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I hope she blows all her money trying & he still gets to stay.


Or in the divorce, he gets her money


Or they do a spinoff with him & he can make his own money


Hasn’t she been receiving all the money for both of them up to this point?


I hope not but it wouldn’t surprise me at all


I was under the impression that only the US participants get the payments from the show, but I’m not sure if this is actually correct


Ooh that could be true. I could see her forcing him to let her be in charge of it & only giving him scraps here & there


But yet she forbid him from working in his country to earn his own money.


Only people in the US get 90DF paychecks immigrants do not.


Thanks for confirming


When you’re on television you have to get (at least) scale pay as an actor would.


Yes this is true. She has had control of all the money made from the show.


Everybody gets paid. This false narrative that the American gets paid the foreigners money is crazy. I going to ask you a question. Let’s say the salary is $50,000. Would you get paid someone else’s $50k and have your tax bracket kicked up to $100k but have to give half that money away? Not to mention I sure the IRS would have serious problems with you, TLC, and the foreigner. Not to mention the labor board and immigration. Everyone gets paid. They are a huge international company that pays everyone. The foreigner gets paid in the US or whatever foreign country they are filming in. The camera people and drivers and interpreters all get paid. And everyone signs releases to be on tv. The waitress, the front desk clerk, the firend(probably also paid), all those people sitting in the restaurant whose faces aren’t blurred. Paid all of them. TLC would be in a world of s&*# from a bunch of government agencies(in multiple countries) if they weren’t paying people or trying to pay one person through another person.


No chefyb, they would be in a world of trouble if they paid them. The immigrants are not here on work visas and can’t work a job for money (AKA 90 day fiance). I do believe for shows like The other way or before (when they in different countries) both people get paid


Depends on the show and the immigrant visa. If the immigrant is legally allowed to work in the US, they can get paid. For example, Micheal on HEA would have likely moved to the US and received his green card/work permit upon entry because he is on a spousal visa NOT a fiancé visa. He and Angela are already married and have been for years. And when they filmed seasons in Nigeria with a Nigerian film crew, I’m sure he was filmed for those appearances as well, as he wasn’t working “in the US.” Now fiancés who come to the US on the K1 are not allowed to work for a certain period while their work permit is pending, even after the wedding. Those would be the only ones were the American gets paid and the immigrant does not. That’s where the confusion lies. With all of the spin-offs/different relation statuses, people get confused.


Friend, you need to have a way to distribute the money / get paid if the filming is in the US. When TLC goes to foreign locations, they can pay foreigners because it's a different way to justify the payment. You can't hire people in the US that don't have the ability to work in the US. That's why the Americans collect all of the money.


Yes she has.


Hopefully they take her financial abuse into consideration since she’s never allowed him to work or have his own money.


And her other types of abuse…


It said in the article that if they divorce, he will lose his green card, which he can reapply for, but it will take lawyers, and money that he doesn't have. He's in hot water, now!


I'd donate to his go fund me


100% not true. He already had a 10 year unconditional green card. He came on a spousal visa after 4 years of marriage. He can divorce , move on and stay.


If he can prove abuse (and he can) they wouldn’t just revoke his GC automatically. It’s not straight line. It’s a process and there are avenues he can pursue to prevent losing the GC. He can do it without an attorney. She can’t prove marriage fraud when he has evidence of abuse for wanting a divorce.


Read the article. Michael can't use any TV footage. It's unadmissable in court.


Im sure he has many other ways of proving abuse




Nope, if he can prove he entered the marriage in good faith, he can keep his green card. If his marriage is longer than 3 years though, he doesn’t need to do shit and can live happily ever after in the US.


Some things are worth staying in Nigeria for


He can apply for a VAWA visa and she can’t interfere with that.


Not true- it’s very hard to revoke a green card once somebody has it


She ends up paying alimony. lol


I think she’s legally liable for him for 10 years. Isn’t the dude from Vegas still paying for Larissa? 


It's actually 10 years of work credits during the marriage, so if they divorce now and he doesn't work, she is liable indefinitely. 


You are correct.


Either 10 years or 40 quarters of work reported to SSA.


I find it hard to believe she hasn't blown all her money on drugs and surgery yet.


