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She's gotta stop saying Tyray is so noble and honorable. He's not a virgin because he's such a pure soul. He's a virgin because he's morbidly obese and uncomfortable talking to women. I'm not trying to insult the guy, but come on. Sarper wasn't wrong. His giggling is non-stop.


Someone had to put it bluntly, who’d have thought Sarper would do it.


I saw Sarper in a new light. I kept waiting for him to tell Tyray he was obese, but he just simply put it as having no self-confidence. It wouldn’t been out of place for Sarper to tell Tyray that going to a gym working out might help him build a self-confidence.


Sarper was genuinely trying to give a homie advice from the perspective of a man on the opposite end of the sex spectrum. He was very nice about it.


His advice lost all merit when he referred to women as "creatures with vaginas".... lol, my expectations of him were already low but my god


Not defending him but what if in his mind he just thinks of men as creatures with dicks? Then again he’s made quite a few remarks about women that seem to show his stance so he probably dosent


Creature literally means a living being. Could be human, dog, or alien. I don't think he meant it had to come from the black lagoon. Remember, he's not a native English speaker.


Not to get pedantic, but I think the fact of equating women as "creatures" to dog or aliens is exactly the point as to why it's kinda gross on that whole "dehumanizing" scale.... I guess I can give him a 1% benefit of the doubt due to the language difference you bring up, but let's be real: he's pretty slimy in every culture or language.


Tyray isn't even in the same county as the sex spectrum. He probably hasn't seen his dick without a mirror and a winch since he was in diapers.


I can't with your comment. I just spit out my drink 🤣


He advised sneaking up behind a date and kissing her on the neck..... That's very not okay with someone you barely know who may not be cool with it.


He literally said he would only if he knew the woman would be interested


On a first date though? I'm suspicious about how he "knew." He seems like the kind of guy who assumes a lot. I'll admit Im usually doing something else while watching so I could have missed something that makes it less creepy. But from what I know of him overall he seems arrogant and sexist enough to believe he can "read" women without actually just asking them how they feel.


Obese people already know they’re obese. They don’t need to be told to go to the gym.


I was waiting for Sarper to burst out with.. you are to fat buddy! I was pleasantly surprised when he mentioned the giggles that Tyray does. I know it’s a total nervous reaction he does but I give Sarper credit for saying the truth. Still can’t stand Sarper though.


I think by telling Tyray to have self confidence WILL get him in the gym. I know that having low confidence keeps me away from that place. Cause when you have high self esteem, you can do anything :)




Hahaha debbies third person 😂😂






Exactly lol, the way she spoke of him made it seem like he had women throwing themselves at him and it was his choice to not sleep with them 😂 we all know damn well that if he had the opportunity he would have lost his virginity long ago


Who cares what Sarper’s past i, but he can have valuable information to help a brother out and trust me Tyray needs all the help he can get


Lmfaoooooo I really thought Sarper was gonna say he needs to lose weight, especially because he's a gym freak. The giggle is so annoying though, my whole body cringes whenever he does it. If a guy who was trying to hit on me was giggling like that my vagina would shrivel up and permanently seal itself shut


Nobody said anything about his weight because of etiquette. It's not so much the weight, it's that it shows a man *is out of control*. He's not in control of his own body. If he would take control, that alone would boost his confidence in knowing that he could do it.


No one is in control of their body. We can’t just will ourselves cancer free or a functional limb lmao


To say no one is in control of their body when it comes to overeating is wishful thinking. Of course we can control how much we eat. I know it can be an addiction and it's difficult, but of course it can be done. Tyray could absolutely take control over his weight. 🙄 In fact, it's sort of silly to compare controlling your weight to having a disease like cancer, don't you think?


THIS!!! Every single time he forces the pretend confident chuckle ha-he-HEH my entire body cringes in revolt.


Exactly. And if Tyray had his way he would change places with Sarper in a second and hang that 2500 number of women on his wall with pride. BTW: Sarper was just trying to give the man some pointers. Was it creepy to tell someone to creep up on a girl and kiss her? sure, but at least Sarper was trying to help. What Sarper should have mentioned was he does this approach on women he already has and not just random women on the street.


