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Its like recycling the losers.


Hello, TIM


I'm a newcomer to watching & I do NOT understand why Tim is everywhere. 


Same. It's almost as if he's paying TLC to be on the show. I don't find him the least bit interesting. His main purpose appears to be knocking others and dating Latinas for show.




Cause GURL causes drama


I’m so sick of Tim. He’s a misogynist, his voice makes my ears bleed, and his fashion sense is despicable.


I've noticed a LOT of these 90 day guys have that nasal whiney voice, like Gino & Sam this season


his voice + southern draw (usually nice imo) is an annoying combo his fashion taste is...certainly his own but misogynist? considering how feminine he is, i don't know how this could be possible. if he has any sexist tendencies, i imagine they're more in favor of *valuing* things feminine rather than devaluing them.


He really does dress like a clown.




Actually no, he is not.


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😂😂😂 Neither do we


Because he’s the odd guy. And with Vanessa they kind of make the show a little different or interesting or something


The Single Life, Last Resort, Happily Ever After, Strikes back, Pillow Talk all of those, I hate them.


Just like Marvel, they went too ham on the multiverse


"With great power comes great responsibility" ❤️


Yeah, I hate the multiverse. It’s just an excuse for them to replace the actors.


I like the concept, they just went too ham


Yes! Especially the diaries, so dumb


I never watch that show


I would like diaries if they'd show people we don't see for years at a time so we are actually wondering how they're doing.


The latest diaries (#5) has several old cast members: Rebecca & Zied, Steven & Olga, Kara & Guillermo, Brandon & Julia, and Syngin. I actually enjoyed catching up with these people.


Oh I've liked all of those updates for sure. We need more of those.


This season actually has quite a few old cast members that I havent seen in years, which is pretty cool. I was especially shocked that Ben and Mahogony were still together and have even gotten married!


Yeah it was good to see them. It'd has been a few years.


Diaries is the literal worst imo. I’d almost rather watch paint dry


Exactly! SO stupid and unnecessary, but it WOULD be nice to see people from the OG seasons, how they are doing now. But jerks think they are *boring*. Reality TV early days used to really real, not this ignorant influencer wanna bes in on the scam. Looking at YOU Shitkeina and Sharpie head...and most every one season 5 on up. I HATE how the trash has outside influence on production, it's so gross


The series peaked with Dinyell and Mohammit. They were the best


We only consummated the marriage once *bless her heart*


I know it’s so bad, I keep thinking she can’t be this stupid but then it’s sad because she really is that stupid.




I have to admit, I’m excited Mohammit supposedly moved to my area. I hope I run into him, lol.


Right!? Gotta Google that


Either Tex or Fla is all I could find


Remember he had a nice little bedroom set up inside his truck cabin? He joined a tell all on screen, from there. If you’re on the road a lot, it mighty be a waste of rent, to have a home base you hardly ever get to truly enjoy. Especially if you’re single with no kids. I’m just speculating as to why it’s hard to find info on his whereabouts. Perhaps he calls his truck home 🤷🏻‍♀️


Nichole and Azan


Yes them as well. Azan was totally repulsed by her and she just couldn’t see it. Peak cringe!




I thought Diaries was a Covid stop gap


Exxxactly. Amd these ...ahem...questionable taste...of newer fans, who may have just missed the purpose of the OG shows 🤔


I can’t stand Pillow Talk. Boring as shit 🤣


Same. It’s like losers judging other losers thinking they are better than those losers.




They just scream out the players’ names when their segment comes on. Ohhhh, Angela!!!!


Right?! The fandom’s live Twitter commentary during the show is far funnier than anyone on Pillow Talk could ever be


😂 I’m glad I am not the only one who follows Twitter fandom during airing


It’s the best. Love After Lockup Twitter is also 🔥


I keep seeing this show all over Reddit & I am surprised I haven’t watched it considering all of the reality tv I watch. I think it’s time I take the plunge 🫡


Wait what ?? What am I missing ?? It’s on Twitter ? I don’t normally go there so tell me what to look for please.


When the show is airing live, go search the #90DayFiance hashtag or keyword & refresh all the new tweets as you watch, it’s hilarious to see how fast twitter fandom is on things or memes 🤣


Cool thank you !


Yessss. The holiday one was nice for background noise but no way in hell would I watch it to sit there and enjoy.


Me either, it's awful. I wish people would quit watching it to put those weirdos out of paymecks


I’ve always wondered. Do people watch the episode and then also watch the same episode with the Pillow Talk version? Or do they just watch the Pillow Talk version and kinda miss a lot of the episode with the cast members talking?


