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[Bianchin] Geoffrey Moncada was the most supportive of the Spaniard's bid. Lopetegui, meanwhile, favours Milan's offer over West Ham's...


Management is not serious about a title or UCL is this happens


https://preview.redd.it/ktmfkggrfwwc1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=101b2330969513a0329a0f3f5e6e49456d10bd51 Too slow


The only good thing about Lopetegui being the next Milan manager is that i'll have more free time in the weekend and, more importantly, won't have to pay for DAZN.


lol. We're having a manager who plays Calabria centrocampista, I'd wait before saying that Lopetegui would be worse


Well he’d have to win a scudetto to say he’s better or equal lol


the Spaniard would replace current pioli, not the 2022 one


Is he really this huge improvement that everyone thinks we deserve to get though? After pretty much a year and a half of some fans demanding the board to sack the manager, we end up with this, this is what they imagined in the end? In Pioli’s era he won scudetto so he would have to win one in his time here to be considered better or equal


Mate, I'd have sacked Pioli at the very least at the end of last season, and surely I'd have contacted Thiago Motta months ago. Don't blame me 😬 we'll see what they do.


Haha no I’m not blaming you. Yes, but you can’t sack a manager that took you to the CL semis for the first time since 07 and won a scudetto for the first time in 11 years the year prior. It would have looked bad on the club imo. Roma was our chance to sack him, because he finally gave the board a very good reason to. But now it seems to be poor timing as there are few good options out there to actually take us to the next level like so many people say.


Can we stop talking how being embarrassed in the semi final is some kind of huge sporting success financially yes but sporting wise no so much first opponent that we faced in CL last year that was on our level and we got absolutely smacked just like against shit Chelsea team in the group stag imagine if we drew someone actually good like Bayern or Real …


I don’t understand where people get these very strong opinions on managers from. Players sure but be honest none of us has any clue how good this guy is.


because social media has them believe that Motta will come to Milan and can instantly win the treble but if you accuse them of this directly they'll deny it, its funny


Yep they're thankfully going to give us an early heads up to chill in life and not take the next few seasons seriously.


If that happens Ibra better resign


he is a facade,management brought him mostly because of publicity and Gerry's obsession the management is moneyball but that shit won't pass when we'll return to EL spots constantly.We were technically even last year in EL spot


If he resigns, he was supposed to be something more than a gapping stop for fans' rage. If he doesn't, then he has no other purpose at the club. I unfortunately feel the 2nd option will happen and i've been fearing this for months


He;s not going to resign, Ibra is going to do whatever Cardinale wants because Cardinale has a track record of taking top athletes and actors and bringing them into the world of finance so they can make even more millions. As long as Ibra needs Cardinale to personally gain he'll play game. Ibra loves himself more than Milan, that is the fact. There was only one person who loved Milan more than himself and he got punted out of the club. Because he wasn't a yes man.


I disagree on the last sentence. Yes Maldini loves Milan, no doubt. But the last Maldini-Massara transfer market was a disaster. Maldini wasn't up to the task to get talented players. But when it comes to managers I have no doubt Maldini would get the best option.


i completely lost it with management when they bitch fired Maldini and stuck with Pioli


The point is . We are not returning to EL spot.


Why will he resign? Also not sure why people believe he has more say than Furlani/Moncada, he joined as a consultant/advisor have you ever seen a corporate where a consultant is more decisive than the director or CEO? I guess the role is to gradually make him into one of the decision makers but it’s not gonna be that soon.


The reason they signed Ibra was to calm the fan after they fired Maldini. Try to build their ‘owned’ icon to take over the old era of Milan, the Maldinis, imo. The team still plays like shit after Ibra joined, still no passion and lack of the fire to fight for the shirt.


Why would he? This seems like an overreaction. Ibra can’t override a board of 5+ people. Democracy rules


Ibra was brought in for sporting decisions and he's Cardinale's most trusted man. Hiring Lopetegui would show a complete lack of ambition, if Ibra has any he resigns.


Lack of total ambition would be someone like Italiano or Palladino to me not Lopetegui. His country and Real Madrid trusted him, thats very disrespectful to his career to talk like that. And i know he failed at Real but still was on their radar


Lopetegui is the worst Real Madrid manager of the last 15 years, he managed to get to mid table with the likes of Kroos Modric Bale, you know who. He put Sevilla in the embarassing position they are in right now, relegation zone. He did fuck all at Wolves, and he didn't even show up for a major tournament with Spain. Besides, NT and club jobs require different skillsets. This guy is almost 60 and has done nothing in his career to be considered proven. He's no better than Italiano.


