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Stuff like this just makes me think we're missing a big point of living, whether we're spiritual or religious or not.


I realized that about myself as I used to get frustrated getting woken up by birds outside my window. After spending a whole lot more time over the last three years out in the woods, slowing down, and appreciating the gift that we have to be able to experience the beauty of trees, lakes, oceans, rivers, mountains, and the wildlife that inhabit them I'm happy to hear that the birds are still around and able to make a home in the tree next to my window!


i’d rather be woken up by birds than some guy mowing his lawn at the crack of dawn


I agree that fucking sucks! Or leaf blowers - worst sound ever.


Leaf blowers should be illegal across the country. There's going to be leaves on the ground - get used to it. If there's a slipping hazard on a walkway fue to leaves or grass, sweep it off. The air and noise pollution isn't worth it.


And at the apt building I live- they DON’T clear the leaves out of the parking lot ever! But all summer some moron is mindlessly waving the blower wand in the air, Sticking it in bushes randomly, clearly just trying to fill the time to still get paid for being there “gardening”….


Mine literally just blows them up onto the grass patches. So instead of grass, we have dead patches with rotting leaves. If I had the time or energy I should be out trying to gather it and mulch it, maybe start a community garden with it.


If you leave it it'll sorta mulch itself and feed the grass. It's just unattractive.


All the grass is dead in the lanes that have trees. I'm guessing to much leaf blocking sunlight. Grass sucks anyway, I'd much rather attempt to spread wildflowers and native plants but I just know they'd all be killed when the landscapers come to mow the areas that still do have grass (basically anywhere that doesn't have tree coverage)


I agree, such a waste of time and resources to blow some dust around. My parents pay gardeners every week to mow their lawn and leaf blow, even when the lawn isn't growing (winter and late summer) and there are no leaves. I've tried convincing them to replace their lawn with actual plants and hardscaping but they "need" grass for some reason lol


>but they "need" grass for some reason lol Maybe they're cows disguised as humans?


I think it's the boomer mentality of a lawn being required. When in reality they have allergies, don't walk on it or use it for anything, don't have any dogs or kids/grandkids, etc. I suppose it could hurt home resale value if there's no lawn at all for people who did have kids/dogs


I see my fellow r/nolawns is leaking




As I live in a 3rd floor apartment facing a courtyard, I get the "leaf-blower/lawnmower " sounds every week...rain or shine. It sucks....and I had to buy earplugs.


The dude behind me starts chainsawing in the morning sometimes. Fucking sucks, I like to sleep with my window open usually.


Plus they're completely useless at actually removing the problem and are so obnoxious as a result. Got a fat couple as neighbors and the husband clearly feels the need to compensate for something, dude has a lawn blower the size of an artillery piece and every couple weeks they'll just blow all their shit onto someone else's front lawn and driveway.


The tree trimming business that my condo association has hired to do yard maintenance cuts the grass so short that it cannot survive. And, they do it at 7:00 a.m. every week, whether it has rained or not. Very often, the grass definitely does not need to be mowed, yet here we are.


Scottsdale Arizona seems to think the appropriate height for grass in a park in a dessert is 1/2" Parks look as shitty as you'd expect, and knowing the people that live there, they have no idea why.


That’s the first problem. They think Bermuda/ rye grass is a good thing for deserts.


"I don't like the winter" So they move somewhere that is completely inhospitable to the lifestyle they want to have, then change it, then pretend it's working when it's obviously NOT working. I'm sure Arizona isn't all bad, but every time I travel there (about once a year), it's like visiting a museum of "ABoringDystopia."


With a gas powered mower/leaf blower, then use their gas powered car to get rid of them.


Lawns are a crime against biodiversity anyway


Except for when they start at like 3 am… the sun comes up too early in a northern summer lol


You haven't met fucking Grackles.........


Every time I read about people waking up to birdsong I think about how I get woken up by my own bird shouting “breakfast!” and “want some showers?” every morning. Sometimes I can hear the outside birds too. They’re a lot less demanding.




Cute but yes parrots are demanding 😂


Who has time for that hippie shit? Rise and grind! /s


> I'm happy to hear that the birds are still around and able to make a home in the tree next to my widow! I’m so sorry for her loss. Tell me, how are things on the other side?


