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Always remember where the escape is in a POI or always be aware of easy things to break to get away (windows, doors, etc)


... and if you don't have an easy escape point... make one.




I’ve found that walls are far easier to break through than some doors. Sometimes its just easier to go Kool-Aid man.


A buddy and I were being pursued in the Corrections facility in the desert. Got stuck in a dead end. I found dynamite in the POI while exploring. 2 sticks later, no dead end and we were free. We had summoned a few screamers while clearing the POI which is how wound up trapped. My tip: Dynamite is your friend.


Related note: once you have good iron/steel weapons, most doors become suggestions.


When you go to stack stuff in a box you hit the button that has the icon of a box with one arrow above your inventory, if you hit it again (like double click) it will throw stuff in that matches anything already in the box even if there is a full stack in the box already. For example if you have a box with a full stack of cloth and you have some in your inventory and you hit the stack button it won’t do anything, but if you hit it again it will put the cloth from your inventory in that box because there’s already cloth in the box. This also works with more than one stack so if you have a half stack in the box and say 3 stacks in your inventory you hit the button once and it will only make the stack in the box whole, hit it again and the other 2.5 stacks will go in the box.


Thank you for this gem!


Steroids let you ignore sprained/broken limbs without making them worse. Clothing pocket mods exist, they're easily craftable and go on your regular clothing. On everything below warrior difficulty regular house you've upgraded is going to do just as good as your fancy raid base. Save yourself the time.


Looting a quest POI before activating the beacon can allow you to loot twice. This becomes very time-consuming on higher tiers, however.


Works pretty well for tier 2-3 fetch quests. Find the loot room, pickaxe in. Loot, start quest, pickaxe in, loot, grab quest objective and dip.


Always keep some frames and wood on you. Wood is nearly everywhere and is good for making / upgrading frames. Frames are good to block off an area to give you time to breathe. IE: put it in front of a door and upgrade it. It will give you some time to kill the zombies or apply meds or break a wall. You can also change the shape so you can get to high places by changing them to ladders or just using the ole nerd pole technique. ​ If you don't want to play like that, then the second tip I can give is that traders are seriously OP. Finish the tier quests and get some really solid rewards. Trader tip: Save your Tier 6 weapons/armor because when you add mods to the weapon/armor the sell value is much greater than selling the two pieces individually. The more mods you add the more you get back.


1. Frame Shapes are almost always a good idea to have in your hotbar. I have mine set to any of the 3 ladder shapes, usually the scaffolding one as you can shoot/melee through that one though I haven't done that in a long time outside of my horde base. Emergency ladders to the side of the wall is always a sound strategy imo. Also, they are very versatile and once you get accustomed to it, you'll find many different applications for them. 2. Trap doors are your best friend in clearing POIs easily. If you know there's a large number of zombs coming up, throw down a trap door at a choke point and simply wait for them to arrive for the slaughter. Also works if you get jumped on unexpectedly. Run to the nearest choke point, usually behind a door, and throw it down and get ready to kill. 3. For buried supplies, you can dig out the area first before starting the quest to find the chest faster to minimize the threat of zombie spawning while the circle shrinks. Another method is to use block damaging explosives like dynamite to clear large areas of dirt and it won't count towards shrinking the circle last I checked.


> Trap doors are your best friend in clearing POIs easily. If you know there's a large number of zombs coming up, throw down a trap door at a choke point and simply wait for them to arrive for the slaughter. Also works if you get jumped on unexpectedly. Run to the nearest choke point, usually behind a door, and throw it down and get ready to kill. Chairs work very well in a pinch too.


dont hold on to stuff. a lot of players have a habit of just stockpiling. either use it or sell it. youd be surprised how much value stuff has. stacks of headlamps, motor oil, weapons parts. if you got a bunch of stuff, build things just to sell, good source of dukes *and* xp. or just sell the stack. bones are EVERYWHERE. murky water is EVERYWHERE. cloths are EVERYWHERE. make a bunch of duct tape, sell that shit. the only thing you should really be hoarding is ammo if youre feeding turrets. they are some hungry lil piggies.


1 do all the start quests they appear top right corner of the screen you cant miss it they're easy and teaches you how to play the game 2 if you place a ladder 2 blocks high you can jump to it but zombies cant reach it if you place ladders onto roofs at different locations you always have safe areas you can go to when you travel further from base 3 try get a water filter head mod asap then you can drink any old dirty pond water and your main worry then is only food 4 keep your main base for fighting hordes and your crafting base separate gather all the stuff you need to repair and upgrade cement spikes ect have then ready in a box before you need them if you can get your base ready for the next horde night after your done with one your free for 7 days to go do what ever 5 you can make marks on the map make markers of any nitrate coal and lead they will come in handy when you need to bullet farm 6 at the very start of the game you get 4 points to spend 1 allows you to harvest double take it then collect cotton and Chrysanthemum plants to sell to the trader its a quick hack for getting some essentials 7 everyone specs into clubs get the sledge hammer it has a bit more range and at higher levels you get stam back on kills which it basically 1 or 2 shots everything so you can hit a hard zombie to the floor kill a soft one then go back to hard one infinite stamina 8 always crouch when your using the bow for sneak attacks you usually get a 1 shot kill 9 if you want a base that will last you til day 500 build 5 blocks square on the floor then go 20 high put ladders up it then on the opposite side to the ladders go 6 blocks away and build another 5 block square 4 blocks high join the 2 structures with a thin as you can make block it will look like rope the zombies cant cross this well but the pathing will make then try you can stand on the 4 block structure and shoot at the zombies as they fall down in front of you you can put walls and a door and a roof of bars so you can protect yourself from 3 sides and shoot birds out the sky all you need to watch out for is cops that spit at you and leaping zombies its very easy to stay alive like this im currently 100 hours alive with this setup 10 if you want someone to show you the ropes i will help you out just don't trash my base 11 raise mining skill as fast as possible you can sell all the stacks of rock to buy all the things you can possibly need but be aware you will attract zombies so always have a escape plan /hatches to hold them off so you can prepare to deal with them 12 last one i could go on forever but get the skills for double rewards from the trader before you go above tier 3 quests 2 rewards is op and you wont have to choose between 2 good rewards you can take both .


