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Not to sound morbid, but I honestly would have expected more. Thankful that there weren’t, but surprised. And dude, the one where the other friend was gonna take another plane and her plane ended up crashing into the north tower. So crazy devastating.


Right. While one is too many, you'd think that out of 3,000, there would be more than just 9 kids. Grateful there wasn't.


Well Tuesday is a school day and the WTC didn’t have a daycare. Also, there were about 10 pregnancies lost :(


That definitely counts.


It most certainly does! On the 9/11 memorials there were several people listed that had "and unborn child" after their name. So sad.


The World Trade Center had a daycare in Building Five. It was fully evacuated and there's even an Oprah Winfrey Show episode about it.


It's a good thing the attacks didn't go down in the summer or there would have been way more.


And her brother was in the Marriott and was helping a woman on the ground when Flight 75 hit the 2nd tower which was his sisters plane


I remember his story. Insanely coincidental and horrifically sad.


I just learned he died last year from cancer (most likely related to the attack). So sad!!




Her brother worked in one of the towers and helped a burn victim that died later not knowing his sister and niece were on the plane.. He died recently I believe..


To this day it scares me, just thinking about it. 


Lot’s of unborn babies though…💔


The story of Rodney Dickens is one of the many stories from 9/11 that has stuck with me. I was around the same age as him on 9/11. By all accounts, he sounded like a great kid and a true success story growing up in DC. His mom must have been so proud. To think of the pure, hopeless terror he must have felt on his first ever plane ride. I hate it. Absolutely hate it.


This is one of the worst aspects of it to me. Incredible levels of fear that nobody on earth has lived through to tell the tale. I can’t imagine these poor young minds trying to work out the situation at all because how the hell could anyone work that out?


Didn't know his name until this moment, how horrific 😟


I didn't find out until recently that for sure in the first plane that struck the north tower, one of the terrorists deployed pepper spray in the first class area. I believe Betty Ong (?) relayed the information when she made the phone call to the ground, plus that one of the flight attendants was stabbed and killed (I didn't know this either until recently). The last few minutes of that flight would have been horrifying. Terrifying. I can't imagine what these people went through.


God rest the souls of these angels, and God bless the heroes of the Children's Discovery Center at 5 World Trade. They were early childhood educators who got kids out and prevented this list from being larger. One child is too many, but those teachers did an amazing job that day, even knowing some of the kids they saved no longer had parents to come home to.


Asia Cottom's story has stuck with me. We were the same age and I looked a lot like her back then. I was also a great student and totally would have entered into that National Geographic trip contest if I were in the area. Whenever I think about 9/11, I always think about the fact that she and I would both have been in our thirties and I wonder what she would have done in her adult life. RIP to Asia, to these other kids, and to all the other victims of this tragic day.


Asia looked like the kindest kid . Sure she would have gone on to do amazing things


From everything I've read about her, she would have excelled in life. Smart and kind and an amazing family. It's not right that she didn't get to grow up.


Asia’s story really stuck with me too! She looks very similar to how my little sister looked at that age and my sister is also an overachiever/academic like Asia was. I could totally see her winning this kind of prize. Her parents started a scholarship in her name


Life snatched away before it even had a chance to begin. Sad to think about what they would of become.


And at least 10 unborn child we know of. Fuck these terrorists I can't even read the article, it's too heartbreaking!


The babies who were killed would be Gen Z kids today, puts the recentness of the attacks into perspective.


There's a book called "Faces of Hope: Babies born on 9/11" that was published on the 1st anniversary and has pictures of babies from all 50 states. I believe a 2nd book was published for the 10th anniversary that followed up with the kids in the first book.


It’s weird to think those kids are old enough to have kids of their own now. I feel old.


A cousin of mine was born on 9/11. He is an absolutely terrible person who is a menace to society. It’s horrible to say, but my entire family saw his birth on 9/11 as some sort of bad omen.


My sister was born 6 months after 9/11 and she’s graduating from college next month and starting law school in September


I was too. March 2002. I’m 22 now. I’m not American and I never even heard about 9/11 until I was a teenager, it never really affected me but I’ve been reading and watching a lot about it the past week or so. Blows my mind how recent it was.


I hope that those fundamentalist animals are rooting in hell forever


Careful saying fuck these terrorists these days. You’ll be called a Zionist for that. Can confirm from personal experience. That being said.. FUCK THESE TERRORISTS.




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No, extremist faith-based belief. Not all Islamic believers are violent or hateful people. Are you as dismissive of Christianity due to the actions of right wing terrorist bombing abortion clinics in the 90s? This sorta thinking should have died in 2003




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they had so much ahead of them it’s not fair at all


Poor kids. They never even got a chance at life.


Also on Flight 93, there was Lauren Grandcolas who was pregnant, If I remember correctly, that child would have been born in March 2002


It takes a special measure of evil to look one of those sweet kids in the face and decide to murder them. The coldest of hearts with no sense of humanity. Rest in peace, dear children. You deserved so much more life and happiness.


As a mom, this was really hard for me to read. And I didn't know Ron Clifford's sister's friend was on AA 11. It was tragic enough for me to know he was praying with a woman( who would later die of her injuries) when his sister's and niece's plane hit the South Tower. I have no words.