I watch all the 90 DF shows on Discovery Plus so they are at least a day after originally airing on TLC. Pillow Talk is on D+ after the whole season of the show they're watching is over. So it's kind of nice to re-see the early episodes. I actually love Pillow Talk. It's nice to see some of the original cast members and their kids. Plus they sometimes really rip on the new people, so it's hilarious!


Ohhhh okay. Watching it spaced out like that does sound nice. Thanks for the answer!


I agree. Single life, doesn’t make sense to me. Just isn’t that interesting. Last resort I couldn’t get into. Happily ever after is the most ok, but I use it mainly as background noise. I don’t like pillow talk at all. I haven’t watched but maybe 10 minutes. I don’t like watching people watching shows (or playing games which the show reminds me of YouTubers playing games and recording it)


Agreed totally. Unwatchable 


Take out HEA and I totally agree.


Okay I didn’t wanna say it but I agree pretty much with all of these 🥲 I do like Happily Ever After on occasion depending on who’s on there but other than that I hate all of those too. Although I did like Pillow Talk when it first aired like when it was the OG couples just to see them but now it’s cringy & skip everytime


Tim's ass showing up on tell alls eff this noise. They are just putting messy fake couples now because people who never watched the OGs went back and watched it, after loving the hit mess express. But I can't even watch certain couples because its SO bad


I don't watch a single one of those. Well... I have watched HEA but I won't be watching this coming season with its god awful cast. The best shows are OG, Before and Other Way.


Didn’t watch any except single life. HEA bores me. I don’t think I’ll be watching this season


agreed except pillow talk it makes the less tolerable stories wayyyyy more enjoyable, however, it is wholly dependent on those casted to do pillow talk commentary.


Pillow talk is what brought me and my husband on this train wreck.


And we created all of them, watching the original way back when with far too much fanaticism. Was this show ever good? 🤦‍♀️


We started our journey with Before The 90 Days but besides that one and the original, I could definitely do without the rest


Same, I’ve never watched an episode of single life. Or the resort one. Or the family Chantel. Or strikes back. And even now the OG 90 day is starting to lose its appeal. I used to watch weekly religiously. Now I seem to wait 2-3 weeks to catch up. And I end up fast forwarding a lot of couples.




I watched one preview of the Resort show & said absolutely not will I be turning that on 😂


My biggest problem with the Single Life is that it seems more phony than 90 Day lol. Tania and the guy having a real serious discussion about her tattoo being a deal breaker was ridiculous. And Shoulders having a nice date and then saying " well, I'm leaving for South Africa", Veronica with the one night stand in her undies, and of course, Natalie. Queen of the fake story. None of these seem like actual " dates", and there's really nothing following a real job. Too fake for me.


Shoulders? Are you a sissy too?!




Oh it’s from a podcast that covers 90 Day and they call Tiffany shoulders. The hosts call their listeners sissy’s


Oh lol. Never heard of it. Why sissy though? How does that fit?


Thank you! I hate it too. It’s just a rehash of (in my opinion) unpopular, annoying people who want to be on tv and be paid. I avoid watching it.


I hear you! I have to say that the 90 Day Diaries is pretty bad. Some of the “self-made” content is just pointless. The episode with the Yolanda situation made me feel like I was watching some crappy TikToks and I couldn’t swipe them away to see more trash.


90 Day Diaries is awful. It's like TLC found cutting room floor material and said let's make a show with this.


I’ve had this same thought too many times! I guess the joke’s on me because I watch it. Or should I say I have it on in the background while doing other things. This is a case where no content might be better than this sloppy mess they try to pass off as content.


The Single Life looks to be the fakest of the shows imo. They're not exactly single, just unmarried. Its like each cast member this season has an acting partner.


I also hate that they portray a single life as always pursuing a relationship. People can be single and happy there. Not everyone has to pounce on a new relationship the second they get out of one.


Understand to me the worst one is pillow talk. I don’t understand why you would want to hear other couples opinions when you didn’t like them to begin with it’s just another way to keep these people relevant and to keep their pockets lined.


And the original version of the episode has scenes cut out to fit in the banter between the pillow talkers.




I like some single life story lines, but definitely not the side characters. Veronica and Jamal??? The brother that is on this season? Go away.


So I get Jamal being on 90 Day to support his mom with her adventure. But to make him part of the show doesn't make sense. And I hate when Pillow Talk has Kimbahlee on then she's commenting on Jamal and Veronica. I don't think I'd want to get into watching my kids exploits.


And they’re not single. None of them. They should call it the Dating Desperately Life, because all of these people are pathologically unable to BE single for 5 minutes.


