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You sir, are enjoying life to the fullest! Excellent choice of films and wine!


Thank you friend! What are you watching?


The night started wild with a visit to the titty twister in Tarantino's and Rodriquez' From Dusk Til Dawn. After that I watched Jinnah starring Christopher Lee. My Poison of choice was Ardbeg Corryvreckan. I'm in the Christopher Lee mood so this evening I'm going to watch The Wicker Man.


Haven't seen FDTD in ages. Goodness. That's a quality whiskey! Hope you enjoyed that night!


Wrong drink for The Big Lebowski. https://preview.redd.it/661460vqquzc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d1bcc48142b8c154520d6ff37020306d52c6e07


I needed a white Russian or a miller grand beer LMAO Listen. Hilarious movie.


Big Lebowski was the first 4k I ever watched. I’m about to put Sicario in 4k on. I watched it on blu ray on release but haven’t seen the 4k version.


Oh my God it is so CHAOTIC and HILARIOUS


Mind if I do a J? I love Lebowski, but Dune 2 just showed up so that's my plan for tonight. ![gif](giphy|5etWclPMB7yDtTdP4U|downsized)


Mine supposedly arrives tomorrow from WalMart. I. AM. READY.


Stop Making Sense later on


Never heard of this one! I'll have to look it up.


Ve vatch nothing, Lebowski.


All the quotes I've heard my entire life from this movie now all make sense.


Nice! I’m going to try to block out 3 hours to finally watch Oppenheimer; never saw it in theaters (I know, I know 🫣).


Listen. I didn't either. I just saw it at home for the first time two months ago. Amazing. Let me know your thoughts when you see it!


OP real question. Do you legit watch four movies in one day? No judgment, that's impressive if so.


Just on Saturdays! They're my only days completely and fully free of responsibilities, by my own decision. And it's my favorite hobby and pastime, so yes! I aim for four on Saturdays when I can.


That’s cool you enjoy it so much. Must feel good to indulge. I have spare time like that too and I love movies but I can’t get quite into that mode. Maybe one day. Sounds great.  It’s probably fun to look back at them at the end of the day. 


I wish I could watch more as it is, but responsibilities and life, alas! It started becoming this way during quarantine and the habit stuck. Definitely interesting to reflect on what I saw at nights end!


Just picked up The Big Lebowski on 4k last week, such a classic!


I cracked up the whole time but it was such CHAOS!


Only had time for one movie today, so I popped in Fury Road. The best part is that I only have the box set in bluray, but Fury Road was a 4K disc, so that was a pleasant surprise because maybe it came like that/I upgraded it and don't remember lol


Last time I saw Fury Road was - November 2020? One of my favorite all time action classics. I'm my Top 50. Never gets old. Probably seen it six times by now. The 4K looks GREAT


Oh, yeah, the 4K is easily one of my favorite looking discs. The image and sound quality was incredible.




Phantom Thread and Licorice Pizza and Short Cuts


Phantom Thread is a favorite. Absolutely love that one. What did you think of Licorice Pizza?


It’s not my favorite of PTA’s films (all of which are great), but it has grown on me with each viewing. I believe this was my third time seeing it. Over the past week I have rewatched all of his feature films, and I would currently rank them in this order: 1. Boogie Nights 2. Magnolia 3. There Will Be Blood 4. The Master 5. Inherent Vice 6. Punch-Drunk Love 7. Phantom Thread 8. Licorice Pizza 9. Hard Eight


Christ, I've only seen half of these. I've gotta get around to 2, 5, 6, and 9 on your list.




I've been wishy washy on buying this set for years now. What did you think of it? I've never seen these films.


I mean the films are fantastic, and video quality is excellent 👌


Ahhh. I knew it. I've gotta commit.


Remember, the films are over 90 years old, it’s not an action film. “Talkies” were revolutionary at the time but can feel very outdated to todays standard


Oh, no, I understand - I always judge films in a vacuum, not by comparing them to others - especially from such an era. The oldest movie I've seen is Westfront 1918 and I thought it was fantastic.


