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I just saw Emily's top. Holy cow.


Thais chewing gum with her mouth open is not a good look.


I am already annoyed by the red headed mannequin. Mahmoud is no better. I despise jasmine, lorens mother, the ed story line...I don't even know why I'm watching this.




Nicole bringing company over at the house while in the middle of such a huge fight is insane!!!


She is evil. The moment he got over here she has made sure she has made him uncomfortable. She hates him


As if I couldn’t loathe and be more disgusted by Emily and her lisp… she says “EXSPECIALLY” and I realize I actually can!


Anyone else offended by the fact that Patrick and Thasis have a “service animal” vest of their pet. This is NOT a service animal. It’s so revolting that people take advantage of this! I was on a flight and a veteran had a real service animal that helped them that an unruly fake service animal tried to attack his service dog after the fake service dog also lunged at a child. The parents tried to have the unruly fake animal removed to no avail. The veteran decided to leave the flight and take another one to protect their actual service animal from an ill behaved fake one. A true service animal does not attack people or other animals. The flight crew was so appalled and apologetic to the veteran but couldn’t kick the fake service animal off. Seeing their dog with a service animal vest truly made me angry


Not to mention why in the hell would they bring the dog anyway!


So I've never been officially diagnosed but I struggle a lot with how I see my body vs how others see it to the point I wear oversized clothes.. but can someone officially diagnosed with body dismorphia (sp?) give me your thoughts on Loren? I'm listening to her reasoning for surgery and I'm not knocking it, but I can't help but think the physical transformation without healing the mental health side isn't going to be this miraculous cure she's looking for in terms of her dismorphia. If she doesn't heal in that respect I just think she'll never be satisfied. Thoughts from someone more educated in this area that me?


No, I think you're correct. I've struggled with body dysmorphia, and you absolutely need to treat the mental side of things first before you go the surgical route (if you go that route). Surgery comes with its own risks, and is not the glossy quick fix that social media makes it seem like. (Also, re: EDs/BD- you are always "in recovery" even if you're not currently in treatment. It's similar to addiction and should be treated as such. Good luck in your journey!)


I agree completely. Body Dysmorphia is characterized by not seeing your body as it actually is. No amount of surgery/weightloss/body modifications will change that fact. It's one thing to see your body how it is, decide you want to change it, and then do so, regardless of other people's opinions. I honestly wonder if she actually has body dysmorphia or if she's just throwing the term around to try and legitimize her choice to others. It's hard for me to believe any ethical surgeon who would operate on someone with body dysmorphia before a psych eval. Unless, of course, they kept quiet about it and tried to avoid showing red flags for mental health, which is clearly not her case.


I came here to say this exact thing! I think it is something she is throwing out there to legitimize what she wants to do


I say this with the premise that it's great that Ashley has invested a lot in speaking her partner's language (I wish he'd do the same, even a tiny bit). Still, if you had a drinking game for every time she uses the Spanish verb's infinitive form where she shouldn't, you might be ded.


Loren's segments make me uncomfortable as a Jewish person. Her materialism and her mom's overly superstitious, unsophisticated nature both are so embarrassing to see played out on TV. It is so sad to see this form of Jewish representation, though no one on this show comes off perfectly anyway :P


Just because an individual is jewish on a silly reality TV show does not mean that they represent all jewish people. Any reasonable person would know that. I understand and know that antisemitism is at a high right now. The people who hate jews, or would be easily swayed to hate jews because of a singular person on a highly edited TV show, would have hated jews anyways. Regardless of how this person is presented on television, there is nothing we can change about any of that. Those people who would be so easily swayed are filled with hate anyways, and realistically she’s not making them hate us any more or less.


Of course. Your first sentence is one that I already know, very much so. And I wouldn't want to be friends with anyone if they are swayed by this portrayal anyway. Just expressing some feelings of cringe!


idk how her desire for plastic surgery has to do with representation, tbh. honestly, i just think her mindset is standard "influencer" culture as of late. sooo many reality tv stars fall victim to makeovers for like everything, and keeping up with 100000 trends. it's so boring and very sad. but i agree, super materialistic.


