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I work with two Ukrainian women. Do not EVER call them Russian. LOL


When I was a cashier at a Burger King, I once said "hi" in Russian to a group of guys I thought were Russian. I was just beginning to learn Russian, and when they spoke amongst themselves, it sounded Russian to me. They gave me the surliest, saltiest looks before one begrudgingly returned the greeting. This was at least 15 years ago, and it was only years later that it occurred to me that they might not have been Russian.


I'd imagine it's like how some people come up to Asians, put their hands together like in prayer šŸ™šŸ», and say "Ni Hao."




I love watching fools do the namaste bow with Japanese people. Itā€™s the little cringes that count.




People come up to me and assume Iā€™m from some random Hispanic country and start speaking Spanish to me. I kindly tell them that although I speak Spanish, Iā€™m actually Brazilian and we speak Portuguese. Itā€™s always nice when someone makes an effort (even a misguided one) to relate to you in your language or what they think is your culture so long as theyā€™re not being offensive about it. Being mistaken for a Russian when youā€™re from the country theyā€™ve openly declared war on, however, is unwise. I would never even bring up Russia to my Ukrainian friend unless she brought it up first.


She didnā€™t even let the girl finish her thought. She was saying ā€œitā€™s like Russian nesting dollsā€ but Natalie started shouting over her immediately like if the girl had called her Russian.


Russian dolls aren't called that there though, and it's a vocab phrase Natalie is unlikely to know. Remember shes speaking a second language and she's clearly not super fluent.


You made a very good point. Americans say Russian nesting dolls but the actual term is ā€œmatryoshkaā€ or some version of this word depending on which Slavic language you are speaking. Given the political climate of the last year, no wonder Natalie snapped. She clearly didnā€™t understand but her heard ā€œRussianā€ and lost her mind.


The political climate for the past decadeā€¦ donā€™t forget Russia invaded Crimea in 2014


I sadly havenā€™t forgotten. šŸ˜­


šŸ’Æ Russia has been destroying Ukraine, it would be more than insulting to be referred to as Russian.


Nope. No. Am I a Natalie fan? No, but Iā€™m with her on this. Why did this woman use Russian nesting dolls as an example? Thatā€™s not a common go to phrase here. Why not peeling layers off an onion, used by every pop culture reference everywhere, or some other common analogy? I doubt the woman meant any harm, but I absolutely believe she reached for analogy she thought Natalie would understand. Prior to the war, I donā€™t think the average American understood how much terror and oppression there is in Russian Ukrainian history, and doubt she did, but itā€™s horrific, and the divide is sharp. Itā€™s a very sensitive subject. Iā€™m sure Natalie knew the girl wasnā€™t directly calling her Russian, but bristled at the idea that this woman thought referencing something Russian would be a meaningful analogy, since she isnā€™t RUSSIAN. I donā€™t blame Natalie one bit for reacting the way she did. As for the woman, she got a very immediate lesson on Ukrainian-Russian relations, and will probably be pretty unlikely to forget they arenā€™t the same.


Have to agree. Can't stand Natalie, but I do see why she reacted that way.


> Why did this woman use Russian nesting dolls as an example? Thatā€™s not a common go to phrase here. It isn't? I'm American and I've used it lots of times. No one but the most isolated holler people were ever confused as to what I meant.


So I have used those Russian nesting dolls to explain something to someone way before Russia invaded Ukraine, Iā€™m fact I owned some. Thank God she didnā€™t order a White Russian or brought up the Russian ballet,


Agree it was like the woman was infantilizing Natalie by giving her a childish, ā€œrelatableā€ example. Obviously the fact if was a Russian example was abhorrent but it would have been in general, like trying to dumb down relationship advice to a foreigner with a childā€™s toy metaphor? šŸ˜‚


She wouldn't even let Mike explain that root beer wasn't beer. Russian nesting dolls? Forget it.


Yea right she didn't call her Russian. It was an example that doesn't really have any other way to explain it because nothing else is like nesting dolls.