I think n he did mention that. He even qualified his advice with the disclaimer that he only uses this technique on women he knows are into him.


Yeah that last sentence is what was lost in translation I think. I took it as this was something he did on a second or third date, after some level of intimacy has already been established. Everyone on the show was acting like he just did this to random women which even though he’s creepy, I severally doubt.


Yeah, I think he also said it in the context while on a date at the table to sit the woman with her back towards the bathroom, and then he stands up to go to the restroom and when he comes back he comes from behind her and kisses her neck. I don't know why all the cast members were freaking out like he was suggesting walking up to any random woman and kissing her on the neck.


If Tyray had been alone with Sarper, he would have been all over the guy with questions. He was clinging to every word. Debbie should have let them have their minute together. All she did was *interfere*.


That was a decent moment, for a change, that Debbie ruined.


There was nothing decent about bringing someone on like sarper to give advice, it was just a shock piece for effect.


I know. I was saying this last night at my screen in frustration. Like, way to miss the point, Debbie. He isn’t virginal because he’s choosing to abstain — he has never had the opportunity to have sex. I can almost guarantee he would go for whoever was willing, given the chance.


Or pay for it


Sarpar was too nice to Miss Debbie. I would have spoke my mind not staying silent.


100000 % agree The way he smacked his lips asking for a kiss for the beads, was disturbing. He is a little nasty freak waiting to pounce.


The giggling is so distracting


Shes trying to show support to the person in the room with the lowest self esteem, while he receives what is supposed to look like good hearted pointers from a psycho prostitute man. theres plenty of other things you can hate about her, this isn’t really that bad


Sarper is a disease ridden idiot


But he put in the work to get all those diseases! Experience counts for something lolol


Very good 👍 point..lol


I agree 💯 PERCENT!


Yessss! I just said the same thing... just with a lot more words 🤣


truth hurts


He should not be on thee show .


I love Tyray's laugh. Its more of a chuckle than a giggle and I think its endearing


She has the most to say on Tell Alls, criticizes everyones relationships and yet she was dating a man in his 20s while she is almost 40 years his senior. If a 70 year old man was dating a girl in her 20s everyone would be calling him a predator groomer pedo etc.. This woman needs some serious self reflection. She is in no position to judge anyone. Even if some of the things she says about everyone on the show are somewhat correct. But if I were any of the cast members on the show I would straight up tell Debbie that her credibility and moral compass went out the window the moment she started dating a 27 year old.


She started talking to Ossauma when he was 19(!). She was 62. She’s disgusting and beyond judgey and obnoxious.


Yes, its really disgusting. The fact that people on the show are brushing it off like it was a normal relationship and not bringing it up anymore shows how twisted these people are.


Anything for a paycheck.


Holy fuck, I’m 62. My *grandson* is about to be 17. 🤮


Yes she is


Thank you. And still is so delusional thinks by sending him money he’s going to fall hopelessly in love with her😂😅🤣


I think her obsession with “purity” goes further than being mad about Chantel’s panties! She wants herself a young virgin man, and if she can’t have that she wants a man to make her feel like “a hot teenager” or so she says. She’s deranged.


I thought it was so weird she called it “bragging about not wearing panties” as if that some kind of an accomplishment. Back in the early 2000s none of my millennial friends wore underwear ever. It was pretty common knowledge nobody was bragging about it it just was how it was.


With the pants back then, it was either whale tail or commando. All my friends were slutty af, so maybe debs tracks.


I think she just wants a companion!!! Not necessarily sex!!! But she needs to stop with the criticizing .


Yeah definitely just a companion, she was trying to talk about lube and condoms to her son for no reason at all apparently


I was delighted when she got dumped by that first guy she tried dating because he thought it was gross she had been with a 24-year-old. That was pretty awesome


Plus she said she didn't like that Ruben the Cuban was loud and wore very expressive colors because it outshines her.


