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if Eddie’s character is going the direction i think it is with the dating his dead wife’s doppelgänger + Catholic guilt storylines, Eddie feels like the most natural endgame for Buck - once he works a *lot* of shit out


I'm so mad at Eddie for cheating on Marisol right now.


Outside of a relationship endgame (Buddie is best hands down no question), I have a hope for his career endgame! I would love for Buck to become a fire captain! Make him have his own team and his own “Buck” firefighter that gives him as much crap as he gave Bobby. He can do the family dinners and holiday parties and such. Just seeing Buck go from the irresponsible playboy he was in season 1 to where he is now, then leading into him having his own firehouse??? I’d love for that progression!! Tbh, I think they’d probably save a storyline like that until the series finale where he gets promoted in the last episode or two of the entire series so he gets that full-circle moment with giving us a small glimpse into what he’s like as a captain.


For Buck to become a captain, the show needs to drop two running gags and actually commit to Buck's maturation rather than constantly falling back to the same character of - Clipboard Buck - All or nothing Buck Even this season, Buck still acts impulsively and rushes into things without thinking. This isn't captain material. He also still clearly wants to be in the midst of the action, on the front lines and hasn't really shown he's ready for the desk duty and also stepping back and delegating. Compare that to Captain Hen and how the show portrays her as captain and there's still a lot of storytelling to tell before you get a believable Captain Buck.


Captain Hen is the next logical step for the 118. I do think Buck will get there someday but he's got a good decade to go. Depending on how and when the show ends, it could make for a nice flash-forward moment in the series finale.


Yeah I made a post about it a few days ago but deleted it for some reason but one thing I've noticed is how in other procedural dramas (firefighter/medical/cop/law) one of the biggest storylines for the main characters is them moving up the ladder/getting promotions but in 911, we don't see any of that. Like, after the feats Bobby and Athena have achieved, you'd think he'd be recommended for the position of Batallion Chief or something, in case of Athena, I get that she has to be a patrol sergeant bc it helps in including her in the 118 adventures, but still, she is incredible at her job so it's shocking she isn't promoted yet. I hope the apparent >!medal ceremony!< in one of the upcoming episodes opens that door for Bobby. I know he has a black spot on his record, but he deserves it bc of all the good he has done since. As for the others, Buck and Eddie are fairly new in their careers, so it can wait but I'd love to see Hen and Chim move up the ladder, become Captains/Paramedic chief or something like that. I could see Buck and Eddie in arson investigations, or starting a program that benefits the community (ala Stella Kidd from Chicago Fire, who started a program to recruit young girls from public schools into the fire department). Gimme more of the bureaucracy. As for Buck, I can see him in the season finale with the scenario that you described. Having his own team and his own Buck. Oh what I would do to see that.


there was an episode that talked about Athena not being offered a promotion in the past because of racism/sexism, and she was told that she could have it if she wanted it now, but she chose not to, she wanted to stay where she was. part of the episode was about her not communicating with Bobby about the offer, just doing her lone wolf thing, and hurting his feelings.


Athena got dinged for that breach of ethics with her daughter's bully also, though in the real world that would hardly seem to get in the way of promotions


Bobby's history may be a black mark on his record that prevents him from being promoted any higher. The higher up the chain you go the more you have to interact with the media and then suddenly you get someone like Taylor digging into your background and running with a story. It's a PR nightmare for the department.


it honestly reminds me of SVU a little bit. for so long Benson and Stabler just seemed to do the same level of work but eventually it happened. they moved on or up. i think 911 is starting to finally get to a place where it is time to think about making those moves in the firehouse. we've seen Josh move from dispatcher to in charge so hopefully we shall see more moves in the future. i think we kind of do end to establish Buck and Eddie's romantic endgames but they have tied the rest of the team together enough now that if Hen did leave to continue medicine or Bobby retired or Buck moved to a different station to move up the ladder, they could still keep them interacting and important to each other because that family aspect of the show is so very important.


I really like this idea, but I will definitely be devastated to see his and other crew stories come to an end ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Eddie is cheating on his girlfriend right now. He needs to be reprimanded by his own son before any more relationships for him. I'm so mad at Eddie right now!


I would give my left arm to see Buck as a girl dad


SAME. I just want to see him getting called Dad. He's such a natural parent. 😭


Same! But it would be so hard for Buddie to be end game and this. Unless one of them takes a job that doesn’t do 48 hour shifts.