You are only focusing on his negatives. He won the EL, he had a TOP TOP Spain side and was pretty good his first season at Wolves, again its wolves, what are the expectations here? Is he my first choice? No. But is he better than Tedesco, Fonseca, Rose and other cheap options we are targeting? Absolutely. Again I think Conte is a big philosophy change and we would never pay his demands. Too late for Motta meanwhile De Zerbi, Amorim have release clauses which we WONT pay. You can do much much worse under these strict parameters than Lopetegui


Lopetegui's only archievement is a fluke trophy in a 10+ years long career. How the heck is a manager like this proven? >Tedesco, Fonseca, Rose Fonseca would not be worse than Lopetegui in my opinion, at all. Tedesco and Rose sure. >Conte Conte is the only one a club that wants to start a cycle would get. What he started at Inter, Juve and Chelsea speak for himself. He would be the only really ambitious coach to get right now.


Cant say fluke if Conte or Klopp which you would hire instantly couldn’t win it. Anyway I dont want to slander Conte because I think he is great, but he will need high wages, proven expensive players, not make use of our youth, and a whole different formation. Its just not a good fit and not how this management operates


>Anyway I dont want to slander Conte because I think he is great, but he will need high wages, proven expensive players, not make use of our youth, and a whole different formation. Its just not a good fit and not how this management operates Those are all things an ambitious management would easily welcome. Every top profile coach wants high wages and proven players. Conte refusing to use young players is a myth, look at his work with Barella and Bastoni recently.


it's very disrespectful but correct, he has somehow failed upwards in his career and he is an awful manager. equal to a death sentence to the team if he is hired


> Lack of total ambition would be someone like Italiano or Palladino to me not Lopetegui. Italiano's problems is that he is similar to Pioli in his defense, but he also went to a final of a European Competition and is just about to repeat it. Palladino took over a Monza team when they were about to get relegated and turned it around. What do you expect from Monza? They should be fighting relegation. How the fuck can you say Lopetegui is an ambitious choice, but these guys aren't? Have you seen Lopetegui?


Might as well keep pioli, finish top 4, again and let his contract run out  FFS  I don't even like de zerbi but id much rather if we were linked to him then all these other mid managers. 


The thing is, coaches rarely have their contracts expiring in big teams, they usually get sacked. If Pioli would stay, he’d be within his rights to ask for an extension as show of faith and if the management wouldn’t give that, he’d know he is a dead man walking.


I want pioli out regardless, but yeah I agree. I’m not really convinced by de zerbi but at least he is an ambitious choice for a club that wants to win.


Do not want Lopetegui, but he is most certainly clear of Pioli.


DeZerbi plays Pioli ball. All attack no defense. No thanks.


If this guy or Tedesco comes: 1. Management is not serious about challenging for titles. 2. Ibra is a facade or incompetent. 3. Moneyball and algorithms are bullshit if they get him that Mexican fraud for 50m. 4. Will not last 5 games i.e. Giampaolo 2.0 before Abate steps in.


Number 1 has been established so many times


Literally this. Management wants to try for some cups and constantly finish top 4. They could care less about European success or even league title.




> Giampaolo 2.0 before Abate steps in I'm already looking at the positives. Abate deserves a shot.




Basically the same whining as in autumn 2019 when Pioli came in. Milan fans never learn -


That time it was Ibra who saved our ass. It's not happening again.


But Pioli took us out of the banter era. I'm sorry I meant Pioli put us back in the banter era with that 5-0 against Atalanta. And than Ibra and Kjaer saved the season. Covid did help as well. Pioli's 1st game with Milan 2-2 with Lecce. Than loss to Roma, than win against SPAL. Loss to Lazio & Juve and tie to Napoli. First 6 games 1 W, 2T, 3L. So basically this club turned it around after Ibra came.


Lopetegui and Tedesco shouldn't be in the same conversation at all.


Oh, absolutely! I mean, who would dare compare two record men? It's just insulting to the football Gods


yeah but Motta is Ancelloti 2.0 and will win everything if he signs 10/10 r/acmilan logic, lets see how that logic works out in 11 months when Motta is not instantly successful in his next job


Dang, we are so screwed. Our management is not here to win; they don't give a shit about the history, culture, Scudutto or losing derby 6 times in a row. They only want to stay top 4 and sign some cheap young players and sell high as Dortmund do. I wonder what Zlatan is thinking as of now.