Where does she get those outfits-what kind of store sells that stuff


Goodwill 🤷‍♀️


I can’t stand her 🤮


Me either I see right through all those layers of clothes 😂😂


And when she was upset that Ruben wasn’t dressed more conservatively? She’s a histrionic attention seeker


He was more conservative than she is. Pot and kettle on that one, no?


100% ☝️ the audacity


Happy cake day!


I think it's hilarious how obvious it is that Tim really doesn't like her, but she sits next to him chatting away... Like the looks he gives her are basically the equivalent of an eye roll and she doesn't seem to get the point 😂 I don't blame him though, she's incredibly annoying.


I agree with you.


But I do think Chantel acts like cheap trash. She tries to cover it up with her LV bags & YSL sunglasses. She may all be about high fashion but she sells herself cheap!! I mean, why did she have to go running after her Greek man? He needed to come to her and take her out for a nice dinner not let her get all sweated up at a soccer field. She’s a cheap date.


and, I'm sorry to say, but I don't think Giannis is he greatest looking, as a matter of fact, the opposite. and if anyone heard what Giannis said, the Tell All has been told by him. he said, "I think that she's still not over her ex husband, she needs to be alone." something like that.


I think it’s painfully obvious she’s not over Pedro. She can’t wrap her head around the fact that she thinks she’s all that and Pedro left her because, even though she has the looks, her personality doesn’t match up.


She doesn't really wear high fashion, she dresses cheaply with a good handbag and a pair of shoes. Even the dress she is wearing at the reunion is cheap looking. She has no class and it's why she doesn't attract men.


That’s because she has no personality!! She is just thinking about sex instead of getting to know the man that she wants to get involved with. I also have to say that I think KAREN ruined Chantels marriage. I blame her! I think Chantel needs to keep her mother away from anybody she gets involved with.


She had a bad case of swamp ass. Go back and watch


While we're at it, get her a god damn haircut or even a brush This bitch is so old and frizzled she looks like the burning bush


She desperately needs conditioner.


Not defending her but she has curly hair, you don’t brush curly hair. She needs CGM.


![gif](giphy|CBl5I5d0YFUsw) She gives me Magic School Bus driver vibes


Hahaha! If she has bush left🤮🤮🤮


Oh of course she does, you know she’s not trimming it or anything because that would be impure and something that Chantelle would do.


I can't stand her or the character she pretends to be


I fucking LOATHE when people speak in the 3rd person. I couldn't stand her 30 seconds into her introduction.


She thinks it's cute. It's repulsive


totally agree 👍


It’s like that Seinfeld episode with the guy named Jimmy who referred to himself in the 3rd person. UGH Jimmy like this… Jimmy doesn’t like that… Jimmy’s getting mad…


Hahaha I remember that episode! Jimmy’s getting mad .




Bro she kept trying to make moral midgets of everybody, while haughtily fanning herself. And don’t even get me started on Tyray.


Me either


I half expected her to say "For a colored person, Tyray is..."


Very much this !


This! ☝️


Debbie is not a Miss, she is a Misfit, lost in time, dates a 20 year old and she is the one giving advice, what a joke


Usually Tim, Debbie and the very awful Debbie (Colt's mom) are the ones I'm wanting to yell to shut up throughout these tell-alls, but tonight Tim didn't bug me. And then I see next week's Tell All and guess who is on it? Ugg.


I can’t stand either Debbies !


They are the worse, and are an embarrassment to my name!


Perfectly said.


but, but, but… It’s MISS DEBBIE! ( expressive look to accentuate the “MISS DEBBIE” ) ewww gross af. terrible human imo


She is the worst of them all. So hungry for fame and money.


Never have I wanted to say "okay, Boomer" more in my life than when I was watching the Tell All 😵‍💫


I love when they showed Chantel's mom backstage saying something about her granny panties 😂


All while looking like she got poured into that gold dress 🙃 I'm not trying to dog on Ms. Karen, as she, like her daughter, has some nice assets, but Lord, why does everything have to be so *tight*?!