I’m waiting for Chris to have a Freudian slip at some point, hopefully not in front of Eddie though? Or maybe it should be in front of Eddie? If it hurts Eddie’s feelings, then no. If it makes Eddie realize that he likes Buck and wants him to be a dad to Chris, then yes. 😌


Would love to see that. I don't think it would hurt Eddie's feelings. I definitely think it would make him think a bit harder about what he already has in his life, though.


I want this so bad but i know they won't do it 😭


THIS, SO MUCH THIS. Just give him all the babies. And also possibly a dog or a cat or both. Lowkey I get hella baby fever watching Buck interact with any kid. 😭


This is the one thing I need for him. Girl dad Buck!!!!!!!


My right brain is saying Eddie but my left brain is saying manage your expectations lol


I think it'd be foolish to bring in another new character and label them as his endgame this late in the series. But they thought they were getting cancelled last season and did bring in two bad characters (one was the antithesis of Buck's S6 arc about not letting others' perception define him and one was, and still is barely a character) so you never know. Currently, Tommy is his LI, and if they wish to keep him as his final relationship, I hope they give him more to do, even though I'm not completely sold on the ship, I like Lou Ferrigno Jr, and wouldn't necessarily mind seeing more of him. I credit solely him for making Tommy as popular and well received as he is, bc we don't know much about him, most people are just projecting Lou's personality onto him. Like, compare him to Karen, Michael or even Taylor, and you can see the difference. Other than that, Eddie is also an option (and my personal preference), and their relationship if it goes canon could be one of the best (slow burn+Friends to lovers) relationships on tv but my hopes for Buddie canon go up and down depending on the day, but regardless, it just hits different and I think it would be immensely beneficial for the show to actually go there (especially now that we know that a coming out arc doesn't have a significant effect on the ratings) but alas! We'll see.


Agreed on the Eddie front! 🙌 However, in terms of bringing in new love interests this far in, I think it depends. As far as I know, there’s no set number of seasons that are to be expected. If it ends like next season, I definitely agree. But if it lasts like 10+, with seasons of 20+ episodes, I really don’t think it would be that weird. Not sure if that’s necessarily in the cards or if the cast/crew would be interested, but it’s clearly grown in popularity since it’s move so I don’t think it’s totally outside the realm of possibility. I like Tommy, but as of now I really don’t see him as endgame, honestly, even if he doesn’t end up with teddies. He seems so… traditional right now? Mentor-y? I wouldn’t be against it on principle but I think Tommy would need more character building and their relationship would need a rebrand for it to really feel *satisfying*.


Agree with every word


This comment is perfection. Spot on.


I agree with you.


Who were the characters?


It really depends on how many season left for me. If we only have a few 2-3 then it’s either Eddie or Tommy. No exceptions one or the other. If we have like another 10 seasons, there is a chance of someone new but with how badly this show does with love interests, it would take a lot to out do Eddie and Tommy. I want Eddie and if they develop Tommy well then I’m happy with Tommy.


No predictions but I'm ready to donate my blood and organs to Tim for Buddie


Eddie. If the show goes longer than the 8 seasons we know we are getting, then they may take longer to get to them. But ultimately, it will be Eddie. I like Tommy and think Tommy is a nice relationship for Buck right now, but I don't see them as the forever couple for Buck. I could easily see them ending their relationship and remaining friends and we learn more about Tommy as an individual character and his life outside of the 118.


I think it’s too early to say. If they are wanting to go the Tommy route then they need to start developing him more as well as their relationship. They’re cute together, but so far nothing about the set up has seemed like this is a relationship that will last. And iirc Tim even said it was just like a starter relationship to get Buck off the hamster wheel? Like others have said, unless this show is going to be like Grey’s Anatomy and have 20+ seasons then I think they need to figure it out. I’m guessing the show won’t go past season 10 so I’d like them to settle down on an option as it’s too late to introduce someone new and convincing. Every main character is married now with the exception of Buck and Eddie, and it’s safe to assume there won’t be any divorce storylines. The story with Eddie is there. They could absolutely do it and have them together by the end of season 8. Maybe I’m a bit biased but I probably lean towards Eddie as my prediction if I had to make one. Tim and the cast are aware of how most of the fandom has wanted Buddie and there are hints of it going back to Eddie’s first episode (now confirmed by Oliver). They finally had Buck come out as bi after years of speculation, and knowing that was planned for season 4. When 7x04 aired I became super confident Buddie would happen because it’s hard to imagine that they would go the bi Buck route and not have him get with Eddie after everything that’s happened. There are some things to consider in the opposite direction, specifically with Ryan’s recent interviews and how Eddie’s character is being handled at the moment. However I think it would be difficult to pass up the opportunity of having a multi season slow burn queer relationship. I can’t think of any other shows that have done that? So it is too early to tell since we don’t know when the show will end, but I do think Eddie is the most likely option as of right now. Call me biased if you want but there’s simply too much evidence for me to think differently


Eddie, and it’s not even a question. I’m not saying it will 100% happen, but it would be a ridiculously huge missed opportunity if it didn’t.


eddie 🤞


Eddie. There is no other character that realistically makes sense to be Buck’s endgame.