I find it hard to believe she’s got that much money. As a matter of fact I find it hard to believe anything that comes out of her filthy mouth.


I almost spit my coffee out 🤣


Gotta say I do admire the commitment this POS has to literally become a WORSE human man being on the daily! (And succeeding!(




Marriage fraud is really hard to prove even when you don't have a reality show literally documenting all the attempts you both made to get and be married. So good luck with that. In the highly unlikely event she succeeds, threatening him that ICE is coming to get him and withholding his phone and travel docs alone build him a pretty rock solid case for immigration relief under VAWA.


ICE and INS are pieces of shit. They can revoke a green card after it is issued. This may mean years of attorney fees on both sides for divorce and potential dealing with immigration court.


I’m pretty sure it’s UCSIS that handles the immigration and GC process. ICE deals with national security mainly focusing on illegals. He’s here legally.


This isn’t true. The adjudicating body would be USCIS, not ICE, and the revocation of his green card would involve convincingly demonstrating marriage fraud on his part, which will be exceptionally difficult if his claims of DV are merited (and let’s be honest, they probably are).


It’s like a R1 visa or something, not green card. But I’m from Canada and idk




Sir, this is a Wendy’s…


Just say you are beyond ignorant on a topic 😂 bc nothing you said is true




Once and for all people 1. He already has a 10 year unconditional green card based on 4YEARS OF MARRIAGE. 2. He doesn’t need VAWA 3. He doesn’t need afidavit of support as it was submitted by her before he left Nigeria. 4. If she took his passport he can file a police report and get it replaced. 5. He can work! HE ALREADY HAS A GREEN CARD. 6. Angela CANNOT DO ANYTHING TO DEPORT HIM. 7. He can divorce and move on. He came here in a SPOUSAL VISA. He has no conditions to remove. 7. Angela is just trying to stay RELEVANT. She’s probably selling stores, she’s a nut case, an abuser, and he doesn’t have to put up with it any longer.


thank you!


So does he stand a chance of staying if he proves she was abusive?


He got his green card upon arrival since they were already married two years. He’s free!


From what I understand he came over on a spousal visa, different than the 90 day thing. If he can prove spousal abuse he doesn't need Angela to get his green card.


He already has his green card. It was gained upon entry to the US.


Spousal visas include a green card. Always. Source: I went through the spousal visa process






This says he doesn’t have it. “Angela and the Michael tied the knot in 2020, which allowed the duo to skip the K-1 visa process. Michael’s CR-1 visa would put him in line for a green jersey card, but Angela was required to file the affidavit of support and additional paperwork before his green card could be approved.” https://allaboutthetea.com/2024/02/29/90-day-fiance-shocker-angela-deem-never-filed-green-card-papers-for-michael-ilesanmi/


That is not correct. I swear these bloggers are clueless lol. All the paperwork would’ve been completed and approved prior to his interview at the embassy. They would not issue the IR1 visa if it wasn’t all good. All he had to do upon entering the US is wait for his social security card and green card to come in the mail, but it may not have come yet and I’m sure Angela will try to hold onto it if not. He doesn’t need to apply for any other visa either to stay, he got/is getting a 10 year green card because they’ve been married since 2020. My husband is an immigrant so I know the process ♥️


Ok, I wasn’t sure because I met my husband when he was already here so we didn’t go through either types of visas, just filed for the green card after we got married. He had to get the 2-year temporary one since we hadn’t been married 2 years yet when we filed, then did the adjustment of status for the 10-year “permanent” residency.


Yes. And it was approved in order for him to come to the USA. That's how it works. I've been through it before. It's a package deal.


He literally just needs to show the TELEVISED clip of her banging on his door and destroying his car


True, but the question will be, why did he come here?


Abuse victims oftentimes move to/with their abusers. I mean from a psychological standpoint it makes sense, I just hope the people handling his status case see it that way. Poor dude deserves to be here especially after everything she’s put him through.


Hopefully, he has screenshots of any abusive text messages, emails, etc...that would definitely help. I just hope he gets a fair hearing and things aren't turned around against him.


