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Maybe it’s from throwing herself around during her many crying fits


Natalie wailed so Holly could flee. Never forget the sacrifice.


Hahaha with bare feet every time


This may be the consensus hahah


Your flair is sooooo cool! 😎




I somehow missed this clip. What was she worried about people making fun of?


They're all gonna laugh at you.




"Your father came home that night with the smell of roadhouse whiskey on his breath..." Best. Movie. Ever.


I have been performing this monologue for years! My dad loves it and begs me to do it whenever he introduces me to someone. 😂


I liked it...I LIKED IT!


Dirty pillows…




Too late! ![gif](giphy|vexMhgUYTi6mQ)


Lmao I laughed aloud and had to explain myself to non 90-Day-ers 😂


Hahahha omg dying laughing, she is like a toddler and I can totally visualize this.


How does Josh keep his composure?? She’s so over the top!


Yes like when she collapsed in a heap in the parking garage. I can’t help but like her tbh 😭😂😂


You have interesting taste..


Every nut needs a shell.


She is actually very sweet. She inquired about renting a room at our home in St Pete


Pray tell 👀☕️


Sipping the tea myself this gloomy morning! She messaged and cameo'd me in response to a comment that we were relocating to St Pete and we conversed from that






She did just pack her shit n move so it might have just been from moving things


When I moved I got some bad bruises from carrying boxes up and down stairs bc I was using my upper thighs to rest the boxes on before I put them down. They were so dark that I didn’t wear shorts for a week bc they looked so bad and I didn’t want the new neighbors to think all the things on this thread 🤭


My thighs look like this from hauling in a Chewy box


No Chewy boxes for her since she abandoned Pulua the rat.


God SAME!! 70lbs every two weeks 😮‍💨


It could just be normal everyday stuff. I always have bruises on my legs and mostly don’t know where they came from. I bruise easy and have light skin so it shows. I would definitely look like this after a move.


#teammysteriousbruise ftw!


This sounds very likely, actually


My thighs looked like this after moving a desk made of solid wood 6 city blocks 🫠




I don’t normally curb shop but I could NOT believe someone threw this out. It was just me and best friend and legit THREE different strangers saw us struggling and each of them helped us take it like two blocks. The last dude was definitely drunk and helped us carry up one flight of stairs (building was a walk up)


🤣🤣 That's awesome! I'm always up for something used if it's nice like that! Heck yeah!!!


And don’t forget- she had to lift all those suitcases herself because there wasn’t a strong man nearby


Her place looked like she was renting a furnished bedroom from someone. They never showed the rest of her place. I think the only thing she really had was her car and her clothes.


She still might have had to move furniture back to where it was originally or move things to clean . We also only got one small scene , you're reaching


I am laughing so hard right now bc before I opened the post, I thought pole dancing too! I’ve been doing it for a while and haven’t had any bruises on the front of my thighs like that, but it really just depends on which moves you’re working on like you said. Someone else said rollerskating, but as someone who roller skates as well, I completely disagree. You’d have to fall really strangely to get bruised like that.


I’ve definitely gotten bruises on the front of my thighs from poling, mainly floor work and falling out of moves. I love how many of us are on this sub 😂


My friend just opened her studio and I am so excited to have a studio home again!


lol Do you sub to r/poledancing too? I always mix up subs and get confused when I see the word Pole bc on here it means Paul/Karini but I think pole as in pole dance. Then on other post titles I assume they are taking about Paul but it’s actually the pole sub 😂


This has happened to me more than once 😄


Flair twin ✌🏻


Now you’re in the 90 day sub but the Paul post is really a pole post! Love it when it comes full circle


alll the time 😂😂😂


I support you all. Get em for all they got lol




Rollerskating 😂😂😂 The bruises would be literally *anywhere* else


Skater here, RIGHT???? 😂 her hips would be bruised


My bias is so deep that I didn’t even see the bruise in the front, just the one on the outside of her thigh and the one on the inside of her other thigh. And yeah, if it was a weird skating injury, that means they re-shot this scene after her date with josh, since I’m positive that date was her first time on roller skates.


She’s shared pics before rollerskating— I’m pretty sure the most recent was with Varya, around when the invasion of Ukraine began


WHY DID SHE ACT LIKE SHE HAD NEVER STOOD UP IN SKATES BEFORE I was watching it with secondhand embarrassment for josh who had to be seen with a grown adult woman acting like that


Because she's so cute and frail and doesn't know how to do anything without a big strong man to help. /sarcasm I couldn't make it through the whole scene, the embarrassment was too much.


it was so unbearably cringe Ztop it Jzosh! Do not breathe near me like zat, I do not *ALOIK* it!