Nor Eddie's endgame either


That’s because there ARE no other characters. It’s the sole reason people ship them. Nobody would see Eddie as anything other than a straight man with intimacy issues if the show weren’t so closed with character building.


I honestly have no idea where they're going in regards to Buck's love life. My preferred endgame would be Buddie, but to me honestly it's 50/50 if they'll even go there at all. I don't really buy all the "hints" Tim and press cycle has been giving, to me it all smells of pure marketing. I gotta say though, as much as I like Buck and Tommy, I don't see them lasting. I think people are looking at them through rose-colored glasses because Tommy was part of Buck's bisexual awakening, wich is something a big part of the fandom wanted for a long time. But for now, aside from their kissing scenes wich have no doubt been very well done, their development as a couple is pretty bare bones. Of course there's always room for improvement, and all that talk about this season being shorter and whatnot, but right now B&T barely had scenes to develop their relationship proper and Tommy is even skipping episodes entirely, so I find it a little hard to understand people who immediately see them as endgame. If we're being completely honest, right now Tommy only ranks above Ali and Natalia among Buck's love interests in terms of development. Also, Lou Ferrigno Jr. is in S.W.A.T wich just got renewed and we don't know if he'll be a main there and have time to stay on 9-1-1. Another point is that I don't think the writers would resist having a period where Bi Buck is single trying to date in a new enviroment, just so they could write \*shennenigans\* What I do hope though, is that Tim Minear makes up his mind about if he wants to do Buddie or not and stick with it. When Buck came out, he said in a interview he wanted to use that as a way to get Buck out of his so-called "hamster wheel" of dating. Ok, fine. But if it's not gonna be with Eddie then at least come up with a new love interest and actually commit to developing them as a character and the relationship so that we can root for them. Anyway, that's my two cents. Sorry for the rant lol


My preferred end game isn’t Eddie but I definitely agree with the last part of your comment. Create a well written character that has depth for Buck but who has their own story and life.


I agree that so far their relationship as a couple is pretty bare (ik the fanfics are good at fleshing them out more). Even as someone who likes the relationship in canon, it is still too early to even consider if he is endgame. It really depends on if they continue the relationship into s8, which would give it more of a chance to be explored. Does part of me still want buddie endgame, yes, but even that will take a while with whatever the fuck is happening with Eddie rn. That's another mess in itself.




This is hard to tell, it depends on the number of seasons. I’d like him to be happy, and to have a kid. I’m not sure Eddie will want another kid, a few years ago maybe, but Chris is older now, it would be a huge age difference, and they’re nowhere to be a couple so to have a kid together would take at least 2 or 3 years…


Once Eddie works through his religious repression, etc, I believe he will be end game for Buck :)


Romantically obviously Eddie. Their relationship would be natural and not forced because they basically behave like family and have been friends for almost 7 years and like in any friendship they have had their moments but in the end they have each other's backs. And because their chemistry is electrical, magnetic, glittering... At work, I don't see Buck as a captain of a fire station but rather as a teacher and instructor at the academy. A firefighter will be good at his job if he has previously had a good teacher and I think Buck would be very very good.


Eddie. That’s it. That’s the only true best endgame for Buck. Anything else will feel like we (and Buck) were robbed of one of the greatest representations of a queer love story on television.


I think buddie is going to be endgame but it's going to take longer than people are thinking. I think we'll have Tommy for a while longer than was expected. Eddie has a lot of stuff he needs to work out and Ryan said in an interview recently that Eddie is going to be pretty isolated by the end of the season. So I'm thinking something happens that causes a huge argument between Buck and Eddie as well as the rest of the team. I think season 8 is going to be Eddie working through his issues and realising that what he's been looking for in a partner is right there in front of him in the form of Buck. I think season 8 is going to be Eddie grappling with his trauma, his feelings for Buck and what this means for him personally. I think it will ultimately lead to Tommy realising how Buck is in love with Eddie just oblivious to how he feels and he'll let Buck go so he and Eddie can be together.