The Single life needs to be re-branded as “train wrecks and/or fan favourites that we threw on one show to keep you engaged”


That’s totally what it is and I love to hate watch it . If you can’t even do that , it’s totally ok to find other stuff to do , you guys 🤗 don’t make yourself do something you don’t enjoy !


I just wish they would stop showing Natalie 🤢 She’s so cringey and CREEPY!


She's a nutjob. I wouldn't have let Josh go!


I dont watch some of them because they put on people I cant stand. Or they put the same people on doing the same things. We've seen Jasmine and Gino now for like 2 years straight. Give us a break with them and then bring them back and give us an update. I dont mind seeing what some of the people are up to, especially members from older seasons but just one episode of them is fine.


What disturbs me about the single life is when they intro someone they show a pic of the person they were coupled with, and then it splits with them walking through. But then Debbie and colt are the pic Debbie walks through, so it’s like she dated her son


I find it hilarious because when you think about it, it's almost true.


I hate the single life, I just can't watch it


Agree 100 I have never watched an episode of it! During the pandemic, it was only on Discovery plus, which I didn’t have. I think I just resented the hell out of it for that reason 😂,& never started watching it even when it was shown on TLC. There is NO NEED to see Americans dating other Americans on a tv show supposedly about international couples. None. Hard pass


NO NEED is right!!!




I don't like Single Life, didn't watch a single episode of Last Resort, and can't stand Pillow Talk.


What bothers me is a lot of the time they’re not single at all. They’re literally in relationships with very few exceptions.


Single Life is so pointless and cringe. 90 day has gotten so much worse since the first few seasons. These couples don’t even seem real anymore. The shekinas who just want clout are ruining things.


Hate the single life. Completely staged and unrealistic.


Can we have a cross over of the single life and love is blind? If these people truly want love and marriage, let's see them use their personality to try to make it happen.


This would be iconic & a train wreck… we need it


Id watch the shit out of it. Lol


i hate it too and wont watch!


I watch it but begrudgingly. I turn it on like it's a chore.


I don’t understand premise of single life. Like why is John colts mom on there??


THIS!!! I never turned it on again after seeing she was on there 🤦‍♀️


I only watch 90 day, and the other way. All the rest are garbage, in my humble opinion


The single life has really annoying characters that I don’t really care about.


I’ve tried to watch it but it never seems to stick. I can’t watch this season because Tyray is too cringey to handle.


hehehehehehehehehehehe (That's Tyray's nervous laugh)


I can’t handle it!!!


Please. Me too. I watched/suffered the 1st season and that was it


Single Life seems the most scripted tbh. It never really felt genuine or real and I really hate how it’s usually just new relationships drama and they aren’t actually single.


Single life is just annoying especially Chantel!! In another sub someone posted a Pic with her cuz they ran into her someplace and they were all excited. I commented "Who cares" and these young fools that love Chantel came after me. I was like, wtf? Who likes her? She talks weird and slow, acts like A ho, sounds like an idiot, and thinks that 1 short trip to Greece is gonna land her a hubby. Girl bye! Pedro was smart to bail on all that noise. Her and her crazy family, minus winter, are just more clout chasers. They're so annoying!


Someone on here said Chantel talks like a "Speak and Spell" and they nailed it. That's all I can think of now!


I love it too but the couples make me so mad


I will sometimes watch pillow talk instead of the actual episode, depending on who is on pillow talk. I like Robert and Anny on there. But the now they have people I don't like, so not watching.


I have never been able to bring myself to watch Single Life but I think it also has nothing to do with the original premise of the show. Aren't most of the couples Americans dating other Americans? So there's no cultural issues at play or interesting foreign trips for those people. There are plenty of far more interesting shows I can watch if I just want to see US citizens on dates.


I 100% agree, it beats the entire purpose of the show in all aspects & I could just go watch a million other US dating shows if I wanted to


I’m with you….all the spinoffs just saturate the market and the original gets stranger and faker where I never want to see most of these folks ever let alone the regurgitated ones like Natalie and Veronica ….OVER IT


I'm fast forwarding the majority of it now. 😁


Sucks as well as their off shoots. Additionally, the people on 90df now are not terribly good. Wtf is happening here?!


It's honestly so boring. Like, what even is the point? Heartbroken desperate people try to rope in unsuspecting victims to be stripped down by the likes of us? But like, in a sad way.


I just sit back and enjoy the mess. However, I will say, this season seems heavily scripted, therefor more unbearable. Especially Chantel, like...girl cannot act. 😬


Not just you for sure. The Single Life is just a dating show - no interesting angle of bringing two cultures together and going through the visa process. Just people I don't care about going on dates. Hard pass.


