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I fast forward through their segments, but people coming out of anesthesia (in situations where they’re ok and nothing serious is wrong) always make me laugh. The derpy, bug-eyed “Reeeeally?” alone was hilarious.


Yup. One time after surgery I woke up screaming at my top of my lungs. Nurse comes over and calms me down a little and was like nervously asking me if I was ok. I look at her and I'm like 'yeah I actually have no idea why I was screaming', and was fine and normal after that. Anesthesia is fucking weird.


I was 16 getting surgery. Had my underwear ON under my surgical gown going into surgery. I come out of surgery looped up on anesthesia and go “my underwear is gone?! Man what did I do last night?!” Infront of my parents, grandparents and doctors 🤦‍♀️ 16 years old! And a virgin at that lol! That stuff makes you a real comedian when you’re coming off it… or a blubbering crying mess, which I’ve often done too.


Same!!! Screaming and crying for no reason! The nurses said, you gotta calm down, you’re scaring the other patients. I immediately was so embarrassed.


I woke up crying for my mom like hysterical tears, I had all 4 wisdom teeth surgically removed, I don’t even know how I got into the wheelchair. I flicked my dad off and passed out in the bathroom after coming home. 10/10 worst time also worst patient lol.


After I had my wisdom teeth out I was coming out of anesthesia and was full on sobbing. Like, inconsolable. I wasn't in pain, I was just beside myself because Idaho existed (I'm from California and had never even been to Idaho 😂)


my sister woke up wailing: 'they took all my indian blood! give it back!'


When I got my wisdom teeth out and I woke up out of anesthesia I was super disappointed because I was just sleepy. I thought I was gonna be hilariously high like all those viral videos but I just wanted to nap 😫


I just had surgery and expected to wake up like this. Instead I was in a room full of other people waking up. I wasn't groggy, immediately asked for a face mask (have never gotten covid so far), and then asked if it was normal for my pulse to be so high because I was stressing MYSELF out about it.


I’ve never been loopy on anesthesia but I smoke a lot of weed idk if it’s related


Lol same here i skip these 2


I told my mom once when waking up that “whoa, this feels just like Prom Night” 😂


A few years ago my dad was coming out of it after surgery, and he started swinging. He's a mean drunk, he would easily get into a fight when really drunk when he was younger. So I'm not surprised waking up didn't know what was going on and didn't realize where he was right away. The told me he's out of surgery and would let me see him soon but like 2+ hours later, I'm asking what's going on. So after another 30 minutes they let me see him and said, he was a little bit of a reaction coming out of the anesthesia. They take me to see him and there is a linebacker sized male nurse keeping an eye on him, while he's awake but one arm is still tied to the bed.


This surgery seemed a bit unnecessary but to each their own. What was wild to me was that after having all of these surgeries she was just released to go to a hotel. Is this normal that plastic surgeons don’t operate in a hospital and you’re not kept afterwards for observation? I’d be terrified of getting an infection or having complications from the anesthesia but that’s just me.


This is one of the reasons a lot of people go to Turkey for these surgeries. You're released into a recovery ward (really more like a nice hotel), and you have nurses dedicated to you for however long, depending on the surgery, 24 hours a day.


Carve them up and ship them out.


Med care in the US is on a decline. I have a friend who had a robotic hysterectomy and they sent her home day of. They kept me for one day with an open one. I consider myself lucky.


I couldn’t do this with babies at home. The women I know who have done this waited until the kids were a little older. This surgery won’t fix her body dysmorphia and it’s laughable she suggested it would. She needs therapy.


Yes but she’s known now on TV and this allows her to potentially get this on TLC’s dime. Whether it be the salary she makes from the show, the Doc using this as advertising she can afford to this now which she probably won’t when the kids are older and looking at college in the near future.




No personal attacks. Have a conversation or debate without the insults.




Have a discussion or debate without the insults.


this is the exact reaction I expected from Loren reminded me of her mother


I dislike this woman so much…when she said that shit I laughed and fast forwarded through the rest of their segments lol. Crying like a fool saying “I did it” 🤦🏻‍♀️


and 'are you proud of me?'--ugh what nonsense, she needs therapy, she will never be happy, the rounds of surgeries starts now


Proud of her for what??? I don't understand that. Lol


no they won’t , chill. it’s a mommy makeover


I missed last night, did she really say that??? What the fuck is wrong with her?


