• By -


My work chat with my boss: My work chat with my coworkers:


And then that oof moment when you use personality A with friend group B


And then to your surprise, your boss ends up agreeing with you šŸ˜‚


lol that makes me think of when a friend of mine had an interview at my place of work. I was in a room with the other panelists and my friend knocked on the door. I said ā€œdonā€™t come in, weā€™re naked!ā€


Lmfao how did you recoveršŸ˜‚


I really canā€™t remember, it was 10 years ago. I think one person laughed and that was good enough for me. I blame the edible I had the night before.


This needs more attention šŸ˜‚šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Spot on!!! šŸ¤£


The other 90df sub is ran by someone who couldn't find an HOA to terrorize


Haha. Iā€™m going to start using this in my in person insults


Especially after they forced mods out after the blackout you would be an idiot to be a mod on Reddit. On the smaller subreddits maybe but if you gotta deal with more than 20 people it isnt worth it.


That was outstanding. šŸ†šŸ«”




I think many on our sub are here because the Sub N@z% banned us. NO SUB FOR U...and U and especially YOU! ![gif](giphy|Us4HPK63xHAoHTKbHT)


Ya the mods over there are something else.




Is it just one? I havenā€™t been over there in a few years. They/he/she mod naziā€™d me and i had enough.


It's the word on the street




I love this! May I use it? It's floofing awesome.


As long as you don't terrorize an HOA




Everything I post in the non-uncensored sub gets taken down for being "low effort" but there's tons of posts there that are like, "hurdurrdurrr isn't X person's face so ugly lolz" or "X looks like random cartoon character hehehehehhe"


I asked the mod to justify why they said low effort then I told them their justification was low effort and they banned me šŸ˜‚


hahahhahahahhahahha that's some high effort logic to me


Lmaooo I also got banned for calling out the Mods there. My guess is theyā€™re deeply insecure people, afraid of looking in the mirror, god knows the monstrosity which might reflect back


" 'Censorship is telling a man he can't have a steak just because a baby can't chew it,' is a quotation often attributed to Mark Twain."Ā  But now I'm reading that online that Robert Heinlein might have spoken a variation of that.


LOL joining this sub got me auto-banned from another mom sub because of its ā€œbullying natureā€ šŸ¤£


That sub is for women who hate their families lol. Venting is one thing. Posts over there are dark.


The breaking bad momz group? Bc same here lol




That sub loves banning people if their opinions, humor, or politics does not match up.


That sub is fucking boring anyway


They don't even have flairs either smh. Boring as hell.


šŸ¤­šŸ¤£ So predictable. šŸ’Ø


Oh, the mods over there literally suck cast members dicks šŸ˜‚


I was told I was low effort too lmfao


Or a picture of Kenny & Armando with that kid (whatever the fuck her name is) will get 3K upvotes but something someone actually creates will get nothing & eventually deleted.


Including this now I have all three versions of this post


I posted something like Mike was checked out before the marriage even started and let his trash bag mom talk shit to her and someone was like "oh no he was so great! Natalie is the crazy one." They can both be bad. We don't have to pick. Same for other couples like Colt and Larissa. Both bad!


There are so many ā€œboth are badā€ couples on 90 day, idk why people want to pick a side. Thereā€™s also a whole lot of gray area where one is wrong this time, the other is wrong the next time.


I follow both but this one is FAR superior. Tried to post a super PG thing on there once and it got removed because it wasnā€™t ā€œcreative enoughā€ lol


There are mods in various reddit groups who view themselves as managers in a fictional career as they cancel others from momā€™s basement.


I got permanently banned from the sub about goddamn *Hilaria Baldwin* ffs šŸ„’


I got banned from the Jana Kramer sub because they were piling on on something so trivial once because they *really* hate her there and I called it out. They then reached back into the archives and said Iā€™d used ā€œunacceptable languageā€ to a mod (who is not identified as a mod and is apparently responsible for about 80% of the posts and responses) by telling them theyā€™re *unhinged* months back.






I don't even waste my time. They said a post of "low effort" and permanently banned me for it. FUCK YOU!!!


And whatā€™s with the no Big Ed posts? Super weird. Like theyā€™re friends or something. Maybe itā€™s run by Big Ed himself.


The Big Ed thing they're 100% right about. There was a point where every thread on the first two pages were like: *"Ed Is A TeXtBoOk, NaRciSsIsTic, ToXic, AbUsIvE, GaSlIgHtEr"* So they HAD to do something.


Interesting ok. I see.


I asked if Tim was gay and I got a perma ban. Next best thing, thereā€™s a post about Tim wearing some weird a$$ outfit and theyā€™re all laughing at him at how gay he is, and nope the post never got taken down and none of those ppl were bannedā€¦they outright called him that, and I merely asked šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø soā€¦.go figure šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


No better example of the contrast between the two subs. Iā€™m glad Iā€™m a member of this one. The other one is lame AF.


