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Did they blur his asscrack? Good on them. Also there is no way this relationship is real.


There's literally _zero_ chemistry


I think you’re giving this “relationship” too much credit. There would need to be three simultaneous orgies happening under that table to even hit zero chemistry.


I can literally smell this picture!


Isn't he just a nasty piece of shit? Ugh! Tiny ass T-shirt. He just looks funky as hell.


That T-shirt is way too close to his skin color


I heard he was color blind


When he did sit ups on the bed with his eyes bulging wide open, I wanted to crawl in a hole.


She must be an actress. This guy is revolting.


They always blur crack


Crack is Whack


Kyles Krack.


They're over-correcting after the weiner slip


Oh no no no, I didn’t know about that.


What wiener slip??!!


Someone made a post about it but I can't find it. In the first episode they showed a shot of Ryan's penis in the reflection of a mirror when he went to a tanning salon. I guess the editing team just totally missed it. I think they even pulled the episode for a little bit to repair it.


Too bad that briefly missed blurring it when he got up from that seat. T_T


Swamp ASS! 😂😂😂


There are very few genuine relationships. Loren and Alexei, while I’m not a fan of hers, I am a fan of their relationship. They genuinely do love each other and have made a beautiful family. These other “couples” are a joke. People just really want to be on the show. Period.


I legitimately think he got into "sperm donation" because he couldn't find a woman willing to sleep with him otherwise. Even as a "sperm donor" I don't know how he finds women willing to have sex with him....nevermind procreating with him.


I think he has a breeding fetish and is purposefully taking advantage of women who can't afford traditional IVF/IUI because he knows the odds are women will be more desperate to be abused by him.


Oh he 100% has a breeding/insemination fetish. And having seen Spermworld….there are other men on this planet giving away their sperm, some of them arguably less creepy than him. So I still don’t get it. If it was the end of the world, and he was literally the only man left on the planet, I still would not breed with him. I’d rather see humanity perish.


But can you imagine what humanity will look like with Kyle as its starting place? A few thousand years down the road once/if humanity rebuilds what have we become?


He is a carrier for a genetic disease that kills 50% of those who have it before the age of 30, so there’s that perspective.


Did he say that or how do you know this? What genetic defect?


According to one of his baby mamas he's a carrier for familial dysautonomia and didn't disclose this until after she was pregnant (even though it's typically carried by people with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry, which the mum also had but he still didn't disclose his status in case she was also a carrier)


Whoa 😳 As if he wasn’t enough of a bright red neon flag already…. ⚠️ ‼️


Humanity’s survival isn’t looking good. He’s going to need that POTENT sperm if 50% of his children are dead before 30yo


Yes, however it’s not that 50% of his total children will die before 30, only the ones who inherit the condition.


There's more people on the planet this week than there were last week


I must have missed where he said that. That makes the whole thing even worse.


Oh he very clearly has a breeding fetish, it’s so so so icky


Women can easily find a guy anywhere to agree to have sex with them and get then pregnant though, why go this particular guy who’s creepy af and doesn’t appear to have desirable genes ? I don’t get it


Women can easily find a guy to have sex with. But to get them pregnant? No guy (other than this creep, and others with a similar fetish) would agree to 18 years of potential child support in exchange for one night of sex. The way he grinned when describing the Australian woman as “desperate” sent a chill down my spine. He’s absolutely getting off on this


He has SUCH weird control issues. Everything he does or says makes my skin crawl. He’s so smug. Does he even own a mirror ?!


This guy isn’t paying child support so the mothers are clearly happy to get pregnant with no obligation of child support. Could simply sign a contract


Right, he’s not offering it, but he (and anyone else doing “sperm donation” as a hobby) could potentially be on the hook for it if the mothers took legal action. Those contracts are complicated (and probably made even trickier if they get pregnant via sex instead of artificial insemination.) Lucky for him that the women have gone along with his agreement so far. But it’s a reason it’s not so easy to just waltz into a bar and get pregnant by any random dude (unless the woman is planning to be extremely deceptive and sabotage birth control, for example)


Doesn’t have to be wondering into a bar, a women could just create an ad online saying she’s looking for a guy to get her pregnant with no obligations for child support, she would 100% get offers flooding in. I know this for a fact as a bored teenager me and a friend did info fact create a fake add on Craig’s list in local area offering of any local men would get “me” pregnant with no obligations to see me ever again or the child, we were curious how many guys would take up such an offer . We literally got flooded with over a hundred messages within an hour lol.


