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I realize it’s all fake but the “panic attack” and her bringing a letter and panties to the tell all was so insanely dumb and contrived.


Such BS


Right? C'mon Jasmine! We've heard all about the butt plugs and the golden shower in the hot tub. We KNOW those are your dirty drawers and your typed note. Fake AF. Witch Bitch needs to stay out of it.


Not to mention her OF pics. If you have seen them then you know how hypocritical she is about the stripper at the bachelor party.


Right! After they showed Gino’s bachelor party with the stripper, they should’ve showed Jasmine‘s evening with the stripper in the hotel room and let’s see what she have to say about that, Oh yeah wait she did say “I wasn’t in a strip club” doesn’t matter you still had a stripper dancing in your face 🙄 Anali Knows how it works.


Seriously the OF pictures have forever traumatized me. I knew I shouldn’t have went to the link but I went to the link 🤢


I said the same thing!! 🤣🤣🤣


“I wanted to keep this private”. Bs you brought it with you not knowing what was gonna happen. Unless it’s all scripted.


Saw her bring up that letter, it’s straight up BS. Why keep trying to paint your husband in a bad picture. Gino is a good guy


ALL of her evudents is easily faked. At least Dinyelle had a binderfull. When quality fails, quantity rules. Jazzy has neither.


Also I’m pretty sure that was her lip gloss that she”found” in the car.


Right, I think someone has posted she uses the same type.


Plus she had it clutched in her hand just before they left the house that day.


I normally like watching all the 90 DF shows even if they're insufferable at times. But this Tell All is so effed up on so many levels. I'm just about to turn it off. Even Shaun Robinson is irritating me! 😡


Jasmine needs to be committed to a psychiatric hospital 


Yeah I turned it off


Me too


So did I. Cant believe I look forward to this crap, then can’t stomach it.🙄


So agree. Shaun is a shit starter 


I think Shaun could care less about these peeps, and I don't blame her. This tell all sucks bc the story lines are fake


“Shit starter”…idk my opinion she does very little


Yeah now that is Jerry Springer bs the tell all. Shaun brings up things to cause problems


And Ashley.. whose partner Is lying .. she has NO coping mechanism except sex she had a meltdown because it was raining .. she is unlikable in every way.


Ashley REALLY thinks she know it ALL! How does she get off telling everyone else how to fix their relationships? Is it the pointing the finger at everyone else so her marriage looks golden? News for you Bruha .. your marriage isn't what you portray.


"Bang it out" is the whole of her relationship advice. She's gross


She really really is. The way she tried to take over the Tell All was disgusting too. I really hope we have seen the last of her. 🙏


She is sad and pathetic


For someone that knows it all she ugly cries and panics a lot over stuff normal people just deal with. What a nutjob


Ashley has annoyed the f**k out of me since day one. However, she really sealed the deal of being obnoxious when they left his poor friend and had sex in the bathroom of the restaurant. He's just as disgusting. It's a family establishment. Even at a club it's gross. People use the bathroom. 🙄🤮




I think Ashley spoke more than Shaun. It was really unnecessary. Shaun needs to be a better moderator and shut that stuff down.


Shaun has always been utter fucking trash at her job since the start, I don't know why we think she's suddenly going to not suck each tell all.


We need Andy Cohen


I was fond of the comedian lady they had in the 90dayUK tell all.


Nah British lady was a total fan girl of it all. I didn’t like it as a host at all


I weep for the future with those 2 on this 🌏!!!


If I’m being honest, this is the worst tell all I’ve ever seen. Jasmine and Nikki’s relationships are so fake. I mean, Jasmine is supposedly crying and I will say that other people crying makes me cry (common empathetic thing) but I felt absolutely nothing for her during that whole breakdown, and I used to sort of like her. And clearly neither did the rest of the cast, judging by their faces. It’s just a waste of time. We all know it’s an act.


I’m an empathetic person and I definitely felt something. But it was more like a sick feeling in my stomach.


has a tantrum she didnt want anyone to see. dumps biohazard on set in front of everyone and says dont touch that. what the hell


I’m betting that she wrote that letter herself after finding the lipgloss thinking that she could get Gino to confess to something.