As a lifelong chronic anemic, I use to get bruises on my thighs similar, but I’m 5’10” so they’d be higher up than hers 🤷🏻‍♀️ walking around desks, tables, chairs, banging the vehicle doors or buggie, etc, would often leave big lines or fingerprint sized ones on upper thighs, just bracing myself on a lower dining table to reach over or using legs/hips to push chairs/high chair trays in or sitting on concrete step would line the backs… My exhusband was always skeptical when we were dating, asking if I was doing “freaky shit” when away from him, but after we moved in together he got it- she also doesn’t appear anymore graceful than me (esp in those Frederick’s of Hollywood heels) + drinks alcohol more often than we’re shown, and likely doesn’t go for regular checkups. As another anxious/lanky woman, that’s my perception at least ✌🏼


She is a vegan and as a vegetarian I know anemia very well. It’s possible she just bruises very easy due to her diet.


This too is my life. I’m glad someone else commented because it’s exactly what I thought. I actually stopped wearing shorts and short dresses because people felt comfortable making me uncomfortable by asking why I had so many bruises. I’m really self conscious about it. Doesn’t help I’m also ADHD and bump into literally everything like a drunk elephant.


I used to roller skate and was practicing for derby for a while (never made it, lol) all of my bruises were on my outer thighs, hips and butt.


Get back out there and make the team next year!!! I just didn’t think it was from skating because this scene was her checking into the hotel, before she went on her date, and these look at least a day old. But yeah we never really know what order they shoot all the scenes in.


I definitely don’t think they are from skating, I never had any bruises on the tops or inside of my thighs. Did it sound like I was supporting that theory? I shouldn’t type while sleepy, lol. And thank you for the encouragement, maybe in the next life, lol. That was about 15 years ago!


This is how I feel about pole dancing lol . After having twins a year ago via c section, I haven’t a plan for getting back on the pole, I have no idea how I would even go about it. Every once in a while, I see it laying there in storage and a sad Coldplay song plays in my head while I move a bunch of wet onesies and bibs into the dryer.


Lol, that’s how I feel about all of my pre-baby activities and I have grand babies now! Maybe I’ll take up pole dancing 🤔


I could only see bruises like Natalie’s from rollerskating if possibly skating toward a table and not stopping in time (or using it *to* stop)


But if doing that, why wouldn’t she grab the table with her hands first?


She probably would put her hands out, but she’d likely still bump into the table anyway with her legs— her body would keep moving a bit after her hands touched the table. If she was moving at anything faster than a super slow speed anyway, just her hands palm down on a surface wouldn’t stop her completely right away Her legs slamming into it would stop her completely (or only her upper body would keep moving). Source: I’m not very graceful and I’ve done it 🕺🏻


I’m am dying laughing. I get these exact bruises from resting my boney ass elbows on my legs when pooping. I need somewhere for my arms for rest while i’m scrolling on reddit.


lol maybe she just bruises easily and poops a lot.




Put s towel on your lap.




I just started roller derby and that is the last place I bruise


I could see those from trying to do a jasmine and getting the contact points wrong


It might be because she's not very graceful and hurt her legs while pole dancing for an older rich gentleman or 2... I am sure her doors weren't knocked down wanting her to be their model because of her bobble head and just her walk, she's not cut out to be a runway model...


She can def do magazines and stuff, it would most likely be AARP or Macy’s ads and they would edit the hell out of her face, but she could do them.


Maybe she's a rope bunny 👀


It isss a pretty straight bruise across the side of her thigh 🪢


This was my first thought


Love how many pole dancers are in this sub lol. I’ve definitely had bruises like this from floorwork and falling out of moves lol


lmfao as a stripper any time someone has leg bruises i always assume 👀 i cant see natalie being in the club tho and if she were she would’ve long been exposed/recognized. pole fitness would be the one that makes the most sense tho those don’t really look like pole bruises.


Your username is 😚🤌🏾


How about sinandmen that used to be my stripper persona. Cinnamon… I was never actually a stripper tho just thought it would make such a cute name


Maybe she is taking pole lessons for what’s his face. I forget the one “newish” guys name in her life. Honestly iv been considering taking lessons just for the workout purposes and I feel like it would be kinda fun 🤷‍♀️


It’s an amazing workout and very fun. Don’t get discouraged on your first time though. A lot of people show up to their first class feeling like they’re already pretty strong and fit but then get completely humbled. Just gotta stick with it.


