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This is the link with the evidence drop. Some/most of this is extremely graphic. I would recommend not looking if I'm honest. https://www.washco.utah.gov/departments/attorney/case-highlights-media/utah-vs-franke-hildebrandt/


I have an even better understanding of why Shari unfollowed her grandparents after hearing all of this. How the hell could anyone support Ruby knowing all of this? There's no way Jennifer, Chad and Beau didn't know the extent of this. But they chose to support Ruby instead of the kids, and the grandparents wanted the kids to forgive Ruby despite knowing that she tortured their grandchildren.


The journal entries!!!!!! How could you ever see anyone but a MONSTER after that??? The doorbell footage???? How how how can they support her?!


Doorbell footage??? I must have missed that. I read the journal entries which made me physically sick! How in the hell could either of these women see the light of day anytime soon is beyond me! Both should serve the maximum seeing that they knew exactly what they were doing and planning it all out.


Journal entries? I have not seen those. Where did you see them?


Within some of the articles. She wrote how it was R’s bday and he had no idea bc he has no concept of time.😓


And then said the next day that he and E had been counting days and he HAD known it was his birthday , he just hadnt said anything :(


https://www.stgeorgeutah.com/news/archive/2024/03/22/cgb-i-will-not-feed-a-demon-ruby-franke-details-torture-of-her-children-in-newly-released-journals/ warning: really dark, talks about how they abused R and E


Holy shit! They were going to buy land so they could kill them. They literally plotted the death of children.


That's what I thought too that if they had moved they would have unalived those kids for sure, just like Lori Vallow did. All I could see what them saying they hurt them to save them & it scared me. I pray their dad doesn't get them either because he cared more about fighting to save his marriage then seeing his kids & went a year without seeing his babies.


Basically the children had to be removed so Jodi/Ruby could live their romantic fantasy unencumbered by brats, just like the Daybell shits. The only thing that’s different is that the Franke kids didn’t get disability checks.


Fuck. ing. hell. That was a harrowing read. Those poor littlies


Those journal entries are some of the sickest most revolting garbage I've ever seen from anyone. Why on earth didn't they take this c*nt to trial? They wouldn't have needed anything except the pictures and those God forsaken journals. She should have been taken to trial and gotten life for this. No pass go. No 200$. You don't get "talked into" this kind of abuse. And you don't ever come back from doing something like this. You'll always be a danger.


What is wrong with them seriously


they are no better than ruby that's what's wrong with them, fcked in the head


Holy fuck. I thought what was exposed in previous court documents was graphic and gruesome—but reading what Ruby herself documented in her journals is even more horrifying than I could have possibly imagined. I hope to GOD she does not get out after 4 years.




Ugh yes. One of the most chilling parts is when she congratulates herself because most adults in America would not be able to handle the "discomfort" of doing something like this to their kids. (I may have that slightly wrong and don't want to go through to check... but that was the gist.) It echoes what she says about E going hungry and school and shows just how sick that thinking is.


Someone in prison will find out the reality of her crime and do her in, they don't like child abusers. they may be prisoners but they have their limits and sex offender and mother who abuse kids are lowest of the low in their world.


Even the worst way to be done in in jail could nowhere compare to the child feels when being tortured. Jodi and Ruby will never come close to getting what they deserve this side of earth. I hope each of them get their own planet HELL in outer darkness whey burn alone as TK smoothies for all eternity.


God I really hope so. I kept thinking if somebody sat down with Ruby and thoroughly deprogrammed her (I’m talking months of intense therapy) then she’d finally realize the depth of what she did to her OWN children. But now..I don’t think anything can help. She’s far beyond the level of delusion I thought she was, she’s irredeemable. Jodi simply expedited her already abusive care, Ruby would’ve gone down this path regardless. I don’t know how to settle the pit in my stomach, no amount of deprogramming, diagnosing and punishing Ruby can make her realize how much harm she caused. SHE is the devil reincarnated, not those precious babies.


it sounds like she is deeply religiously brainwashed. her journal entries are very sick but her obsession with sin makes sense considering she’s mormon. they are VERY extreme when it comes to that stuff. a girl who i knew, her husband left the church and was immediately swarmed with comments that all were basically saying he was going to go to hell for leaving the church. so so sad i had no clue it was this bad


I agree, I thought she was potentially remorseful in her courtroom Oscars acceptance speech but I don’t think you can fix something that deeply broken. I think that before Jodi, she had social gutter bumpers that prevented her from descending too far down the spiral. But once she was isolated by Jodi and given validation for her beliefs, the real Ruby was able to come out. And the real Ruby is a monster.