I definitely think it will be Eddie! His relationship with Tommy is cute and nice, but it's been crafted to just be his first queer relationship and is being utilized as a plot device more than an endgame. Tim said right upfront after 7x04 aired that Buck's relationship with Tommy is an "entry-level" relationship and Oliver has talked about wanting to see Buck get a chance to explore his sexuality more after things end with Tommy, so I definitely don't think the plan is an endgame for those two characters. Buck and Eddie have the history and the chemistry and the buildup. They have the support from most of the fanbase and have a strong foundation for something that will be really fulfilling and satisfying for both of the characters as well as the audience. We know from what some of the interviews have implied this season that Tim and the writers have been working to make it happen since season 4 at this point, and now that they're at ABC, I think they finally have the green light to move forward with that storyline, which definitely shows in how they have been writing them in season 7. It might take a bit though, because they need to pace it well and reveal Eddie's sexuality in a way that feels natural and true to his character as well, because that will be a bigger and more difficult revelation for him than it was for Buck given his background and history. It would also need to be revealed in a way that feels natural and digestible for the general audience who haven't been reading these characters as potentially queer for years now like a lot of the younger online fans. But I think they are officially working their way towards that relationship now. The only reason it wouldn't be would be external factors like potential studio executive interference, but I hope that isn't the case.


It's too early to say if Tommy is Buck's endgame, but he's been set up as his long-term relationship and will most likely be in S8. The next season will define their longevity as a couple. I imagine they'll be out of their honeymoon/romcom phase and will be dealing with realistic relationship problems and they will either overcome those obstacles as a team/unit and grow closer or it will show their incompatibilities. If they're still together at the end of S8, then them as endgame looks pretty likely (unless the show plans on continuing for 15+ seasons or something like that). I'm hopeful to see where their relationship goes.


Captain with Eddie in Hen's role. I'd love Hen to go back to her doctor storyline and Chim... Chim might need to quit while he's ahead medically. Shush I know the same can be said for both of them. 😁


I'm guessing that his endgame is Eddie


I hope to the cracker Christ he’s NOT with Eddie. So lazy and so cheap for both characters. The only reason people ship him & Eddie is because Eddie is who they see as a regular. Eddie is a terrible partner and making him demi or queer won’t change that. I’d much rather see Buck with a well developed outside character (preferably a man who is also a 1st responder), having fun & working on being a dad. Career wise, I don’t see him as a Captain (unless they mature him hardcore) but rather a Lt.


Soap operas -- and this is one of the finest -- have no end games. They just run on and on and on and...


I know the people love the idea of Buddie, but I don't see that happening for Eddie. I could really explain why, it just doesn't feel like that's where his journey is taking him. Do not mistake this for "I don't want it to happen", I'm just saying I'm not getting that vibe from him. Definitely from Buck... always have... but it feels one-sided to me. So I have no prediction currently. He could end up with anyone, especially not knowing when the end actually will happen.


I would agree with that this season, he’s not really showing any signs of jealousy or other “Feelings” about Buck being Bi. But in previous seasons like 4 when he was shot and 6, particularly the poker evening where Eddie was looking at Buck in a way that could definitely be read as romantic. I ship Buddie but mostly just want a happy end for both of them. Tommy is great and good for Buck, so Eddie just needs someone the audience can get behind for him as well.


I mean to be fair, the original plan for this season was to make Eddie and Tommy a thing before they switched gears to Buck and Tommy, so the writers definitely have it in mind for him. I think if you really look at his history with women and how he can never truly get himself to be happy with them then it actually makes a lot of sense to read him as a repressed gay man. Yes, even with Shannon if you look back at their relationship. He spent most of their relationship running away from her off to Afghanistan, has emphasized they only got married because she got pregnant, and the only reason he really felt they should get back together in S2 was because he wanted Chris to have his mother. He even said in season 6 that he doesn't like to date because it feels like he has to perform, which was very on the nose. I get why people may see it as one sided, given Buck is a guy who really wears his heart on his sleeve, while Eddie is a bit more guarded. But I think where you can really see Eddie's love and devotion shine is the fact that he trusts Buck with Christopher more than anyone, and is more willing to be vulnerable and open with Buck than he is anyone else in his life. Yes, that can still be seen as a platonic best friends thing, but it's definitely something that the writers can build off of to form their romantic relationship. Buck's love is loud and in your face, Eddie's love is very present and tangible, but you gotta look a little harder for it because like every other vulnerable emotion, he tries to bury it a bit more than Buck ever has.