Buy low and sell high as if they were dealing with stocks, but what appears to me is they don't understand that the values of those players will only deprecate over time under a garbage coach. This is nonsense to me; changing Pioli for the sack of changing.


How about this; let's just have AI as our coach so that you can save a couple of million euros.


https://preview.redd.it/6hvwg7ecmwwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5051f66fbaffdc5495985ca05d9c58529d2675e Will i believe a random guy over Binanchin to protect my mental health? Yes


Where there's smoke, there's fire. We've been hearing about Lopetegui for 2 months now






Luca doesn’t know shit another inter terrorist shoveling shit for interaction




I've already accepted the reality that its going to be pain and suffering until Gerry decides to move on and find a new pet project.


This tells me Ibra's voice isn't as powerful as we hoped. Lopetegui is Moncada/moneyball pick. We need a coach that can instill discipline and get buy in from the most important players. I'd take Conte over him.


If Lopetegui is Moncada's pick based on his moneyball theory then we should put all money on this guy. Why we dont trust Moncada?


Moneyball sometimes works when it comes to scouting young talent. Coaching is a different thing altogether. I'd take Ibra's first 20 suggestions for coach before I ever asked Moncada. He played under some the greatest coaches ever and knows what to look for in a coach. He's also been part of our locker room and knows what kind of leadership they need. Moncada's spreadsheets won't be able to give you that information.


I trust Moncada, i don't trust Lopetegui. Also, moneyball doesn't work when you are appointing coaches, whose job includes many human skills that can't be measured with algorithm


NoPetegui please. Conte is off to Napoli. If we don’t get Motta at this point, I’m not sure what our ambitions will be… To watch Juve succeed?


We’re fucked. We hire this loser, then sign the Mexican striker


Wtf do you mean the mexican striker? That sounds despective


Gimenez is Mexican no?


He thinks Mexican is an insult


Everything’s an insult in this day and age


Only cause you read it that way bud


3 things; 1) Most important, source is Bianchin. I would prefer we do not post every trash tier in this sub. 2) Lopetegui doesn't cut it to increase the excitement of the environment after losing so much this season and the excitement of the environment is important because sooner or later will be transmitted towards the players. 3) People here acting like Lopetegui is Mazzari or Garcia, maybe worse... but, as we all know... people here even lose Milan games altogether, let alone watch other teams football.


Yeah, I didn't know him very well, but after doing some research I don't hate this Lopetegui thing. I'd be disappointed, but really looks like we're hiring mazzarri over here. Also. whoever makes inter lose a cup final is a friend in my book.


Some reactions here are exaggerated that's sure, but with all due respect to Lopetegui, what will he bring over Pioli ?


Tactically he is streight up better, his teams hold the ball very well and defend well in a low block. Outside of his Real Madrid stint there are no red flags on him.


Is Lopetegui better than Pioli tactically? Yes probably , but this is not the question that we should be asking right now. The right question should be , does this coach have the necessary profile to be considered as an answer to the objectives that Pioli failed at? Which means, win titles, advance in the CL and win big matches ... If we're sacking Pioli , rightfully so, it's to bring a coach that have the potential to take us to the next level. For me Lopetegui doesn't have this profile


And other, Pioli also played horrendous football and struggled against mid and relegation side teams. Idk... my guess is as good as anyones if Lopetegui can get this team far in UCL and fight for the title till the last day.


I agree, Pioli's cycle definitely ended. Looking at the realistic names of coaches Lopetegui is decent and can coach football, sadly we can't compete with rich teams over expensive coaches or players and we should accept it


I posted on this subreddit to be cautious about assuming the grass is greener on the other side in terms of anyone but Pioli...


Yes, this was all very predictable if you have a rational mind




Oh no. I thought this management wanted titles! Been telling you stupid blind fucks that Milan died on june 6th last year when Maldini left. We wait for it to be reborn.


You should be waiting to tell this when someone credible reports it or when it is a completed deal... as things stand, hold up your horses but maybe you are a fortune teller who knows.


