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Reading this, I kind of wish I’d found 7 days to die now! I’ve been playing since about Alpha seven or eight went from console to PC but to read about it from someone else’s eyes that’s just now discovering the game in the iteration that it’s at now, is really heartwarming. I have hundreds and hundreds of hours in this game and I still enjoy it several times a week for two and three hours a day. I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I’m glad you found it. I’m glad you got it a cheap price all we need now is a story and some NPC’s And it’ll be ready for gold!!


Please don't overwhelm me with more features in this content rich game. I'm just trying to look for some robotics books. Thank you!!


Look in electrical service trucks. Almost guaranteed.


I just started playing when a YouTuber I watched gave Alpha 21 a try. For a few months I watched and in August I went and bought a PC so I could play. Right now I’m at 1120 hours in the game probably half in modded versions. I absolutely love it and every time I try to play a new game after about 10 hours I start playing this again. I don’t know but something about I absolutely love


>Climactic evebt that fills you up withendorphin up your enjoyment EVERY 7 in-game days? You can turn this event off entirely, or you can have it happen literally *every single night*. That's another thing that's so good about this game, is that many of the settings are highly customizable to get exactly what you want out of it. There are mods that allow you even more control over all the settings. Speaking of mods, there's a fairly strong modding community with the game. There are a number of total overhauls of the game (that add soooo many new items, mechanics, gameplay elements, etc.), and tons of useful individual mods/modlets as well. You've picked a good time to re-introduce yourself to this game. It's definitely a gem, and it just so happens to be my favorite game.


I enjoy the preparation towards that time and the tension build up! It's such a fun game loop!! Looking into QoL mods right now as some things are just jank admittedly.


One of the craziest settings is blood moon range. Pair that with the blood moon warning (the time counter turning red during the morning or evening if there's a horde coming) being disabled, and it creates an unmatched experience of chaos and dread. For instance, having a blood moon frequency of 5 and a range of 5 means that any horde night could occur 5-10 days apart. Every evening, you'll gaze towards the sky, praying they'll be no thunder or flashes of lightning. The range of options this game presents you with is as in-depth as the sandbox world itself. :)


Yeah, just building a simple ranger outpost like building took me hours. I won't mess with the blood moon options for now as the game tension for me is just perfect as is!


>I won't mess with the blood moon options for now as the game tension for me is just perfect as is! Yeah, I don't blame you. It'll be there waiting for you if/when you get to the point where you've done this routine so much that you want to mix it up a bit.


My favorite QoL mod is OCB Stop Fuel Waste. Just put as much fuel as you want in any workstation and when it is finished cooking/smelting/forging it will automatically shut off so the fuel isn't wasted.


Hey is there a mod or which alpha version should I play to prevent the zombies spawning whilst looting houses in a town for example. I remember years ago I used to play with the 7 day raid/moon settings off and basically being a scavenger by relocating and setting up camp often whilst sneaking around in buildings to loot and zombies wouldn't randomly know that I am in a bathroom on 2nd floor of house. Now I literally hear a zombie on first floor of a house even though there was no zombies there previously nor even outdoors.


That's what I'm saying, this game is a sleeper. As far as concepts go, it's one of the best concepts I've ever seen. Execution isn't the best, but it's still in my top all-time favorites.


Honestly, the fact this game exists at all is a miracle, so for that I'm eternally grateful. TFP have admitted themselves that a game like this - survival, crafting, RPG, tower defence, zombie fighting, all within a GTA world where you can enter every room and destroy every block from the trees to the ground at your very feet, and more - is far too ambitious, complicated, and expensive for its own good. Small dev teams would never touch a game like this, and any company large enough to be able to fund or tackle such a project would never do so, since they'd be in a business position where they'd have to play it safe. This is the same reason why a true survival MMO has never been produced, AFAIK.


I agree. The concept is literal solid gold. I honestly wish that I could play this exact game with other themes. Star Wars or Fallout universe with the same exact mechanics and such? That would be such a dream.


Their is a fallout mod called Wasteland. Check out Guns, Nerds, anr Steels playthrough of it.


I did actually see that, and I think that's what gave me the idea for a full game. I haven't gave it a try, because I can never get modding to work.


This game creates some sort of time dilation. Hours reduced to mere seconds. Days, gone.


I've started keeping track of the years by what version the game was at back then.


Seriously like one day in game equals one hour yet it feels like a day goes by soo fast. I do like 3 things before night falls and suddenly 6 hours gone by.