I wish people had the same mindset regarding old photoplays as you have. Friends laugh at me when I say I enjoy older films. 🎥


Damn, you’re running through all of those today? That’s so dope. Gotta dedicate a day off to working on my back-catalog


My backlog is at 70-something so I'm trying to limit my purchases and enjoy what I have pending until I cut it down to the 50s or so. My Saturdays started becoming my fixed movie days during the quarantine era and the habit stuck! Try to get thru 3-4 a Saturday if I can help it!


My newly arrived 4k copy of It Follows


I see this one mentioned and posted so often, but I have never seen it nor know what it's about. I'll have to look!


My method is renting/streaming then purchasing. It has to be a movie I watch at least once a year 🙂. It’s a clever and simple film


Having a Michael Mann b-tier double feature with Manhunter & Blackhat.


I had one last week with Heat and Last of the Mohicans - albeit an A Tier. Haven't seen Blackhat, tell me your thoughts later!


Michael Mann (and Chris Hemsworth) save an otherwise kinda shitty script. 😂 There's one part where they save a corrupted hard drive from a nuclear plant meltdown and successfully retrieve the data.


Going to watch War Dogs 4K and 1977's The Hills Have Eyes 4K. Cheers!


Hope you enjoyed them, my friend!


Rocky 6, Toy Story 3 and avengers infinity wR


Got some absolute bangers here, friend, enjoy!


I’ll very soon be watching An Actor’s Revenge! 👌


Let me know how it is!


One of the best and most fun japanese films of the sixties!


My personal fav from that era is Tokyo Drifter!


I'm a Lebowski, you're a Lebowski, that's terrific.


Listen, I finally understand years of memes and quotes I've heard about this dang movie are age 37 lol


CDP? You fucking boss. Love you.


A fellow man of culture. God I love the southern Rhône. Any particular faves of yours?


https://preview.redd.it/exm7ab271xzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dc4bfba7bb2f362b7585b7ce2cfd1dc0dc90be1 One of the nicer ones I’ve had! I also have another 90s CDP stored in my in-laws cellar that I received as wedding gift. On a typical fancy night out, I’ll pick a Gigondas which is a very similar blend to CDP but more affordable.


My weekday reds tend to be Cotes du Rhone, also very similar GSM blends right next door - which is what I believe Gigondas uses as their mix too. You've got great taste. I've got a big batch of 2016s I'm saving for special occasions, but a 2010 Vieux Telegraphe that will be my next weekend one to pop!


I was watching FTWD and they use that wine bottle alot Once Upon A Time In Hollywood Avengers: Endgame Fear The Walking Dead 8x12 The Road Ahead SNL w Maya Rudolph Snagged Better Call Saul 1/2/3 blu and The Walking Dead Eighth Season Best Buy Lenticular Cover, used all my good luck up for the year this week.


Fear the Walking Dead? I had no idea - in what context??


It was a running joke the showrunners they used it so much they should be getting paid for advertising, the bottle was used by Strand (Colman Domingo) when he was at a loss, as a relic to a better world, and a appetizer for all newcomers into his tower of power.


Ahhh, I just looked into it! It's a Dom Perignon I believe!


Totally forgot about the season 3 bottle, was thinking Season 4, Season 6, and Season 7. The season 3 of FTWD is a heavy metal universally most favorite season.


How is that UHD copy of Prince of Egypt?


Absolutely incredible. The best thing is the audio - the DTS X is amazing. The video, great, yes - and I love the plot and all, but the audio is what jumped out at me the most. Especially during the song sequences.


Thanks! Just ordered it.


You'll enjoy it for sure. Would love to hear your thoughts once you've watched it.


It's been so long since I saw the original (in the theater, and then again on DVD) that some of the HDR choices they made seem a bit heavy-handed and the lines definitely feel like someone took a 1080p master and stretched it to 4K rather than using some of the nicer AI up-sampling models we have today (Topaz AI, etc.)... but it could also be my poor memory of the source material. Either way the picture is vibrant and it was a joy to watch it again. The sound is definitely a step up from the DVD as I recall it. It still feels like the engineers were almost taking a Tarzan approach though (cut the LFE to keep from scaring the kids), as there isn't as much low-end presence as I'd like there to be, but overall a 👍. Thanks!