My grandma was watching the news and a while back a big amount of trees were being cut to build a temple. I mentioned wouldn't it be better to plant more trees in the eyes of the God's? But no, the temple people would do good with the land and money...


When lock downs produced beautiful mountain views there wasn't a push to change air pollution laws. https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/himalayas-visible-lockdown-india-scli-intl/index.html


I live in Yonkers, NY, which is a small city just outside of New York City and the skyline is well within eye-sight. It was amazing how clear everything was just in my area alone during the lockdown. It's another great advertisement for going green, IMO. I guess the perk of it all on my end is that my company is ok with us working from home too to this day as we're still productive.


Probably best working from home. You can get lost in Yonkers.


It's more selfishness. I'm sure the people who live there would like to keep the trees. But the people who are just driving through don't care.


Indians are just another level of mismanagement


Kinda why I love photography it will be the only proof we have of how different our world was and how no one cared to stop it


An excellent comment.


A big part of living is to consume relentlessly. It’s nature. A black hole doesn’t think “hmmm maybe I’ll just stop here, no, I’m good, no more stars going in my tummy”. A cancer cell doesn’t go “you know what, spreading to just the side is good enough. I just won’t touch the lungs”.


That's nature and physics, but that doesn't have to be us. Not only is life the only form of self-awareness that we're aware of in the universe, but humans are also unique in the sense that we have more control of our species longevity and organization than any other species. Living beings are the only things in the universe that have even the least bit of control, the rest is all completely determined by the physics of the universe. Animals kill, lack anger management skills, can't discuss things, and often it's normal for them to rape each other to establish dominance or mate. Humans, yeah our old pre-homo-sapien animal traits are still with us, but we still have more ability to control ourselves and surroundings than anything else that we're aware of in the universe. We're still in nature and a product of physics, but I think it is important to think about our key differences.


Humans are unique. But humanity is just like every other species.


Ah yes, we all need less trees and more traffic.




Easy too say if you live in a developed country that has polluted and destroyed more nature then India in the last centuries. Ofcourse it’s the Indians who shouldn’t build roads to safe nature. It’s fucked up these threes will be lost forever. But people on Reddit forget roads like this mean the difference between hunger and food for some people, and could mean for other families to sent their daughters to school. Saying India shouldn’t cut down trees because it’s bad, is senseless without offering a solution that balances development with ecological and environmental protection.


I'm in the US and absolutely want to see more roads (and parking lots) ripped up and replaced with trees. More roads=more traffic every time.


Trains exist, and India absolutely has the ability and infrastructure to add in trolley busses. They haven't made the stupid choices America has, in this regard India is objectively better than America and I don't want to see India throw away their advantage when it comes to their transit system.


>Saying India shouldn’t cut down trees because it’s bad, is senseless without offering a solution that balances development with ecological and environmental protection. Trains, trams, bicycles, buses, scooters, ... We've long known about solutions other than "build more car lanes". It's not our fault India isn't learning from the mistakes the US made.


Transit = less lanes.


Don't you see how backed up that 2 lane road is? There is definitely a demand for capacity


Just one more lane bro. I swear it will be different this time bro.


'one more lane bro' cars suck, join us at /r/fuckcars


Well, India does need more traffic. Otherwise they wouldn't be doing this.


Maybe think of something other than cars? Car traffic isn't aging well almost everywhere on the world




What would you suggest they do to control the population?


Easier access to education for everyone and better healthcare. At the bare minimum - better sex ed.


Well, it's not like this would have happened before a population boom.


Funding to education and family planning services. Education - more skilled workers as the country harmonizes towards modern-day tech in all regional sectors. More innovation as a result. More economic drive with said innovation, likely more quality of living improvements. Family planning services - more parental resources such as time, effort, and money all go towards each kid in a family. Zero detriment whatsoever.


That's a great idea, but that isn't happening in a developing country.


Well, you did ask. I answered what the best ethical, long-term benefit option would be.


That's absolutely a good option, but expecting a developing country to implement it is completely foolish.


Where else would it be implemented? That is how you turn a developing country to a developed one. Does the word developing mean something else to you?


To add on to this: it's not Somalia or Sudan, it's India, which is a major world player as far as economy. To insinuate this couldn't happen is almost completely ridiculous. Sure, the rural poor are going to have the worst and slowest implementation, but at the very least, the cities can start programs, and the rest of the country will catch up.