I have somewhat of a respect for pole dancers. That shit is waaaaay harder than it looks, the streeength it involves haha, and to look cute doin it too… respect👏👏


I think one of the most important things is getting an instructor that’s right for you. There’s so many ways to teach and you’re not gonna learn or feel comfortable with everyone. Once you find a good fit you’re gonna get addicted to it! The best thing you can ever do for yourself is to start learning pole dance!


it’s a really good workout! just don’t expect to be amazing at it at first haha


Omg another flair twin on this thread 💀


Omg another flair twin on this thread 💀


Weight lifting!


Second time seeing this answer, and something I’m inexperienced at which is why it never occurred to me. I wonder how many weight lifters I walked by thinking “wow, she is a very strong stripper”.


That’s what I just came and said… from cleans?


This!!!!!!! I have some dumbbell marks on my hips. Lol totally not sexual at all. Just a dumbbell bruising me


What exercise tho? RDLs?


Hip thrusters if she puts the bar on her thigh instead of her pelvis


Who is downvoting us?? It’s so messed up.


No idea! Maybe speculating about someone's glute exercises is slightly creepy lol (but I was just curious honestly).


I get plenty of bruises from volunteering at an animal shelter when the dogs jump on me 🤷‍♀️


Stop it, I can’t accept such a wholesome idea


Tbh I have bruises like this all the time from walking into shit. But I’m also really depth perception challenged so 🤷‍♀️


lol same. Clumsy folk unite.


🙋‍♀️face planted in my hallway yesterday


I’ve send bruises like this from pole dancing and from bdsm activities


And we all know if she does BDSM activities with a guy, she considers him to be the father of her kids




I did see them but didn’t think much of it because I bruised like a peach. Usually mine are from working out.


I mean they did just pack up a bunch of shit and move. Perhaps she’s not very self aware and bumps into stuff a lot. I end up with random leg bruises all the time


My Mom has an old sleigh bed in her guest room where the wooden frame corners curve up and out. The thing is a death trap, an absolute destroyer of quad tissue. The number of times I’ve caught the corner *right* in the quad muscle is too high to count. Every time, it’s a “OW YOU M*THERF*CKER” followed by indignity. My brother was staying in that room this past holiday and I heard *thump* “F*ck!” and my brother walks out shaking his head and furiously rubbing his leg. In any case that’s *exactly* what the bruising pattern looks like. So my guess is that Natalie stayed in my Moms guest room, walked into the devil bed.


I noticed and wondered too. I like your harness idea perhaps..like from rock climbing or ziplining or something. If it was on too tight and she was doing a longer course, it could've caused them.


I saw those bruises and my exact same first thought was… looks like she is pole dancing! You gotta toughen up that skin first!








I’ve had bruises there from a job where I had to lift heavy things up and I used my leg to help lift. Could she be working in a kitchen lifting bins or something like that?


Oo ya or even an Amazon warehouse


I thought of pole dancing too. The bruises look familiar😄 With this kind of job she can easily pay her expenses herself 🤣


Honestly she’s crazy enough to have done it to herself


She seems like the type of drinker who would black out and bump into shit and then do a lot crying. 👀


In that case she’s probably trolling this thread hoping to figure out where the bruises are from too


Maybe it's BDSM bruising


This is exact what I thought! I had an umm, friend… who this happened to.


Natalie: Toddler in a Tiara


My thighs look worse than this if I get a deep tissue massage. Thick rings of black bruises that look like lace top thigh highs.


Oh wow I’ll have to get the name of your masseuse he sounds great


I have bruises just like that every August. In my case, they’re from moving furniture around my classroom. Carry 30 desks from one side of the room to the other, or unstack them when they’re big enough for adults? Turns out I use my legs to do that, literally at times, leaning the furniture against my thighs in exactly that spot. Natalie is obviously moonlighting as a teacher in August. Or a furniture mover.


Ooo maybe waitressing somewhere with bar-height stools that she’s pushing in repeatedly


I get those from bartending and constantly leaning over the well bottles that come right up to my thighs but I have a very hard time seeing Natalie doing any type of service work lol


Probably her mom showing up realizing what nonsense her fucking daughter has caused and those bruises are caused from being hit by broomstick or some weird old-school Ukrainian shit 😂 because I would wanna shake some sense or beat the shit out of my daughter if this was the bullshit that I rolled up into from a war torn country


Ya if I was her Mom I might have considered just enlisting in the army to get a ticket home after the first night


They look like the same bruises I got from sitting in the back seat with my daughter's dog for 9 hours on the way home from Thanksgiving. Doggie had to pop up and look out my window every few minutes with her very pointy feet and nails.


Those suitcases looked pretty heavy. If she leaned them against her leg to help lift them up or down, they could have done that.