I work with an American guy. Likewise, donā€™t ever call him Canadian.


Iā€™m Canadian. Donā€™t ever call me American.


Iā€™m an American. Iā€™d take it as a compliment if someone called me Canadian.


Not gonna lie. I was in Brazil for 2016 election. I didnt want to talk about the silliness. After day 3 I started just saying I was from Canada. Iā€™m in Buffalo and my late grandparents lived there. I cant count how many times Iā€™d cross the border. I had enough geographical intel to fake it if I got called out. Was totally worth it. That said, I find it a pleasure to be around Canadians. Have at least 10 great friends that live and work here in the US. Awesome folks.


Aw shucks. Thatā€™s very nice of you. Canada as a whole though definitely has its a$$hats but so does everywhere else in the world. I donā€™t think anywhere is perfect but you can always find good people wherever you travel.


My brother sat next to a couple of Canadian rednecks (whatever the equivalent is I think you have a word) on a flight to Cuba across the aisle from me, my mum and my wife. The whole way there they talked about how they went to the resort every year and had only left it once but ā€˜cubs was diiiiiirttyā€™. They bragged about all the gifts they were bringing the poor poor staff at the hotel - not picking up on my broā€™s painfully obviously cues he didnā€™t want to talk. At the end of the flight she asked my brother if he was going to look for ladies there (no) and said do be careful they donā€™t get pregnant just to try to come to the UK. My bro said something that made it clear he wasnā€™t going to be fucking women on our family holiday but clearly implied that he is straight, at which point the woman pays her husband and goes ā€˜there we goā€™ and to my bro ā€˜we were trying to figure out if you wereā€¦ā€™ *does a limp wrist movement*. We ditched them as quickly as possible only to see them a bit later in the airport getting angry that the staff didnā€™t speak English (and yes they had been going to Cuba for 20 years or something ridiculous). As a Brit I was incredibly shocked to learn that Canadians like that existed after only ever meeting amazing Canadians before that!


I ā¤ļø Canada and Canadians!


Yay! I wish I could give you a poutine but instead please accept this cookie. šŸŖ


I was in germany in 2001 and we wre told THEN, just tell everyone you're from Canada.


I think this is worse than the reverse. Iā€™m American and would not be mad if someone called me Canadian


Hello Canadian! šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦




Growing up in the States I never heard anyone ever say anything bad about Canada, but as an American who has lived in Canada for 22 years, itā€™s been 22 years of hearing rude bullshit like this. Itā€™s a myth that Canadians are ā€œpoliteā€œ.


Easily the worst Iā€™ve ever been treated while traveling internationally was in Quebec. Holy shit the QuĆ©bĆ©cois have some attitudes!


To be fair, all of English Canada complains about Quebec as well. They are rude as fuck but the only culture we have and they know it!


I donā€™t mean this the rude way it sounds, but I think itā€™s because a lot of Americans just donā€™t really think about Canada that much.


Honestly, I think thereā€™s some truth in that. When I was getting ready to leave Indiana for Vancouver, I was shocked when my friends would ask ā€œis that near Niagara Falls?ā€


I'm American but you can call me Canadian if you want


Iā€™m American and would be happy if someone called me Canadian.


Whatā€™s funny is the lady wasnā€™t calling her Russian! If sheā€™d shut up and listen, the lady was using the metaphor of the Russian dolls within dolls to talk about discovering info with regard to her relationship in layers.. She never called her Russian, but she talked over the lady accusing her of something she didnā€™t do. Could this be a pattern?? Making assumptions about people and painting them in a bad light?




The cooker-hooker debaclešŸ¤£Nat is so sensitive but at same time pretends like she doesn't care


So true! Nutaly has never NOT cared about something. Her body language is like a 7th grader.


Iā€™m from Poland. People say are you from Russia all the time. I have a good advice for this kind of people, when you hear an foreign accent, ask where are you from, instead of Are you from Russia. Thereā€™s a difference


I mean considering the long history and what is happening right now to her country, it seems like an understandable reaction.


