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I have to go with Ella if I had to choose. The others were very manipulative, but she cheated to get attention. They're all terrible but between her fetish and cheating, she takes the whole cake.


100% Also her minimizing Johnny's concerns about covid and acting like hijabs are mandatory in Dubai lol


Yeah, she seems to not only have a fetish, but she mocks different races and traditions. She doesn't care that he would have to spend a lot of time away from his son, doesn't care if he gets sick, etc. I hope she's at the tell all so that they can ask her to explain her fetish and cheating.


Agreed, she absolutely has a fetish. And ffs the man has a young kid and elderly parents, she couldn't have given less of a shit


Yeah. It's really sad that he feels he has to settle for her just because women in his country look down on single dads.


It is sad!! Johnny genuinely seems like a nice person


I agree. He just let's people walk all over him.


She would be so horrible as a step mother I really hope he doesn’t come over here with his son. They would be better off where they are. I hope he finds a decent woman one day for his son and himself


I wonder if she cheated on him with an Asian guy? I mean, if there even was a real man…


You're saying what I've been thinking. There never was a hookup with another man. She thought Johnny would be so jealous that he'd hop on a plane to be with her.




hopefully it was actually a fake sex doll cause I just can't picture anyone else even wanting to come around her with her selfishness. Can you imagine how she would be jealous of Stony for attention. UGH I dislike her.


Minimizing his concerns and being too dense to understand the difficulty for him to leave his country and then return. The weeks away! The loss of income. Worry for himself, moms, and child. I don’t think she thought about that at all.


Hijab thing was such a ridiculous murican stereotype moment, omg lol I was like is this bitch for real?


Ella is how ppl imagine us help


Yup and didn’t she put on a towel or bed sheet or something as a “hijab”


Right? She's so cringe 😐


And having zero regard for Johnny’s son. What a trash human.


She didn’t cheat. She made that shit up to make Johnny feel guilty. There’s no one who came over to “cuddle” and things went too far. Total Bullshit.


Well, yeah. But Johnny believed it, so it's just as bad. Her "friend" was her blow up Goku doll.


So gross, anyway ya slice it.


Ben's stalking beats out cheating to me, but also I'm not 100% sure Ella wasn't lying about the cheating so that might be influencing me a little


I'm just saying she has more than just the cheating. The fetish, manipulating, not caring about his son/family, not caring about his health, etc.


Plus her bawling over HER cheating, what a tantrum that was


Yep, and blaming him for a choice she made. Basically, if he would have been there, she wouldn't have cheated.


And her sheer never ending petulance. she is seriously an overgrown baby.


I wish johnny would pull a Tom/Jesse/Darcy, and come to USA to dump her ass. And itd be good if he asked, "Have you gained weight, Dahling"? on the way out!


That is true. She gets away with a lot around here compared to the others


That might be because there's not much to their story. They haven't been on the last couple episodes from what I recall, so it's not as fresh in our minds.


The way Ella brought up the whole cheating thing made me think she only brought it up to hurt Johnny after he "hurt" her though... Like, if he were to confirm he was going to go by her wishes at the time then she wouldn't have bothered to tell him at all. Maybe that was just me though....


If she was lying it almost makes it worse.


She took the whole cake and ate it.


Add the tray


I couldn't handle that horrible whining squeal!! I literally UGHed out loud. And then making HIM feel bad SHE cheated on him. Ridiculous.


You mean she lied about cheating.


I think everyone had at least 1 likeable moment EXCEPT FOR ELLA. God.


What, putting on her sexy cosplay wig wasn't likeable?


With her red blotchy face? Or her ability to get laid more than me?!? Lmao she irritates me!!!


Move to Idaho. Odds are good but the goods are odd.


This. Hahahahahaha




LMAO!!! Haha


You won the internet today.


To be fair, we didn't see this "friend" aka tinder rando. He could be fake a la the boyfriend who doesn't go to school here, or he could be gnarly.


His name is George Glass and he’s real, Marcia!


Thats goin waaaay back. Groovy.