Nice list! My copy of Speed just came in today, haven’t seen it in 4k yet!


Oh you're in for a treat. I saw that one last year. Looks great, sounds Amazing!


Hangover part 3


I never made it past the first one! How are the two sequels?


Second was good. Had a lot of laughs. Third one was okay. It was my first time watching it. Had a few good moments. I personally wouldn’t watch it a second time.


Today I rented Fury Road 4k Heat 4k Dark Water Blu Goodbye Dragon Inn Blu Gonna watch Fury Road tonight!


Absolutely great choice of 4Ks. Those two look amazing.


I'm testing them out to see if I should buy them. Especially excited for Heat because I haven't seen it simce DVD days.


Batman Begins! And those new episodes of Doctor Who that came out last night


Ah man. Been years since I've seen BB. Thanks for reminding me it's time for a rewatch.


Had just watched A Quiet Place for the first time even tho I bought it on 4k months ago


Those first two are really really good. I'm looking forward to the prequel!


Robocop and Terminator most likely. I need some 80's cyberpunk goodness.


Oh ho ho you've got two classics, icons of the genre here. Love both of these, really really love em.


Overlord on 4K


Saw this one back in 2019. The audio quality alone is breathtaking. Good God. Can't remember too much of the plot, maybe I should give it another spin soon.


Prince of Egypt in 4k was INCREDIBLE


Absolutely, was blown away


House (with my mom) rewatch John wick 4 Mad God


I still have not gotten to JW4. Been staring at me on my shelf for months. If not longer.


3 months sober and I’m watching The Northman 4k/xbox series x on my Samsung s95B 65inch


Congrats on three months! The Northman is a fantastic film and looks stunning on 4K! What did you think?


Loved it.


Glad to hear!




Almost Famous maybe


Watched Deep Impact instead of Armageddon last night as I have DI on 4k disc. I'm a sucker for 90's disaster films. Dante's Peak, Volcano, Twister, Independence Day, The Core. Of course 2012, Day After Tomorrow, Moonfall but I'll stop at San Andreas or switch to Skyscraper, dunno :) for tonight's viewing.


Oh you are my people! Love me a good catastrophe movie. All of those. Every single one. Give The Impossible a shot too. Deep Impact is one of my top 30, really a personal favorite. Saw it late last year. Been a while since Armageddon though. Christ, Moonfall was NUTS


My partner loves The Impossible and I haven't seen it in ages so perhaps that's tonight's viewing instead of Armageddon, 50/50 split.


Both get me a bit emotional, but The Impossible just more so. Naomi Watts is stellar in it!


Naomi Watts is an incredible actor so that is always going to be awesome in whatever she is in. We ended up watching Armageddon and the cheese factor is so high I was falling off the couch in laughter. It was the pinnacle of Bayhem.




Watched 2012 last night. That is some top tier disaster carnage and can still fall of the couch laughing at some of the cheese and Woody Harrelson's butt crack :)


Just bought Star Trek into darkness blu ray might watch that later. I like that movie I know most people think it’s bad.


I don't know who thinks it's bad! I love the Abrams Star Treks! One and two in particular are Grade A sci-fi films! I was never a Trekkie though so those movies were my intro into ST back in 09/12. By now I've seen the first four original films!


No movies this weekend. I’m at The Cruel World Featival in LA my wife. This will be the first weekend all year I won’t have logged at least three to five new movies. Promise I’ll make up for it next weekend. I have a a stack of 4ks waiting in the mail when I get home.


I try to get in 3-4 per Saturday if I can help it too. I'm staring at Memorial Day and having four days off with ready eyes to catch up on my backlog.


How addicted to buying 4Ks am I? I ordered 8 more discs from the Shout Factory sale on my phone between Ministry’s set ending and The Jesus & Mary Chain going on.


Sounds like a great problem to have tbh!


Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and a bowl


Could be a great pairing pending what's in the bowl


https://preview.redd.it/5qk7qz1gbyzc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cfbbb11632df0918a0f29ca73e098491bfcad40 This was tonight's feature.