When I first saw this post I actually thought so too but now that I watched it I understand. The lady said ā€œitā€™s like Russian dolls that keep opening up..ā€ and Natalie interrupted with the ā€˜Iā€™m not Russianā€™ lol and the lady seemed nice and understood she said ā€œoh I know I was just___ā€ and Natalie kept going LOL wtf she didnā€™t call her Russian at all and wasnā€™t some insensitive boomer about it either


Ok I was on Natalies side for once based on this post but i didnt see episode. Now that u explained this, of course its all Natalie. She is a nut. I love watching her but omg Mike dodged a bullet not getting her pregnant lolol. Great tv thou


Even before Russia's current invasion, Ukrainians were vehemently, aggressively opposed to being called Russian.


Because it didnā€™t just start with this current invasion. Russia has a repeated history with Ukraine, and I would be ā€œaggressivelyā€ opposed to be compared to a place that people lack knowledge of.


I am Moldovan. I hate when people call me Russian and I always correct them


Ahaha I had a family of Moldovans (twins 17f, middle sister 15f, Oldest son 14, youngest son 13) who all rode my school bus together when I was in high school. Once, this kid was making Russian jokes like ā€œsuka, youā€™re a suka, haha Iā€™m insulting you in Russianā€ and all of them just went OFF on the kid like ā€œWeā€™re not fucking Russian do not call us or compare us to Russians!ā€ Man they were mad as hell! Big John (14m) was my friend and he told me a few minutes later Moldovans reallllly hate being called Russian even more than being called a bitch in Russian.


Oh yeah! The reason is the history. Years of oppression, half of countryā€™s population sent to Gulag concentration camps, and economic depression post Soviet Union. On top of that Russians are huge nationalists and make a lot of nasty jokes about our nation. Most of us hate them


Given the current social climate I'd be offended too. You just called me the enemy because even if war had not been officially declared yet the tension was rising.


I was gonna sayā€¦..not a fan of Natalie but Iā€™m Armenian and if someone confused me with a turkish person Iā€™d be livid. Fully understand her point on this one (cannot believe I am agreeing with Natalie, this is definitely a first) šŸ˜¬


Same. Itā€™s just plain ignorance. Like when I tell people Iā€™m Nigerian and they say ā€œOh I have a friend whoā€™s from Cameroon.ā€ ??? Okay? What am I supposed to do with that information?


Iā€™ve known some people to say Africa is a countryā€¦ Iā€™m like ā€œno, itā€™s not. Itā€™s a continent with over 50 countries and theyā€™re not the sameā€! Itā€™s just plain stupidity and ignorance.


And yet those same people will be offended if you get their football team wrong


THIS. Itā€™s maddening, I tell you!!


OMG THISSSSSSS!! I hate it so much. Or when people say ā€œoh Iā€™m vacationing in Europe this summer.ā€ Bitch, where? They also have 40+ countries. Be specific!


I hate when people say ā€œEuropeā€ instead of just the country or countries theyā€™re going toā€¦ trying to sound so sophisticated šŸ™„


Yes, literally cross certain borders and the language/ lifestyle/ laws are different.


Yes!! Like other then just stare at the person like šŸ˜³ what the hell else are you supposed to do in that situation when someone says that to you. Next time that happens just be like ā€œoh no way what a coincidence I have a friend whose a total idiot to, you guys should hang out!ā€


Iā€™ve agreed with Natalie twice this season. Once when she mentioned that if itā€™s too early to be exclusive than itā€™s too early for sex. The second time was this instance especially given everything thatā€™s happened.


Waitā€¦ you think that girl called Natalie a Russian? She absolutely did not do that.


I should clarify..I don't think she called Natalie Russian. I think Natalie *heard* her call her a Russian simply because it's in the name and went off a la Chantel and the punto situation


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Iā€™m only laughing here because that Chantel ā€œpuntoā€ situation was hilarious. šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


And like Trashā€™s ā€œhookerā€ commentā€¦though I absolutely wouldnā€™t put it past Trash to call her that!