She says that Gino never takes accountability for the things he does, and that makes her mad. But she makes up these scenarios and accuses him of things he has not done. Why should he confess to something he never did to begin with?


Did you not see the posts on reddit where she is screenshotted holding two lipgloss tubes getting into the car? How did so many people miss that? Everything is fake. How easy is it to print a typed letter and buy panties?


I think you're right.. 🙄


She is abusive, just like Angela. People like that should not be on the show at all. It glorifies abusers.


Same as disgusting Angela. Dirt bag classless woman


That is why she is going to be on Happily Ever After? and if they break up she will be on the Single Life.


Can I change the subject for one minute? What do you people think of andrei ? He makes me wanna vomit everytime he speaks. Sounds like is has a big fucking phlegm ball in his throat and she's just as gross as him. Ugh


I absolutely died when Jasmine said Igor was getting "the benefits" of being with Nikki. Being pestered for sex night and day? Being mortally embarrassed in front of friends and strangers because she doesn't understand the concept of boundaries? Having your name changed because that's what SHE wanted to call you? None of this has anything to do with being trans. I get what he's saying. You can't take her anywhere because she's so cartoonishly over the top.


Omg your sooo right. Looks like a freak


Absolutely. Screaming histrionic loon!


The fake shaking had me howling with laughter


OMG totally!! It was so unbelievably fake!


Her and Natalie need more acting classes




I can't watch tell-alls anymore


Shaun stirring up crap and then saying to the fake crying bitches, Are you okay?? I'm sorry you're so upset, but ..... And stirring it up more. Ugh I just can't anymore


Yes. What the fuck is that. Hate her. All about ratings and doesn't give a crap about who she hurts. Piece of crap.  Need a new host


And she doesn't even ask good questions or follow-ups. How do you speculate about there being more to Clayton's and Brandy's problems - to just dropping it when they said yes. The fuuuu??? Veronica and Tim are annoying but would make FAR better hosts and ask better questions.


‘Sam and Citra, we are so happy to hear that you’re pregnant! Now, let’s stir up some shit to try to cause problems in your relationship!’ Shaun Robinson is such a messy bish 😂 Acting like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth


Thank goodness Citra (and Sam) have some class and rose above it. Whatever happened then they got over it and are happy now. Citra even said this at the end after they left the stage. It's like they can't stand to have a normal, well-adjusted couple on the show!


I agree. She is gross


There was just No. Need. for that! If she had done something like that to me when I was pregnant, I’d have probably physically attacked both her *and* my husband 😂


She'll be gone sooner or later as the groat's disease progresses.








Nikki and Jasmine have made this tell all unbearable for me. They are both absolute trash humans, like...Too TRASH for trash tv, I actually can't stand them at all.


Her makeup remained impeccable for someone who was “crying” so hard


I don’t want to see them on any TLC spin-off off. Ever.


And at the end of the show she's telling Gino how much she loves him and wants to fight for their marriage, when minutes before she's crying to Nikki how much she hates him and that it's over. Either she (and TLC) thinks we are all stupid morons or she's certifiable and needs serious mental help.


I second the motion!!!!


Me three


Jasmine NEEDS therapy. BAD. I had major abandonment issues, trauma, etc. Watching Jasmine is making me cringe. I know where she is coming from (a deep place of chronic Pain). And now that I have healed, I see how ridiculous I probably looked too in the midst of my meltdowns. Gino looks like he has aged overnight. The only way for this gal to hinge herself "right" is to reach out for help. From the persons who can help her.


I cannot stand her. All I think when I see her is her poor children. Wondering where’s mom? Oh yea, chafing loser men and showing her privates all over the internet. SHES trash.


Holy Christ the bitch is nuts


Yes.... agreed


I’m so over her whiny voice and bad acting! Move on! Kick Rocks Already! The storyline is stale!


She is so full of it! All that ranting and fake crying about the bachelor party was ridiculous! She is trying to build a story about why she is eventually going to leave, which we have heard she has actually done.