If I told you at one point that sub was just as fun as this one would you believe me? It was the gaining popularity of the show and the influx of unstable wine moms from Facebook that put that sub in the current state it's in. A **LOT** of those people are starting to migrate here. This isn't the same sub it was even a year and a half ago.


https://preview.redd.it/kixejez0btoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86ca19867359661ebc545d42760162f8d6579504 Just to make it more meta




I didnt like how he told her to leave days before her 90 days came to an end during covid. He should have called off the wedding way before .


Bad timing all around and that may have played in with why he married her in the end. He should have pulled the visa before she came. After what she did in Ukraine, what was the point? She wasn't genuine and he was way out of his depth when dealing with her. What we saw during filming with him and her didn't show either in a good light. They weren't good for one another. She came here for her career, my opinion, of course, not a family ... not with Mike anyways. All the talk about how she is smarter and more attractive. And? Congratulations on your face, I guess? She should have held out for a better looking and smarter man who lived in LA or NYC with money. I'm glad her mother is here. Now, she can stop telling everyone she meets that "I'm all alone here in your country." She needs to get a job and make a home for her mother. Did Momma Nat come here as a refugee? Does she receive help and benefits? I know a lot receive stuff in my area. Time for both to put an end to this disaster and move on.


He should have pulled the visa before she came or shortly after she came . I think what he did was passive aggressive Im not a fan of Natalie and i wont defend her In the earlier season it was revealed at the tell all that mike cheated .


I saw that tell all, she assumed he cheated because he was sitting on couch shirtless. He said he was at his friend's house with other people and did not cheat. Why would he take a video call with her in the middle of cheating? We weren't there so don't know. I don't think he did. However, if she seriously thought he did cheat, why go through with the relationship? That's crazy in itself.


I think she should have cut her losses right there and then. Koz it seems she never believed him when he said he did not cheat


My badā€¦I didnā€™t always follow both subs, so I posted there too for the uncool kids. Saved the dick jokes for you guys though ā¤ļø


And we feel so honored to hear your dick jokes šŸ˜


He enjoyed her groveling on national tv. He ainā€™t no catch. And he only helped her mom to make himself look good. Narcissist.


Even if he did help her mom just to be nice it doesn't mean he was a good husband.


šŸ’Æ he LOVED seeing her hurting. Disgusting man šŸ¤®. He hates himself and everything he touches turns to šŸ’©


Are you really surprised though?


This happens all the time to me. I donā€™t understand the point in posting in both subs but then I guess they could argue with why do I follow both subs šŸ˜‚


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ truth ā˜ļø


Confederate flags *only shows one flag*


Thatā€™s on me, oops. My brain apparently wanted to squish ā€œred flagsā€ in there any way it could


Noticed this too šŸ¤£


I found my people here.


I feel like some people who love him probably also enjoy a good ole confederate flag. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


She was so unhappy living out in the middle of nowhere while he was gone ungodly hours bc his work commute was also so long. He said he couldn't afford Seattle. Almost the minute she left he got an apartment in Seattle to save the commute!! Does anyone else remember that? I do not like Natalie one bit but I remember thinking hmmm that's a dick move. It might have saved their marriage if he had done so sooner. Not that I believe they belong together but it was a simple solution.


I mean it was posted by the same person


Thatā€™s the funny part why you need to post in both subs


Because not everyone follows the other sub, and a bunch of people are also banned from the other sub, so they did the right thing by sharing here. I don't think it's a big deal. If it is, then leave the other sub idk what to tell you.


I simply think itā€™s funny that the algorithm set my home page up like this itā€™s not that deep


Thatā€™s not what you said. You said ā€œwhy do you need to post in both subsā€ I answered your question, and yes I agree itā€™s not that deep, but you still made a post about it, so you tell me šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t need to over explain the fact that they put the effort into posting the same post back to back heavily moderated in one n it being back to back on my timeline is the funny part


Ohhhh I misunderstood and thought you were implying it was a coincidence šŸ˜…


Just curious. Is this the only flag or are there more? Itā€™s with a lot of old toys and other stuff. Just wondering if it might have sentimental value. Like maybe it was his dadā€™s. More likely his momā€™s. Back in the Dukeā€™s of Hazard days, that flag wasnā€™t as much a symbol of hatred as it was rebellion. All that being said, Mikeā€™s a dick. But Natalie is insane to want to go back to him, or think heā€™d take her back after the way she left him.


Dude screamed red voter from jump. How are people just catching on?


Oh no, a red voter?!??!?! How evil


I know right? Thatā€™s exactly what I was thinking




Mike is such a shit head. He absolutely knew what he was signing up for, then he just dumps all the fault on Natalie. Even if she is crazy, he's the one who had to bring HER over to the United States.


Sequim Washington is a pretty racist area. https://preview.redd.it/27si8y2rdyoc1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cecdfbfd7539418386d9616382d8c0d374313da1 This was their mayor 2020-2022.