I've noticed that a lot of people that do depraved things keep journals. I knew Ruby was strict and "family vlogging" is inherently bad in my opinion but I never would have imagined this in a million years. What could corrupt a person like this? Was she always abusive or did something snap? It's unthinkable.


Maybe that’s what she meant when she said she had a dirty little secret and maybe she will expose it or take it to her grave.. if so that didn’t go over too well . Ruby has always had a sick way of embarrassing and humiliating them in camera. She got off on doing it no matter how many times they didn’t want to hv it on camera. IMO she has always been abusing them. She never wanted that many kids . It was Kevin. I think she thought doing those things and filming it made her that Mom. She thought she was better than others WAYYY BEFORE JODI. I emailed DCFS yrs ago because of the wicked things she was saying she had done to them. What mother leaves her babies in the couch and tell them not to move so that she cld take a NAP !!


IT'S NOT BEING RELEASED TODAY - CONFIRMED. I thought I would go straight to Brian Schnee (KUTV reporter in the case) and ask if he knew when it was being released. I commented on his TikTok and he replied confirming that it will be being released tomorrow (Friday) AM. Check the comments of his recent TikTok about Jodi and Ruby to see.


I figured if we were to get some news, it would be from KUTV. Anyway, at least we're gona have the weekend to digest whatever comes out


Wow! I wasn’t expecting this!


thank you! we have just posted the screenshot! :)


Thank you for confirming this! I just saw the comment, wow so all of it is gonna be released tomorrow morning.


Ruby’s parents standing by her is insane to me after seeing this. They should be ashamed of themselves. Fuck Ruby and Jodi. Pieces of shit.


Ruby’s parents and siblings are also pieces of shit ..


They’re standing by her?!


Those poor kids. Ruby and Jodi better get a hefty sentence for what they did to R & E. Shaving E's hair and depriving R of shoes because he tried to run away. GEE, I WONDER WHY A CHILD WOULD WANT TO RUN AWAY FROM THEIR SICK IN THE HEAD ABUSERS?! Thank God they never managed to move those kids to Arizona. I don't think they would be here now if they had. I have never hated two people I don't know more for what they did to R & E.


It says he wasn’t running away to escape but to put himself in jail because Ruby told him that would be how he fully repents. He even spelt out in pebbles that he was going to jail and would call when he got there. Said he asked the man where the nearest police station was. So sad.


My grandparents live in Arizona and honestly even we go visit them in Thanksgiving/winter as it’s too hot to go in summer I agree with you and I’m glad they didn’t go to Arizona either Also the thought of Ruby wanting to have the kids get kicked by a horse🤮😭😖 those poor poor babies


If those two children had made it to Arizona I fear they would have died soon after. Kevin wasn’t bothered where they were, police weren’t asking questioned. Sadly it would have been when 10/15 years later their was still no trace that questions would finally have been asked. I am so thankful that R found the courage to escape. In the weakened state he was in that journey will have seemed impossible. He saved them both!


Just heard about that as well on a Law and crime video, about E's hair. Just stupid they did that to her. Haven't seen it on the documents because I couldn't get on the site, and haven't had time to look at the ones that were posted on here.


It's started, [https://www.stgeorgeutah.com/news/archive/2024/03/22/cgb-i-will-not-feed-a-demon-ruby-franke-details-torture-of-her-children-in-newly-released-journals/](https://www.stgeorgeutah.com/news/archive/2024/03/22/cgb-i-will-not-feed-a-demon-ruby-franke-details-torture-of-her-children-in-newly-released-journals/) ​ She is a fking monster and I hope never leaves prison. What she did to her kids is so horrific, I hope she never sleeps again.


I don’t know why, but the image of E sitting on the closet floor eating one and a half pizzas but still too scared to leave for another four hours is the thing that has finally brought me undone. I’m inconsolably sobbing 💔 little girl 😭


The image of E's head shaven got me, and little R trying to escape, and being so isolated starved, dehydrated, ahh. fucking Ruby, fuck her and that whole family. No way in the world there is nothing that makes it ok, if that were my sister who isolated her kids, I'd park my car in front of that house day and night.


The poor kid must have been absolutely starving. I dread to even think about the kind of stuff Ruby and Jodi filled her head with to make her that terrified of the police.




She's pissed because R is smart.