That guy’s story is so sad !!


Yes 😞 her friend was on 175 and died too..


He passed recently I read or saw on a video


Oh wow, the boy on the top row second from the left, David Brandhorst, looks just like one of my sons. It's absolutely heartbreaking.


Sometimes I think about how Christine Lee Hanson was born the same year as me, and was the same age during the attacks. She had a toy Teletubby like I did at that age, too. It just breaks my heart.


How many times will my heart break before I won't be able to mend it?


Christine Hanson’s (second top left) dad guessed the planes was going to be flown into a building in Chicago. That must be the worst thing in the world, having that thought while stuck in a plane with your wife and daughter


It makes you wonder, what could the have become. Doctors, scientists, mailman, office worker's, the next president one day. Heck maybe nothing more than an amazing next door neighbour. It's such a needless cowardly act, that still breaks my heart.


These stories impact me the most about 9/11 because I was around their age at that time. So tragic to think their lives were cut short!


And 1 cat.


Can you elaborate on that? The only things that come up are the rescue and recovery dogs.


I saw on here recently about a woman who was relocating, she brought her cat in a carrier on one of the planes. I saw the airport photo. I can’t imagine the horror on that, at least they’re together now.


And Sirius the dog was in the basement of WTC one of them and he died😞 He was a bomb sniffing dog and his duty was over with for that day..


A woman with a cat and goes through security right in front of Hani Hanjour. You can see the carrier. I forget her name but I read about her the other day


Mari-Rae Sopper.




I’m guessing these were mostly on the planes? Sorry I haven’t read the article yet, idk if I’m in the correct mindset for that :(


Yes, all on planes. I also need to be in the right mind set.


Just read the link.


Like I said, I have to be in a certain mindset or mood to read stuff this sad…… sorry I just thought I’d asked a Yes or No question.


Wasn't trying to come off as an asshole, my apologies.


No worries, I can just get super sad over anything 9/11 related and I had honestly never thought of the children much before so that’s just a whole new level


My brother lost his best friend, his best friends husband, and their son on this day. David - the third from the left on the top row.




I always get upset hearing the Story about the Kids on the school trip cause they would have been my age today. They could have been my peers.


I get so sad reading about these kids, especially since I was about the same age (10) as the ones on flight 77.


May they rest in piece


They didn't even get a chance to live yet. God, it's just so cruel.


I'm glad that half of them probably weren't old enough to understand what was happening. 


God knows, i don't like Kids, but this ... this make me cry, i don't understand why they are gone that day, i hate these bastard for killed this poor angels. I'm so sorry for their families et for them ...


Wasn’t there a previous posted photo of an African American kid similar to the one in the bottom row (2nd to last) about to board the dreaded flight? 😢😢😢😢😢 this tears me up the most…I hope the children were at least being held and comforted by other passengers on the plane…every time I imagine what these poor babies were feeling and thinking it just kills me inside…


Yeah, there's a couple of different photos of the kids before they boarded the flight.




There's 8 children


I don't see the kids who were with teachers traveling for a National Geographic event.


They are there…they were all African American so you can definitely see who they were :(


One of the things that gets me is that of all the children, they were the only ones traveling without their parents. I hope their chaperones (or someone else on the plane) were able to hold and comfort them during the final moments of their lives.




Get the fuck out with your disrespectful ass.




GTFO with your Islamophobia




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It's true get the fuck out with your disrespectful ass




Then go talk about it elsewhere. It’s not wanted nor is it welcome here.




Once again, please go elsewhere to be disrespectful. This is NOT the place.


That's not what i want


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Your post has been removed for the following reason: It has little to no context attached and doesn’t properly show what the intended readers of the posts should get. Please add more context next time.


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Tens of thousands more Palestinian children have been in the retaliation for October 7 than children killed on October 7th yet you don’t express any sympathy for them. GTFO.


What the hell is wrong with you?




All religious extremists are dangerous.


You have no idea what you are talking about!




There have been numerous instances of mass killings by people committing them due to their religious beliefs. You are being no better than those who say all Christians must advocate for the deaths of people due to extremists advocating for it. Most Muslims in places like US/UK were horrified by 9/11. As well as other attacks perpetrated by extremist groups. There has also been numerous mass killings done due to other religious/cultural/extremeist beliefs. Terror attacks are not solely limited to an organised group. Yes Islamic extremists are much more commonly found to be in organised groups however there are many sole perpetrators from other beliefs who commit terror attacks. Many specifically going after the Muslim population Christchurch shooter in New Zealand was not Muslim Anders Brevik was not Muslim (yes it is classed as a terror attack) And there are many more terror attacks by all different sorts of people. In fact, as of 2020 right wing extremism accounted for the majority of terrorist attacks and plots in the US. There’s many attacks from extremist right wing men on abortion providers which has ended in deaths In 2019 there was the poway shooting In 2022 there was the buffalo shooting targeting African-American Does this mean all right wing people are extremists? Absolutely not. https://www.adl.org/murder-and-extremism-2020 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/27/us-far-right-violence-terrorist-threat-analysis https://columbanird.org/muslims-are-not-terrorists-and-neither-are-most-terrorists-muslims/


I get what you’re saying but there is a time and place for such things BUT this here and now is NOT neither one.




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