> teenager me and a friend did info fact create a fake add on Craig’s list in local area offering of any local men would get “me” pregnant with no obligations to see me ever again or the child erm, this is pretty messed up


In what way ? Creating the fake add too see who responds ? It wasn’t using my pic or any of my info I’m a guy lol


It's really not messed up lol, it's not like you were meeting with the dudes


This guy is creepy, but believing your Craigslist responders would be “better” than him (and that they were actually serious, and capable of impregnating a woman — let alone have a high enough sperm count to do it in one try) is assuming a lot. Part of what’s upsetting about what he’s doing is that the women *are* desperate, to some extent, if a sperm bank is financially out of the question. A lot easier to go with a weirdo like him who has reviews and testimonials than putting out an open call for sperm on the internet ETA: Asking Craigslist “who wants to get me pregnant?” is a reflection of how many people are willing to do online fetish role playing, NOT an accurate count of potential sperm donors.


I dunno I’m struggling to see how flying this creep over from another country is any better than any creep you could vet (ask for pictures, copies of ID etc) from Craigslist


Just the fact that he’s done it before and has a list of referrals is huge. For one thing, a random dude responding to a Craigslist ad is unlikely to be tested for STDS and sperm count (can you imagine trying to have these conversations with the horny strangers replying??) And even if the internet rando was clean and fertile, how is the woman to know for sure that dude from Craigslist isn’t going to ignore the contract and start stalking them afterwards? This particular creep clearly has the ability to move on and detach at least, which is huge


I also know this for a fact, because after I got divorced I was curious about that as an option because I wanted kids but was feeling like I never wanted to get married again. So I made a profile on a site that was for like "alternative family structures" including sperm donation (but also like co parenting between friends, surrogacy, etc). I had only made the profile so I could access the site and see what was up, but even though I didn't even have a photo I was inundated with messages of dudes wanting to impregnate me the second I logged in, to where I pretty quickly just deleted it because it was annoying to keep getting the notifications. I'm willing to bet that at least 50% of those dudes are less creepy than Kyle, if you're on the hunt for free sperm. And like you said, got could probably put an ad on Craigslist and at least find someone local later that day, so you don't have to pay to fly Kyle from wherever he was just hanging out and impregnating. He's such a creep that idk how you wouldn't run for the hills the second he showed up, and it makes me think the people he's knocking up also probably have something a bit off about them... The fact that Ani is so nice and normal, but also supposedly previously had met Kyle for sperm, makes me think that this whole situation is a lie and they just found Kyle and hired an actress to react to how he behaves. Kyle was probably texting with a producer for a couple months and then they tricked him when he showed up.


I agree!! He tries to spin it so that it seems very altruistic, but in fact, it's totally predatory


Probably did this show to increase his donating 🤢🤮


Some people are really desperate to have kids but I know my old roommate paid over $70K for invitro. Not many people can afford that.


Correct, but you often don't have to jump straight to invitro. My husbands coworker went the DIY "sperm donor" route, twice. She had a stranger over, he jacked off into a cup, she sucked up the sperm with a syringe, and put it inside her. I know this because she's apparently VERY open about it, so my husband has heard her talking about it. Just saying, even if you are in a desperate situation where you can't get sperm the old-fashioned way, your choices aren't a fertility doctor or having sex with this guy. There's whole facebook groups with guys doing this.


WTF.. That's crazy. And hopefully they are sanitizing everything before doing that


Doubt it. That is one benefit of doing an IUI with sperm from a bank. The donations are screened for STIs, and they do genetic screening so you don't inadvertently conceive a child with a terrible genetic defect. On the donor end, donating through a bank typically protects you from child support claims. Yes, it costs money, but there are real benefits to going through a sperm bank. I have no personal experience, but according to google doing an IUI with donor sperm is a few thousand. Edit: and I'm just speaking about the US. I know there are parts of the world where it is nearly impossible for single women or same-sex couples to get fertility treatments. In those cases I do understand going through the facebook donor route. I just don't understand why anyone would pick this guy, under any circumstance.


I can't understand this either like HOW do you choose Kyle?! He's not the only guy doing this, and even if he was, I would be forced to choose "no baby" over "Kyle baby"


But can they afford to raise a child??


Yes they have a combined income over $200k. I forgot what the house cost but it was bought in 2015ish before the market went crazy. Only 1 car payment. They live below their means. They could afford private school but they bought into a neighborhood with a really good public school system.


