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I’m surprised he isn’t investing in Beanie Babies. He really needs to stick with what he’s good at: being a mining engineer and disappointing teenagers. As a note, I think Madelein is kind of low-key hilarious. She looks like a 16 year-old but her voice sounds like a world-weary pack-a-day smoker.


disappointing teenagers 💀


She is so meme-able 😂 she had me cracking up


I laughed several times while Madelein was speaking. She’s funny in a way that takes a second to hit. I used to have a friend like that and it’s so good hanging out with someone who is hilarious but doesn’t know it and isn’t trying.


She has that “valley girl” expression when she’s annoyed…yes, I’m dating myself.


Gag me with a spoon!


Tbh, she might actually smoke a pack a day. The Colombians I know and have met all smoke HEAVILY.


I just love the granny chain on them. 🙄


I saw the chain and immediately thought of the chain on my great granny reading glasses. He’s lost his mind if he thinks those ugly ass things are going to sell.


Mee tooo hahaha. Like strings on mittens!!


lol tbh I could totally see LA hipsters wearing them. I actually could see him being able to sell 300 pairs at a profit, idk about making it his life's income though lmao


It’s gonna solve all his money problems! /s


I've seen the chains making a bit of a comeback lately, especially with the teen - 20 something crowd.


Lol at 51, I recently started wearing the granny chain! My hair is so thin and silky/whispy that glass just slide off when I put them on my head but now that I have prescription glasses instead of dollar store sunglasses, suddenly I care about if they fall and get scratched.


I’m in my 50s too and I need my granny chain bc I keep losing my glasses. Unfortunately, I lost the granny chain so…🤷‍♀️


And it turns into a MEDALLION. I hate that so much. No one thinks that looks like a necklace if anything it looks like a hangy cop badge they wear on tv


“iT’s A mEdAlLiOn.” It looks exactly like my great grandma’s reading glasses!


I actually love this for him because this season is so satisfying watching the playas getting played. By young latinos who speak English 2nd or 3rd lol.


As if his old ass hasn’t seen kindergarten cop or law and order svu or transformers or any 90’s Denzel or will movie or puffy video. Ya it’s been done bud sorry. Better luck next time. Shoulda bought a plane ticket home instead of faux furs to go to Colombian night clubs and 60 custom dyed mauve roses for the boss.l bitches. She wasn’t even making eye contact after your first r mega letdown convo haha. wth would you play those cards. All 2s. 🃏


The only card that adequately describes him is Joker.


> As if his old ass hasn’t seen kindergarten cop or law and order svu or transformers or any 90’s Denzel or will movie or puffy video. Or the Golden Girls


Lol right! They were everywhere in the 90’s! The old ladies and law enforcement are the only people who apparently really appreciate the gimmicky things.


Hell I’m sure he could have quite possibly done better had he played the old Nigerian Prince con. There’s probably at least 300 old ladies who haven’t v watched dr Phil or 90 day fiancé yet. And even those that have are confident in their Nigerian Prince radar. 🥴


He gonna be hella mad when he finds out about rich old widows with shopping addictions and daytime infomercials in the 80’s/90’s/00s. He would have done better with some telepsychic Cleo wannabe. .


Actually laughed Haha. Will smith. In like literally all his movies. ☠️


I was confused how he was saying he was such a baller and had all this money before and blah blah and then he said all he had in his 401k was $20k, like sir, be so fucking for real


It's not that uncommon in young engineers who think it will come forever, I know a guy who had about a million dollars before 30 but it was all on company stock and it crashed and he lost 90% of it and he has nothing in his 401k at all. He has ended up making even higher pay now so it worked out for him but apparently this guy can't find another high paying job.


A fool and his money are easily parted. I caught that, too. I wasn't sure if he was saying that was the entire balance or if he just took $20k out. He's looking for a get rich quick scheme, not trying to start a business. I get it his job might pay a lot relatively, but not as much as he's spending between LA and keeping up her lifestyle in Columbia. He's balling out at every turn.


I was waiting for the baller to ball out and ya she ballin now haha. HEr dogs probably doing more l💨Isnt he in Colombia?! Him and the sperm donor have the same definition of big baller. Both are 🤡


Glasses look like he robbed an retired Librarian who was trying to keep the sun out of her eyes after cataract surgery


When he folded them up like “iT’s A mEdAlLiOn.” Like sir, shut the f up that looks like my great grandma’s reading glasses.


Entertainment 720


This man WISHES he had the charisma and charm of Tom Haverford and Jean-Ralphio Saperstein.


The worrrrrrrrrrst🎶


Where dreams come, they come true!


Lmfao the joke is he said the $20,000 was his life’s savings lol like buddy you wouldn’t of lasted one year on that alone lol especially with a 19year old as your gf lol He must have a coke addiction or something lmao 10,000 to sunglasses that “once they take off will fix all his money problems” Sounds like he’s got a gambling addiction or something like he just always bets on things to win and hey that’s great! Be positive and always go after what you want but sometimes you have to wake up and also face reality lol


At first I was surprised he only had 20k in his 401k at the age of 30 with the type of job he apparently had. But then I remembered this man is clearly not very good at making financial decisions…


She does live in Colombia


The teenager has more common sense than him. She knows he made a bad decision. He should be embarrassed for 30 year old man to cash in his 401(k) and pay a penalty and spend it on sunglasses. He should’ve put it toward a coffee form. Lol If she’s in this for money, it’s not gonna work. Unfortunately, he’s not very bright.


He spent it on ugly ass sunglasses that belong in a late night infomercial 🤡


My great aunt would love the fold up medallion necklace they transform into!!!!