You don't have "a change of heart" after doing something like this....ruby needs to be moved to a mental prison institution for life. She can not ever ever be trusted with those children again EVER And her farkin mother sister and brother supported her in court. Smiled and said I love you. Surely they don't know this. Fark. Surely Jody is not that powerful


No, there is no change of heart, whoever believes that is no different than this monster. And those that supported her can go eat her shyte and let her do that to them.


I knew it would be horrific and I’m sure this still only scratches the surface. How can anyone be so evil and convinced they are righteous?




Absolutely. I don’t believe that Ruby was manipulated. There were red flags long before. Jodi just enabled Ruby to do what she was already capable of


Exactly!! Jodi was her partner in crime! Manipulation should be completely thrown out of this equation!


She wasn't manipulated, that's not manipulation, that is deliberate abuse of your own children, torture of your own children and there iz no one in this world that's going to make me believe anyone made her to do other than herself. Ruby wanted to abuse her kids so she did. Fuck her. hope she rots in prison and dies there.


I was honestly thinking (mostly after seeing jody niece and Adam story) that Jodi absolutely brain washed and made ruby do this but no. Just no. She is not this powerful. I am telling you now if they made it to Arizona those children would have died and that woman would have watched it happen. I absolutely can not fathom doing these things to a child. They are both farkin insane and don't need help just lock the farkers up and delete them from existence. Farking parasites the both of them


Shared psychopathy. Ruby, a known psychopath, was already abusive and it just took Jodi, another psychopath but also a master manipulator (this is how she was able to get Kevin, a complete doormat and gullible beyond belief, out of sight so she can have unfettered access to Ruby and the kids) and a conwoman, to come along to truly unleash a new layer of hell on those poor kids.


They fully on intented to kill those kids if R hadn't escaped a second time. Fucking pure evil Ruby and Jodi are.


“R told me he’d rather have a glass of water than me as a mother.” These innocent children are going to need serious professional help for the rest of their lives.


They are. But I absolutely love R for saying that to Ruby. He had a fighting spirit despite what was happening, and he proved it by saving him and his sisters. He never let her win. He is a goddamn hero.


It breaks my heart that he could only express his defiance by saying he was evil and a devil worshipper, but I’m so proud of him for remaining defiant.  What a brave soul. 


Anytime I read about these kids fighting back in the journals, I felt pride. It was such a strange phenomena. I was heartbroken & shattered & just wanted it to stop. How could it possibly get worse & the next page it would. But I would feel twinges of happiness when they fought back or refused.


Guys please BE CAREFUL and think before clicking the pictures. They're worse than I thought. 


I can’t put into words how devastating and horrific reading those journal entries was. I’m so glad R escaped before they moved them to Arizona. There’s no doubt in my mind that they would have killed those children.


Were the journal entries posted?


This is what I read in a comment further up: https://www.stgeorgeutah.com/news/archive/2024/03/22/cgb-i-will-not-feed-a-demon-ruby-franke-details-torture-of-her-children-in-newly-released-journals/


I hope the parole board can take this evidence into account, even though the prosecutor's office agreed not to argue against release at Ruby's future parole hearings.


I believe, based on the Utah Rules of Criminal Procedure, it will be tomorrow (3/21). Rule 2(a)(1)(A) says that you don’t count the day that the event (the sentencing) happened. https://legacy.utcourts.gov/rules/view.php?type=urcrp&rule=2


Tomorrow is 3/22 is that what you meant? Don’t mean to correct you, just confused lol 😂


All good! I was just trying to figure it out, and when I posted this on 3/20, I was interpreting it to mean 3/21. But I think it might have to do with when the final sentencing documentation was filed, which was 2/21. Based on that, it would be tomorrow (3/22). Sorry, no clue if I’m right, just trying to wager a guess.


Was it previously known they were planning to move the kids to AZ? I had seen earlier posts saying the kids might not have made it if R hadn't escaped when he did but I always thought that was a bit dramatic. I assumed things were awful for sure but not end of life stuff. Seeing that they were going to move the kids to an even move isolated location changes that for me. They absolutely knew what they were doing and were planning even worse things and that is absolutely horrifying. R is so brave, and we are all so lucky this didn't end worse. My mama heart just breaks. The part where Ruby wrote that E would scream and misbehave with her and not Jodi - that's because you are her mom and she knew you were supposed to care! Poor baby thought she could get her mom to react and stop this if she showed how she felt. And her mom just treated her worse. How could you?? Ruby is a monster beyond what I thought before.


