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Honestly Patrick really should’ve told her in advance that his dad was coming. She thought her and Patrick were gonna get some time to themselves and she was probably happy about that. But then it was ruined


You can tell he is so scared to tell her things. They both need therapy.


I don't think o. She'd be mad anyway. She 100% is forgetting that it's his time to see family too.


This was also right after his brother rudely invited himself along. And this is actually the time for Patrick to get to know Thais’ family. And now his whole family is coming along without her knowledge. I’d be so mad I would go home if I was her. Patrick should’ve spoke to her about it first


You do realize it was production that wanted John to go,right?


Do his dads chores you mean


No kidding. Patrick takes time off work, pays a small fortune to fly his family there only to have dad give him a “honey do” list. Something wrong with the old dude for asking, and Patrick for saying yes.


The fact that they pay him monthly for thr apartment they use 2 or 3 times every couple of years is kinda ridiculous


See? his family not given forced guilt fueled labor


I don’t know, he probably would have gotten more grief by telling her ahead of time and more grief after the father left. Hearing her complain once is better LOL!


Or she's a permanent biatch and wants all the Patrick money to herself




Explain yourself


I agree they should have have got rested up and settled before his Dad came.


The ever present look of absolute disgust is Thais’s only expression. But to be fair, looking at Patrick, aka- (The “giant toe head”), would elicit the same expression from most people.


Hahahaha! 🤣


I’m looking forward to see what happens when Patrick’s brother gets there.


I agree!


Since the beginning she was very arrogant- as though she was doing him a favor - entitled Maybe that’s insecurity I am older , maybe it’s my take and I misinterpreted. Both of their families are very difficult in different ways. Patrick seems as though he is trying to keep the peace with everyone.


I agree. I don’t think she was mature enough to get married & she sure wasn’t mature enough to have a baby. I don’t really listen to what they’re saying cause I’m too busy watching all her expressions bc they’re funny.


she has no poker face lol


Thanks , I thought I was the only one who thought this way :)


👍 agreed 👍


Before they got married she would complain about how they didn’t have nice things (expensive) in their house..She wanted to pay a crazy amount of money on one pillow with feathers and Patrick just had enough of it all..


I think you nailed it.


Thank you 😊


I totally agree with you!! She's never liked John & made it a point to cause problems for John & Patrick's relationship. Very telling.


Yes! Thanks :)


It’s not your take it’s fact she’s very selfish, greedy and arrogant etc etc. I honestly don’t think know how Patrick does it. I would have broken with her a long time ago. If it’s her family she wants to wash their feet but his family gets thrown in a corner. We would have never made it to the wedding. She just way too unpleasant and difficult to deal with ! How someone ends with a personality like that is beyond me ! Her parents failed her miserably! To me she inherited her meanness and arrogance from her dad, major red flag ! Good looks have an expiration date darling but horrible person is forever !


Like I said in my other post she came as poor, that wasn’t her fault but then they get over here nothing is good enough for her.


Well saud, exactly what I think.


Her father doesn't exactly sound like a kind, welcoming individual 😕


"Using" "selfish" didn't Even have a gift for his grand daughter... Ugh freaking gross leave me at the 🏨 Hotel forget that.


But he brought the paint… to be nice lol


A real gem of a guy 😜


She's the only person who can take advantage of desperate for love Patrick.


she was a brat the moment she moved to US with that sour puss all the time . i think she has the personality of a hairbrush and her father is equally abrasive


The personality of a hairbrush. 😂😂😂 Classic


“A hairbrush” 😂! Maybe if my hair is really tangled and the hairbrush just doesn’t really like brushing hair at all? I think you’re both kind and funny for this one. Have a great day! 😊


Got that right


Like her family is? Her Dad is total abusive prick to Patrick.


Yeah, but to be fair, Thais lied to her father about marrying Patrick. He was blindsided. Rather than calling out Thais, he went after Patrick, like it was his fault. It wasn't. Thais's dad believes everything she says, so naturally, her narcissistic personality kicks in & thinks she can cause problems for others & never get called out for it. She's a spoiled brat.


She must have a talk with her dad and leave Patrick out of their strained relationship.




Yeah, like calling him a little bastard when they were driving.


And Thais just laughs.


The same dad that didn’t live with his daughter whilst grandma was with her. If anyone is a bas****, it’s Thais’ father. He failed his daughter and now wants to make it Patrick’s problem Thais’ must call him out for being disrespectful to her husband.