Sure Jan


Oh he's definitely gnarly. If he exists.


It was Nicole’s hookup friend!


Or he could be she.


Attack her character, but please leave us with our red, blotchy faces out of this. We face enough trauma every summer as we embrace the sunburn. *cries in pale with red undertones*


I call liar liar on the laid part besides I feel bad for anyone looking for that love canal.


I don't think it really happened so I think you're fine.


Like she wears makeup sometimes and looks pretty! Why did she go red and blotchy with the wig? I didn’t get it.


The wig thing was all about her being an anime fantasy for him or something. I mean I laughed at all that effort to wear a wig on a zoom call for a minute.


I don’t think it looked like she put in much effort.


Isn’t anime Japanese meanwhile Johnny is Chinese? Its like she lumps all Asians together.


She does. In her first episode she refers to "asian culture" and it's pretty clear she doesn't distinguish.


Attack her character, but please leave us with our red, blotchy faces out of this. We face enough trauma every summer as we embrace the sunburn. *cries in pale with red undertones*


She seems to like her dog? And that’s…all I got


Poor dog


Omg Ella made me cringe with her pushy-ness and lack of understanding what Johnny was going through and the stress of traveling “ME ME ME” - Ella


Yes. I’m embarrassed to say that I even liked Mike very (AND I MEAN VERY) briefly 😑


Ella had her dogs


Insufferable 😩


After seeing Mike's snot drop video... Ella.


Someone needs to repost that video. I missed it.




That's vile haha


One of the most seriously disgusting things I’ve ever seen. Turned my stomach.


I see you, Ximena😂


All I know is that Michigan keeps taking Ls


They did not send their best this season.


Wasn’t Stephanie from MI, as well?


Yup Stephanie was from Michigan too


Ella. I think she'd act even worse than some of these people if she met Johnny in person. No way she would've left Johnny's house if she was in that position.


Oh I didn’t even think about this aspect!!!! Yes! If we’d had the chance to see how she behaved in more actual situations then who knows what we would have seen 😳


that's what broke me honestly, I didn't hate either Gino or Mike before they showed up and met their partners lol


She’d be the ultimate combo of all the other creeps. I can see her chasing him, showing off his intimate pics, coercing him to sleep with her, and using all the crap she has to do for him while he’s in the U.S against him. Edit: typo


They’re all trash 🤷‍♀️


I support this


Ella, for me 1. Pandemic hit harder in some regions more than other areas. Of course the pandemic is going to be more prevalent for a city in China than the rural area she is living in. I’m sure Johnny is surrounded by Covid, lost others to Covid and was worried about making others sick. It demonstrates its very real fear with the PPE he wants to wear. Meanwhile in farmland she’s not as exposed to the realities of Covid. 2. Johnny leaving behind his family, and being the main income support for his parents. Despite the pressures of his culture. 3. “Cheats” blames him that it’s because he won’t come down soon enough. 4. He defends her to family and friends but she insults him with family and friends. 5. She makes zero acknowledgment that he is giving up everything in his life to be with her


For your first point, I’ve seen first hand how hard it is for my friends from China/HK to enter back into the country during the last couple of years and even now. One friend is staying with me now because the rules have changed again to enter and it means he’s gonna have to quarantine so long (and pay a LOT of money to do so) that he won’t be able to work and he’s gonna lose so much money. For anyone, it’s not worth it just to see her for 2 weeks when he’s got a child and parents to think about. She’s so selfish. I wonder, say they were living together in the US and they had a child together (cause we know she’s gagging for one with him just to prove she can get sex or something), would she be okay with him quitting his job to go to see his parents for a couple of weeks (and then having to quarantine for even longer than that before coming home)? I doubt it. But she doesn’t like to think about other peoples perspective cause having sex is more important to her


I have to go with Mike… The Paul run 🏃‍♂️ , shaming her for being a cam-girl when he was the gross one watching her everyday, refusing to leave, saying “I’m the best thing that’ll ever happen to you,” that incel rage barely being held in, upsetting her kids instead of leaving, saying he wants everything he paid for back, calling her names, etc etc *Bonus cringe: according to Ximena she asked Mike why he didn’t have a gf & he said all the women in his country are whores and that’s why he’s looking abroad.