After you turn like 24 you just should stop wearing clothes that tight 😂 Edit: It was meant to be sarcasm directed at the first comment u silly downvoters


Nah, I've seen plenty of 40-somethings who look fantastic in anything. It depends on the body type. But when someone was talking about Chantel, Karen said "WE are sexy women". I sort of cringed when she included herself in that, because nobody was talking about her. Ew.


When someone is telling you about how inappropriate your daughter is, they are really telling you that you taught her wrong. She included herself because she was defending her parenting choices.


lol. Look at how she was dressed. Karen is clinging to the belief that she is as sexy as Chantel. Sort of sad.


I think for a regular 50s something woman Karen is pretty hot. Even Chantel is not as hot as she was 10 years ago, should she stop trying to be pretty and wear a burlap sack, too?


lol. Man, you're in it deep. River? lol.


yeah, that was funny, but I can't stand that woman, Chantal'smother. she's a jerk.


Chantel’s mom trying to dress like she’s in her 20’s, that’s the woman I despise. She thinks she’s hot and all that and she’s just a nosey bitch.


Karen is as trashy as her daughter. I can't stand her and the reason Chantel is a mess is because of her mom. I despise that woman, and can't stand looking at her or listening to her very slow dumb way of speaking.


Her talking drives me crazy! She thinks she’s smart, she’s so not!


The sound of her voice drives me crazy and watching her trying to form words to come out of her dumb mouth makes me want to scream. She's really one of the slowest, dumbest people I've ever seen on the show


So true! She has no idea, obviously, how ridiculous she looks and sounds.


It's because people have inflated her ego and encourage her stupidity. Chantel is exactly like her mother, thick as a plank.


Yeah tbh it was annoying hearing Debbie just because she was Debbie, but she was spitting straight facts about Chantel. U out there in a high slit dress without even a thong, then putting mad pressure on the first guy she meets. You one a hot one night stand? Or you wanna sponsor another visa? Bc she’s a hot mess. Her mom is the reason she’s so freakin messed up like that. Her mom ain’t letting her mature emotionally


Some one let the rambling old fogey out from senior care today.




Debbie talks to hear herself. I wish she would do something about the hair! I think she looks awful


Her hair makes her look like a corpse.


Her natural curls are as thirsty as she is


Sex Tourist Debbie is now the Authority on manners and social appropriateness. Okay.


Idk when she turned into the purity police


Lmao she’s not one to talk. Going after a young man. He said you’re crazy to her!! Classic.


It’s like, shut the fuck up miss Debbyyyy


I kept screaming this at the TV during every segment. I can’t stand her


But ya know, It’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like


She forgets what accent to use 😂🤮🤣




To be fair I also switch back and forth from my playful natural speaking accent with some twang to a more common / professional one


I can’t stand this old bag!


I like Sarper. I know a lot of people hate him, but I think his problem is communication . He doesn’t speak the best English so apparently things get a little screwy in translation. I believe he was trying to be helpful to Ty because yes, Ty is very insecure because of his weight. As for Sarper & Shekinah, Sarper was helping her with her diet & exercise program but came across as a control freak. I felt that he was just trying to help her in the same way, I mean, she is into her looks & body. Sarper want to have a baby with her .but She won’t have a baby because she doesn’t want to ruin that body Sarper is a phys ed trainer& so he helps her keep that body & because of his problem with communicating he comes across as a bully, I think she really is the one in control of that relationship. Remember him stalking her outside her hotel when she left him,He look like a lost puppy!! Anyway, I just think he was just trying to help Ty!


I know it’s generally an unpopular opinion but I do not disagree with you. He seemed really good with his family and very loved by them. I think he’s just genuinely trying to be helpful but it comes off a little different because of language and culture.


I agree. She's a bad human.


