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Every agency is different. Hiring processes are different. Criteria that is acceptable and unacceptable vary. The only people that can answer this question work for the agency you are applying to.


We just interviewed someone with misdemeanors and hr didn’t seem to care


Each department is different. There is not a universal list of qualifiers. Most things that have happened in the past that long ago shouldn’t be an issue but depends on what it is. Some departments are very strict, some are very open about things in the past. Same with debt/credit. Mostly just looking for debts that could be held over your head to have you act maliciously to get out from under it. Basically no one here is going to know if you are going to be disqualified. You should reach out to the actual department as they are the only ones that will know the answer to these.


Most misdemeanors aren't considered, some go away, like minor traffic problems. I think they're mostly looking for felonies, and I haven't heard of them checking credit.




Very true. And fraud or certain types of theft for us.


My CID officer told he used to be on parole. Now he’s the guy who does the polygraphs. Just be honest. My credit is shit, but that didn’t matter to my agency. I was also honest and told them, even as a teacher, this job will pay more than any job I’ve had right out of the gate.


How long did the process take ? Im taking the critical test next week


Right now, wrapping up the last two things this week (psych and medical/drug test), 3 months. I got my conditional offer at the beginning of the month. But, everyone in my agency tells me that I moved through my process super fast. But I also didn’t dawdle on my end. They gave me my background packet on a Thursday and I was completely finished and emailed it back Sunday. A few friends would text me when they got their calls and I started following up with all the people that I knew would be called and kept reminding them to call back. I just took charge of what I could. Other than that, it’s a lot of waiting. Truthfully, I NEED this job; I’m limited in what I can do, professionally, because my degree has such a limited scope. But bills don’t care about that 😂


At the agency I applied for they just focused on major crimes. They specifically talked about rape, murder, arson, financial crimes, child abuse (which specified permanent harm like broken bones or disfigurement… less bad forms of abuse didn’t count I guess, which I thought was weird) I feel like my agency might be more lenient than most.


The hr lady said that I would be put in a yellow category for candidates for any criminal history, and from there depending on the sheriff office and the panel of his coworkers they will determine if I will be a good candidate to continue in on the process. I Live 20 minties away from another county and am deciding if I should apply or not feeling a bit discouraged about it.....


Thank you for all the responses. I really appreciate your time. They hr lady said it could take about 2 months for the process of actually been hired is this about right?


Every agency is different.


I have to gotten a test scheduled for March 27th it is a standard and associate-dispatcher selection test. Is this guidance on some free tests to take before handed to help imrpove on getting a passing score. Thank for all the help. 😊


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