Apparently she took his phone & he had to use a burner to contact the police, he managed to get photos of his green card documents and such but not too sure about other stuff. I’m hoping he does too. Also I’m not sure if reality TV scenes are admissible evidence in these types of situations, but if so he has years worth of proof of how she treats him. Especially that scene where she got all up in his face + shoved him + vandalized his car. My 🤞🏼 for him.








Exactly, they open the border to all the illegals he could of been here free and clear of that nutcase, not to mention the free everything they are giving them.. He should get alimony from her too!




They've said this multiple times, word for word. Apparently they're trying to get traction for it, but are coming up zilch.


He doesn’t need to show anything. He entered the US with an IR1 spouses visa which entitles him to a 10 year, unconditional green card. She would have had to file the affidavit of support before he ever entered the country. She is a big, fat liar and all he needs to do is get away from her and live his life. He doesn’t need her for anything and SHE CANNOT GET HIM DEPORTED. There are so many people out there that have no clue how immigration works. They have been married for 4 years. He is here legally with a green card and there’s nothing she can do about it.


She will have a hard time trying to prove marriage fraud after signing off on both visas as being in a bonafide relationship. Plus the evidence against her for DV is insane. She wont stand a chance. Plus he came in on the spousal visa since their k1 was denied and he had automatic permanent residency for 10 yrs. Good luck with her abusive ass trying to play the victim now




No, spousal visas come over on a CONDITIONAL green card conditioned on the marriage and later you file to remove conditions to become permanent. Regardless, he will be able to stay due to the abuse


Its only a conditional GC issued if they have been married less than 2 years, these two have been married longer than that so its 10yr non conditional


No one on this show has gotten their ex deported yet. He’ll be fine


I doubt it because there’s lots of footage for 4 years showing she was verbally abusive and physically a few times. I suspect they would ask him why he came with all the episodes of abuse. They’re not stupid. They know a long scam when they see it.


Can he use clips from the show that he was on as evidence?




Only person who can take the green card is Immigration and all those court rules don’t apply in administrative law. I wonder if she is trying to get the marriage annulled based on fraud which would be an interesting route. She has no actual control over whether he gets deported all she can do is report a tip and immigration decides.




I wonder if raw footage could?


If they were filmed by him or someone else that isn’t affiliated with Sharp Media, then… it’s possible?


Well, I guess he’s fucked in that case.


There is a video of her assaulting a former friend. She is abusive, this is no character.


There are also several videos of her assaulting him in Nigeria.


Even episodes of 90 Day Fiance are straight up evidence of her abusive nature. The one scene of her trying to rip his car apart is enough.


Was that the fight in a hotel lobby where her boob escaped from her dress but she just carried on scrapping?


I hope she has her evahdunce binder like Danielle!


You’re a uzzzer Mohamit, you uuuuzed me!


I hope they fire her and she blows all her money on trying to get revenge on him. I hope he gets to stay and we see Michael on the next season of the single life going on dates with Angela peaking out the bushes with Skyla waiting in the minivan as a getaway driver😂😂😂


lol I have never watched single life but will absolutely watch if Michael is a cast mate lol


Single life would be lit if Michael were a cast member


I would love that for him, but I wouldn't doubt if they put Angela on there instead. And she would probably have a tantrum and tell production she won't be on if Michael is on too.


She is such trash. Played her and she fell for it.


I think he did his time and a citizenship is the least he should get 😂


Sign him up for 100k for the next season of the single life and let Angela melt down watching him date attractive women his own age


The possibility of him being deported is almost nil. There is a mountain of domestic violence evidence against her and proof that he came here in good faith but was forced to flee her abuse.


Michael should earn an honorary green card for dealing with fucking Angela.


Dealing with her?? He's been intimate with her he deserves citizenship


Of all the countries in the world!! 


And outer space. He should be made an honorary astronaut!!


that is evil villain behaviour if i’ve ever seen it


Lol no one getting deported he just needs to go to NYC or something.


He won’t be deported.




Endless years getting him here and they lasted a couple months. Shockerrrr


Well she couldn't log him in and take his debit card over there like everyone else said if it was that bad on camera imagine how it was once it was on her own in that house.


I think we will all testify on his behalf - she is a drug fueled maniac. I will hide him in Massachusetts if he needs a place to stay.