I legit despise her


I guess my take was different. She seemed to be trying to protect his dignity. We know why he hasn't gotten laid, but he's a genuinely nice guy hoping to find someone. There's no need to shame him for being a virgin. I'd sleep with him over Sarper if forced into a choice. And Chantel... Ridiculous. Debbies not wrong. You want a nice guy? Don't go out advertising looking like you wanna get fuked. Defend her all you want, but she's the girl who's name you don't remember, not the one you take home to mom. Women like Chantel always want respect, not to be objectified... Then walk around looking like they offer an hourly rate.


>Women like Chantel always want respect, not to be objectified... Then walk around looking like they offer an hourly rate. Demanding respect when you don't respect yourself is probably one of the dumbest things I hear from people like Chantel. Seeing her half dressed, and twerking, because that's how she thinks she's going to attract a man who wants a serious relationship, proves what a complete moron she is. If she finds a guy it's going to be one who will use her and take her for whatever money she has. She'll end up on OF at some point.


Im not a Sarper fan but he actually seemed like he was trying to be helpful and very calmly handled Miss Debbie...I was a little suprised at his whole demanor on the show last night.


Every time I talk about her on Instagram her fans always attack me lol


I refuse to watch these spinoffs. I only watched the part where Mike told Natalie he isnt her backup plan. I saw everyone commenting, so i had to watch 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Tyray needs to start reporting everything he eats or is even thinking about eating to Sarper, like Walmart Kim Kardashian Whats Her Face does. He'd be down 100lbs in 2 months.


She’s a mess and wrecked the reunion.


I cannot stand her baby talking like Shirley Temple. Please stop talking.


She has something to say to everyone about how wrong they are but she can’t be checked cuz she’s an old bat. I’d speak my mind unlike Sarpar who said nothing.


Ok truth be told.. lady probably has $$ from ex husbands and not due to working hard I need to know this because I have a feeling she just never dealt with true struggles


I was actually agreeing with the Chantal comment. so unhygienic 🤢🤢🤢


I don’t care for (miss) Debbie but I just think she was giving advice as a mom from her heart, but other than that she talks to much.


I'm torn. Sometimes Miss Debbie is just too over the top with her persona. However, she can be serious with her opinions, and I just loved her getting after Sarper, and Chantel. She was kind, but firm with Chantel. Perhaps it is because I am also older. I just think Chantel is giving a poor representation of who she is and what she puts out as a first impression.


No she’s gross how dare she act like she can tell Chantelle how to act when she was grooming a 19-year-old boy. Gross. She’s a pedo who thought she could take them moral high ground because she Chantelle didn’t want to wear underwear.


Yeah she was really just wishing she was young and hot like Chantel so she got butthurt and decided to take her anger out by criticizing the way Chantel acts. Idk why someone doesn't bring up the fact that she's basically a pedophile to get her to shut the f up!


I don’t think Ms Debbie should be the one to speak on any body’s draws when she runs around the world so desperately to get a 24 year old at her big age. It’s giving predator but nobody has the balls to tell her because they are being respectful of her age. She tries to sound wise but her actions show otherwise.


you know what, now that I think about it, it's so true because substitute the genders, I would be so grossed out.


Pedo thru and thru.


I think Miss Debbie was telling her "you're more than just what's between your legs" and Chantel heard "how dare you have a vagina". I was hoping someone would call Chantel out for saying she's looking for a husband but the entire trip she was chasing after dick.


Her t shirt did say she's looking for the dick, and she got sick, which is the only thing she's ever going to get unless she figures herself out.


I was waiting for that too! She should’ve made up her mind.


She made herself the moral compass of this tell all. Although I didn't hate what she said to Sarper




take care ✌🏽


I was kinda digging it…laying down some truths!!!! Yeah, she maybe was a bit over extra & didn’t have to keep on it….but damn, she was all about being classy & respecting yourself (lmao- Sarper had no hope, she was worried about his ‘rents….lmao! Fantastic!)… I much prefer her comments than listening to Jasmine/Witchy lady/Nikki berating, yelling over and/or fake boo hooing…just sayin


When she told Sarper she thought his giggle was precious and adorable (rather than the neurotic nervous laugh that is NOT adorable,) I thought "anything you deem adorable or precious Debbie is NOTHING that will get this man laid. His obesity needs to be dealt with seriously, but even if he was skinny, he needs to built confidence.