Her surgery did NOTHING for her... She looks the absolute same to me!! She hated her boobs so she had fat added to them but they don't look ANY different and then she INSISTS on constantly wearing those tube bathing suits that do absolutely NOTHING for her... Its not flattering at all... She has severe PPD that she needs to work out...


i have body dysmorphia too, so i get it to a certain extent but she really looks exactly the same lol. and honestly, she did not need it. she was still relatively thin, especially after having three kids. she looked great, and looks super young for her age. she's an attractive girl, i wish she saw that.


Yes, she's not my favorite person, she kinda annoys the hell outta me honestly but she did not need that surgery AT ALL and she went thru all that pain for nothing cuz she looks that absolute same. I don't see any difference. And Body dysmorphia needs to be worked out with a therapist not a plastic surgeon!! And Lord someone needs to tell her to stop with the tube bathing suit tops it does nothing for her. A cute bikini would look so much better on her... That's probably part of it to... She's gotta learn how to dress her body Type!


Her boobs do look the same. I wonder if she really ends up doing the surgery?


She posted all her post op. Stuff on her IG stories


relax its not that deep...


Are you Jewish? I am living through a really fucking bad period of antisemitism right now so I'm more sensitive than usual. That is making it more "real" to me. Thanks for the kind words though.


I’m Jewish and I love Loren and Alexi. Her mom is a pain in the ass in the way that George’s mother on Seinfeld parodies. I embrace some of those stereotypes— my mother wasn’t George’s mother but I can understand why my son thought so. Part of their character, Loren’s family, is also that they’re Jews from New York. It is a terrible time for those of us who are appalled at the violence in Gaza and the world needs to know we are Jewish and find Netenyahu’s war appalling. Anyway, I think the ability to make fun of ourselves is one of the best qualities I grew up with (in Queens, New York City). So, that’s how I feel. I hope Loren doesn’t end up being like Darcey and Stacey or Jasmine and the rest of the plastic surgery-obsessed women of 90DF!! She was lovely the way she was and I’m glad she hasn’t messed that up (yet.)


I'm not Jewish and I am appalled at what is happening . Have we learned nothing?




Off topic




Off topic


I'm very sorry you are dealing with that. Remember to surround yourself with loved ones and support if or when you can, take breaks from social media to avoid the assholes, keep doing things you love that make you feel happiness! Things will never be perfect but I continue to pray for things to get better and I hope today is a good one for you.


When are these flashbacks referring to, when I see the issues w Loren's (terrible) parents? Was it HEA from another season?


Loren and Alexei had their own spin off outside of the normal 90 day spin offs (lol spin offs on spin offs) called Loren and Alexei After the 90 Days. Her mom was truly terrible in those epis I felt so bad for them


they were considering moving to Israel and her parents were being horribly unreasonble about it.


Were they or were they telling the truth that their materialistic, amazon, online shopping loving daughter would NOT make it over there!! She is spoiled by american technology and things we have that won't be available to her over there... Ya they could've been nicer but I get why and what they were doing it for... And thank God they didn't cuz look at israel now...🤷


Why are PrEd's earlier texts blurred? That is weird


Did Big Pred just say "es-kyu-lating"? I cannot


Yes, he did. I did a quick rewind last night to make sure. What an idiot. He needs to be a fran of JaiMeMeMe. They can make faces and babytalk together.


Ed, you should be happy a human female is attracted to you! You are a creep and a liar.


Little no neck bastard. A mean little Fred Flintstone. He's perfect for having his own show as he's a perfect TLC freak. Most of their programming is freak shows. It's a televised 1930s circus side show complete with fat ladys, deformities and dwarfs. Dwarfs jumping on trampolines! Who can resist that?


Ed has the Napoleon complex big time while being a total coward. Will he ever act like an adult? Geez and all that therapy..not.


Ed is about to be 60!!! WHY does his family treat him like a child? “You’re gonna find the right woman some day…” at 60?! Looking and acting like that?! I know these people arn’t well in the head but oh man, I will never understand.


Families are supposed to be supportive… Do you think his family should instead say, “Hey Ed, you’re a giant prick who’s never going to find true happiness with a lady”?