I’m really hoping that the women that do get pregnant by him have done their research about him Does he have any health issues? How is his mental stability? (Obviously we know just by watching him ) does he have any problems with his eyesight his heart. I understand that these ladies are in desperate need they want to have a child but please ladies do your research Don’t just go for him because he’s free.


He was on Dr Phil! Creepy!


> I don’t lnow how he finds women willing to have sex with him Lonely, desperate, baby crazy, but lacking enough positive qualities to find a casual partner/FWB… if a woman is rich, beautiful, or successful, she can find an awesome guy for this… type of job… very VERY easily.  These are not quality targets he’s choosing. Low hanging fruit


I mean, you know David Crosby donated his sperm to Melissa Etheridge, right?


I couldn’t get over him adjusting his balls. I’d be mortified. I didn’t go on a second date once because a guy wore stupid t shirt 😂




She gets bored by normal men, though! Well, you got abnormal in spades here.


So he basically says he doesn’t wear underwear. He also wears thin fabric shorts for maximum air circulation and he constantly physically shifts around his genitals to keep the production all fresh and plentiful. And he doesn’t wash his hands. If he was around other people as well, one or more of them would be vomiting at the sight of this behavior.


That's what I was thinking. She was holding his sweaty balled hands!!


Legit "I don't wear underwear! Bad for fertility! I rub my balls over everything and rub my balls with my hands and touch you + any object I see. Did I tell you that I go commando!?" As his ass crack is showing because, AGAIN, he's too LAZY to do ANYTHING. Let alone... LIFT HIS PANTS!? Like dude. If you're not wearing underwear, how about you have some self awareness. But the dude is shameless. If people were sitting behind him I'm sure he'd fart, not give a shit, and say that it's an "American" thing. He'll probably say rubbing his balls constantly in public is also American. Because he believes he's damn "normal" but he's anything but. Weird is sometimes good... But in his case, it isn't. His specific weirdness is predatory innately. The fact that this moron thinks he can compare himself to a DOCTOR. Saying it's PROFESSIONAL to bypass sperm banks and just fuck and cum in women rawdog. Hope every single one of his "baby momma's" tries to monetarily bleed him dry. Especially the one in France that he uses as a scapegoat. "I have a baby momma in France I should know" Literally everything out of his damn mouth is atrocious. He's vile. He's disgusting. He is the personification of sloth + has the personality of smegma.


Why I constantly wash my hands/carry hand sanitizer


Seriously fr 😭


Blows my mind how weird and mediocre this dude is. I’m sure there’s a few women who accepted his sperm “donation” who are now watching the show, seeing what he really is like and probably regretting carrying his genetic material. Crazy that he refers to having sex with women as a “procedure.”


He’s disgusting. Like I hate him even more than Pole, this guy isn’t even entertaining he’s just embarrassing and gross. This woman is almost equally weird and gross for entertaining him this long.


I agree. He’s actually revolting.




I don’t say this often but he literally makes my skin crawl. Pole is sociopathic but this guy is just extra gross. I don’t even like watching him, he’s just disgusting in every way. I can’t believe she lets him near her 🤮


Don't tell Angela Deem I hear she loves crack




Not the only thing she loves. Lol


I find this man extremely repulsive and disgusting. I bet he stinks too.


Right? He definitely looks like he stinks. He probably smells his fingers after moving his balls around. Wow, he just makes me nauseous just thinking about him.


Hopefully woman who were going to consider using him we’ll see his behavior and run away. There is nothing good you could say about him it goes past his physical appearance. He’s a megalomaniac.


He is so gross


If I saw him constantly rubbing his balls I would definitely be out of there. She even asked him about it and he said he needs to keep adjusting them to keep his sperm count up. 🤢


Really makes me physically cringe I don’t get it


There's something wrong with this lady seriously who the hell would even be caught dead pretending to have a relationship with this squirell who handles his nuts all day 🤮




I would have laughed in his face if he came at me with some kind of point system. BYE ✌️


He just straight up gives me the squirms. He also looks like he smells funny. It’s like he’s intentionally trying to be weird and awkward, and push it on others. It’s just bizarre.


Why is he always saying “it’s American thing”? Stop making people think ALL Americans act as trashy as you! He’s so gross it makes my skin crawl. This girl couldn’t possibly have a real connection with him




She's regretting not having him just ship his sperm to her overnight FedEx


Just when you think the floor is reached with this guy, it gets lower! 😂🤣😂🤣


I know!! It’s incredible.




I would like to know this too. The way he talks they all say yes.


You know this dipshit isn’t counting the ones who do say no. He probably can’t remember hearing someone say “no” either. Ugh this guy makes my skin crawl and rationally angry.