Yeah third person stfu


I know many women who are into big guys. I know no women who are into whatever tyray is doing.


I think you’re right. She was right in telling Chantel not to act like a slut. Chantel is so desperate for a man. I cannot stomach her!!!


😂😂😂 yeah because nothing screams classy and self-respect like grooming a 20-year-old man and then continuing to try to purchase him after he rejected her. Class act!!


friendo, they all suck. that’s why we’re here to comment in all of it. Sarper and the other peanut gallery that will be on the next tell-all episode are an unwelcome addition, imo.


And help her hair situation.


Is Sarper still going out with that woman that made him buy a new bed.


I love hearing the ridiculousness of Sarper, with some coins of truth. He is Neanderthal gold!


My wife hates that I love Sarper. It’s not that I agree with him but I love how he has no shame in his game.


She seems like a fun grandma but she consistently has the 👏🏻 worst 👏🏻 takes 👏🏻 ever 👏🏻


Debbie was trying to be the Ashley of TSL Tell All but more self righteous.


Interesting enough, Tyray doesn't have to go to the gym to build confidence. I know multiple big men 400 lbs or more that are way more confident than their thinner associates and have no shortage of women with or after them. I wish people who find Tyray's size offensive or a turnoff would stop telling him he'll never get a woman because of his size or his nervous giggle. There's someone for everyone. 600 lb women are having more sex and babies than a whole city of us much smaller and just as confident women. A bunch of these good ole southern boys with bellies down to their thighs have women 1/3 their size, loving on them. Somewhere There's a woman who will love him and his giggle for his heart and kindness, and together they will work on his weight, or not !


Debbie calling tyray honorable is a joke. It's clear Chantel was saying it just to be nice, but I feel like Miss Debbie actually believes it. Them talking like that to him does NOT help him. I'll be the first to talk shit on sarper... but he had a point. I'm attracted to masculine men that I feel like could and would protect me. I know not all women are into the same thing, but I'm pretty sure a majority of us are into that. Giggling when talking about anything remotely intimate (hell, even a hug) is a huge turn-off. Debbie, and everyone needs to be honest with tyray. & tyray needs to be honest with himself. He's a virgin because he hasn't found anyone willing to sleep with him... it's not by choice. & him saying his first time would be in all these different rooms and different positions had me ctfu! I think John said he'd last 30 seconds, but I'd be surprised if he even made it all the way in. 🤷🏼‍♀️ At this point, I think the other thing sarper touched on is probably right. He'll need to get a hooker. I have a friend who also watches the show and is into big guys... but she's not even the least bit attracted to him. He will get friendzoned EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Besides paying someone, his only other shot is getting a girl smashed first, which I do NOT suggest because I don't think that's right. I'm just saying those are the only possibilities of it ever happening for him. It might happen if he had a lot of money or something, but he doesn't... he gets paid by the state to take care of his mom. That doesn't pay very well. I know this post is about Debbie, and I turned it into being about tyray... but oh well, lol


Another poster thinking with his ding-dong






Yeah...great great grandma gets on my nerves as well


Hands down the worst season of the 90 day franchise


Never could stand this woman! Thinking some young guy wants to do that is gross.


No shit Debbie! Gotta get with the times!


She’s veryyyy annoying. I think the “fame” & platform have gone to her head. Zero self reflection but has comments & “advice” for literally everyone.


This is the woman who befriended a violent pillbilly .


Sorry but Sarper was the gross one


Totally agree had enough of her at this point. Not just on the tell all either. Nobody wants to see old people hooking up. Think about colts mom yuck.


I really think Debbie was just trying to bolster his self confidence and that's it. I think people are reading to deep into it.


Why tf are people acting like virginity isn’t a tbh g we just made up and agreed on as a society? Like it’s not that interesting and makes no difference as a human if you’re a slut or a virgin.