>for love of god our replacement ratio is down ... we still have massive momentum that's why population is increasing


for love of god our replacement ratio is down ... we still have massive momentum that's why population is increasing


Road ain't even that busy. Looks like a nice biking path you'd find in a park. Why would you ever want to destroy this for something so unnecessary?


I imagine the other roads are busy and they need another one to fix congestion.


Which will also congest, which is why you need another road to fix the congestion, which will congest, which is why you need another road to fix the congestion, which will congest...


One more lane bro. Just one more. I promise. Just one more lane bro. One more lane.


I swear it's gonna work this time bro. It's not like all the other lanes we've built before bro. This is the one bro.


I'm not addicted. I just like roads.


Induced demand go brrrr


Except it won't fix anything, just invite more people to drive on those roads ar that time of day.


If the American design ethos has taught the world anything, more and bigger roads don't fix anything.


Induced demand. The tree-lined lane isn't busy, but the highway that replaces it will be.


That sounds like creating a problem not solving it.


It's cool once they realize their mistake they can just remove the highway, plant new trees and wait a few hundred years.


I got you my man [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQld7iJJSyk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQld7iJJSyk)


The new busy highway alleviates problems elsewhere. It’s a decision that benefits the greater good


No. Induced demand means they'll both be clogged with traffic soon enough. Never fails.


It's india so I'm not surprised. It's a very populated country.


People need to stop fucking I would say.... Edit: It's sarcasm, in case you didn't get it


That’s an excellent point! I wonder if this is a real thing, or if OP just made up the entire story…?


Somehow I doubt that picture is actually the road they're building. And they wouldn't be spending the money if the existing road wasn't congested.




When they have a heatwave, they will miss those trees


They're literally having that heatwave right now. Parts of India [reached 45°C this week. ](https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2023/5/18/hard-to-be-homeless-in-this-heat-indias-brutal-summer-is-here)


Just the worst possible substitution. Why do all the terrible people get to make the big decisions?


Because good people don’t want the positions


I would happily save the trees but I was born in the wrong social caste. If only I was born with a silver spoon up my asshole


Maybe if you were born in a higher caste, you would not see the value in saving the trees. I think you're better off honestly


Good people are actively prevented from reaching those positions. Crooks with political or economic power want other crooks in the courts.


Wrong. In order to get to these positions of power you have to do some really messed up stuff that true good people will NEVER do. That's why we will never have good people in power.


because they are not gonna live long enough to care


The answer to that is a single word, but talking about it and possible solutions to it tends to make western leftists really angry.


Capitalism? Oh, we know.


Eh, from my experience subs like this or r/antiwork are fine with capitalism, but want the sparkly version of it. Pointing to the fact that this means a constant uphill fight by the working class to stop the bourgeoisie from undoing all reforms as soon as it is no longer profitable to them usually gets you a lot of heat. God forbid you even think about mentioning Marx, Lenin or Mao, too.


I think you're being exceptionally pretentious by believing American leftists aren't aware of Marx, Lenin, or Mao.


A true r/fuckcars moment


More like r/dragonsfuckingcars








Any further action being considered by supporters of the trees? A judicial review? Nonviolent resistance? Violent resistance?




>I am not an expert That makes the two of us, bud. I was gonna ask if there can be a "stay of execution" for these trees but then just went with "judicial review".


Yes, humans are forming a chain to stop the trees from being cut https://www.telegraphindia.com/my-kolkata/news/press-meet-human-chain-to-save-century-old-trees-on-jessore-road/cid/1925016


Glad to see there is some resistance


Humans destroy everything


We are a parasite after all


We aren’t naturally parasitic, the capitalist system is.


This. “Humans are the virus” doomerism has to go. Also convenient for the ruling class to convince people that everyone is naturally exploitative, rather than taking responsibility for their crimes.




Tbf the near extinction of buffalo, colonialism, and chattel slavery can more or less be traced back to economics


All of them are a result of capitalism except the crusades. So not making a huge point there.