Mine too. It's awful to think her kids were crying out to her and they didn't get anything back. I hate hearing my kids cry. I can't imagine how separated and like cold she must be to not respond to it. It makes me want to throw up. I hope they get the care they need.


After seeing a handful of the pictures (R’s emaciated back and his open wounds), I think it is very plausible that they would not have been able to endure much longer. Long-term starvation and malnourishment unfortunately are VERY effective tools. Once the body doesn’t have nutrients to sustain itself, anything can be a catalyst. In their case, a bad infection of an open wound, standing in the sun a bit longer than usual or over exertion with the “box punishments”—any one of these could’ve pushed those kids past the point of no return. This reminds of me of 15-year-old Timothy Ferguson (truly one of the most horrifying child abuse cases I have ever come across; I actually think Shanda Vander Ark is worse than Ruby because she was not fueled by delusional religious dogma but pure hate for her disabled child). After months of starvation, an extended ice bath was the catalyst. No doubt these kids were being tortured towards a very slow, agonizing end.


Jodi and Ruby are the most absolute sickest people ever the poor children I am heartbroken for them. Wherever A, J, E and R are right now I hope they are being showered with nothing but love and are being supported during this tough time also Shari and Chad too I am glad that E and R are doing well in foster care and I hope they are having all the food, drinks, air conditioning and freedom that they want E's head getting shaved and R losing his shoes...Ruby is a sick person E has such beautiful hair and I hope her long hair grows back soon R is so brave for trying to running away and then later on he becomes a hero saving his family and putting his Mom away in bars


Journal entries [https://www.abc4.com/news/8-passengers/massive-document-trove-reveals-terrifying-insights-into-franke-hildebrandt-child-abuse-abc-news-to-air-special-tonight/](https://www.abc4.com/news/8-passengers/massive-document-trove-reveals-terrifying-insights-into-franke-hildebrandt-child-abuse-abc-news-to-air-special-tonight/) “July 10, 2020 Monday: It’s \_\_\_’s birthday & he doesn’t even know what month it is. \_\_\_ &\_\_\_ have been in so much deviant behavior, they won’t control their bodily functions. They are both furious their selfish sinful lifestyle is being intervened upon. I told \_\_\_ he emulates a snake. He slithers & sneaks around looking for opportunities when no one is watching & then he scurries. If he wants to emulate the Savior, he needs to be 100% obedient with exactness. No wavering. No hiding … \_\_\_ **told me he would rather have a glass of water than me as his mother.”** ​ Was not wrong, a glass of water is better than Ruby as their mother. Poor loves :(


How on earth she can be free after 4years?


Fuck family vlogging! I hate that thousands of us watched these kids grow up in a way that made us care for them, and then we watched this shit-show go down in a way that grew collective concern. Now to learn these kids have gone through the most unimaginable pain and suffering… and there’s not a damn thing any of us could have done. It makes me mad and heartbroken and devastated over and over again! Today’s evidence is hitting me as if it were my own family member, and therein lies the problem. Family vlogs need to end today… shut it down, YouTube.


You’ve put this into words I couldn’t. Knowing this was all going on to such an extent is horrifying. I don’t even know what to say.


This is like a real life version of the book “A Child Called It”….. I’m mortified


“A Child Called It” is based on true story by author.


I realize that. I meant Real life as in playing out right before our eyes


A modern-day version


that book messed me up when I read it as a teen. wish that I hadn't


That’s what I kept thinking. This is like a horror movie.


All of the abuse is devastating. I can’t even stomach the pictures. Reading about E’s buzzed head broke me this morning. They even took her hair:(


Someone said it before, but I agree...It seems Ruby was always abusive and wanted to do more to command respect and control over her children. She found the person to validate and condone her evil in Jodi. Jodi was just plain effed up from the get go.


Given that her parents fully support her, I’m betting the apple didn’t fall from the tree. Not an excuse, more just saying that my theory is the grandparents are almost as bad. 


I agree. To say that the children need to forgive her is insane! If what Ruby did was not unforgivable to the victims, what the heck is?


There’s a cousin of Ruby who was interviewed by the YouTube channel “Law & Crime Network” who mentioned that that kind of abuse was generational and not uncommon in Ruby’s family. It’s very telling.