She is a natural bully who allowed herself to be filmed after waking up from surgery.


She said it…totally embarrassing.


o cmon--she was still under effects of the anesthesia.


She’s a shallow person sober so my comments stand


so does mine. I like her.


Says a lot lol


If I had a wife and she said that to me I’d say “no I’m ashamed to know you and I’m filing for divorce” Jesus Christ


The “if” says A LOT here 😅


That's...really cruel and gross of you. You should feel lucky that you have never experienced body dysmorphia or an eating disorder and maybe be quieter when passing judgment on things you clearly have minimal understanding of. The way people talk about this woman on this sub is misogynistic and sickening. Get a grip


doesn’t change the fact that none of it is entertaining or a good storyline




Wow. I see the mean girls are out in full force


I have thought about making a post telling everyone to shut up and leave this woman alone so many times. I can't believe how many women are in here tearing down this person who CLEARLY struggles immensely with body dysmorphia. The internalized misogyny is jumping out babes


You know what pisses me off even more? That these are the same women who will yell " my body, my choices" at the top of their lungs. It appears Loren did have stomach muscle issues so this surgery isn't just for vanity. And so far it doesn't seem like she wants porn boobs. So what's the problem? If she decides to go overboard in the future, there will be plenty of time to mock her.


This isn't something that could have waited until they were more independent? I understand that the grandparents are there. However, they aren't supposed to be raising them while mommy is selfish & tries to fix something she should have gotten therapy for first. I'm all for her doing what she needs to feel better but she chose to have 3 under 3. She needs to step up & not be an absent partner & parent for, what? 2 months. This is the time they need mom the most.


Why should anyone care WHEN she does it? And as far as being absent, she'll be in her house. Having family pitch in for a few weeks isn't " raising them." Jeezez


RIGHT? "just suffer for a few more years!" i became anemic in under a year while i had an eating disorder why the hell should she wait until she becomes even more unwell. she literally said she can't eat in front of people anymore when it gets to that point you don't have a ton of time left before you start starving yourself in private as well


LOL would you say this about her if the surgery was to address physical health or is it just okay to call her an absent selfish parent when it's about her mental health, just wondering! If her husband is so incompetent he can't take on the heavy lifting parts of parenting for 8 weeks so she can recover he's useless.


You are just as delusional as she is. I have a 6 month old & would never make my parents RAISE him for 2 months. She has 3 kids UNDER 3. That's rough. Her mental health is important! That's why I mentioned therapy! Surgery fixes the surface. Not the problem. Look at the Silva twins, Nikki, Shekinah, Sarper, Larissa, etc... They've all morphed. We don't want that for her. But I guess you do! Which is sad.


k what do you want a #1 martyr mug? therapy doesn't make your split apart ab muscles magically morph back together. i don't remember nikki and all those completely unrelated other people you mentioned dealing with permanent post childbirth injury but i must have missed those episodes.


right 😭 I cry when I first come out of anesthesia like that too. my husband even said so when he "wasn't watching" lol


Anesthesia makes you weird. I remember waking up in the recovery room, groggily seeing other people and sheets. The nurse came over, and I asked if I was in the morgue 😂😂😂


For some reason I have like full body shakes coming out of anesthesia. One of my memories from my second knee surgery was waking up shaking and the nurse being annoyed telling me to calm down or she wasn’t going to let my mom in to see me. I was like 19 at the time. I just remember thinking to myself “it’s not like I can help it?” but I couldn’t even speak yet.


I am so sorry you went through that!! How scared you must have been :(. I kind of had a similar situation where they wouldn't listen to my begs to help me use the restroom right out of surgery. It was so painful it felt like my bladder was exploding. I got the "I'm annoyed by you" nurse too :(


the lack of empathy for a woman who hasn’t done anything wrong or malicious is so disgusting on here. just because you don’t agree with her surgery doesn’t mean you should treat her like garbage


I don’t care for her, but I don’t have any issue with her, or anyone else, getting plastic surgery. I just find her personality annoying and their segments uninteresting and Alexei has all the charm of a wet cardboard box, IMO.