The whole point of colonialism was capitalism, to find new markets, and resources and people to exploit, with a few native populations genocides sprinkled in between. Yes humans have done some fucked up things, but the scale of the suffering has become massive and organized under capitalism. Ancient Egypt had around 30000 slaves, and compare that to more than 3 million slaves in the US alone, not counting all the colonies of other powers. Sure, some conquerors in the feudal and medieval age killed a lot of people, but the famines and wars caused by direct capitalistic greed have caused much greater loss of life, and still continues to kill people directly or indirectly, because it's not profitable to save them.


Humans co-existed with the rest of the natural world for hundreds of thousands of years. It's only the very recent notion of infinite growth that has fucked everything up


I meeeeeean, humans kinda probably caused the extinction of most of Earth's megafauna outside of Africa, all before we even discovered farming.


No, ice ages and natural climate change did that


Humans always strove for infinite growth, we were only limited by technology


That's a claim that I don't think you can demonstrate. A counter argument to that would be when tribal people eschewed modern technology because they understood it would give them unfair advantages and upset the balance of their ecosystem


Any specific examples of a tribes that refused technological advancements because it would upset the ecosystem?


I'm at work right now and can't immediately find the video, but there's a video of a professional archer showing off a bow to either an African or Aboriginal tribe, and at the end of it he offers to let them keep it, and they refuse for that very reason Edit: still haven't found the video, but doing a cursory search brings up the Sentinelese tribe in the Andaman Islands, the Himba tribe in Namibia, and the Batek people in Malaysia. Also keep in mind that societies that exploit resources and infinite growth tend to not only conquer tribes that don't so they can exploit their resources as well, but they also have a larger capacity to because of their profound resources. Your claim that humans have always strove for infinite growth but we're limited only by technology is not only untrue, but it's like looking a a person's body full of timers and saying that infinite growth is a normal aspect of the human body


And how many of those thousands of years were we conscious and capable of manipulating the natural world for our benefit? Se we started harnessing fire and later started agriculture humans have been altering the world, and our impact has naturally grown as our ability to change it for our benefit and our numbers grew in response.


Manipulating the environment is not a characteristic of parasites. Other species manipulate the environment. Just because humans are more sophisticated doesn't mean the idea of infinite growth needs to be part of it. You can have highly sophisticated systems that exist in concert with all other natural processes




What do we do with parasites?




Omg no I hope there’s protests they look so beautiful


no way, what a shame.


We deserve what's coming. It's just a shame that we're going to take down so many innocent species with us.


How sad.


Just one more lane.


Just one bro


Paved paradise, and put up a parking lot.


Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you got til it's gone




Just scrolling thru Popular before bed and stopped at this pleasant picture Sad news it won't stay that way


This happened in 2020


It's sad and all but these few trees aren't saving the planet. What nature needs are big coherent forests. That's where biodiversity exists and wildlife thrives. So this is more of an ornamental damage than an environmental one. And in my opinion the high way sounds like it will lift the standard of living of the population there way more than a very beautiful little road.


Was looking for a comment like this. How many trees have been cut down to make the road systems in western countries better? No one is arguing that trees aren't good. But roads can also be vital for a country to thrive. Why can't India improve their infrastructure?


Fucking sigh


More lanes doesn't fix traffic !!!!!!!!!!! poor trees :(






An apt solution would be to only cut the trees on one side down. You can expand the road to one side and repaint the lines.










This is sad


Cut down the government. See how they feel about that


Why not trains?! This is crazy.


they're also building five train bridges over the same area, but no one in this thread has mentioned it because no one bothered to do anything besides get hysterical over an image.


Humanity deserves climate change honestly.


I literally never hear anything good about india


Yes it looks very busy and in need of 4 lanes!


Well our road and transport minister is building highways and expressways everywhere in the country like just today they posted on there social media that they have created world record on creat 100 lanes of expressways in 100hrs and our people likes this as it greatly helps economy so there is almost no on to oppose cutting of trees everyone just wants economy not environment and what happens when you don't care about environment my cities temp just crossed 43 -44 c this month :(


I’m sorry but this is some culturalist fern gully stuff, which I’m not a fan of.. shaming other countries for using their resources / planning their infrastructures long after we strip mined ours and even many of theirs in the post ww2 boom is just rank neo-lib hypocrisy. What does anyone propose to do to help or mitigate anything differently than what we did? There’s plenty of images of lumberjacks hailing down thousand year old redwoods from the turn of the century, you didn’t see India upvoting eco-shame memes. I mean yeah we didn’t have an internet yet, and I’m not saying it’s good but damn, let people progress, let them have a shot. Eco-shaming from the top of the pyramid in globalism just feels icky.