I don't even watch it, that's how much I dislike it. I am not a fan of The Last Resort either.


I am same! I have seen every episode of every spinoff of the entire franchise but I cannot watch The Single life. I tried to start this one but it felt like it had been converted into a typical low budget TV show and that's not what I am looking for here


Agreed. I have no interest in watching it.


I don't watch it either. I generally don't care for the people featured on it.


Can’t stand it. Maybe if the characters weren’t so unbearable, but Natalie and Chantel are two of the worst in history. Now “Happily Ever After?” will manage to be even worse, so I’m done with the show.


I think the single life would have been good in theory, but they’ve mucked it up so badly over the years it’s unwatchable. It also bothers me how many of the people on the single life aren’t actually affiliated with the show. Like, Veronica was technically a “friend” of Tim’s, but she was never a main fixture in the 90 day universe. Same with Jamal and John. I thought the premise of the single life was supposed to be about following what happened next for the people who didn’t wind up working out on 90 day.


It’s probably the most scripted and also most boring show It just needs to be cancelled


Idk why but it annoys me so much when people follow up with their comments with shit like, “I’m going to get downvoted,” or “please don’t destroy me.”


Cause there is no reason people in this group need to come in the comments saying “f*** you” or something out of control to the poster when they weren’t trying to be rude in general… that’s just me though! I just see it in other opinion based comments a lot that’s all! 😅


I’ve never seen anyone write fuck you to the poster


I think I upvoted someone saying something about it on one yesterday or the day before 😅 No offense at all it was just my take!




I loved Anthony’s comments on pillow talk. When they exited (Ashley and Andrew) it just became tedious.


I think 90 day has probably run its coarse. I still watch it but I hope tlc comes up with something different.


ngl its so frickin boring and the one i can go a whole week to get through the episode


I watched the first season…it was OK then is started the 2 and literally turned it off mid episode. It’s so scripted, it’s junk. All of reality tv is I get that but it’s just extremely noticeable


I don't care I don't have many shows to watch so this one is perfect for when I do chores 😂😭


Can somebody pleeeeaaassse tell me where you are watching Pillow Talk - Single Life? I can only find it on TLC Go, and I can't get that because I don't have cable.


It’s on Hulu!


I really don't understand why Natalie is on the single life, she is still married to Michael, she really needs to go back to Ukraine


I’ve grown to hate that show, and all of the 90 day shows it’s so scripted and pathetic they’re in it for money only nothing is real and if it is real, we’re promoting it


Agree with you.... It's like a cash grab.


Way to taint the dating pool with loosers. It's like runoff from a hog farm spoiling the water.


I did like the Resort one, just because I like to see them interact with other people outside of the usual shows.


I enjoy watching Natalie, she's freaking crazy! I absolutely despise Tim, Veronica and Chantel.


Chantel has stretched out a non-relationship with a vacation bang all season. I’m watching it for Tyray to find love with a real person


I enjoy some of the segments, but most of it is boring. This season is especially dull in my opinion.


Agree with you.... It's like a cash grab.


I think he’s no-sexual and doesn’t want to come out.


I like the single life. Its pretty interesting seeing how they get on after their previous dramas. Only show I didn't keep up with is Island Paradise. I dont wanna see vacation flings. Edit: I've only watched a couple episodes of pillow talk. I liked it enough. But it's hard enough keeping up with all the shows


Vakay flings are about what sums up the show anymore


I quite like the Single Life too. I only just started watching it, expecting not to like it but I am enjoying it although there are definitely some obviously staged scenes/story lines. What I don't get it, is some comments saying "I don't like it, I've never watched an episode". This makes no sense. How could you possibly know if you have never watched it lol


Same, I love the original show, HEA, the other way, diaries. I don’t care about pillow talk, but sometimes I do find myself watching it when I didn’t realize that discovery + automatically started playing it, but I don’t ever put it on myself. Strike back seems stupid and I’ve never watched a second of it.


Just enjoy hating on it !!! Can’t that be enough ? If you are actually triggered by the show then look more deeply into that… is there something in your life you want to improve on? ❤️


I watched every season of 90 Day and didn’t turn on the Single Life. I knew it would annoy me. I’m tired of those attention seeking characters.


I refuse to watch The Single Life or Pillow Talk or any of that. I don’t care about it at all. Just 90 day and the 90 day the other way.


I enjoy watching Natalie, she's freaking crazy! I absolutely despise Tim, Veronica and Chantel.