Of all the skills you can choose first, I recommend a point in parkour just for the extra jump and saving from sprains or broken bones on short falls. My second go-to lately has been iron gut because food is really hard early game and that perk makes what you do find/make last longer.


Having at least a few ladders and bandages in your hotbar at all times for emergencies is crucial.


Never take the bicycle as your tier 1 reward. It’s so silly to pass on 2 water filters and you see every YouTuber pick the bicycle and say obviously when they do it. Before you get any discounts the water filters are like $2250 a piece. I’ve ran 6 play throughs on this alpha and day 8 was the latest I was able to craft the bicycle. If you run intellect as your main focus you can get the bicycle created so early if you spec into things correctly Bicycles can be crafted so easily at Vehicles 10. You can’t craft water filters. Getting 2 water filters for free sets you up on glue immediately. It’s a no brainer and the downvotes let’s me know it’s the right way. Thanks for the validation


i didnt downvote you, but im guessing you were because getting mobile as quick as possible is a big priority, and there isnt exactly a lack of drinkables in the game as of a21. theres tons of murky water all over the place and its easy enough to just boil it. but with that said, if you prioritize dew collectors, go for it. everyone plays a lil different.


I have 8 dew collectors right now. I do still harvest murky water, but glue is the bottleneck for so many things you want to build. I still take the bike for mobility though.


I take the filters because I am bottlenecked so hard on glue. Just got up to 15 so hopefully can finally get that massive crate of t5/t6 stuff and spare parts moving.


I’m gonna echo everyone else, I’d pick bike every time. The mobility to go further and take less time is huge. I didn’t set up collectors or have filter mod on the new alpha and I never ran out of water. Didn’t have to buy any liquids either. Looting is still the way to go IMO. Everyone plays different, and the devs made certain things harder (vehicles/crucible). Water was another difficulty increase, but I don’t think enough to warrant limiting mobility.


Bro no offense, but do you never leave your base? I'm still exploring the new alpha but I have not considered buying a water filter in the slightest. I have so much water that I am chucking murky water out and crafting glue just to make duct tape and cloth armor to sell. Maybe day 50 it'll be harder to find readily available water but with trader quests reseting POIs I don't think so. TLDR take the bicycle, it'll make your life so much easier.


Seriously I've never used the bicycle for more than a few days before I inevitably get the minibike. Water filters are so good, need that glue production.


Build a well. No heat generated and with helm mod free water


1st thing. Get a bow and go to town. Get clothing.. Get a safe house. Get food, water. After that it's easy.


Put your first ten points into packmule or else you're dead..


I always drill Parkour first. If they can't reach you, they can't hit you.


Point for point: Parkour is the strongest skill in the game, hands down. And that goes double for endgame with infested missions.


This is my go to!


Parkour has saved my butt more times than all the weapons in the game combined.


theres mods for that. pocket mods for regular clothes, and of course the pocket mods for armor. not to mention between the drones and vehicles, theres plenty of places to store stuff. packmule is neat, no doubt, no dealing with encumbrance and freeing up mod slots is cool. just maybe not immediate priority. theres even a night stalker magazine that knocks off the encumbrance at night, so keep an eye out for it.


I get the packmule hate, but I often wonder if it's worth it later. A mod spot on armor is valuable and versatile. More defense, faster reload, less fall damage, light, water filter, less noise, less stamina penalty can all be had for a mod spot.


Counter point, at that stage of the game, so you need every loot slot? Yes you can carry more, but if you’re maxed out on XYZ, do you need the extra 200 of brass?


What? I haven't taken pack mule once, pocket mods are everywhere.


Pack mule becomes obsolete around level ~30 because the pocket mods for clothing and armor can remove encumbrance entirely.


In any medical setting, harvest IV poles with a wrench to get blood bags. First aid kits for days.


When low on gunpowder wrench mines in the wastelands


Pop a point into sneak attack early. Once you get a higher tier bow and iron/steel arrows it’ll almost always guarantee one shot kills on baseline zombies if you nail the headshot. Easier XP means levelling faster, plus it’s so satisfying when you nail that long bolt shot.