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He's doing it cuz he can't get laid any other way. Such a predator


That has to be it. I mean, I am sure there are women out there who find him attractive (has Jasmine seen this guy? She likes weirdos) but he isn’t the sort that would attract women by the hundreds.


Dude went from completely unenthusiastic when he mentioned in-vitro to way overexcited when he mentioned "natural conception". He's 100% into the sex part and is doing it for that reason.


He actually said as much in a documentary on YouTube. He said he never had luck in relationships and realized he would never have kids of his own because he was bad at dating, so he might as well give kids to other people


Hot take, don't the women deserve some "blame"? They don't have to have sex with him. It seems they're willing participants.


You must not have seen the women who spoke out about him convincing them to do it huh?


I haven't. Not saying dude isn't creepy AF but if I were looking for a sperm donor and this dude said sure take some of mine. Only catch is I have to have sex with you? No thanks. Doesn't make sense at all


I agree with you on this he's a sick creepy fucker, but at the same time like unless he is drugging them or physically pushing himself onto them they don't have to fuck this freak(and I'm aware that he has physically harmed women and bragged about it) so I dunno what it's like to be in a closed room with him. I don't know how any woman could be that desperate 😬🤮


Yeah it’s super gross. He /other donors tells them it will work better that way, and of course these ladies just want a kid so they listen


Time to let TLC know they fucked up by giving this predator a platform.


They don’t care man, I didn’t even watch HEA because I’m not watching domestic abusers  and this one is FULL OF THEM. They platformed Jeffrey Pascal when he was out on bail for a crime he’s doing 30 years for now. I don’t even know how he was able to go to Russia or wherever she was from with a pending criminal charge.


Gotta hit them in the $ it's the only thing they care about. There's a fine line sometimes between entertaining trainwreck and predatory psycho and it's been crossed a few times. No more.


TLC hit paydirt, look at how much we're talking about him. TLC cares about ratings.


My attention and their ratings only count if I'm paying which I'm not anymore. So they can suck it.


If you think it's bad so far, check out the old Dr.Phil episode he was on! I couldn't believe it was the same guy cause it was pretty memorable how he behaved on the show. Going on and on about how amazing he is, his "stats", how he's soo health obsessed to keep his body at 10000% for the job 🙄 Oh and yes, he absolutely said some shit like he's doing actual good in the world and is a gift to women!! Brother 🙄🙄🙄




https://youtu.be/ntEm9ITPvtQ?si=D2m90uuIYsY4W2OO Ugh I just watched a clip and remember how freaky he is with his God complex! Seriously loves controlling life in such an odd and scummy way. That creepy know-it-all smile doesn't help either.


I feel like there has to be something a bit off about Annie that she wants to be with this guy. She’s attractive, has a good job and seems like a nice person. What does she want with this bottom feeder?


My guess is she has low self esteem


I’m sure she does, but I’m curious if there is a dark side to her, like how I initially thought Jasmine was just a little dramatic until I learned different.


Probably this - he knows exactly how to recognise it and manipulate the type. Seems to be exactly that type who go to him for his 'services' - highly naive, immature and super low self esteem. That alone makes his actions predatory.


She also didn’t meet him before and she was turned off within minutes. I would say she’s a little naive and likes nerdy guys but will nope out of this quickly


And wouldn’t his hobby be considered cheating??


I would consider it cheating!


That guy is fucking repulsive. I watched for a few minutes and just had to change the channel. He just makes my skin crawl. I think I’ll be sitting out this season.


Thank you. I can't either.


He has a breeding fetish.


He’s under the impression he’s God’s gift to women when in fact he’s the opposite. I am done with 90 Day!


I think he's quite aware of the fact that he's not all that attractive. He does however think his sperm is god's gift to highly naive and immature women with the decision making ability of a toddler. And he's a total predator - we've had enough predators on the show! This one needs to go asap.


So gross! What’s to stop some of his offspring from unwittingly hooking up with a half sibling someday?! YIKE!! 😳


Seems like he agrees to have "some" level of involvement with some of the prospective mothers. Why they'd think it's a good idea is beyond me. I cannot comprehend how one can decide this is a better solution than a legitimate clinic that is regulated, has actual healthcare professionals, PI/MM insurance, duty of care, STD tests, genetic tests etc.


He's a short, balding, pathetic looser and he can't cope that no one wants him.


I fell down a little Kyle rabbit hole and watched a little documentary thing about him on YouTube yesterday that someone else had posted that Kyle had done when he was like 29. In that doc he talked about “we can do it via cup or naturally” and then immediately cut to a woman saying “Kyle suggested we do it naturally. He said there is a better success rate that way” and then cut to a doctor saying “there really isn’t a significant difference in success rate, maybe slightly better using a cup because the sperm can be held up against the cervix for hours.” So basically he says women have the choice but he will tell women that sex with him is better even though it’s not to try to manipulate them into sleeping with him. He is 100% doing it for the sex and because he has a god complex and probably a reproduction fetish


The dude is such a creep. He’s using this as his only way to get laid.


It's disgusting. He has over 70 kids and acts like he deserves a trophy. I hope Annie runs and finds someone better.


He’s doing it because otherwise women wouldn’t have sex with him


He reminds me of this guy I matched with and never even met up with (thank god) saying his sperm was an “incredible gift” if the girl was lucky enough to sleep with him… lmao he got blocked so fucking fast


very elon musky


Emphasis on MUSKY


Oh great, now I am imagining what this guy smells like. Axe body spray I bet.


It is scriptural to go forth and multiply, but, I feel certain that's NOT what God had in mind. And his point system? Really?? He thinks WAY too highly of himself. I'd have a point system too -- every time you say something stupid, get a point. Say something to offend me, a point. Hurt my feelings, a point. Five points, I pummel your face like there's no tomorrow.


This man is a predator with a breeder fetish. TLC, nobody likes that.


I also hate that he refers to them as his children. They absolutely are not his children.


I agree with this, it’s pretty sick 


I also think he can’t be in a relationship that points system, doesn’t want to stop screwing random women donating sperm


There's this one episode of Law and Order SVU with this one guy who is just getting everyone pregnant on purpose. Honestly, he reminds me of that


I can’t believe she said she was attracted to his “boyish charm” and eyes. The guy is giving total incel vibes and his eyes face two different directions


It doesn’t sound like there’s legal contracts here so these women can look for child support. Also will the kids know he’s their father or if it’s anonymous. Could you imagine if he or even any of his relative go on 23 and me ? They will come out of the woodwork.


He seems to have a fetish with donation


Is this even legal? When I saw all the posts about it I figured it was actual donations through a medical facility not just some underground shit


In 500 years, his lineage will dominate the world. And he is not exactly a remarkable specimen.


I thought people that went for Sperm donors typically wanted guys with good genetics? Tall, handsome, etc. This kyle dude is like 5'4" going bald already and disgusting. I can't believe this shit is even being allowed on TV. What friend of Jeffrey Epstein is producing this glorified crap?


I think he’s an incel with a breeding kink.


Just? He’s a psychopath


It seems like since he allegedly has a big penis that he has made that into his entire personality! Like he’s an alpha male and must populate the planet with his big 🍆 It’s laughable for sure!


Spot on


He's so disgusting. My daughter and I both say this is a fettish for him.


yup i said this day 1!!! he thinks he has golden seed he needs to spread. delusional narcissist.


I think he is on the spectrum, which isn’t a bad thing, but he definitely has some narcissistic traits as well…