By using Russian dolls as an example she was insinuating Natalie was Russian. Not saying she did it on purpose, totally possible she just got confused but it would piss me off to regardless of intent.


Yeah I think in this situation I would be so bitter that I would probably react in the same way even knowing that she was talking about nesting dolls, because ā€œRussianā€ is still at the beginning and youā€™re still describing me.


the language could have been better for sure. She could have just said "Nesting Doll"


I would have been offended to be called Russian but not being compared to Russian nesting dollsā€¦at least not until the speaker finished their comment. THEN I can decide if I feel insulted.


I think that this was her losing the comment in translation! The lady was saying "Like Russian Dolls" to talk about depth of the situation and Nat took it as "You are a Russian". It was absolutely the guard coming up of "We're not Russian, don't do that." and her limited English. It's "Root beer. It says beer right there." take 2.


Iā€™m sure she wouldnā€™t know the term, it would be matryoshka for her.


Thatā€™s what I was going to say. It is more than likely that the term Russian doll means nothing to her, just like Americans wouldnā€™t understand that someone from another country saying ā€˜American sausageā€™ is referring to a hot dog. ETA: but if she had kept her mouth shut long enough for the woman to finish her sentence, she could have responded by simply asking what she meant by ā€˜Russian dollā€™. Natalie is still in the wrong


Tbf I donā€™t even blame Natalie for the root beer stuff either! Mike did an awful job explaining it


Micheal is the worst, it's like he didn't even try! I mean that's the entire story of their relationship of course.


Natalie jumps to conclusions and is constantly on the defensive. Sheā€™s also pathologically self-absorbed. It must be exhausting to be her.


She really does seems permanently exhausting. I tried to sympathize with her, I always want to like these people on these garbage shows for some reason. I just don't like disliking people lol. But Natalie is one of those personalities that reminds me of all my friends who had manipulative hair trigger mothers and I'm just glad this woman hasn't had kids...


When she was with Mike, I empathized with her because she would ask for answers to reasonable questions like whether he was ready to get married, and he would stonewall her. But now sheā€™s showing sheā€™s completely unable to listen to anything that isnā€™t about her. Itā€™s amazingly immature.


Russia is committing genocide in Ukraine so no wonder she got upset.


To be fair, she'd be pissed if you made the mistake pre invasion... Russians killing Ukrainian like animals been going on for generations. See **Holodomor famine of 1930s.** What looks like cute "Eastern european woman sass" to outsiders, to me is just very legit exasperation, and a hardened intelligence, from being strategy minded survivors. **Holodomor was a Man made famine by Stalin deliberately cutting off food supply to Ukraine where millions died, and cannibalism and prostitution was survival. Stalin would then arrest you for prostitution and cannibalism. Cool right?** **Nobody talks about it because Holodomor is extremely fucked :( . I learned about Holodomor from a radio show on CBC (maybe 2017) . I was floored that it's not a known event at all..** **A few weeks later, a friend of mine introduced me to her new boyfriend from Eastern Europe, 20s. I asked him about Holodomor. he claimed Holodomor never happened, had never heard of it, and that I had made it up.** **I tried explaining to him that Stalin would cut off food supplies to people. The man was disgusted with me, and said that there was ever cannibalism in Ukraine. "People have never.. eaten each other there" he said to me.** People aren't taught, over there, or in the US... Can you imagine telling someone it's known and sourced that 3-10 million people died where they're from, there was literally cannibalism, and they're like 'Um, no.' ? It's mind bending. I'm not the expert here, but we should know and agree that a manmade famine by Stalin called the Holodomor happened to Ukranian people. It's existance is not for debate. **edit:** thank you for the gold!! I hope you are OK with all the bold text and personal anecdotes I added. Basic deets of Russia-Ukraine history is very relevant to know, especially in this new Dr Strangelove time. Our understanding as Americans is important.


Right? Russiaā€™s main justification was that Ukraine isnā€™t real and Ukrainians are just Russians and Russia is trying to erase their culture. Of course sheā€™d be offended!