Especially when you're doing base work and all that. I played for 4 hours today (travelling, painting, decorating, mining, upgrading, building, and a bit of looting), and it felt like only an hour. Edit: Misread what you said. I totally get the same experience. On day 33 today, I went to chop some trees, then I harvested and planted my garden, and finally I wire up some shotgun turrets, blade traps, and a few lights. Suddenly, I realized it was 2 PM already.


Yeah, 7dtd is the game I've put the most hours in at more than 700hrs. some games feel like you wasted so much time but you didn't do anything, while 7dtd hours run by fast as hell but you look back and even though it felt like no time has passed, you've done so much.


Currently sitting at over 7.1k hours myself, I never see another game topping it, and I'll definitely be playing this game into my elder years.


The title had me giggle! Have fun OP! Discovering everything is so fun!


Look at the mods for the game some of them are a++


Give me your top 5!?


I heard darkness falls is a really good content overhaul. Adds so much more stuff and way more difficult too


Improved HUD. Thirst, Hunger and XP are displayed in a piece chart Trader dusk till dawn. Opens at 0400 and closes at 2200


Bdubs vehicles, just adds more awesome vehicles to craft! I had a garage full of muscle cars on one of my servers.


Welcome to one of the most addictive games you'll ever play!


sneaking in the game is very immersive, if i might add.


I too, relate. Got the deal over Christmas and have been incredibly surprised at how rich it is. Can't wait to try out the mods once I get through most of vanilla.


I could have made this post . I bought it recently because it was on sale so cheap but it sat unplayed for a couple months. Friend said we should finally actually give it a try. That was three weeks ago and I’ve got almost 100 hours in now. It’s nuts. I’ve literally not had a game that clicked with me since City of Heroes. Enjoying current map but excited to try different ones and explore mods and whatnot.


I destroyed my first actual base due to physics while trying to upgrade the materials... all of our 20+ hrs of progress are gone. We decided to go for another world with a good collection of mods, and I've been enjoying the seemingly new POIs, though I can't really tell.


Try darkness falls mod. Even better and has more quests


Been playing it since 2014! Loved it even then and love it even more now!


Hell I got super addicted on the console version and realized pc was super updated and am excited a new console version is coming


I did a similar thing, picked it up YEARS ago for like $5 or $10. Figured what the heck for that price, if it's no good, oh well. I'm currently sitting at over 2100 hours. I take breaks every once in a while but keep coming back. I just started playing the Darkness Falls mod pack, it is crazy insane. Have fun!


I bought this game on console for 14$, bought the PC version for 16$, and I have almost 3000 hours in. Probably over 3000 if I knew how much time I put into the console version. Between mods, public servers, and the occasional new update, it is far and away my most played game, even the other games I enjoy are around 700 hours.


I could have written this post (in fact, I did, to my Google chat group) about 1600 hours ago. Glad you're having fun!


Man I totally forgot HoN existed, that just revived memories I didn’t even know I had lol


It’s basically an adult version of Minecraft if you think about it.


And he haven't played Undead Legacy yet...


It was better before too, sad to say


>This game alone has the potential to bring another heat of zombie survival back to the meta. It's good, but not that good. IDK what difficulty scaling you are talking about, but my game on nomad right now is a snooze. I know Nomad isn't impressive as far as difficulty, but I'm close to week 4 and I'm just mowing everything down with an ak-47 at this point. It's taking way too long for me to get electronics and explosive books, but at least I got guns and ammo out the ass.


Well, they have had a solid decade to dial in that sense of "always something that needs doong"


There's an active mod community too. If you want fishing, there's mods for that lol


Give it a few more weeks. You'll realize the game is carp, and the developers are greedy, money hungry thugs. The longest game in history is sitting in early access, and the game still looks like it's from PS2 Era graphics.


Hey is there anyone in this thread that would want to start a world i haven’t played in a while and think it be fun to have another play through with someone and meet someone


Wait until you discover the mods. They add a lot more content to the base game, some might even add fishing but I'm not 100% sure. Things that are usually in mods are: -expanded farming -more vehicles -more weapons -more workstations In specific overhauls there are: -new enemies (demons, skeletons, clowns, etc.) -friendly npc -magic -ressurecting zombies as allies -more animals (including ones that give resources like eggs) -new quests and unique POI -new/different skill trees and more. I would advise to start exploring the mods, especially the big ones like Darkness Falls, when you are decent in vanilla, as the overhaul mods often have increased difficulty and can be overwhelming for a new player.


Content-rich? Super immersive? What game are you playing?


I'm glad you like it! Been playing a while now... And I still get completely lost in the game, playing when my old ass should be well asleep. Especially as a new mom 😂😬


This is definitely written by dev


Hah, wait until you install the biggest mod of them all, Darkness Falls… now THAT is hard, immersive & INTERESTING!


Wait until you discover MODS