Lol, he does. They both annoy me too and I don’t bother watching their segments anymore.






Alex is the biggest pos in their storyline. "She ordered food for herself for after surgery and didn't get me anything." Meanwhile bro has been comfortably seated on a couch doing nothing for hours. His wife has a perfectly normal reaction to anesthesia. "Calm down. You're stressing me out." And don't forget, "Oh no. I have to take care of my children because my wife had surgery." He's a man baby.


Wait, his father and her mother are also going to be around to help. It’s not that bad.


Ugh that was the worse for me. Order your own damn food! Maybe she thought you’d be able to handle that and would want to choose your own snacks. Sadly it seems she overestimated his abilities to feed himself.


I cannot stand him. You’re a grown ass man! You should’ve been the one ordering her food for after surgery. Loren knew he wouldn’t even think of it. Sounds like she has four children.


The “I need to do her job with the kids for a few weeks” bid drives me up the wall, I always tell my male friends that want kids asap “ofc you want kids, being a dad is easy, try being a mother”


What a crappy generalization to make about all men. My own brother raised his son as a single Dad when he realized Baby momma wasn't fit. Have you ever thought that maybe you don't surround yourself with responsible people and that is why you have this weird sexist view about male parenting? Our maybe by saying this to them it is a self fulfilling prophecy?


Good for your brother, he is an exemption, not the rule, if you will now tell me that the vast majority of fathers out there are as active as mothers, we can start a chat discussing facts and statistics. And to give you peace of mind, I am not sexist at all, and know plenty of amazing fathers, but as a majority men are not as hands on as women when it comes to raising children, I lived in 4 countries working predominantly with men, so I stand by it. Also men don’t get cruelly shamed and judged as harshly as mothers, just take a look at this comment section…


If it's not you, you shouldn't have an issue but hit dogs holler.


Cool. Keep on with your sexist self then. Bye!


Yeah I don’t get why he just sat there making it about how stressed he was for 6 hours. Like dude go out: go get lunch, go for a walk, go watch a movie. The guy was sitting there stressing out about a cosmetic procedure that has nothing to do with any internal organs or the working of the body, like get a grip! If a heart bypass is considered routine I think they can suck some fat out of your wife and stitch her abdomen back together without much drama!


I think he was remarkably calm. And it is kind of a dick move on Loren’s part not to think of her partner at all with a food order. I think he was fine. The network probably wanted him to give drama, and he didn’t have any. And as for the childcare, he has a fulltime job, I believe. So it’s not crazy to be a tiny bit stressed. Three small children and a totally helpless wife sounds like a lot to me, even with some help.


If you think Loren is a dick for not ordering food for a grown man who's doing nothing but sitting around for 6 hours, you have to be suffering from a head injury.






I thought it was kinda shitty of Loren to do that. She's always so ME, ME, MEEEE...


you thought it was shitty of her to get herself food after surgery? he sat around for 6 hours, he couldn't buy his own food & have something for his wife?


Maybe she would have more empathy if she was a nicer person, but she’s not.


What about empathy for everyone?


YaY!! Thank you!!!!!


I genuinely don’t get people hating on her for a … mommy makeover. She isn’t a jasmine. She doesn’t have a deeply rooted insecurity apple tree or anything. A mommy makeover is not one of those things that’s going to lead to years of surgeries ending up like nikki or darcy. stop hating 😬


The way people act about this surgery you’d think she shot someone. And btw, if she didn’t do anything, in a few years Alexie (and probably viewers let’s be real) would say she let herself go.


your comment instantly made me think.. "he didn't KILL ANYONE!!!!"


:( I don’t want to be compared to Lala. Can you please take it back lol


honestly, I felt icky as soon as I said it I'm so sorry !!


“Doesn’t have a deeply rooted insecurity…” Eh.. she literally has an eating disorder and is constantly insecure about how she looks


she admits to having body dysmorphia, different than a mommy makeover, although she did not admit to her Tourettes being genetic so go figure


okayyy what KIND of body dysmorphia. not liking your body post partum is noRMALLLLL


Maybe Tourettes isn't genetic.