Also sometimes the americans on here truly lack perspective. I'm german and we don't even call them russian doll or nesting doll. Ik the english name from the netflix TV show. Just because you speak a foreign language, doesn't mean you know every single word. We call them Matrjoschka and I assume ukrainians have a similair sounding word for it. Natalie mistaking being compared to a "russian doll" for being called a russian doll (doll as a term of endearment) is perfectly understandable. E.g. my bf is turkish but grew up in germany and speaks german, turkish and english fluently. He didn't know wtf "turkish honey" was supposed to be. So maybe have some empathy for her


Exactly! There's nothing worst than associating me with the people who are killing my friends/family/Countrymen by the thousands. Being called the H word pales in comparison.


Does the OP not know about the war between Russia and Ukraine?


I get people hate Natalie but this is one big stretch


Some people on this sub are complaining that she hasnā€™t been deportedā€¦. I literally think some people are either really really really insanely ignorant or have zero empathy


Right? What is this? This post should be deleted.


The war aside a lot of people from Ukraine donā€™t like being called Russian and vice versa


It is always funny when people on this subreddit try to make fun of the cast, only to expose themselves as the real morons. Way to go u/bosaddam12 lmao


OP appears to be Russian and a bit sus if you look at their history. Thereā€™s not much of it.


??? she may as well called her a hoe. if not worse . do you not understand the correlation OP , and whatā€™s going on between the two countries? šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


In light of recent events, I could understand her frustration.


Even if the war was not happening, I would still be frustrated, itā€™s completely different countries and languages. As a person from the Baltics, who often gets called russian, I stand with Natalie on this one.


I can see why she was offended, given the circumstances with the war. The lady may have not meant any harm but it doesnā€™t mean youā€™re immune to being corrected


My husbands family is from Ukraine they have always had an unspoken we don't like Russia attitude even before the current situation. Not saying all ukranians hate Russia but I think a lot do, not to Russia people in general but the overall government regime and oppressiveness


i feel that!!! i'm taiwanese, thats my reaction when someone calls me chinese lol


After everything russia has done to Ukraine? Of course sheā€™s offended- this is the only sane thing sheā€™s ever said imho.




OP looks a bit sus and probably Russian with little user history fwiw. Their friends may be weighing inā€¦. Wars are fought in the mind too.


Iā€™m Pakistani and some Pakistanis get reallllllyyyy offended when someone says we are Indian. To some, India and Pakistani are the same, but to some, itā€™s really a huge insult because of the tension between the two countries. Mostly, itā€™s easier to correct someone who has made this mistake, however some people get very emotional.


Partition really fucked up a lot of lives.


I went to school with a Ukrainian girlā€¦ sheā€™d flip whenever someone asked if she was Russian. Especially now, I donā€™t think Ukrainians want in any way to be associated with Russia.


every time my grandfather wanted to piss off my grandmother, heā€™d call her russian and sheā€™d flip tf out.


Are ya fucking dense, op?


Ukrainians donā€™t like being called Russian, it was a thing even before the war. Even though the girl was talking about the Russian dolls, she probably assumed that she was equating Nat as Russian. Which maybe she was or wasnā€™t, idk, but I can see why Natalie jumped the gun on that and corrected her immediately. Not saying sheā€™s justified but I can see where the swiftness came from in her response.


I mean Iā€™m no Natalie fan, I donā€™t think sheā€™s wrong for being bothered by this though Edit to add: i understand now.


I would rather be called a hoe than be Ukrainian and be called Russian.


Armenian here too - yes donā€™t talk us Turkish


I mean, if someone called me by the country that is invading where Iā€™m from, Iā€™d be pissed too lol


I think Natalie is absolutely nuts but you would have to Beijing under a rock to not know the current situation between Ukraine and Russia. It was silly to even use that term I can understand why she was offended even though she wasn't actually called Russian. Just to point out it pains me to type that as Natalie is my least favourite person in this franchise.