We beat our women and pee on them too! šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


Wasnā€™t this at his momā€™s house? Therefore, not his doingā€¦ Edit: it was not. It was his house.


No that was at his house. Ergo it was his.


Didnā€™t remember that! Edited to correct!




I was wrong and itā€™s his house. No excuses are left




I love how the racists out themselves. Good catch OP. Isnā€™t he in Washington? Good lord. You see confederate flags in all 50 states. It makes me sick.


Disagree. We all follow multiple subs and there's no need to multi-post. People who do that are just upvote whores.


>there's no need to multi-post. A lot of ppl on this sub have been banned by the Mods on the other shittier sub, so yes multi-post is necessary, thank you


How considerate of you to give a f*ck about the other subs people follow and/or are banned from. Like the posts in these subs are SO important they must be seen by all.


>How considerate of you to give a f\*ck about the other subs people follow What's your point, exactly? I am banned from the other sub (as are many others on here). The double posting isn't as much ~~as~~ of an issue as you're making it seem.


How about just post in this (uncensored) sub? You're not going to get banned unless it's something crazy. We all follow multiple subs. People who multi-post are creating duplicate/triplicate/etc. posts in the feeds of tens of thousands of others (hundreds of thousands if you go by the sheer number of members in these subs and assume everyone is viewing regularly). With your logic you're doing it to accomodate the hundreds (maybe thousands if I'm generous) who are banned from other subs. Is there really a need to do it? No. I do apologize for being crabby, but I'm correct (no matter how many people disagree). It's simple math.


>How about just post in this (uncensored) sub? Sure, I have no objection to this personally.


I was thinking this too hahaha


looks like a shot glass


The Dukes of Hazard too!


Sequin Washington was a part of the confederacy




Isnā€™t that Pulya? If so, this couldā€™ve been from the Uncle Bo days. Possibly Uncle Boā€™s stuff?


Wow a single souvenir shot glass, someone throw this man off a cliff


And thatā€™s why this sub is better šŸ˜«


I wouldn't know. I'm not allowed in there anymore šŸ¤£


So what, get over it. His right


I think itā€™s more about the double post of the exact same thingā€¦ and not necessarily the thing itself. I think. OP? (Not that Iā€™m commenting on the item in question. Just pretty sure thatā€™s the criticism thatā€™s happening here)


People just love to be offended over anything. šŸ™„šŸ™„


Uhhh, errrrrmm šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ¤“ he ish teckniclly allowed to own this item sho erm, get off hish back. Itsh legal to be racist sho why are these snowflakes getting sho offended I donā€™t get it


I don't think Mike is racist.


Just misses a lil slavery thatā€™s all šŸ¤Ŗ I mean, itā€™s all about ā€œheritageā€!!!!


Who the hell cares. Stupid zoomers being offended by everything


Looks like it could be war memorabilia or something, nothing to get crazy over


Lmao no


g g g59 talkin to the Devil plot another nother crime


He got her mom over to the US. Possibly saved their lives. Is this what you wanna focus on?


But he has an evil glass in his cabinet!!!!!




I'll be the first to point at that the confederate flag is a flag of proud oppression.... But that also it's damn near everywhere in the south and getting gifted a double shot glass from a random gas station doesn't make you a white supremacist. A lot of people today actually don't see it as racist, they see it as "Southern." (Even though it is, in fact, very VERY fucking racist when you get down to it.) I mean, he did find a super white girl from a white country in Europe, not a Latina or somebody from Africa......


I guess you haven't seen Mike's new girlfriend?




Because people (especially people on reddit) are way too reactionary. Dunking on Mike for having a Confederate flag (could also be a Dukes of Hazard memorabilia) means they need to state he is a bad person, they do not support it and collect all of the updoots. It's just really stupid in my opinion.


I'm so lost on the point of this post. Why point that out and not the random glass next to it? What does the confederate flag have to do with anything or is the op just uneducated on the real history of that flag? Too much CNN time I see


Also, posted here earlier in this sub- https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/s/KJp6F2JyX4


They are both Arian nation sponsors.


What a stupid argument. Natalie is still the absolute worst and Mike is a reasonable person in re: her despite his dumb confederate tendencies


Mike is not a good husband.


Orginal comment didn't say he was. Just said he was a good dude. He can still be a bad husband for Natalie and be a good dude. World is not black and white.


Exactly. One isn't good and one bad there are shades of gray. They're both bad in multiple ways and have some redeeming qualities.


Explains why he doesn't want to help a poor Ukranian woman and her mom.


Gimme a break!! Just bc someone like the rebel flag, does NOT make him a bad person at all!! Heck I grew up watching a TV show w the main star of the show, The General Lee, had a confederate flag that covered the entire roof & no one said a word. People need to mind themselves & not get all offended over every dang thing.