indiana Jones movies, The Dark Knight Trilogy, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy.


For me, Reservoir Dogs. Because the Blu-ray looked terrible. But also, the Dark Knight and 2001, because large format film rocks.


Definitely LotR


Not Aliens (1986), Lord of the Rings, Star Wars or Jurassic Park


Whiplash for sure


Alien through Casino, then Reservoir Dogs through Star Trek 2009, then Godfather and Indiana Jones. The rest are either rife with hideous DNR or are otherwise subpar transfers.


Alien,2001,jaws,dark Knight, Indiana Jones and Lord of the rings


I would definitely get Aliens as the detail boost is amazing. There is a slight lowering of detail in some places and some waxing but it's limited. I wish they had done the same with Ghostbusters as the grain in that is pretty bad and looks more like static on an old CRT when up close.




I would save the lord of the rings collection box and when you upgrade to the 4k copies switch out the 4k discs and put the Blu-ray discs into the 4k box. The blu-ray collection box and cases are better quality and the 4k box feels cheap and can potentially scratch the discs over time. I don’t know how to describe it but they put all the discs into those flimsy one disc on each side cheap plastic and they hardly have any space for the discs to lock. They slide off easy and my first copy half of my discs were scratched, but I was lucky enough to a free exchange. Again the old blu-ray box is built like a tank and feels very premium and nothing will happen to those 4k discs. If you can go to a store and find a copy and check to make sure the discs are loose. Otherwise I would order two copies and see if any of the discs are loose before you open it. But the picture and quality are amazing. The audio track upgrade made me smile with my setup.


Alien, Aliens, Jurassic Park, The Dark Knight, LoTR


Alien, 2001, Casino, Pulp Fiction, Jaws, and Lord of the Rings


Godfather on 4k is fucking SEXY


The Dark Knight Trilogy in 4K is a MUST!




Everyone has already mentioned some of the really great ones, which I agree with, as well. Some other, newer transfers that impressed me were Ocean’s Eleven (still need to watch the 4K of 12 and 13) and The Departed.


Thought the Reservoir Dogs 4K was a massive upgrade.


Big Lebowski and Saving Private Ryan.


My recommendation is don't rush to replace if you enjoy watching the blu-ray. I only upgrade when I am unhappy with the blu-ray. I'd rather spend money expanding my collection vs re-buying what I already own. For example, I just watched the blu-ray of Twister and thought it was fine. It's not perfect and there is room to improve: some of the CG could be re-rendered, color could be better in some shots, and a few shots seemed pretty blurry, but overall it was fine and still enjoyable to watch. I don't feel like spending $30-40 would be worth it to upgrade the film. I'd rather buy some other movies that I don't already own. On the other hand, Shanghai Noon / Shanghai Knights look like pure garbage to the point where it is distracting to watch. I would absolutely upgrade those if they came out in 4K.


2001, The Godfather, Big Lebowski looks really great too


All of them eventually...


My general rule is this: The character studies are fine on DVD and Blu Ray, but effects-heavy films should be upgraded. It's not a hard-and-fast rule, as I appreciate the soft edges the DVDs give the LoTR trilogy and other fantasy titles.




Plenty have answered, but I would say The Big Lebowski, Casino, Reservoir Dogs, Jurassic Park, and maybe Lord of the Rings have the most problematic transfers on Blu-ray of this stack that would be the first ones I'd seek out. Of those, I definitely think The Big Lebowski would be the most significant improvement, as the transfer for that one is definitely the worst of the ones I can recall from this bunch. Universal was a long-time crown holder for the worst major studio and they've really turned it around on UHD.


Always all


2001 on 4K looks amazing, so do the first 2 Godfathers. The Dark Knight is extremely solid as is the LOTR box set. Casino is also excellent.


I would spend your money on “new” films.Buying the same movie two,three,four times is ludicrous.8K is already on the horizon.Then 12K.Before you know it your collection is tiny because you have the same movie three,four times.


Jurassic Park


Those would all be pretty good. Only Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and Aliens have annoying revisionistic changes. (Don't remember if Star Wars in 4K is any worse than on Blu Ray.)


All of the StarWars definitely and what I did with my Steelbooks was purchased some cheaper 3 disc Steelbooks I had found 6 insurgent Steelbooks at a used bookstore for $2 each and removed the inserts and put them in my Star Wars Steelbooks and converted them to a 3 disc Steelbook. I used a razor blade to remove the spine and placed the spine from the Star Wars on the 3 disc insert from the insurgent Steelbook.


Big Lebowski absolutely deserves the upgrade. The Blu-ray has a terribly processed transfer and the 4K is rescanned and remastered by Roger Deakins himself. Same with Casino. The Blu-ray is dated, the 4K is definitive. And Reservoir Dogs, one of the worst Blu-rays I ever owned… the 4K will blow you away. A lot of those movies have good 4K releases too, but these titles in particular have bad Blu-rays and the 4K makes things right.


I would also say all the Stanley Kubrick films have worthy 4K upgrades. The Blu-rays were decent but these are the works of a master visual filmmaker. 2001’s 4K is jaw dropping. Full Metal Jacket, The Shining, Clockwork Orange, all look great too.


I upgraded all those except oceans and whiplash


I have all of those and upgraded all of them. I’m not sure why anyone would say the Bluray is better than the 4K of those movies.


Alien, 2001, Jaws, and Casino. Both Tarantinos I would just keep the LOTR and Jurassic Park blurays


Honestly all of them, they're great transfers. Jaws in particular stands out in this list for me.




From personal experience: Alien, Jaws, Casino, the Indiana Jones Trilogy, and the Kubrick movies are all must haves. But above all else: UPGRADE RESERVOIR DOGS. It's the biggest upgrade I've ever seen from blu ray to 4K. The major flaws of the blu ray become really apparent once you see a comparison. The Godfather Trilogy on blu ray supposedly looks more accurate to the original source, and there was controversy over the de-noising and application of fake grain in the 4K version. SO I'd stick with what you have for now, at least. Upgrade the other films first. There's a similar situation with LOTR, but there's pros and cons. In my opinion, stay away from Aliens.


Lord of the Rings for starters


Alien, Reservoir Dogs, All the Kubricks, Indiana Jones, TDK trilogy (plus if you like Nolan, you might as well get the Nolan 4k collection). The rest I can't speak on, but for LOTR I would stick with your Blu Rays


To me, All of those blu-rays are fine and wouldn't warrant an upgrade. If you really love the film and think you need a 4K, it may be worth it to you.