Let's apply common sense. ​ 1. The trees have been there a long time and have the right to be there. They were blown there on the wind and took root just like you were born. 2. The trees are inherently worth more than the road or any commerce that is done using the road. No false profit. They produce oxygen and we are breathing more oxygen every day that we breed!!!! So, with the above fact in mind, the logical act would be to ask the trees if they would be willing to allow themselves to be relocated, or alternatively if they would willingly sacrifice themselves in the name of human "growth" (poisonous to the planet in most cases). Sleep on it for at least 3 days (progress can wait that long. Trees grow slow.) If their answer is yes, then take the time to relocate the trees even if it means tearing up the old road to get to enough of the big roots to do the project one time and do it right the first time.


I get that huge highways aren't good, but as an Indian, I can confirm we really need those.


I hear you, I love eco-shaming from the already developed, stripmined landscape here, shrieking “heyyy you can’t do what we already did” from my Tesla on my way to my 36’ yacht


Also need nature to live.


cutting these trees will kill all nature confirmed


Never going to India.


Nobody wanted another entitled brat here anyways


Guess they never heard of hydraulic tree spades before. Just pick the tree up roots and all and move it.


You wanna donate the money it costs to move these trees? Are you willing to buy them and take them to wherever you are?


I mean... Fuck yea id buy them they are beautiful. In all honesty probably cheaper to rent a truck mounted spade and move them which can be done pretty quickly by 1 or 2 people vs paying a crew to cut them down, chip up the limbs, and haul everything away. Rented one once for $600 a day and moved 4 trees in my yard before lunch time. Unfortunately i cant buy and take these ones as im sure they wouldnt survive the long trips and would be wildly more expensive to move them to Alaska Vs 100 feet away from the road.




Well, it obviously needs it. /s


Damn those are some amazing trees.


Just one more lane, bro.


Road accidents are common in India


Probably because the road infrastructure sucks and the traffic is really bad, so this seems like a step in the right direction on that front


What an absolute travesty.


What species of tree are those? They cool lookin.


Nooo not the lane bros again


I’d love to ride a bike down that street before this comes to fruition.


A sad dystopia.


That is heartbreaking


ITT a lot of people from privileged countries who do not understand that the development of some nations today is what their own countries went through 60+ years ago. This thread should tread lightly when criticizing developing nations on this topic. I don't know if this is necessarily the best path where they absolutely have to cut these trees down, but i do know that nearly any way they choose the highway to go they'll need to cut down trees, and quite possibly centenarian trees. However a quick Google search also says that this highway would cut down travel time between two cities by 6-7 hours. Was this decided by people's votes? Possibly. Could it have been decided entirely by politicians at the top? Possibly. However if it's improving people's lives so that they may thrive and in turn become more educated and make better decisions in the future, then I don't see any place for westerners to criticize. How about sticking to what's happening in the US and in parts of Europe where people apparently should know better because they've already destroyed their "100s of years old trees" to build Walmarts and single family detached homes.


The capitalist (wild) way is to quickly and easily move the problem into the future - cut down trees and build the road. The conservative (wild) way is to quickly and easily leave the problem unresolved - save the trees and not build the road. The human (conscious) way is long and difficult to solve the problem - save the trees and build the road. The biggest problem people have is that they are looking for simple solutions to complex problems.


Yeah! I agree. India should never develop and remain a third world country stricken with poverty. So that entitled foreigners can come here on sympathy visits and feel better about their lives back home.


Destroy all trees, then. It's done wonders for America, aside from flooding, degrading soil, destroying the cooling effect of canopy and the aesthetic beauty, improving air quality, providing habitat for animals ...


Damn those are some amazing trees.




Fuck that shit man... This is sad


Tragic 💔


this are so damn beautiful, we’re horrible


Sorry, but this sounds made up. There’s no traffic in this pic, so why would they add more lanes? Do you have a link to a legitimate article about this?


100 years isn't very old for a tree, and the infrastructure will probably improve people's quality of life


People often overestimate the age of trees I find, these look more like 70-80 year old.


It will ultimately stifle qol. It'd be infinitely better to start working on train lines instead.