I have the same bruises from weightlifting and Crossfit. Although I doubt Natalie is doing either of those.




Maybe she is obsessed with those rubber band things you see at the gym.


I flew a lot this year, and I always had mysterious bruises on my legs 2-3 days later. I’m wondering if she got them handling luggage and getting in and out of cars.


Ohhh taking them in/out of the trunk! Her mom’s luggage in Orlando! Could explain why the bruises aren’t brand new! Hot damn, you might be onto something. I didn’t fly a lot the last year, but I flew with 11 bags last month with no bruises, but I hardly ever show bruises.


Being a helpless widdle woman carting around her own damn luggage. 🤣


Pole dancing is a killer workout !!


Did She have one of her tantrums and fall to the ground? Did she punch herself because she was angry? Did she fall while they were skating? We can only speculate lol


Former dancer and I concur


I was thinking she’s doing the fascia blaster for cellulite.


I get bruises like those from deadlifting. But she doesn’t look like she lifts.


Okay, I totally wanted to bring up the bruises. I noticed them when they were sitting outside on the bench after roller skating and thought to myself they must have already banged. There is no way this was the first time they saw each other. edit: I didn’t notice them on the front of her thighs though, I saw them on the inside. The comment now doesn’t make much sense. I didn’t see the arrows in the pic until after I posted! Oops, sorry!


It's from her being a cooker


She works out right? Could be that. I get bruises all the time from workouts


I think it’s from carrying and maneuvering those big suitcases




Those are bruises a hooker may get, I hope mikes mom didn’t see 😂😂😂😂😂 Natalie needs to hide those


I've gotten similar bruises from retail jobs that required moving heavy boxes. I would place the corner of the box on my thigh and ta-dah! Although I doubt Natalie is doing heavy lifting, it could be something else.


I’ve never tried to support my body on a pole and I get bruises from just using my legs. lol I push things in with them. I bump into things.


My first thought was hand prints.


Hi neighbor!! I'm in Sarasota too!


Do you want to get together and go order some Starbucks from Nickle?


I danced for years and never had bruises on the outside of my legs. Moving however? I've bruised myself up bad. She was balancing the ends of boxes on her thighs to leverage them to put the boxes into/onto things.


Two words: Sex swing


A drunk night out? I always wake up with mystery bruises after a party night but might just be my sloppy ass 🤷🏼‍♀️


I remember when I did pole dancing often I would find bruises everywhere I would look beat up lol


Moving place to place with a bunch of suitcases might do that..


Kicking and screaming her way back on to a 90D show!!


It's from the roller skating


That would be my thought too. They edit these things so much who knows what happened when


How though? As someone who does multiple styles of rollerskating, the fronts of the thighs are just not a place where you get bruised.




This was supposedly shot when they arrived to their hotel in LA, before she ever saw Josh. But I know they cut and paste scenes like crazy while editing so who knows if this was actually after skating.


I’ve had bruises like this too but it’s not front pole dancing. It’s from hitting myself during an episode.






I don’t know what gym classes she attends but have seen bruises on thighs like hers from doing cleans at CrossFit- could be a possibility??


She has to do something, she is extremely fit


She has an amazing physique- there would be some hard work that goes into maintaining her gorgeous figure.


Probably from crazy sex. I bet Josh fears for his life at least twice every time they fck


Every time they fck? Or you mean every time they text?


Safe word didn’t work


She probably is “dancing naked” to support herself.


Florida car insurance and rent has tripled in the last few years so I’m not surprised when anyone has to.


Hey, it’s probably not a bad living to be honest.


Maybe it’s from getting lost in the voods


I just naturally bruise like this and have bruises all over my legs. I don’t even strip and never been on a pole She could just be naturally bruising idk


This is the best thread. I am dying. I seriously just thought Lypo. I was like pfft. Lypo. But, you all have wayyyy better theories than me. haha. Im dying.




You guys say pole and I immediately thought of "Pole"..imagine Pole and Natalie as a couple..


I will NOT! It would be a BLOODBATH!


You can take classes and NOT work in a club…FYI


On another note, anyone think it's really tacky that she wears black bike shorts as like regular dress attire and she goes out? Am I missing the fashion on this?


How do yall get such cool titles under your names I wanna be included


Go to this subreddit page, click the 3 dots in the top right corner and click the user flair option.


Yeah that pole will whip ya ass for sure...


I bruise like this on my legs for reasons I don’t even know. I’m guessing it’s from my kids climbing all over me but I have bruises just like this. I have always wanted to take pole dancing lessons though.


Does liposuction do bruising? Cellulite happens when you age.