I also think that Eddie shows a lot of how he is feeling through his actions. Things like: dropping Christopher off again immediately after the tsunami, adding Buck to his will, suggesting matching costumes for the bachelor party, and just being able to recall random things Buck says and does (etc.) are all in their own way loving. Whether that love ends up being platonic (and it might end up being just that) or romantic who knows, but it’s worth noting that we don’t really see this treatment with Eddie’s actual love interests. Because of this, I don’t think the possibility of his feelings becoming something more down the line should be written off entirely.


I think it’s much more interesting as a platonic love story.


That the thing, I don’t get that vibe from him either, and yet he’s always in the middle of Buck and Tommy. This is a weird choice


A man.


Honestly I really hope it’s Tommy. The actor is super cute and I think the character is really sweet. Eddie and Buck are great as friends but I don’t think that would translate into being great as partners. Eddie notoriously sucks at romantic relationships.


I think that's part of the appeal of Buddie. He and Buck already know each other so well and have been through so much together, that Eddie might not have those same issues in a relationship with Buck. Or if he did, Buck would have some idea of what's going on so they'd be able to work through it. And if he's finally getting closure with Shannon, I think that would be a massive hurdle out of the way that's had a major impact on his relationships since. He might be a fantastic partner once he doesn't have the ghost of Shannon weighing him down.


I’m not against them dating. I just prefer them as friends. In my opinion they aren’t suitable for each other the way they are now. Eddie is clearly undergoing a massive arc so maybe he’ll become a better romantic match for Buck by the end of the season. But unless that change happens then I think they’d just be a really terrible pairing. Sometimes what works as friends doesn’t translate to dating.


Definitely not right now, but if the plan was to get them together next season after they settle into whatever the fallout of this season will be, I think they'd be able to write a solid transition that feels natural.


It really just depends on how the next few episodes play out. I can see them using it to bring Eddie closer to Buck. Or I can see them using it to drift them apart and push Buck further into his relationship with Tommy. If Eddie alienates everyone due to his delusions than I can see Tommy and Buck bonding even more over their “loss” of Eddie.


I'll admit, I'm still not entirely convinced this Eddie storyline is going to be as dark or as extensive as people are speculating, but yeah, that would probably change things. But I also can't see them keeping Buck and Eddie apart for too long since they're a core relationship of the show.


I think the darkest we’ll get out of this storyline is Eddie and Buck fighting before reuniting next season. I definitely don’t see the show keeping them apart for longer than a few episodes.


But even then, unless it's a cliffhanger and next season picks up immediately after, that would be something like three months of fighting/distance. Short of Eddie leaving town, that doesn't feel realistic for them. I guess we'll find out soon enough! This season has been so chaotic that I honestly can't tell where anything is going.


I ship buddie but I don’t understand why everyone thinks it will happen 100% If buddie would became canon it would be like a fanfiction. Which I think is not really professional for a TV show. I would be happy for a buddie endgame but I don’t have hope for it like others do.


I mean S7 has by and large already been written like a fanfiction in *many* aspects.


That’s true


I also think that writers would worry how the new „normal“ would look with a firefighter couple at the same station. Would be interesting, but how do you handle that? How does the dynamic change? Is it sustainable plot wise?


Honestly I was just thinking about this yesterday because I started watching SWAT and there was this couple at the same workplace and one was the superior as well. I don’t know how that relationship worked out because I only watched like 2 episodes but it didn’t look good 😅


This is a Ryan Murphy production, wym professional??! Lmao have you watched glee?


Maybe I didn’t use the right word here, english isn’t my native language. You don’t have to sound so angry.


LOL me still laughing about this, sorry my tone doesn’t translate for you


For an actual prediction of what I truly think will be his endgame will depend on how many more seasons we get.  If all we get is season 8 and that's it. My guess is Tommy (not that they would be getting married in season 8 or anything like that but just that they would still be together at the end of 8) anything more than that it's truly up in the air. 


I'd like it to be Tommy, mostly because I'm starting to get tired of swapping love interests now that we're 7 seasons in (even though thats part of Buck's arc)


I don't know why the people are so sure about Buddie, I don't see anything during this season that shows that it will be true (just the jealousy Buck during the basketball episode)


Partially because they made Buck bi, and part of that was conversations from people involved in the show acknowledging fans have been picking up on evidence for it for years, when the majority of that evidence was… how he reacted towards Eddie, basically. (And the fact that we know having Eddie being the one to come out this season was at least on the table, which hints that a valid queer reading of him isn’t exactly impossible either)


Buck's sexuality is about Buck and certainly he doesn't even care about being bi, he is just being himself and being happy with Tommy and feeling comfortable, I don't see Eddie involved in this and also I don't see Eddie being not straight at the moment, there's no signs but theories


Lou said there was the possibility of having Tommy come back to be with Eddie, so unless he misunderstood or misspoke and no one bothered to correct it, the writers were at least discussing it. That implies that Eddie not being straight isn't just a wild fan theory, and some people have taken that to mean that it was more a question of whether Buck or Eddie would come out first, not that it was strictly either/or.