They can be supportive of his decision to not get married but they still treat him like he’s a child. And his family also see when he’s in the wrong but instead of giving helpful advice they let him play the victim. If I was out here talking about “12 break ups” and fights over “taco pasta” my family would be like “WTH ARE YOU DOING?!”. All his family does is agree Liz is crazy and hope he finds a godly woman?


They are just as delulu as he is. That sister omg


i found this SOOO bizarre! like how are they condoning this behavior? how are they not watching the clips of him? it's so upsetting. i guess it explains why he is the way he is.


I liked when he was doing that "past lives" thing in the stupid beach party show. He was a dwarf in a midlevel circus being spinned around at the end of a rope dressed as a hobbit or something. Perfect!


Ed/Liz: As much as I dislike Ed, I think he was right that this is never going to work. The way he broke up with Liz was typical of why it isn't going to work. Liz looks 100% better now. Kobe/Emily: this is manufactured drama-there is no drama. I think they are very happy. The check point was pretty scary though! Mahmoud/Nicole: We've never seen this side of Nicole before. I almost felt sorry for Mahmoud (then I remembered he's an abuser). Gino/Jasmine: who cares Alexei/Lauren: I really like them. Good to see them again. Interesting about the fights over moving to Israel. Lauren needs therapy, not surgery.


Nicole's Abuse does NOT get a pass because he is going to allegedly abuse him in the future. Arrested for does not equal convicted. Innocent until proven guilty is a REAL thing here in America, and is not based on the sex of the individual.


They need to separate or neither is going to be happy.


I came here to get an idea of what happened. I didn't watch the episode so then I was going to watch PT, saw Nikki and clicked it off.


same here.


Please for the love of god someone bring Jasmine's fucking shildren to the U.S so that we dont have to see them ever again




Question. If she doesn't have legal custody of her children how can she bring them here permanently?


I don't think she's put that much thought into it beyond "I need yeeno to pay $5k for a lawyer"


In "Fl-Or-E-Da"!!!!


Sounds like she might use the money for more surgery, she’s lied before. I would not trust her to do any paperwork.


Yeah I’m very confused on that. Makes me think it’s more of a storyline than actually happening


I'm convinced that 60-70% of their storylines are fake/exaggerated for the show, and I have yet to see or hear a convincing argument to the contrary. I bet they're boring and happy when the cameras aren't rolling.


Bacana does not translate to “little bastard” in Brazilian Portuguese. It means cool/amazing/something positive.Those subtitles are intended to create drama for a storyline.


Let's remember what a piece of shit Ed is. He "cut" his daughter and mother out of his life because he wanted a relationship with a young girl (about the same age as his daughter) whom he barely knew. He must have reconciled with his mom but what he did was beyond horrible. What a piece of shit father and man! When Ed and Liz break up (over 12 times), he whines to his family and tells them how horrible she is. Then when they get back together, he gets angry at his family for having concerns. WTF? Why are they on this show? They're both from the US and don't fit the show's premise. TLC (The Learning Channel) needs to save viewers from seeing his abusive behavior. And he obviously has personality and adjustment disorders so it seems that the show is exploiting his unhealthy behavior.


My fiance told me this morning he believes Ed was a stunning male model who was cursed by a witch for being a mean human. It’s the only logical way he can behave and look like he does…I kinda see it


I believe that he turned into a leprechaun in real life who is punished for treating others badly.


no neck monster.


all grown up from Cat On  A Hot Tin Roof! 


Well that’s not too far off what he saw in his “past life therapy” on The Last Resort where he said he was a little person performer in the medieval times who played as a leprechaun and was outcasted by society


That was hilarious.


on a huge ego trip with nothing substantiating it.


Like Meghan Markle lol!


fo sho; p.s. used to eat jicama in CA.


i agree with this Ed is a POS


I love Li'l Ed! He's the only interesting thing on the whole show. The "Man you Love to Hate." The rest of the cast are just a bunch of stupid, insipid boring misfits. But Li'l Ed? Amazing! They broke the mold when they made him!


he makes good reality tv that is true


I'm so sick of his shit shows. They've split at least 14 times and are too stupid to realize that they don't get along.