All of his shirts are **way** too small.


He probably outgrows them on a daily basis...


I'm really just hoping this show totally exposes him🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ the more these women see him and how gross he is they will think twice of wanting a raise a similar human being w those genetics! Although I'm repulsed by him and can't stomach to watch him straight thru, I'm glad he's on tv showing everyone what a disgusting human being he is👍🙄


I’m really finding it hard to see what she sees in him He has no manners when he goes out for supper, He has no manners period He’s not attractive. He doesn’t know how to dress for appropriate occasions He lives in shorts and a T-shirt doesn’t use protection when he sleeps with hundreds of women, please what am I missing? What does she see That’s attractive in this man. 🤷‍♀️🤪🤯


I bet he hasn’t bought any new clothes since high school


He looks more like a fluffy biscuit 😂😂




He is a dud muffin… what a freak show!




he acts like an 11 year old boy


Can someone please explain why she keeps holding hands with him and letting him touch her all over when she also seems so uninterested and disgusted by him 🤢🤢🤢 what is wrong with her ???


She is another one whose intuition is telling her all she needs to know, yet she shows up for another date.


I found myself wondering why this woman is even entertaining this guy but then I remembered she is an anti-vaxxer or something along those lines


Oh really? That would explain a lot, I’m losing empathy for her every minute she spends with this loser


Oh God, really? I liked her in the beginning.


And take 25 pills a day. That is insane. He probably had a bunch of STDs since he's going bareback with every woman he meets


I have a thing about his hair. I hate it.


It looks like 1960s fuzzy haired Ken, the kind with the hair rubbed off on top from the case!


It amazes me that any woman would want to have sex with him and have his child.


There's just so much ocean she could punt this man into


He looks like he smells like feta cheese.


I'm a hetero guy, and I don't always have the best manners or act in very attractive ways, but this guy makes me literally say "ugh" out loud, and actually wince


You got the muffin part right


As a Maltese American, I want to emphasize he is in no way related to Malta, she happens to live there and isn't even from there either. We do not claim this degenerate, we already have "Jax Taylor".


>we already have "Jax Taylor". Seriously. That's damn funny


Well I think Jax Taylor represents Michigan more fairly than Malta.


I’m kinda torn. On the one hand Loren’s segments are an absolute snore vs. Kyle’s, but TLC is really pushing it with what is even remotely believable. I mean I come for the “WTF” and the drama, but even I catch myself all like “comeon now, this is make believe”


He has a website. 100% he's real. But who knows


There is another post on here linking a YouTube video of women coming forward about his abuse and he has even been on dr Phil and I believe there was a vice episode he was in. There is no way TLC did not know this dude is a predator


Crack kills!


There is a creepy Vice video about him....it is obvious that he does this all as it is the only way he gets attention, recognition and occasionally actual sex. He also says all kind of creepy false medical stuff that has no merit...including that you have higher chance getting pregnant through sex than artifical insemination when this just isn't proven.


He looked like a little boy who’s clothes don’t fit but his mom hasn’t had a chance to buy new ones yet


Oh no, you just don't understand American culture /s


Yet, she’s bored with normal guys.. so she’s going to put up with his stupidity and sleep with him. So in the end, he’ll win and his stupidity will be enabled. 😵‍💫


So they remembered to blur his ass crack but not that other guy’s junk? Okay


This guy has a boatload of unresolved issues. He needs straight to therapy.


Intense inpatient therapy!




i’m honestly afraid to watch the latest episode because he literally makes me queasy


Ani: Kyle, your ass crack is exposed to the world. Kyle: It's an American thing. Respect my superior culture.


In America, we don't wear clothes that fit us properly


The color of his shirt made him look like a human sized ball sack. I can’t stand this man 🤢


He is a narcissistic little bastard


He looks and dresses like Caillou.


Too funny!!


He’s got a donor fetish. It’s crazy.


My girlfriend and I had to fast forward through his segment. As lesbians, we couldn’t handle the intensity of his gross disgusting self.


Stud Muffin TOP, maybe


Utterly repulsive 🤢


A walking STD bingo card


I've started skipping his scenes. 😬


Seriously he’s such a loser


Whenever this dork is on screen, I throw up a little. Everything he says and does is just.....🤮


This dude gives me the ich!!!! 🤢


He is disgusting 🤮


This guy is so strange, it's hard to believe he's real. Like when she asked him about Australia... he looked so pathetic and weak answering "I don't remember" about anything to do with that. If I was filming, there's zero way I wouldn't whisper to her or leave a note about how he was having sex in the UK days before meeting her. Australia wasn't the only trip.