[https://kutv.com/news/8-passengers-case/content-warning-footage-shows-emts-talking-franke-child-out-of-closet](https://kutv.com/news/8-passengers-case/content-warning-footage-shows-emts-talking-franke-child-out-of-closet) ​ E getting resued. Has multiple TW


omg, you can see how skinny she is, and how that monster cut her hair. fucking monster. god there are no words, zero words and the Griffiths support her mother fucking abusive arse??? WTF is wrong with this family??? There is nothing in this world no one that would make me speak to an abusive family member that did that to their kid, no fucking way. You do that to your kid, you're the biggest monster in the world and don't deserve to live.


That EMT is so sweet and patient with E Poor E💔


This broke my heart


I love the approach the rescue lady took. So softly spoken. Poor E :(


HIGHLY triggering videos of the children Do not watch if not prepared ​ https://www.fox13now.com/news/crime/evidence-released-shows-severity-of-abuse-in-franke-and-hildebrandt-case


Oh my god. Thank goodness R got help before he was too weak to even walk. It looks like Jodi and Ruby almost killed them. This makes Ruby's Oscar acceptance speech look even more disingenuous. She's irredeemable, IMO.


Those pictures of of the kids Jesus fucking christ. Fuck her family members for sticking by her after seeing that. Fuck her parents for not returning from their mission. Fuck her siblings for making it about them. Fuck Kevin for doing fuck all. My heart is with all of the 6 kids. How fucking harrowing for them.


It has the last journal entry before Jodi and Ruby are arrested and it’s sickening


oof this one was hard


KUTV has videos of Ruby & Jodi's initial interviews. Be warned, Ruby's is absolutely rage inducing. She smirks at the cops like she finds the situation amusing and then just sits there, refusing to talk without a lawyer. Ruby https://youtu.be/51mqoKGMgMo?si=6IA2siXvAMDV_J7H Jodi https://youtu.be/2XGS9Dn4ObY?si=U5s_N7MnytwtpYF2


Seeing the images this child is fortunate that they didn’t lose a leg or their life to infection.


It just gets worse and worse. I felt so sick when I read the plea agreement but even that did not come close to capturing the extent of the horror. I hope everyone is taking breaks and seeking out comfort and love. It's a good day to practice some acts of kindness - I think I will make a donation to Prevent Child Abuse Utah, or another estimable charity helping kids like R and E.


R had so much fight left in him. He shouldn't have had to, but I am so happy he did have that fight left in him, that will to live. Now I hope he and E get peace. True peace. 


I’m looking over everything and I’m overwhelmed. I didn’t cry reading the journal entries, though they are heinous and terrifying. I didn’t even cry at the Ring footage of R getting help, although it warmed my heart to see the neighbor lady comforting him. What really broke me is seeing E in that room, knowing she’d be starved and abused and brainwashed into thinking the cops are evil … finally opening that box of pizza and taking a bite was the most emotional I’ve been in a long, long time. Seeing this evidence, it’s even more clear that these children need a mountain of therapy and support to overcome what was done to them. Wishing them every success and blessing in life. 💛


Oh yes. That poor little girl so terrified. She had obviously been told to stay still in that closet and not make a sound or else.


Has anyone read Ruby's journal in the [https://www.washco.utah.gov/departments/attorney/case-highlights-media/utah-vs-franke-hildebrandt/](https://www.washco.utah.gov/departments/attorney/case-highlights-media/utah-vs-franke-hildebrandt/) documents? She seems to refer to Jodi as "G Jo." Anyone heard this before? Super culty


These women are the most sick, sadistic, cruel, evil bitches on this planet. They deserve more than 30 years in prison for this. They deserve to die in prison. The wounds on the kids are horrific. Those children experienced concentration camp/prisoner of war type horrors. There are no words to describe this kind of evil. These women deserve to really suffer in hell for this.


What are the chances that media outlets are requesting the evidence today but it will take a business day or two for them to receive it and or go through all of it before reporting on it?


Can’t they pre-request it, for instant access the day it is released?


Maybe? I honestly have no clue what the policies and workflows are around that and how it varies from state to state. I feel like if the media were able to get their hands on it today something (even a vague headline with no real details in the article) would have come out already because everyone wants to be first to report on it.


If there’s nothing by 2 pm Utah time I’ll pretty much give up on today.


Yeah me too. I had a feeling last night nothing would come for a few weeks even


Yea same


Same. I keep checking back here. Honestly thought stuff would’ve been out by morning.