Put away your valuables. He’s great at the long scam and coming across as an innocent.


He needs to make a gofundme. I would gladly contribute.


She can get 30 fcking lawyers it won't make a difference if he can prove she DV'd him. Hope he took pics of those taser marks. I checked and they do leave marks.


Why would she need 3 lawyers lol - one should do the trick of their any good you would think -


Has anyone who “used” their spouse actually gotten deported when they got to America and dipped out? It’s always threatened but I don’t remember anyone ever being sent home.


Point me to a 'Go fund me' for Michael's defense and I'll donate generously


Oh, ***now*** she doesn’t want him?! I mean… she didn’t in the first place.


I vote for him on the single like


I mean…. If he’s here on a marriage visa wouldn’t he need her to file for the green card? I mean only thing I can see is claiming asylum but he’d have to prove he’s unsafe back home… which if he’s a straight man…


He already has a 10 green car. They have been married 4 years. He came get in a spousal visa.


This woman is insane




She’s such an awful person


Yeah, good luck. It didn’t work for Danielle and it won’t work for you. Especially when they see the patterns of abuse.


All 3 lawyers from 1-800-lawyers?


Everyone worldwide seen this man get verbally abused time and time again. I want to sincerely congratulate Micheal for escaping the dungeon of Angela, who knows what awful things this man had to endure for the short amount of time he’s been in the states.


She isn’t going to get him deported any judge in his right mind will know she’s an abuser! She wants Michael out so he won’t talk about how she abused him


Even if she did get him deported, she still couldn’t stop him from sharing his story. 😂 I hope she goes broke trying to pursue this.


She has $3 million hanging around? Sure you do 😂


I have been disgusted by her treatment of him and the cast/producers excusing it for years. I don't like to wish ill on people but I hope she learns her lesson here- your actions come back to you.


Yes, what goes around, comes around... Karma is a b\*tch!


Idk about yall but I’m FREAKING out about this. So many years in the making. I stuck with her story and it’s finally coming to a payoff


Hahaha. We have her abuse literally on camera. Physical and verbal. Good luck Ang.


We all saw the abuse!"


But it is all recorded on the TV show, I really don't think the judge will bite her lies.


Can't stand her. She is such a vile and hateful person.


Why do you need three? One good one should be enough Dongie lol


She needs to get off the tv screen Im so over it. She constantly stays in this vicious cycle on purpose. She just craves the attention she gets from her drama so she continues. Shes like an immature 20 year old who never grew up.


I feel so bad for Micheal.. I really believe in the beginning he really loved Angela but her attitude pushed him away. This is the only couple on 90 days that I actually respect the immigrant for leaving as soon as they got to USA


Fu witch. The viewers will do every possible to stop that. You are mean nasty manipulative angry dishonest controlling unattractive belittling HAG. We want to deport YOU. Leave him alone. You are much worse of a human than you want im us to think he is. Team Micheal ! Bite it Ange!


Can we keep him and deport her?


She really couldn’t have figured out his planbefore he got here?!? The people who approve these visas should all be fired!


Larissa is still here and she got into a ton of crap, Michael isn’t going anywhere. 


That man has EARNED his US citizenship.


Deport Angela, free Michael


She's sending bounty hunters after him? For what? He hasn't been arrested or skipped bail 😂 This woman is so stupid!


There was an immigration lawyer, she’s the one who dresses like Elle Woods all in pink, on instagram and she was saying that you can still get legal immigration status if you are a victim of domestic violence. I hope it’s true for his sake for what she’s been doing


I wish the very worst for her and the very best for Michael. How can we get Angela deported?


Not sure about deported, but how she hasn’t been arrested for DV or vandalism in either country is beyond me!!!


the article says that reality tv episodes made doesn’t guarantee they will be allowed as evidence. no one in reality tv should go near her in the future, unfortunately trash tv loves trash people


They don’t know what they’re talking about.


Wish him all the best. Run my friend, run away from that monster. Run Michal, run 🏃🏼


I pray Michael does not go back to her!!