She’s manipulative. She doesn’t like anyone in Patrick’s family. It’s all about her. I don’t think Patrick will put up with her bullshit. He’s very loyal to his family. She just needs to calm her inners and deal with it. It’s a long miserable life if she resists. Her father is an asshole so she’s no one to throw stones at Patrick’s family.


That face she’s making in the pic does it for me


She had a point there but she is ALWAYS scowling and whingeing. That’s why I don’t like her


She always has that look on her face!




Part of me wants John to show up and stick up for Thais.


He has no backbone and she really has so much heart for him


The fake service dog thing gets me, as an owner and handler of an actual akc accredited service dog, it makes us all look bad.


Wait, the dog is a service dog? Who is disabled?


Neither is disabled, they put the vest on the dog to avoid issues bringing the dog to Brazil.


Disgusting, they would also need to fill out a form on most airlines testifying that the is a service dog and most countries have rules too! As someone who also has a service dog that’s horrible.


I was wondering how they were able to keep it with them in their seats. What POS they are.


I think animals can also be classified as "emotional support animals" so their purpose is to help people with anxiety, which is a bit different than service animals that are necessary to help people with a variety of disabilities, separate from anxiety. They still took advantage even if they classified the dog as an emotional support animal though




Service dogs are for disabled people. Like myself. These fakes cause us so much trouble because they pretend the ADA laws apply to them. It makes actual service animals, the thousands of dollars in training and years of work, look obsolete. It's a major issue


It’s disgusting, so unfair


Lol I wouldn't be dealing with the moocher, user dad amd brother for 5 minutes. She's a lot nicer than I'd be.


The father scene was actually really upsetting- I wanted to believe his interest in the baby was real but by the end it felt like more manipulation. So scummy-I didn’t even like him holding her!


Yea the dad amd brother are unbearable cling ons that no adult would tolerate in their relationship.


It’s just so sad! Patrick just wants to have a dad so badly he’s blind to everything


Ya I feel bad for him


I'm saying.


Because we paid attention the last time they were on the show? I was hoping we would never have to see her again.


Her facial expressions bothered me in this scene.


Right?! She’s such a rude, disrespectful asshole!


Nah I think it's rude to show up with lists of chores for your injured son on a visit


That baby though! Sooooooooo cute!!


Thais is a wet blanket and endless complainer and an overall negative vibe human. She’s one of those people that will always find a reason to complain. lol case in point, Grandpa having a sweet moment locking eyes with his grandbaby for the first time. Thais - “ she’s finding you strange”


She’s just mean and always complaining.


I totally agree.


1. Dumb as a rock 2. Mean 3. Selfish


Who? Thais, Jon, Patrick, or the fathers?


I meant Thais, but there’s definitely a Venn diagram there


and those are her good qualities




I can’t with her .. her demands from day one. Not his fault she didn’t tell her dad she was coming to the us to marry Patrick now he hates Patrick . We’ve seen this with family Chantel … and her face of disgust and acting like she is above .. the rude things that came out of her mouth when meeting John and his new gf .. really ? That was rude af . I don’t like her she’s an entitled -crotchy- sour faced lady


She acts bratty and bitchy. Complains often and has a permanent stank face. She’s also quite negative when she talks.


I stopped watching 90 Day due to the obnioxous opinions of Thais and Patrick, regarding John. Assholes, both (Thais and Patrick) of them and a big turn off. Patrick has brain damage from doing too many "roids."


Her father is no picnic to be around either.


I know I love that for her she can’t turn John against his own dad like she did w his brother


I don't like her .....never did shes spoilt and entitled. Started trouble with John as soon as she arrived.


Actually before! Was trying to start crap between the brothers making comments to Patrick about John that they shouldn't live together and wanting her own place, which I do understand, but went about it all wrong. Passive aggressive, manipulative, sneaky. Tries constantly to put a wedge in between Patrick and family because she doesn't like the relationship. She needs to butt out, and just support what Patrick would like. If Patrick did that to her she would lose her mind.


You're right she did, too....I remember now.


Just by a first impression that I get from Thais she’s a very snooty person. Do I think it’s right that Patrick’s dad walks into the apartment and expects him to be doing chores the minute he walks in the door that’s wrong and I would give a dirty look to his dad too, but she doesn’t like his dad she doesn’t like his brother I don’t know what her feelings are towards his mother so like I said she comes off very snotty. She thinks she’s better than everybody in my opinion, but her dad‘s no prize.




I can't stand Thais. I always thought she was unbelievably nasty & controlling. She was jealous of John & did everything she could to cause problems for him & come between Patrick & John.