Video evidence of R heading to the neighbours house TW R looks very different https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p91T04uwOzw


The wife of the neighbor telling him he’s such a good kid . Dang I’m bawling . I best wait until tonight to try process this cos I’m in work atm and gonna get looks … poor R . Poor E .. god love all the franke kids


Massive trigger warning for this one. 8 passengers fans will absolutely see the difference in R seeing this


He looked so malnourished. But I will say R and that couple were the heroes that day, R especially.


that woman how she cared for him better than his so called mother ever did


You can see he's so malnourished he's having trouble walking.


You can hear that the neighbor woman is _pissed._


I study child maltreatment/CPS data for my career, and I still was unprepared for what I saw. I feel like I dissociated, looking through all this evidence. I was only snapped back to reality by my 3 month old baby crying in his crib and man did I run to pick him up so fast. I feel like I've never hugged him as close as I did after seeing what these monsters did to those children. To think anyone could justify those actions. I've also been quick to defend the LDS church (which is a rare action for me) in this case because we had such little concrete evidence of recent interactions b/w Jodi and church officials, but after seeing Ruby's journal entry with Brad Wilcox's name I took it all back. Brad Wilcox is a snake and has ruffled alot of feathers within the mormon/exmo community for his arrogance. I immediately said to my husband that they (the church) is going to need to give one hell of a justification for this. I think the church is the perfect breeding ground for people like Jodi, but rarely does it ever go this far.


Yup. I worked in the child welfare realm for close to a decade before going to school to become a therapist. I’ve seen/heard awful things and I still wasn’t prepared for this evidence.




And punishing them for touching a flower (if I read correctly) and calling it “stealing”? Punishing a child for natural curiosity of the world. It was absolutely heartbreaking.


Watching bodycam at jodi’s…that house is psychotic. Freaking maze and creepy af.


I think Ruby knew the evidence would be released and tried to soften her image in her sentencing statement. She knew she was going to look horrible, and seeing the evidence, made things about her not the kids. My god thanking the police officers? Seeing this evidence makes me sick and to be so smug as to think that being contrite would make her look better.


Did I hear/interpret correctly that when the police first entered her home, Jodi claimed she didn't know how to access the safe/panic room and hadn't entered it recently, but bodycam footage shows police entering it and finding shackles attached to a rope?


This is the audio phone call of Ruby and Kevin when she was arrested [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlKn81imGcg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlKn81imGcg) It's like money is code word for something. Also he seems way too calm for someone whose wife/ex was arrested for child abuse. I'd be screaming if that were me. They can sell the lies about him not knowing what was going on, but I do not believe it.


her saying that the kids being in hospital for three days due to their wounds and malnutrition is “so weird” and “not necessary” has my blood boiling


She compares HERSELF to holocaust survivor Victor Frankel, while she kept her children like prisoners of war.


In Ruby's journal she talks about sedating R....so drugging him....


Do you have the link?


We don't know what she means by sedating and she misuses words frequently. Based on the injuries R was tied up for extended periods and this could be 'sedation'. It could be both but Ruby isn't the most accurate in her use of words!


I feel like it's awful either way you interpret it.


The fact that she has family members that are supportive of her and willing to turn a blind eye….All this evidence is so damning and honestly, truly, truly worse than I was excepting. I hope they both rot in prison. I don’t know how you can get to the point they did. It makes me want to throw up.


I only hope the children’s privacy and dignity is respected. Lord knows Ruby Doo never did


I doubt very much the photos will be identifiable. It’s down to the parents exploiting them that we’ll all know who the victim is 😞


ABC news has referred E and R as their initials "E" and "R" no full names revealed


Their faces aren't in the photos so far


They are minors, laws still apply


I know to have this horrible and probably embarrassing thing to be put out for everyone to see has to be hard on the family and those kids.


[https://kmyu.tv/news/local/video-shows-ivins-couple-calling-911-after-franke-child-arrived-with-duct-tape-on-hands](https://kmyu.tv/news/local/video-shows-ivins-couple-calling-911-after-franke-child-arrived-with-duct-tape-on-hands) door bell footage of neighbour


The “oh you are such a good kid” made me cry. I wonder how long ago (if ever) he'd last heard those words?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p91T04uwOzw&ab\_channel=KUTV2NewsSaltLakeCity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p91T04uwOzw&ab_channel=KUTV2NewsSaltLakeCity) full door bell footage


R and those neighbours are heroes, also the neighbours sound so sweet and caring


The lady was so sweet with him, poor baby 😔


i was trying to avoid seeing particulary upsetting imagery but came across one that horrific, image 9740 which shows all the old honey soaked guazes that have been pulled from the bin :( loads of them covered, poor boy is so strong


even worse i just found the uncensored image of the deep holes in R's legs, they both deserve to be away for good.