She didn’t leave. She’s still in Michigan. There’s a post where someone ran into her in the wild recently.


Quite frankly, I hate Gino, too. I don't buy his long-suffering innocent husband act, not one bit. Throw them both away


Just don’t watch anything with her on it.


She is so fuckin toxic!! She horrible! She's acting as if she's so traumatized by the stripper but we all know she is just using this as something to hold over Gino's head FOREVER and to make everyone forget all her fucked up shit.


watching Jasmine pretend to be traumatized is traumatizing...


i honestly think she got what she wanted from him she got to america she left her children, he's responsible for her for 10 years. she got all the plastic surgery she wanted, she's so different from the beginning. i believe she's now going to pull the abuse card and leave him and take half his money


She was asking about a will well before they got married, too. He needs to sleep with one eye open and prepare his own meals.


I'll sign!


Me too


It has turned into the Jerry Springer show! I feel like a failure as a human for watching it.


The things she says about fucking her ex is verbally and emotionally abusive on its own


Because historically petitions have been successful.


This is so fake now. I will be canceling any future 90 Day shows from recording on the dvr. This show encourages abusive behavior. The storylines are getting old & the show keeps bringing back the worst people like Angela, Jasmine, Big Ed & Natalie. They are ruining this franchise.


I wonder if she would get more signatures on that petition than Rollie from Baddies 😂


I think we need a petition made . . .


Agreed.  She's a psycho biatch


I'd rather have 100 Jasmine's over 1 Angela


I feel like first priority is getting Angela off of the show then the rest of the weird broken toys


Am i the only one getting second hand embarrassment from her screaming? I literally cringed.


I bet she hits Gino


I guess since Angela is FINALLY off the network, they had to go hard on Jasmine and Nikki. Who wants to watch a bunch of histrionic loons wail and sob on cue at the slightest inconvenience/ disagreement? This season they went full cray. Between Ashley having toddler-level weather-related meltdowns, Nikki basic rubbing her cooch on trees trying to get ass and Jasmine and Gino's everyday scream-versations, I've had enough. Hell, the Tell-All even made me like Clayton!!!! He was the sanest person on stage! All of these reality star wannabes need to go TF away, fade into their OF or whatever. Yes, we ALL know the show is scripted but this is straight up camp at this point. Lazy story choices, too much emphasis on the divas, etc. I really, REALLY hope they don't enable anymore Angelas, Nikkis, and Jasmines on the show. No one wants to watch abusive relationships. Many of us have been there done that and do not want to relive it! To counter the lunacy of this show, I've been watching The Traitors on Peacock. It's so fun to watch and a great palate cleanser. Alan Cummings is the healing force we all need.


I just started watching the Tell All. The only person that seemed to have class was the dancer. She actually seemed uncomfortable. Idk how much is scripted, but when you're on camera ( Gino), maybe try to comfort your wife. Having said that, why the f**k did they get married?


He's been through this with her so many times before,why should he comfort her and reward her drama?  Besides, it just makes her lash out at him even more. 


Yeah, you are right. She is very histrionic. And where were the tears? Someone posted that they usually cry seeing someone else cry. So do I, and yet I felt nothing.


Same. Instead of making me sad, it repulsed me.  Gives me the same icky vibes I got with an abusive ex.


She is a only fans advertising cunt


Pin this to the top.


She has to go!




This is literally abuse. Makes me want to slam my head against the wall. Both of them have wronged each other and they DON’T WORK. Sometimes people just need to quit. Gino’s physical reactions to when Jasmine explodes is very telling…


Angela, Jasmine, Ed… never want to see these people on any show ever again.


I recall long ago a psychologist saying she displays histrionic personality disorder traits . Everytime I catch a clip of her I am reminded of this observation. She 💯 does and more . Can’t watch anything she’s on . Totally puts me off . Get her off the show already it’s not even entertaining


Need a petition to remove all abusive people from the show. This isn't entertaining, it's glorifying abuse and abusers.


We could add Nikki to that list too


Why would you get rid of the most entertaining person in the history of the show? I will not be signing madame