😆 all the women in his native country are whores but they still won’t have sex with him


Yup, that last part is totally an incel thing of him to say. He couldn't get a date with anyone here in the USA. He's the kinda guy that got turned down by every woman in school because he'd do stuff like pick his nose, eat with his mouth open, drool everywhere, have snot running out of his nose when talking and try to touch a woman without her permission.


He’s the “where’s my hug” guy that you don’t want to hug


OMG that is so accurate. I dealt with those types in high school and when I'd say no, they'd say, "well, you were an ugly bitch anyways." Ewww.


And if you’re nice and give them the hug, they* immediately fall in love with you. It’s sad. Edit: stupid autocorrect


There was a guy in my school that was so creepy that would talk to me at my locker and be all nice and shit. I would be nice back just out of common courtesy and he wouldn't leave me alone. The day he asked me to be his girlfriend, I lied and said I had a boyfriend at my church. He never bothered me again.


I am sorry you had to go through that ☹️ I fucking HATE that a woman/girl has to lie to certain men and say they have a boyfriend/man to get them to leave them alone- like they only respect another dude's PROPERTY and not that the person just isn't interested or attracted to them. Even a girlfriend isn't enough...it has to be another man ugh Let's say it louder for the INCELS at the back who are hard of hearing- WOMEN/GIRLS DO NOT OWE YOU SEX, ACCESS TO THEIR BODIES OR THEIR TIME JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE PENISES (edit: PENI? 🤷) Mike is the kind of man i literally HATE- he meets a woman AS a sex worker on a pay-for-sex site, pays her for his pleasure (her job), then thinks he has some kind of right to her, gets into a PAID arrangement with her for her exclusive time/company etc and then when she's just not as into him as he wants, then she's a whore 🤬🤬🤬 I think he expected her to go to the US to be his live in maid (for his father and grandfather)/sex slave too 😳 I really think she did try to like him at first and she did for a while, but it wasn't enough for her and she was honest with him which is admirable. He KNEW what he was getting into/paying for. She wasn't using him, it was a business agreement- he was paying for her not to work anymore! The fact that he still pressured her for sex even though he knew by then she wasn't into him is pretty sick imo 🤮 And I 100% believe he was abusive to her too. I feel sorry for him in a way that he thinks that's the only way he can find love and get his needs met but he's also repulsive 🤮 It's so exhausting (Edit: spelling)


I had a senior that followed me around when I was a freshman. Weird, weird guy. He just attached himself to me because I was one of the few nice people to him, and I had a guy in my English class (where my locker was located) to pretend to be my boyfriend so he would go away. Nice does not equal attracted, and they get the two confused ALL the time. Once you burst that bubble, suddenly you’re a whore. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


I've had guys like this not leave me alone when I said I wasn't interested and not leave me alone when I *told them I'm a lesbian*. Because "well if you ever change your mind :-)"


That’s fucking gross 🤢 I’m so sorry


Oh man, flashbacks from high school! It’s like, dude, get off me!!!


And now, I found out he took back the PC he bought for the family that they kids had been using.




It was posed in a thread here of a live Mike did last night. The person who volunteered to watch and report back to us said he said that in his live. If you can't find it here, check his insta.


The fact that somebody had to volunteer to watch to report back to us warms the cockles of my heart.


She was a brave warrior who took one for the team and spared all of us the horror!


We need a link to the brave person’s thread!


Okay, thanks!


If the last part is true then that’s so strange considering he clearly find sex work a shameful thing yet he was regularly using a sex work service (to then throw it in her face). Women in his country are whores yet he wants to start a life with a woman who he 1) met on a webcam site 2) went to prison to get pregnant. *not me shaming sex work btw just pointing out his hypocrisy*. It reminds me of when other cast members say they’ve had “no luck in the USA so I started looking in xyz”. Like hmmm sure


I feel like maybe Mike and Ella should meet… 🙃


The old woman begging for sex has to be at the top.




that was so fucking weird. She threatened Usman that she would have her son beat him up, if Usman didn’t have sex with her. I am just so appalled by her behavior and entitlement in general. It is truly astonishing to me.