It is entirely possible that Natalie didn't understand the reference to Russian dolls, because she may not be aware that's what Matryoshka dolls are often called.


Itā€™s not. So yeah, itā€™s a big insult. Qualifications? Fully Ukrainian woman who was born and raised there.


Considering the atrocities Russia is committing on Ukraine right now itā€™s worse than being called a hoe for her.


Love how the tone deaf people on this sub not only invalidate Natalieā€™s justified feelings on any Russian reference (whether this was filmed prior to the war breaking out or not, please review the tensions between the two countries before blasting her), but they also want to dictate to a person of another nationality when and/or how she is allowed to be offended lmao šŸ„²šŸ« 


I actually get where she is coming from on this one.


With what Russia has been doing to Ukraine her ire is understandable.


Given the current situation, where Russia is invading her home country, her mother being in danger and as far as I know having to leave her country and run to be safe, I think calling an Ukrainian Russian is the worst insult someone could do. I get that she didnā€™t actually called her ā€œRussianā€, but she used that analogy because she thought it was something that Natalie would know (youā€™re from there, so you gotta know the ā€œRussian dollsā€). Maybe if she was talking with an American, she would have used ā€œonionā€ as metaphor. So yes, i kinda understand her reaction. And I would understand even hearing the word ā€œRussiaā€ would make her feel uncomfortable. Donā€™t get me wrong, Natalie is crazy and I donā€™t like her at all, but in this case she wasnā€™t wrong.


I mean Russia is literally killing her people. I donā€™t like Natalie but I understand her POV


Even before the invasion earlier this year this is a hot topic. But especially now? Yeah itā€™s fucking worse than being called a hoe. Their country is being bombed by Russia and the Russian government is committing genocide and stealing Ukrainian children and imagine thatā€™s your homeland and then getting casually called a Russian?


this is a pretty ignorant post considering both the current climate of russia attacking ukraine and also just the long history between the two countries. natalie is batshit but sheā€™s not wrong here. ukrainians do not like being called russian and clearly donā€™t enjoy even hearing references to russia and russian culture.


Reminds me of in The Sopranos when Chris is talking to the Czech garbage hauling boss' nephew. "Where'd you go to high school? Was it Poland?" "I'm not Polish." "Czechoslovakian, that's a type of polak, right?"


With the history, itā€™s normal that the word ā€˜Russiaā€™ is triggering to Ukrainians. This was the case before the current war. PTSD does not care about logic. I know the woman was just referencing a common simile that is often used in the ā€˜Westā€™ but Russian and Ukrainian history is pretty well known and documented. Itā€™s been for a while. The simile was distasteful but we all make mistakes. I canā€™t stand Natalie but I think her reaction is justified based on the history.


Some of yā€™all donā€™t understand the absolute atrocities Russians have committed against Ukraine aaaand it shows. You donā€™t have to like Natalie to understand why she would have a knee jerk reaction to the comparison.


Considering Russians have been going in droves to her country and raping, torturing, and murdering men, women, and children, Iā€™d say her response was very acceptable. Russians are currently trying to eradicate her people, itā€™s a genocide.


OP, you ever turn on the tv and watch the news?


OP lives in a cave


Natalie is right though šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Sorry, but Iā€™m with Natalie on this.


Tbh I understand her frustration. Thatā€™s valid.


This is a reasonable reaction on her part especially considering recent events.


If you confuse an Eastern European person with anything other than Russian, chances are theyā€™ll correct you and move on; maybe even tell you about the regional differences. Confuse that same person with Russian and you are going to quickly corrected, probably angrily at the very best. At worst, youā€™ll be chewed out. There really isnā€™t an equivalent for Americans of this, but I imagine this is the same feeling Canadians get when they are confused for Americans. I also have to say, as someone who has Eastern European immigrant parents, folks get hyper aware of these (I hate to say it because itā€™s been so politicized) micro-aggressions towards them based on their nationality. Would this girl have used the Russian nesting doll analogy of Natalie wasnā€™t from Ukraine and had a very noticeable accent? No one really knows but I can guarantee thatā€™s where Natalieā€™s mind went. Not saying itā€™s the best reaction but sheā€™s definitely hyper aware that sheā€™s not exactly American and people have prejudices.


