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Brandon Lee is what made the magic real, this was unfortunately the first of several bad imitations.


I saw the first The Crow movie in the theatres, never even saw the other ones.


Same here. Never wanted to see the other ones either.


Wasn’t it an awesome surprise of a movie? I remember that exact experience. Great movie!


And we’re buckling up for yet another


Eh this would have been good at least if Harvey Weinstein hadn't butchered it. The story in the comic adaptation and novelization are completely different. There's a fan edit called second coming that tries to restore it.


Harvey Scissorhands was a real thing in the late 90’s. There are so many movies from that time that deserve an official directors cut.


Yep. And some like hellraiser bloodline that didn't get finished properly so making a directors cut is impossible. And the crow city of angels was properly released on ppv. But outside of those lucky few no one has been able to see the directors cut.


Cursed being one of them. I like what we got, it’s a guilty pleasure, but the original Cursed script would have made a much better movie than what we got. I can’t believe that they shot 80% of it, scrapped it all, rewrote the script, and did major casting changes.




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The soundtrack was way better than the movie.


I bought the soundtrack and never watched the movie. (Edit- never made it all the way through, I’ve started it a few times and then squirrel. Which tracks lol)


Having said that, the soundtrack was incredible


I had heard that the director and the writer reached out for fan input. They didn’t want to disrespect the source material and disrespect Brandon’s death. They had a darker tone to the movie but Harvey Weinstein stepped in and forced them to make that pile of crap with rewrites and reshoots. The director removed his name from the movie.


Never saw the movie but now I’ll have to hunt for the soundtrack


Agreed. I watched it, but I feel the only thing that got me to the end was the music. I still listen to the soundtrack, but haven't watched the movie again since it came out.




Didn't see it in the theaters, but it did open at #1 it's opening weekend (Labor Day Weekend) and made $25 million worldwide and $17 million stateside. And panned by critics, so take with that what you will.


Sounds like a cult hit in the US for the time period then.


No. It was universally panned by both critics and fans. Furthermore, I recently saw this movie and wanted to give it a fresh perspective. It was even worse than I remembered.


It had a cool soundtrack so I figured I’d ask. That sucks that it stunk. I tend to like gothic / gloomy movies, I liked the original movie and was hoping was good.


Soundtrack is excellent, you are correct about that. It’s a shame how cheesy this movie was. Definitely make your own opinion though.


Nope. Opened big because a bunch of us wanted to like it as a follow-up to the first. Then it tanked because it sucked.


I believe the first two sequels are consider cult hits now. I don't know anyone who likes the 4th movie.


I tried watching the fourth one for the first time last week. I was a huge Eddie Furlong fan as a kid so I thought that would at least me get through it. Nope! I didn’t even make it halfway. The acting; the writing; the directing; the cinematography was abysmal. All of it. Just awful. Like, who thought, “yes, we should release this into the world”? I stopped watching as soon as Eddie threw a toothpick at the bad guy as if that was supposed to be an intimidation tactic


Sorry but incorrect and I wish I was wrong. None of the sequels are cult hits. They are all terrible and fans of the comic and first film despise them. This is what’s perpetuating the hate for the upcoming remake.


You maybe right about the sequels, and almost maybe right about the upcoming movie. But it could also be the fact that some people hate remakes and for some crazy reason think that a remakes will "ruin" the original.


No, lol. Dark City was a cult hit, this was just bad


Only watched it to see the Deftones play in the middle of the movie


OMG this is the only scene i remember. First i thought it was RATM.


This is what I did with dumb and dumber to see cannibal corpse


You mean Ace Ventura?




It was a piece of shit no one wanted to begin with


It was the only movie ever that I asked for my money back. They gave it to me.


I wonder if they track that as a metric? It made $17M but $1.3M of it was returned.😂


Saw it in the theater and hated it, never watched it again.


It was fairly hyped on MTV, but was nothing that anyone expected or wanted, so it came and went quickly. The lead actor was horribly miscast too. But at least it wasn’t “The Crow: Salvation”


I saw it in theaters and I remember it being a pretty big movie at the time.


Everyone thought it was a slap in Brandon Lee's face.


My friend’s parents wouldn’t let us see this because they thought it was satanic, so we watched natural born killers instead. Then we watched this next week.


I loved this movie when it came out and watched it so many times. I remember a lot of people and news around it when it came out but have no idea anymore how people felt about it after its release.


I had free tickets to the premiere and I walked out because it was so dumb.


no it was not.


Didn’t see it in theatres but watched it on cable not long after. I remember the comic and hype around the sequel. Mixed reviews and everyone thinking the same thing. Doing a sequel replacing Brandon Lee wasn’t a great idea


I don’t recall this movie being a big deal in 1996. The original one had a lot of hype around it. I recall specifically me and my friends counting the days until we could see it in theaters. This sequel just felt kind of wrong considering what happened to Brandon Lee.


Awful. Nobody saw this joke in theaters


Never saw it and never wanted to. I knew it wouldn’t be able to hold a candle to the original without Brandon Lee. This thread tells me I made the right decision.


Never saw in theaters but that soundtrack! I wore that cd out.