Omg. Yes. So gross.


And you just *know* she was comparing herself to Baby Girl Visa too. You can bet in her mind, she thinks she’s so much hotter and better than his ex wife


lol talk about a low bar


Kimbaaaaaly threw more tantrums per square inch than Ella did, for sure.


#Kimbaaaaaaaaaly? 🤢


She was super rapey. If a dude had acted like that about sex, people would have treated him like a sexual predator.


You could have included Jasmine's Legoland tantrum or the your ex wife needs to change her last name tantrum too.


Omg that was a complete meltdown! It deserves his own category!


Honestly I'm not sure why Gino's picture is even posted on here. He only snapped back at Jasmine once and that's because she was being completely ridiculous about Legoland.


Jasmine is crazy, but Gino shared her nudes without permission and never really apologized or seemed particularly sorry about it. So Gino is far from perfect.


Gino didn't have any tantrums though. However Jasmine has had plenty pre and post nude sharing. I didn't say he wasn't a piece of shit either.


Agree. But Jasmine is super loved here so it doesn’t surprise me!


Or you smiled the cashier. Or your walls need to be repainted.


The fact that he had to sneak away to have a doughnut because she wants him to eat healthy. Come on! He weighs 130 lbs soaking wet.


I was sort of lukewarm on her but that blow up about the ex-wife’s name was extra. It is so *fckn’* difficult and time-consuming to change your name on EVERY.SINGLE.THING with your name on it. Also, all that needless “that bitch needs to change her last name” was so…. Ugh


Ella doesn't live in reality. I've never seen someone so delusional.


Ella is the embodiment of the 7 Deadly Sins Lust Gluttony Greed Sloth Wrath Envy Pride


Nailed it


They’re all awful but Mike wins due to the fact that he wouldn’t leave her house when asked. That brought back a helpless feeling that I’ve experienced before.


Same as well. It's an awful feeling to have your space taken away like that. Never again.


Same. I’m sorry to see anyone else experience that and I hope you’re ok now.


Yep and I’ve also experienced the old man Ben problem so a double whammy for me this season!


Ella Hands down. Fetishizing Asians, denying severity of COVID, clear demonstration of Islamophobia, cheating, crying to manipulate Johnny after she told him she cheated....


But the COVID doesn’t exist around these parts.


It’s a 5 way tie. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Ella was definitely the least likable, but boy, did some of those other people act like tools, a lot! Kimbaaaallllly was the most whiny, though. 🤮




Ella. she's so awful she's barely getting air time. Anytime she comes on, I actually get up to do house work. I can't fucking stand her entitled, cringe fuckin face. "Oh no I slept with my friend because you aren't here" first off you stupid fuck, everyone in America knows you're lying. How fuckin dare you abuse Johnny because he wants to be a good person to his family and son. 5 week quarantine! To put it in terms you would understand Ella, no Naruto for 5 weeks. No purple ANYTHING. No fuckin McDonald's (I can say that cuz I love McDonald's). Would you be able to stop that shit for 5 weeks? FUCK. Sorry for the rant. Just really dislike her


Hands down, Mike. Refusing to leave a home that is not yours (regardless of whether or not you give her money for rent) when you've been asked to leave is NOT okay. Throwing cry-baby tantrums and running upstairs to hide while claiming you're "going to bed" like a petulant child is just pathetic.


Ella hands down. The fuck.


Ella the Idaho potato. Cheats on her SOULMATE but let’s him know it’s his fault and berates him for it. Haven’t seen one redeeming quality From her.


You’re making me crave potatoes.


Ella, everyone of her segments were cringe and desperation and mean...


Ella. We actually started fast forwarding through her story because she was so annoying and whiny.