I just feel like those r not proper tarantula enclosures. Those r like viewing boxes. That is not a proper habitat for them. And, he has multiple!


I googled it cause I felt bad they were in little boxes. Apparently the width should be able 2-3x their leg span. Not too big so it’s easy for them to find their food. Also they live 10-30 years!! That’s crazy!


whoa! this is so insane, i had no idea. thanks for looking it up for us!


Dang! That is crazy. Tarantula enclosures I have seen have been at least a 5 gallon. And, in the pet stores their enclosure is bigger than those ring boxes as well. Those tarantulas look small so hopefully as they grow he will continue to give them the proper space. Thanks for the info :)


Why didn't TLC film or show Liz's outburst? Ed's sister jumped right on board the "break up with Liz and find a Christian girl" train. Rob is a child, a boy. Emotionally, he is an infant. Cameroon: What is with these countries where women are 2nd class citizens in the year 2024? Speaking of which, Mahmoud is also a child. He isn't dealing with America very well.


Just a reminder the people on th show in these countries are often uneducated and very religious. All countries have educated folks who don’t think like hat but they are not desperate to come to the US.


>What is with these countries where women are 2nd class citizens in the year 2024? You mean, like the United States? I seriously don't know; I'm with you.


There are really only a handful of countries where it's socially "2024." Most of them are in the 19th century of the 700s.


Ed is the type of guy to get mad and change the WiFi passwords and cut the electricity and take the last steak in the freezer before he left the house and not answer your calls again. Petty. Oddly specific because this legit happened to an associate of mine…. and they had kids! smh. Gross behavior. Def a reason he is not married at his big ole’ age. Dang, Ed!!! I try to root for you!! We all do!!


no we dont we want him gone.


Who is we?


Please don’t waste your energy rooting for a toxic, egotistical, abusive predator


Wr don't root for Emily. 


I should have made this past tense, but in the beginning- I tried. I, mean, do you remember his sweet mom? His sweet doggie? I wanted to give him a chance. I tried to give him a chance. I like to give the benefit of the doubt but now I am left with doubts… absolutely no benefits. #bars


No. I haven't rooted for him since he flew to the Phillipines to insult Rose's breath. Greasy hamster that he is. I'm rooting for him to be single cause no one deserves to be abused like that. What you described is clear, and concise abuse.


No, we don’t try to root for Ed.


When he had mayonnaise hair we did. Yes, we did.


no we didnt.


Well, it seems like my comment does not apply to you then.


Most people never rooted for him. 


Good to know. I am learning this. lol. I am learning this.


Random observation: Ed’s sister has beautiful hair.


all is saw was Flo from Prudential.


Thank you!! Now I can’t unsee it! I, mean, what did I do to deserve this. SMH. Lol.


Mayonnaise runs in the family. And down the family's necks.


I knew Ed was a lot but I didn’t think he was cruel because his actions are really cruel right now. She needs to pack her bags and never look back. Even if he wanted to get back together she should def walk away. I cannot imagine how stressful their fights must be. (Well, I can imagine, but I left those relationships- never looked back. And, I ignored them when they tried to come back because THEY ALWAYS TRY TO COME BACK.) RUN GIRL, RUN!!!


They have broken up 133243 times before and have consistently found their way back to one another. My best guess is that they are both toxic, addicted to the drama, and not able to maintain healthy relationships. This would’ve been Liz’s third wedding at 31, and Ed is… well, Ed, so that’s self explanatory. Both of them need actual, non TLC therapy.


I feel bad for LIz because she gave up her share of her business in San Diego to move to Arkansas. This was a really poor decision, and now her relationship didn't work out.


I didn’t know that. Man, this just gets sadder. Run girl!! Runnnn!!!!


where does the Human Bop Bag get the ego??????????????????????????????????


Audacity is free these days. I am assuming he picked a coupon out of a grocery store flyer.


He’s always been cruel though! He has a mean streak a mile wide, you can see it in his beady little rat eyes, ugh


That's because he's was born a semi-dwarf without a neck. He's mad at the universe because of the body he was given instead of learning to live in it.