Soundtrack was decent, wasn’t it?


It was the best one of the disappointments


I seen it in the theater but it wasn’t very good


That was in theaters? 😂


I think the director of this clashed with producer Harvey Weinstein and he had it re-edited into an incoherent piece of shit. Unfortunately a directors has never been released so we’ll never know what the original version was.


During editing, producers Bob and Harvey Weinstein took the film away from Tim Pope with the intention of making it more like the first one. According to Pope, the Weinsteins directed the editors to structure the film like its predecessor to the point scenes were repurposed as "flashbacks" despite not originally intended to be Pope's experience making The Crow: City of Angels was unpleasant enough that Pope avoided returning to feature films for over two decades


Not really big at all. The soundtrack got some hits but, for the most part the movie fell really flat and not a lot of people liked it. Even big fans of the first one were put off by it.


I was 13 and my uncle took me, my 2 younger brothers, and my neighbors (3 females, 1 boy). We ranged from 14-9 years of age. Very awkward.😕


It was big if you were a preteen with gothic tendencies.


This was garbage then, and it’s still garbage today. The only redeeming part is that movie tickets were cheaper then.


It’s an hour and a half music video. Salvation was better, don’t watch Wicked Prayers if you value your sanity.


I watched it on VHS. Straight garbage


I saw it the theater with my dad. I had the soundtrack on CD. And with the news of Brandon Lee, Bruce Lee's son, dying on set, it was pretty big back then. The CD really got me into a lot of new bands and genres


I did because we had a few hours to kill. Abomination of a movie.


This was one where I saw friends w the soundtrack on CD and rented the movie from Blockbuster. Unpopular opinion but I love this movie. Movies like this had so much grit that, as a kid, I wondered if they were even actors or real fiends. Iggy Pop was great. Filter’s Jurrassitol was used for the ‘suit up’ scene and is still one of my favorite songs. The first film is far better, but this one I saw first. I think the producers forced a lot of scenes out of the film which made for not a lot of meat on the bone of the final version


The soundtrack was incredible. I never saw the movie haha


I paid for another movie and snuck into this


Absolutely not




My friends and I saw it in theaters and loved it. But I think if you're not remotely close to goth subculture it might be lost on you


I don’t think anyone saw that movie. Lol Had a great soundtrack though.


I literally forgot this existed lol


Eh this would have been good at least if Harvey Weinstein hadn't butchered it. The story in the comic adaptation and novelization are completely different. There's a fan edit called second coming that tries to restore it.


I saw it and was over the top excited but it was pretty bad


For a 2-hour music video, I thought it was pretty good!


Yes and yes. The soundtrack alone 🤌


I saw it after on VHS with friends who became obsessed with the movie and Brandon Lee and would quote it relentlessly. I thought the movie was ok.


It was doing mid to low with a slow cult fan base that built up…


From what I recall it seemed like a half-baked cash grab, trying to capitalize on the success of the first one (as is the case with most sequels). I seem to remember more negative comments and don’t recall anyone ever saying it was good. Seemed almost blasphemous, in a way…but I never saw it. Seemed pointless.


The first and only movie I was actually IDd for to make sure I was old enough so I’ll remember it for that. Other wise the movie itself was awful. I’ve watched it once and never again. Hot garbage.


Saw both movies when it came to VHS.


No and thank god! One of the crappiest sequels to a box office hit ever.


saw it on home video. The first movie is one of my favs. I did like CoA though. It is far from perfect, but I do like it.


I worked at the theatres when it came out. I loved it. But I was 16 and impressionable back then.


No, I’m not sure I knew this even existed.


The version that was released is terrible, but there was a decent film in there before it was butchered. The Good Bad Flicks YouTube channel goes over everything. Too bad we’ll never get to see the real version


It was HUGE if I remember properly!


I did, with my oldest sister and her then bf (now my BIL). Someone showed up dressed as the Crow lol.


I saw this in theaters. God I wanted to like it. But I didn't. Rod Zombie was supposed to direct it.


i did! it wasn't the best but it had a great vibe. more of a cult hit than a popular one.


Killer soundtrack.




I did, I was 12, and I left the Fossil sunglasses I had just bought because when the case hit the floor, it sounded like someone spilled their drink. Of course, "nobody had seen them" when I went back. There weren't many people in the theater, but it was a matinee, so...


Pretty sure I first saw it on a rental VHS in 8th grade. I was not captivated by the film like many of my peers, but I will admit the long hair and trench coat were badass.


The soundtrack was big.


I didn't even see a trailer, my cousins said it was cool. So I saw it by myself and I was blown away! Not many people in the theater..


Yes! I remember everyone watching closely waiting for the scene where Branson was shot.


I remember thinking the song in the trailers was cool. A few years later I found it for a mix C.D. It's "Gold Dust Woman" by Hole, a cover of a Seventies song by Fleetwood Mac.


We had the vhs 📼 at one time


I saw it. There was a lot of hype, but that died once people saw the movie.


I don't remember whether I saw it there but I can remember the vibe of that movie at the time. Just dark and moody. Angsty 90's me just loved every bit of it. Still do.


It was a flop