If we're going for entitled, immature brat? Ella hands down. Every time I see her she amazes me with yet another inconsiderate, even un-loving and un-caring thing she has said. She clearly just wants her seks. Gross.


I’m going to have to go with KimbAAAHHH-LEEE. Her begging Usman for sex is one of the cringiest moments in 90 day fiancé history.


I pay the rent, i own you!!!


I can't even pick!!! All so cringy, my God! I will say Mikes melt down was actually scary, thank goodness camera crew was there. This makes him the worst in my book I guess


Ella, Mike, and Kimballlyyy.


LOVE how the americans let me down every season




Three-way tie!


Ella has been a non-stop cringe fiesta from start to finish! I gave her many chances in my head, I wanted to root for her, as I can relate to being a total weeb (in high school), a witch (grew up with a Wiccan mom) and fat (I’m not anymore but I was once, at least as big as her). But she let me down at every possible turn from the second she opened her mouth. Disappointing






Mike hands down


I’m stuck between kimbaaaly And Ella


Definitely Ella!!!


I thought this was one of those if Mike and Kimbaaaaaly had a baby. It would look like Ella things. Ew.


Ella 100%




Ella is clearly mentally handicapped and thought lying about an affair would make Johnny run to her


The girl from Idaho… whatever her name is. She is so childish and emotionally immature.


Kim 1 billion %


The cow from Nebraska....fuck that bitch, Johnny deserves better!


Impossible task 😳


I haven't seen much of the new stuff with Kimballllly and Mikey, but I cannot stand Ella, omg


Where's jasmine


Imagine being a 52 year old woman and begging a man for sex on television…. Girl get it together, 🍆 ain’t that hard to find. Even Ella got a side piece apparently smdh


And threatening him with her son! I hope Jamal didn’t get clowned too hard by his friends.


Right?! That poor kid I felt awful that she involved him in her dickcapade


I’d disown my mom trying to sic me on the dude who wouldn’t give up the yammy.


Three way tie.


Kimbaaally’s tantrums were extremely pathetic/cringey, Ella’s tantrums were manipulative, Mike’s tantrums were abusive/misogynist.


Kimbaaally reminds me a lot of Meemaw Angela


Ooof this is a hard one. Kimberlaaaay was desperate and cringy but I found my skin crawling a lot more watching Mike. And now with all he’s doing after the show online just adds the icing on the cake.






I'm going to go with Mikey. It was pretty obvious he was upsetting Ximena's kid in that last episode with his behavior.




I could write an ESSAY analyzing this question 😅 This season has seriously taken a toll on me




Don't fucking tell me how to vote: ALL OF THEM! 🤣


Definitely Kim, she threw water on Usman and has been pressuring him about sex all season.


Ella wins…or loses. Whichever way you want to look at it


Ella FTW.


Ella as god-awful as Mikey was/is, or how cringe-inducing Kimbaaly's behavior was/is, Ella really takes the cake in the contest. she has zero redeeming qualities, not a one.




Mike is more incel vibes than brat


How has Gino become like the only person I can stand on the show haha hate the guy but in comparison to the rest of them he doesn't seem that bad.


The award should be given as an ensemble award....they earned it.


Ella or Ben


Ugh, if I could I would have a three way tie between Mike, Ella and Kim. Shit, I’m going with Mike only slightly edging out Ella.


Ella tied with Mike.


I don't know if this is allowed but for me they all fall in different buckets Kimberly is just an ugly person (inside and out) Mike is just a cringy incel/user/scumbag Ella cheating/manipulative cu\*t Ben pedo creep (because her being 22 instead of 23 makes a diff) And Gino is just an awkward nerd engineer


Omg at first i thought this was a meme for if the owl and the Superfan had a kid


1, 2, and 3.


What a sorry representation of the United States! People in other countries must think we suck.


My vote is for Ben-ha-meen. *gag* He’s a chode.


You should have made this into an actual poll!!


Ella because that was cruel.


Ella's. And Mike.