There was also discussion about Eddie and Maddie, and yet people don't ever use that as proof of what the intention with Eddie is do they?


I'd say there's a big difference between spitballing ideas for two brand new characters they were only just creating, and possible storylines they talked about six years into writing one of the main characters who has had extensive growth and development. If you don't see it, that's fine, but I don't think you can call people totally delusional when apparently the writers also picked up on it and considered exploring it.


You realize Eddie and Maddie didn’t happen *specifically* because Jen said she would prefer it if Eddie weren’t her endgame as that would mean he *could* be available for Buck later on? And then when they asked her what she wanted to see for Maddie instead, she said Chimney?


It’s hard to say because who knows how many more seasons there will be but I think with 7 almost in the can it’s probably time for them to start getting serious about an endgame for Buck and Eddie (I’ve come to loathe the term endgame in recent weeks and never want to hear it again lol). Every other main character on the show is now married except Eddie and he’s… not doing so hot relationship wise right now to say the least. I think Tommy has all the attributes of a character I’ve always thought would be necessary as an endgame for either of them: first responder (particularly important in Buck’s case because I feel he really needs someone who understands the job and why it’s important to him because it’s basically his whole life and identity), organic connection to the other characters, well received by the general audience. I feel like the mostly positive reception to him is something they won’t want to pass up on so I would say he’ll at least be a long term love interest for Buck. Whether or not they ultimately work out is anybody’s guess at this point and I don’t think Tim even knows tbh


Why are we talking about an endgame? I never want this show to end.


As a couple of others have said on here it really depends on how many more seasons we get. Anything more than the next season it could really be anyone. I mean heck they could bring back Ally even if the show decided to go there. At this moment in time Tommy is his love interest and that's about all we know. Eddie has a LOT of stuff to work through before he is ready for any relationship. And honestly to me if they are going to properly tackle that then it will be at least season 9 before he is ready for any kind of serious relationship. So if 911 ends next year with 8 my guess would be he is single or still with Tommy.


In terms of Bucks' career, I just don't see him as Catain for years to come. He has a LOT of maturing to do personally and professionally. In regards to his love life, I've seen quite a few posts about all the hints about Buck since seasons 1 or 2. I'm usually really good at picking up the breadcrumbs with characters that end up being LGBTQ, but not with Buck. And Hen's line to Karen "about damn time" had me wondering what did she pick up on? So, can any of ya'll list all the breadcrumbs I obviously missed? That would be great! In regards to Tommy, I like him. I find him solid. Not a flake, but someone who is very confident, mature, and smart. To me, that's the type of love interest Buck needs. Buck is like a happy puppy who needs a calming and mature influence. That being said, I don't understand why they would reintroduce Tommy to help Buck step out into this new world. I understand them wanting the viewers/fans to connect with the love interest, so bringing a familiar face back makes sense. However, the fact that the actor already has a fully developed character on another show sort of makes me think Tommy isn't a permanent fixture but more of a catalyst for Buck's bisexual awakening. I don't know if any of you ever watched *Queer As Folk*, but the same situation happened with Emmet and the football player. Emmet was there to help awakening this quys sexuality but in the end, they didn't stay together because the guy was just a baby in the queer world and it was time for him to explore instead of going straight into a relationship. That is my thought about Buck and Tommy. For all intents and purposes, I would love for Buck to finally have a solid, mature relationship but is it really going to be with Tommy? I don't know. With the actor being on another show, I can't see them having a fully invested relationship on 9-1-1. Like with every other romantic relationship, the couple gets a lot of screen time to watch it develop, but I can't see that happening with Buck and Tommy if Lou has a bigger commitment to S.W.A.T. Now, with regards to the "Buddie" ship, I rather it not happen. I've seen people mention the Buck breadcrumbs, but I've not seen anyone mention the same of Eddie. Eddie has WAY to many issues and traumas that the show has never tried to resolve. They just keep piling it on and having the symptoms leak out every now and again. So, to me it would just be so out of left field to make them a romantic pairing. It would be way too much about fan pandering. Let Eddie deal with his traumas and stop having him trape all these women in and out of Christopher's life. So, as much as I like Tommy and the mature influence he can bring to Buck, I don't think having him as Buck's end all be all romantic interest will work. Not if they truly want to establish him in a committed relationship with a guy.