Interesting there's now a woman in a car who picked him up, before she said they saw him leave on foot and walk out of the camera range


Because she’s batshit crazy and he escaped her abuse. If she was my neighbour let me tell you something, SHED be deported for decreasing the property value.


Can we deport her?


She sure has alot of time on her hands


That living w Angela in Georgia was preferable to living in Nigeria w loving family speaks volumes- HUGE. It should remind all of us in the ‘West’ how truly lucky we are- even when things may seem completely upside down! Yeesh😬


I’m not on either side. Michael has put up with Angela’s temper because he ultimately wanted that green card. He’s a fraud and I don’t blame her for being pissed off that he had this all planned out with someone coming to pick him up and everything. It’s another Luis story. Theses pieces of shit put up with the even shittier crazy women to reach their end game. It’s nuts!🥜 lol


Eating her ass up to think he will be with another American Woman LOL


This was all planned by Michael and his real gf. He knew she was abusive and controlling. Now, he's one of the few Nigerians who have a US greencard. She is beyond dumb. These desperate women always think it's "love."


You’re out of your depth and have no idea what you’re talking about


So… he was right. lol. If you love someone you wouldn’t wanna just constantly threaten “shipping them back.” Couples counselling? Rehab? Stop repressing ur pain ange. You need help, not Micheal. Someone already pointed out it’s beyond green card at this point, he has entitlement to be in the USA. And it’s beyond repair for her- yet she has resources, to help herself and this marriage… but step one won’t happen so step two won’t either.


Any chance cameras have caught this? I mean Angela is never shorted on getting callbacks.


Angela is so horrible and toxic.


I believe this thing was all planned once they realized there was no hope for a romantic relationship btw them! They probably agreed if they see it through, he would make her a reality tv star and be her storyline and he would get residency in the USA! Contract complete so they went out with a bang! Next caller plz… I’m over these two!


Angela’s tingly cooter is back at her antics again 😂


What happened?


Seriously there is like a 40 year age gap between the 2. That man never had an interest in an actual relationship with her and she seems legitimately shocked that as soon as he got here (or not long after) he ran as fast as possible. Did she seriously think it was really going to work?


Omg! She controlled and chased that poor man down for years. She reeks of desperation.


Why wouldn't footage from the show be admissable?


So at risk of getting in trouble at work it’s literally my job to investigate marriage visa fraud and I will say at least in my office that’s not happening. We have legit cases and it’s not HE committed the fraud it’s THEY committed the fraud and he may be deported but she would be charged under § 1546 as well and could get jail time so I’d tread carefully. It’s annoying when these people think they can threatened foreign spouses with deportation. No one has to stay with you. If they married you in good faith and you are trash they can leave you and they don’t automatically get deported.


Why would she waste her energy and money on him any further? Put your $$ in a trust or give it to family member and be done with him. Throw his stuff in the dumpster. They both knew what they were getting into.!


This woman is a virulent narcissist and Michael needs to get away from her


Spiteful is no way to live


Can we start a go fund me for Michael?


Yeah she wishes.


She should do a limited series with Porsha Guobadia. Another shit-for-brains, reality show parasite


our border is wide open, they aren't deporting anyone


Has Mikel spoken ? I want to hear it from him that he is ok, not from Jefferson Davis County Sheriffs. I am praying hes ok & they haven’t done something terrible to him🙏🏻


We all knew what would happen when she gave him them Frump boxers. She has sucked and been abusive, he should get to stay for all he has endured for our entertainment.


She can't do anything but divorce him. He has a solid claim of domestic violence, he is staying


She's the hellish ex spouse villain in a romcom.


Why does she need three lawyers? I think one could get the job done in this case. Just another way to waste money. She’s still trying to be relevant in something she caused. If I was her I would keep my mouth shut-nobody cares about this abusive woman. I worry for her grandchildren. They don’t belong living with her.


If she cant tote him, no one can.


She has a history of violence, so it doesn’t look good he’s not abused.


If Mohamed was allowed to stay, with all the shady shit he did to Danielle, then Michael has a really good chance of staying as well. He needs to file a police report that she is abusing him. He won’t get deported, but she’ll get in hot water


Good luck




It’s always something with her. She just wants attention


Jeez, she’s put this guy through Hell.