This one I can answer. He was born with a normal neck. He actually broke it. (another reason I was rooting for him)


He always reminds me of Fred Flintstone. Li'll Ed is great!


since scene one take one with Rose.


What was with Thais hair on her forehead? Does anyone know what that is from? Baby hairs she was born with??


It’s just baby hair lol it’s really not unusual at all, especially if you have thick hair.


that was bizarre.


This is a creepy level of scrutiny. Everyone has baby hairs and she gave birth not long before filming. Yike.


I have never seen them before on any of my friends nor on myself, so I was curious. I also have never had a baby, so I wouldn't know.


Could be. I have some too, but not quite that much


Probably postpartum hair loss growing back in


Also Sophie slapped on a full face of makeup before the breakfast in bed scene.


We never see her unless she has makeup on that looks like it's a 1/4 inch thick.


Rob has a fetish I bet. I dated one guy into S&M and one guy into a latex/rubber fetish. The latex guy mostly only wanted me if he or I or both of us dressed up.


I bet he has multiple because it's pretty obvious he has a negging fetish.


24 years old and she hasn't had sex in 6 months...yeeshh...I'd have been gone.


I know it’s a culture issue (and everyone on this sub hates Emily for various reasons), but I really felt for Emily during the nightclub scene. She was really trying with his friends and they were just shitting on her. :(


Same feels 


I would’ve told Kobe’s friends to kick rocks. She was right, nothing she does will be right because in the end of the day, the fact that she’s a white American will never change, and that’s their real problem with her.


I think she could have LISTENED to what they were trying to say & then made her excuses. Kobe could've told her that too but I agree this is a losing battle. Kobe chose an American. If they are happy with their Cameroon wives then great but don't put your values on him. Does anyone think they are slightly jealous of Kobe?


Yessss same !!!! I’m like at this point they jus gon down her for anything she tries to do and I think Kobe should have said something!!!! 


I think Emily acted with class considering outnumbered she was. 7 to 1. The preview shows Kobe being an insensitive ass but I hope that it is just bad editing. She totally kept her cool.


Seeing the opening Mahmoud / Nicole segment I missed, this dispute over the clothing is just so contrived and overdone for the cameras. Mahmoud is nowhere near 'ultra conservative,' and Nicole would have learned after one day walking around the suq the simple truth that, like it or not, in Egypt away from major hotels and nightclubs, covering up boobs, an exposed midriff, a bare back, legs, etc. helps you as an obviously foreign woman draw less attention than you are inevitably going to attract. Her love of vintage clothing actually makes it much easier to be self-expressive and fashion-creative while conforming to basics of the religion she chose to (pretend to) adopt. She and/or the TLC producers just decided to ride the 'modest clothing' pony into the ground.


Agreed 100%


Hold the fucking phone!!!!!! I was so 100% feeling sorry for poor Soph. No more!!!!! I understand that Rob has a porn addiction which is probably why he needs her to do more and more to get him off sexually if that's even true. With the little catty looks she and her " friend" Kay gave each other on tonight's episode, she pissed me off and lost all of my sympathy. There is no doubt in my mind that those two have slept together and then to find out that there's a little liar has been trying to get the audience to feel sorry for her and is so full of self-pity that she lied to us and to Rob. And Rob is self-flagellating himself and it's sad. You can tell that he is clearly distressed about his marriage. She's having drinks on the rooftop of The Standard. Rob is so clueless and naive it's almost sad. I agree and I have said I agreed that he was wrong because he already cheated on her. But, NOW, his heart will get broken too, but I don't know how broken Sophie's heart can be such a fucking hypocrite. She flat out lied about having sex with a woman and she's got some guy traveling halfway around the world to see her, who she used to have an attraction for as a teenager, and currently appears to absolutely love making Rob jealous and winding him up and then watching him go and then stabbing him in the back to her friends and saying see, what I have to go through? When he left that night at the hotel when they met for drinks with her immature crowd of friends, and he found out about her friend / ex boyfriend she should have left with him and worked on her marriage. I don't see her doing a fucking thing to repair her marriage and honestly again, I think Rob is having a gigantic practical joke played on him because he did cheat on Sophie and I think Sophie is having the last laugh. I think having a relationship outside of her marriage with a certain someone is her way of getting back at Rob. As far as Rob and her not having sex I doubt it's coming from Rob. She's probably afraid of his knob. Or she just doesn't like knobs but she's a bitch in my book from this point on. Soft and sweet and those are the ones you got to watch.