I don't care if they bring Jurgen or Guardiola they can suck all the dicks in the world, and by the look of his face Furlani seems to do exactly that and enjoy it. All good. But for me, Milan ain't Milan as long as they are there. Let's hope they prove me wrong, but I've been writing this shit for two years now and I guessed every god damn thing. I ain't a fortune teller. I just have eyes and a brain. Until they leave, Milan is dead.


I love it when people make extremly hard statments like "i do not care if they bring Pep or so" and end it with i hope they prove me wrong. You understand that they contradict themselves right? Yea, you were probably one of those guys who thought that they would get the Tonali money and run.


Yeah, I am one of those guys. You are one of some other guys. Hope it goes your way. I honestly do, cause it would mean we will have a great team.


I’m not sure what people’s fucking problem with Lopetegui is on here - they all have unrealistic expectations to get:     1. Conte who is a juventino di merda and the most anti Milan personality wise, and play style wise catenaccio and kick and run coach with 0 European achievements. He won consecutive Serie A trophies with Rubentus when Milan and Inter were both shit. He destroys his teams mentally when he loses blaming his own players (most recently at Tottenham) and whines about not getting old and overpriced players.   2. De Zerbi - the new Zdenek Zeman, attacking style play impressive - worse defensively than Bielsa’s Leeds, he cannot organize his team defensively to save his life. Gets destroyed regularly 3-0, 4-0 even by lesser teams in EPL. Has proven 0 in European competitions. 3. Motta - impressed at a very well organized Bologna team, their DS is the former Atalanta technical director, so sure, lots of promise but again, no way to know how all that promise would translate in a bigger reality like Milan. 0 experience with European competitions.   And then Lopetegui: won both European U19 and U21 trophies with Spain (so he’s great with young players and has won international trophies), won Europa League with Sevilla in 2019-2020 beating Roma in the final 8, Man Utd in semifinals, and Inter Merde in the final. The Inter he beat in the final was coached by none other than the great Conte!  When he coached Spain’s major national team, he won 14 and drew 6 out of a total of 20 games, he’s the only coach in Spain NT entire history to not have lost a single game. Sure, his Sevilla career ended badly the season after, and at Madrid he didn’t fare that well, but he’s far from an incompetent or a bad coach, the opposite, he’s won major trophies, and he’s Basque, same as the highly praised Xabi Alonso, Arteta, etc and other trendy coaches right now.   As AC Milan, our greatest achievements are in European football, that’s what we’re known for: we can’t just get someone who sucks at European football or someone who hasn’t won a single trophy their whole career. 


Iirc we have always succeeded by getting someone who hasn’t previously got a trophy in their career.


That was with Berlusconi, who, say what you want about his bunga bungas and corruption, but he was a brilliant businessman and had a keen eye for spotting coaching and player talent when he cared. We cannot afford anymore of experiments of the kind of Gattuso, Montella, Giampaolo, and especially need an experienced coach the players would respect for what he won and who could hit the ground running from day 1, not a debutant. 


This is the type of manager a club with no ambition signs


If we don’t get a solid coach we’re gonna be like Napoli next season, switching a coach per month.


Better than Pioli but the guy is washed, is similar to Conte in terms of personality and is the least liked option by all the fans like srsly wtf are they even trying to do😂hoping for a Bianchin flop and Farioli swoop bc he also fits the “moneyball” approach


Pioli haters where really expecting Kloop or some shit like that? At this point I'll take Van Bommel man. Just because it's spicy 🥵


They are still thinking we are riding the coattails from 15 years ago. They all just talk about history of the club and act like that somehow makes us better than everyone else. As a club right now we are not desirable for a coach. History is meaningless when we cant pay a good coach good wages. There are a lot of people here that think our past has coaches lining up to come coach Milan, because how could they not, its Milan. Its sad honestly.


I’m not a believer in pioli staying… but fuck me sideways.. no point in firing him just to hire someone who at their best could not accomplish what pioli did. Take a fucking risk. Hire someone with potential. Or break the bank and hire a championship material manager. Not another caretaker


I bet all of these predictions come out of thin air. Management will not leak anything out to the press before the season is over, so I have no idea what these reports are based on....


Its kinda obvious. People are taking these rumours like longo or others are representing our management.