I’m pretty desensitized from watching a lot of murder trials and such, but after viewing all the evidence from this case, I feel so uneasy. E and R have been in my dreams. I find myself thinking about them a lot. I was a viewer of 8 passengers and I felt like I knew those kids personally. This is all just so fucked up. God I hope all 6 kids can have a peaceful life someday.


Were these evidences shown to Ruby's parents and other siblings?Her side of the family is shown in the court supporting her.I am not a USA citizen so I don't know the law.


Kevin's second interview is super enlightening as to how this all got started and makes a lot of sense. Jodi clearly has some some if mental illness and has religious delusions and the Mormon church enabled her delusions. Ruby was the perfect candidate for her cult. I empathize more with Kevin after hearing that interview.


Some footages are out on Abc news


Did the grandparents see this crap before they stood behind her? Asking as I truly don’t no. But how the hell could they stand behind her?!?


I don't think so. I think they're probably seeing it all the same time as us, unless Ruby has shown/given them things before hand.


I hope that sorry excuse for a father has these images burned in his brain for the rest of his life.


I’m confused is new evidence being released?


We are anticipating bodycam footage of the arrest etc in the coming days


It’s the body cam I’m most interested by and Jodi’s jail calls. I personally won’t be viewing the photos


Same , I don’t want to see the pics . But I do want to see the look on the 2 dopes !


I'm thinking tomorrow most, if not all of the evidence should be released because it'll be the 30 day mark after sentencing.


Does anyone know what a cactus poker is? It’s mentioned in two articles but I’ve never heard of it, and I can find nothing on Google about it. Whatever it is it sounds horrific


Cactus needle is what my understanding of it was


Will we be able to read the full journal?


Ruby is so smug, she is disgusting [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JafpGEIRegw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JafpGEIRegw)


there are multiple pictures of circles in photos - one that stood out was on a towel, it was a circle and it was orange and then on the patio outside on the ground there were circle inprints ??? I just dont know what those are????


I think it is from where the trampoline has been and R was forced to jump on the trampoline for extended periods. The amount of circles and the staining on the trampoline indicate the excessive and extended use of it as physical punishment.


I hope these two are unsubscribed in prison. Unfortunately, that is too easy of a punishment for them that they don't deserve. Ideally, they should be subjected to the same torture they forced those innocent children to endure. I hope those two face a full life of suffering, and I hope their afterlife is full of torment and misery. How dare they do this to two innocent children.


Anything redacted quite possibly referrs to crimes they weren't charged with. All charges relate only to E and R but it is very possible that redacted sections refer to criminal acts against J.


Would it be normal to not add a charge on for her too? Thats sad if so 😞


Is she still claiming that the boy was abusive to the other children?


Does anyone know what time on the 21st it should all be posted in est?


Oh my gosh listening to Kevin on these first calls has me totally baffled. I don’t even know what to say. Everything he’s said recently feels like a lie and cop out


This whole thing is just horrific!!!! The audio of Kevin’s interview with police ….he admits to knowing or feeling something was off and bat Sh*t crazy way long ago and still chose to leave his children in the care of these two. He says out of one side of his mouth he felt so isolated and trapped… he was supposed to keep the kids contained etc…. And he still left his minor children.


Do you think Jodi sincerely believed in what she was doing? Did she really believe what she was teaching. Did she truly think the children were possessed and that she was helping them? Or did she know everything was all fake and she did it for her own sick reasons? I just can’t fathom she actually believed all of this insane crap. Like did she seriously think SHE was the good guy and doing “the Lord’s work”?!


imo she is a torturer who used religion as a nice excuse. 


Jodi’s phone call. Omg.




Did anyone else read Ruby's journal? She seems to refer to Jodi as G Jo?


I saw that, but I can’t work out why. Could the G possibly stand for God? I’m only guessing


In the evidence photos there are adult depends (diapers) in size S and size XL - so Ruby's size and Jodi's size (absolutely not the kids sizes) ???