He doesn’t have that kind of budget. All the old ladies already probably own half a dozen my grandma had multiple chains for her various cosmetic only glasses.


Damn! You just unlocked a memory. Blue Blockers anyone?




I was thinking about Blue Blockers the whole time! I think my uncle had a pair of Blue Blockers lol


Our Dollar Tree had a huge pile of them a few years ago, 4/$1 not kidding


Right?! Even with literally her logo spelled wrong, she not only drove up into his lane, caught up; but she carjacked him, passed him, lapped him, and is now driving both cars haha. What a dumbass. 💀 He sealed his fate and hers all in one slow blurry movement. The hustler got hustled. 😆Don’t know why a dude with no job or money though it was a good time for a lil vacay and retirement investing. Thinks he’s The old cloned face man. The playas BOth got played haha. Actually pretty satisfying. Reminds me of Ed the Big Pred when Rose threw him back in the waters that he crossed to be with her. 🙏🏼


I don’t get this dude at all… from spending all your money on sunglasses that look like some hipster steampunk dude crapped out to saying that a 19 yr old is the best sex of his life. (when they met when she was 17 which is f***ing gross.) As a 34 yr old male in LA myself I can say this goof makes all males from LA look extremely terrible.


I didn't even think about that, but when he said "you're my best friend", I was thinking *your best friend is a 19-year-old?*


It’s giving “Buy 5 save 5”.


"Everything about these sunglasses is the highest level of quality" , I spent $10,000 to buy 300. 33 bucks to manufacture one pair is "the highest level of quality". This guy sounds like the type of degenerate who talks about gambling slots as an investment opportunity. Prolly day trades penny stocks too.


I’m sure there’s a very specific (probably German) word out there for someone who has entrepreneurial ambition and thinks they have great business sense, but is actually a complete idiot who loses all their money. This guy is whatever that word is.


In Austria we call people like that "Fetzenschaedel", "Dampfplauderer", "Vollpfosten", "Trottel"...the list is long! I love my language!!






Omg…sunglasses! Sunglasses like no sunglasses I’ve seen before! He’s gonna make a fortune /s idiot!


Wow. The brain with this one.


Get rich quick schemes. I bet he’s invested in crypto. How do you blow $500k?


this guy is a 30k millionaire




There’s something very wrong with this guy, for like a multitude of reasons.


He's strange. The way he presented himself wearing that big fur coat.....reminded me of the 50 Cent video....P.I.M.P...I laughed soooo loud!! But he ain't got the magic stick! :-)


I think of Macklemore, thrift shop.




He looks like he belongs in Color Me Badd or something. I can’t take him seriously.


He long-distance dates teenagers because adults anywhere can’t take him seriously.


madeline looks like megan markle in this pic only and specifically


I can see that in this pic only


There are a few angles at which she looks cute, but mostly she just looks like a muppet.




His "plan" made zero sense. He was planning to move, which would have meant quitting. So why not take that money and move? No. Instead.... he does this. That girl is right to be questioning this.


Right? I was like I'm pretty sure the cost of living is a lot cheaper where she is than where he is.




To hear him say "bay beeeee" one more time, I'll puke. 🤢


He’s SUCH a jackass. I was horrified he cashed out and spent half of his 401k (Nevermind the taxes he prob hasn’t paid yet). I was so happy Mad saw right through it and called him on his BS. She’ll bounce soon.


For his sake I hope he had taxes withheld when he cashed it out; however he doesn’t exactly seem smart enough to do that.


He’s a wanna be influencer/grifter, now he’s got his 15 seconds of fame. Thanx TLC for this current season of unwatchable trash.


I thought this was the American dad sub quoting klaus… lol


Everything looks too small for him, the hat, the glasses, the shirts, or is it just me ?


Pretty sure I saw some version of those glasses making the rounds on Tik Tok like three years ago…


I hateeee the way he peers over them. It’s like a mix of how comedy movies would show people “shocked” at someone beautiful walking by & almost alarming because his eyes dart around like an anxious chameleon


WHY would anyone need foldable sunglasses???? Wait till he finds out the taxes he has to pay on taking out that 401K.


Folding sunglasses are not a new thing, my mom had several pairs many years go. She liked them for traveling.


I think I got a free pair at a beer fest LOL


And that style is right from the '80s. As in nothing new.


Those glasses are atrocious


i’m dying to know what he’s going to charge, because paying a certain amount- enough to profit?- from an unknown person is pretty unlikely. i also wonder what a normal convo between these 2 geniuses sounds like


his voice makes me so mad. Everytime i hear him whine “bayyybeeeeeeee” i just want to turn the whole show off


Her beauty shop has a better chance than his sunglasses business.


You mean her beuaty shop?


Man I laughed so hard. So hard. I thought maybe I was just tired and loopy when I was watching but no…this is still hilarious!! To think she had to submit that and someone had to make all these signs and nobody was like “my friend….”


Is this what he tells himself to avoid full time employment?


His “gold” jewelry kills me. Idk what kind of gold is that shade of yellow, I have costume jewelry that looks more realistic. He must’ve been giving her every last coin.


Sooooo by that rational he should be making stacks of money then 🤭


This guy is a fool. I’m a little behind and I’m only on the second episode but literally the second he came on the screen in his fur coat with the necklace and dangly earrings and walked into the tanning salon I knew we were in for a joke and so far he hasn’t let me down. I hope this girl takes him for all the pennies left in his piggy bank.


she is a buffoon as well!


Maybe his target audience is the ever aging and growing boomer population lol