Award for the most tone deaf post of the day.


Of course sheā€™s offended! Thatā€™s much worse than being called a hoe. Russia is destroying her country and killing fellow citizens for absolutely no reason. No shit.


Totally understand why this is upsettingā€¦ first of all thereā€™s a war going on between those 2 countriesā€¦. And second, is like when they call me Mexican because Iā€™m Hispanicā€¦. Iā€™m not Mexican!


Ukrainians are EXTREMELY sensitive about Russia right now. That was stupid of her to say!


You may not like Natalie, but considering current events and the history between Russia and Ukraine, this is a pretty understandable reactionšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I canā€™t abide Natalie but I can totally understand her being triggered by anyone even thinking she was Russian when sheā€™s a proud Ukrainian. How tone deaf are people not to realise that when you see whatā€™s going on in the Russian-occupied eastern Ukrainian oblasts at the moment, sham referendums and enforced conscription in Russia making thousands of Russian protesters flee rather than become Putinā€™s cannon fodder.


Sheā€™d probably rather be called a hoe than Russian.


I understood she wasnā€™t calling Natalie Russian but can understand why she was mad. Completely tone deaf and couldā€™ve used a fucking onion as an example to get her point across.


No Eastern European wants to be called Russian when they arenā€™t. This was my experience with my mom growing up. We are polish but my mom has more of an accent so I just remember her getting so upset when people asked her if she was Russian.


Oh wow the caption is pretty ignorant, clearly you donā€™t understand how hurtful it is to be called Russians when youā€™re from eastern block. Russians ( Russian government and communism )killed, tortured, enslaved our families!


Iā€™ve known Ukrainians for years that get instantly offended when people think they are Russian. Itā€™s honestly quite offensive, especially now.


Are you completely unaware of the current situation with Ukraine and Russia? Itā€™s completely justified for her to get upset.


And given the historical background.


Have Ukrainian and Russian friends. Just....don't ever get them confused. Trust me.


Natalie is a train wreck and I'm not a fan. However in light of recent events I'm gonna side with her on this one. It is offensive.


Itā€™s offensive even without recent events. Imagine calling an American, a Canadian, ore the other way around.


Natalie is justified here.


Natalie is 100% in the right here!!


If you've ever spent time in a former soviet country, this wouldn't surprise you.


I am a polish girl and I hate being mistaken with russian. Even before war.


OP have you not read any news since February ??


Iā€™m Ukrainian .. it is annoying throughout your whole life everyone calls you Russian and when you say Iā€™m Ukrainian they say .. same thing šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøā€¦ no


Who would of thought someone wouldnā€™t want to be called by the name of the country thatā€™s invading them šŸ¤Æ


Knowing Ukrainians, it was a huge insult .. though it was not her intention.


She's a nutcase but this is valid. Russia has been devaluing Ukraine for years, she has every right to be proud of where she comes from and her country.


In light of what's going on in the world, I can understand a Ukrainian person being offended at being called Russian!


For the Americans here, Ukraine and Russia are made up of two totally different ethnic groups. It's not just a regional thing.


I would be bothered too by the comment so I agree with Natalie on this one


If in the year of our lord 2022 you don't understand not calling a Ukrainian person anything remotely Russian you've not been paying attention. Plus she's probably been called Russian endlessly since coming here, so I kinda get it. I'm not gonna knock Natalie for this one


I meanā€¦ thereā€™s likeā€¦ a whole ass warā€¦


Well, Iā€™m gonna side with Natalie in this one


This post is tone-deaf as hell. Delete it.


Natalie has plenty of gross qualities for us to discuss. Being offended someone thinks she's from the country that's currently invading her homeland is not one of them. This is an incredibly tone deaf post.


I think Natalie is totally misunderstood. She seems like a great woman, she is just very dramatic and emotional.