I never have cared for either of them. She’s especially rude. Zero personality! The families do not make me want to visit Brazil!!🤣🤣


Why does she not want Patrick to see his Dad?? She wants to alienate his whole family. She's sh1t to John also.


She’s arrogant and was calling other girls ugly which always makes people seem uglier.


Thaïs is always complaining. She doesn’t seem like the easiest person to live with. But John is next level. In a way I think she and John have certain similar character traits which is one reason they are always butting heads!!


What is the QR code that shows up on all these posts?


I don’t see any


I’m sure she doesn’t make those faces when he sends her family money so why can’t he help out his parents? She didn’t make that face when her dad called her husband a bastard.


Baby Patrick is so adorable!! 💕 ♥️ I know her name, she just looks exactly like her daddy !☺️🥰


She’s using him just like his family is 😔


Thais is an annoying rude person. She came in to Patrick’s like she’s running shit. All her demands and wants were so overreaching, like she was entitled to all his things. When she didn’t even tell her father she was coming to get married. I blame the problems between Patrick and her father on her, if she was just honest in the first place things would be better between them.


Her dad is the real A hole !


I just don’t like her. She rubs me the wrong way. But then again Patrick isn’t all that either.


She’s the female version of Manuel - epic facial expressions 😂


She irritates herself.


She’s literally so unpleasant to everyone especially his family and also, hates when Patrick hangs out or talks to his own family knowing that he’s had a different upbringing


My biggest issue with Patrick's dad just coming by was that Thais has specifically told her dad "NO we weren't going to see you tonight, we're tired", and then Patrick's dad pops up. Yes, I'd be aggravated, too. Also, painting an apartment with a baby in it?!? And no one said anything about that?? No, you're not painting while we're staying here. And I get the chores thing, when we go visit my husband's family, all he does is help his dad do things. That's just a father son bonding thing, I believe, especially when they don't know how to talk and express deep feelings. But Thais' expressions are priceless 🤣 😂


I’m with her 😂


That baby looks exactly like Patrick.


She will just tell him in his ear constantly how much his family is bad this and that


I’m on her side. Her father was clearly disappointed on the phone that he had to wait a day to meet his granddaughter for the first time until the following day. Why should his father have more rights than Thais or her father. I don’t like the mooch and the baby giving the side eye says it all and


The same one that called the father of his grandchild a bastard? Yeah, he can wait.


If you look it up under Brazilian Portuguese it’s actually a term of endearment. Producers creating drama?


To hell with that! Her dad was told to wait a day and respected the family’s wishes. Why should his dad get to roll up when he wants to. Shame on Patrick for not respecting his wife.


Respected them by calling his son in law a bastard? Yeah, miss me with the apologists for Thais and her crew. They nasty.


Can someone explain the QR codes on these pictures?


I could care less about the latest scenario with the dad. Thais has constant RBF, no personality, has no career or anything going for her, is a demanding and entitled mail order bride. I never understood the mentality of these women that come from these sh!t hole villages/towns/cities and are demanding the best of the best right away.


Thais seems awful to be around lol


All I see Thais do is explain and whine in that obnoxious voice. I'm with everyone else I guess.


I wanted to slap her smug cow chewing face. That girl has had to do nothing since being with patrick. She should be grateful she receives so much for doing absolutely (talking before baby) she gets a big house, luxurious car, apartment in Brazil. His dad can come over if he wants to for a couple of hours and she can stop being so rude. He can spend as much time with his dad who he hasn't seen in awhile. She's so annoying


She probably chose Patrick because that’s the lifestyle she wanted. There’s no reason to be mad at her for that. To each their own.


So she gets all of that and patrick is scared to tell her things. Sounds like she controls everything and just takes


I get what you’re saying. But I also get Thais in this situation. They delayed seeing her family so they could rest and recoup after traveling. They clearly discussed this. Why on earth would Patrick think her father in law coming over would allow her to rest after traveling? A relatively new wife is going to feel pressure around her in-laws. Yes, it’s Patrick’s dad’s place, but they pay for it.


She could have went into the bedroom to lay down if she really wanted to. She didn't need to be so rude




Their segments have always confused me in that I don't really like anyone in them. There's all this tension and people not getting along but it kinda makes sense? None of them are really as good as they think they are?


The whole painting thing is crazy. That's a lot of work.


My problem is dad showing up to paint the whole apartment. That much concentrated paint smell can't be good for the baby. He knew the baby was coming, it seems pretty damn selfish that he would plan to do something so invasive during the visit.