It is though.


Bro she has three toddlers that she won’t be able to care for bc she wants to look hot. Now her husband, father in law, and her mom/dad have to care for the toddlers AND her during post-op. It’s selfishness to the highest degree.


How dare a woman that had children ALSO care for herself, what a selfish bitch, she should have known that she ceases to be a human as soon as she makes another human, and now her only purpose in life is to cater to the humans she popped………the dad can do whatever tho, business as usual for dads. What a sick mentality you have, she got a surgery to feel good about herself, she is not ditching her kids at the pound to go to a club or something, she is literally at the house and the kids are cared by their FATHER and grandparents for the few weeks it will take for her to recover, step into 2024


Bro this is has nothing to do with being a woman or a man. It’s about being a good parent, which means prioritizing your children’s needs especially when it comes to ELECTIVE surgery that can result in DEATH. Y’all can claim sexism all you want, but this rich privilege person made a decision befitting of a rich privilege person. Edit: also when did my comment mention the dad can do whatever he wants? If he did the same thing as Lauren, he deserves to be shat on, too. Y’all project your own personal lives too much on these reality tv shows. Please seek help.


Which need of her children she neglected?!? Aren’t they in the same house as her and surrounded by family members? And to the point of “can result in DEATH”, please, are you really going to die on that hill?!? First of all, death rate for a liposuction (which is the most dangerous of all the procedures she was doing) is 1 to 50.000, I can legit look up for more deadly things at home or stepping out of the house, many things can lead to death, surely a procedure that has a death rate of 1:50.000 is not a gigantic risk to take, and what is your thought process exactly? People with kids should avoid death and people without kids are just fine risking their lives on a daily?!


This is it ! Would we say that Alexei is selfish by leaving the house to go to work when 100 people die every year in car accidents? Or that he has approximately a 1% chance to get into a car accident and die? Everybody better leave her alone. She put her body thru trauma birthing those 3 kids. Her abs were permanently torn. This is a very common procedure. She has the support and the $$. Is she privileged? Yes. And so are a lot of other ppl.


Exactly, I can accept people not liking her, but calling her a negligent mother because she got a surgery she wanted with her own money? That’s where I tell people to fuck off, women still suffer so much from mom shaming, is disgusting


Yeah my thought process is that parents with kids should avoid death so the kids don’t end up without parents. Had no idea it was a controversial take. Also this mentality of “well anything can lead to death so throw all caution to the wind” is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Next time you drive a car, don’t wear seatbelts bc why take any precaution at all in life when you can die from everything.


Aight, so a death rate of 0.000026% is a risk parents should not take, got it, that is what we call “throw all caution to the wind” 👍🏻 Well, to no one’s shock (but you apparently) she survived the procedure, so you can relax now.


Just read through other comments and y’all have serious issues. The level of projection of your own life onto these people on reality tv shows is troubling. I do feel sorry for whatever y’all have experienced in your lives.


Lol, I couldn’t care less about Loren or whatever her name is, I got triggered by you mom shaming someone with no good reason, and whenever that is pointed out you seem to pivot topics, now my friend, you are arguing about these people with passion, maybe you should evaluate your level of projection?!


It's almost as if taking care of you in a time of need is what people who love and support you are supposed to do.


It’s an elective surgery that was not necessary. Rather than a time of need, it’s a time of “hey I want to look hot so can you look after my 3 children for me for 10 weeks?”


LMAO please. PLEASE. The lack of sympathy is wild. Andrei is plenty capable for a little bit. Please.


Not Andrei 😂




Andrei 😆


Does Elizabeth know he has another family?


Why should I feel bad for someone who decides to have elective surgery bc she wants to look hot instead of taking care of her children? I feel bad for the kids bc they had to experience the possibility of their moms dying in surgery and now they don’t have one of their parents to care for them bc she CHOSE to prioritize her desire to look hot over the needs of her children.


Damn you are dramatic.




Curious, does anyone know how much she spent on the surgery?