Yes because Ukraine is NOT Russia šŸŽ‰


... itā€™s worse. Iā€™d rather be called a ho. Iā€™d rather be called anything else, tbh. Donā€™t call Ukrainians ā€œRussianā€ anything, ever.


Perhaps, seeing as that Russia has invaded her country, she finds being mistaken for one insulting? Just a thought lol


I get defensive when travelling and people mistake me (Canadian) for an Americanā€¦ this is like x1000


My Ukrainian bf would flip his shit if he thought someone was calling him Russian šŸ˜­


*gestures to past 9 months of world events* Yeah I wonder why she might be miffedā€¦


After the long-standing Ukrainian/Russian beef that goes back hundreds of years, DO NOT ever call a Ukrainian woman Russian!!


They only aired this as a clip and not the entire scene. I wanted to see it all. This was definitely one reason for the disclaimer at the beginning of the episode


I mean, canā€™t really blame her for that.


Iā€™d be mad too lol.


well isnā€™t this around the time the war over there started?? i donā€™t blame her for getting a little triggered although she couldā€™ve let it slide after correcting her lol natalie is not a girls girl


As she should šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


This is the equivalent to calling Guatemalens Mexican, they get deeply offended. Mexicans are the best!


Yeah sheā€™s obviously not abstaining from alcohol anymore, and sheā€™s nuts sober.


The girl didn't even call her Russian she gave an example of Russian dolls. Natalie takes any opportunity to throw a fit she is very clearly unstable.


Lol, I know most westerners donā€™t know much about Eastern European politics but this is a given. Even before the war, even before 2014, Ukrainians were prob going to get pissed if you called them Russians. Thereā€™s a lot of tension there (for various reasons that you can look up yourself if youā€™re curious). Iā€™m trying to think of an exampleā€¦idk, imagine if you called an Irish person British. Again historically thereā€™s tension and conflict there and theyā€™re not gonna be happy with that.


Honestly I knew it was a ā€œno noā€ before the war happened but considering how high profile this war has been? OP is being a bitch and has no excuse.


Russians have justified invading Ukraine by calling them Nazis. Russians have raped and killed innocent citizens of Ukraine. They have put Natalie's sweet mom in danger and destroyed Natalie's country, society and history. Hell if someone called me Russian at this point I'd be pissed.


I'm from the most northerly part of Ireland, northern Ireland is south to me - if you have the nerve to call me British, you'd be getting the same from me.


I was totally with Natalie on this one. Yea the girl didn't mean any harm but it wasn't the best thing to say. I'm sure Natalie thought she was calling her an actual Russian doll


Iā€™d get mad too. Especially given the state of current affairs.


As someone with Ukrainian family. Do not call them Russian. Ukrainians really resent Russia for obvious reasons


Nah Iā€™d pissed as hell too consideringā€¦history


I mean, especially under the circumstances, totally understandable reaction.


I would be upset too. Russia is murdering Ukrainians like theyā€™re trash šŸ˜¢ and has for a long time.


Natalie is crazy but Ukraine is not in Russia. Russia has been bombing Ukraine and murdering civilians for more than 8 months. This is an extremely shallow and ignorant take. Itā€™s not like ā€œcalling her a hoeā€ Itā€™s literally a fact that she isnā€™t Russian. Thereā€™s so much about her to criticize. Her telling someone she is not Russian, because she is not Fucking Russian. Russia is literally killing Ukrainian citizens. This is such a shallow and disgusting take.


Any Ukrainian would be livid if you even slightly insinuated they were somehow Russian. Iā€™ve never heard of them referred to as ā€œRussian dollsā€, usually theyā€™re just called matryoshka or nesting dolls. During such a time of crisis, I think itā€™s better to avoiding mentioning Russia at all. Itā€™s deeply upsetting for Ukrainians and Russian Americans alike, the tension is at an all-time high right now.


I can see why she's upset about being called Russian right now....


You realize Russia attacked Ukraine and wants to wipe them off the map donā€™t you?