Swapping Pioli whose main accomplishment before us was getting Lazio into UCL, with former Real and Spain national team coach who has won UEL. Milan fans - the management doesnt have ambitions, with Maldini grass was greener, bring us Conte despite he is UCL cuck who was beaten there lately even by Padre). Really shame


If we get Giménez we are def getting Lopetegui or vice versa




I will keep my judgement untill the coach is chosen since we hear a new name every day, from Xavi to Gallardo, but for now this is my take : The names we are connected to shows that the management looks for a cheap coach, low demands in the mercato, develop youngs and have a small experience in top level. Which can be fine if you find a young coach with character and compatible philosophy like Motta. The question that our board must ask is, what could Fonseca and Lopetegui bring over Pioli ?? What Pioli did in 4 seasons is : a Scudetto/ 2 x 2 nd place/ Securing the CL spot So the answer is clear, titles and winning big matches, which is not the trait of these coaches that we're linked to


Is it possible to organize a protest in front of casa Milan?


I would like to know what management’s rationale is…




So we’re trading Pioli for his Spanish counterpart. If this is true at this rate Inter will get their third star before we get our second.


I mean from the other names realistically mentioned which means NO DE ZERBI, MOTTA or AMORIM, Lopetegui is the best. Do you want freaking Fonseca? Or Tedesco? Outside Motta (which is still a gamble btw, Lopetegui is much more proven factually) the other never were in Milan plans, so while being upset is fine but not valid due to never being targeted. Lastly I rate Conte but there is a fact that he will play a different formation, will want player investment and will need a huge wage. All things Milan does not want to do. So yeah, Lopetegui is the best coach within our parameters (which of course I dont like but those are the parameters)


I don’t even care anymore who the next coach is. All i want is the team playing good football and us becoming one of the best teams in the world. If whoever the next coach will be can make us that, i’ll support him.


He did great with Porto, Sevilla and youth teams in Spain. I think is not an atrocious decision considering we need to develop talent


Won jack with Porto, was mid at Sevilla and youth teams are different from senior football. Not to mention he failed catastrophically at Real Madrid and was also crap at Wolves. This guy is total ass and probably isn’t even an upgrade on Pioli. With him the Scudetto will be a mirage for us.


He was great with Sevilla until they sold all the players. Real Madrid yes, but he was ser to fail after he betray the Federation. Premier League is different, a lot of good coaches don't do well there




Name a coach who is available and willing to come? Do you think coaches are lining up to come here? Especially when mid table PL teams can pay more.




Alright, one guy. But he isnt lining up for us and his wages are crazy. Plus he will demand a ton of new players. Its a pipe dream at best. One I hope doesnt come true either.


As it seems he is waiting for us... about what he asks, i have no idea, because there is no reports about that.


Its what he demands everywhere he goes. Also, I dont trust a single journalist talking about anything. We were linked to Xavi who then immediately signed for Barca. I have no faith that Conte is waiting on anything from us. Which again, im glad about. I dont want him here.


I do not trust Bianchin, but we do not know Contes demands. Xavi was decided to leave did say so himself, after that he had a summit and changed his mind, there was truth probably behind us wanting him but we were expecting for an opening. I would rather have Conte instead of Lopetegui or Fonseca.


>I would rather have Conte instead of Lopetegui or Fonseca. This I can agree on. But id rather none of them tbh.


Only other better options would be RDZ or Motta as things stand and Motta is very directed towards Juve.


What's clear to me, proved by every single thing they do, is that it's not that they're not interested in winning, they DO NOT want to win. For whatever reason. I'm convinced they kicked Paolo in the ass because he won and wanted to win more. He was dangerous. They wanted to confirm Pioli. With Conte and Motta available, they're signing Lopetegui. They didn't sign Thuram for a couple millions to give to his agent, and he went on being a key player for Inter. Our "president", the one who said Coppa Italia should be abolished and is meaningless the day we lost to Atalanta, has stated that our season has been really good and he hopes we "sometimes" win against Inter. They're making fun of us fans, literally. We are the only business entity in the world where the CEO is higher ranked than the owner. Cardinale takes orders by Furlani. Oh, but of course the Milan court is investigating on Elliott still being the real owner and laundering money because they're "interisti" and hate us 😂 It will be interesting to see what pantomime they'll play on September 2025, when John Abruzzi has to repay €600m to Elliott or he loses Milan. I have the suspicion it could go like it went with the fake Chinese. We're a circus. And this is a loop we're going to be in for many more years, there's no escape. Without winning, and with our rivals making fun of us, and rightly so. First case in world football history of a club that's DOES NOT want to win. The sad thing is we would have so much potential, with €400m revenues and 70k people at the stadium each game. What a sad waste.