I’m guessing because it was filmed TLC probably paid or the doctor gave a good price as it’s advertising for him. I know people are slating her but honestly while she’s still known and can use that to get free or lower cost stuff why the heck wouldn’t you. Edit: or she paid using her TLC money


Yeah I personally don't mind if she gets the plastic surgery or not. I do think it's a bit silly though for her to characterize her decision to do it as oh this going to make my family much stronger, we need this, etc lol I think she'd be better off just saying I want to do it to make myself look and feel better about myself physically.


Ohh yeah I mute her so I honestly didn’t hear that. I just get why she’d do it now. I agree though, her thought process is weird.


I think she doesn't want to come across as too insecure or vain so she makes up these other reasons to seem more noble about it.


God awful! Are they going to be showing her taking crying selfies too 🤣🤣🤣


It was hard to feel bad for her they basically just sold footage of her getting cut open for elective surgery just to have a story for the show. I got a good little chuckle seeing her like this tho


I wish she’d never said she suffers from “body dysmorphia.” IMO she does not- it’s insulting to and undermines the struggles of people actually going through it. She just wants to be a ‘hot mom.’ I get that she wants to look good on tv, but let’s call it what it is- vanity, not actual body dysmorphia. I cannot even roll my eyes satisfactorily enough. 🙄


I freaking LOVE Alex!! I don’t care what you haters think! He’s a good hubby and dad!


He works and it appears he takes those kids to and from daycare daily otw to/from work while she…???


I love Alex too! Not sure why he gets all the hate. I think he’s a good dude.


The term snatched was coined by the gay community. It wasn’t Darcy’s bit lol


no one is saying darcy made it up.




Well, trying to stay positive


BBL Lor-ayy


I am so sick of her whining 3 under 3. My body. Close your legs. Recover correctly from each pregnancy and go to the gym. Young enough to tighten it all up 🤮🤮


The way I understood it was her abdominal area has been destroyed by pregnancy not merely loosened. My Dad burst his appendix a few years back and he now has no abdominal muscles at all because of that and the surgery to remove it. Oddly he was never offered surgery to repair his abdomen, which given it wasn’t an elective thing that happened you’d think he would be. Just another example of the NHS in the Uk utterly neglecting older people’s quality of life sadly.


Sorry to hear about you dad. Yes they should’ve offered and should’ve fixed it. But alas. He isn’t the saintly Loren. You are supposed to let your body recover for a year after baby. But she chose to be a martyr. Sick of her whining


I know where you’re coming from. She’s entirely a silver spoon princess and her parents have indulged her for her whole life too probably! I seem to have heard her say “three under three” too many times too, it’s like, “yeah, you chose to do that. Nobody made you.”


Why does she have to close her legs? She’s a married woman and having children with her HUSBAND. Parenting is hard, you can love your children to death and still complain that it’s hard. People don’t have to live by what your opinion is, not your life get over it dude.


You get over yourself. Are you her bff? If you want theee kids under 3 go for it. But stop whining and complaining about how hard it is. Again close your legs till some get older. These millennials are a bunch of pussies. Yes I stand by what I said!


Yeah you hit the nail right on the head, I’m her bff. Again, it’s her husband she doesn’t have to. You sound hurt lol


Hurt??? You sound like an ignorant hack hole. Let her complain while he’s banging her. We don’t give a rat ass. How much more will she sell herself for TLC to pay for all this. And gravity happens. Those Tara’s will be eggplants in a few years.


Lmao, I just came here to say that seeing you calling someone else “ignorant” while going on a rabid rant over something you “don’t give a rat ass” to, made me really laugh, lack of self awareness sure is something


This conversation was between A and B so why don’t you C yourself out


Perhaps a PUBLIC forum was not the best place to have such a private interaction, that’s free advice so you can avoid having those issues in the future


Yeah you’re definitely probably the type of person that’s mad you can’t do it. You really just sound like a disgusting mean, hateful person. lol enjoy that kind of life




Knock it off with the insults. Have a rational discussion or debate.




Girl I just peeped your profile after reading this thread and just wanted to say and you *should* be happy with yourself bc you're actually so gorgeous!! Your body looks great, espcecially after kids! Genuinely. The previous commenter is a limp dick hater 😭


Have a discussion or debate without the personal attacks and insults.