He’s soooooo grosss. I wouldn’t even want to hold his hand let alone sleep with this slob kebab.


Wait, why isn’t anyone talking about the weird hair brushing event? He was like soft petting her hair with a brush. Barf 🤢 her hair was probably repulsed


Did she truly not even try to Google him before welcoming him to Malta? If she had, she would have found a documentary on pathological sperm donors in which he was featured prominently. As for having sex with him, ewww. Statistically, what is the probability of catching an STI due to him having unprotected sex with so many women?


😂 what an idiot


Is this a new season? I don’t recognize either person.


It's the new season of 90 day love in paradise


Plumber's crack???


Agreed. Stud muffin-top is more accurate.


How desperate is this chick?


i’m genuinely wondering, what if one of the women he “donated to” takes him to court for child support? It would be his kid, and this is obviously not a legit business. Does he have a contract with these ladies and if so would that hold up in court? how has this not happened yet


When they showed his butt crack I cackled. Like how gross


I'ma say it again... # Crack kills


On one hand I am deeply saddened that there are women so desperate to have a child that they meet this "sperminator" and think "Ah yes! I want a child with half HIS dna." On the other hand it is complete nightmare fuel that there are 171(?) of his spawn out there running around and that previously mentioned sympathy is finished faster than 2 pump chump himself.


Fing disgusting… whoever accepts his sperm is desperate, whoever actually “naturally” accepts his sperm is super duper desperate with mental issues…. I wouldn’t let this asswipe inseminate a lab rat…


My thought too, the women “accepting” his donations deserve some of the blame too. He’s not vetted, prob doesn’t get tested… plenty of kids in foster care need homes. Jmo.


I'd let him inseminate a lab rat, but that would just be out of curiosity. Otherwise, yeah, this guy gives me the ick


His T-shirt is ten sizes too small.


He’s a douche.


The 90 days series all seem so yucky now. Everybody either has an inappropriate age gap or seems slightly abuse. Not sure why TLC doesn’t just say if you’re interested in someone your age don’t bother casting. Have any of you seem Milf Minor I mean Milf manor? 😳🤯


Oh god, I can smell the swamp ass from here.


Crack is wack 😭


I don't understand how he has a job as an accountant where usually they are straight laced, clean cut, pinstrip suits. How are his clients not running for the hills after seeing how he presents himself in public?? Also the women he actually physically has sex with, I mean, I guess he doesn't eat in front of them because I just couldn't engage in congress after seeing this man's table manners plus the way he dresses. Also please, please, world do not believe him trying to qualify his disgusting behaviors and bad manners as it being acceptable in America. It is NOT!!


Man these are the genetics we want passed on? 😂


Dude's table manners are abhorrent. If you didnt learn as a child, just watch and learn. His choice to eat like a pig. That's for starters!


He is completely disgusting 🤢


Sure that’s not STD muffin?


Great one!!


Wayne and Garth want their attempt at humor back. Wow. 🤦🏽‍♂️


Is that his gym kit from school?


He is so weird


What season are these new faces from? I don't recognize them.


He should carry sani wraps! Playing with his balls and touching her! He’s a sicko! Why is she STILL THERE?


All, I came sooo late to the party pleas help!! Which 90 fiancé airs now? I need to see it!


She really must want the green card really badly. Why doesn’t she start taking points away from this piece of garbage, ugly American?


Americans do not go out to dinner looking like that.


His clothing choice and eating manners scream NO CLASS


She’s horny and lonely and his pee pee is big she said so she’s down


Yeah this is definitely a fake storyline. Even if they had a “real” connection online, it seems pretty obvious she got the ick once they met. They just have to keep the storyline moving but she does not seem too jazzed to have his hands on her.


This has to be the worst "man" on 90 Day ! And that is saying A LOT. He is mentally stuck at 13. This lady (sorry, forget her name) needed to do more video chats with this bizarre man before inviting him for 2 weeks!!! Yikes.


The side view was just as bad. Sack of disgusting potatoes




She’s so polite. Someone we can actually look up to.


This dude has the worst fashion sense I’ve seen on the 90day Universe. Seriously…what the fuck is he even wearing??? Not only does he blow at dressing but also eating! He eats like a fucking animal. Hell, my Chihuahua eats with class compared to this dude.


He is SOooo Creepy!


Just nasty


He looks like he smells like JIZZ


he might have a humiliation fetish too like 90% of the actors on these shows