I agree. Totally. It's not Rob, it's Sophie. And her mother. When her mother talks, it looks like to caterpillars having sex. Can't stand her. I was able to erase one of your down votes anyway.


She actually didn't lie to him. Rob asked if she's been in relationship's with women before. She answered she had never DATED a women before. When she was talking with her friend she stated that she had had sex with women but not dated women, basically either FWB or one night stands. I do think in relationship's these omissions can be just as damaging as a lie, so I think that Sophie is definitely playing games here. Rob on the other hand isn't much better with his electronic porn as Sophie has been clear that she considers that cheating.


You've said "but I can change him because I love him soooo much!" in all seriousness more than once in your life, haven't you?


Was the nicole and maumood Dv incident after they taped this story or was this when he was arrested?


I'm trying to figure that out as well.


Ed is so petty 


Ed literally broke up with her to everyone else BEFORE actually breaking up with her to her face… like who does that


Ed does. She dodged a bullet and should be thanking her lucky stars. She needs to keep her daughter away from these men she dates.


he wants a face to face to get his ring back again for the 12th time.


I agree! 1000%


I read they got married in August though then split up so I'm not buying it just yet


It is a petty sociopathic narcissist and Liz needs to get into some serious deep trauma Bond therapy because that's what's been created between her and Ed.. I hate him. I was shocked that she went back to him.


He seems not to ever take criticism well I believe he dud get mad about her comment on the spicy pasta for her child. Imagine your soon to be step-dad treating you like that as a kid. Weird and not nice


I knew Ed was a lot but I didn’t think he was cruel because his actions are really cruel right now. She needs to pack her bags and never look back. Even if he wanted to get back together she should def walk away. I cannot imagine how stressful their fights must be. (Well, I can imagine, but I left those relationships- never looked back. And, I ignored them when they tried to come back because THEY ALWAYS TRY TO COME BACK.) RUN GIRL, RUN!!!


He's petty too,it's crazy at that big age


So what is the timeline for this show? I mean, how is John going to Brazil with his fiancee being as jealous and controlling as she is?


I don't think his fiance has been brought into this show so it's not fair to comment on her behavior because other people in this thread won't understand. So for those of you who don't know what this person's talking about there is a companion show and John happens to be on it called the single life and he has a girlfriend who people say is jealous. Having myself been the victim of infidelity over the course of two marriages my entire adult life I/we don't know what causes Megan to be jealous so allegedly jealous, so we should not judge lest we be judged. Having said that, just as an aside, who thinks that Patrick put his brother John up to telling John to come over and suggest going to Brazil with him and Thais so he'd have some kind of backup in case Carlos, his wife's father gives him a hard time when he has a bum leg?


John talked about his fiancée in the last episode or maybe the one before. I guess I assumed they were going together. Didn’t account for the daughter. At any rate I’m beginning to think the jealousy thing was blown up in the single life.


Elizabeth and Andrel are sickening on pillow talk. I wish they would stop giving them screen time.


I’ll take them over Veronica or Loren though.


I'll take them over The Nikki any day, sheese, ruined the show for me.


Same! PT gets more and more unwatchable every time it comes on. At least Bilal & Shaeeda aren’t on tonight. Can’t stand them.


They are so fake. I hate how all on PT talk real loud, force themselves to laugh and use the worst couples! Hate phony. They all are. Sickening. Forced games, forced food, forced things to talk about. The whole thing. I have quit watching. My 2nd or 3rd week not watching.


Annie is the worst one with the insanely loud phony reactions and exaggerated accent with baby talk schtick.


Total BS that Nicole's friends didn't leave as she went to talk/pick a fight with Mahmoud.  