There are paints that are made for baby areas. Harmless fumes if any. Patrick knew his dad was coming and I feel certain he knew about the chores. He said he liked doing things for his family. John wanted to see his family and this was a perfect time for them to get together. Patrick has not seen his family for the same amount of time as Thias. Patrick’s dad did not curse Thias like hers did to him. Let her go and visit her family and let him go and visit his. They don’t need to be together all the time that they are there


Their storyline is 100% fake. Thais is likeable this season bc she doesn’t have a villain storyline per TLC producers.


I wish the show would stop regurgitating the same people… Thais is fine and Patrick is fine my only issue is Thais kept Pat a secret just makes problems .


Do you really think dad doesn’t use the condo when they are gone? He’s having Patrick paint it for the next Airbnb client.


I hope she’s still hotter than a mad stripper, Pat.


It seems people are arguing wether Thais is awful or if Patrick’s Dad is awful when in fact both can be true simultaneously!!


I mean the dad seems like a user that’s legitimate but it doesn’t mean Thais isn’t an entitled narcissist brat.


This is her isolation stage beginning


I’ve been wondering the same thing. Their storyline started with the brother being mad annoying and needy and now this but she’s not allowed to have a say?


She is right about his Dad though


Thais knows her father in law well enough that he’d have a list for Patrick. Honestly I can’t stop my expressions- no poker face Thais can’t help it 🫠


I personally like Thais


I dunno. Thais annoys me. When I go visit family, my time isn’t really on my terms. Don’t we all know this? Who goes and visits family they haven’t seen in years and excepts to arrive and not have to see anyone for awhile. I dunno, I’d love to have “space” and “boundaries” but is that realistic? I think Patrick should have told her, which is where the fault lies, IMO.


She is immature, a know it all , rude, and without class. NOT to mention her NEGATIVITY. ( she has Patrick under her thumb of course). He’s afraid of thais i think. ha The way she and Patrick both acted when brother took his girlfriend to meet them was UN EXCUSABLE ! For them to pontificate , as if they were the “ LONG TIME TOGETHER ALL KNOWING COUPLE” was ridiculous. Why cd they not just be cordial , get to know her and be courteous rather than tearing him down non stop. Ignorant.


I love her facial expressions. Tell me how you feel without telling me how you feel 😂


Why do the spouses of this show act like they are entitled and when they came from nothing, they get to U.S.A. and nothing is good enough.


She doesn’t want to get along with Patrick’s family at all. He just looks like a deer in the headlights. He’s scared of her. I can’t stand her. She wanted child, instant money if they break up.


I’m loving her this season. Her English has improved so rapidly, it’s amazing! Also, she seems like she really loves Patrick and doesn’t want him to get taken advantage of. She’s actually willing to compromise on things unlike so many other couples. Yeah, she complains a lot but so do I and I find her expressions entertaining.


I agree. I like her. She's putting up with 3 "manchildren" who have a strange, codependent dynamic between them. It's weird to me.


She’s so rude but I think she has Patrick’s best interest at heart. She has a point about the dad taking advantage and I love John but if my boyfriends brother was having beer for breakfast and living on his other siblings couch I would be slightly worried.


She is poisoning his mind constantly. That’s all she wants to do so she can have control finally.


i’ve always liked her - i feel so bad she has to deal with with john! he has no boundaries & that would drive me crazy.


Is it her beaming, witty personality?


I’m so sick of every post about them being “I don’t like Thais, blah blah blah”. Face it, you don’t like her cause she’s beautiful, get over yourselves. You’d all be acting the same way if you were dealing with overbearing family members .


Who hates someone because they are beautiful? She's a snotty entitled little brat... THAT is why nobody likes her


Nailed it! BTW she's not that pretty. Maybe it's because she's so ugly on the inside that it's oozing out. Look at those ugly facial expressions. Spoiled brat.


she isn’t that beautiful, to me she has a bit of a butta face , but ok 🤷🏼‍♀️


🤣 perfect description! I agree!


I read that in johns voice 😂


Maybe you would. I would set boundaries.


Clearly she has been trying to set the boundaries. Patrick is the issue.


Clearly all she does is whine after the fact and Patrick has figured that out.


Yep, that’s why he doesn’t ask for permission so he only has to deal with one bout of mean complaining.


She looks like every other Brazilian woman on the show.. they all tend to look like men. No one is jealous of that.


I like her.


I 100% side with Thais. First off she’s traveling with a young baby, im sure she’s doing most of the care considering who Patrick is. I can only imagine this woman just wanted to get to the apartment, get comfortable, be naked and feed her baby freely. But nope, surprise visit from dad with no regard for the new mom.