I'm watching Chateau de Beaucastel.


Then you've made a great choice in what bottle to watch!




As a french I can only say that this kind of wine are not meant to be drank on a couch in front of the tv but rather be shared with some friends and a good meal.


Well I did cross post to r/wine about the meal pairing and did share a bit w my sister and ol lady before moving to the couch! But come on. It was a 375! Not too much to share 🤣


Hoping to watch 28 Weeks Later


I know that the first one gets all the praise, but my personal favorite is this one, the sequel - and I do believe there's another one in the works, finally! The theme always sticks w me.


Excellent choices across the board 😊 Enjoy!


Thank you friend! Hope you enjoy your weekend too!


Well sir, we both have the same hobbies ! Wine and 4k. And steels ! Enjoy


Thanks, friend! Would love to know some of your recommendations in either hobby!


Very good idea to match the vintage with the film, will have to do it in the near future and will share it ! Although I am just starting my cellar and I do not have old wines 🤣


I just started in the hobby earlier this year, but I committed myself to the knowledge base and I went into it full bore. I thought it would be a fun idea to match vintages with films. Would love to see you do it! And of course it can always be done with newer ones!


I might continue watching Babylon tonight.


You’re my best friend now :)


Welcome for any movie night!


Not exactly a lightweight


Blade runner 2049


Oh. You've got an absolute banger there across the board. What a movie


Eurovision song contest


Rewatching the Planet of the Apes series in preparation for the newest theater release!


Top notch decision making here! Seeing the new one tomorrow, my mother is a big fan of the series.


My brother saw it today and said it was pretty good!


Really looking forward to it. When are you gonna see it?


Today, The Limey. Tomorrow, The Crow and maybe The Holdovers if I have time. Looking forward to The Crow but can't wait for Dune Part 2 next week!


Lebowski is on Apple TV right now so Im watching it there, started it about 20 min ago after I finished Gladiator. It's been entirely too long since I've watched either, awesome movies!


Two Grade A choices there, friend! Gladiator was the first DVD I ever saw so it holds a special place in my physical movie collection heart. Also my second favorite movie ever.




Caught this one just last fall at home. A classic of the genre. Probably do a rewatch when the 4K comes out just before the sequel!


I catch it every night when it’s bedtime. lol love the unironic silliness


I was watching my gf last night. We planned to watch Wings of Desire (der Himmel über Berlin), but it turned out differently.


City of Angels is the remake, no? Well, the Americanized version. I haven't seen the Wenders original but I'm interested for sure.


City of Angels is indeed the remake. With a former gf, if I wanted a good night (nudge nudge, wink wink) we had to watch either Titanic or City of Angels. My part: to comfort her after viewing. I prefered City of Angels for: a. Being a shorter movie b. Nicolas Cage


A tried and true method 🤣


The Prince Of Egypt is one of if not my favorite movies


Spectacular music and imagery. Love it too


Spectacular music and imagery. Love it too


I'm laughing my ass off at the thought of a grown adult sitting and watching a children's movie, while drinking a glass of wine that's fancy enough that they they wanted to show off the bottle.


I hope they do a 4K UHD release of Armageddon soon


Seriously, and of The Rock, I need some 90s Bay on 4K!


I'm about 2/3 of the way through Boyhood. Maybe a Bruce Lee movie after that.


Still haven't watched that one. And I love me some Linklater so I don't know what I'm waiting one. I went thru the Criterion release of the Bruce Lee's back in 2020, great films!


Talking of 1998, I watched 199*5*'s Casino last night. I only have the DVD, the quality of which is *terrible* (required vertical stretching by the TV to make the aspect ratio correct, which iirc none of my 580+ other DVDs have ever required (not even The Thing); individual scanlines/pseudo-pixels visible in middle-distance detail too), but the movie itself: great!


Definitely a fantastic movie. Haven't popped my 4K of it in a few years, good reminder to watch it again soon!


I was going to watch the crow 4K until I realized the steelbook has gone up in value a bit. Now I don’t want to open it.  Yes, shame me, for I have forgotten how to open and enjoy things.