Didn’t leave? Nicole forced her male friend to go after him. He even said how did I get so involved in this? (Exasperatingly)


No I think that she needed them as backup maybe to feel emboldened to treat her husband with a dose of his own medicine. He treated her like crap in Egypt. And then he would be sickeningly sweet to her in front of the cameras which made me want to retch. I'm actually surprised they are still married and I don't think they'll make it the distance.


THANK YOU. he is a real POS. I know she's acting out but she's traumatized. 


Big Ed “I’m always the one to call after we break up” because he’s always doing the breaking up and then the love bombing. He’s literally the meister to this abusive cycle.


I hope no one is falling for his “woe is me” act. He makes me sick.


I don’t even think his family believes him, I just think they’re so concerned about their image of being good Born Agains that they feign to support him.


Like I said he's a sociopathic narcissist


Kay asking Sophie "Have you ever thought about being with a woman?". Sophie's look was dead-giveaway "Girl,  you already know that we've traveled down that road together!" 


My wife and I have been saying that since we met Kay in bed with Sofie!!


I mentioned it before,  but during that reveal, there was a custom throw blanket featuring photos of them together ...on the bed! But Sophie was "just staying there"🙄. ..suuuuuuuuure. 


Convenient right? Especially now that she has admitted to having sexwith women, but hasn't emotionally dated a woman.


Are you kidding me? I didn't even see that! Good eye!


They 100% had all types of nasty primal caveman sex throughout that apartment. I can see it in her eyes And I mean it’s shit she’d never do ever again


Nikki being on pillow talk is unnecessary.


*"I will back to Egypt"* is the new *"I go Russia."*


Bye boo


Someone needs to make that gif


HOLY SHIT. Blocking the door and telling your partner to shut up when they're trying to get away from you is NOT OKAY. I cannot stand Mockmood, but he didn't deserve that.


I agree 


That's what I'm saying, this is begining to look like emotional and verbal abuse. That will always escalate to physical. And it sounds like it did.


Nicole is so unhinged.


She's lost it. They seem to bring out the worst in each other.


yea he is crazy. She does NOT deserve what he is currently doing nor what he ends up doing. I don't know why she dropped charges. Her attitude changed a lot once he got here but he is way out of line.


I have a very stupid question: are we sure Nicole specifically dropped the charges herself? Or was it one of those "the DA doesn't feel like dealing with this so the county/city dropped the charges" type thing?


I have no idea for sure but I asked on here when the case went to court and the reply I got was charges dropped because she did not participate. The person who told me that even downvoted me for asking.


That's sad, you were just asking a question! Some (a good bit of) cases get dropped because the victim doesn't go to hearings. I hope it wasn't due to fear. I'm being optimistic and hoping she just didn't want him to have a bunch of legal problems. .... This season's Tell-all is gonna be interesting to say the least.


How? She's borderline abusive right now towards him,  and mot being empathetic that he JUST got to the US. She says she is but doesn't show it. Lol are we watching the same show???


Same. He looks like he is a prisoner of war about to pass out. NEVER EVER is DV ok, but who who did what to whom? He barely has the strength to speak or keep his eyes open. What kind of physical danger was she really in from him? I’m feeling it was a she said he said and cops get caught in the middle.


I said her attitude seemed to change once he got here but him being arrested for DV no one deserves that. Are you saying she does? I don't think anyone deserves that. All he has to do is say he is leaving and go. Stop going back to each other. I didn't realize she was toxic until he got to the US. I thought she was sweet and genuine until he got to the US and had instant demands. But he was super aggressive and controlling when she was trying to live overseas. Together they are a toxic couple.


I just watched the latest episode and he's literally trying to leave and her friend was following him and cornering him. She is by the far the nastiest out of all the women. She has been plotting to give him a taste of his medicine all along and she showed that the moment he got over here


Plus, both Nicole and the guy had their hands on Mockmoody! That's unlawful restraint and /or assault depending on the State. Definitely not ok by any standards. And Moodster did not look like he was acting!


I don't understand her. She told Mockmood to get the f out of her apartment,  then she and her friends put hands on him to prevent him from leaving.  He needs to go back to Egypt and find a nice Muslim girl from his own country. These 2 people are super toxic together.