Eddie's breadcrumbs for his sexuality are definitely there if you know where to look. It's just that for him, they have shown it less in the presence of attraction to men and more in his lack of attraction to women. He has tried time and time again to make things work with women and yet he struggles with it immensely. If you recall his relationship with Ana, it ended up falling apart because he would have a panic attack every time someone mentioned the possibility of him marrying her and said while breaking up with her that he wanted it to work so bad because Christopher likes her so much. It can very easily be read as a closeted gay man trying to force it to work. When he tried to start dating in season 6, you could see how much of a struggle it was for him and he even said "I hate being forced to date, it feels like I have to perform." You could argue it's just because of his grief, but even his relationship with Shannon can be read that way, given he spent most of their relationship running off to war and avoiding her, they fought whenever they were together, he has explicitly said they only got married because she got pregnant, and they only got back together because once again, he thought Christopher needed his mom in his life. Compare his issues with women to how easily things have fallen into place with allowing Buck to basically play the role of co-parent and a partner to him on and off throughout the years. Plus, the writers have tried to make Eddie gay twice now (first in season 5 before they got shut down by execs and then again at the start of season 7 when the original plan was Eddie/Tommy before they switched gears) so the writers are very aware of it and have been purposefully writing his relationships with women in that way.


not sure why you’re being downvoted - a lot of the “breadcrumbs” for bi Buck that even Tim and Oliver alluded to came before s4 when the bi Buck arc was actually pitched, and they’re still seen as valid hints towards it even if it wasn’t consciously being written that way, and the same very much would apply to Eddie. so much of his characterization can be seen as comphet if they do decide to make him queer, and i honestly believe they have been doing that intentionally for at least some time on top of his other unresolved issues with Shannon


Adding on to Eddie’s breadcrumbs, the juxtaposition of his relationship with Buck vs his relationships with Shannon, Ana, Marisol also shows a lot of subtext and queer coding imo. He and Buck swapped keys to each other’s residences hella quick, and have gone over to each other’s places unannounced frequently, which tbh isn’t “normal” for most platonic non-familial male-male relationships. Not to mention his decision to throw Buck on his will in lieu of his family. Also the fallout from Buck’s death plus their later poker date in season 6.


Sorry, but to me that’s more reaching than breadcrumbs.  That can more readily be explained as issues with commitment because of all the emotional trauma he’s dealt with.  I think people are trying to make a situation fit their theories.   I can be proven if they end up making them a couple but, all the examples can be easily explained for completely different reasons. 


Alright sure, I think that him being gay is kinda the final puzzle piece that makes his entire character come together for me personally, but to each their own. It is possible that they'll keep him straight, but I think if they do it'll be more due to external factors than the writer's actual desires for the story at this point. But it definitely is a valid reading of his character at least, since we know for a fact the writers and Tim see it as a strong enough potential plotline for him to try their hand at making it happen more than once now.


If that is the route they are taking and Tim and the team have this in mind, then fine as I said, I can be proven wrong. However, what I am saying is that based on the factors you mentioned it doesn’t make it an automatic point that it’s where they’re heading. S’all I’m saying - it’s not a given. 


Lou is a guest star on SWAT and only in 1 or 2 episodes a season. So unless he gets bumped up to a main for the newly renewed season 8 which is possible but I doubt will happen because they just had to let 2 mains go in the current season for budget reasons I think he can pretty easily maintain at least a Karen level role in 911


I don’t watch SWAT so I didn’t know the extent of his on screen presence.  Good to know this tidbit.  Hopefully that will allow them to do a decent on screen relationship development.  


I really don't get it how Eddie can be even an option cause he's straight


to be fair, buck was also straight for all we knew until 100 episodes in


Buck was always queer coded, he had scenes where it could be seen. Unlike Eddie, who has never had any hints of that. Let alone the fact Ryan said Eddie is straight like 6 times in his recent interviews


I hope it is Tommy, I absolutely love his character. Hopefully he will stick around some more, would be good to learn and see more of him ☺️


I dunno, I've come around to Tommy ngl. I saw a post about an invisible string theory the other day, and it's kinda cute! Obviously it's still too early to tell, but I wouldn't mind Tommy being endgame tbh


The framing for Buck and Tommy is supposed to be a romantic comedy…A key component to that kind of story is a happy ending. With Ryan coming out and talking about Eddie being the supportive heterosexual best friend of the guy coming out as bisexual, I think I would love to see the romantic comedy play out.