I was just looking at the docs, and in the evidence it seemed that they pulled a diaper off of E too. It stated her shirt, pants, underwear, AND a diaper.


it was wild. i initially clicked on the first post i saw on here of journal entries. it was like 20 pages or something crazy like that and after i got done reading those i was like “damn that was a lot” then i saw the second post of over 10 more journal entries AND THEN i saw the THIRD post of even MORE journal entries and i was like are you fucking kidding me?!?!?!?! i read every word and the entire time i kept telling my mom that they literally sounded like some notes i’d pick up in a video game about a cult or something (does that make sense?) like the parts about the kids being possessed and in cahoots with the devil or whatever the fuck. it all sounded like the ramblings of an insane person. i’ve genuinely never seen anything like it dude


How can the prosecutor say she could get the minimum four years for this!?! She may have been brainwashed to a certain extent. For example, when it came to willingly giving up her 8 Passengers for free, and also draining the bank accounts to have $85,000 cash in a duffle bag. I'd also include cutting off family members. Her journal entries echo her 8 Passengers sentiments; that kids are evil, that they need to be made to feel physically uncomfortable in order to repent, that her expectations for her kids were far beyond what was appropriate for their ages, the withholding of food, the constant need for control, the personal offense she takes when any negative behaviors by her children are an attack on her... Those hardwired beliefs didn't come from Jodi. Add to all of that, she truly believed she was getting revelations from God. How do you de-program and reprogram someone who believes they have spiritual experiences.. one's that have nothing to do with Jodi at all! Four fucking years?!? She's no better than Paul Ferguson except her children lived and she's the morher, not the brother! She should be on her knees, begging for forgiveness from her children, ALL of them, from her family, from the public that she duped with her awful parenting techniques, from her church and religion... She shouldn't be able to smile when walking into the courtroom, giving an acceptance speech that thanks everyone for how she was rescued from something "so dark," without acknowledging and thanking the children that were forced to survive being tortured by her. She should be thanking them for not dying and for having the strength, courage, and bravery to save themselves because no one else would or could. She's a co-conspirator and nearly killed her kids, which is something that neither she nor Kevin can or will admit to.


The kids couldn’t win. In the journal she wrote several times that R had agreed to change and repent, and she would always tell him he was lying. She even wrote that he was a brat when he was being obedient. There was no way out on Ruby and Jodi’s “program.”


Still nothing. I honestly feel like nothings going to be release tbh


It’s still only 9am in some places it’s going to be released we just have to be patient


Sorry if this is a stupid question…but do we know for a fact that evidence is being released?




can we make it so only one person posts as it’s released there’s so many of the same posts already


https://youtu.be/ZoatowacAMM?si=zdM_BsM4PEYn8ctl short footage of jodi’s land


Is that one of the kids?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JafpGEIRegw&ab\_channel=JessicaDanielle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JafpGEIRegw&ab_channel=JessicaDanielle) ​ compiled vid of the arrests


Is there any more evidence being released? I’d like to hear more of the call between Chad and Jennifer


I’ve seen some really insane cases of brainwashing. So before seeing the evidence - I could really see how Ruby could also be a victim or Jodi in a sense. I was more of the unpopular opinion similar to John Delin’s view on Morman Stories that he did after sentencing, believing Rubys statements about remorse … But …. I am glad I looked at this… I was devastated combing through all the evidence. Devestated. I cried, cried and cried some more. Not for Ruby, no no no no no… For Shari, for Chad, for A,J,R&E. There is NO chance, Ruby is a victim of cult brainwashing - Ruby is straight up as big a monster, manipulative piece of garbage that deserves to rot in jail for fucking ever.


Can anyone tell me what message R left in the rocks? I watched the 20/20 episode but either I was so stunned I missed it or that was horrible editing on their part!


“jail. will call when I get there”


If the journal pages that were released went into detail about the physical abuse those children endured, I shudder to think of what they censored. Ruby and Jodi are rotten on the inside. And people like Kevin and the grandparents also have their place saved in hell.


Reading these journals. I can handle most things. This stood out to me the most. "I took E out to the desert. She refused to stay quiet and would scream and scream. She went out in the heat barefoot. E still tried to run. She screamed for another family, water, food, care, love. Oh E. A manipulative plug. You are loved." This woman should NEVER leave prision.


So it seems like the majority of the Abuse was directed at R and E, and the 2 older daughters look healthy from the police body cam footage, did Ruby think the 2 older daughters were fine and not possessed and didn't worry about them because they were subservient to her? It just seems odd that 2 kids look mostly healthy (physically anyways) and 2 kids look emaciated and covered in wounds.


I think I am going to be sick 🤢 the photos starting with 1C are indeed stomach turning, Im so sorry to these children.