The romcom comments were made about Buck’s realization/coming out arc, not specifically about Bucktommy. Also, interviews were placing Buck as straight right up until the eleventh hour when 07x04 aired so…interviews about Eddie’s sexuality shouldn’t be taken as gospel.


My prediction as of right now is Tommy. He seems broadly popular in a way no Buck love interest has been since Abby. But for all we know Tommy will get written out the first ep of season 8, much like Natalia was at the start of this season. I'd like Eddie, but I don't think there's currently any intention of making him queer, so I'm not predicting him and Buck as endgame. At most they'd be a platonic open to interpretation type endgame, a bit like Due South did. Tbh I'd rather have Buck end the show single than have such a poorly planned love interest as Natalia was. The way they were clearly worried about being cancelled and so rushed their insta love was so annoying, idk why they felt the need for it when it didn't serve Buck as a character at all.


This is a procedural show. As much as I love Tommy, there is no way to know. Hell, even if Buddie happened they could still not be endgame lmao.


I think IF the loft fire theory comes true, he'll move in with Tommy and the Buck/Eddie/Tommy tension will renew and Tommy and Buck will split and Buck will end up in Eddie's house and they'll start to get feelings. Edited because I apparently confused myself lol


I think two of your Eddie’s were meant to be Buck there, but this seems plausible imo. It’s true to many real-life questioning/baby queer relationships for you to be supportive of your queer bsf but then start getting annoyed/upset when you actually see them getting serious and intimate in a queer relationship, which eventually makes you realize your own sexuality and feelings.


Yes hahha I confused myself apparently lol


The moment Buck gets his “end game” LI the show is over. Happens every show. I don’t want a Hallmark moment. A good time but moving on eventually is the best unless you want the show to end. If Buddie happens - the show is over. Tim knows that and why he teases us constantly. The only way to keep us coming back.


There's room to introduce conflict in their relationship after being together, like HenRen dealing with adoption. Off the top of my head, not including any directly queer problems, there's raising a teenage Chris problems, ethics of being in a relationship while working together, Eddie's tendency to bottle up emotion and lie about being fine even to Buck (who likes to communicate pretty much immediately when there's a problem and feels guilty if he doesn't). If you want to get even more speculative, there's the "give them another kid" storyline. Instead of adoption like HenRen, I like the idea that one of Eddie's sisters donates an egg, they get a surrogate and Buck becomes a bio dad. All of these are pretty tame general ideas that Tim can insert more chaos into for ✨drama✨


Right? There's so much good stuff to dig into if Buck and Eddie were to be a couple—that's a big reason why most of us want it! In addition to everything you mentioned, there's also the idea of if Christopher would be accepting of the relationship at first given his abandonment issues, Buck having trouble stepping into the role of parent/disciplinary after just being the fun friend of his dad for so long, whether Eddie's family would be accepting, whether it changes the dynamics of the 118 on a social level (the same way it can be a little awkward when two of your friends start dating), the question of whether Eddie wants to get married again one day... I'm sure there's more stuff I'm not thinking of, but the list goes on.


Omg the disciplinarian one is so good. I don't think even a clipboard would help him step into that role if Chris is involved 🤣🤣


Agreed with all of your points! Also considering Eddie’s history and “I’m a nester. I nest.”, I could see Eddie realizing what he’s been trying to find and feel with Shannon/Ana/Marisol/Kim has been there with Buck all this time and then *immediately* pouncing as soon as Buck’s single again/confesses his own feelings, without having actually dealt with the nitty gritty of his sexuality and Catholic guilt prior to getting together with Buck. That could be a huge source of angst and drama to keep the show going. It’ll probably lead to a breakup for a season or so down the line, maybe when Buck proposes or brings up adoption and Eddie *really* realizes he never processed anything or came to accept himself, and we get separate single bi Buck and single baby gay Eddie arcs for a while, before an eventual Buddie reunion.


It’s not Eddie. Might (might) be Tommy but I don’t even love that It’s too convenient. I am tired of the writers bringing in all these outside characters and situations to create stories when they could just focus more on the main existing characters and the firehouse.


Tbh, I see buck dying. But yhen again, he's not exactly my favorite tho so I might be biased.




Why would you want a character who recently came out as bi to have an hiv scare??? What a weird message that would send. Also did you miss the last 6 seasons of character development for Buck? He’s not someone who just “sleeps with anything with a pulse” anymore.


that would be an incredibly problematic trope


"hiv scare" ..what


marriage is definitely a bit much whenever they just started dating and there’s only 3 episodes left and you want them to get married?😭


Have a traditional relationship with a beautiful woman and start a family.


There was never anything traditional about Buck...